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Bethenny talking to the coconut as Sonja (Co-nja) was hilarious.  That's the first time in all these seasons that, for me, she's been funny.  Where I didn't find myself rolling my eyes at her clichéd or vulgar witticisms.


Conja was indeed a highlight last night and if you blinked you missed it.  If Yolanda's fridge can have it's own facebook page, can "Conja" be left behind?  She deserves one!

  • Love 4

I loved that Ramona's example of how selfless she normally is was to say that she always makes sure everyone gets their drinks.  Look out Mother Theresa, Ramona is right on your heels!


Alcohol sure does make Dorinda nasty.  It seems every time she's had enough to get a buzz on she becomes paranoid about being slighted in some way, always looking for someone to say one word that sets her off.  Don't know why she was so laser-focused on Heather during the trip, but it sure has been ugly.  I would be utterly mortified if there was footage of me shouting incoherently about how classy I am, in a lovely restaurant, with rice and spit flying out of my mouth.  Hell, I would be mortified if I saw footage of myself doing that in my own home.  I never have been a drinker, I prefer to stay sharp and maintain control of my own words and actions - watching Dorinda reminded me all over again why that has always been important to me.


I loved Carole's dress for dinner, it looked absolutely ethereal.  It also looked so complicated that there is no way I would have managed to put it on correctly - my arms would have been shoved through the wrong holes, or I would have worn it backwards.  I wasn't sure why the editors made it look like Kristen saw Carole's dress and made a bitchface...I don't believe for one second that was her reaction to the other women complimenting Carole.


I cracked up when Sonja spilled the beans that the poor bar owner got trapped listening to Ramona yapping at him for 2 hours.


Those dogs may have been filthy, but they were obviously so sweet and friendly, I would have been down in the sand petting them, too.  I would skip the hand sanitizer and just go to the restroom afterward to wash with soap and water.  What's so hard about that?  I also would have ordered an extra dinner and given it to the dogs, and ignored everything that was going on at the dance floor, but that's just how I like to party.  I'm not a classy broad from New York, so it's okay. 

  • Love 19

Don't you DARE suggest that someone's a bad mother for cursing in front of their child, but definitely explicitly say that someone's an embarrassing/shameful child when they have the temerity to disagree with you. I guess Heather's parents were bursting with pride, though, when she drunkenly told off her husband on national television for being nervy enough to try to prevent her from howling like an intoxicated lunatic at her co-workers? "I don't know why Dorinda is mad at me!" Well, gee, maybe it's because you're making snide remarks like "hashtag your mom must be proud." Just a guess, there. And why is LuAnn's hypocrisy suddenly a point of contention? It hasn't bothered Heather sufficiently to mention in the three years that they've been friends. And the preview of next week is crazy - is Heather even rooming with Ramona and LuAnn? The shot of her hissing "get up" through clenched teeth while tearing back the curtain was like something out of Mommie, Dearest. I've never enjoyed Heather but it seems like there's something seriously wrong with her now to the point of legitimate personality disorder . . . As for Carole's insistence of making Ramona's "rudeness" a matter of dispute, I had no idea a coterie of friends had to hang together or introduce each other to their prospective hit-it-and-quit-its. Whenever I go out with a group, sometimes people drift off with their respective targets for the night. I never knew it was that big of a deal.

There's so much to respond to I don't know where to start!  It's been said already but bears repeating -- Lu and Dor brought up Ella and Heather's mother first.  Isn't that like sitting in a witness box - "you bring it up it's out there!".  I think it's also the "people in glass houses" rule too. 

LOVED the # comments.  The final one was #yourmothermustbesoproud but the others! #toomanymartinis #toomuchrose.  Priceless


This episode was so epic. I think of the ladies as two teams: LuAnn, Sonja, Ramona, Dorinda, and Bethenny, and then Carole, Heather and Kristin. Carole lost by pouting because Ramona didn't want to share the guy she was flirting with and Heather lost by completely losing it when the ladies called her out on her swearing. 

Yeah - I didn't see Heather "losing it" but I'm pro-Heather AND she seemed pretty fucking sober (see how I worked that in?) compared to Lu and Do


To me, "Jon, get out of this right now!" complete with a wagging finger does not equal a polite request to let one handle an argument. But that's, of course, my subjective opinion. Heather herself has declared language and specific words ("alcoholic"; "ghetto") off limits or beyond the pale. She has done so while indulging in double standards for herself ( I guess "alcoholic" is verboten but "drinking problem" and accounts of carrying said alcoholic up to bed are okay). She is correct about Lu's selective application of etiquette but she herself is every bit as big of a hypocrite in a more moral context. "I don't know why she's so mad" (paraphrased) - came in Heather's talking head from what I heard, at which point she would have had ample time to pinpoint just why Dorinda was pissed. And even if Lu and Dorinda had insulted Heather's parenting (I'll have to rewatch because I thought they were generically invoking an example about not wanting your kids to curse), to then turn around with the efforts to shame Dorinda and outright say that her mother must be embarrassed of her is no less hypocritical than Dorinda deriding f-bombs and then proceeding to drop a litany herself. Both women contradicted themselves within breaths.

And, of course, more broadly, Heather is not one to condemn drunken screaming when she has done that herself.

Yea - there was the initial "Do you want ELLA to swear like that"?  followed by the Oh you can't do that shit in Europe!


Drunk and slurry worded Dorinda made me think of that quote that "one martini is not enough but two are too much" or something like that. She drank that first one down super quick and probably had a second before the first one hit her and then bam, the housewife perfect storm. I completely lost the gist of that argument because everyone was talking at the same time. Wish Bravo would slow it down and subtitle it for us please.


Did they switch to a hotel because the mausoleum was too quiet? 

"One martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough".  Or as my husband likes to say "Martinis are like boobs - you only need two"


I've never understood Ramona's delusional sense of entitlement.  As Bethenny said, she came from nothing and wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  On the show, I've see her be rude and dismissive of waiters, servers, and doormen.  It's my big pet peeve and drives me crazy when anyone treats people in the service industry as beneath them.  You'd think with all that she has, she'd be a grateful person and be able to muster up an occasional, "Thank you".  Never forget where you came from!

Ramona is "nouveau riche"  I think some NR remember where they came from and others don't (and she has always appeared to want to forget where she came from!)  Based on the Urban Dictionary's definition - they are all nouveau riche because none of them are "old money"!


I love the polar opposite takes we get on the Dinner Scene!  I thought Heather kept her cool.  She told them when it starting getting insulting and it did.  I personally didn't see her "lose it" and when dealing with a drunk (which I have), I have learned over the years to control my voice level and my words.  

