JocelynCavanaugh July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 1:47 PM, redgurl said: Am I the only person who heard Leah use the word "commode" last night? Or did I imagine that? She said it in the same sentence as "vomit." Very sophisticated. Edited July 17, 2015 by JocelynCavanaugh 3 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 1:47 PM, redgurl said: Am I the only person who heard Leah use the word "commode" last night? Or did I imagine that?No, that was indeed a thing that happened and I'm glad it did. On 7/17/2015 at 1:57 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said: She said it in the same sentence as "vomit." Very sophisticated.Excellent dinner conversation with Leah, as always. Edited July 17, 2015 by truelovekiss 6 Link to comment
Tatum July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 5:43 AM, Maharincess said: Poor Corey just looks beaten down. He's so concerned for his girls and it shows. Leah and her crazy pupils piss me off. I really need to stop watching this shit. I hate everybody except Corey and his family, Chelsea and her family and sometimes Barbara. Every other person and every other scene infuriates me for one reason or the other. I don't know why I continue to torture myself this way. I feel so sorry for Corey. That must be so hard knowing your ex is regularly high as a kite and is driving your kids around and providing no supervision when they're at home, and there being nothing you can do about it. That shit would keep me awake at night, wondering what kind of shenanigans two five year olds will get into while their mom lays on the couch oblivious. Corey must be on edge every time he knows Leah is getting in the car as well. I am glad to know that MTV finally stepped in and forced her to go to rehab, but we all know no 30 day program is going to cure Leah. It is advantageous though for Corey I think that there is now a paper trail to show Leah has a problem with addiction. 7 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I also felt for Vee. Yes, she had to know that sacrifices would need to be made when she got involved with someone who has a kid, but she probably wasn't expecting this. I think she is probably afraid that they're going to wind up chasing Kail around the country, as she moves from place to place to accommodate her new man and hide from her baby daddies. I was disappointed to see that Chelsea was talking crap about Adam and referring to Cole as a hot piece of ass in front of Aubree, that was bad. She's definitely the best of the lot of them, but she's not without fault. Also, did Adam bring a friend to Aubree's concert? It seems like if he can't bring a "porn star girlfriend" to hang out with, then he'll bring a loser friend. I get that he doesn't like Chelsea or her family, but it doesn't have to be a social situation. Take a walk around her school, meet her teachers and friends' parents, look at her artwork on the walls. 6 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 2:21 PM, Tatum said: I feel so sorry for Corey. That must be so hard knowing your ex is regularly high as a kite and is driving your kids around and providing no supervision when they're at home, and there being nothing you can do about it. That shit would keep me awake at night, wondering what kind of shenanigans two five year olds will get into while their mom lays on the couch oblivious. Corey must be on edge every time he knows Leah is getting in the car as well. I am glad to know that MTV finally stepped in and forced her to go to rehab, but we all know no 30 day program is going to cure Leah. It is advantageous though for Corey I think that there is now a paper trail to show Leah has a problem with addiction. Totally agree. I think the best thing for him to do is document everything. Ask the teachers, (and doctors and therapists) for attendance and progress reports. Ask if the girlses are tired or sluggish in the morning, if they go for a full day, ask what they have for lunch. He's their father, he has joint custody of them and he has a right to know. All he can do is be persistent. Maybe one day, it will dawn on the judge that if this guy has been consistently accusing his crazy looking strug out ex of abusing prescription drugs for years, there might actually be something to it. 6 Link to comment
WhosThatGirl July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Yeah Chelsea normally is good about not talking in front of Aubree but I guess she can have a few slips here and there. Adam is only fighting for custody because he likes to get a rise out of her. Aubree continues to be adorable. I somewhat get why at this age she gfts all excited when her dad shows up because she's a kid and its always fun to see your dad if you don't see him often or a lot. Soon she will grow up and Adam won't show up when he says he will and she will get it. Probably 7 Link to comment
monagatuna July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 2:42 PM, WhosThatGirl said: Yeah Chelsea normally is good about not talking in front of Aubree but I guess she can have a few slips here and there. Adam is only fighting for custody because he likes to get a rise out of her. Aubree continues to be adorable. I somewhat get why at this age she gfts all excited when her dad shows up because she's a kid and its always fun to see your dad if you don't see him often or a lot. Soon she will grow up and Adam won't show up when he says he will and she will get it. Probably She's a smart kid; she'll get it. My dad was the cool weekend dad for a long time and I actually moved in with him as a teenager. That was 20 years ago and I still give my mom tons of credit for not telling me the truth about how he was when we were talking about me moving with him. She knew his character but she also knew I had to see it for myself, and once I did, I felt terrible for what I'd put her through. Adumb is so awful (and will absolutely disappear when the MTV money dries up) that she'll catch on much faster than I did. My dad wasn't the best, but he's miles above Adumb, and way better at hiding his true colors. My heart breaks for Chelsea, though--and for future Aubs when she realizes what she's got for a dad. I liked Chelsea/Taylor's lawyer too. Seemed like a good guy. It does my heart good to see one of my kind really look out for his clients, and when he said "what matters is that you ladies are comfortable with it," it seemed that perhaps we may have a good one on our hands. Ultimately based on what little I know of family law, Chelsea is going to have a hard time keeping him away from Aubs totally, but--and sadly I think this may be best for Aubree and Paislee in the end--the problem will solve itself when MTV stops paying out and Adumb loses interest. 5 Link to comment
Primetimer July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 …but she did manage to get all of her hair the same color just in time for her court-ordered drug test. Read the story 4 Link to comment
ghoulina July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Quote Also, did Adam bring a friend to Aubree's concert? It seems like if he can't bring a "porn star girlfriend" to hang out with, then he'll bring a loser friend. I get that he doesn't like Chelsea or her family, but it doesn't have to be a social situation. Take a walk around her school, meet her teachers and friends' parents, look at her artwork on the walls. I remember at one of her soccer games last year he brought quite a few friends. It's like he can never go to any of her events alone. Have his parents ever made an appearance? 9 Link to comment
