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I saw Heather go too far there was no victory just hurting someone's feelings over a stupid Ramona comment.  She did humiliate Dorinda and drunk or not it should be beneath Heather to go after Dorinda's daughter, mother and Dorinda as a mother.  Heather should have said-I do use the f-bomb, because last year she was so proud of her m-f's.  She really can't have it both ways. 


Where I think Heather loses is when someone, for example says her use of the word "holla" is annoying.  Instead of maybe taking a look at whether she needs to use it-she rubs it in people's faces, much like the fake smile.  It is okay at any age to change and this year Bethenny has given a laundry list of things that are annoying about Heather.  It is up to Heather to see if she sees any of the qualities in herself and if she chooses to change.


I disagree with the WWHL poll-I do not think Heather is the biggest Know-It-All, clearly that belongs to Bethenny.


Just had to comment on one thing - is it just me, or did anyone else feel like they could SEE Heather internally fighting with herself not to go over the line there?  When Luann was carrying on about "heaven forbid my daughter go to France with her father and use the f-word" I could almost SEE Heather chewing on her lip to not say "but the n-word is okay?"


I mean, the thing is Luann's house is NOTHING BUT GLASS.  She drinks, she curses, she sleeps around, all of which is fine, but when she starts in on the "manners, darling, manners" routine, I think the hypocrisy makes people's heads explode.  That was Bethenny's beef with her from the beginning of the show, and that's Heather's beef now.  To come down on Heather for being a bad example to her daughter by saying the f-word, when Luann's daughter has been captured ON CAMERA using the n-word and smoking weed - well, I agree that Heather should not have gone there (and she didn't), but MAN it would have been hard for me to hold back, were I in her shoes.


And given that Dorinda's primary mantra this season - in TH's and in scenes has been "back that shit up and back it up quick," for her to yell at Heather for using the f-word, is ... well, it's crazy.  Not as crazy as her behavior on Twitter all season, but crazy.


Dorinda this season reminds me of Kyle season one.  Remember in Season One, for most of the season, Kyle was portrayed as mostly sane, the viewer's stand in - and then we had the finale and limo-gate and everyone turned on her?  But since limo-gate aired AFTER the reunion was taped, no viewer questions called her out on that behavior, and the reunion felt weirdly out of synch.  In this case, Dorinda has had a sweetheart edit as the voice of reason; it looks like that's all going to fall apart at season's end, but none of us saw it before the reunion - so she won't have to answer for her behavior until next year.  Oh well.

  • Love 9

I think it is not enough to just ask if that dude is single, I would want to ask if he is straight.


That, and ask him if there's a woman in his life who believes that she's his significant other. I've learned that it's a very different question from "Are you single?"


No one called Heather a bad mother or her mother a bad mother.  Heather applied the generic to her family. I think Heather became irritated when Luann used the word "elegance" in defining how Heather would raise her daughter.  There are maybe 10,000 words to describe raising a child in a positive, healthy environment and I don't think elegance would make the list.   Heather should not have said that about Dorinda's daughter.  This is Heather's downfall, when she is losing or not getting her point across she makes reference to things that happen off screen.  Saying LuAnn smokes cigarettes-apparently something LuAnn has chosen not to share, Dorinda's daughter swearing-something Heather heard as a guest at Dorinda's home.  I get it is a reality show but people should be provided some basic human consideration.  Same with Ramona's boobs-if Ramona doesn't want to talk about them or admit to a boob job--her business.  It is the rube that asks about it who I think looks bad (Andy Cohen).  Medical procedures, elective or not are private.  Maybe Ramona had breast cancer and had a mastectomy and chose not to share it with the world.  Perhaps if she writes her book she can talk about it or not.  Much like Sonja, Ramona's breasts should not be part of Kristen, Bethenny, Andy Cohen's, or Carole's dialogue. 


I saw Heather go too far there was no victory just hurting someone's feelings over a stupid Ramona comment.  She did humiliate Dorinda and drunk or not it should be beneath Heather to go after Dorinda's daughter, mother and Dorinda as a mother.  Heather should have said-I do use the f-bomb, because last year she was so proud of her m-f's.  She really can't have it both ways. 


Where I think Heather loses is when someone, for example says her use of the word "holla" is annoying.  Instead of maybe taking a look at whether she needs to use it-she rubs it in people's faces, much like the fake smile.  It is okay at any age to change and this year Bethenny has given a laundry list of things that are annoying about Heather.  It is up to Heather to see if she sees any of the qualities in herself and if she chooses to change.


I disagree with the WWHL poll-I do not think Heather is the biggest Know-It-All, clearly that belongs to Bethenny.


Heather actually wasn't trying to have it both ways. She was very clear at that dinner that she uses the word and has no problems with it. It escalated because Ramona--the oh, so selfess woman who was (for once) just looking out for her needs on vacation--acted as though she was really "Miss Butter Can't Melt in My Mouth" and that it was Heather's fault that she said "fuck." 