  • Love 23

I really think painting Heather at fault in that dinner scene in any way is really reaching. Ramona, Luann and Dorinda were absolutely ganging up on her and being drunken jerks.Trying to have a rational discussion with any of them was futile. Dorinda descends into an incoherent rage whenever she hits a certain blood alcohol level. That lady has some serious anger issues. This whole "how dare you humiliate me?" Shit is like seriously? Who the hell are you? Frankly, I feel kind of let down by Luann joining Team Ramona. I am surprised that Sonja was the rational one.

As if calling Heather a bad mom for swearing around her kids or that she is an embarrassment to her mother for using the F bomb was/is not considered "humiliating"  for Heather when LuAnn and, especially, Dorinda went at her. Talk about "Double Standards" Dorinda!

  • Love 18

I am still baffled why Bethenny and Carole as if they had some proprietary right to John, the owner.  Heather had come and gone from introducing herself to the owner, Bethenny and Carole left the table under the guise of getting/making cocktails for the other ladies (not that they needed them).  Ramona not acknowledging Carole and Bethenny was rude and hardly worth mention-but Bethenny standing there talking about Ramona's hyper sexuality was way off base.  Essentially, if heard, Bethenny just planted the seed in this guy's head Ramona was ready for the sack. The guy looked pretty competent and as a bar/club owner knows how to lose an overly attached patron-even one that comes with a camera crew.  It seems the first night these ladies got together there was the faction that felt Ramona should get one under her belt.  There she was with a live one in her grasp.  I think the only reason Ramona was such an "apologizer" is she probably got so drunk the guy lost interest and she failed to seal the deal.


As far as Kristen being ignored, essentially Kristen does not like Ramona, Sonja or Bethenny.  So her showing up in the middle of Ramona's conversation and complaining about not be acknowledged is laughable.  If it is not okay for Ramona to engage the guy in conversation, why is it okay for Kristen to interrupt Ramona's conversation?  Kristen just isn't sophisticated or maybe duplicitous enough to pull off these fake relationships.  Kristen just does a horrible job of turning it off and on. She is boxed out because she really doesn't like most of the women  and does both age and slut shaming. 


I have no idea what Bethenny and Carole were talking to John about but it seems he would rather spend two hours with Ramona (I can't believe I even typed that).  Perhaps John thought Bethenny a know it all or boring or trying to sell him something.  I get it was a friend of Bethenny's that told her about the spot and that is a conversation pretty well covered in two sentences and most likely by production when making arrangements to film.  


This fake we are here on this island to spend time together is hogwash - there are eight of them and short of them all leaving the hostess behind for a yacht trip not a one of them has been left out.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

Why do I feel like Dorinda and Luann had more than liquor in their system at that last dinner? They made absolutely no sense and the spastic arm movements were freaking me out. And they don't curse in Europe, Lu? Really? Shut up. The food that stuck to Dorinda's lip during the argument really bugged me. Earlier in the show at the hotel, Ramona told Dorinda she had food on her lips as well. Methinks she's a really sloppy eater. I periodically wipe my lips with my napkin when at a restaurant because I don't always trust people to tell me when I've got food on my mouth.


Typically, I don't care for Heather's need to escort people away from an argument, but I think it was the right thing to do in this situation. Dorinda was foaming at the mouth, crying, and red-faced...her anger was directed at Heather, but it seemed completely disproportionate for that particular situation. I would have taken her to the side as well. It just didn't make any sense why the conversation went from 0-100. I curse occasionally around my friends. Doesn't mean I'd walk up to a coworker and say, 'Good fucking morning! Do you want a fucking cup of coffee?'. There's a time and place for everything. I doubt Heather curses at work or around her kids, but around her girlfriends, what's the issue? Insinuating that she's a bad mother or that she wasn't raised properly was disgusting. Dorinda and Luann were really messed up for that.


Yet another scene of Ramona speaking to hotel staff like they're beneath her upon her arrival at the hotel. Was she telling that guy to unpack her luggage? I love how the guy just smiled at her in the kitchen - he probably knew she was a nut as soon as she opened her mouth.


I can see why Bethenny and Carole were annoyed with Ramona. Not only did Ramona come up and interrupt the conversation, she purposefully angled herself to cut off the man's interaction with the other ladies and then acted like she didn't know them. It was so rude.


The stray dogs were adorable, but I second not touching them. I was on vacation in Thailand with a friend and she bent down to play with a stray dog - he nearly bit her cheek off. It wasn't pretty and she required plastic surgery. Sure, some stray dogs are harmless, but some aren't. I'd rather play it safe.


John Morgan teared up when Sonja asked to be let go? The same man who refused to be in the same room with her a season or so back when she got all dolled up for their appointment with their attorneys? Oh, okay.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 21

I flove Bethenny's line about making the lunch with "hate". I'm totally going to tell my family that when they're driving me crazy during dinner. Hell no this meal wasn't made with love! Bahahaha


I did agree with Heather that Bethenny was over talking everyone during the title discussion, and being a bit of a know-it-all. She can definitely be a bit much at times. But I like that she owned it and she and Heather were able to get past it. I think what makes this show so fun and interesting to me, is I can be on a different "side" from week to week. Heather and Carole have annoyed me this season, but I've enjoyed them in the T&C, and I was particularly on their "side" this episode. 


But hold on a minute, can we please talk about LuAnn endlessly taking the piss out of Ramona? This week it was knocking her overdressed ass into the sand at the conch bar! That was awesome. 


So okay, about the conch bar. I thought the owner was very handsome and thought I saw some sparks flying between him and Bethenny. But here comes Ramona. On the prowl. She is so OTT and obvious; if I was a dude, I'd run from that. And I kind of get wanting to take a break from the girls because they've been up each other's asses 24-7, but damn....you don't act like you don't know them. 


And I loved how Ramona played it off to herself like the girls were just so flummoxed because they're used to her being so selfless, and this was the ONE time she did something for herself. Ha. Yea, that's it, Ramona. I liked how Carole handled her, though. She let her know, unequivocally, that her behavior was not okay, but she didn't get all crazy or dramatic about it. 


Also, please listen to your BFF - no more macrame! Damn, when Sonja is the voice of reason, you know there's a problem. 


I'm confused....why did they move to another accommodation for the end of the trip? 


I was laughing so hard at the look on the blue-shirted staff member when Ramona started barking out her usual orders. He was all, "Who does this bitch think she is?"