Lemons July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/11/2015 at 5:41 AM, DoctorWhovian said: You don't have to find out if you passed if you knew that you didn't take any illegal drugs. She looks way more relieved than someone who knew they were clean. Really! When she was going up the stairs to get the "results" of her test, she looked like a person waiting to see if her biopsy came back positive. And she had that happy euphoric reaction when a person finds out it's not cancer. So bizarre. She was obviously taking drugs. Not sure how she beat the test. 11 Link to comment
lovesnark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 12:35 PM, ghoulina said: Was it just me, or did Leah looked quite surprised and relieved at her drug test results? I'm just curious how much notice she was given before having to test? And how long do certain drugs stay in your system? Do they test for RX drugs? And what's the parameter there? I mean, many people do have legitimate prescriptions for pain pills and the like, how do these test determine if someone is abusing them? Or can they? Either way, we know the truth. Germy seems so over her, her crazy kids, and her constant drama with Cory. I bet he can't wait to go back to work. She did look shocked as hell that she passed. The test they used in her case looked for the presence of certain drugs, not the levels. Before she tested, she filled out a form declaring what prescriptions she's taking. She's told us she's taking something for anxiety, so that would cover benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, ativan, klonopin, etc) and pain pills for headaches. The pain pills would would account for the presence of opiates in her test. The lawyer did say they tested for heroin specifically and it wasn't present. So, I'd say she passed on a technicality. She was supposed to have benzos and opiates in her system because she has a scrip for them. Like I said upthread, I believe there's a 99% chance that she's eating her pills like candy and buying more when she runs out. I hope Corey did some research and/or his lawyer is aware of different testing methods that not only look for the presence of drugs but also measure the levels. Since Germy finally had enough and bailed, I'm hoping he and Corey got together to compare notes and demanded more sophisticated testing to keep their kids safe. If she's been buying pills, Germy would have a whole lot of unexplained missing money on his list of reasons to believe she's an addict as well. Pills on the street are quite spendy. Because of prescription drug abuse, the DEA has doctors under a microscope. A lot of family/general practitioners will no longer prescribe opiates long term and send their patients with a legitimate needs for these meds to docs that specialize in pain management. Pain management docs require their patients to sign a contract promising to not abuse their meds, to not sell them, to show up for random pill counts if requested and to provide a urine sample to make sure they're taking their meds like they're supposed to. It doesn't matter how debilitated a patient is. With the new laws, everyone is a potential junkie or dealer in the DEA's eyes. It's sad that people who live with chronic pain are now treated like criminals. 12 Link to comment
MissMel July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 3:05 PM, ghoulina said: I remember at one of her soccer games last year he brought quite a few friends. It's like he can never go to any of her events alone. Have his parents ever made an appearance? Barely. I remember a glimpse of his dad. Possibly at a birthday party. 1 Link to comment
FlowerofCarnage July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Ja I still calls himself Big Papi? More like Big Cabrón since all signs pointing to Kail cheating on him. 7 Link to comment
lovesnark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Referring to the toilet as the commode is very common in WV. I remember the first time I went back there to visit and my dear Auntie asked me if I needed to use the commode after the long car trip to the homeplace (also a very common term for the house you grew up in). I was like WTF is the commode? 2 Link to comment
Lemons July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 12:35 PM, ghoulina said: . And, let's be clear, while I don't think Jenelle "deserves" anything when it comes to Jace, Barb was acting like a 13-year-old. She wasn't keeping Jace from Jenelle for his own good or because Jenelle was engaging in dangerous behavior or anything. It was just personal because her feelings were hurt. It might be more like Barb needed a break from the abuse constantly hurled at her from Jenelle and decided to do something about it. Jenelle has not problem floating in and out of Jace's life when it's convenient for her. Barb doesn't get that luxury. How many times have we seen Jenelle come to visit Jace, fly into an explosive rage, storm out without even acknowledging Jace? If I was Barb, I would determine the hours and days that Jenelle can contact Jace by phone and when she can visit. That's it. If it's important to Jenelle, she will be there. Stop giving Jenelle the power to be abusive. Let her bitch and moan about it as much as she wants. And when Jenelle really does get that lawyer, let her show that lawyer how consistent she has been with Jace's visits. 22 Link to comment
lovesnark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 4:27 PM, Lemons said: It might be more like Barb needed a break from the abuse constantly hurled at her from Jenelle and decided to do something about it. Jenelle has not problem floating in and out of Jace's life when it's convenient for her. Barb doesn't get that luxury. How many times have we seen Jenelle come to visit Jace, fly into an explosive rage, storm out without even acknowledging Jace? If I was Barb, I would determine the hours and days that Jenelle can contact Jace by phone and when she can visit. That's it. If it's important to Jenelle, she will be there. Stop giving Jenelle the power to be abusive. Let her bitch and moan about it as much as she wants. And when Jenelle really does get that lawyer, let her show that lawyer how consistent she has been with Jace's visits. If I could like this post 1000 times, I would! Jenelle said they get Jace every other weekend. I guess Nipples couldn't have looked at the calendar and booked that trip on a weekend Jace was with Barb. It's not like either one of them has, you know, a JOB to worry about getting time off for a vacation. 8 Link to comment
alexa July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 And don't you love how relieved they both are to get away from the kids while also saying how they both need to get custody of their other kids? Most parents even if they appreciated the time away would actually miss their children, and not just keep reiterating how wonderful it is to be away. (esp with one as young as theirs) I agree with the above--Barb should have limits, and I was proud of her for ignoring Janelle. She probably had a much better day because of it. And it looked like her and Jace had some fun as well. This show frustrates me because we have to endure these episodes where everyone tries to convince us how fine their life is, when we know that will change in an episode or two. 9 Link to comment
