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S07.E18: Rumble On The Runway

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Not gonna touch on the department store question,  because that horse is dead and has gone to heaven.


But regarding that meeting, I will say that not only was it odd that they didn't have any clothes for the models to try on (Because if the casting people like you, you might get to try on a piece or two from the collection to see how it fits on you).  I also found it odd by how tiny that room was for a model casting.  The models were just at the doorway, there was barely enough room to see their walk.  I wanted to see a walk-off dammit!


  • Love 12

Sonja is still under the thumb of the bankruptcy Trustee and has to run all her business plans through the Trustee for approval. So I am thinking, investors because of her past are guarded and she screwed up and has paid dearly for it-is she not entitled to ever have another endeavor. I am surprised Heather hasn't thrown that in her face, to get the upper hand.

I look at this way Sonja and the entire single cast have also been previously married with Bethenny, Sonja and Dorinda having been married twice before-should these women not be supportive if they find a new love? What am I thinking Ramona and Kristen going after John. Foolish to think you can just support a friend.

I am sorry, but SONJA is the one who is no friend TO Heather. Sonja has attempted slights and digs at Heather even though Heather is the ONLY person(on the show) that has explicitly and tangibly attempted to help Sonja in her Disney-like version of "The Wonderful World of Business". If Sonja has suffered so, she should have taken the talented help when offered and NOT--with her "good friend, Ramona"--giggle, criticize, castigate, and rebuke Heather.

Why is it that Heather always has to be the manifestation of friendship while the others run about like caricatures of human beings?!

  • Love 17

Different take on it, just for argument's sake:  While watching, I assumed John was concerned because Dorinda was very emotional about going back to London for the first time.  She's clearly not as far along with her grief as Carole is -- Carole said as much -- and my first thought was that John was worried that she had actually done something to herself....taken pills or something.

Sure, this may be a plausible explanation however, I'm not so sure I would appreciate it if my boyfriend considered me so mentally unstable that I could possibly be suicidal. Either way and back to Vanderboom's original comment -was it sweet or weird - I still vote weird.

  • Love 2

I don't think there's much to it. I think she said HE forgot to call. When he did, she didn't answer. It was an emotional trip for her and he wanted to be supportive, I guess. It's two husband's history after all. One that has passed. He probably drank too much, fell asleep, and panicked. I'd also bet he didn't like her going but chose to be an adult about it and support it.

and he did, IMO.

  • Love 4

I am sorry, but SONJA is the one who is no friend TO Heather. Sonja has attempted slights and digs at Heather even though Heather is the ONLY person(on the show) that has explicitly and tangibly attempted to help Sonja in her Disney-like version of "The Wonderful World of Business". If Sonja has suffered so, she should have taken the talented help when offered and NOT--with her "good friend, Ramona"--giggle, criticize, castigate, and rebuke Heather.

Why is it that Heather always has to be the manifestation of friendship while the others run about like caricatures of human beings?!

This 100%.

Heather is always expected to take the high road, be the bigger person.

While everyone else mocks the way she talk, looks, questions her husband's manliness. And they are hell bent on making her the root of all the problems.

I think Heather has a great private life and some might be a wee bit jealous. Just saying.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 18

I can't imagine any scenario where you don't think of the time difference when calling someone overseas. John was a jerk to wake her up at 5 AM. Or drunk. (Or both).

My mother lives overseas. I've been a jerk and woken her up at worse times. When my sister was alive, she woke her up with worse news and drunk. It happens on the regular with people that are used to it. My mom can call me at 2AM my time and I won't bat an eyelash. My kids? I freak out and immediately ask what is wrong and if everyone is ok. Same with her. It just happens.

(And I called her in the middle of the night, her time, to tell her her other daughter was dead. It was the afternoon here. There's many sceneranios that can happen and time zones don't matter.)

Edited by MissMel
  • Love 7

This 100%.

Heather is always expected to take the high road, be the bigger person.

