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Meghan/production/Haylie's mom/whomever setting up the professional photographer for the pre dance pics was nice and a far cry better than my pre prom Polaroids back in the day. It seemed to me that Haylie's attitude of ingratitude has to come from her father.  I do not have a clue what he meant when he said to Meghan after the pics, "Other than you didn't get the right sunset, everything else went great."  What OTHER sunset was there?  Was Meghan supposed to have the sun set twice?  Control the clouds?  Does he live on some planet with two suns? (I rewound the scene twice because I thought I misheard...nope.)


It was about as weird as David having to shut himself and Shannon into the prep kitchen with no follow up on that scenario.


I did love Shannon's TH about the median.  That killed.

I don't know that she gets her attitude from anyone at this stage I suspect she may be acting out because her mom is sick and dying. It has to be hell on that kid, so I will cut her some slack with her selfish attitude for now. That said, Jimmy is an idiot. LOL

  • Love 9

Yeah. I hope she addresses that sometime, be that in a blog, on WWHL, or at the reunion. That was strange.

Every scene with those two is strange. The daughters wtf face said it all for all of us.

Shannon and her holistic meds "will it bring my mom back?" Really Vicki?

I'm hoping Meghan's stepdaughter is having some misdirected anger cause I feel terrible for LeAnn. Meghan's scenes alone are hard to watch as it is.

  • Love 17

If I were Leann, Meghan would irk the hell out of me, how they supposedly get along so well defies my imagination....all of this 'bonding' with Hayley (and yeah, she is a spoiled brat), talking about Leann's cancer on every episode, saying she is (hashtag!)'super cool' because she can talk to Hayley about Instagram, etc...STFU, Meghan.

  • Love 22

Tamra is sporting some cringe-worthy lavender hair extensions on WWHL. Considering her heyday was the early '90s, they just make her look like a club kid who never left the rave . . . Shannon and David's dynamic is so twisted. He shouldn't have needled her in front of the kids but it's really rich to hear her talking heads in which she declares that her the girls don't need to be involved in the discord. Guess that doesn't apply when Shannon wants David to grovel. The extended Instagram references to David initiating the affair "a day after she began filming" and the request for a list of every venue he visited with his mistress are red flags that she's never going to get over the betrayal. She seems disgruntled for fans for not lauding her to the extent they did last season and growing impatient with her neuroses; it's always amazing to watch these women bristle at deconstruction and criticism after they've aired all of their dirty laundry for critique and opprobrium . . . A lot of Meghan's talking heads are obviously attributable to producer-peddled questions, but watching her constant references to Lee Ann's demise reminds me of those parody pieces Gawker used to publish in which they compulsively insert one sentence over and over into a real NYTimes piece (for a review of JK Rowling's final HP book, it was "because Harry dies"; for this profile of an African-American socialite named Genevieve Jones, it was "because she's black"). 'm still Team Meghan for the most part here, though. I didn't find the beach rap session with Hailey all that offensive; it seems like Meghan has or is at least earnestly attempting to establish a genuine rapport with her step-daughter. It's nice, as well, that she and Lee Ann appear to be sincere in their efforts to navigate the nuance of their family dynamic. I'm not sure if the discussion with Hailey was the best decision - on the one hand, Hailey should prepare herself for what's coming; on the other, I don't think she should obsess about it - but at this point, I don't doubt Meghan's intentions. I liked that Jim told Hailey to cool it with the attitude.

  • Love 5

I can't with Shannon. If divorce is not an option, stop your madness!! Compile a list of the restaurants you went to during your affair? what is wrong with Shannon. She needs to stop saying she wants to move forward when she clearly is not able to forgive him yet. She shouldn't tho expect him to stay around and let her use him as her punching bag.

She also said she wanted this list of restaurants because she wanted to know which friends David had paraded the mistress in front of. If David actually paraded the mistress in front of friends, then he's an asshole who wanted to get caught. But if Shannon is concerned about the second hand embarrassment she'll feel, which I suspect she is, because the servers who know how she orders her Grey Goose with a splash of cranberry in a tall glass know that David was cheating on Shannon then this is Shannon's histrionic bullshit.

  • Love 14

Wow I had no idea that Leann was dying of cancer {sarcasm} How fucked up that this phrase never came out of the person with the actual ailment but has been said 6 ways from Sunday by the latest piece of arm candy playing stepmom for all of 4 months to her daughter. STFU Meghan. GOT DANG! I don't even have a problem with Meghan acknowledging once that her stepdaughter's mom is battling cancer or has inoperable cancer but shit, girl figures out a way to call the woman damn near dead every episode. Hell, she managed to say it a few times this episode.


- Leanne has cancer

- Leanne is losing her battle with cancer.

