Tara Ariano July 15, 2015 Share July 15, 2015 Another houseguest is evicted from the compound. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/
Skittl1321 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Had Clay revealed he was an Aggie football player? Or did Julie basically out him (along with him giving too much of an answer)? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332454
Ceeg July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Pet peeve: whoever is in charge of the subtitles spelled it "ya'll". Also, note to all future dude houseguests: for the love, if you're up for eviction, please wear a shirt that isn't going to show your sweat stains. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332466
nottopbravo July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Allison Grodner: "Goodbye Jessie,..... Hello Austin!" 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332470
ByaNose July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Let the Pagong begin. This is going to be a very predictable season. Let me guess....Clay, Vanessa & Austin won't be nominated. Yawn!! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332478
justjen July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I just realized that Steve reminds me of Nick Szalinski from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (the movie, not tv show). 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332480
vb68 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Ok Steve genuinely surprised me with that vote. Hope it doesn't come back to bite him. And now I'm wondering if Liz will try to get Austin out. Probably not, but I think she could try to get Shelli to go that way! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332481
Callaphera July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 So, no Takeover this week? Just 90's week? I liked that one dancer's gold MC Hammer outfit. The vote didn't go down the way I expected it to. I was thinking that there was going to be another hinky vote from Audrey and I didn't think that Steve would vote for Jeff to stay. The numbers were what I had expected, but not the people who voted that way. The twin twist becomes less fun on the live show now that the house thinks or knows that Liz and Julia are switching out. Jeff's lack of reaction just makes the dual goodbye messages fall flat. And Liz. Ugh. She did not come off well in those DR sessions. I definitely prefer Julia. Austin was eye-rollingly bad in his DRs, too. True/False didn't last very long for this group. Julie was really stretching for time at the end there when she was asking them those awkward questions. Also, if the shower is that disgusting? Clean it. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332485
ByaNose July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Too bad Julie didn't make them nominate right the & there LIVE. Now, that would be good tv. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332496
NYGirl July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Austin is starting to scare me in a Caleb sort of way. Of course the people we want to win HOH aren't even trying to win it so that's why they will get pagonged. They don't even know it either..that's the sad part. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332499
Donny Ketchum July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Jackie voting for Jeff to stay was a given. I already knew that John likely would, as well. I'd like to know what got into Liz and Steve to make them vote for James, as well. Jeff took his eviction pretty well, to his credit. And his interview with Julie was pretty funny. Liz and Shelli are HoH? Liz I can deal with to truly see where her head is it, but Shelli again? Damn it. I don't dislike her, but her being safe means Clay is, too, and . . . ugh. I hope Liz's nominees remain on the block, whomever they turn out to be. I can't believe how many of the houseguests crapped out on that last question. Anyone watching would've seen one of the female dancers put down the boom box first! Interesting episode. Hoping there isn't a full Pagonging of the other side. Meg, Jason, James, or Jackie were the one hope for that not happening, and Jason and James crapped out quickly, Meg lost on the second question, and Jackie got tripped up by the last question. Let's see what they can do this week. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332504
ByaNose July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Hopefully, AG can rig the game this week. Of course, she's never done this before but I will turn my head when she does. LOL!!! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332512
Chrissytd July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 So the Takeover is the 90s? I initially thought Liz's vote was a mistake but judging by her goodbye message that probably wasn't the case. The last 10 minutes were basically filler. I hope Austin doesn't become Caleb 2.0. With one side of the house in power, Jason/James are most likely the target, and possibly Audrey. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332531
Dewey Decimate July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 There's no way half the house intentionally threw that comp, right? But how else to explain it?! The first two questions were gimmes! Either they're incredibly unobservant and borderline dumb or they're silly little rabbits who assume they're safe. Sheesh. Loved Jeff calling out Austin as "creepy". His parting interview was the most I've liked him. The pessimist in me is bummed at another week of Shelli/Clay and their allies. The optimist in me remembers the unexpected twin vote (for the opposite person they claimed in the g'bye message!) and thinks Lulia could pull some crazy shit, depending on who's actually in the house on nomination night. Fingers crossed! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332556
