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S07.E15: Don't Be All, Like, Uncool

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Luann knew he was married from her reaction. If she doesn't want it to be known she slept with a married man, many she shouldn't pick up strangers while she's filming. They could be married, not that she cares.


The scenes that Dorinda, Carole and Bethenny of Bethenny getting her mad on about Kristen's interview seems new. I don't know why I think that because the timeline doesn't make sense. It just seemed like a plot that was thrown in, after viewer feedback, to make Bethenny a victim who as mad as she was graciously forgive and moves on. What Kristen said in that interview is not a big deal and guess what? She was telling the truth.


I maintain that Heather and Carole had every right to be livid about the naked man. Luann and Ramona's flippant response would have further pissed me off. But they dragged it out for too long. All of them.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 21

Really Kristen? Do you think there is anything positive to take out of this interview?


She talks about Bethenny changing the dynamic of the group not for the best, she talks about her being standoffish and how she thought she would be great but she is not so that is how you can't judge a book by its cover quote came about.

While Kristen has every right to express her honest opinion about Bethenny and if she really thinks that the she needs to own it, there Kristen is trying to make everyone believe that she really meant the opposite of what she said. She is actually trying to say that her comment was a praise to Bethenny, in what world?

Jeez, that's even worse than it sounded on the show. That wasn't a blonde moment, that was just Kristen taking out her frustrations, which is fine but like you say there's no sense in pretending it's complimentary. The whole thing paraphrased is basically "I said you were a bad person and I didn't like you -- wait what you're mad? I meant it as a compliment, like hey you meet so many nice people in a day and you're not nice so you see I was saying you're a standout!" Can't really talk around that.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 11

I wonder how naked the guy really was.  I bet he was in boxers or even just his pants were off to sleep, Heather was really trying to up the ante in telling the story "I had to close my robe when I saw him!"  Heavens!  If Ramona had woken Heather and Carole and said, I am having a one night stand so lock your doors tonight they would have been like WTF and ripped her apart in their talking heads.  Why didn't they lock their doors anyway just to keep Sonja out?  Ramona doesn't need to alert the house she is about to get laid.  Heather is sharing a vacation house with a bunch of women who are barely her friends and are known party animals, what did she expect?

Edited by Morbs
  • Love 12

My take on the timeline of NakedDate:


The women who were out dancing brought men home with them against the advice of the producers.

Wild partying, dancing and music ensues, woohoo, good times.

Luann takes her married man into her room for some chandelier swinging, leaving the others in the living room.  She knows nothing about what happened to everyone else after that, but she did send her man home at some point.

Ramona takes her man upstairs to Bethenny's old room and leaves her man there alone.

Heather wakes up, walks into the bathroom, puts on a robe which she hadn't closed, and walks into the room that had been occupied by Bethenny.

Ramona's date rolls over and reveals he's naked.

Heather freaks out, runs back into the room she shares with Carole to put some clothes on.  By the time she's done, Ramona's date has gone downstairs and is sipping some juice when Heather runs into him in the kitchen.

It's unclear what happens after that, but at some point, Heather runs to Carole and re-enacts the bathroom scene, and then they run into Dorinda on the stairs in her bathing suit as they go Ramona's room.


Do I have that right?

  • Love 15

I'm curious about the "house manager". He was with them in the car? I'd be surprised if there isn't some form of security provided by Bravo on these trips, I don't believe the women are left to their own devices when the cameras leave (if they leave) or stop rolling. I'd like to know exactly how many people were in the house that night.