While everyone else mocks the way she talk, looks, questions her husband's manliness. And they are hell bent on making her the root of all the problems.

I think Heather has a great private life and some might be a wee bit jealous. Just saying.

I do think Heather has agreed to leave because no one wants her help and she doesn't want to be the one handing out the discipline.  I think she has bigger and better things to do like run a company she help start and her No Barriers campaign which requires tons of working out and preparation  and of course raising her children and being a wife.  I have been amazed she was able to devote as much time as she has to the show.  I also think at some point the exposure become more of a negative than a positive.  Three years is about the time you have made your mark.


I don; think the make Heather the root of all their problems I just don't think they want Heather up in their grill with her opinion.  .

  • Love 2

My mother lives overseas. I've been a jerk and woken her up at worse times. When my sister was alive, she woke her up with worse news and drunk. It happens on the regular with people that are used to it. My mom can call me at 2AM my time and I won't bat an eyelash. My kids? I freak out and immediately ask what is wrong and if everyone is ok. Same with her. It just happens.

Like I said - a jerk or drunk. Or I'll add another one - selfish, and I think this one applies to John. He couldn't reach Dorinda, so he sent hotel security to wake her up in the middle of the night. All b/c her cell phone was turned off and/or she forgot to call him when she arrived, and he needed to know she was alive! So this was no accident - woops, I forgot the time difference - he knew he was calling (waking) her at 5 AM. I'm not a John hater, but he can sometimes be a jerk.

  • Love 3

ALL of them, all, proffer UNsolicited opinions.

Some do it while in a drunken crumb jete`(ing) haze. Some do it while in the thrall of self perceived greatness and omnipotence while literally screaming, "Shut the fuck up". Some do it because they are sycophants of "The Great Seducer", Satan, sorry, I mean--Andy. And, others, well, perhaps, due to a "helluva" lot of meanness and a frisson of insanity.

But, up in each others' fame'ho'ing grills they are--Not just Heather.

  • Love 9

I get that. I just don't agree. I'm available 24/7 and so is my family overseas. It's not considered rude. It happens. Whoops.



Of course it happens.  It happened here - that's why we're talking about it.  I just think it's rude.  And it wasn't a "whoops" moment - he knew he was calling her at 5AM because he was "worried sick."  That's especially rude.  I think what's more important, though, is what Dorinda thought.  She didn't seem too bothered by it.  (Love is blind?  Jet lag?)  Good for her.  I wonder if he kept at it, though.  She might not find it so funny a few times in.

  • Love 7

Of course it happens.  It happened here - that's why we're talking about it.  I just think it's rude.  And it wasn't a "whoops" moment - he knew he was calling her at 5AM because he was "worried sick."  That's especially rude.  I think what's more important, though, is what Dorinda thought.  She didn't seem too bothered by it.  (Love is blind?  Jet lag?)  Good for her.  I wonder if he kept at it, though.  She might not find it so funny a few times in.


I think it's rude too.  If anyone calls me at 5am, they had better be bleeding on my front porch needing my help.

  • Love 5

Like I said - a jerk or drunk. Or I'll add another one - selfish, and I think this one applies to John. He couldn't reach Dorinda, so he sent hotel security to wake her up in the middle of the night. All b/c her cell phone was turned off and/or she forgot to call him when she arrived, and he needed to know she was alive! So this was no accident - woops, I forgot the time difference - he knew he was calling (waking) her at 5 AM. I'm not a John hater, but he can sometimes be a jerk.

JMO I lean more toward selfish but then again, they seem to have such an odd relationship that it's not a big surprise.  She might do the same thing to him.  I don't mind him (he does act like a boob at times) and I don't think editing has been too kind to him.  Dorinda doesn't seem to mind some of the things he does but then nails him to the wall for other things.  And then can't figure out why some of her friends don't like him.  And keeps John and Hannah separated after how many years.  Crazy.