chuckity July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 2:28 PM, truelovekiss said: I was disappointed to see that Chelsea was talking crap about Adam and referring to Cole as a hot piece of ass in front of Aubree, that was bad. She's definitely the best of the lot of them, but she's not without fault. Also, did Adam bring a friend to Aubree's concert? It seems like if he can't bring a "porn star girlfriend" to hang out with, then he'll bring a loser friend. I get that he doesn't like Chelsea or her family, but it doesn't have to be a social situation. Take a walk around her school, meet her teachers and friends' parents, look at her artwork on the walls. Chelsea wasn't though. Blame MTV's funky editing monkeys. When they were on the couch during this Cole's ass conversation as well as Adam being a douchebag, Aubree wasn't there. 6 Link to comment
Chicken Wing July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Jenelle, Jenelle, Jenelle. Why is she on my TV? Oh, yeah, because she brings the ratings. Well, she annoyed me last night, as per usual. Why must she throw a crying fit every time she's upset about something? Egads. She really didn't seem all that upset at the prospect of not seeing Jace for a week when she matter-of-factly explained her vacation plans to Barbara in last week's episode. And now that she's all in the mood to want to see him before she leaves, she freaks out that she can't. She'll never be any more than a part-time parent to him even if by some miracle she does get custody back - which I genuinely don't see happening. By the time Jenelle actually grows up and gets her shit together and keeps it together long enough and consistently enough for a judge, and Barbara, to deem her ready to have custody back, Jace will have already grown up. Nathan's proposal was so over the top and "Look at me! I'm the guy on the MTV show and I'm popping the question in front of a room full of strangers because I'm just that obnoxious!" Like others have said, it was more about him putting on a show than about professing his "love" to his would-be fiancee. I wish Kail and Javi would divorce already. They suck as people and as partners. I don't see this marriage lasting more than five years, tops. They are just awful to each other and have no clue how to communicate and just deal with stuff like normal people. And I actually found it annoying that Javi just up and drove to Philly or wherever the concert was. Like, dude, can't a girl just have a night out with her gals? Quit stalking her and wait until she gets home. His apology was hollow and useless. I noticed he didn't actually apologize for being controlling and not trusting her. Should he trust her? I have no idea. But that was the issue, and that's why she's mad, and he didn't do anything about that or offer any real suggestions over how they can bridge this issue they have. As for Jo and Vee, I feel for Vee. She wants to be with Jo, but she has a life here and she doesn't feel like she's in a place to move and his moving reasons aren't her moving reasons. It sucks, because it's not like he's being unfair or that she can complain about his decision. He's not moving just for the sake of moving where she can say, "What about me?" It's so he can be closer to his son. She can't really argue with that. Leah is high as a kite and I want to know what kind of voodoo magic she used to pass that drug test. That is all. Aubree's Christmas pageant was cute, but I do feel for the parents who have to stand there and suffer through that thing every year. It was kind of nice in the first few seconds but then it's just two dozen preschoolers shrieking at you out of tune and you just want to die. Aubree was sooooo cute. My only disappointment is that she didn't hold in her fart until Adam came and picked her up. How come Chelsea gets all huffy whenever anyone points out that Adam is here? Like, "Okaaaaay, stop talking about it" every single time. I know it's annoying that people to keep bringing it up like it's something that needs to be talked about. He's here, yay, so what? Stop making it about Adam showing up instead of about the thing that Aubree's doing. But she always gets so short and flustered and pissed the minute he shows up, whether with Taylor or Skank Girl or Random Friend Who Wants To Be On Camera or by himself. Just ignore him, and ignore the people commenting about him. She's making a bigger deal about it by acting upset, IMO. Chelsea teaming up with Taylor, essentially, is awesome. I f'loved the lawyer's reaction to Adam's 50/50 request. He's seen guys like him, and he's familiar with him specifically through the records, and that was immediately hilarious to him which was hilarious to me. Adam's totally just doing this for show and/or to get out of paying child support. It's kind of weird that Chelsea never made a bigger deal about the visitation stipulatiosn before, wasn't even quite clear on what the terminology was meant to enforce, when the Linds' caregiving is obviously a concern for her. I assume "general" supervision means that his parents have to be present, in the house or on the premises, when Adam is with Aubree, not that they have to stand over him and watch every second or anything, but they have to be there - meaning no, he can't take Aubree out on day trips without them. And Chelsea knew that much, but never made a big deal about it because she didn't want to be the person who makes a big deal and Vernon and Donna likely made her feel like she shouldn't. No more! Her child, her rules. Edited July 17, 2015 by Chicken Wing 8 Link to comment
politichick July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 12:41 PM, Elizabeth9 said: Big Papi is still pretty low on the totem pole in the military. I bet the sergeants enjoy telling him to go clean a toilet. I bet they are totally busting his balls after seeing what a wuss he is on TV, chasing after his boar of a wife who clearly is over his little ass. What a mess. And when Leah's kids were acting all crazy, I was like, I might be taking drugs, too. They are a hot mess. I don't blame Barb for ignoring Jenelle. She is probably way over the drama and yelling and if Jenelle really wanted to see her kid she might have not scheduled a vacation during the weekend she was supposed to have him without checking to see if Barb had made plans for her weekend off. Rather than have Jenelle do a drive-by,and upset Jace's equilibrium, she was wise to just occupy him with some fun stuff. That's one week he'll go to school feeling like his normal self, since he has behavioral problems after a visit to the nuthouse. Doesn't Adumb have to bring someone to him to these events because his license is always suspended? Liked the lawyer, though, and how things can work out unless one of them wakes up one morning all crazy in love with the jackass. 10 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 3:05 PM, ghoulina said: I remember at one of her soccer games last year he brought quite a few friends. It's like he can never go to any of her events alone. Have his parents ever made an appearance?I think his dad has a couple of times (was his name Vern?) But I would never be able to recognize him like Jo or Corey's parents. I don't think his mom ever made an appearance, and I can't blame her. I wouldn't want to be recognized nationally as the woman that birthed and raised that balding menace.I've noticed it on multiple reality shows, and I know sometimes it's probably so MTV can stage conversations, but it's crazy to me how these people just bring random friends EVERYWHERE. To every doctor appointment, lawyer consultation, to pick up the esthetician license, to pick the kid up from school, to the kid's games and concerts. For God's sake, do something by yourself. I'm sure there are times where they tell them to bring a friend so they can film a conversation, but I doubt anyone told Adam to bring his friend (who didn't speak) to the concert. The guy was probably just out MILF hunting again, like at the t-ball games. Edited because I just can't figure out how to spell esthetician. (I'm still not entirely sure this is right.) Edited July 17, 2015 by truelovekiss 2 Link to comment
