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S02.E03: Maybe Tomorrow

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I've noticed my viewing of this season is dwindling -- I don't watch it when it airs on Sunday, like I did last season, and I'm not bothering to re-watch at this point to get the little things I may have missed in the first watch. It's just not doing it for me. At some point -- I think VV may have been in the casino or something -- I realized I was bored with the whole thing.


And really, that's a bit weird because at its heart, this is probably an easier story to follow than last year's story. I mean it's a basic corruption/murder story underneath it all, told in many different ways over time. Last year's plot could have gone anywhere, and it kind of did, but it worked. And like someone said upthread, part of it may have had to do with the setting and I think that WH and MM just sold the hell out of it. I'm beginning to wonder if the first season was a one-off.


I think the acting all the way around was stronger the first season and the weird dialogue fit the characters and the story. I feel a bit like Nick Pizolatto felt like he developed a reputation with season one that he has to live up to, however he can't do Rust and Marty again, so he has to come up with a new story in a new place -- which yes, I get that and agree with it. But I feel like they're trying to force a vibe or an atmosphere they developed last year into something that can't hold it this year.


I mean for fuck's sake: much of the discussion here has been about who the hell is Stan??? Somehow I don't think that's what Nick Pizolatto's going for.

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I just want to know what everyone has against e-cigs! Paul and Ray tease Ani about it in their scenes with her...

I didn't take it as having something against e-cigs in general; it fit that they teased her, specifically, about it. Ani is someone who chills by drinking while watching porn, summarily dumps a guy with threats of bodily harm, resents and is angry at her family, steps in front of a truck to take a shot, all that good stuff. These guys can recognize the angry, dysfunctional, fuckitall streak in her. E-cigs are rather mellow and nice, health-conscious and hipster-ish. They are incongruous. 

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I didn't take it as having something against e-cigs in general; it fit that they teased her, specifically, about it. Ani is someone who chills by drinking while watching porn, summarily dumps a guy with threats of bodily harm, resents and is angry at her family, steps in front of a truck to take a shot, all that good stuff. These guys can recognize the angry, dysfunctional, fuckitall streak in her. E-cigs are rather mellow and nice, health-conscious and hipster-ish. They are incongruous. 

I think that's right.  And I totally felt when Ray did it that he was just giving her shit about it, not that he really cared one way or another.  But when Paul did it, it was just like - what is that dude so angry about.  Chill out dude.

Edited by TexasGal
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Remember Paul's mother is an ex-stripper - he's probably been around strippers, strip clubs and prostitutes all his life.


I don't remember anyone specifically saying she was a stripper, ex or otherwise. Maybe I missed something but I don't recall any dialogue to that effect. She's obviously kind of "trashy" but that's about it.

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I forgive this scene, because it had a funny line: when the doctor says something like, "We've all got some bad habits, but it would be nice if you didn't have all of them."


That was a funny line.  The doctor also had a "why do I bother" defeatism about him.  I know more about the doctor than I do about Stan.

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Remember Paul's mother is an ex-stripper - he's probably been around strippers, strip clubs and prostitutes all his life.



I don't remember anyone specifically saying she was a stripper, ex or otherwise. Maybe I missed something but I don't recall any dialogue to that effect. She's obviously kind of "trashy" but that's about it.

I believe her stage name was Blaze, but that was some time ago.

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I don't remember anyone specifically saying she was a stripper, ex or otherwise. Maybe I missed something but I don't recall any dialogue to that effect. She's obviously kind of "trashy" but that's about it.

Her name is Nancy Simpson and she is an ex-showgirl, according to the show info. So I guess I was being mean calling her a stripper. She was a classy stripper? Do show girls take all their clothes off like strippers?

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Her name is Nancy Simpson and she is an ex-showgirl, according to the show info. So I guess I was being mean calling her a stripper. She was a classy stripper? Do show girls take all their clothes off like strippers?

She is also on some kind of disability plan..I thought she said "carpal tunnel"... not a common ailment for showgirls. Can anyone review Ep2  and confirm? Thanks.

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She is also on some kind of disability plan..I thought she said "carpal tunnel"... not a common ailment for showgirls. Can anyone review Ep2  and confirm? Thanks.

Yes, she definitely said she had Carpal tunnel and was on disability for it.  And Paul asked her whether she could go back to the club and she said something nasty about somebody there and that she couldn't go back to work there anyways because she would lose the state check if she did.  That's what I recall from Sundays episode.

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Yes he was  he non red haired non Russian henchmen who maced that bookmaker in the face in episode 2. Again I think the writing/director are making some point about how incidental Stan was, so his murder is SUPER out of bounds, but whatever he's a fucking violent mobster, so stahp.


I honestly thought Stan was Frank's lawyer.  So, a henchman, but I don't think he was the macer.

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I've been trying not to say anything unkind about VV, but I am thinking it was in the delivery of the Stan lines that things got so distracting. I mean, here are the lines:

Frank, Stan.

What about him?

He's dead. Couple of our Mexicans found him, boss.

What is this, huh? Who the fuck would have something against Stan? Don't make any fucking sense. What is he to anybody? Too much coming right after Caspere.

No shit.

Who, huh? ( chuckles ) Who the fuck's coming after me? Huh? Who?