No one had to say verbatim "Heather, you're a bad mother." Just even mentioning Ella to make a point opened the door to commentary about one's mothering tactics. 

  • Love 20

Dorinda went on and on about how her mother raised her and she was hip deep with Luann on sanctioning Heather irt to Ella and in one respect, as Heather was pointing out - inferring her upbringing was suspect etc. She just opened the door wide open. No special immunity when she has a house made of glass. Heather held her own and if Dorinda can't stand the heat, maybe she should lay off the dirty martini's or grow a thicker skin. She is no longer the rational observer. We have all seen her daughter. Who is not leading a productive life of service or sharing her talents with the world... no, she is laying around shopping and partying. 

  • Love 18

Okay, it's been said but that shit of Sonja saying "Let me go" to John A. Morgan: HELL TO THE NO SEXY J.  SO FULL OF SHIT.  LIARFACE!  Are you kidding me?!?!  She was trying to seduce him with her decollete less than a season and a half ago!  She was titsing-out to get more scratch from her ancient ex who has been trying to jettison her from his life for a freaking decade!  Their marriage, in terms of the current social construct of a love-match ideal, was faker than Ramona's titties!   I can't. 

I totally agree with your description of their meeting a few seasons ago.  When she first started with the "let me go" in last night's episode, I rolled my eyes.  By the end of that brief discussion though, it seemed to me her way of saying "just pay me a huge settlement and I'll move on with my life."  Almost like, he's still controlling her by not coming to a financial agreement over the settlement and if he really wanted both of them to have a clean break, he would just cough up the money and be done with it.  I have no idea what his net worth is, what kind of pre-nup they might have had, what he's offered her, etc., so maybe he's been overly generous already and has just had enough.  But, like I said, my assumption about the discussion in last night's episode was that it was maybe more financial freedom that Sonja was referring to, and not emotional ties.  ETA:  She might have been suggesting that emotional reasons were why JM had refused to come to a financial agreement -- after all, she's still in his life, even if it's just to fight about money....hence the tear in his eye.  (Which builds up her ego..."he can't let me go!")  But, I thought the "let me go" from her was really code for "pay me, so that I can leave."


Heather was so proud! And LuAnn's snark was spot on....I loved it. Also loved the TH comment from Dorinda about Heather being Moses and the 10 Commandments. F bomb conversation aside, those two seem to have Heathers number.

Funny though, WWHL poll question was who is the biggest know it all. Winner? Heather.

I wonder how much of the poll was influenced by both Jeff and Jenny saying that they thought it should be Heather.  I never vote in polls like that, but I would have voted in the following order:  Bethenny, LuAnn, Ramona/Heather/Carole (tie), Sonja, Dorinda, Kristen...


Plus, Kristin is just freaking gorgeous. I don't mind that she doesn't do much. I love her style and her faces.

Besides she looked like the only one who really enjoyed her vacation. Lol

Her hubby still is a dick.

Kristin is just stunning.  I can't think of a single example off the top of my head where she didn't look pulled together and appropriate for whatever the situation is.  (Personally, I liked her mohair dress and it was in the middle of winter.)  She did seem to enjoy the vacation the most of everyone.  I loved her exaggerated faces with the waiter and the wine bottle.  Like you, I still haven't warmed up to Josh though.

Edited by MMLEsq
  • Love 8

Everything has pretty much been said, but my thoughts during the whole time has been this is a weak attempt at recreating Scary Island. Andy even promotes it as being better and scarier.   

          While I am still watching, this trip has been one fake set up to hopefully recreate after another. With numerous alcoholics antics are pretty much a given, but still set up.

 Scary Island imo was real, raw and actually scary.

           Dor-crumba is a classic mean drunk.

        I think Luann, Ramoana, and Sonja all have major drinking problems.    

          The proof is years of footage.

  • Love 3

I have to say that if the previews are accurate and Luann or Ramona brought a random guy back to their suite, Heather had every right to be upset. if you want to bring a guy to your personal suite, that's fine. But when it's a suite or home shared by others, that's inconsiderate.


Plus, Kristin is just freaking gorgeous. I don't mind that she doesn't do much. I love her style and her faces.
Besides she looked like the only one who really enjoyed her vacation. Lol

She's the only one of the ladies I'd actually want to vacation with. Everyone else was unpacking in the beginning, but she jumped right into the water. Half the time she was shown sitting poolside reading a book or paddle boarding. That's how you enjoy a luxurious vacation. Not arguing over a salad, not arguing over someone sleeping with another woman's man. And I still want to know where her gorgeous ombre necklace is from - she looks amazing with it on in her THs.