Shelby July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 In several of these TM2 threads, I have seen the term scrip used. Scrip is an old accounting term. Script is short for a pharmaceutical prescription. (Courtesy of a decades old Accounting degree). 5 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 5:18 PM, Chicken Wing said: Nathan's proposal was so over the top and "Look at me! I'm the guy on the MTV show and I'm popping the question in front of a room full of strangers because I'm just that obnoxious!" Like others have said, it was more about him putting on a show than about professing his "love" to his would-be fiancee. Ugh. The other people in that room were lucky that Jenipples didn't knock the dishes off the table and start making out on top of it. It's probably happened somewhere by now. 2 Link to comment
Evie July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 4:15 PM, lovesnark said: She did look shocked as hell that she passed. The test they used in her case looked for the presence of certain drugs, not the levels. Before she tested, she filled out a form declaring what prescriptions she's taking. She's told us she's taking something for anxiety, so that would cover benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, ativan, klonopin, etc) and pain pills for headaches. The pain pills would would account for the presence of opiates in her test. The lawyer did say they tested for heroin specifically and it wasn't present. So, I'd say she passed on a technicality. She was supposed to have benzos and opiates in her system because she has a scrip for them. Like I said upthread, I believe there's a 99% chance that she's eating her pills like candy and buying more when she runs out. I hope Corey did some research and/or his lawyer is aware of different testing methods that not only look for the presence of drugs but also measure the levels.It sounded like they did a 5-panel test so benzos wouldn't have even been tested, I don't think. I had a family member addicted to benzos, and I see a lot of the signs in Leah. I wonder if Corey's lawyer tried to get further testing done. I would have given some of the footage that aired last season. Hey, Leah. You can't go back to the excused absence excuse when your lawyer told you to get your kids to school on time and Miranda will now be doing pick ups and drop offs every other week because you can't get your kids to school/PT. Jeremy looked over it during the custody conversation, but still, shut up. Agreeing that Corey shouldn't get more time with the kids because he works and Miranda would be the one taking care of them. Like Leah doesn't dump your kid off with a parade of babysitters while you're off working. 5 Link to comment
Tatum July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 5:35 PM, politichick said: I bet they are totally busting his balls after seeing what a wuss he is on TV, chasing after his boar of a wife who clearly is over his little ass. What a mess. On 7/17/2015 at 5:36 PM, truelovekiss said: I think his dad has a couple of times (was his name Vern?) But I would never be able to recognize him like Jo or Corey's parents. I don't think his mom ever made an appearance, and I can't blame her. I wouldn't want to be recognized nationally as the woman that birthed and raised that balding menace. You guys are killing me. I'm sitting here in my cube giggling and my coworkers probably think I'm crazy. And now they know I'm not working. ETA: "Boar of a wife" is an accurate description, which begs the question- what exactly DOES Kail bring to the table? She's not pleasant, she's not attractive, she's abrasive and bossy and manipulative, and she comes with a ton of baggage. Really, if Kail is cheating on Javi, Javi should be thanking the other guy. Also, I can't agree that Kail is "over" Javi because that would imply she was ever into him in the first place, which I doubt. Kail seems to look at a husband as a necessarily evil to bring in more income and have an on call babysitter when she wants to go out with her friends (not that I agree that dads "babysit" but that seems to be how Kail sees it), while having no actual input on household decisions or an opinion that isn't exactly what Kail tells him to think. Edited July 17, 2015 by Tatum 8 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 1:47 PM, redgurl said: Am I the only person who heard Leah use the word "commode" last night? Or did I imagine that? This link thinks it's a Southern thing, similar to how Americans call carbonated beverages different things around the country. My dad grew up in northern WV, moved out of the area early on to get his college education and still says "commode" sometimes. 1 Link to comment
fliptopbox July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 4:15 PM, lovesnark said: She did look shocked as hell that she passed. The test they used in her case looked for the presence of certain drugs, not the levels. Before she tested, she filled out a form declaring what prescriptions she's taking. She's told us she's taking something for anxiety, so that would cover benzodiazepines (valium, xanax, ativan, klonopin, etc) and pain pills for headaches. The pain pills would would account for the presence of opiates in her test. The lawyer did say they tested for heroin specifically and it wasn't present. So, I'd say she passed on a technicality. She was supposed to have benzos and opiates in her system because she has a scrip for them. Like I said upthread, I believe there's a 99% chance that she's eating her pills like candy and buying more when she runs out. I hope Corey did some research and/or his lawyer is aware of different testing methods that not only look for the presence of drugs but also measure the levels. Since Germy finally had enough and bailed, I'm hoping he and Corey got together to compare notes and demanded more sophisticated testing to keep their kids safe. If she's been buying pills, Germy would have a whole lot of unexplained missing money on his list of reasons to believe she's an addict as well. Pills on the street are quite spendy. Because of prescription drug abuse, the DEA has doctors under a microscope. A lot of family/general practitioners will no longer prescribe opiates long term and send their patients with a legitimate needs for these meds to docs that specialize in pain management. Pain management docs require their patients to sign a contract promising to not abuse their meds, to not sell them, to show up for random pill counts if requested and to provide a urine sample to make sure they're taking their meds like they're supposed to. It doesn't matter how debilitated a patient is. With the new laws, everyone is a potential junkie or dealer in the DEA's eyes. It's sad that people who live with chronic pain are now treated like criminals. Very true. I was prescribed certain anti-nausea meds (basically the THC pill, marinol) which involved signing a drug contract with my doctor. I only took it