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As for Tamra, I am now fast forwarding through all of her scenes, but especially with Ryan. I watch these shows to see people with money or fabulous connections or at least some drool-worthy real estate. And instead, Bravo gives me Ryan? Uh, no thanks. Why does this loser gets screen time? He, along with Lynn Curtain's girls, is not entertainment. Bravo, please, pull the plug on this family.



I fast-forwarded as well. Don't care about babies being born, especially to Ryan and Grama Tamra. I didn't mind seeing her visit to Vicki, but other than that, I usually ignore most of Tamra's scenes. She's just not interesting and she's played out all her stories.

Jim and his ex-wife husband look like more of a couple than Meghan and Jim.



I agree. They seem much more relaxed around each other and comfortable as Hailey's co-parents. He shoulda kept her. But then, maybe she was sick of him.


Meghan seems like a weird interloper, just makes no sense in the picture.

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I fast-forwarded as well. Don't care about babies being born, especially to Ryan and Grama Tamra. I didn't mind seeing her visit to Vicki, but other than that, I usually ignore most of Tamra's scenes. She's just not interesting and she's played out all her stories.


I agree. They seem much more relaxed around each other and comfortable as Hailey's co-parents. He shoulda kept her. But then, maybe she was sick of him.


Meghan seems like a weird interloper, just makes no sense in the picture.


Ha, I was saying tht Jim and ex-wife's husband seemed more like boyfriend and boyfriend.

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Meghan seems like a weird interloper




Ha, this reads like "anteloper" to me, which also seems appropriate for Meghan. Here's my read on Meghan. She wants to feel important, but being the pharmaceutical rep didn't do it, and marrying the ex-baseball player didn't do it, so now she thinks she is there to save the day for this poor little soon-to-be motherless girl, but that's not going to do it either. She may be 30 but that doesn't mean she knows who she is. Too bad she is on tv talking about these issues, as she just exposes herself as clueless every time she opens her mouth.  She doesn't fit into this group of older ladies who have dealt with family life a little longer than four months.

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I know this is out of left field but the photo session on the beach after the girls did their hair and makeup? I know what being on the beach can do to your hair and I am sure the girls had to re-primp and get the sand off their feet to put their shoes back on, it seems that it was all about Meghan and what she wanted. 


Tamara keeps asking if she looks like a grandmother, sooner or later she will get the answer she is fishing for but if I were her I would stop asking before she gets the answer, "yes."



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All she cares about is her looks. She's the self-titled "hottest wife in the OC" or some bullshit like that. She doesn't have a sparkling personality, intelligence, an education, a good career, exceptional skills as a mother, a trophy husband or wealth. She's not even kind. So she falls back on her looks.

Ha! I think someone already renamed Tamra: Hottest Granny of Orange County!

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Bravo uses the generic Chicago because so many people are ignorant about geography. If they would say Palantine, 80% of the viewing public would say "Huh? Where'd she say? Where the hell is that?" It's just easier to say Chicago. I grew up in Waukesha, Wi, but when people would ask where I lived, I just said Milwaukee. It's really not such a big deal, especially for the geography impaired.

When I said Heather was $500,000 over on her cabinets, I was being facetious.


        I knew she was from Chicago but I never realized it was Palatine. The town I grew up in borders palatine, Fremd highschool is a very good school. Another odd coincidence is that an episode from an early season was filmed where I currently live. She is following me!

     I found myself FFing Heather's scenes. I just don't find her amusing or interesting. I did catch the whole Coco scene. I was not amused at that either, it just seemed fake and planned. I have a daughter who is super mouthy and we used to laugh at her audacity since her sisters were NEVER like that. The thing is, that while it may be cute when they are four, not so much, when they are 14. She is 8 now and we have to really rein it in.

       I feel bad for Shannon, I don't think there is a switch where you can just get over something like that, so no criticism for her harping on her husband's infidelity. I think it would be easier to get over if he were.....you know, a kind and loving nice guy. He is not though. He seemed to miss the point of listening to your kids, and had this get over it attitude.