Okay, now onto the dinner where Dorinda and Lu lost their shit. What the FUCK (that's right, fuck) was up with them???? That fight just seemed so stupid and to come completely out of nowhere. Look, everyone's entitled to their opinion about cursing. And there's certainly times and places where one would curb their language, but who are these women to be putting on airs? What? So drunkenly screaming about people and wildly gesticulating in a nice restaurant is somehow classier and more acceptable than dropping the f-bomb into casual conversation with your girlfriends??? Lu can randomly fuck whoever she wants on vacation, but Heather can't SAY "fuck"? Give me a break. 


Heather does oft times seem a bit more rough around the edges than some of the others, but I certainly don't think she's dropping the f bomb right and left. And Dorinda had to be bleeped several times for her use of the word "shit", so calm the fuck down. Or "back it up" as she likes to say. I just feel like the argument came totally out of left field. Was it because they were drunk? Or was the editing off and there was something we missed? Seems like such a minor thing to get so worked up about. They were coming off very judgmental and I can totally understand why Heather got defensive. 

  • Love 18

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'.  Does everything that happens have to be discussed ad nauseum?  Just let it go geez louise.

Did you notice as soon as Luann got done reprimanding Ramona for having her phone out at the dinner table, Heather whips out her phone to share the exciting news that she got a text from Bethenny? 

  • Love 3
Dorinda descends into an incoherent rage whenever she hits a certain blood alcohol level. That lady has some serious anger issues. This whole "how dare you humiliate me?" Shit is like seriously? Who the hell are you? Frankly, I feel kind of let down by Luann joining Team Ramona.


Right? The only one who humiliated Dorinda was Dorinda. 


Also feeling let down by Luann. I liked her better when she was the chill, live and let live Lu than the preachy Countess. 


John Morgan teared up when Sonja asked to be let go? The same man who refused to be in the same room with her a season or so back when she got all dolled up for their appointment with their attorneys? Oh, okay.


LOL, I figured he was probably just suffering from some elderly eye ailment that causes them to weep, but Sonja interpreted it incorrectly. As per usual. 

  • Love 17

I've never understood Ramona's delusional sense of entitlement.  As Bethenny said, she came from nothing and wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  On the show, I've see her be rude and dismissive of waiters, servers, and doormen.  It's my big pet peeve and drives me crazy when anyone treats people in the service industry as beneath them.  You'd think with all that she has, she'd be a grateful person and be able to muster up an occasional, "Thank you".  Never forget where you came from!

She has no concept that these people are just trying to do their job to pay their bills and live their lives, not because they live their lives to wait on her sorry ass. 

  • Love 4

I am still baffled why Bethenny and Carole as if they had some proprietary right to John, the owner.  Heather had come and gone from introducing herself to the owner, Bethenny and Carole left the table under the guise of getting/making cocktails for the other ladies (not that they needed them).  Ramona not acknowledging Carole and Bethenny was rude and hardly worth mention-but Bethenny standing there talking about Ramona's hyper sexuality was way off base.  Essentially, if heard, Bethenny just planted the seed in this guy's head Ramona was ready for the sack. The guy looked pretty competent and as a bar/club owner knows how to lose an overly attached patron-even one that comes with a camera crew.  It seems the first night these ladies got together there was the faction that felt Ramona should get one under her belt.  There she was with a live one in her grasp.  I think the only reason Ramona was such an "apologizer" is she probably got so drunk the guy lost interest and she failed to seal the deal.


As far as Kristen being ignored, essentially Kristen does not like Ramona, Sonja or Bethenny.  So her showing up in the middle of Ramona's conversation and complaining about not be acknowledged is laughable.  If it is not okay for Ramona to engage the guy in conversation, why is it okay for Kristen to interrupt Ramona's conversation?  Kristen just isn't sophisticated or maybe duplicitous enough to pull off these fake relationships.  Kristen just does a horrible job of turning it off and on. She is boxed out because she really doesn't like most of the women  and does both age and slut shaming. 



I don't think they thought they had any rights to him at all. I think they thought they were having conversation with someone and that their "friend" came over, blocked their view, and completely cut them out of the conversation. It is beyond rude. That is what they are irritated by.  Keeping in mind, this type of behavior is not a one-off with Ramona. They had been with her for 3 days at this point, watching her be a narcissistic bitch time after time.  That shit gets old fast. 


Regarding Kristen going over to her and getting ignored, this is exactly the kind of shit that Ramona pulls time and time again, and it just always gets brushed under the rug and becomes someone else's fault. True, they are not friends, but they have seemed to enjoy each other this vacation. Ramona gave Kristen that big hug on her first night there, saying that she was the lone voice of reason in the conversation about her not wanting to jump into bed with every guy she meets, and then they were snuggling, laughing, and sharing wine on the boat. Ramona acted like she really having a good time with Kristen, but then she ignores her and it is OK because they don't really like each other and Kristen should have known better?  This is how she throws people off. She becomes warm to them when she needs a friend, and then throws them under the bus later and it is OK because she never really liked them to begin with and they should just suck it up. 

  • Love 22

This episode was excellent and that ending discussion was awesome. Fucking awesome even, in a twilight zone way.


I still like LuAnn, I really really do. You have to applaud her nerves. They are at the table, Heather relays Bethenny message she had a blast. LuAnn says, and I quote "She had the best time. Crazy SHIT, whatever SHIT etc...".

Then Ramona is saying she took Heather bad habits with her "horrible swear words" after dropping a fuck during her toast (except she didn't put her hand on her mouth when she said to Carole during lunch that she was fucking a 28 years old but whatever). And boom, here comes the Countess with her etiquette and manners... 2 minutes after including two "shit" in a 10 words sentence. 

Yeah right, I'm going to pass on this lesson LuLu dear if you may.


To me, shit or fuck is kind of the same thing so I don't get the high horses. LuAnn has the voice of a smoker, she drinks like a sailor, she fucks whomever and to all that I say good for her. I draw the line when she goes all her highness on Heather, that grated me. But she regain my heart shortly after because I love how she acts "who? Me?" when put in front of her hypocrisy, without blinking. You'll get no fake ass Ramona apology from the Countess, just her "you have me confused with someone else darling" look. I love that. It would drive me nuts in real life but on tv I love it! Hammered LuAnn is fun to watch.

  • Love 13

Editing or hypocrisy? 

The women spend days discussing how Sonja is an out of control sex-craved sloppy drunk, then proceed to emulate that behavior: Ramona's flirting, Dorinda's slurring, and next week a strange man in the house.