- Vicki was wailing about her dead mom and I thought of you

- This will likely be the last time Leanne helps her daughter get ready for a dance

- Daughter is upset with mom and treating her like shit because she has cancer

- Daughter thinks this cancerous mom isn't the mom she had a year ago


Again - STFU!  You ain't Julia Roberts and this ain't the movie Stepmom.  I don't care if producers are egging her on to talk about this, doesn't mean she should. After all she is managing not to discuss her and Jim's sex life but than again I doubt Bravo is interested in airing the sounds of crickets. 


Omg. Funniest comment ever. Meghan is totally playing at Julia. Priceless.


Meanwhile, Hailey was a terrible brat. Could not believe how rude she was to her family. How awkward for her friends. They couldn't have looked less enthused to have a suite, hair, makeup and photog on the beach. Hailey even sneered, "Who has pictures on the beach for a winter formal?" #ungratefulbitch as Meghan would say if she wasn't trying to be all up Hailey's butt in an obvious attempt to prove she's still young, hip, and has it going on. I agree that Hayley  comes by her snotty behavior via Jim. I wonder why no one in the family disciplined her?


Thought that it was odd that David attended a "Father's Conference". What exactly does this entail? It sounds like something strange and mandated- either via Shannon or CPS or something. Big fat fail to David's response to his daughter. "Daddy how was your day?" "It was better than yesterday, because yesterday your mom was mad at me, and last night and this morning, pretty much all day today cause I didn't respect her enough and I didn't call her when I said I would..." What an unnecessary sentence that doesn't even make sense. I don't believe that its cool for one partner to throw another partner under the buss like that at all. And when children are involved its really twisted. The subtext was basically about how Shannon is so "mean" and gets so "unreasonably mad" about small things, and hurts poor daddy's feelings. Shannon was correct in saying, "If David thinks I'm being unreasonable he needs to tell me in private.... and you're giving the kids the impression that that's the only reason that I was mad and its silly." Leave the kids out of it you two! I believe that Shannon wants a list of places that David commonly took the other woman, so that she is not embarrassed out on date night. Having the server/host look at you sideways is...well Shannon's life now. She'll have to deal with it. And David closing the door? Probably mouthing a threat to Shannon that he didn't want the cameras to catch. Of course I have no idea if that's true or not, he just pings my radar. (ETA: purely being sarcastic here)


Something is wrong with me that I enjoyed Tamra this episode and actually thought she seemed normal and reasonable. Perhaps I'm having a stroke. I love her interactions with her mother. I also enjoyed Heather this episode and thought that her scene with the  kids/nanny was amusing.


I do think that Brooks looked sick during this episode.Vicki looked amazing in her THs. Lizzie looked the best that I have ever seen her look. Tamra looked good (sorry). Meaghan's prom picture was awful. Meghan in general is beautiful. Megan's outfit for paddleboarding was adorable but her "formal" outfit was hideous. Also I want to do paddleboard yoga badly!

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 8

She also said she wanted this list of restaurants because she wanted to know which friends David had paraded the mistress in front of. If David actually paraded the mistress in front of friends, then he's an asshole who wanted to get caught. But if Shannon is concerned about the second hand embarrassment she'll feel, which I suspect she is, because the servers who know how she orders her Grey Goose with a splash of cranberry in a tall glass know that David was cheating on Shannon then this is Shannon's histrionic bullshit.

Shannon is digging the hole way too deep to ever escape it.
  • Love 10

Shannon is digging the hole way too deep to ever escape it.

Am I the only one who thinks that divorce is not an option for Shannon or David because neither could be entirely sure that they would find another partner that would put up with the manipulative, gaslighting, and undermining behavior that they have become so accustomed to?

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 9

Am I the only one who thinks that divorce is not an option for Shannon or David because neither could be entirely sure that they would find another partner that would put up with the manipulative, gaslighting, and undermining behavior that they find such a need for?

No you are not alone. Their relationship is dysfunction-junction to the maximum. They seem to both have become comfortably numb in their dysfunctional roles in the "relationship".

Edited by mbaywife123
  • Love 3

Meghan continues to be a thoughtless asshole.  I'm sure her step-daughter luvs hearing Meghan's cold comments about how her mom is gonna die any second.  Nice, Meghan, real nice.  Hey asshole Jimmy, you married this horrible woman -- er, why?


Asshole Jimmy is still an asshole & he still looks dumpy.


Shannon is still a jittery lunatic & twisting David's balls once again.  Seriously, when she said she made David list all the restaurants he & "his affair" (don't ya luv she calls his mistress that?) went to -- oh good grief, I burst out laughing.  The woman is insane.  And what about how she went nuts when he discussed their relationship in front of the daughters, but she was perfectly fine & dandy taking them to that crap, faking their deaths in front of their supposed tombstones?  And what about how she brainwashed the daughters into saying they'll "forgive but never forget", when they didn't have a clue what that even meant?


I muted anything with Vicks weeping & wailing.  Nuh-uh, that ain't for me or why I watch this show, Satan Andy.  Vicks' dead mom stuff = me tuning out.