  • Love 7

I don't think it's rude at all, when there is an ocean separating you. Call me from Florida, in Florida, at 5am? I'll light your ears up with dirty words. Call me from Afghanistan, Turkey, Germany, wherever? I'm wiping my sleep from my eyes. Just in case.

If there's a 14 hour plane ride between me and my person? I'm getting the nearest available information from anyone I can contact. Period. Even if it's just a "yes, she checked in here."

  • Love 10

I don't think it's rude at all, when there is an ocean separating you. Call me from Florida, in Florida, at 5am? I'll light your ears up with dirty words. Call me from Afghanistan, Turkey, Germany, wherever? I'm wiping my sleep from my eyes. Just in case.

If there's a 14 hour plane ride between me and my person? I'm getting the nearest available information from anyone I can contact. Period. Even if it's just a "yes, she checked in here."

No offense, but we're not talking about calls from Afghanistan or hypothetical emergencies; we're talking about John and Dorinda and the scenario on the show (at least that's what I was addressing). Dorinda went across the pond with a fellow HW and a film crew, with an itinerary and a fancy hotel accommodation. She was fine. IMO, he was just being selfish or a little Veruca Salt-babyish because he didn't get the call he was expecting.

  • Love 5

Of course it happens.  It happened here - that's why we're talking about it.  I just think it's rude.  And it wasn't a "whoops" moment - he knew he was calling her at 5AM because he was "worried sick."  That's especially rude.  I think what's more important, though, is what Dorinda thought.  She didn't seem too bothered by it.  (Love is blind?  Jet lag?)  Good for her.  I wonder if he kept at it, though.  She might not find it so funny a few times in.

I will say although it sounds extreme my husband's best friend and business partner died visiting friends in France.  He decided to take a boat trip before connecting with the friends and the boat didn't make it.  For a full 48 hours his wife and my husband were franticly trying to find him. My husband flew over and started tracing his steps.  His wife and twins were going out of their minds-it was so heartbreaking. Trust me although John is really rough around the edges-hearing her voice probably was the best thing that happened to him in a long time.   

  • Love 13

No offense, but we're not talking about calls from Afghanistan or hypothetical emergencies; we're talking about John and Dorinda and the scenario on the show (at least that's what I was addressing). Dorinda went across the pond with a fellow HW and a film crew, with an itinerary and a fancy hotel accommodation. She was fine. IMO, he was just being selfish or a little Veruca Salt-babyish because he didn't get the call he was expecting.

I wasn't talking emergencies either. I don't think she was to call him. He was to call her and he screwed it up somehow. He ended up calling at 5 am her time, probably after dozing off. Her phone was off. I don't begrudge him one bit for sending a staff member to check on her to be sure she was ok. They do that all the time. It's a normal occurrence.

  • Love 1

Oh ok. I doubt it happens a lot in hotels, especially in this day and age of cell phones, but I guess from time to time. But I only pointed out hotel security because he made a big deal out of something that was nothing, which I thought was kind of babyish. She was sound asleep in her fancy hotel with Carole and a film crew. She was fine. He wasn't.

  • Love 2

Who are "they?" I was talking about John. He didn't call her in the middle of the night by mistake. He called hotel security. It was more than an "oops."

I see this a little differently, my husband travels for his work and has traveled both in and out the country many, many times and I would do the same to him if I had not heard from him at all for a whole day. We always talk a couple times a day when he is gone and not hearing from him would scare me and I would not hesitate calling the hotel to have them check on him. Heck, he has had family check on me when he can't reach me before cell phones came along. Dorinda should have given him her room phone # just in case her cell phone died or she had bad reception from it.

  • Love 10

I see this a little differently, my husband travels for his work and has traveled both in and out the country many, many times and I would do the same to him if I had not heard from him at all for a whole day. We always talk a couple times a day when he is gone and not hearing from him would scare me and I would not hesitate calling the hotel to have them check on him.