      I don't mind Tamara so much this season. I feel like I am missing someone.......MEGHAN! That whole your mom is gonna die shit...... at this point, no matter what she does, that is what she will be remembered for. Awful.

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Making my first remark on this forum. *is nervous*


I hate to agree with Shannon on much of anything because I dislike her, but when she said Bach's Rescue Remedy is calming, I can testify to it. It's good stuff. A little weird and not remotely explainable, but I don't care. It works for me.

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Making my first remark on this forum. *is nervous*


I hate to agree with Shannon on much of anything because I dislike her, but when she said Bach's Rescue Remedy is calming, I can testify to it. It's good stuff. A little weird and not remotely explainable, but I don't care. It works for me.


Welcome WordsWordsWords!

Edited by AnnA
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From what Vicki has said on the show and tweeted, Brooks has stopped his chemo treatments after the first few rounds failed to show any improvement (not sure if his "doctors" were monitoring metastasized tumor sizes, blood enzymes, or both to determine this). That he has been consulting with holistic medicine expert Shannon and following her alternative treatments, including the use of coffee enemas, instead of continuing chemo.

(Wow, where are the short cuts?)

I have to jump in here. As I posted earlier, my husband had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma a few years ago. There is a recognized standard treatment which Thank God worked for him. It's the first line for this disease. 6 rounds of R-CHOP chemo then an evaluation. He actually had 8. And there are a bunch of side-effects including hair loss. We were told no one escapes this. And I mean every hair on your body loss. Eyebrows, eyelashes, the whole 9 yards. As well, the prednisone causes a lot of dramatic mood swings, energy rushes and horrible crashes. I know I'm headed straight for hell, but Brooks just...doesn't seem that sick. In fact not sick at all. If there is lymphoma, they would check with CT and PT scans to check progress. I can't believe his doctors would just say ok if he stopped chemo. They'd move heaven and earth to prevent that. As far as I understand, the cure rate is pretty high on this treatment.

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Ha, I was saying tht Jim and ex-wife's husband seemed more like boyfriend and boyfriend.

Haha. I thought you meant Jim's ex wife and her husband. They also look like a closer couple than Jim and Megan. 

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(Wow, where are the short cuts?)

I have to jump in here. As I posted earlier, my husband had Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma a few years ago. There is a recognized standard treatment which Thank God worked for him. It's the first line for this disease. 6 rounds of R-CHOP chemo then an evaluation. He actually had 8. And there are a bunch of side-effects including hair loss. We were told no one escapes this. And I mean every hair on your body loss. Eyebrows, eyelashes, the whole 9 yards. As well, the prednisone causes a lot of dramatic mood swings, energy rushes and horrible crashes. I know I'm headed straight for hell, but Brooks just...doesn't seem that sick. In fact not sick at all. If there is lymphoma, they would check with CT and PT scans to check progress. I can't believe his doctors would just say ok if he stopped chemo. They'd move heaven and earth to prevent that. As far as I understand, the cure rate is pretty high on this treatment.

I agree. I've always been amazed at how an utter loser like Brooks, with his child support non payments, absence of work history, and friend of young strippers routine, could secure the utter devotion and love of a hard-working woman like Vicki. She seems to lose all critical thinking or common sense where Brooks is concerned, so apparently desperate is her need for a man's love, albeit in a toothless and shiftless package. I've watched with a skeptical eye this season, where his Stage 3 NHL diagnosis has been relegated to a low-key back story. No shots of Vicki accompanying him to chemo treatments or doctor visits, not once. Instead, she wants to get away to New Orleans and momma's funeral while leaving him alone to his own devices and coffee enemas. At least he can call Shannon for medical advice if he needs it.

