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S07.E17: London Calling

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Over on the Carole blog I posted a link to Jackie Onassis's will.  She left Anthony $500,000.00 when she passed away.  Not a lifetime fortune but a nice little nest egg.

It is possible that they went through much, if not all, of that money during the course of his illness/death with medical costs while fighting his cancer.

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Not against you as a fellow human but I take offense with that comment. Maybe I'm reading to much into it but I will do my drama queen for a moment either way!


There you go : my father died 6 months ago. He was loved. My mother-in-law, devastated, chose to scatter some ashes in the Mediterranée. My sister and I reserved some of it before we did. I scattered some two months ago in the Atlantic when I went, my sister in the Indian ocean where she lives, and I still got a little bit in a kitchen cabinet, in a tupperware (not even a real brand one, a cheap plastic box) in case I go someday in Thailand on the beach he loved and couldn't go back to because of his fucking cancer. All of that we did just to make us feel better about his death. 

Are we bad daughters to not keep them safely in a beautiful urn? Is my mother-in-law a bad wife? Does it means we didn't love Dad? Or my MIL married him for his money and now that he's dead, couldn't wait to get rid of it?


It's just a box, it's just ashes. My dad doesn't care anymore, he's dead. I don't believe in "the soul" just in consciousness, I don't believe in God or life after death, he didn't either. For some, ashes are just that, ashes, something that looks curiously like cat litter. Those ashes aren't my father. This box isn't his final home.

Had he wished to be burried, I wouldn't have gone visit his grave after his burrial. The ceremony would have been the last time I ever saw it. It's just a stone, it's just a body, my Dad isn't in it anymore, why should I care about meat I won't eat? If my mother-in-law didn't want to scatter the ashes and wanted to keep them, I wouldn't have cared not being able to scatter some myself (even if I prefer we did it that way) and I certainly wouldn't visit her mantelpiece twice a year.


Why judge the love Carole had for Anthony based on what happened to his urn or that she didn't go look at it for 15 years even if she travels a lot? If you must, judge from her book, from what she said but please don't judge because of a tradition some might not adhere to or what your take on this tradition is. People honor their dead differently from burial to cannibalism, grief is an intimate thing and unique to each person.

Imho, what remains of the people we love who had the nerves to die on us is our memories of them. It's what we do with those that matters. 


This was really beautiful, very well-written, and I am so sorry for your loss.

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Oh Moaner, where Bethenny failed miserably to find you a guy, I may have found one for ya -- or at least the NY Post did.  And he's a 56 year old model!!!  OK, he's homeless, but you got a home you can give him, Moaner.  Hey, Vicks took in homeless penniless bum Brooksie, so why not?




Well, I didn't believe for a second Bethenny had any interest in fixing up Moaner  -- or that she had any interest in anyone or anything except plugging Skinnygirl endlessly.  Er, how many plugs for Skinnygirl does that make for this season?  800 billion?

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Well, I didn't believe for a second Bethenny had any interest in fixing up Moaner -- or that she had any interest in anyone or anything except plugging Skinnygirl endlessly. Er, how many plugs for Skinnygirl does that make for this season? 800 billion?

Lol, I feel your SG pain! But at least Beth gave a contribution to her charity:

In addition to celebrating the launch of the new flavors the “romantic in red” party also supported women in need. The brand donated $50,000 to long-standing charity partner Dress for Success® “We had a great time unveiling the new products all while giving back to Dress for Success, a cause that is so important to me,” gushed Frankel. And added “Our newest girls offer something for everyone, whether you’re looking for a cocktail with a little heat and a little citrus, or a delicious wine option without the guilt.”

Love this photo of the HW attending the event in the article below.


Edited by talula
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Carole is pretty succinct in her Open Letter.   There is no mention of switching churches.   She said she received an e-mail from the church where she interned her husband's ashes.  Perhaps there is another source of the church switch.

I interpreted the conversation beforehand and then with the priest was the original church was sold and condos built and the urn stored at the place (new church? religious offices w/a chapel?) until she picked them up.  Hence the "switch" but more of a "they're here waiting for you".