  • Love 12

LuAnn has a lengthy history of her own doubles standards. She has on occasion been unnecessarily cruel (some of her exchanges with Alex, however ridiculous she and Simon were, come to mind). And her efforts to shame Carole about Adam were inane and artless since this whole episode is apparently what all of her anger is about. But I understand her ire in this particular instance because Heather and Carole were doing their best to slut shame the Countess in that kitchen - and for what? Because she alone had the temerity to address Heather's apoplexy right then and there? It's no more C/H's business is the tricks Lu picks up are married or if she "even knows their name" any more than it is whether Carole could vote before Adam was born. Lu is still stupid for walking into the hypocrisy in slut shaming someone because they slut shamed you but the righteous fury from Heather when Lu confronted her at the jeans party was unreal. Firstly, Heather can literally start the discussion by attempting to call in Carole but Dorinda can't offer an opinion counter to Heather edicts because suddenly then "this disagreement is between me and Lu"? Lu can't describe Heather's inquisition of everyone (during which she dramatically ripped back curtains and commanded people to "get up") as a "rampage" and/or "storming" into rooms but Heather can revise what happened into a "naked man" being in "MY bed/room"? In a habit consistent with her policing of language (but heavens forbid anyone else does it), Heather can take umbrage at people "yelling" at her but it's a-okay when she wakes people up by screaming at them?

How did Heather or Carole "slut shame" Luann?  They said they didn't care if she brought guys back but they did not agree with her, or anyone, letting the guy sleep in the adjacent bedroom to theirs without a heads up first! That is NOT slut shamming anyone IMO.


I can't believe the house manager ratted out Lu and Ramona's late night activities to Kristen! Especially the marital status of Lu's date!

I am sure that is a pricey place to stay. I would expect discretion from the employees! I would not be surprised if that guy no longer has a job. He needs to keep his mouth shut.

It was not the "house manager" that ratted them out, it was the show Producer, they even showed him sitting on the deck working on his computer and sub titled him., "Alex....Producer" LOL

  • Love 16

This is the second instance this season - after her artless and clumsy stab at playing runtelldat and (potentially) misrepresenting what Bethenny's remarks about Pop of Color to Kristen - that attention is being directed toward Carole's possible duplicity. It's an interesting shift after she actually refrained from participating in BookGate for the most part (after she had her face-grabbing and run-to-Harry-and-Reid outburst, she mostly let Heather take the wheel on that) . . . Kristen has whined ad nauseum about how Bethenny has abused her when all she wants to do is really and sincerely get to know her. If nothing else, she has implied that she wanted to establish a friendship or, at the very least, be treated amicably. And even though I've never seen Bethenny instigate any conflict with Kristen or behave disrespectfully toward her, Kristen (despite her retcon) instigated the aggression at AOBAR with her sneering, snide opening ("so glad you have time to Google me") and now is talking about Bethenny in the press and responding to inquiries about that with lines like "what makes you think I want to be your friend?!?" But fast forward to the talking heads and we have non-stop footage of the signature jaw-drop/gaping mouth about how Kristen is always the victim. Ramona's wine glass throw was actually the best thing that could have happened narratively to Kristen because it diverted focus away from the one trick Kristen has - to do her best pantomime of being offended . . . Dorinda did herself no favors with her crying jags but I think it's clear that Heather and Kristen are trying to create the narrative that she pops off for no reason all the time - and that's definitely not what happened when she walked in on Kristen talking shit to Ro about John *in Dorinda's* house and retconning her consent in GrindingGate.

  • Love 19

Music blaring & Moaner & Lu "entertaining" some guys at 3 in the morning?  So why the hell weren't Satan Andy's producers all over this?  He must have been really pissed they weren't around to film this.  I mean, sheesh, Lu did this before with the pirate & the "Italian friends".  Satan Andy shoulda ordered the camera guys  to stay up 24/7 to catch Lu when she brings home whoever she's gonna bring home.  Cuz Lu is ALWAYS gonna bring someone back home.  Wowza, I give that woman credit.  She ALWAYS seems hook to up -- on vacay . . . and whenever/wherever.  Hey, slutty is OK in my book.  My hat was off to you, Lu.  Until you brought out your attitude about diddling with married men.  Then you lost me, hun.  I'm thinkin' permanently.  That, I don't care for.


On one hand, I don't blame Heather for being annoyed -- for security & privacy reasons -- at this shit with bringing back random strangers & letting them stay overnite.  She has a valid point.  I'd be concerned also,  But I do think she went overboard with her ranting & was clearly working the cameras.


I'm confused.  Where was Sonja when Lu & Moaner were "entertaining" these guys & why wasn't she in on the action?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 14

"So Manny, what are you up to tonight?"