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I don't feel comfortable doubting the veracity a person saying they have cancer, as I've had colon cancer myself buuuuuttttt...Brooks is making it so hard. If he's quit his chemo regime why wouldn't he at least be trying to get into a clinical trial of some sort? "Forest showers" (ooookay) as your treatment plan seems like something someone who wasn't really sick might do. You get the benefit of everyone seeing you work your treatment plan without all those yucky poisonous chemicals killing those cancer cells. Something about this story seems not quite right. I certainly don't HOPE he has cancer but anyone who lies about having it...well, there's a special place in hell.

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How often is RHOC filmed- and for how long? I thought in the last episode (or one before it) they talked about Brooks getting chemo and being pretty ill -- the worst of the nausea etc. while Vicky was away.  I feel that Brooks has a right to keep the fine details of his cancer treatment private unless he has a contract specifying otherwise with Bravo. I actually have a friend who had ductal breast cancer and put herself in remission using alternate health interventions. She went on an all vegetarian diet and cut out sugars and lost about 45 lbs. For a while we were all concerned because she looked gaunt. She also had a very involved schedule of exercise (for her lymphatics...), herbs, supplements, and went often for many different treatments that honestly I thought some were questionable and some of them she even said... "even it it does nothing- it puts me in my happy place." The biggest thing she did was divorce her husband. Eventually she had to go for Zometa infusions and take hormone pills because her tumor had hormonal receptors and that is what finally did it. However I fear it will come back because that is the nature of breast cancer. Anyway, she used Bach remedies too -- I don't know about coffee enemas... but I wouldn't put it past her. Although all that roughage with her veggie diet--I don't think she needed any enemas. Her trouble was finding a medical doctor who was willing to work with her on the alternative side of things. She finally did find one but it wasn't til the end when she fractured a bone after a slip on the ice. Expense wise, I think that it really added up but was nothing compared to traditional chemotherapy and supportive therapy cost.  Not everyone who needs chemotherapy can get it if they don't have adequate insurance coverage.

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Ha, I was saying tht Jim and ex-wife's husband seemed more like boyfriend and boyfriend.

Haha! I re-read it and finally got that! True as well. They all seem like rational adults with Meghan the odd one out.

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The thing is, Brooks didn't seem that sick from the get-go. I'm no doctor so I can only relate my husband's experience. But he was stage 2, so less sick at diagnosis. And that poor guy had been going through hell for months with horrendous rashes and night sweats and weight loss. (And me begging him to see the doctor!). I also don't want to doubt someone in this circumstance. And I get that it's much easier to deal with in Canada where we don't have to worry about health insurance. But Brooks just looks so OK...

Edited by quaintirene
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This!  I totally get why Shannon feels the way she does and of course she's insecure and jittery.  I would be too.  However, I agree with the quote above - you have to know yourself and what you can and cannot handle.  I couldn't handle it either.  And if I were to stay and give him another chance, it would be miserable for both of us, so no matter how much I thought I loved him, I'd have to let him and the marriage go. 


I'm not saying that people can't forgive and forget and indeed move on with the relationship and heal, I just know "me" and I could NOT handle it.  To me, infidelity is my deal breaker.  

It's still new. There's a big part of the healing process that takes a lot of hits. I do believe a part of the recovery is that the person who cheated knows that their spouse will have highs and lows and will lash out and it may sound crazy but they are also expected to take it. That's if they truly want to be forgiven for what they did. They don't get to dictate how long it takes to get that forgiveness and trust back. I don't expect anything more from Shannon that what she's displaying this soon after finding out. No way in hell. Deciding to stay together doesn't mean to act like shit's okay, Yes, deciding to forgive and move on does require that it's put in the past and not held over David but that part comes waaaaaaaayyyyy later down the line. Right now Shannon is working through what triggers the feelings of betrayal and learning and trying things that may help her alleviate the pain she's stabbed with randomly. Oh and I do believe out of nowhere she gets the wind knocked out of her, even while doing routine things. Cooking eggs, BAM! Stab in her gut cause for a brief second her mind wandered into that place. We don't control those raw emotions that sneak up on us when it's this fresh. She has to get to a place where her mind isn't always going to that place whenever her and David have the smallest of issues but in order for that not to be the automatic go to she needs to figure out how to trust Davids word, Davids actions Davids intentions and when you've been victim of infidelity that's a gear that's hard to shift out of. Especially when that gear was the way she was able to finally find out.