Snaporaz July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Jeff was right on about Austin being creepy. He's treating Liz like she's his property. She needs to shut that down asap. Liz's goodbye video was confusing...she acted like she didn't vote to keep Jeff. ETA: or What Dewey Decimate said! Edited July 17, 2015 by Snaporaz 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332571
Wandering Snark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Wow, Jeff even got a tear when talking to Shelli. Impressive. Vile. But impressive. Not as bad as using the 'twin secret' (the worst kept secret in the house at this point so what's it really worth??) to try and get cuddle time, that's just pathetic and wrong. No wonder he and Jackie aren't dating, she knows what a scumbag he is. "I might sacrifice my life in this game to fulfill the emptiness that's been in my heart." Wow. Wow Wow Wow (as Gordon Ramsey would say...) Oh Austin... now do believe; he is a Claymate... Poor Jackie, but maybe you have no other friends in the house because you aren't ya know, talking to people and stuff. It's all you have to do all day! And I'm sure Steve is always up for a convo (or a non-requited hug) c'mon and get out there and mingle!! Maybe some day you'll be on TV even!! *sighs* Meanwhile James can really chow down huh? I wonder if he's one of those 'eat when I get stressed' people. Seems every time the camera turns to him he's scarfing something down. "Becky has been playing a 'quiet' game." Is that like when you were trying to get kids to calm down you ask them to show you who can be quiet the longest? I pictured Becky sitting alone out in the yard in a corner by herself... playing The Quiet Game. I have to admit the twin thing gives me a soft spot for Liz but I'm just not sure if I like her all that much, more the idea of her and her twin than the actual twins themselves. ETA: I love how they were all drinking Gatorades to recover after that grueling HoH comp. I always think that this really sucks for people that don't get to do what they were told they would on TeeVee. I hope there was just one group of dancers, because if there were two one group practiced a routine nobody will ever see... Edited July 17, 2015 by Wandering Snark 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332603
Turtle July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 The more I think about Liz's goodbye message, the more I am convinced she totally screwed up her vote. I doubt she meant to vote to evict James, because it just makes no sense, and I'm not even sure she realizes that she did so. But, boy- she did not come off well in this episode. Austin came off much worse, though. Creeper. Had Clay revealed he was an Aggie football player? Or did Julie basically out him (along with him giving too much of an answer)? He told them all a while back but he doesn't talk about it much and no one seems to care. Pet peeve: whoever is in charge of the subtitles spelled it "ya'll". Also, note to all future dude houseguests: for the love, if you're up for eviction, please wear a shirt that isn't going to show your sweat stains. Yep. That spelling infuriates me to a degree that is neither rational nor explicable. Why would it be spelled that way??? I mean, hell, consider isn't, can't, s'more, o'er, ne'er -- there is a reason why it's spelled "y'all"!!!!!! Pit stains happen, I know. I get them sometimes too; sometimes we all get hot or nervous or whatever. But if I knew I was going to be on TV, I'd make an effort to avoid and/or hide them. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332716
North of Eden July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Jeff may have appeared clueless during the game but he sure had Austin's number allrighit...they guy is creepy and the psycho vibes wafting off of him can probably be sensed all the way to Tejuana. At least it was made clear tonight that all of Austin's postering about Jeff being a big threat was just a smoke screen to eliminate a romantic rival. G-Damn...he was even jealous of Steve at one point! It's sad..very sad that the Sixth Sense is once more the HOH. Their stranglehold on the game is starting to rival Derrick's last summer and that completly ruined BIG BROTHER 16. Let me guess...Meg,Johnny Mac and Jason will be put on the block along with James who is the target. Johnny Mac will be convinced to throw the competition which he will. There will be more half hearted discussions about back dooring Audrey-James goes home next week. Wash rinse and repeat until Jason, Meg,Jackie and Steve are gone is some order. HO HUM. But thank you BB for sparing us the Johnny Mac show tonight. BY necessity Jeff's nomination forced them to give Jackie screen time or else we would have heard nothing from her tonight. Even Julie Chen wants to throw shade on her invisibility. Blame AG and her editors for giving everyone's screen time to Johnny Mac and the Six Sense cretins. LOL as Julie was channeling Phil's desperate attempts at the TAR mat to probe for a love connection from team JJ....the bust of that concept nearly echos the Family Edition. Edited July 17, 2015 by North of Eden 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332729
Lady Calypso July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 It might be that Liz changed her mind at the last minute to get rid of James instead. I think her last DR about manipulating Jeff (and her crush on him probably) made it clear that she was on the fence. Although Julia probably wanted to get rid of Jeff, Liz was the more hesitant one and I would imagine if it had been Julia voting, the vote would have been different. I am so here for all these strong female players. Like, this is the most wins the females have won compared to last season. And three males being on the block by Vanessa's hand? That hasn't happened in years. So I'm happy for Liz/Julia and Shelli to have won HOH (but come on, almost all the guys got out in the first round) but I also agree that their nominations might be predictable. Now, if Liz/Julia (mostly Julia) can get a clue about Austin's creepy possessive nature toward them (nobody gets between me and my twins...ok, Rachel....also how can Liz choose to get into bed with him? Really?), perhaps some sparks will fly this week. But, I'm leaning toward that not happening and it's a shame; I've come to realize how much I dislike Austin now. Julie's shade will never get old. The last three seasons now have basically been Julie shading certain houseguests and I love it. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332812
