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I think Terry genuinely feels a lot of affection for Tara and Johnny after working with them so much. He's kind of like their cool uncle or something, and it comes out in his teasing of them and their antics. I like the three of them together. 

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On 10/21/2018 at 10:14 PM, Jeddah said:

never expect snark from Terry!

When March Madness rolls around again, be on the lookout for ESPN College to repeat the 30 for 30 on 83 NC State basketball team, Survive and Advance. You'll see the Terry that sort of sneaks out every once in awhile because he is really snarky funny in it and gives as good as he gets with his old teammates. I had no idea what his role was on the team before I watched it, and it's one of the best of the 30s.

I liked the fact we got to see so much on NBC SN, although it was hard to find. I see the dreaded "Medley Various Artists" reappeared, this time covering up Carmen and then for a Stones medley! I loved Terry and Johnny jousting over the music.

I really thought Starr Andrews needed a new free skate - she looked tentative and not enjoying herself. She wanted to skate to the Black Panther music, I don't know why they didn't let her.

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I'm going to Skate Canada International this year (flying up tomorrow), so that will be an interesting experience.  Rooting for Piper and Paul, especially.

Regarding Skate America, it gave us this classic photo.

Loved both of Satoko's programs.  I was really sad for Loena Hendrickx, who was apparently ill and withdrew after having a really rough short program -- after winning a medal at Nepela I was hoping she'd have a better Grand Prix debut.

In dance, Lilah Fear and Lewis Gibson's disco free dance is awesome fun, and also highlights how much I enjoy one of the new elements they've introduced this year, the choreographic character step sequence (in this case, they use it at the very beginning of the program).

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26 minutes ago, Darknight said:

The USA is shoving Brandie down our throats.

NBC overhypes any successful US athlete, but Bradie is unquestionably the top US woman right now.  And she had the fourth-best total score of any lady in the Challenger series, so that’s not unimpressive.

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2 hours ago, Darknight said:

The USA is shoving Brandie down our throats.

The US always has to have an ice princess to push to the masses, so Brandie just the latest in a long line of them. I have to say I did enjoy her FS at Skate America, for what that’s worth.

Speaking of the Grand Prix season, NBC’s coverage is going to suck!! Two whole hours (less commercial time) each weekend to cover the entire event? How generous! /sarcasm  Looks like I’ll be watching a lot on YouTube this year.

Edited by Maelstrom
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I found every single thing about SkAm unexciting. I know people loved Nathan's performances... meh.

On 10/21/2018 at 10:28 AM, Jeddah said:

I hate his short program. It doesn’t suit him. It’s like one of those programs that are supposed to show off a skater’s personality, but he isn’t actually using his real personality. Obviously, I don’t know him personally, but he does not seem that smiley and free-spirited in real life. His short program persona seems painfully forced, and I’d rather see the real Nathan. On a petty note: the gelled hair was a terrible look!

He has interpretation flaws that just make him seem so forced in it. There's happiness on his face, and yet the body is moving in such an awkward, disjointed manner... Bad. The only real highlight of his LP is the ChSq. I didn't expect anything less from Tara and Johnny than bending over backwards to praise those, though, so that was one expectation fulfilled.

Edited by displayname
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3 hours ago, SeanC said:

NBC overhypes any successful US athlete, but Bradie is unquestionably the top US woman right now.  And she had the fourth-best total score of any lady in the Challenger series, so that’s not unimpressive.

I hate it how they hype athetes up. Especially young ones. I know right now Bradie is on top for the USA ladies. It's just similar to Ashley and Grace. Will they handle the pressure? Will they do well? 

Skate Canada is today right? I think I missed Evegenia. 

1 hour ago, Maelstrom said:

The US always has to have an ice princess to push to the masses, so Brandie just the latest in a long line of them. I have to say I did enjoy her FS at Skate America, for what that’s worth.

Speaking of the Grand Prix season, NBC’s coverage is going to suck!! Two whole hours (less commercial time) each weekend to cover the entire event? How generous! /sarcasm  Looks like I’ll be watching a lot on YouTube this year.

NBC always suck. Always. I hate them. I can't believe they have a contract until 2030 I believe for the Olympics. I usually watch on YouTube. 

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18 minutes ago, Darknight said:

NBC always suck. Always. I hate them. I can't believe they have a contract until 2030 I believe for the Olympics. I usually watch on YouTube. 

The Olympic coverage sucks on other venues as well. As a follower of Equestrian events I’m always disappointed that they show hi-lights of what they think is interesting. Not necessarily the winners.  

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I had such high hopes after last year when the Olympic Channel showed live coverage of all the Grand Prix events, no matter what the time of day. It was Skateapalooza. I guess with their $60 "season pass" money gouging attempt, we can kiss that shit good-bye. 