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Meghan seems like a weird interloper, just makes no sense in the picture.



Years from now Haley will l look at that picture and be like oh look there's Dad and that girl he was with at the time.  Awkward.

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Jimmy Edmonds' wife AKA Megan King from St. Louis AKA Ms. 30-year-old AKA Bethenny Frankel's worst nightmare.

Wow. I had no idea that was Meghan in that picture!


I don't think Vicki wanted Brooks to go. He doesn't have any money, and Vicki knew she would have to pay for his flight and a nice hotel for him so she was like, "screw it, he can stay in my house which is nicer than a hotel and isn't going to cost me anything."  Just because he wasn't welcome at the funeral doesn't mean he couldn't have still accompanied her on the fight and been there for her in the evenings. Vicki really only seems interested in Brooks when she needs a man to show up. He's sort of like a escort now that I think of it. I also think she wanted to keep him away from Brianna because she would question him and blow his cancer story by finding the holes. If Vickie really wanted Brooks there she would have been major drama about it.


I am thinking this is what happened.  Vicki probably wanted to spend the week as the center of attention and having Brooks there would be a reason for the others to not ply Vicki with attention.

After reading all this discussion on Brook's cancer, when I rewatched this ep I noticed that Vicki didn't say he was forbidden from attending her mother's funeral. I am paraphrasing here, but she said something like "My family doesn't approve of him, so he wouldn't be going". I found it interesting that he wasn't forbidden from going, but she decided to go without him.


Ha! I think someone already renamed Tamra: Hottest Granny of Orange County!

I believe it was Tamra who said that.

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Wow. I had no idea that was Meghan in that picture!



After reading all this discussion on Brook's cancer, when I rewatched this ep I noticed that Vicki didn't say he was forbidden from attending her mother's funeral. I am paraphrasing here, but she said something like "My family doesn't approve of him, so he wouldn't be going". I found it interesting that he wasn't forbidden from going, but she decided to go without him.


I believe it was Tamra who said that.


It was Tamra who said, "hottest Granny." Girl please. She can hardly even utter the words she's had so much filler and botox.  She lost whatever hotness she thought she did by her second season.

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I agree that Megan's Stepdaughter is an ungreatful little bitch. I can't believe that she is only in High School . I really thought she was in Collage.

Was very happy to see that a crew was not sent with Vickie for her Mom's services .  

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All she cares about is her looks. She's the self-titled "hottest wife in the OC" or some bullshit like that. She doesn't have a sparkling personality, intelligence, an education, a good career, exceptional skills as a mother, a trophy husband or wealth. She's not even kind. So she falls back on her looks.


I'm side-eying Ryan's baby mama. They met on instagram, right? And what does loser Ryan have to offer aside from some cameos on a Z-list reality show? It's not like this is her first rodeo since she has three other kids; she should have an idea of what to look for in a partner by now.

Too bad Tamra relies on her looks.  She initially makes an ok impression, but very quickly, you notice that she's a mottled-skinned, bleached-straw-haired, foobed vulgarian with black, soulless eyes.  It speaks very poorly of Eddie that he's attracted to that.  Simon was an asshole but at least honest that he loved her fake-titted 'reformed' adult-star type look.  No offense intended towards adult actors, Tamra clearly geared her look towards that archetype, and even her persona even though there is no reason to think adult stars drive everything to the topic of sex and looks in their off-screen lives. 

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So I found this recap of this ep & here's an interview with asshole Jimmy & asshole Meghan.  Jimmy comes off like an unlikeable stiff & pretty much the same asshole he's been seeming like thus far.  And I get the impression Meghan is lying thru her teeth & bullshitting up a storm & putting on an act.