Anything Heather & Terry = zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Sweet baby.  How'd that come from Deliverance-rapist/serial-killer-looking Ryan?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

Meghan continues to be a thoughtless asshole.  I'm sure her step-daughter luvs hearing Meghan's cold comments about how her mom is gonna die any second.  Nice, Meghan, real nice.  Hey asshole Jimmy, you married this horrible woman  . .  er, why?


Asshole Jimmy is still an asshole & he still looks dumpy.


Oh, Shannon is still a jittery lunatic & twisting David's balls once again.  Seriously, when she said she made David list all the restaurants he & "his affair" (don't ya luv she calls his mistress that?) went to -- oh good grief, I burst out laughing.  The woman is insane.  And what about how she went nuts when he discussed their relationship in front of the daughters, but she was perfectly fine & dandy taking them to that crap faking their deaths in front of their supposed tombstones?  And what about how she brainwashed the daughters into saying they'll forgive but never forget, when they didn't have a clue what that even meant?


I muted anything with Vicks weeping & wailing.  Not for me or why I watch this show, Satan Andy.  Vicks' dead mom stuff = me tuning out.

Jimmy is an asshole. He can go kick rocks on his own beach with the perfect sunset. I also just zoned out with the Vicki' s mom death stuff, me no likey. I would however love to have an adult sized cat sweatshirt that Coco was wearing.

  • Love 7

OK, I'm completely baffled by Ryan moving back to OC.  First off, Sarah seems like an extremely nice woman.  All of her daughters seem very well-behaved & sweet.  So what is a seemingly nice woman like her doing with a loser like Ryan?  Have they gotten married yet?  Is he gonna leave Sarah & go back to OC?  I thought she owns a gun store she inherited from her parents.  How could she move to OC?  Color me totally confused on this situation.  


Anyone think having a kid is gonna suddenly make Ryan responsible?  Yeah right.  I suspect poor Sarah is gonna be stuck raising another kid on her own.


I saw a preview of Eds saying he didn't wanna support a grown man, but Tams is the breadwinner of the 2 of them, so he really has no say.  She owns the gym & she's the one making the big Bravo cash, so Eds can shut his trap & take a seat.  Tams controls the dough.  If she wants to waste her money on Ryan the loser, it's her choice.

Wait, did anyone notice some lamebrain producer thought it was necessary to put Lizzie's name underneath her when she met Heather?  What the what?  Poor, poor Lizzie.  They assume we forgot her already.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5
Why I am not surprised that Vicki picked her mom out of her coffin and hugged her?!?


Oh, yeah.  Forgot about that, and of course, she had to say something about her mother not being cold in the ground, and warm in the mausoleum.  So dramatic.  I think that's a common phrase uttered in movies.  Didn't Sally Field say something like that in Steel Magnolias? Really, I'm sympathetic, but Vickie sometimes can go too far. 


I wonder if Donn went to the funeral?

  • Love 3

Wow.  So it's bad enough Vicki allowed filming as she's preparing to go to her mother's funeral and then she allows filming for her return from her mother's funeral.  And then we have her talking on the phone about the trauma of her mother's funeral.  Did I hear right that she said she lifted her mother out of the casket to hug her?  And next week, we will have Vicki and her brother (as well as others) in a session with a 'median' to talk to her mother.  Sorry but that's just totally f'd up narcissism. 


You know it's bad when you have moments of sympathy for the cheater.  They're both screwed up....really bad.  Allowing scenes to be filmed with their children regarding David's parenting meeting highlights this.  If you really care about your kids, don't make them a part of your mess on TV.


Yeah, Shannon and Vicki make a good team.  Me. Me. Me. 

  • Love 15

I missed the Ryan moving back stuff. Now, babies and birthing -- I just have a thing about this, maybe because my husband and I had the luxury of being alone/together for the birth of our two kids. I think it is a time for the parents, not the grandparents, not the siblings. Did not want an entourage. People can come to the hospital AFTER the baby is born. At least Tamara was not in the delivery room.

  • Love 7

Megan looks like a giraffe.

I don't understand Shannon's divorce is not an option stance. Get some selfrespect and divorce him. According to you, he humiliated you and your kids. She's sending all kinds of bad messages to her kids by staying with and stating explicitly that she won't divorce him.

David could also leave of course. It might be unpopular but I think being married to Shannon has done a number on his self esteem. The affair is a manifestation of that. It was rebellion and like the abused, temporary rebellion is rewarded with even more abuse. Like you know, making lists of locations and lying on graves on national televion. He must be a joke in their circle of friends.

Obviously both partners in a toxic marriage contribute to it. It is my opinion that David's role is largely the victim to Shannon's abuser.

Just imagine the collective lynch that would ensue if it was David to spoke to and treated Shannon the way she does him. We'd be calling for his head on a platter and cheering her on the affair.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 8

Oh Shannon, I just want to reach through my TV and shake her. She wants to wallow in every little detail of David's affair. A list of every place they went? Why? It can't be good for Shannon or her marriage for her to have this insatiable need to relive the affair daily. 