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Wow. If you had asked me 30 years ago whether the US would ever be a powerhouse in Ice Dancing, I'd have said you were crazy.  Yet we appear to be killing it in the Grand Prix -- again!

Edited by legaleagle53
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Just saw the SP results for Skate Canada. Evgenia must’ve had a disaster to end up in 7th place. ?

And Uno is nearly 10 points behind Messing? What’s the world coming to. Lol. Should prove to be an interesting season. 

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7 minutes ago, Enero said:

Just saw the SP results for Skate Canada. Evgenia must’ve had a disaster to end up in 7th place. ?

Everything was going great (she was selling the program way, way better than at ACI) and then she had a complete disaster on what was supposed to be her closing 3F+3T combination.  She came down too early and ended up with a 3F<< and no combination.  Basically lost ten points there.


And Uno is nearly 10 points behind Messing? 

Stepped out of his 4T-3T combination and then had a horrendous fall on the 3A (he hit the boards back-first).

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Quite an interesting first day at SCI.  I met Ted Barton and had a chat with him, which was great.

The way things played out across the events was kind of weird, because we simultaneously had an amazing amount of clean skating (ice dance was rough for an ice dance event, which is still clean by any other discipline's reckoning) and yet the only discipline where a podium favourite (or even multiple podium favourites) didn't have a catastrophic wipeout was, of all things, pairs (where James and Cipres had some bobbles that veered toward the edge of disaster, but ultimately saved everything).

Gutted for Piper and Paul.

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I do not really like Shoma's SP. I like the music, but not the choreography with it. When the music is fast and intense, the choreography is...not? I don't know, it's just weird and doesn't feel like it really goes together at times. There needs to be more fast, crisp footwork or something. Based on the performances given on this particular day, I actually thought Shoma was a bit overscored.

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3 hours ago, honeywest said:

There is no universe in which Shoma Uno should be more than six points behind Keegan Messing (and just a tenth of a point ahead of Junhwan Chun).

Why? He had a mistake on the combo, fell on the 3A, and was generally skating tentatively. At least one of those jumps he made mistakes on looked under-rotated to me, but he wasn't called on them. Messing shouldn't have 42+ PCS, but Uno most certainly shouldn't have 43+ PCS for his effort. The GOE on his 4F was a joke, too. The top 2 should be Messing and then Cha. It's a farce that the OSM was propped up to second with failed jump content and his poorly delivered program. 

The ladies' OSM was propped up, too. No way should she have the highest PCS of the night for that.


This has been a generally poor event thus far, and SkAm was bad too. Hoping the next event picks it up.

Edited by displayname
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I read about how badly Evgenia did and was dreading watching her skate but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed her routine. She just needs to get her old consistent, never miss jumps, groove back.

*nervously waits for final skate*

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5 hours ago, displayname said:

This has been a generally poor event thus far


9 of the 12 men went basically clean; the pairs was also atypically strong (especially glad for Walsh/Michaud, who had such a tough time at SkAm), the top three especially; ladies saw some UR problems, but Panenkova was the only real wipeout; dance, two teams had falls, everybody else really good.

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1 hour ago, SeanC said:


9 of the 12 men went basically clean; the pairs was also atypically strong (especially glad for Walsh/Michaud, who had such a tough time at SkAm), the top three especially; ladies saw some UR problems, but Panenkova was the only real wipeout; dance, two teams had falls, everybody else really good.

The performance quality for the men was milquetoast with most of them present generic or forgettable programs (with Uno performing his incoherently, and it still looks like the skeleton for something good than something good itself), the Pairs were bland apart from P/J and J/C who both were looking particularly unenergetic anyway, and not a single woman had a program that can be described anything more than "meh", although Wakaba performed it better than that description.

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I feel bad for Evgenia but I really, really don't care for that short program. Even if she'd been clean, I just find the music to be kind of cheesy and lame.

Even though Alina is skating to warhorse music, I much prefer her programs this season to Evgenia's. 

What a pleasant surprise to see Elizaveta back in top form. That triple axel made my day. I hope she keeps it up. 

That Daria girl was a disaster, yikes! Her arm positions on her jumps remind me of Maria Sotskova and that's not a good thing.

I feel like there isn't enough love for Mariah Bell. I thought she was great in the short. Her charm, enthusiasm and determination really came through in the sp. I hope she has a great long. I'm actually surprised that she came in behind Starr.

I like Starr a lot but I agree with those who feel that she really needs to improve on her general skating skills. I think her short program is nice but don't really like her long this season. Still, it's nice to see her in fourth. It's got to feel good for these ladies to be ahead of the reigning Olympic silver medalist. 