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So I found this recap of this ep & here's an interview with asshole Jimmy & asshole Meghan.  Jimmy comes off like an unlikeable stiff & pretty much the same asshole he's been seeming like thus far.  And I get the impression Meghan is lying thru her teeth & bullshitting up a storm & putting on an act.



I couldn't watch the whole thing, it just drags. Meghan's constant gesticulations were driving me nuts. She really thinks she's the cat's meow.
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Well, those people in that vid can't especially recap the ep in a funny or interesting way cuz they're too busy kissing asshole Jimmy's & asshole Meghan's asses.  They said to Meghan how Tams said she was so great on WWHL.  What they didn't say to them was Tams also said on WWHL that asshole Jimmy "didn't seem into her".  Jimmy started to say he apologized to Shannon & then he clearly corrected himself & said he merely told Shannon he was the one who didn't want to invite her to the party at his house.  No, he never apologized to Shannon & he kept referring to "his" house, once in a while correcting himself & saying "our" house.  


Asshole Jimmy is a dick -- thru & thru.  An absolute dick.  And I don't believe Meghan here, when she casually says she had no producer intervention or prodding, & everything in her life is exactly how we see it on the show.  Eh, she's still an asshole & I didn't like seeing how these idiots were smooching up to them.  And btw, Meghan's job selling medical whatever sounded really shitty, so I just bet she jumped at the chance of marrying Jimmy & going to OC, even if she has to deal with his asshole shitty unpleasant personality.


She does say the season ended with Shannon not speaking to her.  She shrugged & said she didn't know why.  But I'm sure it'll be obvious on the show.  One thing about Shannon -- yes, she's a jittery loon, but she doesn't do things randomly.  She does everything for a reason.  And we've seen what an asshole Meghan is.  She says offensive shit without even knowing or caring she does.  Ugh, these 2 are such disgusting, horrible people.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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And btw, Meghan's job selling medical whatever sounded really shitty, so I just bet she jumped at the chance of marrying Jimmy & going to OC, even if she has to deal with his asshole shitty unpleasant personality.


Very fitting that someone married to an shitty asshole would marry the Catheter Queen of the Ozarks.  Nice pair.

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I feel horrible saying this, but I kind of wish David would have taken his mistress to see Dr. Moon. 


I am dying! This is my second favorite hypothetical storyline right behind Heather's disastrous restaurant that never got built or opened.

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Im from the west suburbs ( Elmhurst area) and its common to just say Chicago or Chicago area to people non-familiar because there is a HUGE difference between Northwest Suburbs/West Suburbs than like Peoria. IL is a big state, lol


If her family was from like Homer Glenn I would give you far away suburb or Morris or something...but Palatine really isn't THAT far from the city. If you can take the metra to the city you really aren't super far. Its not Lincoln Park or the Loop but Ill give Bravo a pass on saying Chicago.


If I am out of town and talking to people from IL- if they say they are from Chicago- I just assume either the city or Chicago suburbs, personally. However obviously talking to someone here I don't tell a Palatine resident  I am from Chicago when I am actually in West Suburbs.

I am from Waukegan and if I am asked where I am from I say the far Northern suburbs near the ILL/WIS boarder . If they know the area they may ask where. I believe if I remember right Vickie is from Cary which is maybe North/West of Chicago .   

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I can't decide if Meghan is an idiot or an insensitive bitch. Probably a lot of both. I hope the cameras are recording when her husband (who is pinging my gaydar hard) tells her it's been real but it's time for him to move on.


I am so tired of hearing about Heather's one percent world problems. Please leave and take your smug husband with you.


Tamra's granddaughter is beautiful.

Edited by bangs
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Shannon was always awful to David - long before he had an affair.  She constantly picked at him, criticized him, mocked him in front of their daughters.  I saw the affair coming a mile away.  (I'm not saying he was right to do it, just that I completely understand how appealing it must have been to be with someone who wasn't  so obviously & loudly displeased with him so much of the time.)