for 2 weeks (cos apparently my reaction to the pills was the same as if I'd actually smoked it, which I learned I can't like 15yrs ago, I get all shaky and paranoid and it makes me physically ill). So yes, doctors and patients are a lot more closely scrutinized these days than they used to be about many drugs. Which to me is funny cos my insurance fought me about filling a Lyrica script, but if it were for say - Percocet instead, they would've paid for it without question. So annoying! It's almost like they want you to become addicted. With a drug test where it just tests for the presence of certain types of drugs (and I'm not even sure benzo's were part of that one) then her script(s) basically void it out if those substances are found. Until they test her for the specific amounts her scripts saved her ass, regardless. If I were Corey I'd be furious too, cos she keeps skirting by...especially knowing she's out driving the girlses around high as a kite. I still don't buy that she has a regular script for narcotics for headaches though. Fioricet I think has a bit of something (a benzo maybe?) in it but any doctor will tell you taking narcotics regularly for migraines can bring on rebound headaches that are worse. Every once in a blue moon when I was working at a local family practice did I see someone come in with a migraine and get a shot of Toradol and a tiny amount (like 1ml) of morphine. Leah's not getting that at home, I can assure you...but I could totally see her taking entire bottles of Percocet/Vicodin/etc every few days or so. She ain't going broke filling Fioricet scripts. On 7/17/2015 at 4:27 PM, Lemons said: It might be more like Barb needed a break from the abuse constantly hurled at her from Jenelle and decided to do something about it. Jenelle has not problem floating in and out of Jace's life when it's convenient for her. Barb doesn't get that luxury. How many times have we seen Jenelle come to visit Jace, fly into an explosive rage, storm out without even acknowledging Jace? If I was Barb, I would determine the hours and days that Jenelle can contact Jace by phone and when she can visit. That's it. If it's important to Jenelle, she will be there. Stop giving Jenelle the power to be abusive. Let her bitch and moan about it as much as she wants. And when Jenelle really does get that lawyer, let her show that lawyer how consistent she has been with Jace's visits. So much this. I wonder next week if we're going to get the joys of Jenelle and Nips having that huge fight where she tells him she wishes he'd died in combat. Or whatever she was shrieking about. Such a disgrace. If I were him I'd have left her ass right then, but we all know Nips isn't any better than she is. He does get a couple of points for having served in the marines(?) and being previously employed....but dating Jenelle totally fucked that up. Makes me wonder if she was behind him claiming disability. On 7/17/2015 at 5:06 PM, chuckity said: Chelsea wasn't though. Blame MTV's funky editing monkeys. When they were on the couch during this Cole's ass conversation as well as Adam being a douchebag, Aubree wasn't there. Yup. And considering Aubree's age I don't think it matters much even if she did hear that conversation. Sure, it wasn't exactly nice but Aubree is too young to see what a douche her dad is right he's still the fun weekend dad no matter what she hears Chelsea or anyone else say. I was like that too when my parents first split and I only saw my dad sporadically. Chelsea has been complaining for awhile (over a year now I think) about Adumb's parents not properly supervising the visits, so it isn't exactly yay for her and Taylor for teaming up with that lawyer. I'm sure he's seen tons of guys like Adumb over the years and knows exactly what's up. He's as transparent as a piece of plastic wrap. He also still thinks he's god's gift. Last, I enjoyed seeing more of Cole and finding out he's just as big of a dork as Chelsea is. Does he have any single older brothers? Haha. Chelsea looks great too, she seems to have lost that "baby fat" look she had up until recently. She looks very grown up now, much more mature than the other 3 girls. It's also nice to see she hasn't wasted tons of money on ugly ass ink (Kail!). I love tattoos (and have plenty) but am so sick of these girls getting so much ugly-ass horrid ink done. Kail and Javi....why are they together again? SheHulk and Fishface deserve each other. It was nice to see Vee questioning Jo about moving. Very refreshing to see a girl finally taking herself and her needs into consideration, but unfortunately she will never win when it comes to being #1 in Jo's life. She does really love both Jo and Isaac though, and it's obvious. I'm glad they are still together and I bet it burns Kail's ass seeing them happy; not constantly fighting or having some sort of power struggle over petty shit. That's how relationships are supposed to work, not who has the upper hand or more dirt on the other. Edited July 17, 2015 by fliptopbox 4 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 4:27 PM, Lemons said: It might be more like Barb needed a break from the abuse constantly hurled at her from Jenelle and decided to do something about it. Jenelle has not problem floating in and out of Jace's life when it's convenient for her. Barb doesn't get that luxury. How many times have we seen Jenelle come to visit Jace, fly into an explosive rage, storm out without even acknowledging Jace? If I was Barb, I would determine the hours and days that Jenelle can contact Jace by phone and when she can visit. That's it. If it's important to Jenelle, she will be there. Stop giving Jenelle the power to be abusive. Let her bitch and moan about it as much as she wants. And when Jenelle really does get that lawyer, let her show that lawyer how consistent she has been with Jace's visits. YES. Oh my gosh, yes. It's just like Chelsea and Taylor's lawyer said when they were talking about Adam having supervised visits. If people want to see their kids, they will move mountains. You know how in home alone, the mom goes through all kinds of crazy stuff to get home instead of just waiting for the next plane? That's what real parents do. They don't wait for the next plane, or whatever is convenient for them. They hitch a ride with the polka band, or meet their kid at the court appointed visitation center. Jenelle and Adam aren't real parents, and haven't been in the 5+ years their kids have been alive. Also, in regards to Barb not answering the phone, what are the odds she was just busy? She works full time and raises the baby on her own. There have been times where I was at work and someone was calling me again and again and I would decline the call or answer it and hang up just to make it stop ringing (Like Jenelle said barb did) and then shut it off altogether. But what does Jenelle know about working, anyway? Maybe Jace fell and scraped his knee and she was putting a bandage on him. Maybe she brought him to Chuck e cheese and it was loud in there and she couldn't talk. Maybe she brought him to the movies. Or maybe she remembered that whenever Jenelle calls her, all she does is ask for more favors, yell at her and hurt Jace some more and she just wasn't up for it. Realistically, what was Jenelle going to do? She always says it takes like 2 hours to get there and that's why she stays for such a short time. She would have gone there, said "hey, bud. Guess what? Nathan and I are going on vacation! See you when I get back!" Then she would scream at Barbara about how Jace is her son, not Barb's, and leave. I honestly think Jenelle was more upset that she wouldn't have any footage of her with Jace at all this episode than she was about not seeing him. Was Kaiser even there or was he already shipped off to Nathan's mom? I don't remember if he was there at all. 14 Link to comment