Was your hubby traveling with a production and film crew? I love all your personal stories, and they all make sense - I can see how it's worrisome for you when you don't hear from Mr. Wrap. But in this scenario, if something was wrong with Dorinda, John would have been alerted. She was fine. He could have waited a few more hours to call. Or would that have been too late for him? That's what I'm thinking.

Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 5

Just throwing in my opinion but if I hadn't talked to somebody because I forgot to call them and now it's 5AM it would never occur to me to wake them up because I screwed up the phone call. Of course there's scenarios where it would be worth it to send someone to the room, but I don't see how this was one of them. He's basically calling to tell her he forgot to call her at a reasonable hour. I don't get why he'd feel any need to check on her. There was no reason to think there was anything wrong with her.

  • Love 7

(Peeks in to make sure the dead horse has not been resurrected.)


Interesting that Kristen's blog says how unprofessional it is to argue in front of the models. Every model casting I've seen on reality TV (including RHOA) has included some variation of this same fight. Decider: "Oh you're too skinny/curvy." Random friend: "Stop that you'll give her an eating disorder! " From what I've heard of the real modeling world this happens all the time. Girls being told some pretty harsh things. Eventually they learn to separate their worth from their looks to survive or- well... turn to drugs, eating disorders, and starring in Taylor Swift videos.


Okay miss SkinnyGirl- telling Sonya that telling another woman she's too thin will give her an eating disorder? Huh. Then I wonder what would happen if someone where to make an entire lifestyle brand based around the idea of an aspirational "skinny girl" character? Would eating disorders run rampant? Oy vey. BTW- The first (rejected) model was STUNNING. On the plus side, Bethany also looked stunning at the fashion show. Keep those buttery cream highlights girl. You're too severe to pull off full dark (almost black) brown hair. Methinks that Ramona will write a check for Dress for Success right after Nene writes one for the Detroit public schools. Bloop!


Yep. Sonya and Heather aren't friends. Production obviously set up what would bring the most tension. Production got the exact footage that they wanted- Heather asking questions while Sonya's team hems and haws. At least we were spared any coochie crack. Yawn. The plan seemed to be no brick and mortar stores- just online retail.

  • Love 8

I think each relationship/family has their own set of rules on phone calling/texting.  If one of us is on a trip including the kids, we either call or text when we arrive no matter what the time.  Depending where we are, my husband and I establish when we'll call - either every night or every other night.  If one forgets to call/text, the other person has the right to call and wake them up - or in John's case, call the front desk.  I don't quite get why that they didn't just ring her room or maybe she just didn't answer the phone. 


If you've ever been in the situation that you didn't get a phone call because something did happen, I think you'd better understand why that simple phone call or text is so important.

  • Love 11

Was your hubby traveling with a production and film crew? I love all your personal stories, and they all make sense - I can see how it's worrisome for you when you don't hear from Mr. Wrap. But in this scenario, if something was wrong with Dorinda, John would have been alerted. She was fine. He could have waited a few more hours to call. Or would that have been too late for him? That's what I'm thinking.

A film crew?, No! LOL But he travels with 1 or 2 other co-workers though. They all work different shifts, he is in charge and can work up to 16 hours day working during both shifts they overlap each other.


I have to be honest, I would not be surprised if he was concerned about her hooking up with her ex, as he lives in England (correct?). I think John is insecure about him and Dorinda, she treats him like garbage, allows her grown daughter to control their relationship and from what I gathered, she has only dated him since husband #2 died so he may be afraid she will meet up with someone she knew before she met him.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

omg. John was worried about Dorinda and wanted to check on her. He loves her and was worried. He's a macho guy that feels very protective of women that he loves and responsible for their well being. It's maybe macho, but Dorinda likes it, and Dorinda is a little fragile. My husband is always worried about me when he is at work, especially if I've had a bad day. I think John is fine. Why do people not like him? 