So I don't give her a huge pass for the way she's acting now.  Yes, coming to terms with this kind of thing is certainly difficult.  But I don't see her condescending, overly-critical attitude toward him as anything new.  She treated him pretty much the same way before the affair.  There's clearly more fear & hurt now, but it's not as though she was a loving, supportive wife and has now turned into a shrew because he cheated on her.  IMO she pretty much always was a shrew, especially toward him.  

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Shannon was always awful to David - long before he had an affair.  She constantly picked at him, criticized him, mocked him in front of their daughters.  I saw the affair coming a mile away.


Well he apparently start the affair the day after filming started so there was never a time we have seen them "before" the affair, just before she had the evidence of the affair.

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Well he apparently start the affair the day after filming started so there was never a time we have seen them "before" the affair, just before she had the evidence of the affair.


We saw them all of last season.  That's what I was referring to.

Edited by DebbieM4
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Right but he started the affair the day after they started filming last season.


Shannon knew nothing about an affair as of last year's reunion.  Tamra said that she herself knew (or suspected), but said nothing at the reunion because Shannon had no idea.  So all of last season Shannon treated David like crap.  And it wasn't because she knew about his affair.


eta:  So I shouldn't have said, "long before the affair".  I should have said, "long before she found out about it".  But my original point is still the same.

Edited by DebbieM4
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How often is RHOC filmed- and for how long? 


They film each year for about 4 months. This year they started filming in January, 2015, and filmed until May. 

Shannon knew nothing about an affair as of last year's reunion.  Tamra said that she herself knew (or suspected), but said nothing at the reunion because Shannon had no idea.  So all of last season Shannon treated David like crap.  And it wasn't because she knew about his affair.


eta:  So I shouldn't have said, "long before the affair".  I should have said, "long before she found out about it".  But my original point is still the same.

Shannon found out about the affair last year on April 1st , 2014 (Happy April Fools Day to you Shannon).  That was 2 weeks before the show premiered last season, so she absolutely knew at the reunion, which was filmed in August/September, 2014.  Did she know about it when they were filming? That I don't know. She has said that David began the affair right after they started filming, which was in October, 2013.  She has said that she found the hotel receipts on April 1st, but I would bet she knew something was up because she had said she would ask David and he would call her "crazy" for suspecting anything. I think that Tamra said she knew about it, but said nothing at the reunion because she didn't know for sure if Shannon knew.  I think it's all a lie. Shannon knew, they all knew, and they all knew that Shannon knew when they were at the reunion. Heather said something on WWHL about letting Shannon "tell the story the way she wants to tell the story". 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I think that heather focuses on the house because it's a way to avoid letting the show dig into her personal life.

I think the problem with Heather is that she just has a great life and there is not really much drama to focus on. I do think that she would never pull a Shannon and show anything so real and raw, but I also think there is just not a lot there to show. I love Heather, but it always seems like she is trying to make a big "do" out of small things between her and Terry that aren't really big things. A couple of seasons ago when he wasn't being supportive about her going back to work didn't ring true to me. Not that it wasn't an adjustment, but it wasn't a big deal I don't think. Now the scenario is that he is working a lot and she is having to manage "alone". I like her when she is really just being herself and not trying to whip up drama where none really exists. 

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They film each year for about 4 months. This year they started filming in January, 2015, and filmed until May. 

Shannon found out about the affair last year on April 1st , 2014 (Happy April Fools Day to you Shannon).  That was 2 weeks before the show premiered last season, so she absolutely knew at the reunion, which was filmed in August/September, 2014.  Did she know about it when they were filming? That I don't know. She has said that David began the affair right after they started filming, which was in October, 2013.  She has said that she found the hotel receipts on April 1st, but I would bet she knew something was up because she had said she would ask David and he would call her "crazy" for suspecting anything. I think that Tamra said she knew about it, but said nothing at the reunion because she didn't know for sure if Shannon knew.  I think it's all a lie. Shannon knew, they all knew, and they all knew that Shannon knew when they were at the reunion. Heather said something on WWHL about letting Shannon "tell the story the way she wants to tell the story". 