kaypretzels July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 long time lurker, rare commenter. did the disingenuity of the proposal/reaction to proposal skeeze anybody else out? i'm wondering if jennelle and nathan decided to make it a spectacle in hopes that MTV would pay them for their wedding and they'd get some tabloid feature money out of it. 5 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 5:47 PM, Tatum said: You guys are killing me. I'm sitting here in my cube giggling and my coworkers probably think I'm crazy. And now they know I'm not working. ETA: "Boar of a wife" is an accurate description, which begs the question- what exactly DOES Kail bring to the table? She's not pleasant, she's not attractive, she's abrasive and bossy and manipulative, and she comes with a ton of baggage. Really, if Kail is cheating on Javi, Javi should be thanking the other guy. Also, I can't agree that Kail is "over" Javi because that would imply she was ever into him in the first place, which I doubt. Kail seems to look at a husband as a necessarily evil to bring in more income and have an on call babysitter when she wants to go out with her friends (not that I agree that dads "babysit" but that seems to be how Kail sees it), while having no actual input on household decisions or an opinion that isn't exactly what Kail tells him to think. Kail brings d-list notoriety and MTV money. And as hard as it is to believe, there are some girls out there (like, 8) that swoon over Big Papi and his "perfect" lips. (Barf.) So when they do break up, he'll probably have an easier time reeling in a new female. I totally agree with you on Kail's views on men as a necessary evil. I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted another child down the road (like in ten years) if she chose to go to a sperm bank, because that's as close as she can get to having someone that is solely hers. Yeah, she wouldn't get child support checks or a "babysitter," but she wouldn't have to spend every other Christmas without that child. On 7/17/2015 at 5:46 PM, cheatincheetos said: Ugh. The other people in that room were lucky that Jenipples didn't knock the dishes off the table and start making out on top of it. It's probably happened somewhere by now. Oh. My. God. Can Jenipples please be a thing? I'm dying over here. 2 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 5:06 PM, chuckity said: Chelsea wasn't though. Blame MTV's funky editing monkeys. When they were on the couch during this Cole's ass conversation as well as Adam being a douchebag, Aubree wasn't there. I will have to watch again, I'm not always very good at spotting the wonky editing. But why would they go out of their way to try to make her look worse? Most people like Chels a lot, but can still see her flaws. (Constantly running back to Adam and being obviously jealous whem he would get a new girlfriend, taking forever getting the ged/esthetician license, her dependence on Randy and the baby voice, to name a few.) Why would they go out of their way to make her look worse when they have Leah and Jenelle just being hot messes? I'm not trying to argue, I would actually like to believe the best for my girl Chelsea! Just genuinely curious, and wondering if anyone else has a theory why they would edit it like that. Link to comment
zenme July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Yeah. I did take notice of Leah's use of the word "commode." I'm surprised Leah doesn't use the word "shitter," or "can." Did anyone else see that when Adam walked into Aubree's event, Chelsea immediately reached for Cole's hand? Hmmm...well, I guess I gotta give to Randy. He's not a man who goes for the looks, does he? Yep. Not superficial in the least. We finally got a full on view of Mrs. Randylicious. Not what I would have expected. 8 Link to comment
FlowerofCarnage July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) On 7/17/2015 at 5:47 PM, Tatum said: You guys are killing me. I'm sitting here in my cube giggling and my coworkers probably think I'm crazy. And now they know I'm not working. ETA: "Boar of a wife" is an accurate description, which begs the question- what exactly DOES Kail bring to the table? She's not pleasant, she's not attractive, she's abrasive and bossy and manipulative, and she comes with a ton of baggage. Really, if Kail is cheating on Javi, Javi should be thanking the other guy. Also, I can't agree that Kail is "over" Javi because that would imply she was ever into him in the first place, which I doubt. Kail seems to look at a husband as a necessarily evil to bring in more income and have an on call babysitter when she wants to go out with her friends (not that I agree that dads "babysit" but that seems to be how Kail sees it), while having no actual input on household decisions or an opinion that isn't exactly what Kail tells him to think. I know people dont like to talk about this but I think Kail being white is all she needed to bring to the table as far as Javi is concerned. There a POC out there who look at having a white spouse/partner as an accomplishment and are willing to overlook whatever flaws or put up with certain behaviors that they would never put up with from someone of the same race/ethnicity as them. But then again, he could just be a labia-lipped famewhore as others have theorized. Edited July 17, 2015 by FlowerofCarnage 2 Link to comment
bohochickn July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 4:25 PM, lovesnark said: Referring to the toilet as the commode is very common in WV. I remember the first time I went back there to visit and my dear Auntie asked me if I needed to use the commode after the long car trip to the homeplace (also a very common term for the house you grew up in). I was like WTF is the commode? It's a mostly southern thing, I think. I'm from southern Va. and could count on my fingers the number of times I've used the world "toilet" instead of "commodes". Link to comment
kaypretzels July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 5:18 PM, Chicken Wing said: How come Chelsea gets all huffy whenever anyone points out that Adam is here? Like, "Okaaaaay, stop talking about it" every single time. I think she doesn't want him to overhear because that would feed his ego. He's probably talked a lot of shit about her and how she's obsessed with him, etc. and she doesn't want to add to that. I was just thinking about Leah's time out situation with the girlses-- I have a 2 1/2 year old and I don't want to be all "agh I am the best mother ever"-- I only have one kid, she's a doll, my husband is an outstanding coparent... BUUUT I have no idea why those kids were put into time out? She told the older one "no you can't have these I'll get you a different kind" her kid whined, kids whine-- it's annoying... I don't understand why she was put into time out for it? Leah escalated the situation unnecessarily. Making a big deal that her kids were being difficult so she had an excuse to stick them in the corner. I would have said-- "hey kid sorry you don't have the patience. it sucks having to wait, i understand that. but you can either sit here and whine and wait a second or you can go do something to distract yourself for a bit. want me to get you your coloring book while you wait?" yelling at her and putting her in time out certainly isn't going to teach her anything about patience. and the other kid was put into time out because she wouldn't eat her dinner? i'm a firm believer that most kids will eat when they're hungry. if they're over tired or have snacked all day they'll refuse food. that's okay. when they're hungry later you warm up the plate from earlier. "you're not hungry right now? i understand, we had those yummy crackers earlier. you still need to sit at the table with us while we finish our meal.-- if whining continues let them go have some time to themselves with a toy on the kitchen floor. (even though from the looks of it no one was sitting at the table so why would she have been expected to be there?). I try REALLY HARD not to judge other mothers but that was just lazy. She's totally overwhelmed, over medicated and I don't understand why she won't take the HELP offered by her children's FATHERS. 3 Link to comment