Edited by Avaleigh
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Whew Evgenia skated clean *breathes a sigh of relief*

Following skating is stressful!

I'm not fond of her free skate program but I thought she did really well and looked pretty convincing. Her double axel has improved so much! I don't understand why she is being dinged on her spins though. They look fine to me.

Bronze but she did win the free skate and I am so so so happy she recovered and didn't fall in the FS.

ETA: Rewatched it and saw her travelling a bit through some of her spins.


@Avaleigh I love both girls so much but I do prefer Alina's programs. Her habit of landing her jumps in tune with the big music moments is really selling Carmen for me. 

Edited by Mellowyellow
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Skate Canada:

The women’ free skate was a mixed bag. It was nice to see Evgenia rally, even if I personally don’t care for her skating style. While I do not particularly like Elizaveta’s overall skating, her jumps are gorgeous, and her win well-deserved. 

The men’s free skate medalists also were kinda meh, performance-wise. Shoma’s jump landings always make me nervous—like, they look like he’s juuuuust going to eek out a clean landing.

Piper and Paul’s free dance this season is beautiful, and I’m very excited to see how they push and refine it throughout the season. I think it was my favorite out of all of the performances I watched from this competition. I continue to like Madison and Zach’s free dance, and if they’re going to repeat as U.S. champions come January, I won’t be mad about it.

it’s great to see Vanessa James and Morgan Cipres really hitting their stride. I love their commitment to the more modern aesthetic (gotta love a sport where “modern” refers to songs that were first relevant over 20 years ago.) I’m also happy to see Kirsten Moore-Towers and Michael Marinaro improving as a team. She is indisputably the star of that team, like Aliona Savchenko was with her partners, and deserves all of the medals. Do not mess this up for her, Michael!

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So much meh choreography and music. Jason Brown’s Simon & Garfunkel medley was a mess. Higachi’s 4 Seasons - I was waiting for Terry or Tara to reference Surya because it was that dissonant version. Starr Andrews needs a new long. Her costume is great but the music...  The programs with dialogue - no, just no, especially the Romeo & Juliet.  And sorry, Johnny, I like Messing’s Chaplin a lot more than Uno flailing around to Moonlight Sonota.  Yamashita to Butterfly, speaking of warhorses, seemed all off too - she was flying and then seemed to just stop in places. Another one that wasted the build of the music.

I saw the Skate America free dance and I loved Fear & Gibson’s disco - if the sound had been at the right level to hear- my version at least I couldn’t even hear it. 

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15 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

I watched Skate Canada yesterday on NBC. I thought the women all looked lackluster; maybe they're just concentrating too hard on their next moves, but they were all bo-ring.

IMO, the most boring was Starr Andrews (boring only because she was skating from one jump to the next, tossing in a few moves here and there).  Isn't her coach Derrick Delmore?  He needs to make whatever type of change is needed so she doesn't look like all she cares about are the jumps.  While watching Mariah, all I could think about was Alissa Czisny--beautiful skating but battling nerves. I wish to heck I could've seen some ice dancing this past weekend - especially S&K.

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IMO, the most boring was Starr Andrews (boring only because she was skating from one jump to the next, tossing in a few moves here and there).  Isn't her coach Derrick Delmore?  He needs to make whatever type of change is needed so she doesn't look like all she cares about are the jumps. 

Yes, she is coached by Belmore ... I think she needs a first-tier coach. SHE needs to go to Brian Orser.  She reminds me of Surya because she can muscle her way through jumps but without the artistry.  

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As far as Starr goes, after having such a rough time at Skate America it's obvious why she'd have been particularly focused on getting the technical content right.

Overall verdict:

- Easily the best pairs event held so far this season.  The top four teams were all terrific (and any of them would probably have won most or even all of the Challenger events held thus far).  I was also really happy that Evelyn Walsh and Trennt Michaud had a solid outing, after the horrendous Grand Prix debut at Skate America where Evelyn fell on every single jump and throw.

- Very good men's event, particularly the short program.  Thrilled for Keegan Messing getting his first Grand Prix medal.

- The women's event was solid, though not exceptional.

- The ice dance rhythm dance was, for me, completely overshadowed by how depressed I was for Piper and Paul.  Their free dance comeback (with what is one of their very best programs) lifted my spirits considerably.  After Skoptcova and Aleshin took a tumble in the free, that makes three falls in a single ice dance competition, which is a lot.

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I too was so happy for Keegan, he's such a happy soul.  I love Piper and Paul's free skate, their best yet, was sorry to hear about her Mom, hadn't heard that she had passed away.  It was mentioned on the CBC coverage that Weaver and Pjoe had taken the 'year' off, I understood they would be back for Nationals?  If not, I see Piper and Paul as the next Canadian champs. 