  • Love 11

I mostly haven't followed the stuff about the reunion filming yesterday, but I did see this-




This ep gave us some hints who Satan Andy is gonna fire.  Me thinks Kristen, Carole & Heather are cooked.  Moaner saying Carole is Heather's pet & that she "wouldn't say crap"?  Hmmm.

  • Love 1

Too much to say but, in terms of Ramona, the conch blocking, the desireable bar owner...the thing about Ramona is, you know what?? (typing while blinking like a maniac) Ramona's not actually fun. At all. She's not desireable at all. (I'm going deep - face greased, earrings off.) Being desireable has nothing to do with too-high foobs in a too-expensive bikini. There's no unplanned joy around a Ramona, like, ever. She's the type of person who is entertaining when she's wasted and you're almost wasted, to have a terrible conversation with and, if you're a guy, I guess, a very brief lay, but there's nothing else there. She is impossible to both talk to and listen to, she is racist, classist, hypocritical, sexist, rhythmless, tasteless, and she's just not fun. She essentially talks only about herself, or to criticize other people. There just isn't enough rum in the Caribbean to make that a good time between orgasm and blackout, you know?

All of this.

Ramona while attractive, is so incredibly undesirable. Completely soul sucking . I can't even imagine what it would be like to be around someone like her. I also can't see a man being in a relationship with her. Mario doesn't count he was a slimy creep so they fit each other.

  • Love 9

Kristin is just stunning. I can't think of a single example off the top of my head where she didn't look pulled together and appropriate for whatever the situation is. (Personally, I liked her mohair dress and it was in the middle of winter.) She did seem to enjoy the vacation the most of everyone. I loved her exaggerated faces with the waiter and the wine bottle. Like you, I still haven't warmed up to Josh though.

I agree, she is stunning with great style. She's got bad make up in the TH's with the yellow dress, but she makes up for it in the TH's with the pale pink top and ombré necklace. Gorgeous. I agree with you about the mohair sweater dress, it was like negative degrees in NYC this winter, it was more appropriate than a strappy cocktail dress IMO.

I loved her antics with the wine during the Fucking Fight, but with all her talk about giving Josh blowjobs, it did give me an unpleasant visual when she grabbed the bottle and opened her mouth.....just sayin'.

Speaking of Josh, there is a clip on Bravo of Kristen giving a toast during the lunch (where they talked about Ramona's book) that was pretty cringeworthy IMO. Basically, Kristen recounts a moment in the Berkshires where she looked at Josh and then looked around at all the sad, divorced, widowed and broken bitches and said a silent prayer of thanks for her douchebag husband. A decent enough sentiment to share with your douchebag husband, but not nice to lord over the sad, broken divorcees and widows. Smooth move, Kristen.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 7
And finally, I'm a little irritated that Luann has been making a name off "be cool, don't be uncool" when what she's attacking is Heather and Carole not being happy at finding a naked strange man sharing a suite with them.  I'm not sure I'd be "cool" with that, but I don't think that makes me "uncool" either.


I can't remember a time when I've been over a catchphrase before ever really hearing it, but I'm kinda done with the "uncool" thing.  Unless it's amazing in context. 


If this trip is faked/exaggerated by production, or if they added TH's to pivot away from a particular narrative (which I think they did)- good for them.  I'm totally onboard with that because the end result is entertaining the crap out of me.    


Dorinda's crumb: what threw me was that it would show up then come back, which I think someone else mentioned as well.  Made me think the conversation wasn't only thrown by drunk logic, it was heavily edited (maybe to make some sense of it?).  It was a neat little detail, though, amidst declarations of elegance and good breeding.  


Also, I'm now convinced Ramona is either a witch or is cursed by one.  I'd forgotten her role in the fucking conversation but she did start that too.  She certainly has a gift/curse for starting shit, stomping away, then returning to genuinely seem perplexed by suggestions she's stirred up trouble.  And then of course there's "The Apologizer" powers.  Maybe we're watching magic at play and we don't even know it!

  • Love 3

Ramona's lack of self-awareness is astonishing. She actually believes that she is selfless to her friends all the time. Like, actually believes it. 


... had to comment on this one.  Brandi was on Howard Stern recently (like within the last month or so... I found the interview on youtube if you're interested) and she revealed that she and Kristen used to make out all the time.  While Kristen was already with Josh!!  Brandi said it used to piss Josh off.  So another mark in KRISTEN IS AN IDIOT column, IMO.  


Brandi said it so it must be true


Also Josh, controlling troll Josh, loves Kristen so much he'll tolerate such antics. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 6

I really wanted to like this season...but I just cannot seem to get into it.


I like Kristen, I think they do not give her airtime on purpose since she isn't all swear'y and drinking all the time..


Dorinda? I think we're finally seeing the real Dorinda...and well after a few drinks, she is not attractive...also? was anyone else HUGELY distracted by the food bits on Dorinda's lips? drove me crazy! She sounded like my crazy aunt Gracie when she has one too many whiskey sours lol.