"I'm having all the Real Housewives over to my apartment to bedazzle some shapewear. Just a low-key craft hang. I got some new coasters in case my dining table is on camera."

"Okay, sounds totally normal, see you tomorrow."

Poor Manny. Did you see his face at the end? He was so puzzled and had no idea how he lost control.

  • Love 11

Heather and Carole were interrogating Lu Ann about whether "she even knew" her trick's "name" during the discussion in the kitchen. Heather condemned her for fucking married men in her talking head. They went out of their way, on camera, to direct focus on the fact that the man with whom she had sex in T and C had a different name than what she thought. All efforts at slut shaming, imo. I didn't start watching this franchise until season 5 regularly so I don't know if Lu Ann, like Ro freaking out about Alex's nude pictures, has issued pronouncements about sexual morality so she may be a hypocrite in this context herself (she is in plenty of others). But, yeah, denouncing her sexual practices and, implicitly, her promiscuity constitutes shaming.

  • Love 21

Heather and Carole were interrogating Lu Ann about whether "she even knew" her trick's "name" during the discussion in the kitchen. Heather condemned her for fucking married men in her talking head. They went out of their way, on camera, to direct focus on the fact that the man with whom she had sex in T and C had a different name than what she thought. All efforts at slut shaming, imo. I didn't start watching this franchise until season 5 regularly so I don't know if Lu Ann, like Ro freaking out about Alex's nude pictures, has issued pronouncements about sexual morality so she may be a hypocrite in this context herself (she is in plenty of others). But, yeah, denouncing her sexual practices and, implicitly, her promiscuity constitutes shaming.

Another one to add to my "My how things have changed" as far as Ramona goes!!  She wouldn't even share a stage with Alex at the Reunion now she's bringing home a guy!!!! 

  • Love 10

I wonder how naked the guy really was.  I bet he was in boxers or even just his pants were off to sleep, Heather was really trying to up the ante in telling the story "I had to close my robe when I saw him!"  Heavens!  If Ramona had woken Heather and Carole and said, I am having a one night stand so lock your doors tonight they would have been like WTF and ripped her apart in their talking heads.  Why didn't they lock their doors anyway just to keep Sonja out?  Ramona doesn't need to alert the house she is about to get laid.  Heather is sharing a vacation house with a bunch of women who are barely her friends and are known party animals, what did she expect?


I don't know - does anyone else find it strange that Heather was sleeping in the same bed with Carole, and she says that she sleeps naked?  

If you want to do that in your own home, with your husband, or when you are alone, that's fine, but I find it kind of strange that Heather couldn't sleep in a t-shirt and panties or a night gown or something, while sharing a bed with one of her friends.


Maybe I'm a prude?  I know that I would not be comfortable with that, but, I guess we're dealing with Heather and Carole, so I'm sure that Carole didn't care or mind.

  • Love 12

Poor Manny. Did you see his face at the end? He was so puzzled and had no idea how he lost control.

Poor Manny nothing!! He's been telling that story at brunches for months now!! I would take him to brunch tomorrow myself to hear all about it.

It is funny to think of him shutting the door behind the last producer, standing there alone trying to readjust to his apartment just being his apartment, his sofa just being his sofa and not the throne from which a Countess summoned a series of peasants to be yelled at one after another.

  • Love 15

"So Manny, what are you up to tonight?"

"I'm having all the Real Housewives over to my apartment to bedazzle some shapewear. Just a low-key craft hang. I got some new coasters in case my dining table is on camera."

"Okay, sounds totally normal, see you tomorrow."

I think Manny thought this was going to be best free publicity he ever got in his life!  He would be shown talking about his jewelry and they all would try on the necklace he donated and he was going to be very busy then very rich after it.


He was wrong. 

  • Love 13

The man sitting on the deck was captioned Alisteir House Manager. Check your DVR.

I watched it but I do not DVR it. I could have sworn it said "producer" and Kristen even said that he did not want the guys to come back to the house and told them to get out of the car. Why would the "house manager" say no to them coming back to the house and why would the "house manager" be driving/riding in the car?

His caption was Alister, House Manager.

See above response.