I think the point was supposed to be that Stan was nobody, that his death was part of a message to Frank (or not), but that VV somehow gave the appearance of genuine concern for Stan way above what was called for.
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While I am enjoying this season, I'll admit I'm not obsessed with it like I was last season. Although part of that may be because I'm a south Louisiana native and last season south Louisiana was a major character itself and just portrayed so well in the writing, cinematography, etc....I think maybe Pizzolato just writes the Gulf Coast better, because that's where he's from. They say write what you know, and he certainly knows the Gulf Coast so well. I know he's lived in California but he really KNOWS the Gulf Coast, particularly south Louisiana and southeast Texas. I hope for season three he returns to the Gulf Coast for a setting (although I can see how setting every season there could get old)

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I've been trying not to say anything unkind about VV, but I am thinking it was in the delivery of the Stan lines that things got so distracting. I mean, here are the lines:I think the point was supposed to be that Stan was nobody, that his death was part of a message to Frank (or not), but that VV somehow gave the appearance of genuine concern for Stan way above what was called for.

My interpretation was that Stan was a friend but not muscle or a decision maker.  Vince was upset about a friends death and confused as to why Stan was targeted.


Needless to say, any chance for a Stan spinoff is unlikely....

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Some of the dialogue is approaching a Showgirls level of bad.  I don't mind complexity, but the current storyline is too byzantine for me to give a fuck.  I'm enjoying Colin Farrell's performance, not sure that's enough to continue hate-watching this season. 

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I forgive this scene, because it had a funny line: when the doctor says something like, "We've all got some bad habits, but it would be nice if you didn't have all of them."


It has another line I found funny: Doctor: Do you mind my asking how much you drink in a week? Ray: All I can.


She is also on some kind of disability plan..I thought she said "carpal tunnel"... not a common ailment for showgirls. Can anyone review Ep2  and confirm? Thanks.

Ok, this immediately got me thinking of the movie Irina Palm. Anyone seen it? It's a little British flick about a middle aged grandmother who's strapped for cash and discovers a new career giving handjobs through a hole in the wall in a London sex club. She's so popular she gets her own stage name and is so busy she gets tennis elbow. Or as the doctor in the movie puts it: penis elbow. Carpal tunnel isn't much of a stretch.

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It seems plausible to me that someone who works in a diner could get carpal tunnel from the way servers carry trays & plates. They may also do tasks like cutting veggies when there aren't many customers around. I have a friend who worked in produce at Whole Foods. She'd sometimes be tasked with cutting fruit and veggies for party trays and those little plastic tubs of pre-packaged sliced fruit. She developed carpal tunnel.

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I find it funny they feel the need to explain the obvious, "is that an e-cig?" every time one appears on screen. Yet nearly everything else is inexplicable. Can someone please tell us who the hell Stan is? Why are they looking for a driver? What car? That's him (the guy who lit it on fire)? Who (The killer)? The pliers sure were handy and on stand by. Vince Vaughn's wife can read in the dark. The Scarface mansion stepmother was ridiculous. Ugh.... I am confused...I have read the forum comments, rewatched and still am perplexed. The dialogue is tragic but I keep watching hoping to have an epiphany and the story will come together. Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say....

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I find it funny they feel the need to explain the obvious, "is that an e-cig?" every time one appears on screen. Yet nearly everything else is inexplicable. Can someone please tell us who the hell Stan is? Why are they looking for a driver? What car? That's him (the guy who lit it on fire)? Who (The killer)? The pliers sure were handy and on stand by. Vince Vaughn's wife can read in the dark. The Scarface mansion stepmother was ridiculous. Ugh.... I am confused...I have read the forum comments, rewatched and still am perplexed. The dialogue is tragic but I keep watching hoping to have an epiphany and the story will come together. Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say....

It reminds me of Twin Peaks when they doubled the episode order against the Lynch and Frost's wishes, and David Lynch left the show for awhile to go shoot "Wild at Heart", and Mark Frost didn't give a fuck. The big mystery was solved, and everyone just sauntered around. It was jarring and made no sense. That's what this is like: David Lynch-less Twin Peaks.

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It reminds me of Twin Peaks when they doubled the episode order against the Lynch and Frost's wishes, and David Lynch left the show for awhile to go shoot "Wild at Heart", and Mark Frost didn't give a fuck. The big mystery was solved, and everyone just sauntered around. It was jarring and made no sense. That's what this is like: David Lynch-less Twin Peaks.


"Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say...." To quote my own earlier quote, and try to better explain: Specifically it is when some characters (VV's wife comes to mind and the entire closing sequence) and there is an awkward delay between the characters when they should be speaking to one another and instead they are just kind of looking at each other and then say something silly. Oh, and reading a book in the dark. :)

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"Some (bad) acting and music reminds me of Twin Peaks, but TP made sense. What does that say...." To quote my own earlier quote, and try to better explain: Specifically it is when some characters (VV's wife comes to mind and the entire closing sequence) and there is an awkward delay between the characters when they should be speaking to one another and instead they are just kind of looking at each other and then say something silly. Oh, and reading a book in the dark. :)


I got ya. Perhaps if someone put a fish in a percolator, and we got 12 dozen donuts, we could figure this whole thing out.

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For the symbolism fans:


When Ray wakes up after his weird dad dream, at the murder-scene house, the song playing in the background is Warren Zevon's "Detox Mansion." Something he recorded after coming out of rehab in the late '80s.

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