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Lol, I feel your SG pain! But at least Beth gave a contribution to her charity:

In addition to celebrating the launch of the new flavors the “romantic in red” party also supported women in need. The brand donated $50,000 to long-standing charity partner Dress for Success® “We had a great time unveiling the new products all while giving back to Dress for Success, a cause that is so important to me,” gushed Frankel. And added “Our newest girls offer something for everyone, whether you’re looking for a cocktail with a little heat and a little citrus, or a delicious wine option without the guilt.”

Love this photo of the HW attending the event:


Love this picture. The girls were all tweeting it out after that night. I was so looking forward to seeing all 5 of them interacting during the time this picture was taken. As I've said before, I'm disappointed that we saw zero interaction between Lu and Heather at the party. 

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Okay, Heather told Ramona about it and the rest of the ladies gave Ramona quite the send off to meet the guy and Heather got a chuckle out of sending her in spite of Carole and Bethenny being there.  I think Carole was seeing Adam or at least she objected to how Ramona characterized their relationship the next day.  Bethenny and Carole's game was to get his attention by asking to play bartender, Ramona's game was to have the waiter take her to the target. 

I just think it is odd to feel so interrupted and not walk around and rejoin the conversation.  Bust Ramona then and not wait until the next day.   Instead Carole and Bethenny stood a foot away talking about Ramona.  To me if the end game was getting the guy's attention/company for the evening Ramona won.  I do not think she has a good game but she was the one who came out on top. 



That's the thing. It wasn't the end game. Well, not to anyone but Ramona. None of this was about the guy. It was about Ramona and the way she was acting. The situation would have been exactly the same if the owner of that bar had been a woman who was talking to C&B and Ramona walked up and inserted herself between them and and proceeded to take over the conversation (Ramona wouldn't do that unless the woman was rich and powerful because she wouldn't give to shits, but still).  They didn't care about the guy. They were just making small talk and were shocked by the way Ramona was behaving. It is rude. People don't behave that way towards their friends. And what about the other girls all being mad? Kristen was the first one to bring it up to Ramona the next morning. She said in her blog that she walked up to get drinks for everyone and while she was waiting went over to say "hi" and that Ramona ignored her and acted like she had no idea who she was. Lu was mad as well, and is the one who said they basically gave her the cold shoulder the next day. Were all of them interested in the guy as well? Of course not, because none of it was about the guy, it was about Ramona being a cu*t satchel. 


I think that when it comes to Ramona, the other girls will never be able to win. If then engage when she is being a bitch, they are not being the bigger person. If they just walk away, they are wrong because they should have stood their ground. It seems like the only thing that is ever consistent with Ramona is that she is going to do/say stupid or mean stuff, and the others always going to be wrong no matter how they respond to it. Ultimately, she never gets the blame for doing the horrible thing to begin with. The horrible thing that caused a reaction. Sorry, but it drives me nuts.  

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I interpreted the conversation beforehand and then with the priest was the original church was sold and condos built and the urn stored at the place (new church? religious offices w/a chapel?) until she picked them up.  Hence the "switch" but more of a "they're here waiting for you".

Here is the history of the church-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fawley_Court. The way I read it the smaller more modern church was built during Anthony's father's lifetime.  Fawley Court became a conference center.  What is strange is no mention of what happened to Anthony's father.

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That's the thing. It wasn't the end game. Well, not to anyone but Ramona. None of this was about the guy. It was about Ramona and the way she was acting. The situation would have been exactly the same if the owner of that bar had been a woman who was talking to C&B and Ramona walked up and inserted herself between them and and proceeded to take over the conversation (Ramona wouldn't do that unless the woman was rich and powerful because she wouldn't give to shits, but still).  They didn't care about the guy. They were just making small talk and were shocked by the way Ramona was behaving. It is rude. People don't behave that way towards their friends. And what about the other girls all being mad? Kristen was the first one to bring it up to Ramona the next morning. She said in her blog that she walked up to get drinks for everyone and while she was waiting went over to say "hi" and that Ramona ignored her and acted like she had no idea who she was. Lu was mad as well, and is the one who said they basically gave her the cold shoulder the next day. Were all of them interested in the guy as well? Of course not, because none of it was about the guy, it was about Ramona being a cu*t satchel. 