vmcd88 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Hilarious to hear Jenelle go on and on about how they needed to "get away" from all the stress of their everyday lives of taking care of kids. Really? She has had a newborn for all of 2 minutes and her son on the weekends. Can you imagine if Jenelle had a full-time job outside the home, a newborn and a young child all at the same time? She has no idea how hard it really is. In my mind, the thought bubble above Leah's head as she got her drug test results said "get the f*ck out of here, no way did I pass that drug test, I'm so getting high when I get home!" 5 Link to comment
zenme July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Quote How come Chelsea gets all huffy whenever anyone points out that Adam is here? Like, "Okaaaaay, stop talking about it" every single time. Quote I think she doesn't want him to overhear because that would feed his ego. He's probably talked a lot of shit about her and how she's obsessed with him, etc. and she doesn't want to add to that. I think that in the past she didn't want to talk about him because she still had a thing for him, and come to find out she had still been sleeping with him on occasion. I think she acted like that last night though because her mother brought Adam up while he was just standing a few feet away. Her mom could be like my mom and doesn't know how to adjust her voice volume very well. 5 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 4:51 PM, lovesnark said: If I could like this post 1000 times, I would! Jenelle said they get Jace every other weekend. I guess Nipples couldn't have looked at the calendar and booked that trip on a weekend Jace was with Barb. It's not like either one of them has, you know, a JOB to worry about getting time off for a vacation. Perhaps I misheard this, but when Jenelle called Barb to tell her about the trip, I got the impression Jace was supposed to be with Jenelle for part of the time they were going to be in St. Thomas. I thought I heard Barb say something about having to cancel or change some plans she had made so that Jace could stay with her the whole week - and that was why she was annoyed. Of course, Janelle never ASKED Barb if she would be available or whether she would mind taking Jace so that she could go on vacay - she just ASSUMED Barb would drop everything. And then Jenelle starts yelling at Barb to "shut up" and hangs up on her? Really? I have no words. 4 Link to comment
ghoulina July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Quote I know people dont like to talk about this but I think Kail being white is all she needed to bring to the table as far as Javi is concerned. There a POC out there who look at having a white spouse/partner as an accomplishment and are willing to overlook whatever flaws or put up with certain behaviors that they would never put up with from someone of the same race/ethnicity as them. But then again, he could just be a labia-lipped famewhore as others have theorized. Interesting. I never would have thought of that. My theory is that Javi is just one of those insecure people who put up with a lot of shit because they don't want to be alone. 2 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 7:00 PM, kaypretzels said: I was just thinking about Leah's time out situation with the girlses-- I have a 2 1/2 year old and I don't want to be all "agh I am the best mother ever"-- I only have one kid, she's a doll, my husband is an outstanding coparent... BUUUT I have no idea why those kids were put into time out? She told the older one "no you can't have these I'll get you a different kind" her kid whined, kids whine-- it's annoying... I don't understand why she was put into time out for it? Leah escalated the situation unnecessarily. Making a big deal that her kids were being difficult so she had an excuse to stick them in the corner. I would have said-- "hey kid sorry you don't have the patience. it sucks having to wait, i understand that. but you can either sit here and whine and wait a second or you can go do something to distract yourself for a bit. want me to get you your coloring book while you wait?" yelling at her and putting her in time out certainly isn't going to teach her anything about patience. and the other kid was put into time out because she wouldn't eat her dinner? i'm a firm believer that most kids will eat when they're hungry. if they're over tired or have snacked all day they'll refuse food. that's okay. when they're hungry later you warm up the plate from earlier. "you're not hungry right now? i understand, we had those yummy crackers earlier. you still need to sit at the table with us while we finish our meal.-- if whining continues let them go have some time to themselves with a toy on the kitchen floor. (even though from the looks of it no one was sitting at the table so why would she have been expected to be there?). I try REALLY HARD not to judge other mothers but that was just lazy. She's totally overwhelmed, over medicated and I don't understand why she won't take the HELP offered by her children's FATHERS. I think the whole time out thing was a show for the cameras. Leah seems like she's relatively aware of how people perceive her, and I'm positively certain she reads comments about her online. Jeremy has referenced it before on a Dr. Drew show, saying she works herself up and cries when she reads about herself. And then once pre-deer cam when there were fighting and he threatened divorce, she called her mom or sister and said, (this is a direct quote, as I remember it) "people's gonna mock because I'm gonna be divorced twice." That seemed like a reference more toward what lovely people like us would say, than a "what will the neighbors think?"kind of thing. Anyway, I've noticed that some things that people criticized her about she has "fixed." People say she never pays attention to Gracie, only Ali-girl and Aderall, so she took Gracie to get pedicures. (And talked to the girl doing her nails about Ali the whole time) People said her hair was ratty, she got it cut. People said her kids never sat at the table and ate, and she made them sit at the table and eat their McDonald's off paper plates, and sat Aderall on an overturned pot. This seemed to be a response to people saying Leah's kids run wild and she doesn't do anything about itm 7 Link to comment