Katesus7 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I have the utmost confidence that when Liz said she voted to evict James, she clearly knew she was voting to evict James. The goodbye messages are taped days before, and just the fact she voted to keep Jeff doesn't mean she expected to keep Jeff. Maybe others are on to Audrey's hinky vote game, and have decided to try it out themselves. That said, I want Julia to switch back in the house and nominate her twin for eviction. I like Julia, she seems cool. Liz seems vapid and awful. Austin is hella creepy. And I've resigned myself to the fact that Shelli and her teeth are going to be on my screen for the rest of the season. Tonight's episode could've used more Johnny Mac :) 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332815
MrsMommy July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 What happened to the twins voting together like in the first episode? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1332846
Turtle July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) I don't remember liz's goodbye message but by the posts on here it seems that it didn't coincide with her actual vote. MAYBE she said what she said because julia was in the DR with her and she doesn't want julia to know that she actually voted for James. I readily admit I could be wrong about Liz unintentionally to vote to evict James. I just don't know why she would do it unless she a) wanted to stir up some shit by having *two* hinky votes cast (assuming there'd already be one like there has been every week), b) thought enough people had flipped and Jeff would stay, or c) has zero sense of self preservation in the game. Or maybe some weird combination of those reasons. The Vanessa alliance is her best chance to stick around until her twin enters the game, and the Jeff & Austin situation was definitely complicating matters. I just don't get why she would flip. But again, happily acknowledge I could be totally wrong. ETA: could be me being wrong again, but I'm pretty sure they do individual DR sessions in addition to the twin swap. Just guessing, but I think the twin who has been in the house does DR and then they bring in the other to do the info exchange, so I think it's likely they don't hear each other's DRs. Edited July 17, 2015 by Turtle 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333065
Callaphera July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Goodbye messages can theoretically be done in the DR anytime after the Veto ceremony is complete and the two nominations are solid, but I think they're usually done a day or so before the live show. Jeff or someone could have easily swayed her before then. You'd think that they would re-tape them if they think the vote is switching but maybe they didn't have a head's up and she kept quiet or she changed her mind at the last moment. Still, it was kind of odd. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333088
Nite Ryder July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 A 90's takeover twist? Are they going to party like last week but instead like it's "1999?" I am so here for all these strong female players. Like, this is the most wins the females have won compared to last season. And three males being on the block by Vanessa's hand? That hasn't happened in years. A vast improvement from last year's crop of females, I think I read Vanessa's HOH was the first time in 25 evictions that a female nominated 3 males. That boggles the mind it's taken this long. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333092
Turtle July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) I mean the DR where they taped the goodbye message. Liz was sitting there, started the goodbye and julia was off to the side then came into view and helped finish the goodbye. Oh, got it. But the message was still a little weird given the context, I thought. And now I have to contradict myself- maybe they all film goodbye messages for both nominees, just in case. Edited July 17, 2015 by Turtle Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333098
Wandering Snark July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) I like Julia, she seems cool. Liz seems vapid and awful. That's the way I'm leaning with them as well. Remember Julia saying she wasn't going to play the dumb blonde game and be flirty and stupid. Liz tonight came off terribly, and it fits in line with her being the one that said the other women would be jealous of her in her intro interview (can't remember exactly what/when but remember it being a reason I thought she might annoy me in the house). ETA: She is also the only one in the credits that's in her bikini in the intros, like everyone else got the 'don't do swimwear like we said earlier' memo but her. Who else, well that would be Austin who is just wearing some board shorts in the intro! So... of course psycho Austin/Judas would choose Liz to be the one who "fulfills his heart". They may just be a perfect match. Edited July 17, 2015 by Wandering Snark 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333142