Ramona? please..just go...between the what seems to be the continuous tipsy'ness and trying way too hard with guys and "flirting"...I miss when we saw her WORK....she's been reduced to a wine guzzling divorcee who just seems to be falling apart (I've been a widow and divorced so I understand the stress)


I like Luann...I don't care if she smokes..she comes across as not too offensive plus she is a true beauty...


Well the others....who are they? B, Heather and Sunya (lol) just can go away...Oh and Carole too...I mean, Carrie Bradshaw part deux!

  • Love 3

And because it bothers Lu (who I usually like) and Dorinda, fuck fuck fuckity fuck! I have never understood why people get so twisted by "bad" words? If I was insulting others I'd get it, but I'm not so fuck it.

Exactly. It's weird that when there's a lull, or booze, or both that all the HWs on all the franchises will revert to being uppity about manners and their upbringing within some imagined aristocracy. Had I been in Heather's place I would have probably gone Full Motherfucker. Aside from them being rude as a career choice, it's 2015, time to stop putting stock into bloodlines! I suppose Princess Radziwell deserves some credit for not drawing attention to herself in that way.

I like this bit from B's blog: The cursing dinner was hilarious. It should be called the hypocrite dinner. Heather can curse all she wants and literally DOES NOT curse more than anyone including Luann, Sonja and Dorinda. Heather isn't at a 5-year-old's birthday and these women are all full of SH--. They all curse like drunken sailors. Ramona doesn't cop to her words, her actions, or her sex life. Why would she cop to her words?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 19

The goal posts keep moving.

In a previous episode, Heather is wrong for not setting straight the perpetually pinot-filled Ramoaner when Ramoaner talked about Jonathan but this episode, when her family is brought into the conversation she is wrong for setting straight the two boozy loons.

Damned if she interacts with boozy broads, damned if she doesn't.

  • Love 15

I think her intent is to have a conversation with the person away from the cameras.


I agree with you there, but everytime Heather "gently" grasps someone's arm to remove them from a situation, I just get the feeling that once again, she is trying to "fix" or "mother" someone.  It's like she is treating everyone like a child who is having a temper tantrum in a restaurant, and the Mom takes the child outside to calm them down.


I guess it's a good thing, because she doesn't want someone to make a total ass of themselves on TV (as Dorinda was on the way to doing).  I'm not always a fan of Heather's, but in these type of situations, her take-charge attitude and actions are coming from a good place.

  • Love 6

Exactly. It's weird that when there's a lull, or booze, or both that all the HWs on all the franchises will revert to being uppity about manners and their upbringing within some imagined aristocracy. Had I been in Heather's place I would have probably gone into Full Motherfucker Mode. Aside from them being rude as a career choice, it's 2015, time to stop putting stock into bloodlines! I suppose Princess Radziwell deserves credit for that.

Amen. I would have smothered them in fucks. Like fucking nobody's business. Those ladies would have been drowning in fucks and gasping for fucking air.

The goal posts keep moving.

In a previous episode, Heather is wrong for not setting straight the perpetually pinot-filled Ramoaner when Ramoaner talked about Jonathan but this episode, when her family is brought into the conversation she is wrong for setting straight the two boozy loons.

Damned if she interacts with boozy broads, damned if she doesn't.

I think Heather should have shut down LuAnn pronto for bringing up Ella, for sure and no fucking doubt. Dorinda didn't bring up Heather's kid or Heather's mom, Dorinda spoke about her own mother. Talk about your own kids, your own mother and your own marriage all day...but this does show that Heather isn't afraid of offending Ramona or anyone else when she doesn't agree, she certainly wasn't nodding along to be polite.

  • Love 6

... had to comment on this one.  Brandi was on Howard Stern recently (like within the last month or so... I found the interview on youtube if you're interested) and she revealed that she and Kristen used to make out all the time.  While Kristen was already with Josh!!  Brandi said it used to piss Josh off.  So another mark in KRISTEN IS AN IDIOT column, IMO.  


Not that I believe much of anything that comes out of Brandi's mouth, but just wondering - did they make out BEFORE or AFTER Kristen gave Josh a b.j.?


I think Kristen just figures that Josh will always be happy as long as she gives him a b.j. whenever he wants....(and, hell, who knows - maybe he is??)

  • Love 2

It was kind that she did not choose to offend Ramoaner when Ramoaner was in pain over her divorce.

Quite different situations - one, you're being attached and provoked, the other you're commiserating. If someone's telling me a problem in an area of their life, I'm not going to go on and on about how great that area is. That's rude - and something Rsmona would do. Now if someone comes after me or my family, then that's a different story.

  • Love 3

Quite different situations - one, you're being attached and provoked, the other you're commiserating. If someone's telling me a problem in an area of their life, I'm not going to go on and on about how great that area is. That's rude - and something Rsmona would do. Now if someone comes after me or my family, then that's a different story.