Heather and Carole were interrogating Lu Ann about whether "she even knew" her trick's "name" during the discussion in the kitchen. Heather condemned her for fucking married men in her talking head. They went out of their way, on camera, to direct focus on the fact that the man with whom she had sex in T and C had a different name than what she thought. All efforts at slut shaming, imo. I didn't start watching this franchise until season 5 regularly so I don't know if Lu Ann, like Ro freaking out about Alex's nude pictures, has issued pronouncements about sexual morality so she may be a hypocrite in this context herself (she is in plenty of others). But, yeah, denouncing her sexual practices and, implicitly, her promiscuity constitutes shaming.

Carole asked what their names were, not Heather.

  • Love 2

OMG this was the greatest 24 minutes of the show possibly ever! I was laughing so hard I was crying. Luann's reactions were priceless. The Countess is the MVP of the show. I will need that kitchen scene on a loop. Sonja was hilarious too trying to explain that Ramona is new at this and doesn't know you have to send the guy home. He had a juice and took a swim in the pool, he didn't think he was a stranger. LMAO!


It was gross of Kristin to bring up sleeping with a married man on camera. If this was a quick hookup and she doesn't know the guy's last name how the hell is she supposed to know if he's married? And to make it worse, it wasn't even Luann's fault!


Luann needs to be on every vacation. Thank goodness Luann doesn't have the same "ethics and values" as Heather.

LOL. I enjoyed every minute of the show, from Heather and Carole's accosting of Dorinda in the hall, to Heather's over the top crying about what could of happened, to Ramona's passing the baton to Lu, to the barging in Luann's room and Luann's TH about she could of been swinging on a chandelier, to the separate little arguments at the jeans party and finally the look on Kristin's face when Beth finished telling her about her quote to the papers. Loved it all.

  • Love 24

I don't know - does anyone else find it strange that Heather was sleeping in the same bed with Carole, and she says that she sleeps naked?  

If you want to do that in your own home, with your husband, or when you are alone, that's fine, but I find it kind of strange that Heather couldn't sleep in a t-shirt and panties or a night gown or something, while sharing a bed with one of her friends.


Maybe I'm a prude?  I know that I would not be comfortable with that, but, I guess we're dealing with Heather and Carole, so I'm sure that Carole didn't care or mind.

Heather's/Carole's room had 2 queen sized beds in it. They did not sleep in the same bed. LOL

  • Love 16

I don't know - does anyone else find it strange that Heather was sleeping in the same bed with Carole, and she says that she sleeps naked?  

If you want to do that in your own home, with your husband, or when you are alone, that's fine, but I find it kind of strange that Heather couldn't sleep in a t-shirt and panties or a night gown or something, while sharing a bed with one of her friends.


Maybe I'm a prude?  I know that I would not be comfortable with that, but, I guess we're dealing with Heather and Carole, so I'm sure that Carole didn't care or mind.

It could be that Heather means she slept totally nude, or that she slept in a bra and panties. My mother is one who considers that to be "nude" or "naked." Like, she could be telling the story of how she heard the doorbell while she was at home naked and not expecting any visitor. I'd ask, "You were naked?" and she'd clarify with, "Well, I was in my bra and panties."


To be honest, that phraseology was passed on to me, too. lol. I was telling my friends about a time the maintenance person knocked at my door unexpectedly. I said to them that I was all frantic running to my bedroom because, "I ain't have no clothes on!" Truthfully, I was lounging around my apartment in panties and a camisole.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 6

I totally understand Heather and Carole reacting the way they did, but seeing it played out I can understand LuAnn being upset by the way they barged in. Being awakened like that after a few hours sleep would be jarring. I don't in any way, shape or form think that H & C were trying to catch LuAnn in the act. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Really LuAnn?


Besides the fact that both Luann and Ramona looked extremely hungover!!  Luann had to wear her sunglasses in the house - that's a sure indicator of a hangover.  Both of them (Luann and Ramona) looked like they had a rough night.  

  • Love 13

10:54 a.m. and I just finished reading the comments.   I missed the episode because I was eating a crappy dinner at Red Lobster.  Yech.  So I'm pissed I missed, what sounds like, an epic episode and more pissed that I actually spent hard earned cash at Red Lobster


I DVR'd it but it's 3 minutes to WWHL so now my whole damn night is backwards all because my friend was craving cheddar bay biscuits and shrimp scampi. 