ghoulina July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Quote I think she doesn't want him to overhear because that would feed his ego. He's probably talked a lot of shit about her and how she's obsessed with him, etc. and she doesn't want to add to that. Agreed. Plus, I think she got most annoyed when her mother was asking COLE about Adumb being there. That was just all kinds of awkward. Quote Perhaps I misheard this, but when Jenelle called Barb to tell her about the trip, I got the impression Jace was supposed to be with Jenelle for part of the time they were going to be in St. Thomas. I thought I heard Barb say something about having to cancel or change some plans she had made so that Jace could stay with her the whole week - and that was why she was annoyed. Of course, Janelle never ASKED Barb if she would be available or whether she would mind taking Jace so that she could go on vacay - she just ASSUMED Barb would drop everything. And then Jenelle starts yelling at Barb to "shut up" and hangs up on her? Really? You know, I think I totally missed that. But yea, I can understand being pissed about not being given any notice. Typical Jenelle. She only thinks about herself. 2 Link to comment
lovesnark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 7:08 PM, TwirlyGirly said: Perhaps I misheard this, but when Jenelle called Barb to tell her about the trip, I got the impression Jace was supposed to be with Jenelle for part of the time they were going to be in St. Thomas. I thought I heard Barb say something about having to cancel or change some plans she had made so that Jace could stay with her the whole week - and that was why she was annoyed. Of course, Janelle never ASKED Barb if she would be available or whether she would mind taking Jace so that she could go on vacay - she just ASSUMED Barb would drop everything. And then Jenelle starts yelling at Barb to "shut up" and hangs up on her? Really? I have no words. That's exactly what I was commenting on. Barb said she'd have to make different plans for Jace when Jenelle called her. Nipples knew that they were supposed to have Jace that weekend and just assumed Barb had nothing better to do. 5 Link to comment
truelovekiss July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 7:44 PM, lovesnark said: That's exactly what I was commenting on. Barb said she'd have to make different plans for Jace when Jenelle called her. Nipples knew that they were supposed to have Jace that weekend and just assumed Barb had nothing better to do. Exactly. If Nipples cared about getting Jace back as much as Jenelle claims he does, he wouldn't schedule their child free vacation for one of the few times they were scheduled to have Jace. I wonder how his visits with Emery were affected by this vacation. 2 Link to comment
DoctorWhovian July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Was anyone else silently laughing to themselves during Jenelle's "We're not even fighting so bad anymore" speech before the proposal knowing that this giant fight happens during the trip? Aubree is adorable. Her voice and then calling Paisley her baby girl? Just the best. Leah probably passed because either they didn't test for the drugs that she was taking or because she had prescriptions. And all her excuses for why splitting custody is bad are pathetic. Every time she tries to explain it, she barely makes a point. Why can't they do every other week? My cousin goes between his parents every two weeks during the summer and there's no school issue (parents are in different cities, so can't go to school from his dad's house). Get a calendar. You'll figure it out. (I would support her getting the every other weekends based on what I've seen, but generally I'm in favor of parents having 50/50.) Kail? Meh. You're annoying. Poor friends being stuck in the middle. Poor Lincoln and Isaac. 1 Link to comment
Maharincess July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 6:31 AM, GreatKazu said: My understanding is that they do cut from the root. We had this conversation on the Leah thread when someone posted the preview video. Now, if they did cut her hair from the bottom instead of the root, that is pretty fucking, hillbilly stupid and that would explain why she passed. Everyone knows you cut from the root/scalp. LOL And you asked me why I wanted to see this show come to an end? This is why ^^^^^^^ :-) The tempers flare up, the blood pressure rises, the curse words come out. We watch bitches, like Jenelle and Leah, claim they are "So stressed out!" over nothing!! swear, one day I will throw something at the television and then I will have to come up with an excuse to tell my spouse as to why the flat screen is busted. Fuck it. If Leah doesn't' want Cory's help, I will take him. I will take his dad, too. Aw hell. Give me Ryan's dad as well. I am happy as a clam that Chelsea and Adam's ex have gotten together. This is how one behaves like an adult. There was that time Chelsea was upset at that girl. Now, they are a tag team. You go girls!! I see in the preview that Kail is throwing out the divorce card again. Kail, just get the damn divorce already for the sake of the kids. How I wish Javi would call her bluff and tell her he agrees with a divorce. She won't get spousal support, she will no longer get benefits for herself, her life will turn upside down when she is left to figure out how she will do anything without help from him or his family. I don't want it cancelled just because I don't like it. I know a lot of other people like it. I just personally need to stop watching because it makes me so damn mad. Link to comment
ghoulina July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Quote Exactly. If Nipples cared about getting Jace back as much as Jenelle claims he does, he wouldn't schedule their child free vacation for one of the few times they were scheduled to have Jace. I wonder how his visits with Emery were affected by this vacation. I firmly believe Nips only "wants" Jace back to fuck with Barb. Next week shows him saying something like, "Your kid. Not my problem". He's so fucking gross. 4 Link to comment
jennypenny July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) To be fair, the scene with Chelsea and her mom could have been spliced together. There are times we see Mary and Chelsea sitting there without aubree. When Chelsea is talking about adam or Cole, it's just her face. Fancy editing tricks. Edited to note that I was late to the party and someone else noted this. Edited July 17, 2015 by jennypenny 2 Link to comment
cheatincheetos July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 6:28 PM, truelovekiss said: Oh. My. God. Can Jenipples please be a thing? I'm dying over here. Jenipples, the D-List Brangelina. 1 Link to comment
jennypenny July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Also, why was Leah drinking a mimosa at dinner? A nice dinner without kids, just adults, yet still need to play on their phones instead of you know, talking to each other. Go Janelle 1 Link to comment
Shelby July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 On 7/17/2015 at 8:42 AM, cheatincheetos said: It had more nutrients than her regular diet at Leah's. Maybe it's like those poor rural souls that have an addiction to eating clay soils because of malnutrition. This just did me in. I always, always so enjoy your clever sense of humor, Cheeto! On 7/17/2015 at 9:16 PM, jennypenny said: Also, why was Leah drinking a mimosa at dinner? She has developed a tolerance to her "headache medicine" and they don't give her the desired effect without a chaser? 2 Link to comment
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