In any case, I don't like being away from my husband, and I don't go out or drink that often. If I were away and my husband hadn't heard from me and he couldn't get through, he would be freaking out. However, my husband is super social and likes to drink and party, so if he were gone for the weekend and I didn't hear from him, I'd know it was because he was having fun. Let's trust that John knows Dorinda well enough to know if something is normal or not, and he wants to make sure she is okay.

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 11

Was your hubby traveling with a production and film crew? I love all your personal stories, and they all make sense - I can see how it's worrisome for you when you don't hear from Mr. Wrap. But in this scenario, if something was wrong with Dorinda, John would have been alerted. She was fine. He could have waited a few more hours to call. Or would that have been too late for him? That's what I'm thinking.

I agree and also, "Mr. Wrap", I'm still giggling about that.

  • Love 2

Was your hubby traveling with a production and film crew? I love all your personal stories, and they all make sense - I can see how it's worrisome for you when you don't hear from Mr. Wrap. But in this scenario, if something was wrong with Dorinda, John would have been alerted. She was fine. He could have waited a few more hours to call. Or would that have been too late for him? That's what I'm thinking.


Not necessarily.  Dorinda was probably on her own for the night and alone in the privacy of her room at some point and the same for production personnel accompanying her and Carole on the London trip.  My spouse also traveled extensively for business and I would certainly worry if I did not hear from him as expected.  If it were me I also would have asked the hotel to check on him fearing he had been overcome with illness or slipped and fell, etc. 

  • Love 9
I am apparently in the minority that I do not think Bethenny took down Mona. Any time Ramona tried to respond Bethenny came back at her, aggressively interrupting with her rat a tat tat bullet points and insults. Ramona is absolutely selfish and reluctant to take responsibility for anything she does (see: common traits of children of alcoholics) but that's not the time to attack someone Bethenny. Bethenny took a gun to a knife fight.

I guess I'm part of your minority. 


It doesn't seem like Ramona deliberately sets out to hurt someone when she blurts out something inane or inappropriate.  She honestly appears to have her head too firmly implanted up her own butt to even consider how her words can be taken by others.  Bethenny on the other hand appears to intentionally lunge for the jugular if she is annoyed or pissed off. 


Another difference I've noticed is that Ramona has been shown several times speaking one-on-one with the other housewives she has had issues with.  Bethenny on the other hand seems to prefer an audience while she wields her words like weapons.

Edited by ichbin
  • Love 6

Good for Sonja that she pulled off a decent show in the end, because everything leading up to that point was a cluster of cringe.


Is it just me, or is that red um...onesie?  she's wearing terribly ill-fitting and unflattering?

The first time I saw a pic of Sonja in that garment, I couldn't believe how bad it was. That look was not a good endorsement for her collection, to say the least.


I was pleasantly surprised to see Kristen showcasing her nail polish during fashion week. That was very cool of Heather to help hook Kristen up with Elie Tahari, being that Heather is such an unsupportive, awful person and all.


So, Ramona's business partner dated the other woman and Beth "personally" knows her.
It's all very Melrose Place.

And to make it even more MP-y, Patti Stanger said that she was there when Mario first met his mistress, at a party thrown by a mutual friend of hers and Andy's (and I believe it was said that the friend owns the yacht that Beth and Carole vacay'd on together).


It's always a pleasure to watch Ramona squirm, but Heather made it happen as a rookie, so Beth doing it as a seasoned vet isn't that impressive, to me.


To where even BETHENNY says "It was me, not her" but that barely slows down the Sonja blame game, she just slightly shifts the focus of what insults her to make it about Heather.

I laughed so hard when that happened, because it's all just so fucking farcical. It's as if blaming Heather for anything, everything, and nothing at all is completely involuntary at this point, like a spasm. I will be totally surprised if Heather doesn't catch some kind of hell next week for telling Beth what Ramona said.


I think Jill Zarin would qualify as redhead.