DAngelus July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Of course the people we want to win HOH aren't even trying to win it so that's why they will get pagonged. "We"? I don't know about you, but I was thrilled to see Pervy James, Bitter Jason and Enabler Meg go out almost instantly. And the twins are safe for another week, and it appears that cool-headed Julia will be the one in the house until after Veto, perhaps after the Veto ceremony. I'm sorry for your disappointment, but I'm feeling the Zeta love over here. I do give Jason points, though; that was a lovely fake smile he had on when Liz/Shelli were being congratulated. Not that it would fool anybody (not that he was really trying to do that, I think), just the look of benign resignation he had on behind the smile warmed my heart a bit. If he keeps that up, I might stop wishing for his eviction this week. Heck, the only reason I want Meg to stay is because I enjoy Wil Heuser's impression of her so much; I can be swayed. Really, as long as Johnny Mac doesn't somehow wind up in the crosshairs, I'm good. And I think the only person who legitimately threw the comp was Steve. He's pretty sure he's safe this week; hence the hinky vote that everyone will assume was Audrey still up to her old tricks. Hoping he's right about that. Out of celebs (or, in "Gronk"'s case, "celebs") for the takeovers already? Lame. But then, so was the whole idea. JMO. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333181
Nashville July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 So the Takeover is the 90s? I'm halfway wondering if TPTB are having to deal with one or more Takeover "sponsors" defections. We'll know if the Takedowns start occurring every other week.... What happened to the twins voting together like in the first episode? I *think* they're swapping twins every 3 days; if that is the case, the twin switch wouldn't coincide with the eviction vote again until the Week 4 eviction. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333211
le bordel chaud July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Steve and Liz voting against the house was pretty shocking. It seems like it's been seasons since this has happened. I imagine Vanessa is losing her mind as I type this LOL. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333222
DAngelus July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 it appears that cool-headed Julia will be the one in the house until after Veto, perhaps after the Veto ceremony. Wow, after a rewatch, it's clear I had a problem with the math. ("What part?" "The math." [No, that never gets old.]) We know that Liz replaced Julia after last Thursday's live show (we saw this in the Sunday show) and in tonight's episode, Julia tells Liz that "they" know Julia re-entered on Sunday (three days after Thursday). So, assuming another 3-day cycle, the switch we saw in this episode took place on Wednesday, and Liz will be in the house until Saturday. Thus she will be the twin doing the nominations on Friday, and most likely the one competing in Saturday's Veto competition (should she stay as sole HoH). Julia would have the responsibility of any renom/backdoor decisions, though. My bad. I'm rather surprised that the Wednesday switch means that most of this episode happened on Thursday morning (the live show starts at 6.00 PM PT, and the HGs are locked in/prepping for it for most of Thursday afternoon). That's some pretty fast work from the editors there, not to mention their getting two separate DR sessions out of Liz (one where she wears the orange top, one where she's in green) in less than 24 hours. Interesting. I guess we still can't talk about some of the other reasons some fans (including me) were glad to see the last of Jeff, even though he's been evicted (this is still a non-feeds thread), but I would encourage folks to google "Jeff Weldon" if you have a curious mind. Although I guess I'm just, er, beating a dead horse there, honestly. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333284
Skittl1321 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 maybe they all film goodbye messages for both nominees, just in case. I'm almost certain they do. That way you can say goodbye to allies or taunt enemies. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333426
ghoulina July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I was pretty pleased with this vote. I was expecting all Jeff votes, but Jackie. It's always nice to see people voting on their own and not with "the house". I was a bit confused by Liz going against her alliance and voting for James, though. What was that all about? Having the sudden hots for Jeff? It was interesting that John voted for James, given that he has helped the Sixth Sense people out quite a bit at this point. What that tells me is that the SS is using him to do their dirty work, but not cluing him on their actual strategy. He originally thought they wanted James out, because that's why he was instructed to throw the BOB. They must not have told him they changed their minds. That or John just doesn't care to do everything their way. He'll go along to get along, but is also going to consider his own game. And perhaps he sees James as a bigger threat because he's more intelligent than Jeff (not saying much) and not ruffling as many feathers as Jeff either. Interesting. During Jeff's exit interview, Julie seemed to take great umbrage at the idea of Jackie winning. Loved it! Not happy with the Sorority Sister HOH. Blargh. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333482
Primetimer July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 A player who's been trying to get in bed with the wrong people all summer finally takes it too far. Read the story Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333632
Setra July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) "Becky has been playing a 'quiet' game." Is that like when you were trying to get kids to calm down you ask them to show you who can be quiet the longest? I pictured Becky sitting alone out in the yard in a corner by herself... playing The Quiet Game. Until she voted, I thought maybe Becky had crept off the show unnoticed. I haven't seen her in a week! Edited July 17, 2015 by Seestra1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333638