I think that when it comes to Ramona, the other girls will never be able to win. If then engage when she is being a bitch, they are not being the bigger person. If they just walk away, they are wrong because they should have stood their ground. It seems like the only thing that is ever consistent with Ramona is that she is going to do/say stupid or mean stuff, and the others always going to be wrong no matter how they respond to it. Ultimately, she never gets the blame for doing the horrible thing to begin with. The horrible thing that caused a reaction. Sorry, but it drives me nuts.  

None of this has anything to do with Ramona's game.  What it had everything to do with is Ramona being more interested in being out and way from the other ladies. What I don't understand is they all basically despise Ramona and the way she acts -so when she finally goes out on the town and leaves their company it becomes she is ignoring them? Same thing with Bethenny and force feeding her lunch-let the bitch go.  Ridiculous. This is why when Ramona has a really royal screw up like the naked guy she gets way with yet another apology.   There was a whole group of women together they did not need Ramona for companionship.  Just petty bull to mention her taking the host away while they were talking to them.  Carole and Bethenny left with the pretense to bartend.  It is a set up for a Bethenny bit-obviously there were a hundred ways for Bethenny and Carole to get back in the conversation-one would be here is your drink Ramona and offer one to her and the owner.  It became a bit and they sent Kristen over-why???  Kristen loathes Ramona.  To me it was a production driven bit.  The one with the best line was Sonja who apparently recognized the guy's plight and decided to just call Ramona on it.  It wasn't about the other women and getting their feelings hurt-it was about hoarding the host. The lame-I need to practice my flittering was just so Ramona. 


I just thought the group reaction was overblown and Ramona's explanation beneath contempt.  I feel the same way about this week's episode-let the bitch leave.  She is the one who misses the group publicity photo. Bethenny again making a big deal and flapping her arms around like a headless chicken about Ramona and men--boring.  I don't think the others need to lower themselves to Ramona's bowl circling standards.  Ramona is a vile, gossip mongering, uninteresting woman who thinks she is some great beauty.  She is not a great intellect and she has zero in the way of any social graces, to expect her to all of sudden to develop some are the fault of those around her.  Heather had it right the first season she was on-don't invite the bitch to London.  Heather did not have to worry about some dumb ass rude move by Ramona.


I think on this we agree-Ramona needs to be gone, she is no longer believable as a friend.  I just hate to see the other women get taken down because they are trying to tolerate or fix Ramona.

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How do you not know the name of the Father at the church your husband is buried/kept and/or how do you not either a) have the urn with you



Anthony's ashes were placed next to those of his father. Perhaps this was Lee's wish, perhaps it was a family tradition - who knows. I don't necessarily think it's indicative of something suspicious or sinister that the urn isn't in Carole's apartment. Many people choose to put their loved one's ashes in crematoria, or columbaria; would you make the same assumptions about them and their regard for the departed?


If Carole was a golddigger, IMO, Lee Radziwill would have seen through it in a heartbeat.

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I've been critical of Carole on this blog. Sometimes she grates on me. And I could not understand why she would allow this trip to pick up her late husbands ashes and all the detail to be filmed. But it was recommended upthread to go read her letter to the fans from this week over on the Bravo site. 


I am so glad I did. So very very moving. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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My thoughts so far. Carole's blue gloves I thought were "plastic gloves" or disposable gloves. I've seen those bright blue things on cleaning people and nurses and stuff. Especially the ones that draw blood, they always wear the blue gloves. I finally realized they were actual gloves. I actually thought she wore plastic gloves since was going through ashes somewhere.


Funny-- when Dorinda invited her friends in London for a "proper" cocktail party (which I assume means one drink and lots of pills or coke or something) and all these homely ladies came being vapid. Carole said, "I invited my friends" in her voiceover and I thought, "wow! Carole has girlfriends in London? She doesn't seem like a friend person." and then all these young white guys showed up. The young men were her friends! hahahaha. Oh gosh, she's basically Ramona, only more stealth about her horniness.. 