Pot meet kettle?  Or are they just trying to show her how embarrassing her behavior is by acting it out in front of her? lol

  • Love 6

Ramona says that she had thought of "From Hell to Happiness" as a title and Bethenny, who has an upcoming book titled "I Suck at Relationships," says "No, [your book title Ramona] that's too negative."


I did love how Carole said to Bethenny in defense of Heather: "No, Heather really doesn't think it's that deep" after Bethenny duck walked out to the pool to "light it up" and refused to see that, at the end of the day, Heather didn't think what happened at the lunch table was all that earth shattering.


I feel like I have to watch this again. I felt Dorinda and Luann were totally out of line... Well, actually Ramona started it-- this woman is a piece of work. She has the most offensive behavior. 


Ramona being a snake once again. That whole thing started because she comically stated that it was only because of Heather that she cusses. Bitch, whet?! Once LuAnn picked up on that, it went super downhill. 


For me, I felt like this episode was a bit of a Heather redemption arc - not that she needed one - but after getting sort of slammed all season, I thought she was shown in a more balanced light here.  We saw her...


1.  Genuinely make up and play with Bethenny, which is the nicest thing Andy can do for anyone.  The scene with the two of them mooning each other was one of the funniest I've seen in ages.  And then Bethenny said straight out, "I actually like her," and gave a fair assessment of Heather's good points (she can own her stuff and move on).  After a season of Bethenny pointing out how "annoying" Heather can be, I thought was only fair.  I also think Andy having Bethenny endorse Heather on camera was his version of giving Heather a gold star.  AND Bethenny has been kind to Heather the last two weeks in her blogs.  I really hope the tide has turned here.


2.  Be kind to Sonja.  There was no reason to show that apology other than to show Heather being kind and self-aware.  I even liked her apology, when she said "I have a hundred ways to say that I was wrong."  It was a full on apology with no "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings" Housewifery caveats.


3.  Seem rational in a fight where everyone else was drunk and losing their minds.  There's obviously people on the boards here who don't like Heather.  Fair enough.  As I came to realize about myself some years ago, it's like ice cream, and I don't have a vanilla personality, so not everyone is going to like me.  Heather has a very strong personality and, like ice cream, the flavor isn't going to suit everyone.  That's cool. And she's not Carole, she's going to spark when she's confronted.  But I personally thought in the fight last night, Dorinda and Luann looked insane, and Heather seemed reasonable.  She didn't raise her voice, she tried to de-escalate ("now you're hurting my feelings because you're talking about my mother"), etc.  I agree that after the whole Bethenny/meatball insanity, I wish she hadn't tried to take Dorinda to a second location (Never take a housewife to a second location! Isn't that one of Brian's rules at Vulture?), but that's part of her strong flavor too - she wants to fix situations and she can't help herself.  


Yes, in the blogs this week, the two that are up, Bethenny and Kristen, both come in hard on Luann and Dorinda as well as Ramona.  I am VERY interested to see what happens at the reunion.  Because  Biakbiak's comment that



is so true.  I don't know if their personality conflicts will keep them from being close but if they could get over it (maybe Carole could help buffer them), then they could take everyone else down.   And it would only make them look good.  While I can't buy into Kristen because of her Brandi friendship (seriously, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT), and I agree that Kristen is pretty boring in many respects, AND I don't think she should have been back this season, I ALSO think that Heather/Bethenny/Carole/Kristen are four "real" women, who mostly have rational responses to things, and can be funny and self-aware as well as (in the case of Bethenny and Heather) dramatic and emotional.  I'd love to see them teamed up.  I hope the reunion couch, where the four of them are seated together,  is an indicator of things to come.  Go left couch!!


So, I enjoyed Heather's THs about how she finds Bethenny annoying. But I do think it's interesting the sudden editing turnaround on Heather. Methinks that Andy realized (via tweets and FB postings) that it simply wasn't playing well to have Bethenny be all "Rawrrrr rawrrr Heather" in her THs over interactions that were essentially minor when filmed months before.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 14

Does anyone else think Ramona is being extra ridiculous because she is attempting to show Mario what he's missing out on? The way she is preening is just so over the top, even for her. I imagine him in bed with his latest side piece just laughing and laughing at her. Hoping that now folks completely understand why he just couldn't with her anymore. 


A great example of there just being too many people on this show was the conversation between Carole and Ramona at the lunch. Carole told Ramona that she didn't  like her saying that she was "fucking" a 28 year old like it wasn't a relationship. She said "I've been a very good friend to you", to which Ramona agreed (this was an actual agreement, with Ramona saying "you have been a very good friend to me". Then Carole said "I've been very supportive to you during this time". It was just so brilliant, but you could hardly take it all in because of all the other conversations that were going on. Carole handles Ramona so perfectly. She doesn't scream or hurl a bunch of accusations. She just quietly tells her how it is and Ramona - ever confused by logic - backs down and admits to her faults, at least for the moment. 

  • Love 23


So, I enjoyed Heather's THs about how she finds Bethenny annoying. But I do think it's interesting the sudden editing turnaround on Heather. Methinks that Andy realized (via tweets and FB postings) that it simply wasn't playing well to have Bethenny be all "Rawrrrr rawrrr Heather" in her THs over interactions that were essentially minor when filmed months before.

I don't think it's editing.  I think Heather's always been like this.  She's never been stood up to or frustrated by someone like Bethenny and it's throwing her off her game. jmo.


What was with her checking her phone when Luann told Ramona to put her phone away?  I thinks SHE wanted to be the one to share Beth's text; assuming that Ramona received and was checking the same text-it would make sense that Beth texted all of the ladies and not just Heather.

  • Love 1

What was with her checking her phone when Luann told Ramona to put her phone away?  I thinks SHE wanted to be the one to share Beth's text; assuming that Ramona received and was checking the same text-it would make sense that Beth texted all of the ladies and not just Heather.


Don't think that's what happened. Ramona was sending a long text to someone, and she got that sheepish grin on her face that told me she was texting a man.


 I don't get the outrage at Heather sharing Bethenney's text, it seemed perfectly appropriate to me.

  • Love 8

Dorinda was like that hybrid dino in Jurassic World. Half UES Manhattan privilege and half gangsta, add too much booze and the whole Island is in danger of being eaten alive.


I love how the blogs come out from person who has least to be ashamed of to the person with the most 'splaining to do. Bethenny and Kristen are out..... what will the rest of the order be?


Ramona has NO waist. She is a barrel from ribs to ass. That pooch isn't a pooch she is just oval its' the weirdest thing.

  • Love 16

Don't think that's what happened. Ramona was sending a long text to someone, and she got that sheepish grin on her face that told me she was texting a man.