Jesse July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I don't understand why it's not a bigger deal that they keep bringing strangers into the house! I know they don't get to interact, but still. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333740
Gregg247 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I'm surprised CBS isn't lining up the stars of their current and (especially) new shows to do these Takeover things. The whole point of BB in the summer is to get young 18-49 year old viewers to find out about their Fall shows. What better way to push that agenda than to have the actors from these shows participate in BB hijinks? And if these actors' agents couldn't get them contractually immune from appearing on Big Brother, then too bad for them! 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1333856
LoneHaranguer July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I'm surprised CBS isn't lining up the stars of their current and (especially) new shows to do these Takeover things. Appearing for a Takeover probably conflicts with the shooting schedule for those shows. Remember Julia saying she wasn't going to play the dumb blonde game and be flirty and stupid. Yes, and I recall an earlier one where Julia agrees "to be Liz now" with a mocking "doofus" tone in her voice. Liz looked surprised to win HOH. I'm not sure she wanted to win, as it could make it tougher for the twins to keep each other up on what's going on. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334118
iMonrey July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 They did this last year during BotB, and I still can't figure it out: what would have happened if only Liz or Shelli had gotten that last question right? How would they have decided the 2nd HoH if everyone else got disqualified on the same question? The show has been awfully lucky - twice now - that two people were left standing in the end. I get a kick out of Liz and Julia squabbling like typical sisters in the DR, but I have a strong feeling that once they're both in the house, the same fate awaits them that befell Adria and Natalie back in BB5. I think they're going to immediately become targets and bring about their own undoing. That vote Liz gave to save Jeff was very telling. She really isn't all that tied to the "sixth sense" alliance beyond getting past the fifth eviction. Once she and Julia are both in the house they're probably going to do their own thing and might actually nominate Austin or Clay or someone else in their supposed alliance. Then be promptly booted out themselves. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334460
njbarmaid July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) Love all the girls with the hair extensions, when they go in to vote and pull their hair forward, when they get up to leave you see the extensions in the back of their heads. Kinda missing the feeds last year where Victoria spent hours in the middle of the night cleaning her real hair and extensions. Edited July 17, 2015 by njbarmaid 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334537
Donny Ketchum July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Until she voted, I thought maybe Becky had crept off the show unnoticed. I haven't seen her in a week! What? Becky was the Veto Competition host this week. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334665
Donny Ketchum July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I get a kick out of Liz and Julia squabbling like typical sisters in the DR, but I have a strong feeling that once they're both in the house, the same fate awaits them that befell Adria and Natalie back in BB5. I think they're going to immediately become targets and bring about their own undoing. That vote Liz gave to save Jeff was very telling. She really isn't all that tied to the "sixth sense" alliance beyond getting past the fifth eviction. Once she and Julia are both in the house they're probably going to do their own thing and might actually nominate Austin or Clay or someone else in their supposed alliance. Then be promptly booted out themselves. Sounds like part and parcel of what Adria and Natalie did. Had a perfect alliance of eight that could've carried them past the remaining two Horsemen, instead chose to nominate someone from their own alliance for some inexplicable reason, and then got evicted in the next two weeks. The division they caused was so great, their entire alliance crumbled throughout the remaining weeks and caused the last two Horsemen to end up as the F2, essentially ruining BB5 when they did that. I actually don't see Liz and Julia doing the same thing. They don't seem as smart as Adria and Natalie. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334686
iMonrey July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 I actually don't see Liz and Julia doing the same thing. They don't seem as smart as Adria and Natalie. Isn't that contradictory? What Adria and Natalie did was stupid, so if Liz and Julia seem less intelligent aren't they even more likely to do something stupid like turn on their alliance? Under any circumstance they would already be a big target because suddenly there's two of them working together, but I think the twin thing somehow hurts them more if they pull away from everyone else and just start babbling at each other all the time in seclusion. That's what really killed the previous twins, they just sort of isolated themselves from everyone else once they were both in the house. Not saying that'll happen with Liz and Julia, but Liz voting to evict James instead of Jeff certainly suggested an independent streak when she's supposed to be aligned with the "sixth sense." 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334851