Ramona is a hoot. I just love her. She makes me laugh because she is so goofy and weird. I just think she is fun. 


I feel fairly confident in surmising that the majority of her London friends were gay.  So I don't think that scene speaks to her "horniness" whatsoever.


I also very much disagree that Carole doesn't seem like a "friend person." I'd say quite the contrary. She seems to me like somebody who cherishes and nurtures her friendships. Plus, we’ve seen her with plenty of her friends over the 3 years on this show—men and women. 

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Over on the Carole blog I posted a link to Jackie Onassis's will.  She left Anthony $500,000.00 when she passed away.  Not a lifetime fortune but a nice little nest egg.


Jackie Onassis passed away three months before Carole and Anthony married. By then, he was in his mid-30s and had a career in news production. He and Carole had been together for years prior to their wedding (on her personal website, Carole says that she and Anthony met when they were assigned to the Menendez Brothers' story).


I guess this is all to give clarifying details to--dangit. I forget who it was who made it--the assumption that Carole dated/married Anthony for money. 

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I enjoyed seeing the Dorinda and Carole London portion of the show.  In the flashback photos they used, Carole was truly a pretty girl in the day.  I'm not sure what has happened to her, other than age, because now she just seems so stark and angular.  But her wedding photos made her look beautiful - as wedding photos should!


I will be interested to see how well the friendship between Dorinda and Carole holds up under the pressures of dealing with the rest of the group.  They have a bond that is different than any of the rest of them could provide.

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A random thought: The Bravo monkeys TOTALLY gave Kristen an earlier call time than the other HWs to arrive at the Skinnygirl party.

You don't think we know, but we do. Y'all were trying to start something between Bethenny and Kristen.

Yeah, of course they did. I'm glad everything went great at the party with Beth and Kristen. I didn't need to see another fight with these women.

Speaking of Kristen, her blogs always Crack me up, because she is always so annoyed with Ramona lol.

Carole's blog is beautiful.

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Whew, I finally actually watched and listened to the SkinnyGirl commercial within the show (rather that just glazing over while it was on) and, man, TOO much red. My eyes! And I still ended up glazing over after hearing Ramona for the 10th time complain to Bethenny that there were no hot men there, or at least none specifically chosen because they met her exacting standards and wishes. What, was Ramona expecting them to be kept in a corner corral and she would get first choice? Who DOES she think she is? Has she ever heard of mingling, introducing herself, making small talk, catching a guy's eye? Pathetic and annoying, but even worse was Bethenny's immitation of her. 


Am I allowed to say that I have had ENOUGH of SkinnyGirl? From now on, if that logo appears I will immediately hit the Fast Forward button.

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This was an interesting episode, I thought. There are too many people too far upthread for me to grab the quotes I want to from their posts, so I'll just make a few points:


- I totally thought it was Jason who turned up with the party invitations - that guy was a dead ringer for him!


- I had a few tears at Carol's segments. My fiance died (suddenly) nearly 10 years ago and it's still raw sometimes. If I could afford it, I'd have a Lifegem made from his ashes. You only need about a tablespoon of ashes, apparently.


- For anyone interested, Carol and Dorinda stayed in the Celestine Suite at the Cafe Royal on Regent Street. 


- Now, onto Ramona ... I actually believe her when she says nothing happened with the guy on T&C.  I say this because I've been in that same situation, out with a friend who's hot to trot and she's hooked up with a guy she clearly intends to sleep with, and I'm left with the friend. Happy to dance, canoodle a little but that's it. A few drinks can lead to a bad decision ("Everyone back to my place for a party!") and then you're left in ... a situation. A choice has to be made - sleep with someone when you didn't intend or want to or try to get out of it. It could well be that the presence of the other women in the house and Bravo crew nearby saved Ramona from the situation getting even more out of hand than she might have wanted.


So I fully understand and believe Ramona when she says she sent the guy upstairs. Wrong thing to do, but I think she felt manoeuvred by Luann into a situation she was uncomfortable with, just so Luann could get her groove on with a married man. Ramona isn't dating savvy after 20-odd years with the same man, and I truly believe she thought it'd be just a fun night out, a bit of flirting but then things took a turn in a way she wasn't comfortable with or able to handle properly.