  Your explanation is better, thank you.


The funny thing is I didn't even notice the crumb on Dorinda's lip or mouth or wherever it was; I don't notice things like that on TV shows.


Ramona was rude when she bogarted her way between Beth, Carole and the man they were talking to.  Ramona acted like she didn't even know them, which made the whole scene strange; it looked like some random drunk woman came over to slobber all over the man.


I like Kristen and I hope they keep her, but some might find her too boring.  I can't stand Dorinda though; I always had a feeling she was a nasty drunk as she has this whiskey/cigarette type voice going on.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 6

Technically, neither LuAnn nor Dorinda called Heather a bad mother. The words "bad mother" only ever came out of Heather's mouth. I don't think LuAnn should have ever brought up Ella, for sure that was over the line and opened up the door for Heather to talk about Hannah dropping fucks, but I wish Heather would have just addressed it by saying don't talk about my kid. Talk about your kids all you want but leave mine out of it. When Heather started asking if her cussing meant that her own mom was a bad mom, that was the wrong path to take IMO. Lighting drunken mommy fires is just asking for trouble.

There was no doubt that they were calling Heather a bad mom and a bad daughter, they were very clear about their message. Heather did try to shut them down, they completely ignored her very clear warning and she let loose, as I would have.


Amen. I would have smothered them in fucks. Like fucking nobody's business. Those ladies would have been drowning in fucks and gasping for fucking air.

I think Heather should have shut down LuAnn pronto for bringing up Ella, for sure and no fucking doubt. Dorinda didn't bring up Heather's kid or Heather's mom, Dorinda spoke about her own mother. Talk about your own kids, your own mother and your own marriage all day...but this does show that Heather isn't afraid of offending Ramona or anyone else when she doesn't agree, she certainly wasn't nodding along to be polite.

Heather tried to stop the talk about her daughter/mother but was ignored. And Yes, Dorinda did bring Heathers mother into the attack, she said that she had met Heathers mom and that she was a nice lady and Heathers language would/should embarrass her. Heather told them to stop the attack, they both refused to do so and got their lies/lives/hypocrisy, rightfully, put on blast. JMO

  • Love 20

The funny thing is I didn't even notice the crumb on Dorinda's lip or mouth or wherever it was; I don't notice things like that on TV shows.


Ramona was rude when she bogarted her way between Beth, Carole and the man they were talking to.  Ramona acted like she didn't even know them, which made the whole scene strange; it looked like some random drunk woman came over to slobber all over the man.


I like Kristen and I hope they keep her, but some might find her too boring.  I can't stand Dorinda though; I always had a feeling she was a nasty drunk as she has this whiskey/cigarette type voice going on.  

I like Kristen too. It's kind of nice to have a low-key normal on this show.  There's only so much of The Moaner and Drunk Sonja I can take.   I wanted to like Dorinda-- and I did in the beginning, but man...she's really showing herself to be a big asshole.

  • Love 14

I guess it's a good thing, because she doesn't want someone to make a total ass of themselves on TV (as Dorinda was on the way to doing).  I'm not always a fan of Heather's, but in these type of situations, her take-charge attitude and actions are coming from a good place.

I didn't like when she did it with Bethenny, but I can't fault Heather for her reaction in this case. The argument escalated and she even admitted she didn't understand what Dorinda was saying. I don't think she was trying to 'fix' her - I think she was honestly surprised by Dorinda's anger. I hope the reunion sheds some light on what the heck was going on that night because Dorinda looked and sounded like she wasn't all there mentally. I also think Heather was still confused about the argument they had the night before when Dorinda called her a 'bitch' for no reason.


Heather was much nicer than I would have been - if someone insinuated I was a bad mother and that my own mother didn't raise me properly because I use the the word 'fuck', she wouldn't be escorted away from the table kindly. She would hear a whole lot of 'fuck' bombs.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 9

There was no doubt that they were calling Heather a bad mom and a bad daughter, they were very clear about their message. Heather did try to shut them down, they completely ignored her very clear warning and she let loose, as I would have.

Heather tried to stop the talk about her daughter/mother but was ignored. And Yes, Dorinda did bring Heathers mother into the attack, she said that she had met Heathers mom and that she was a nice lady and Heathers language would/should embarrass her. Heather told them to stop the attack, they both refused to do so and got their lies/lives/hypocrisy, rightfully, put on blast. JMO

I did not think they were calling Heather a "bad mom" and certainly not a bad daughter. LuAnn brought up Ella and Heather was in the right to shut that down IMO, (although she didn't really....she kind of kept the discussion going). Heather brought up her own mother first. Dorinda never brought up anyone in Heather's family until Heather brought up Hannah.