Nashville July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 (edited) They did this last year during BotB, and I still can't figure it out: what would have happened if only Liz or Shelli had gotten that last question right? How would they have decided the 2nd HoH if everyone else got disqualified on the same question? The show has been awfully lucky - twice now - that two people were left standing in the end. The HG left standing would be the first HoH. The HGs who got knocked out in the previous round would return and play until there was a single winner, who would be the second HoH. Edited July 17, 2015 by Nashville 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1334982
LoneHaranguer July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 The HGs who got knocked out in the previous round would return and play until there was a single winner, who would be the second HoH. Actually play in these kinds of comps tends to be limited before going to a tie-breaking question, closest number wins (e.g. in seconds, how long did the performance last?). Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1335342
Nashville July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 Actually play in these kinds of comps tends to be limited before going to a tie-breaking question, closest number wins (e.g. in seconds, how long did the performance last?). Yeah, if the comp drags on long enough to develop a time crunch. In this case, however, I don't think that would have been anywhere NEAR an issue. I got the distinct impression the comp finished in about half the time Production had allotted, and TPTB were scrambling to pad out the time slot. :) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1335804
DAngelus July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 (edited) BB5 OT: Sounds like part and parcel of what Adria and Natalie did. Had a perfect alliance of eight that could've carried them past the remaining two Horsemen, instead chose to nominate someone from their own alliance for some inexplicable reason, and then got evicted in the next two weeks. The division they caused was so great, their entire alliance crumbled throughout the remaining weeks and caused the last two Horsemen to end up as the F2, essentially ruining BB5 when they did that. So, instead of having the "pinky-swear" alliance turn on them immediately after Adria's HoH, if Adria had only carried through "the plan" and gotten Drew evicted, the Fitness Twins could have had a whopping one more week of safety until their "allies" decided they were too powerful as a pair and evicted them. (Assuming the rest of the group didn't decide that Cowboy was so pathetic they could get him out any time, and go after the twins immediately, as "threats".) What a screw-up, huh? I have no problem with Adria looking to hold on to the tighter "Twin Town" alliance with Drew and Diane by putting up a different pawn against Cowboy, one whom the Will/Nakomis/Marvin/Karen group wouldn't vote out as they would have axed Drew. Trying to position yourself between two alliances is a pretty good tactic if you're seen as a big threat; hopefully people want you on their side, rather than trying to get rid of you out of fear. So I thought it was wise of Adria to put Nurse Will up as a pawn; it was a chance to see if her "alliance" really trusted her, or if they were looking to dump her because she'd been concealing the Twin Twist for the first five weeks. When Will threw the hissy fit of all time and ran around the house calling her all sorts of vile things, it pretty much confirmed that the twins were right not to trust him and Adria was right to send him to the Jury House, where he got to continue to be an enormous baby and spill more and more venom. The Twins' undoing, IMO, was not going with Twin Town per se, but that the seemingly-stronger alliance muffed the next two HoHs, with Nakomis and Marvin winning instead, and that they didn't get a stronger commitment to the alliance out of Drew, resulting in Natalie going home the next week when the votes were there to save her after the Veto. (Logically, it should have been Adria/Drew/Diane voting to evict Cowboy and save Natalie [with Karen and Marvin on the losing side of the 3-2 vote], but the Twins' new alliance proved no more loyal to them than their old one had, and Drew insisted on keeping his pet goat instead. And Diane happily obeyed him, because she knew there was no way he'd ever choose Cowboy over her…I mean, Drew would have to be gay to resist your charms, right, Diane?) All JMO, and with benefit of hindsight, of course. Edited July 18, 2015 by DAngelus Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1336099
Setra July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 What? Becky was the Veto Competition host this week. See? I didn't notice her. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1336975
Eolivet July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 I can't believe that after a year under Derrick's thumb and beyond, people finally, finally figured out that "the house" is not an actual player in this game. "The house" cannot be voted out, "the house" cannot win competitions, "the house" has no alliances. "The house" is an inanimate structure in a game made up of actual people with their own games, needs, wants, and interests. A 7-4 vote. Will wonders never cease! 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1337937
Kris117 July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 My favorite moment of this episode was watching Jeff huddle into the grey Hoodie of Shame and Repentance and even try to conjure up a few tears as he tried to talk Shelli (the"emotional" player) into saving him. It makes me chuckle every time I picture it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/29041-s17e11-episode-11/#findComment-1339435
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