I also empathise with Ramona in wanting a partner around her own age. I'm 56, and I'd love to find a man in his 50s who has a job, a home, decency, honesty and values. But men in their 50s, newly single, are looking for women aged 25-30. Seriously. I've been on dating sites for years and dozens of bad dates - and it's either guys who've bought a sports car and think they're 28 again or desperate combover virgins still living with their mothers.


99% of the men who want a woman half their age are absolutely fricking delusional, they are no Clooneys these men, oh no, not at all. And no young woman will be interested in a paunchy, balding guy weighed down with child support,alimony and bitterness. But in Ramona's circles, where men have money and position, it's far more likely they'll attract a younger woman looking for a husband, particularly in New York where dating is a young man's commitment-free sport. So I think she's going to find it very difficult indeed to find another partner, particularly as her craziness is all over the internet. (Mine is well-hidden, heheheh. Only one cat, no doll collections, no hoard of unopened boxes from QVC...)


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BTW there's a typo in the thread title... should be S07.E17.  You know, so when archeologists dig this up in 1000 years, they don't get confused.... 


Fixed! You can report these types of mod typos in future with the report button, also :)

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So I ran across this and I know there are many scholars of the Carole Radziwill's book. http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/07/29/carole-radziwill-busted-for-picking-up-husbands-already-scattered-ashes/
This site is questionable at times but the verbatim quotes from her book and People seem legit.


Condolences to essexjan and what a great idea with the Lifegem idea.


I am still wondering if Carole actually took the remains to the church or something else transpired.  it must be puzzling to those who attended the service for Anthony. 




Jackie Onassis passed away three months before Carole and Anthony married. By then, he was in his mid-30s and had a career in news production. He and Carole had been together for years prior to their wedding (on her personal website, Carole says that she and Anthony met when they were assigned to the Menendez Brothers' story).


I guess this is all to give clarifying details to--dangit. I forget who it was who made it--the assumption that Carole dated/married Anthony for money. 


I never said Carole married Anthony for money, I was replying to someone who said he had none.  When we fall in love don't we fall in love with the whole person?  He was handsome, he was a prince (with an asterisk), he was related to the most notable family in America, he was bright, he loved his work and he also had cancer.  I am sure as a girl from Sufferin Carole probably never saw herself as running in his circle of family and friends. 

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So I ran across this and I know there are many scholars of the Carole Radziwill's book. http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/07/29/carole-radziwill-busted-for-picking-up-husbands-already-scattered-ashes/

This site is questionable at times but the verbatim quotes from her book and People seem legit.


Condolences to essexjan and what a great idea with the Lifegem idea.


I am still wondering if Carole actually took the remains to the church or something else transpired.  it must be puzzling to those who attended the service for Anthony. 




The people at the ceremony were probably not confused, as they more than likely knew her plans.  Carole has said (again recently on Twitter) that his ashes were split. She wanted half of them to be near his father.  It's funny the way that site did the whole "busted" deal. It's almost like they want to find a reason for this to not be true, but I guess I shouldn't complain because that is why they all do for the most part. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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So I ran across this and I know there are many scholars of the Carole Radziwill's book. http://allaboutthetea.com/2015/07/29/carole-radziwill-busted-for-picking-up-husbands-already-scattered-ashes/

This site is questionable at times but the verbatim quotes from her book and People seem legit.


Condolences to essexjan and what a great idea with the Lifegem idea.


I am still wondering if Carole actually took the remains to the church or something else transpired.  it must be puzzling to those who attended the service for Anthony. 





I never said Carole married Anthony for money, I was replying to someone who said he had none.  When we fall in love don't we fall in love with the whole person?  He was handsome, he was a prince (with an asterisk), he was related to the most notable family in America, he was bright, he loved his work and he also had cancer.  I am sure as a girl from Sufferin Carole probably never saw herself as running in his circle of family and friends. 


I didn't say that you said Carole married for money. My last paragraph in the quoted post pointed that out: "I guess this is all to give clarifying details to--dangit. I forget who it was who made it--the assumption that Carole dated/married Anthony for money." I honestly can't remember who originally posted that.