ETA: I understand why Heather was upset, I wish she would have responded in the moment to LuAnn like she did in her TH. Getting into it with Dorinda about Dorinda's child and then inviting a discussion about her own mother was the wrong way to go IMO. She should have stuck to discussing Dorinda and LuAnn's actions. LuAnn was the one stirring it up and she really let her off the hook IMO.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 4

Sorry...I need to defend Ramona here. I didn't get why the other ladies were pissed. Was she rude? Sure. But she was spending the whole trip with the group. She's a woman going through a divorce who wants to have fun and flirt. Who cares if she ignored the other girls for a couple hours to chat up some dude? It's not like Carole was interested. These ladies should lighten up. Ramona's on vacation. Let the girl have a little fun without getting in her face about it.

  • Love 3

If I had been a patron at the resturant that had the the "last supper" I would have done one of two things. I have either told the manager that my meal had been ruined by those loud people over there I would expect my meal to be on the house or I would have walked over to their table pulled up a chair and said if my meal was to interupted by them then I wanted to hear up close and personal everything being said. Yes I'm bold that way.


Me too child. But than I would have promptly requested some type of sneeze guard so as to protect myself from being pelted with the little bits of food shrapnel clinging to Dorinda's lip. 


I really don't want to hear the words BJ and Josh in a sentence anymore. He does not make up for his lack of good looks with a pleasant personality or a good sense of humor. I would love to know what Kristin sees in him. 


Kristin is flaw free. 

  • Love 5

Sorry...I need to defend Ramona here. I didn't get why the other ladies were pissed. Was she rude? Sure. But she was spending the whole trip with the group. She's a woman going through a divorce who wants to have fun and flirt. Who cares if she ignored the other girls for a couple hours to chat up some dude? It's not like Carole was interested. These ladies should lighten up. Ramona's on vacation. Let the girl have a little fun without getting in her face about it.

I think it more of an accumulation of rudeness from Ramoaner over three days rather than one rude act.

  • Love 3

I hate this T & C trip. These women are trying desperately to pick on shit when there really is nothing to pick on. Ruin a dinner because you think someone says the F word to much, get all pissed off because someone doesn't wait  for you so you can walk in to the restaurant together, trying once again to reason with delusional drunks and screaming at them when you can't, make a big deal out of some middle aged divorcee cock blocking your meaningless conversation with a good looking man, and best of all, getting mad because someone is a bigger KNOW IT ALL than you are. 


I am bored shitless with this season. And yes, Kristen is the most beautiful, the nicest, youngest and has by far the best body and style of them all. 

  • Love 6

I mostly haven't followed the stuff about the reunion filming yesterday, but I did see this-




This ep gave us some hints who Satan Andy is gonna fire.  Me thinks Kristen, Carole & Heather are cooked.  Moaner saying Carole is Heather's pet & that she "wouldn't say crap"?  Hmmm.


Since Andy and Carole are buddies, I have my doubts about that one. 


Kristen?  Very likely. 

  • Love 5

The double standards for Heather are mind-boggling in my opinion. She herself introduces her own mother into the discussion with a question and then takes offense when her opponents reply? This is not a new characteristic for her (see: her pearl-clutching over Bethenny honestly responding when asked if Heather was a "plus one"). LuAnn is a hypocrite - something that has never previously bothered Heather - but she invoked a generic example involving Ella. These women called Heather a "bad mother" without using those words but Heather has historically never really meant what she has explicitly said ("get out of this right now"; ghetto residents will rip Aviva's leg off and assault her with it). I didn't see Heather objecting to involving family in disputes when Carole was running to Aviva's husband and ex in order to tell them "your wife is not a good person." Her propensity to rush up to and physically grab her cast mates - ones who are either extricating themselves from the conflict or have told Heather explicitly to leave them alone- is all sorts of fucked up, too. "That's just something you just don't do!" Dorinda was in the process of removing herself from the argument so I don't see how Heather literally stampeding after and seizing her is in any way "helpful." Of course, she is demonstrably the first to take offense when someone tells her not to do this firmly but sans expletives (her tears at Bethenny's dinner table response) but I guess she can scream and curse at the top of her lungs when Ramona tries to talk to Dorinda, too.

  • Love 2

Regarding LuAnn bringing up Ella, I don't think she was trying to call Heather a bad mother, but she was trying to shame Heather and she was using Ella. This is a technique, others have used it as well. Bravo recently retired some of the HW trips, I just watched Morocco and Cindy uses this technique against Sonja when they are fighting at the market....she asks Sonja if Sonja would want her daughter to be acting like Sonja (or what would her daughter think of her actions). Aviva does it to Sonja during the fight in St. Baths where she calls Sonja a double dealer, she brings up Sonja's daughter and what she would think of Sonja's actions. It's like some weird, personalized version of 'think of the children!!'.

I wish Heather would have responded in no uncertain terms that her daughter was off limits and what comes out of Ella's mouth was none of LuAnn's business and never would be her business. Back that shit up and back it up quick!