Some women are like this, and I don't get it.  They need to know every detail:  Were you in love with her?  Where did you meet?  How many times did you have sex?  I know my limitations.  I would allow those images to burn into my brain, and I'd never get them out.


I thought the baby was cute but there's no way the baby we saw tonight was just born.


That cheesy c-section baby was distinctly fresh from the uterus.


- Leanne has cancer

- Leanne is losing her battle with cancer.

- Vicki was wailing about her dead mom and I thought of you

- This will likely be the last time Leanne helps her daughter get ready for a dance

- Daughter is upset with mom and treating her like shit because she has cancer

- Daughter thinks this cancerous mom isn't the mom she had a year ago


You forgot:  Hayley thinks that it's easier to communicate and identify with Meghan versus her mother.  Keep putting those daggers in the dying woman's heart, Meghan.  This season will be endless.  This might be the last time Hayley's mother forgets her dress.  This may be the last time Hayley treats her dying mother like shit.  And so on.


Hayley's underage and it goes against my own rules to say this about a minor - She's a bitch, and an ungrateful one at that.  She walked right past her mother without making eye contact, and went right into Meghan's arms.  And I don't believe that Meghan backs LeaAnn up when the cameras are off.  Every time Hayley got mad at her mother, she immediately looked at and bitched to Meghan.  If Meghan typically shut this crap down and reinforces LeAnn's authority, this would not happen.  Meghan is playing good cop, and it's no wonder Hayley is choosing her over her mother. 


Perhaps it's the no-nonsense Midwestern in me, but after about five minutes in the suite, Hayley would have been pulled aside and advised to knock it off.  If her behavior continued, the suite would have been vacated, and her little ass would be getting ready in her own bedroom.  If it still continued, I probably wouldn't have kept her from the dance (since it would have punished her innocent date), but her curfew would have been drastically reduced, and she'd lose her phone.  There is nothing that grates on me more than an obnoxious teenager.


Meghan/production/Haylie's mom/whomever setting up the professional photographer for the pre dance pics was nice and a far cry better than my pre prom Polaroids back in the day. It seemed to me that Haylie's attitude of ingratitude has to come from her father.  I do not have a clue what he meant when he said to Meghan after the pics, "Other than you didn't get the right sunset, everything else went great."  What OTHER sunset was there?  Was Meghan supposed to have the sun set twice?  Control the clouds?  Does he live on some planet with two suns? (I rewound the scene twice because I thought I misheard...nope.)


The only person who cracked down on Hayley's entitlement and bitchy behavior was Jim.  LeAnn had a smile plastered on the whole time.  I don't think it's Jim who's teaching her to act like this.  She has a mother who seems to have no authority or respect, and a step-mother who indulges and coddles her for her own benefit.  At this point, I think Meghan deserves Hayley, and LeAnn probably fights cancer better when not in this brat's constant company.  I still don't see a deep connection between Hayley and Meghan.  Meghan's crying about LeAnn dying, and Hayley responds with a - "yeah it sucks", completely dry-eyed and bored with the conversation.  I wonder if Meghan bribed her away from her mother so Meghan would have a better storyline.


Regarding Jim's sunset comment, I'm going to have to go back and watch.  I got the impression that he was mocking Hayley's ungrateful behavior, and repeating what she had said.


I don't like Jim, but he backed that shit up (tm Dorinda) when he set her straight about insulting her mother on the beach.   LeAnn smiled and allowed it, and her step-father seemingly ignored it.  They are doing this girl no favors.  At this point, I dislike her more than any other HW's child.  Considering there are three Manzo children, that speaks volumes.

  • Love 23

I don't know that she gets her attitude from anyone at this stage I suspect she may be acting out because her mom is sick and dying. It has to be hell on that kid, so I will cut her some slack with her selfish attitude for now. That said, Jimmy is an idiot. LOL


I don't understand the logic of Haley treating her mom like an annoying old aunt just because she's dying of cancer.  This girl is 17, not 5 or 6.  She's old enough to know that her mother has no control over the disease that she's afflicted with and should cherish every moment she has left with her on this earth.  I believe Haley is just a spoiled, evil little bitch who takes after her father as far as personality goes.  The way she was disrespecting her mother was atrocious.  I can't believe her idiot dad let her get away with that.  I also hated how she went past her mother and hugged Meghan when she first arrived.  We all know it's because Meghan treats her like a friend.  She isn't bit more parenting this entitled little asshole than the man in the moon.  I really feel bad for Haley's mom to have to take the memory of her daughter acting like a complete jackass to her grave instead of a loving daughter who truly shows that she raised her right and will be okay in the world without her.  smdh


ETA -- RedheadZombie, you are correct.  Jim did try to shut his bratty assed daughter down.  Love and agree with your whole post!  :-)


I wouldn't be surprised if Shannon wanted all the sexual potions at all! And if she and David are still having teh sexor, I would also not be surprised if she brought up the affair during it.