So after WWHL, I'll want to read the ensuing Twitter wars and THEN watch the episode.  Gonna be a long night.  The Housewife Life is a hard one.

  • Love 22

I watched it but I do not DVR it. I could have sworn it said "producer" and Kristen even said that he did not want the guys to come back to the house and told them to get out of the car. Why would the "house manager" say no to them coming back to the house and why would the "house manager" be driving/riding in the car?


I am wondering about his role, but he was definitely referred to in the caption and by Kristen as the "house manager". I find it odd that he was in the car, which is why I wonder if he's not some kind of Bravo staff that keeps track of the ladies on these trips. He was an interesting twist!

  • Love 4

I was thinking Lu's anger & fuss & feigned indignation about how Heather "BURST" (sounds sooooooo overly dramatic doesn't it?) into her room, is ALL about deflection.  Remember Gretchie-poo?  She was all about deflection on OC.  If anyone ever accused Gretch of something absolutely valid, she'd bring up something totally unrelated, hoping viewers would instantly forget that valid (and usually awful) thing she was accused of.  Well, here nobody really was accusing Lu of anything.  Nothing.  Not a thing.  


All on her own, Lu revealed something about herself which is pretty sleazy & maybe she didn't want to put it out there -- that she was fooling around with someone she knew was married & she didn't especially care.  Sure, she can do what she wants to do.  But she has done a pretty good job of hiding from viewers who she actually is, behind the haughty Countess bullshit.  OK then, she certainly pulled back that curtain of phony haughtiness, just like little Toto did to the Wizard of Oz.  Will viewers care she has just spotlighted she's an extremely promiscuous woman who has casual/random sex with married men?  Maybe not.


But it seems to me she made that scene of being so angry to deflect anyone asking her more about the guy she was with the nite before, who was married.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 22

Totally agree about Heather.  Where's the big tough chick who was gonna put on her "skully" and fuck people up? She saw a naked man sleeping and starts crying?  Oh please.  Nothing happened-- Naked man was up and gone before she even spoke to Carol, but Heather is  going get the vapors and tear around the house in hysterics? There's a MAN in the house!!!


Clearly Holla Heather who wears skullcaps and tries to intimidate others with her best impression of someone who grew up in Spanish Harlem is just a put on persona. That's why her cultural appropriation really rubs me the wrong way. Some claim Heather is one of the more "real" housewives but I've always found her to be disingenuous and her motivations suspect.


I don't know - does anyone else find it strange that Heather was sleeping in the same bed with Carole, and she says that she sleeps naked?  

If you want to do that in your own home, with your husband, or when you are alone, that's fine, but I find it kind of strange that Heather couldn't sleep in a t-shirt and panties or a night gown or something, while sharing a bed with one of her friends.


More exaggeration or hyperbole from Heather, no doubt.

How is Ramona escaping this situation unscathed? Also, why is there no footage of these two men? I'm curious about what they looked like--Especially the married one Lu slept with. Perhaps he threatened to sue if Bravo used his image or likeness....

  • Love 18

Sorry if this is slut shaming but you heard it from me:

Close your legs to married men!

NeNe, Why are you posting here as DammitJanet??  LOL!!! 

Not to go too off topic, but I disagree.  Flashing, to my mind, occurs when someone deliberately shows you their privates to shock you, scare you or upset you.  Naked Guy was asleep so apparently he didn't even know anyone was looking at him.


If I was on vacation with a bunch of women friends, listened to them party with their guests through the night, and then walked into a room the next morning to find a naked party guest fast asleep, I would make a quick escape, as much for his privacy as my own. I would close the door soundly and scoot away.  And while I would be startled, I hardly think I would be hysterical, flinging doors and drapes open and ordering people out of their beds so they can EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF THIS OUTRAGE !!! I think I might actually be giggling with my other friends about it.


I'm a grown woman.  A sleeping penis does not frighten me.

I am laughing out loud!!!  Good one!

  • Love 7

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