But I also wanted to respond to the comment about whatever money Jackie Onassis left Anthony. I was saying that it would have come well into his relationship with Carole considering Jackie died three months before Carole and Anthony married. 

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You misunderstood her. She really meant that you can't say that on the European continent, but on the British Isles, the Azores, Crete, and Sardinia it's totally OK. Can't use the f-word on the continent, but go fucking crazy on the islands.

What a relief, because I'm going to motherfucking Malta in October.

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I didn't say that you said Carole married for money. My last paragraph in the quoted post pointed that out: "I guess this is all to give clarifying details to--dangit. I forget who it was who made it--the assumption that Carole dated/married Anthony for money." I honestly can't remember who originally posted that.


But I also wanted to respond to the comment about whatever money Jackie Onassis left Anthony. I was saying that it would have come well into his relationship with Carole considering Jackie died three months before Carole and Anthony married. 

I worded that poorly--you most certainly didn't say I said it.  Thank you.  I am guessing that Anthony probably didn't have to struggle and get student loans.  His mother married well the third time, and didn't do too bad the first two times and had an inheritance from her mother and step-father.   Contrasting that with Carole who I believe said her father was a cook.  Very different worlds. 

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I knew Carole would have me verklempt because I've read her book about five times, but I was so moved when Dorinda explained in her TH that when your spouse is dying, you literally don't sleep because you're worried they'll be gone when you wake up or you'll have to drive to the ER in the middle of the night. Her story about trying to get a cab right after her husband died was affecting in how darkly funny it was, and I think Carole got that, too.

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I am sure as a girl from Sufferin Carole probably never saw herself as running in his circle of family and friends. 


I'm tickled by the fact that Carole is from Suffern, and when Carrie Bradshaw went to Aiden's cabin, which was located in the woods there, Carrie told Samantha she was "sufferin' in Suffern".  And Oh.OH!  Doesn't 'Aiden' sort of sound like 'Adam'?  Do you think Carrie Bradshaw was ever 8 months behind on a deadline?


I'm sorry, my long sufferin' boardmates.  I found this episode as poignant as the next guy but after all this Carole lovin', I'm longing for a cigarette.  According to  Carole, I won't get cancer as long as I smoke the pink ones, right?   ;-)   (Her story is beautiful but she's still a dum dum.)

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I knew Carole would have me verklempt because I've read her book about five times, but I was so moved when Dorinda explained in her TH that when your spouse is dying, you literally don't sleep because you're worried they'll be gone when you wake up or you'll have to drive to the ER in the middle of the night. Her story about trying to get a cab right after her husband died was affecting in how darkly funny it was, and I think Carole got that, too.

I slept on the couch for the 8 weeks my mother was sick because she was downstairs on a hospital bed in our dining room and our bedrooms were upstairs.  I didn't want her to be alone.  Glioblastoma multiform brain tumor that according to a medium (yes I did!) said she had known something was wrong for a couple of years. She could no longer talk.  She got around for a very little while but was quickly confined to first a wheelchair and then the bed.  My dad and I went to work every day and my aunts (her oldest sister and my dad's brother's wife) stayed with her during the day - both in their 70s!  He and I switched off our evenings - I'd go workout, come home then he'd go out.  One sister came over in the evenings, the other lived in the next state and she came on the weekend.  We knew it would be the beginning of the end when she stopped eating and that came at about 6 weeks in.  That was probably the hardest thing to bear knowing it would not be long.  I can relate - you're soooooooooo tired and feel bad for wondering when will it all be over but you don't want them to die! But you don't want them to continue suffering.


The people at the ceremony were probably not confused, as they more than likely knew her plans.  Carole has said (again recently on Twitter) that his ashes were split. She wanted half of them to be near his father.  It's funny the way that site did the whole "busted" deal. It's almost like they want to find a reason for this to not be true, but I guess I shouldn't complain because that is why they all do for the most part. 

There are a lot of ashes!  We have some of my husband's father in our basement and even the amount we got is a lot!  Plenty to go around - the ocean, the lake and to tuck away in a church.