I could just hear Shannon now.  "Does SHE do it better than me?!  You never did that position before!  Did SHE like it like that?!  Did you tell HER you loved her?!  Is SHE prettier than me?!"  Ugh!  I don't see how David could ever get it up with Shannon the way she treats him.  And he would have to be all kinds of stupid to take a woman he's having an affair with to a restaurant any of his and Shannon's friends might frequent.  Maybe that's why he didn't make the list for Shannon.  Hopefully he wasn't that stupid.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 13

OK, she is acting like a bratty teen, and that's why asshole Jimmy should NEVER have allowed her to be on a reality show.  But her mother is dying and maybe this is her way of acting up.  Or maybe she's always been this way & she's merely an entitled asshole like Daddy Dearest with the dumpy ass.  Look, kids do stupid shit they regret.  It's up to parents to protect & guide underage kids properly.  Her mother is dying, so the blame here goes solely to asshole Jimmy.  He's doing the girl no favors.  


Her mother will inevitably die & Satan Andy has filmed this for Bravo to show endlessly for years & years & years.  And this girl will be stuck staring at how atrociously she acted while her mother was alive.  If she's fine with this, then asshole Jimmy has raised another generation of assholes.  Congrats, Jimmy.  You married yourself an asshole & it seems you're raising assholes.  Lovely.


Luved how Tams said on WWHL Jimmy "doesn't seem into her" -- referring to Meghan.  She stammered & wouldn't comment on their relationship.  She only said she hung with Meghan & Eds hung with Jimmy.  More & more I'm thinking this could be a beard/sham marriage.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 14

It seems as if TPTB have forgotten the fact that there needs to be at least some degree of relatability between the characters and the viewers.  Just because we see these people going through situations to which we can relate does not mean we can relate to the characters themselves - it's actually the opposite.  We identify even less with them as we watch them handle common real-life situations as if they are from another planet and speaking an entirely different language.  Either I've been sucked into the vortex of Backwardsworld, or they have. 


"Over the top" and "outlandish" do not equal entertaining.  They often equal "freaking ridiculous", Olympic level eye-rolling, and the assertion of my right to use the remote to hunt for an episode of Dateline, 20/20, or 48 hours. 


Yo, Meg!  It's actually not THAT rare for exes to act like grown-ups and co-exist for the sake of the children.  Is your arm sore from patting yourself on the back?  Perhaps that's how you burn off every last bit of body fat.   Combined with how thrilled you are in regard to your ability to relate to your stepdaughter in the realm of Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter, you must be beaming with pride.  Yay, you!  

#growtheFup  #notbrightenoughtorealizeyou'remakingafoolofyourself  

Edited by straightshooter
  • Love 8

People handle death and its "goodbyes" in their own way. Over the years I heard a lot of stories, some very odd,  from family and friends who were in the business. I don't judge.


I don't think Vicki gave a rats ass if the cameras were there or not. It was probably "Yeah, sure go ahead." as her thoughts were on her loss. When I saw her bawling on the floor for her mother, I thought "That's the inner child of Vicki wailing for her mother."  and if she wants to hug her mother one last time, fine, what ever will give her comfort.

  • Love 21

As regards Vicki, aside from the tragedy that is her mother's passing, WTF is up with her filming every other GD scene in her bathroom?  First, it was her & Tams, with Tam getting her makeup done and Vick telling Meghan she wasn't going to the charity shindig, then it was Vic & Brooks packing for Chicago, then it was Vick back from Chicago, calling Shannon.  Why?  Her house is lovely, her kitchen is warm, and we all know her grotto is only shy naked women, lest it be a Hefner setting.


(Sorry, I like the absurd details. ;))

  • Love 4

I see Shannon's endless comments as more needy, whiny, and repetitive than abusive. Defining this as psychological abuse, not the more nebulous social definition. Asking a spouse who cheated on you to make a list of where they went with the mistress and asking for details just don't seem abusive to me. Frivolous and pointless yes. But mileage varies. Most of Shannon's comments to David are along the vein of, "I can forgive you for the affair but I can't forget." Or, "When you drank/flirted/breathed it reminded me of the affair and I had bad thoughts." Hellz yeah they're annoying, but for me she hasn't said anything blatantly mean or abusive. I have a bad memory though, so I could be forgetting a litany of things. If their roles were reversed, I would think David was... well pathetic, insecure, and constantly on edge for the next betrayal. And I would think that Shannon was an areshole for cheating and a very determined liar. (Nothing like a person who lies about what you see with your own eyes!) I, for one, wouldn't be cheering her on for cheating on his needy insecure behind, but I don't begrudge any of those who would. Different strokes for different folks and all. At this point I've put more thought into the Beador's relationship than David has, so I'll just slowly back away. I am just fascinated by their dynamic because I have worked with some VERY similar couples. The Beadors will be backstabbing each other until the end of time, or at least until the last daughter is in college. And of course mutual abuse is a very real thing.  I focused on Shannon as victim because of what I see in her as far as behaviors and attitudes. To me she reads as the textbook victim of emotional abuse. The DV charge doesn't help to change my perception.