So I am trying to figure out if Tamra knew before Shannon or she figured it out when David moved out?  I think they went to Bora Bora in February and wrapped in March.  There was something Heather said about it being no big deal mentioning Shannon's decaying marriage to the group of women because it seemed to be common knowledge.   If Tamra knew at the Reunion and by know mean confirmation by  Shannon, David, the affair then it was particularly bitchy to go on and on calling David a flirt.  She knew she had to be hurting David and Shannon and she persisted.  I do think this was one time where being on a reality show did not necessarily mean vomiting up all gossip. 

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I can't decide if Meghan is an idiot or an insensitive bitch. Probably a lot of both. I hope the cameras are recording when her husband (who is pinging my gaydar hard) tells her it's been real but it's time for him to move on.


Yes and Meghan is also immature, cocky, naiive and not as worldly as she thinks she is. Thirty year olds can go either direction in their maturity levels. She definitely has a post adolescent quality about her and she is trying desperately to play all grown up for the camera. And when she can't quite pull it off, that's when she resorts to insulting and degrading the older wife cast members and pulls some dirty ageism (as we will also see in a future episode where she calls Vicki an old lady). Long neck girl needs to be knocked down a peg or thirty.


This has been said on this thread several times, but I need to have at it too: just what the hell was that pink fuzzy toilet seat cover she wore last week. Shaking my head....


My 'dar on Jim is getting pinged too. Maybe he needs to meet the "straight" husband of that Danielle from last season. Husband of the Holiday Sweater Lispers.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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She's a mottled-skinned, bleached-straw-haired, foobed vulgarian with black, soulless eyes.



She has shark eyes, just like the killer Robert Durst (The Jinx)!


Why can't she pronounce "grandma?" She keeps saying "gramma."

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She's a mottled-skinned, bleached-straw-haired, foobed vulgarian with black, soulless eyes.


Damn, ....that's some good writing. Edgar Allen Poe eat your heart out. (seriously - my compliments to you !)


Why can't she pronounce "grandma?" She keeps saying "gramma."

 Still drives me nuts when she can't put the word text in the past tense. As in,  "I texted Vicki last week". She'll say,  " I text Vicki last week."


In the Ryan seasons past retrospective shown last week (I think), they showed back when when he was in some legal trouble and Tamra kept saying he might go to "jell".


Tamra still is an idiot. Doesn't bother me that Heather speaks correctly and uses some common adult words that Tamra doesn't understand. I cant imagine how Tam and Heather connect, though. They are really very different people. Maybe the connection is really so limited to the show.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I think the problem with Heather is that she just has a great life and there is not really much drama to focus on


Agreed. I do suspect that Heather and Terry were angling for a reality spinoff ala, "Life With the Dubrows"...."meet the zany madcap life with OC's funniest and most successful plastic surgeon, Dr. Terry Dubrow,  and his witty and pretty wife, the former actress, Heather Paige Kent Dubrow, building their HUGE  UNBELIEVBABLE dream home along with their 4 adorable back talking sassy kids, ...little Nickie, the nameless, blend into the background, middle child twins, and the always bitchy and bratty, CoCo of the Champs....".


But then Terry got the lucrative Botched. 

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I like her when she is really just being herself and not trying to whip up drama where none really exists.


Oy, and just when is phony-baloney Heather EVER herself?  She's NEVER anything but phony, phony, phony, phony.  Ick & bleh.


My 'dar on Jim is getting pinged too.