Alex, too. ​Andy loves a "gingy" like LuAnn loves pirate cock and Marlboro Reds. He's shallow enough, too, that he would probably put more worth in what Michael Rappaport and Julie Klausner say about the cast/show over the general audience, just because they both have red hair.


Beth and Ramona are front and center in the opening credits, were the only two wearing red in the promo pic, and they began the season fighting with each other. So, I'm fully expecting the finale to be The Beth/Ramona Hour. Yay.

Edited by jaync
  • Love 8

Hey. HEY! We're not claiming Ramona, no sir! Tough = rude, fast = blinky, good at business - ... 'eh. 



I'm only sorry she didn't also take a bat, a crowbar and a candlestick.





I thought Bethenny outdid herself.   An unexpected, non-screeching, tearless and controlled dialogue from the Skinny Girl?    I would have expected the normal HW catfight from those two in particular.   It was refreshing (to me) to see Bethenny almost calmly (for her) dispensing the read on Ramona.  She didn't bite the bait when Ramona reacted.   Ramona got called out, looked like an ass when she tried to wiggle out of it, and she deserved it.  I'm sick of the screaming banshee fights that are the norm with the HW franchise. 

  • Love 13

In our post 9-11 world, when my husband commutes to New York City daily just for work for nearly two hours each way, if I don't hear from him at certain intervals, I too worry. 


I totally understand and empathsize with John's phonecall to security to check on Dorinda. Besides he knew it was her first time back to London since Richard passed and all that might imply....intense emotions, sadness, some trauma for her and who knows what else. The fact that we live in a cell phone age and easy access to communication or internet- when you cannot reach someone, it can create even more worry. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 13


I was pleasantly surprised to see Kristen showcasing her nail polish during fashion week. That was very cool of Heather to help hook Kristen up with Elie Tahari, being that Heather is such an unsupportive, awful person and all.



Heather hooked her up? According to Kristen in her blog:

"Pop of Color at the Elie Tahari Show"

Pattie Yankee is a celebrity manicurist that works with Ricky's and has been consulting on Pop of Color. Pattie also does nails during Fashion Week and has a ton of clients. She felt that Elie Tahari was a great fit for Pop of Color. I was honored and thrilled to be part of such a huge show! I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to launch Pop of Color! A lot of the designers are moving away from traditional fashion shows and opting for fashion presentations. I really like this format, because you get to really take your time and look at the collection and mingle. It has more of a cocktail party feel with a much more relaxed vibe.

  • Love 3

Is Pop of Color actually Kristen's company, or is she just lending her name to the brand?  Does she make any of the actual business decisions or have any real input -other than suggesting color names?  It sounds like the "celebrity manicurist" from Ricky's might actually be running the show.  I just don't see her as a businesswoman.



  • Love 2

JMO I lean more toward selfish but then again, they seem to have such an odd relationship that it's not a big surprise.  She might do the same thing to him.  I don't mind him (he does act like a boob at times) and I don't think editing has been too kind to him.  Dorinda doesn't seem to mind some of the things he does but then nails him to the wall for other things.  And then can't figure out why some of her friends don't like him.  And keeps John and Hannah separated after how many years.  Crazy.


I tend to lean more towards "insecurity."  Doing something like he did speaks to me of somebody who is insecure in their relationship. 


So funny how people are about phones.  In my house growing up, the phone was OFF limits from 10 pm to 7 am. My dad would get SO pissed if one of my friends (or even my mom's friends!) called during those hours (that wasn't a health-related crisis, of course.). I used to get SO mad at him for that. Because duh.  Teenagers have a lot to say to each other even after 10 PM.


But I guess he rubbed off on me because, now as an adult, I am so NOT available to people 24/7.  I put my phone on silent from 10 pm to 7 am.  Now, if I had grown children or children living away from home, I'm sure I'd feel differently and manage the phone accordingly.  But as it stands, nope--to me, there are just certain times you don't call people unless its an emergency. 

  • Love 6

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