I think that among the viewing public there is a strong aversion to any male seen as being emasculated or seeing a man "controlled" or even questioned by a woman. I'm not really sure what the reverse is. A man defemanizing a woman? I'm not even sure how this would be accomplished. I have to admit I'm fascinated by these dynamics. We see it all the time- Tori & Dean, Hank & Kendra, Brandi & whatever his name is. The surest bet for the public to think well of the cheated on woman is for her to remain completely silent. (Elin & Tiger). *I'm aware Elin did one interview, but she generally shut it down. To me, all of these attributes tie into Shannon's storyline this season/episode and its very interesting to see public perception of them. I'm expecting another Shannon redemption tour next season, "I saw how hard I was on David about the affair. Boys will be boys. I'm going to be a better wife now. Lather, rinse, repeat."


I am so sick of Shannon and David. Team children all the way.


I did think that Megan's comments about being closer to Hayley than Hayley's mother were horrific. That one had to have hurt. Very insensitive. Megan is wearing her youth like its a badge of honor. I don't know any thirty-somethings that say hashtag this and hashtag that, but since I think its part of a new Bravo marketing campaign I guess I can't rag on her too hard for it.

ETA: Some of the things that I've seen women do to "emasculate" their cheating husbands make Shannon look sane and reasonable! (A very scary thought for our world.)

Edited by Granimal
  • Love 13

Haylie is one nasty, spoiled bitch. But, isn't that attitude common among teenagers in the OC? And what medication is she on, and why doesn't she handle her own meds? She's old enough. Why did they find it necessary to rent a cheesy hotel suite to get ready?

What the hell was Meghan wearing? She seems to like the weird backless tops, and the thing she wore around her neck looked like a toilet seat cover.

Will Ryan ever marry the mother of his baby? I'm betting, no.

  • Love 15

Meghan, you don’t need to wear a pink (or whatever indescribable color that was) fur cowl if you wear a shirt with a back.  Did she accidentally put a fuzzy toilet cover on and walk out of the house?  I hate her constantly bringing up Leeann’s cancer.  So far I hate everyone associated with the Meghan story line except for the ex-wife.  I could do with a lot less of them. 


That poor baby had the worst birth ever.  Among her first sights of the world were Ryan and Tamra.  Given the Ryan’s girlfriend runs a gun shop, the spawn of Satan (or is that the spawn of the spawn of Satan) will have access to guns when she gets older.  The end of times is near. 


I can only hope David closed the door because one of their therapists or counselors has suggested that they not expose all of their dirty laundry on TV.

  • Love 12

The biggest laugh of the night was when Vicks kept calling a medium a median. 

That was funny!  I'm liking Shannon and Vicki together; it appears to be a real friendship and they both could use a friend.  


Her mother will inevitably die & Satan Andy has filmed this for Bravo to show endlessly for years & years & years.  And this girl will be stuck staring at how atrociously she acted while her mother was alive.



I hadn't even thought about that.  That's really effed up.  Jimmy needs to pull this girl from the show.  Beyond that, I couldn't imagine my parents involved in me getting ready for a high school formal.  That's what my friends and I did and we spent all day doing it, lol.   The folks took some pics and we were off.  Maybe it's just me but at that age I would have been highly annoyed to have my mother, father, etc. hovering with snacks and photographers not to mention a BRAVO camera crew.  


Meghan on the other hand is horrible.   Whomever said she was trying to play Julia Roberts in Stepmom was spot on, except I don't remember Julia's character constantly reminding everyone Susan Sarandon was dying.  Gah,Meghan is  truly horrible.  Haylie's mom is sick, period.   That's all Meghan needs to say and she only needs to say it once.    Oh, and as a stepmother myself, I can assure Meghan that it's not that amazing to see mothers and stepmothers get along for the good of the kids - in fact it's pretty common in my world.  It's what grownups do Meghan.  

  • Love 16
I see Shannon's endless comments


That's the point -- she just never lets up & she never will.  He's a fool to stay with her cuz she's only gonna torture him forever.  Actually, this is merely an extension of her own loony shticks & insecurities, but she's enough to drive anyone near her nuts.  At least David works & he's out of the house a lot & away from her.  But it seems like she has nothing to do with her time, other than dream up shit to worry & complain about.  She's only in her early 50's, but she acts like a very old person & a total PITA too!