Oh my word, BIG TIME.  Just look at the body language between them in that vid above.  He's sitting 10 feet away from her & he looks absolutely repulsed every time she tries to get close to him.  And he never touches her in the least.  I expect him to go, "ew, yuckety-yuck, icky-poo" every time she tries to touch him.  I luv how in the vid above he tries hard to insist they aren't apart that much.  Yeah, right.  Sham marriage -- ya think?


I'm only surprised to see what crap shape he's in when the camera hones in on his dumpy ass in the baggy, fugly jeans he always wears.  Still say he's aged lousy & he looks like shit.


See, now if only Gawker would have concentrated on outing an asshole celeb like him buying a dude hooker, they wouldn't be in so much trouble.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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 Still drives me nuts when she can't put the word text in the past tense. As in,  "I texted Vicki last week". She'll say,  " I text Vicki last week."



It probably is an arduous task for her to form words with all of those frozen muscles on her face so you can see why she wants to speak in shorthand.

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My 'dar on Jim is getting pinged too. Maybe he needs to meet the "straight" husband of that Danielle from last season. Husband of the Holiday Sweater Lispers.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.  He looked way more into his ex-wife's husband (who also pinged my 'dar) than he ever has Meghan.  Maybe that's why he suddeny remarried.  Quell the rumors.

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So I am trying to figure out if Tamra knew before Shannon or she figured it out when David moved out?  I think they went to Bora Bora in February and wrapped in March.  There was something Heather said about it being no big deal mentioning Shannon's decaying marriage to the group of women because it seemed to be common knowledge.   If Tamra knew at the Reunion and by know mean confirmation by  Shannon, David, the affair then it was particularly bitchy to go on and on calling David a flirt.  She knew she had to be hurting David and Shannon and she persisted.  I do think this was one time where being on a reality show did not necessarily mean vomiting up all gossip.

I have thought before and still believe that they all knew. Yes, Tamra knew and that's why she was going on and on about David being hot and a flirt and trying to stick it to Shannon at the reunion. How sweet of her to just hint, hint, hint and not out the affair...sarcasm...

I truly believe and mentioned this several times before, this was the reason for the frosty treatment between Terry & David. This is why THE email gossip was a big deal. I truly believe Terry disliked David because he knew about the problems in their marriage and they all probably knew about the domestic violence charges. I don't see Terry ever thinking cheating is acceptable. I think Terry is a douche, and he reminds me of Quagmire too, but he probably went into female protective mode. I think this is why he was rude to David at Lizzys beach house, RE: construction guys. Something tells me, in spite of the denials, that David was flirting with Meghan and/or other ladies at Heathers groundbreaking party...and Heather and her friends knew the other woman or at the very least, David's activities.

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So I found this recap of this ep & here's an interview with asshole Jimmy & asshole Meghan. Jimmy comes off like an unlikeable stiff & pretty much the same asshole he's been seeming like thus far. And I get the impression Meghan is lying thru her teeth & bullshitting up a storm & putting on an act.


Hmmm...more connections...Meghan met Andy Cohen at her model brothers place in NYC and her brother co-owns a dog with RHONY Carole. Oh, yah, there was no plan to bring her on...it was "organic" right...

Funny, after this interview, one would think Meghan was this glamorous, world traveler medical saleswoman that hit the pavement hard after graduating from Ole Miss...and conveniently leaves out that as recently as 2 years ago she was a salesgirl at a consignment shop.

It's so obvious that Bravo made this all happen, nothing happenstance about it.

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I truly believe and mentioned this several times before, this was the reason for the frosty treatment between Terry & David.


Wow, good analysis, IKnowRight. I never looked it that way before. Might explain the at the time, seemingly, over the top reaction Terry had over David, and not Eddie, at Heather's riding of the mechanical bull last season. Terry was possibly being protective and knew David was a cad and saw David's slightly vulgar outburst (" ride it, Heather") as lecherous and as a scoundrel. Mr. Bossa Nova might also react that way, I think, with inside info about another spouse's cheating ways. 


This knowledge comes "full circle", ala the title of last week's episode.

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