 I don't get the outrage at Heather sharing Bethenney's text, it seemed perfectly appropriate to me.

Yes, especially since earlier Lu had asked everyone if they should check on Beth to make sure she got home safely. 

  • Love 5

I don't even like Sonja but I love the way she said, "I do believe...the Countess is more than just tipsy. She is - literally - fucked up." Listen up ladies. When Sonya is the only one at the table making sense you know you have hit bottom. Time to step away from the booze.

Between that and "...how did we get here?", she was actually funny.

I don't even like Sonja but I love the way she said, "I do believe...the Countess is more than just tipsy. She is - literally - fucked up." Listen up ladies. When Sonya is the only one at the table making sense you know you have hit bottom. Time to step away from the booze.

Between that and "...how did we get here?", she was actually funny.


I don't think it's editing.  I think Heather's always been like this.  She's never been stood up to or frustrated by someone like Bethenny and it's throwing her off her game. jmo.


I don't think anything is "throwing Heather off her game." What I'm saying is that the interactions between Heather and Bethenny have been pretty benign (at least from Heather's end, I think), but Bethenny's THs were driving a more hostile narrative. In the absence of equal THs from Heather during the earlier part of the season, it seemed that the narrative was set to be one thing. I'm thinking that Andy received enough comments about how Bethenny's tears one moment and being OK another was not fun to watch for many. I'm thinking that Andy made an executive decision to add more Heather THs now, which greatly influences an episode's narrative.


As someone who didn't come around to Heather until the St. Barth's episodes, I'm not saying that somehow there's a new and improved Heather. Heather's alway been vocal. Heather's never been afraid to mix it up. I was commenting more on how THs are used to structure either a season-long arc or an episode's arc.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 10

Don't think that's what happened. Ramona was sending a long text to someone, and she got that sheepish grin on her face that told me she was texting a man.


 I don't get the outrage at Heather sharing Bethenney's text, it seemed perfectly appropriate to me.

 I just thought it was funny that she disregarded the countess' etiquette lesson to Ramona, and how proud she seemed about receiving the text.  I didn't mean to sound outraged, just snarky. sorry if I came off harsh.

  • Love 4

Ram-moaner, the only people on the planet that are not used to you being selfish are the people in a small tribe living deep in the Brazilian rainforest. 

The HW's are jealous of you?  Ah, no.  As long as Google is up and running and Bravo shows reruns, there is little chance of you getting more than a F-buddy(Brandi's off and on BF) or a gold-digger (Brooks).


Con-ya, it was the alcohol fumes in your breath that made John's eyes tear up.

  • Love 7

Ahhh...so I am watching the episode this morning and finally caught who started the fight at dinner...it was, shocker of shockers, Ramona!


Ramona, accused Heather, of being the "bad influence"  that was making Ramona use F Bombs. And a brief dust-up happened between the two. Ramona then (per normal) leaves the table after she finishes her shit stirring, and takes off for the patio. Let the Wild Rumpus begin!


I wondered how they all went off the tracks so fast, just from a conversation about foul language. Add a cup of Ramona to this Recipe For Disaster and there is your secret ingredient. Kaboom!


That still doesn't explain what was going on with Dorinda.  Yeah, she was three sheets to the wind, and was throwing "Fuck You Gangsta Signals" across to the opposing "gang" at dinner, and she was not looking her fabulous, Pucci Porn wearing best...But, if you review the entire T&C saga so far, Dorinda seems unusually quite and she stays on the sidelines much of the time.  Her facial expressions, during the rare times she is shown in close-ups,  seem to shout-out that she is wishing she had never met, much less vaca'd with these silly, rabid bitches. Perhaps, there are/were unknown, personal problems (John, her Daughter) back home. Or maybe both.


All I know, is that I have a FanGirl crush on Dorinda...and I want her to stay on the show. Keep your mitts off her Mean Girls!  All Hail Pucci Porn!


ETA:  And, on Betheny taking her early departure from "Isle of Drunk Ass Hormonal Moo Cows"  - You Clever, Clever Girl!  Perfect Timing. No wonder you have made yourself Boucou Bucks! 

  • Love 5

Okay, it's been said but that shit of Sonja saying "Let me go" to John A. Morgan: HELL TO THE NO SEXY J.  SO FULL OF SHIT.  LIARFACE!  Are you kidding me?!?!  She was trying to seduce him with her decollete less than a season and a half ago!  She was titsing-out to get more scratch from her ancient ex who has been trying to jettison her from his life for a freaking decade!  Their marriage, in terms of the current social construct of a love-match ideal, was faker than Ramona's titties!   I can't. 

  • Love 10

Ugh Heather rubs me the wrong way.  I CANT STAND how everytime she gets in a fight with someone she wants to grab them and run off in some room to talk 'in private'.  Does everything that happens have to be discussed ad nauseum?  Just let it go geez louise.

I think her intent is to have a conversation with the person away from the cameras.

Edited by beaker73
  • Love 9

I don't think anything is "throwing Heather off her game." What I'm saying is that the interactions between Heather and Bethenny have been pretty benign, but Bethenny's THs were driving a more hostile narrative. In the absence of equal THs from Heather during the earlier part of the season, it seemed that the narrative was set to be one thing. I'm thinking that Andy received enough comments about how Bethenny's tears one moment and being OK another was not fun to watch for many. I'm thinking that Andy made an executive decision to add more Heather THs now, which greatly influences an episode's narrative.


As someone who didn't come around to Heather until the St. Barth's episodes, I'm not saying that somehow there's a new and improved Heather. Heather's alway been vocal. Heather's never been afraid to mix it up. I was commenting more on how THs are used to structure either a season-long arc or an episode's arc.


I agree with this, completely.  The start of the season was all about trying to make Heather a villain - not so much in what she did, but in Bethenny's extensive talking heads, plus Heather's LACK of talking heads.  Plus Bethenny's early season blogs.  There's been, in the last few weeks, a turnaround, where the talking heads (especially Bethenny's) have become more pro-Heather, and Heather's long time defenders (Carole and Kristen) are allowed to state their (pro Heather) views on things.  


This is definitely a guess, but I do wonder like Mozelle does, if the season started with the plan to make Heather the villain, antagonizing Bethenny - hence things like Heather being shut out of the publicity tour (she had to do secondary media with Kristen), and Heather not getting her own point of view in the narrative.  But it didn't play out like Andy had planned - two examples come to mind, both from WWHL:  first, the often-noted caller who said that Bethenny was coming off like Jill Zarin, and second, HEATHER of all people winning the "who do you want to party with" poll.  I wonder if Andy realized that his beloved Bethenny was looking bad, being in conflict with Heather like she was (with so little provocation), and they rewrote the season.  Or who knows, maybe they planned this from the beginning, but I sort of guess it's the former. 