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As much as I liked the London scenes, I still get a kick out of the ridiculousness of the other women. Ramona never fails to make me love to hate her! She's just the worst, it's too good.

Her business partner/date has the oddest mouth and chin area. Something really slimy about him too. But maybe that's Ramona's type.

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Only because I was looking for a Mad Men inspired dress for a party. 


Ouch!  I'm glad you didn't buy that dress.  LOL


Have you tried Zulily?

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Me, I know almost nothing about fashion, so I am a terrible judge of whether or not Sonja's line is good. I thought a few of the pieces looked nice. What I do wonder about is someone paying $1200 for a dress that comes in S, M or L.  I would expect for a frock in that price range to actually be sized.  Maybe someone who knows more about fashion can give an opinion on what the expectation would be here? 


The expectation for a $1200 gown is absolutely that I would be sized (4,6,8,10). From the retail perspective, I can't imagine a buyer being asked to write an order for sizes small, medium and large. It would be an interesting appointment (as if Sonja is ever going to get an appointment with an actual retail buyer...except maybe K Mart!).

Sonja would be better off selling $200 gowns instead of $1200 gowns. To quote Heather Thomson, "I find that laughable".

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The expectation for a $1200 gown is absolutely that I would be sized (4,6,8,10). From the retail perspective, I can't imagine a buyer being asked to write an order for sizes small, medium and large. It would be an interesting appointment (as if Sonja is ever going to get an appointment with an actual retail buyer...except maybe K Mart!).

Sonja would be better off selling $200 gowns instead of $1200 gowns. To quote Heather Thomson, "I find that laughable".

Remember Sonja thinks her collection will go international.  Keep on hoping Sonja.  I don't think Sonja is going retail-my guess is on line.  Those interns will be very busy if it catches on.

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As much as I liked the London scenes, I still get a kick out of the ridiculousness of the other women. Ramona never fails to make me love to hate her! She's just the worst, it's too good.

Her business partner/date has the oddest mouth and chin area. Something really slimy about him too. But maybe that's Ramona's type.


I wonder if the fact that Ramona's business partner (Peter?)  had a fling with Mario's mistress will come up at the reunion?   Ramona has to know about it by now.  I'm surprised no one brought it up while they were in T&C. 

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I wonder if the fact that Ramona's business partner (Peter?)  had a fling with Mario's mistress will come up at the reunion?   Ramona has to know about it by now.  I'm surprised no one brought it up while they were in T&C. 

Assuming it's true.  Interesting how Carole reads that in Radar Online and makes it a point to bring it to the attention of the dinner party just to embarrass the guy and Ramona. 


But when Radar Online says Lee Radziwill is mortified that Carole is part of RHONY, it's a nothing but a gossip rag.

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Assuming it's true.  Interesting how Carole reads that in Radar Online and makes it a point to bring it to the attention of the dinner party just to embarrass the guy and Ramona. 


But when Radar Online says Lee Radziwill is mortified that Carole is part of RHONY, it's a nothing but a gossip rag.

Carole is totally a shit stirrer but come on did you see that guy? No doubt he'd have an affair with Mario's trashy side piece.

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Assuming it's true.  Interesting how Carole reads that in Radar Online and makes it a point to bring it to the attention of the dinner party just to embarrass the guy and Ramona. 


But when Radar Online says Lee Radziwill is mortified that Carole is part of RHONY, it's a nothing but a gossip rag.



I remember Carole showing it to LuAnn and then they told Heather but wasn't it Heather who started to bring it up at the dinner party?


I would think Lee Radziwill doesn't approve of Carole being on RHONY but I also think that she probably wouldn't comment on it publicly.

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Carole is totally a shit stirrer but come on did you see that guy? No doubt he'd have an affair with Mario's trashy side piece.


I agree.  I think I wrote somewhere here tonight about him being a mealy mouthed something or other.  But if he was doing the trashy side piece before Mario was, why should that be brought up to embarrass him?


I remember Carole showing it to LuAnn and then they told Heather but wasn't it Heather who started to bring it up at the dinner party?