  • Love 6

Wait, when asshole Jimmy was posing with Meghan by the sunset, was she standing in a ditch?  Sheesh, that's the only time I've seen him touch her.  Looked to me like he let her go quick (really, really, really quick) once the pic was taken.  And I coulda sworn he made a yucky-yuck/just-smelled-poop face, but maybe that's his usual look.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I can't believe I'm saying this, but Tamra's mother looks way better this season than in the past.  Did she have work done or something?  And I'm really surprised they allowed the Bravo cameras in the delivery room.  They actually showed ratboy cutting the cord.  Very risky thing to have on film.  Almost expected him to grab it and start gnawing on it.  LOL!  I thought the baby was cute enough, but the mother looked like some 50 year old woman lying there in that hospital bed.  Is she older than Ryan?  I wonder if she was wanting a boy since she has all girls. 

  • Love 8

In these scenes with Shannon and David I feel like I'm watching them play out the (typed, numbered) list of things Shannon told David she needs from him in order to work through her feelings about his affair, and to get past it.  I can imagine him telling her that he would do whatever she asked if she would give him a second chance, so she said okay, I want you to go to couples' therapy, and also we will have sessions with a third party to discuss how you can be a better husband and father, and when I have bad feelings because something reminded me of your affair, you have to just stand there and listen to me tell you how those feelings made me feel, because you are the villain here, and you owe me endless amounts of contrition.  So he has been doing all of this, but there has been no sign of improvement, if anything Shannon is becoming more obsessed with his affair instead of less, and he's growing weary of jumping through the humiliating hoops and constantly having to acknowledge that yes, Shannon, I just did something inconsiderate again, I didn't call you when I said I would, I understand why you're upset.  Yes dear, yes dear, yes dear, I'm sorry to infinite and beyond. 


I can appreciate the reasoning behind trying to work it out and keep their family intact, but this shit digs in deep, the damage is too big and Shannon is clearly not the kind of person who can move on from it.  I'm not criticizing her for this, I'm the same way - if Mr. Irritable cheated, that would be it for us, because I know that I would never be able to look at him again without thinking about it.  You just have to know yourself, and what you can and cannot handle.  Shannon is fighting it in such a way that she's only making things worse, and if she doesn't get a grip then David will go from being the bad guy who cheated on his poor wife, to the poor guy that ran away screaming from his nagging wife and everyone will say, "Damn dude, I don't know how you stayed as long as you did!"  I still like Shannon, and I certainly understand her feelings and why she can't just get over it, but that is why if I were in her position I would just say well, I tried everything I could think of to get myself past what happened, but trust can't be regained and I can't live with these waves of emotion crashing over me every time someone says boo, so we should probably get a divorce.  It feels like that's the foregone conclusion, we are just seeing the death throes of the marriage, and it's so awkward.


Shut up about being a sexy grandma,Tamra.  Better yet, shut up about being sexy.  Or best option of all, just shut up.  I don't understand why she and Ryan get to decide that because he doesn't like living where he is, that now his wife (?) and their 5 children should move back near his mommy.  The woman has her own established business, maybe she doesn't want to uproot and go where they can't afford to live.


Of course Vicki picked her mother up out of the coffin.  Of course she did. 


It's so hard to watch the scenes with Leeanne in them.  She seems so lovely, and in spite of how poorly she must feel most of the time, she still shows up for things, she smiles, she does her best to put everyone around her at ease.  She chooses not to light into her teenage daughter in front of her friends and the cameras for acting like a nasty brat, because she knows that in the grand scheme of her reality, getting into an argument on that day isn't worth it.  She is the epitome of grace, letting the bad behavior go by in order to keep things moving in a positive direction.  She wants to have good days, she wants to build happy memories.  In the end, her daughter will look back on how she treated her mom on that day and have to live with the pain and regret of it - that will be more than punishment enough.  Also, I think there is a really good chance that some of the girl's temper and moodiness comes from the stress of knowing her mother is so sick, and at that age it's hard to know how to handle the weight of something so serious looming over every moment.  She's frustrated that her mom is dying, much more so than she is frustrated that her dress got left behind.  But it's easier to act like it's about the dress, when you're a kid.  No matter how many pounds of godawful makeup are stacked on her face, she's still just a kid. 

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 21

Ugh, as much as I dislike Gramballs, I will never tell you all I teared up - ONLY because I really can't wait until my first born has his first born.  I remember my mom when I had my first son.  She had to keep her hands in her jeans because she wanted him to hold him so badly.  That's it.  I'll deny it if you ever quote me in the future.  I'll say my post was hacked.  ;)  


Then she ruins it on WWHL.  


ETA:  When I drank, my elbow would fall off the table too Miss Champs.  However, I never got to give a command to "boil some pasta".  Poor peoples problems.  


I like Shannon and Vicki - their friendship.  Median - thank you - I will always giggle at the medians now.  


I bet Simon is saying "nothing ever changes".  