Another interesting thing on post-season spin.  Luann has been working HARD all season to turn people against Carole and Heather, and Dorinda has been eviscerating Heather on her twitter feed.  Meanwhile, while Carole was provoked early on, for the most part, neither Carole nor Heather have responded.  Now that we're starting to see what happens - Dorinda and Luann get crazy drunk and aggressive at dinner - I'm wondering if Luann and Dorinda were hoping to take charge of the narrative before the episodes came out.  It's like, Dorinda knew she was going to look bad, so she took Luanna's advice and tried to turn everyone against Heather before the episodes aired.  Fingers crossed (because I'm not neutral) that people see through this, and the truth comes out.


And I still think it's interesting that Ramona has been so silent - especially since we now have confirmation that it was HER naked man who ended up sharing a suite with Carole and Heather.  I think Ramona is genuinely embarrassed and ashamed, and is lying low to see if it blows over.  


And finally, I'm a little irritated that Luann has been making a name off "be cool, don't be uncool" when what she's attacking is Heather and Carole not being happy at finding a naked strange man sharing a suite with them.  I'm not sure I'd be "cool" with that, but I don't think that makes me "uncool" either.

  • Love 12

With so much in craziness at the dinner (Go away, Dorinda), I almost forgot the discussion about Ramona's book. It may be the sleep deprivation talking (and I didn't watch closely)  but I didn't think Life on the Ramona Coaster (Ramonacoaster?) to be that bad. This book is not going to be great literature. The audience is likely going to be fans of the show. It's different and catchy. Plus titles often change before publication. And, Bethenny, you don't always have to have the arc figured out when you start writing. Sometimes you figure it out as you go.


Now, I don't see Ramona slaving over the pages herself, and she won't have to, but still...if someone wants to write, they should write. Don't wait until you have it all figured out. Ramona can get a book deal for the same reason Bethenny can, and that will come with a lot of help from an agent and publishing house. I even hope the book makes money. That helps authors without name recognition or a book that's a sure thing to get published. 


I still find Ramona to be an odious woman. 


(Go away, Dorinda)

  • Love 5

I just thought it was funny that she disregarded the countess' etiquette lesson to Ramona, and how proud she seemed about receiving the text.  I didn't mean to sound outraged, just snarky. sorry if I came off harsh.

Heather was so proud! And LuAnn's snark was spot on....I loved it. Also loved the TH comment from Dorinda about Heather being Moses and the 10 Commandments. F bomb conversation aside, those two seem to have Heathers number.

Funny though, WWHL poll question was who is the biggest know it all. Winner? Heather.

  • Love 5

While I can't buy into Kristen because of her Brandi friendship (seriously, WHAT IS UP WITH THAT), 


... had to comment on this one.  Brandi was on Howard Stern recently (like within the last month or so... I found the interview on youtube if you're interested) and she revealed that she and Kristen used to make out all the time.  While Kristen was already with Josh!!  Brandi said it used to piss Josh off.  So another mark in KRISTEN IS AN IDIOT column, IMO.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 8
With so much in craziness at the dinner (Go away, Dorinda), I almost forgot the discussion about Ramona's book. It may be the sleep deprivation talking (and I didn't watch closely)  but I didn't think Life on the Ramona Coaster (Ramonacoaster?) to be that bad. This book is not going to be great literature. The audience is likely going to be fans of the show. It's different and catchy. Plus titles often change before publication. And, Bethenny, you don't always have to have the arc figured out when you start writing. Sometimes you figure it out as you go.


I agree that most people who are interested in her book are going to get the "Ramonacoaster" reference. And it's kind of fun if she's in on the joke, about what a mess she is. 


I didn't even think "Work In Progress" was all bad, not in the way Carole said - that at her age you shouldn't still be a work in progress. Disagree. We can ALWAYS be striving to better ourselves. But considering Ramona isn't genuinely interested in working on herself, it's a moot point. 

  • Love 8

Don't think that's what happened. Ramona was sending a long text to someone, and she got that sheepish grin on her face that told me she was texting a man.


I'm pretty sure that the top of Ramona's phone said Mario when she was texting.  I could not for the life of me follow that argument, so I'm very proud of having seen that.  


I generally like Heather, but the thing about her that is irritating has been consistent this season - she doesn't know when to let something go.  The clearly stupid-drunk women are going on and on about the f bomb and what's appropriate.  Just let it go!  You are not gonna "win" an argument against someone that drunk, even if you do actually win the argument.  They are just gonna keep coming for  you.  I don't know if it's because she's one of those people that wants to have the last word, or one of those people who always needs to be right.  In any case, it's annoying.

  • Love 4

Kristen is the best fucking background actor ever! The faces, the utter revulsion in TH's about the stupidest shit. It's fucking amazing to watch her watch things, like every single thing is fresh and new.

I also appreciate the fuck out of this whole cast. When I heard the islands lasted four days I was like, "Fuck!" but now I'm all "Fuck Yes!" because they keep the drama in all kinds of directions, then they "make up" and let it simmer for a better explosion later. It's kind of perfect for me. While other casts make teams so an entire season becomes a drag, they fight/love so often it's like I get four episodes in one.

MINIONS! We already made a boatload of cash overseas but we're going to take up half your screen tonight anyway. Because there's apparently a lot of overlap between people who will watch these silly women and who will see what appears to be a cartoon about silly little yellow things. Maybe I should interpret it as a read not an oversized plug invading my screen.

I can't even with the battle at the end about the f-word (which I will not say because I have class). I don't think it was producer-driven drama (though they sadly couldn't let a half episode go without Bethenney yakking, adding in that coconut scene). I just think these broads were drunk as hell. Shit-faced even. I can't even imagine what it must feel like to be Sonja watching this after being lectured. And if this is what's spurred the Great Rift causing a few epic Twitter tirades, well...I can't wait for the blogs. I'm wondering if Luann/Dorinda even remembered what happened.


Lastly...I feel like Ramona is a special kind of human being. How the fuck can you watch yourself on tv for 800 years and still claim to be this benevolent caretaker who wanted to be selfish "for once." For the record, I was with Bethenney and Carole in their argument, though I also fault the guy they were talking to for choosing to turn his back to them. Ramona was a jerk, but he could have made a different choice.