Instead, she asks if her own mom was a bad mom.....****shaking head***wrong move, Heather, wrong move.

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 5

I like this bit from B's blog: The cursing dinner was hilarious. It should be called the hypocrite dinner. Heather can curse all she wants and literally DOES NOT curse more than anyone including Luann, Sonja and Dorinda. Heather isn't at a 5-year-old's birthday and these women are all full of SH--. They all curse like drunken sailors. Ramona doesn't cop to her words, her actions, or her sex life. Why would she cop to her words?


I kind of wish Bethenny had been there for that dinner. I think she would have made a joke of the whole thing and mocked Lu and Dorinda, which is more fun to watch than Heather's (completely justified) offense to their implications. Drunken idiots shouldn't be taken seriously ever, but for some reason the angry way Dorinda approached the situation bothers me way more than Lu's hypocritical airs.  I know Lu puts herself on a pedestal, but I find it funny more than annoying.  Dorinda turns into such a basketcase whenever confronted. 

  • Love 10

I think they were irritated and embarrassed that Ramona of all people was able to steer the guy's attention away from them.  After all, aren't they supposed to be the hot, cool, always-date-younger girls, while Ramona is the old, flabby crone?  It's a club. It's vacation.  PUH-lease.  If Bethenny had done what Ramona did, and they had told her that she was rude, she would have brushed them off and told them to stop it with the Miss Manners.   Methinks Bethenny and Carole are used to being the center of attention when it comes to men and aren't used to being one-upped by someone like Ramona.

Especially since they run middle to the bottom of the pack when it comes to a group that includes Kristen, Luann and Sonya.

The thing that really gets me about LuAnn and Dorinda is that all season they've been tweeting and blogging up about up a storm about how we'll see how Heather and Carole have done them wrong. And so far I've seen fucking nothing. And especially nothing egregious enough to warrant the level of vitriol they've been spewing. Heather and Carole haven't said Lu and Dorinda's relationships will fail like Ramona did to Bethenny. They haven't impugned someone's career like Aviva did. They haven't physically assaulted or attempted to assault someone like Porsha, Sheree, Adriana, or Teresa. They haven't outed family secrets like Brandi, Kyle, or Ramona. I just don't get why LuAnn and Dorinda have decided to ride so hard on what amounts to the smallest of slights in the real housewives universe.

  • Love 18
Since Andy and Carole are buddies, I have my doubts about that one.


She ain't bringing the crazy, and she's pretty boring on this trip.  Satan Andy has no real friends.  He'll boot her with no hesitation.  And with all this anti-Heather stuff, me thinks that's a good hint she's dunzo too.

I'm still bothered by that damn crumb on Dorinda's lip.  Sheesh, she lost me in this ep.  She has to be one sloppy-ass drunk if she could go what seemed like hours without wiping her damn mouth & gettin' rid of that freakin' crumb.  What was it -- glued to her lip, or what?  I mean, that is just nasty.

  • Love 2

I did not think they were calling Heather a "bad mom" and certainly not a bad daughter. LuAnn brought up Ella and Heather was in the right to shut that down IMO, (although she didn't really....she kind of kept the discussion going). Heather brought up her own mother first. Dorinda never brought up anyone in Heather's family until Heather brought up Hannah.

ETA: I understand why Heather was upset, I wish she would have responded in the moment to LuAnn like she did in her TH. Getting into it with Dorinda about Dorinda's child and then inviting a discussion about her own mother was the wrong way to go IMO. She should have stuck to discussing Dorinda and LuAnn's actions. LuAnn was the one stirring it up and she really let her off the hook IMO.

She let LuAnn off because LuAnn backed the F off when Heather said she felt insulted and was getting upset, Dorinda kept coming for her and would not back off. Dorinda was a dog, a sloppy, rabid, drooling dog in her onslaught against Heather and refused to stop the attack and yes, Dorinda brought up meeting Heathers mother and that she felt Heather was an embarrassment to her while spitting/drooling/slurring/yelling  and swearing at her, all on camera.

  • Love 9

The double standards for Heather are mind-boggling in my opinion. She herself introduces her own mother into the discussion with a question and then takes offense when her opponents reply? This is not a new characteristic for her (see: her pearl-clutching over Bethenny honestly responding when asked if Heather was a "plus one"). LuAnn is a hypocrite - something that has never previously bothered Heather - but she invoked a generic example involving Ella. These women called Heather a "bad mother" without using those words but Heather has historically never really meant what she has explicitly said ("get out of this right now"; ghetto residents will rip Aviva's leg off and assault her with it). I didn't see Heather objecting to involving family in disputes when Carole was running to Aviva's husband and ex in order to tell them "your wife is not a good person." Her propensity to rush up to and physically grab her cast mates - ones who are either extricating themselves from the conflict or have told Heather explicitly to leave them alone- is all sorts of fucked up, too. "That's just something you just don't do!" Dorinda was in the process of removing herself from the argument so I don't see how Heather literally stampeding after and seizing her is in any way "helpful." Of course, she is demonstrably the first to take offense when someone tells her not to do this firmly but sans expletives (her tears at Bethenny's dinner table response) but I guess she can scream and curse at the top of her lungs when Ramona tries to talk to Dorinda, too.