Labloverkids....don't touch pick me up and hug me out of my coffin when I'm dead.  Just let me rest in peace.  I'm not there any more.  But the after get together - no paper plates, check the toilet paper rolls, have coffee for all who want it.  Don't pick up my cold ass body.  And I don't want to be wearing a bra or shoes.  Matter of fact, I want to be in a sweat suit commando.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 15

Hayley reminds me of the original kids from Season 1 of the RHOC only not charming when your mom is hanging on for her dear life and she marginalizes her mother's presence.  I don't think I have ever seen such a horrible brat. 


Meghan thinks this is all so cool that she is somehow in the minority with the exes and nextes.  It is life and I question Meghan constant reference she has Hayley full time.  If that is the case why does LeeAnn have her medication.  The stepfather looked totally unamused with the brat.   

  • Love 7

They actually showed ratboy cutting the cord.  Very risky thing to have on film.  Almost expected him to grab it and start gnawing on it.

That's it.  You win the internet for the day.  I'd even go for the week and possibly the month.  I can see his little rat face as he gnaws away.  Tamra would be glaring through the window, her beady little rat eyes shining brightly.  The family that gnaws together, stays together.


I was wondering if they were suggesting that Ryan and his spawn would move to the OC, probably just for filming so Tamrat could revel in being a grandma,  


I missed that Vicki picked her mother up to hug her when she was in the coffin.  If often give Vicki the benefit of the doubt.  She's ridiculous and OTT but she's entertaining.  This, not so much.  Thankfully Bravo did not film the funeral (I'm sure the family put the kibosh on that).  True story:  my grandfather and his sister Pearl did not get along.  She was a larger than life character - always dressed in shiny white, painted her nails white, had white hair in an old school Dolly Parton piled high fashion.  When they lowered his coffin into the ground, she went to leave, probably so she could guzzle from her flask without anyone seeing.  She fell on the half-lowered coffin.  Rather than acknowledging she tripped, she started sobbing and screeching, "Why?  Why?  Take me Lord!"  At graveside services they rarely lower the coffin while the family watches now.  The family doesn't know how lucky they are.  I could see Vicki pulling a Pearl and riding the coffin into the ground.  

  • Love 12

I see Shannon's endless comments as more needy, whiny, and repetitive than abusive. Defining this as psychological abuse, not the more nebulous social definition. Asking a spouse who cheated on you to make a list of where they went with the mistress and asking for details just don't seem abusive to me. Frivolous and pointless yes. But mileage varies. Most of Shannon's comments to David are along the vein of, "I can forgive you for the affair but I can't forget." Or, "When you drank/flirted/breathed it reminded me of the affair and I had bad thoughts." Hellz yeah they're annoying, but for me she hasn't said anything blatantly mean or abusive. I have a bad memory though,

I'm not saying the emotional abuse started after the affair. From what I saw of their dynamic in season 1, it seems to have been present before David cheated on her.

She might not have done one cruel thing to him but the constant put downs and dissatisfaction with everything he did/does adds up to a behavior I won't wish on my enemy. If I were Davids mother or sister, I'd want him far from the blackhole he married to.

When I said she abuses him , past and present, I meant the way she belittles him and nitpicks on every single thing the guy does. He can't even stop for a burger on his way to meet her. He didn't arrive late but that didn't stop her from critizing his decision to grab a bite.

Him having an affair just gives her more room to ramp it up IMO. He might have foolishly thought the affair was his get out jail card. The idiot didn't know the woman he married.

Shannon might project actions of abuse and if the dynamics between parents parallel to her's and David's then she's doing to her kids what they did to her.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 3

OK, I'll just say it. That wasn't a cute baby.

I think ugly babies are the cutest, especially the ones who look like little old men or ladies, or cabbage patch kids. My nephew looked like Rodney Dangerfield when he was an infant, but now, at 8 years old, he's really handsome.  On the flip side, my husband's niece was the most beautiful baby I've ever seen (blonde curls, blue eyes, Gerber baby face, and all that jazz), and uh, let's just say she hasn't aged well thus far.  I hope little Ava didn't inherit Dad's looks.  Not good on a girl.


That being said, can Meghan shut the EFF up about how hard it is to raise a kid!?!  You did not raise Hayley, her mother did!  She is 17 years old, so at the most, you're a touch of big sister advice and a clothes closet to raid.  She's essentially an adult, so all she needs is love and financial support, not raising.


Lastly, while watching the Shannon and David scenes, I couldn't help thinking how much great material they gave Ron and Ben from Watch What Crappens ("David, you took her to a restaurant we passed when driving the kids to the dentist 3 years ago! David, David?? How could you! David?")


ETA - Terry came dangerously close to entering Alec Baldwin "piglet" territory when Coco Bean wouldn't kiss him because "he farts".  He said "You're a little...". then stopped just short of "bitch".  I really hope he never finishes sentences like that when the cameras are gone.  He's taking Coco's 5-year-old brattiness far too seriously.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 8

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