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"In A World....." Movie and TV Show Trailers

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Is it just me -  every time I see that Legend preview with 2 Tom Hardys as the Krays... all I can think of is "DINSDALE!!!" as poor Dinsdale Piranha (In between nailin' peoples heads the floor) is pursued by a 5 story tall semi-imaginary hedgehog named Spiny Norman.


Monty Python did a fab sketch that only later did I realize was based on the super violent real-life gangsters. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=AwrBT7ipFt9V2oMAOP_xlcoF;_ylu=X3oDMTEyMDY3ZTlvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTAxMjRfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=dinsdale+piranha&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Ddinsdale%2Bpiranha%26callback%3DYUI.Env.JSONP.yui_3_18_0_4_1440683679392_677%26tmpl%3DISRCHA%253AA0124%26ei%3DUTF-8&fr=%26fr%3Dyfp-t-611&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.29qytKhFNVAAEop0%252fiCl3g%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D2jmnspyj-eY&tit=The+Piranha+Brothers+Part+1&l=518&vid=fb294dbfb595f1751a44444f00e40bd3&sigr=11bu934kv&sigb=145kuo94r&sigt=10r6tffju&sigi=121bm1f9j

Edited by crowswork
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Is it just me -  every time I see that Legend preview with 3 Tom Hardys as the Krays... all I can think of is "DINSDALE!!!" as poor Dinsdale Piranha (In between nailin' peoples heads the floor) is pursued by a 5 story tall semi-imaginary hedgehog named Spiny Norman.


Actually, there were only two Kray brothers, Ronald and Reginald. There was a previous movie called The Krays, made back in 1990, with real-life brothers Martin and Gary Kemp playing Reggie and Ronald respectively. The Kemps were also well-known for starting the band Spandau Ballet.

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I really need The Intern to open so they will stop showing that damn commercial.  And I really hope ot fails miserably.  The commercial makes me so freakin' stabby I hurt myself lunging for the remote.  From the schmaltzy dialog to Anne Hathaway's saccharine smile, I cannot take it. How much did they pay De Niro to appear in this garbage?  Grrr.

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Did I really just see a commercial with a grandmother cajoling her grand daughter to climb inside the oven to clean it.  And the dumbass (teenage) grand daughter being dumb enough to do it.  And the (teenage) grand daughter actually fitting in the oven.  And the grandmother closing her in like something out of Hansel and Gretel.  The hell?


I just saw a commercial for some show on GSN that contains "real audio" of contestant on the show played over a black screen.  It literally sounded like someone on a 911 call while they were being attacked.  Seriously it was like something on Dateline or something Nancy Grace would spend weeks analyzing.  It was not something that said "game show" or "something I'd be enticed to watch".

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On one hand I want to see this movie because I LOVE IMAX 3D, on the other hand I remember when this happened, it was so sad and awful.  I read the book "Into Thin Air" about 16 years ago (reading it again) and I wonder how much of that book will be in this movie, or if this will be a Hollywood version.  I noticed everybody in the trailer was white and I do remember there was a Japanese woman who died that season.


But, I adore Jason Clarke, so I don't know.



Edited by Neurochick
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On one hand I want to see this movie because I LOVE IMAX 3D, on the other hand I remember when this happened, it was so sad and awful.  I read the book "Into Thin Air" about 16 years ago (reading it again) and I wonder how much of that book will be in this movie, or if this will be a Hollywood version.  I noticed everybody in the trailer was white and I do remember there was a Japanese woman who died that season.


But, I adore Jason Clarke, so I don't know.




If I remember correctly (it's been a while since I read the book) IRL Rob Hall, the expedition leader played by Clarke, would give a speech to all Western climbers that were his clients emphasizing how vital the Sherpas were to their efforts to summit. And that those contributions were not to be taken for granted.


I guess the movie makers missed that chapter.

Edited by xaxat
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One of the ads running for Hotel Transylvania shows a shot all the monsters piled on a scooter, and it looks exactly like they ripped it off from one of the Bloom County strips where everyone is riding Cutter John's wheelchair. All that's missing is the porcupine sitting in front going "Crank this sucker up!"

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This doesn't have anything to do with anything because "Rosewood" doesn't look that interesting to me but hot damn Morris Chestnut is a fine FINE man. Holy hell.