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14 hours ago, SeanC said:

After Skoptcova and Aleshin took a tumble in the free, that makes three falls in a single ice dance competition, which is a lot.

Ha!  Shades of the O's in Turino, a memorable night of splats in ice dance (especially for the Italians).

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13 hours ago, wintrygal said:

It was mentioned on the CBC coverage that Weaver and Pjoe had taken the 'year' off, I understood they would be back for Nationals? 

Yes, they’re doing the second half of the season.  They're skipping the Grand Prix in favour of the Thank You Canada Tour with Tessa, Scott, Patrick, Meagan, Eric and Kaetlyn (and Elvis Stojko).

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Just now, SeanC said:

Yes, they’re doing the second half of the season.  They're skipping the Grand Prix in favour of the Thank You Canada Tour with Tessa, Scott, Patrick, Meagan, Eric and Kaetlyn (and Elvis Stojko).

Thanks SeanC, that's what I thought I had read, but couldn't find the article. 

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On 10/30/2018 at 6:26 PM, AuntieDiane6 said:

Yes, she is coached by Belmore ... I think she needs a first-tier coach. SHE needs to go to Brian Orser.  She reminds me of Surya because she can muscle her way through jumps but without the artistry.  

She should. She has do much talent. Maybe money is keeping her with her current coach. 

I didn't truly understand how the Russian system worked. Hearing Zhenya say Brian talked to her at 1am to help her mentally says a lot. Poor girl was beating herself up. Elizaveta did good. 

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LOVED Morgan & Cipres long program at Skate Canada. If you haven’t seen it, go YouTube it. I’m a sucker for slow versions of Wicked Game anyway but it was no nice to see everything come together for them. It was beautiful. 

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I really hope that Morgan & Cipres makes a habit of skating that cleanly because they've got such amazing chemistry together and choreography, and they can create such magic when they're fully on. 

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On 11/1/2018 at 1:56 PM, healthnut said:

LOVED Morgan & Cipres long program at Skate Canada. If you haven’t seen it, go YouTube it. I’m a sucker for slow versions of Wicked Game anyway but it was no nice to see everything come together for them. It was beautiful. 

Thanks SO much for this comment; I just watched it and it was beautiful!

The score showed a 1 point deduction; any idea what that was about?

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One of the things I really dislike about the current GOE set-up is the reward for extra-difficult exits from jumps. Most skaters, particularly in the womens’ discipline, don’t let their jumps ride out as much anymore. I miss that.

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8 hours ago, MaryMitch said:

Thanks SO much for this comment; I just watched it and it was beautiful!

The score showed a 1 point deduction; any idea what that was about?

Time violation for one of their lifts, it has happened three competitions in a row, they are trying to fix it. 

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On 11/1/2018 at 3:42 PM, selkie said:

I really hope that Morgan & Cipres makes a habit of skating that cleanly because they've got such amazing chemistry together and choreography, and they can create such magic when they're fully on. 

I absolutely agree. Their skate was fantastic. I hope they can continue to do well through the season. Loved that ending move. Cripes is Hercules. Lol. 

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On 10/25/2018 at 4:57 PM, ChicksDigScars said:

I had such high hopes after last year when the Olympic Channel showed live coverage of all the Grand Prix events, no matter what the time of day. It was Skateapalooza. I guess with their $60 "season pass" money gouging attempt, we can kiss that shit good-bye. 

They are having the events though. According to my dvr next week all events for Helsinki will be on the Olympic channel.  I am fine with it being later if I can see all of it. 

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The men's event was the definite highlight of Helsinki, principally because:  Yuzuru Hanyu breaks the curse!  He may finally have that undefeated season that has eluded him all these years.

Michal Brezina air guitars his way into the Grand Prix Final, only the second time he's ever done that, and that was seven years ago.  Brezina's become kind of an interesting artifact, because there obviously aren't many people his age still competing, and he's correspondingly one of the only people medaling now whose skating doesn't show a lot of influence from Patrick Chan and Hanyu.

Kolyada, sigh, you can take out the quad Lutz, but you can't make him not a headcase.  He even stumbled multiple times in the step sequence.

Boyang's dangerous love affair with the boards continues.  He had to bend his leg not to hit them on that quad Lutz.

Junhwan has little-engined his way onto both Grand Prix podiums, with an outside shot at the Final depending on how things shake out in the remaining events.

Dismal pairs event, made me feel sad for Peng/Jin, Moore-Towers/Marinaro and Boikova/Kozlovskii -- the former two would have won this event with their SCI scores, the latter would have gotten a silver medal instead of fourth place.

Kaori Sakamoto saved her Grand Prix Final place (probably) after a disaster short program with a wonderful free skate (she should have won silver).

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