I feel like she and Vicki from OC should meet, on tv, for drinks, because it may create some kind of vortex and that would be interesting to watch.

Plus, Kristin is just freaking gorgeous. I don't mind that she doesn't do much. I love her style and her faces.

Besides she looked like the only one who really enjoyed her vacation. Lol

Her hubby still is a dick.

  • Love 9

I'm pretty sure that the top of Ramona's phone said Mario when she was texting.  I could not for the life of me follow that argument, so I'm very proud of having seen that.  


I generally like Heather, but the thing about her that is irritating has been consistent this season - she doesn't know when to let something go.  The clearly stupid-drunk women are going on and on about the f bomb and what's appropriate.  Just let it go!  You are not gonna "win" an argument against someone that drunk, even if you do actually win the argument.  They are just gonna keep coming for  you.  I don't know if it's because she's one of those people that wants to have the last word, or one of those people who always needs to be right.  In any case, it's annoying.

I could never, ever, not in a million years let someone say on camera that my behavior meant I was a bad mother. Drunk or sober, I wouldn't let that shit go. I know that people say that when you fight with a drunk you cannot win, but all I saw last night was Heather coming away with a huge victory. 

  • Love 19

I could never, ever, not in a million years let someone say on camera that my behavior meant I was a bad mother. Drunk or sober, I wouldn't let that shit go. I know that people say that when you fight with a drunk you cannot win, but all I saw last night was Heather coming away with a huge victory.

Technically, neither LuAnn nor Dorinda called Heather a bad mother. The words "bad mother" only ever came out of Heather's mouth. I don't think LuAnn should have ever brought up Ella, for sure that was over the line and opened up the door for Heather to talk about Hannah dropping fucks, but I wish Heather would have just addressed it by saying don't talk about my kid. Talk about your kids all you want but leave mine out of it. When Heather started asking if her cussing meant that her own mom was a bad mom, that was the wrong path to take IMO. Lighting drunken mommy fires is just asking for trouble.
  • Love 7

Wow, what a doozy of an episode.


Leave it to Ramona to start all that shit and just kinda stroll away to wherever the hell she went.


Dorinda? I guess it must be that any woman that could be a friend to Ramona for decades has got to be a mess her damn self. She was on my perma side eye list after coat check gate. 


Love that in Bethanny's tiff with Heather she says if she has an issue that Heather should come live and direct and address it directly with B then B goes right around the corner and talks shit about Heather with Ramona. It is good that they were able to squash their beef right away though.


I think it is not enough to just ask if that dude is single, I would want to ask if he is straight.


No ifs, ands or buts about it Ramona was rude, rude, rude. 


I hate watching both Ramona and Sonja flirt. It is like a bad Mae West routine. 


No surprise that Ramona and Sonja left for the fancy hotel first - They wanted to pull their usual shit of getting the best room. I'm shocked none of the girls said anything but I guess they realized it would all be for naught anyway. Ramona and to a lesser extent Sonja, is an unrepentant asshole when it comes to that issue.


The cold shoulder routine the girls gave Ramona was glorious.


Sonja spraying Ramona down with whatever the hell that was before heading out to the beach was made of pure hilarity. 


Sonja and her old man Morgan tales LOL! The biggest surprise there was that he deigned to be in the same room with her. Must have been court mandated. The rest pure lies. To act like Morgan won't let her go and is hemming her finances with the Colorado property and putting her in debt. The only thing that put her in debt is her defrauding those Hollywood investors. Morgan had no trouble leaving her either. Left her like parsley on a plate at a truck stop diner.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 16

As many have wisely pointed out, the whole "fuck" conversation was so just... fuckin ridiculous.  As a few have mentioned, I HIGHLY doubt that Heather is dropping F-bombs during serious business meetings with clients and high-level staff. And you know what?  Even if for some reason she WAS?  Guess what?  It's working for her!  She's got a successful brand and is doing A-OK. 


And I highly doubt she's dropping F-bombs in front of her young children, ferchristsake. 


If I had been a patron at the resturant that had the the "last supper" I would have done one of two things. I have either told the manager that my meal had been ruined by those loud people over there I would expect my meal to be on the house or I would have walked over to their table pulled up a chair and said if my meal was to interupted by them then I wanted to hear up close and personal everything being said. Yes I'm bold that way.


I don't even remember seeing other patrons there.  Maybe I just didn't notice them.  But wouldn't they have to sign a waiver or something--or at least be given a "heads up" that Bravo would be filming there?  I have a hard time believing that a random Gansevoort patron would just walk in for dinner and be randomly subjected to these screeching harpies.  But I really am just assuming things here--I have no idea.



Drunk and slurry worded Dorinda made me think of that quote that "one martini is not enough but two are too much" or something like that. She drank that first one down super quick and probably had a second before the first one hit her and then bam, the housewife perfect storm. I completely lost the gist of that argument because everyone was talking at the same time. Wish Bravo would slow it down and subtitle it for us please.


Did they switch to a hotel because the mausoleum was too quiet? 


I got the impression that they were just staying at the Gansevoort for the day.  They brought bags with them, but only with clothes to change into for dinner and makeup/hair products for getting ready.  Pretty sure they ended up back at their house that night.


I've never understood Ramona's delusional sense of entitlement.  As Bethenny said, she came from nothing and wasn't born with a silver spoon in her mouth.  On the show, I've see her be rude and dismissive of waiters, servers, and doormen.  It's my big pet peeve and drives me crazy when anyone treats people in the service industry as beneath them.  You'd think with all that she has, she'd be a grateful person and be able to muster up an occasional, "Thank you".  Never forget where you came from!


Ha ha.  Good old clueless Moaner. Hey, if she can operate under the delusion that she is this selfless, big-hearted St. Ramona who is incessantly giving to others and never, ever EVER thinking of herself-- then I guess it's not too much of a stretch to believe that she is this elite 1%-er who is (as I believe Beth said) "of the manor born." 


I really think painting Heather at fault in that dinner scene in any way is really reaching. Ramona, Luann and Dorinda were absolutely ganging up on her and being drunken jerks.Trying to have a rational discussion with any of them was futile. Dorinda descends into an incoherent rage whenever she hits a certain blood alcohol level. That lady has some serious anger issues. This whole "how dare you humiliate me?" Shit is like seriously? Who the hell are you? Frankly, I feel kind of let down by Luann joining Team Ramona. I am surprised that Sonja was the rational one.