Of COURSE she did.  Girl, you know I had to sit on my hands not to type that.  But then people be asking me why I didn't mention that Carole started it, and even Dorinda threw her 2 cents in so why am I only picking on Heather?  But since you brought it up first..... ;-)

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Assuming it's true.  Interesting how Carole reads that in Radar Online and makes it a point to bring it to the attention of the dinner party just to embarrass the guy and Ramona. 


But when Radar Online says Lee Radziwill is mortified that Carole is part of RHONY, it's a nothing but a gossip rag.

I think the story came from the Daily Mail  originally.  http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2542898/Lee-Radziwill-horrified-daughter-law-Real-Housewives-thinks-reality-tacky.html  After reading about this woman-see Carole thread for a very interesting article, I would not be surprised if she was less than thrilled.  Carole says she did it to sell books.  She got her a great advance and sold the rights for a sitcom but the sales weren't that hot and there is no pilot. She has been unable to complete a third book.

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I'd assume she'd not be happy because she and her sister did become very private.  We'll never know because I agree that Lee would probably never go to the tabs with her feelings one way or the other.  Now, I think if she ever did a formal interview - like the one she did with Sofia Coppola (which was rare) I think she'd spill a little.


That said, as a mother, and not as a Radziwill or a person of any notoriety - just as a mother....


If I had to see my dead son's urn on a trashy TV show, being stroked for a camera while my fame hungry daughter in law was crying with her Beats by Dr. Dre on, I'd not be happy.  As a mother.  It would hurt to see my son's urn again and it would insult me that my DIL was using it as a story line.

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If I had to see my dead son's urn on a trashy TV show, being stroked for a camera while my fame hungry daughter in law was crying with her Beats by Dr. Dre on, I'd not be happy.  As a mother.  It would hurt to see my son's urn again and it would insult me that my DIL was using it as a story line.

Omg. Crying with her Beats by Dr. Dre. So wrong but I love you for that!

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I haven't watched this show in a few years so I'm glad I came here first. My husband passed a week after he was taken to ICU so I look forward to seeing this episode and feel anxious some too.

Pretty sure Carole and the urn are going to be tough to see. I have my Hubby's urn in my office. The day I picked it up I put it in the seat next to me talking to him and joking as our sense of humor was why we fell in love. But I remember going in the house sitting down with it in my arms like it was a baby and losing it. 7 years later and still makes me get teary eyed.

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I'd assume she'd not be happy because she and her sister did become very private.  We'll never know because I agree that Lee would probably never go to the tabs with her feelings one way or the other.  Now, I think if she ever did a formal interview - like the one she did with Sofia Coppola (which was rare) I think she'd spill a little.


That said, as a mother, and not as a Radziwill or a person of any notoriety - just as a mother....


If I had to see my dead son's urn on a trashy TV show, being stroked for a camera while my fame hungry daughter in law was crying with her Beats by Dr. Dre on, I'd not be happy.  As a mother.  It would hurt to see my son's urn again and it would insult me that my DIL was using it as a story line.

I can't see Lee being all that bent out of shape. Lee has lived quite the life and I don't think she worried too much about what others thought of her decisions. Carole and Lee will always share a special history, but it has been 15 yrs since Anthony's death and the urn situation is what it is. I'm assuming that Lee got a heads up on the filming so it didn't come as a surprise. And what do you know.....Bravo treated it with respect.
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Pretty sure Carole and the urn are going to be tough to see. I have my Hubby's urn in my office. The day I picked it up I put it in the seat next to me talking to him and joking as our sense of humor was why we fell in love. But I remember going in the house sitting down with it in my arms like it was a baby and losing it. 7 years later and still makes me get teary eyed.


I think it will be absolutely tough for you to see.  I'm so sorry for your loss. The most poignant and authentic moment of the epi for me was when she first laid eyes on the urn in the church. She was awkward and loving and she tried to be funny about it not fitting in her bag.  Her awkwardness continued as she left the church with him.  But I understood it - for as much as I can without being a widow - and I won't pretend to understand what that feels like. 


There are a lot of good THs from her and the conversation between her and Dorinda felt honest and true.  I hope it's not too hard on you. 


Welcome to the forum.

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