Dorinda started with the mother part first...that her mother would be embarrassed if she talked like that. In what world would it possibly be considered wrong for Heather to counter with the fact that her own mother didn't have a problem with her cursing? 

  • Love 10

Regarding LuAnn bringing up Ella, I don't think she was trying to call Heather a bad mother, but she was trying to shame Heather and she was using Ella. This is a technique, others have used it as well. Bravo recently retired some of the HW trips, I just watched Morocco and Cindy uses this technique against Sonja when they are fighting at the market....she asks Sonja if Sonja would want her daughter to be acting like Sonja (or what would her daughter think of her actions). Aviva does it to Sonja during the fight in St. Baths where she calls Sonja a double dealer, she brings up Sonja's daughter and what she would think of Sonja's actions. It's like some weird, personalized version of 'think of the children!!'.

I wish Heather would have responded in no uncertain terms that her daughter was off limits and what comes out of Ella's mouth was none of LuAnn's business and never would be her business. Back that shit up and back it up quick!

Instead, she asks if her own mom was a bad mom.....****shaking head***wrong move, Heather, wrong move.

I wish she would have asked Lu if she had wanted her daughter to be filmed using the "n" word.  If that kind of thing was OK when she was visiting her father in Europe. If it reflected poorly on Lu as a mother. 

  • Love 12

The double standards for Heather are mind-boggling in my opinion. She herself introduces her own mother into the discussion with a question and then takes offense when her opponents reply?

Heather didn't take offense after their response about her mother, she explained why she took offense on behalf of her mother when Dorinda said

"My mother would be digusted with me if I cursed in her presence". Heather said "this is where it becomes insulting to me [..] because my mother didn't care if I did. Does that make my mother a bad mother?"

Heather thought shade was thrown at her mother, right or wrong (I think Dorinda was implying Heather was in fact a bad example for cursing in public or whatever but not that her mom's was (that's a lot of mothers, I lost myself) or maybe Heather just pushed the reasonning further to prove a point, I don't know), she just said at that moment she took offense and ask them to let go of the discussion. They didn't. At that point, it's on them, not on her. 


The only this I can fault Heather there is trying to have a adult discussion with drunk women. She's old enough and is acquainted with Sonja for long enough to know it doesn't work.

  • Love 14

I mostly haven't followed the stuff about the reunion filming yesterday, but I did see this-




This ep gave us some hints who Satan Andy is gonna fire.  Me thinks Kristen, Carole & Heather are cooked.  Moaner saying Carole is Heather's pet & that she "wouldn't say crap"?  Hmmm.

This sounds like a rerun of last year's Reunion. Just a note to the gang of reporters that contributed to the story-the Reunion taped on Tuesday not Monday.

  • Love 3
I guess I saw that differently. I don't think Carole (or Bethenny) was upset that Ramona was flirting with the club owner and ruined their opportunity to flirt with him; I think they were more annoyed by how Ramona interjected and acted like Carole and Bethenny weren't just right there having their own conversation with the guy. Whether I'm talking to someone I may have a romantic interest or not (and I don't think Carole and Bethenny had one with the owner), I think it'd be completely rude if someone, especially a friend of mine, literally walked in between me and my conversation partner, have him physically turn his back to me, and completely monopolize his time and attention with their own conversation as if I didn't even exist. That's what I think really bothered Carole.

Carole and Bethenny weren't flirting with the club owner. The owner is a friend of a friend of Bethenny's, and the three were simply having a conversation. Ramona came in without so much as an "excuse me" and just removed him from them. It didn't have anything to do with Bethenny and Carole hoping to hit on the guy -- it was simply an incredibly rude thing for Ramona to do.

  • Love 18

I wish she would have asked Lu if she had wanted her daughter to be filmed using the "n" word.  If that kind of thing was OK when she was visiting her father in Europe. If it reflected poorly on Lu as a mother. 


I've seen this referenced a couple of times here and I'm out of the loop on this one. Did Lu's daughter do that, or has Lu done it herself?

Did she have food in her mouth? Or are her teeth just crooked on the bottom?She had a piece of something on her lip. I kept thinking she had her lip pierced at first. All my focus was on waiting for that food to fall off.   

Dorinda does have to have anyone make her look bad, she does it all by herself.

Is it shark week on Bravo too? ha


Yep,  Ramoaner was the shark and the poor club owner was a seal pup.

  • Love 2

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