ICAM! I am trying to be totally objective here, and I cannot for the life of me, see how somebody could think that Heather was at fault in that ridiculous argument. She was merely defending herself against their drunken tirade. I feel like it's one thing to not like somebody, but can't we call a spade a spade once in a while?? For instance, I'm definitely a Heather fan, but there are certainly situations where where I cop and say---ya know what?  She behaved like an asshole there. Their trip to Montana last year springs to mind, where she was acting bitchy towards Kristin.  Doesn't mean I don't like her, just means I don't like what she said in one particular instance. 


(sorry for some reason the quotes function isn't working here)

"The stray dogs were adorable, but I second not touching them. I was on vacation in Thailand with a friend and she bent down to play with a stray dog - he nearly bit her cheek off. It wasn't pretty and she required plastic surgery. Sure, some stray dogs are harmless, but some aren't. I'd rather play it safe."


Yes indeed!  I am an animal lover to the nth degree and will always be that person petting and playing with the dog or cat at somebody's party.  However, having met the "popcakes" in person in T&C, I will agree that they aren't necessarily the kind of dogs you should be petting. Yes, they are cute. But they are wild, and they mostly travel in packs.  While I never saw one get mean or aggressive towards a person, it is most definitely in your best interest to not be randomly petting one.  


They do, however, have places on the island where you can go pet the popcakes (raised from puppies I think so fairly domesticated) and maybe even "adopt" one for a day.  I never made it there, but I would definitely consider it in the future.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 6

I could never, ever, not in a million years let someone say on camera that my behavior meant I was a bad mother. Drunk or sober, I wouldn't let that shit go. I know that people say that when you fight with a drunk you cannot win, but all I saw last night was Heather coming away with a huge victory. 

No one called Heather a bad mother or her mother a bad mother.  Heather applied the generic to her family. I think Heather became irritated when Luann used the word "elegance" in defining how Heather would raise her daughter.  There are maybe 10,000 words to describe raising a child in a positive, healthy environment and I don't think elegance would make the list.   Heather should not have said that about Dorinda's daughter.  This is Heather's downfall, when she is losing or not getting her point across she makes reference to things that happen off screen.  Saying LuAnn smokes cigarettes-apparently something LuAnn has chosen not to share, Dorinda's daughter swearing-something Heather heard as a guest at Dorinda's home.  I get it is a reality show but people should be provided some basic human consideration.  Same with Ramona's boobs-if Ramona doesn't want to talk about them or admit to a boob job--her business.  It is the rube that asks about it who I think looks bad (Andy Cohen).  Medical procedures, elective or not are private.  Maybe Ramona had breast cancer and had a mastectomy and chose not to share it with the world.  Perhaps if she writes her book she can talk about it or not.  Much like Sonja, Ramona's breasts should not be part of Kristen, Bethenny, Andy Cohen's, or Carole's dialogue. 


I saw Heather go too far there was no victory just hurting someone's feelings over a stupid Ramona comment.  She did humiliate Dorinda and drunk or not it should be beneath Heather to go after Dorinda's daughter, mother and Dorinda as a mother.  Heather should have said-I do use the f-bomb, because last year she was so proud of her m-f's.  She really can't have it both ways. 


Where I think Heather loses is when someone, for example says her use of the word "holla" is annoying.  Instead of maybe taking a look at whether she needs to use it-she rubs it in people's faces, much like the fake smile.  It is okay at any age to change and this year Bethenny has given a laundry list of things that are annoying about Heather.  It is up to Heather to see if she sees any of the qualities in herself and if she chooses to change.


I disagree with the WWHL poll-I do not think Heather is the biggest Know-It-All, clearly that belongs to Bethenny.

  • Love 5

No one called Heather a bad mother or her mother a bad mother.  Heather applied the generic to her family. I think Heather became irritated when Luann used the word "elegance" in defining how Heather would raise her daughter.  There are maybe 10,000 words to describe raising a child in a positive, healthy environment and I don't think elegance would make the list.   Heather should not have said that about Dorinda's daughter.  This is Heather's downfall, when she is losing or not getting her point across she makes reference to things that happen off screen.  Saying LuAnn smokes cigarettes-apparently something LuAnn has chosen not to share, Dorinda's daughter swearing-something Heather heard as a guest at Dorinda's home.  I get it is a reality show but people should be provided some basic human consideration.  Same with Ramona's boobs-if Ramona doesn't want to talk about them or admit to a boob job--her business.  It is the rube that asks about it who I think looks bad (Andy Cohen).  Medical procedures, elective or not are private.  Maybe Ramona had breast cancer and had a mastectomy and chose not to share it with the world.  Perhaps if she writes her book she can talk about it or not.  Much like Sonja, Ramona's breasts should not be part of Kristen, Bethenny, Andy Cohen's, or Carole's dialogue. 


I saw Heather go too far there was no victory just hurting someone's feelings over a stupid Ramona comment.  She did humiliate Dorinda and drunk or not it should be beneath Heather to go after Dorinda's daughter, mother and Dorinda as a mother.  Heather should have said-I do use the f-bomb, because last year she was so proud of her m-f's.  She really can't have it both ways. 


Where I think Heather loses is when someone, for example says her use of the word "holla" is annoying.  Instead of maybe taking a look at whether she needs to use it-she rubs it in people's faces, much like the fake smile.  It is okay at any age to change and this year Bethenny has given a laundry list of things that are annoying about Heather.  It is up to Heather to see if she sees any of the qualities in herself and if she chooses to change.


I disagree with the WWHL poll-I do not think Heather is the biggest Know-It-All, clearly that belongs to Bethenny.

I agree about the comment about Hannah. LuAnn is the one who brought up Ella, if Heather had responded by pointing out that Victoria says fuck (or worse) I think that would be justified, but Dorinda did not bring up Heather's child. Heather shot back at the wrong person IMO.

...and don't worry, Bethenny came in second. :)

  • Love 4

... had to comment on this one. Brandi was on Howard Stern recently (like within the last month or so... I found the interview on youtube if you're interested) and she revealed that she and Kristen used to make out all the time. While Kristen was already with Josh!! Brandi said it used to piss Josh off. So another mark in KRISTEN IS AN IDIOT column, IMO.

That's if you believe Brandi and she's lost all credibility with me. Josh probably was irritated with Brandi - as most people get to be - and K and B may have kissed on cheeks when saying hi

  • Love 11

I feel this uncontrollable need to say "fuck" as often as possible today.


I've always had a particular fondness for "lord fuck a duck".  Should be able to work that into my HR meeting somehow.......

I'm trying to find a way to work it into as many conversations as I can today. My hubby is traveling and when he called me this morning I said "good fucking morning". 

  • Love 7

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