Although if the entire show were him working out in only a pair of shorts, I may just tune in.

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It is well-known among the people who know me that I hate reality television with the white hot fire of a million burning nuns. So imagine my displeasure when I'm trying to watch the L & O marathon on the WE network and cannot escape from a promo for a show that hasn't even started airing yet. I can't even remember what its called because it pisses me off so much, but there's this one blonde in it, a surgically "enhanced" nightmare of a woman who sounds exactly like Harvey Fierstein when she talks, and that's coming from someone who's a fan of Harvey's. Make. It. Stop.

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Every time I see a promo for the upcoming NBC show Shades of Blue I think "Ray Liotta, Jennifer Lopez, directed by Barry Levinson. . . that's a movie I'd like to see. . . . back in the nineties."

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I just saw a trailer for a movie about a girl who vanished while looking for her sister who went missing in the Suicide Forest in Japan that looks like a total ripoff of Blair Witch...

I saw this while I was watching Hulu. It does look like a Blair Witch ripoff. And it says it was "inspired by actual events"


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They don't mention it in the Wikipedia article, but Japan's government organizes yearly searches to recover corpses from Aokigahara. In the 2002 search they recovered 78. And because people are generally bastards: In recent years there have been problems in the forest with corpse-looters.

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I know it's a real place that people go to commit suicide. But the events of the movie, yeah.. Not so much.

it reminds me of a ridiculous movie set in Chernoval several years ago. Sorry, the idea of monsters skulking about there is laughable.
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Actually, there were only two Kray brothers, Ronald and Reginald. There was a previous movie called The Krays, made back in 1990, with real-life brothers Martin and Gary Kemp playing Reggie and Ronald respectively. The Kemps were also well-known for starting the band Spandau Ballet.

There were actually 3 Kray brothers, but only Reggie and Ronald were twins.  The third Kray brother was Charlie, who was older than the twins and was involved in their crime empire.  Weird personal note: I was in London when Ronnie died in 1995 and again when Charlie died in 2000; the media in England covered both events like they were members of the royal family.

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An ad came on for a movie while I was doing something else earlier, so I didn't catch the name of the movie. What I did catch was "Critics and audiences agree...it's the best movie of the year!" along with "Opens in theaters tomorrow."


So this movie, which hasn't opened yet, has been declared the best of the year, which we're only one week into, by audiences who haven't seen it yet? Must be one heck of a movie.

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OUCH! I think injured my eyes from rolling them so hard while watching an ad for Money Monster! Damn, It doesn't help that I didn't care about George Clooney being fitted with a suicide vest or Julia Roberts as his wise stage producer having to make tough choices, nor the fact the movie cannot decide on whom it sympathizes, capitalists or Occutards.

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Speaking of deranged...



I shouldn't be so amused. But I am.


Those movies are usually goofy fun but the only problem is you have to be up-to-date on your pop culture knowledge or you won't get a lot of the jokes.  Almost all of these jokes are based on current pop culture events.

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I really super very much do not enjoy the trailer for that movie. I know it's slapstick. I know it's for a laugh. I know clearly no one is injured. I know nothing is supposed to be remotely realistic about it. And believe me I do have an actual sense of humor.

But the whole elevator doors against head thing? I cannot watch it. It is so cringey for me. It turns me off the whole thing. I just want it to stop and go away. Even though she's smiling and it obviously doesn't hurt, those doors look real and I sadly do know what it's like to have a sliding door closed on your head (wasn't an elevator). Seeing that gives me some visceral reaction and it's almost like I feel it and I can't watch it. I'll be glad when that movie is out of rotation.

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I've never read Nicholas Sparks nor have I seen any of the movies based on his work (at least I don't think so), but they all seem to be rewashes of the same hokey love story.  I find the latest barrage of ads "bother me" and not in a good way.

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Plus, didn't they just give away the ENTIRE plot in the commercial? Do the people who actually go to see this not care that they already know everything that's going to happen?

For a Nicholas Sparks book? They've given away everything just by saying that.

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I think the whole "zombie apocalypse" thing has been overplayed after seeing ads for Pride and Predjustice and Zombies.


Even if you don't plan to see the movie, you should read the book by Seth Grahame-Smith, who also wrote Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. Yes, really.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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