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Some of the funniest things have been said in this thread: Heather is a plastic vampire, Shannon is a passive-aggressive terminator - SO TRUE. I dislike Heather as a human being but as a materialistic and arrogant plastic vampire she rocks. It came out about Terry last week that he has only changed a diaper once (I doubt he has any real connection to his kids - bu that´s just my feeling), and these are the people who were putting down Jim and Alexis. Heather and Terry are so clueless and classless in their superiority over others. And the intro when Shannon says "when life gives you lemons, put nine in a bowl", is the best ever. But other than that I don´t like anything about Shannon this time around. She was okay during the latter half of last season so maybe she´ll bring it again but we´ll have to see. Her husband´s voice is sometimes weird.

  • Love 5

Brianna is turning into Vicki--interfering with relationships in an inappropriate fashion and apparently turning into a Housewife Fame'ho'. Both she and Ryan(who has a HOST of PROBLEMS himself)would spin the world out of its orbit if Vicki constantly and publicly espoused her negative views of him. I mean really WHY IS Brianna on the show?

Brianna is also spoiled and petulant. She is the type of person who downplays and denigrates having access to wealth BUT when that wealth is no longer as accessible initiates behavior to gain what was heretofore disparaged. Brianna use to exhibit dismissiveness of and for Vicki's work habits that allowed for all of those creature comforts. However, now, she is so concerned about Brooks garnering Vicki's "stuff"( and not leaving any for her).

Despite what one thinks about Brooks, he is HER CHOICE. And, assuming Vicki is of sound mind(yeah, yeah don't laugh), she can do whatever she wants to do with her wealth.

Please note that I am not claiming that Brianna is some vile entity sweeping in to destroy Brooks and "THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD". I know that Brianna loves her mother but she needs to learn her place.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 7


That said, being married to any of these women would be a job of work. I say this as a woman myself. I just can't with any of them, but for different reasons.  The difference is the others make me want to kill them. Shannon makes me want to kill myself. Figuratively speaking.

Oh. My. Gawd.

This is one if the funniest posts I have ever read here. While I'm a Shannon cheerleader, holy cow, this is so funny and spot on.

Really, how many of these real housewives would we not want to kill?

I've not watched this season and accidentally tuned in, mid-episode, last night.  And who was gracing my screen?  My 2 least faves - Tamra and Heather.  And Tamra was crying.  To borrow a phrase from Ramona:  "I can't I can't I can't...I CANNNNNNNNN'T"  When did those 2 become besties?


I won't miss the screaming and bad behavior but I will miss being up on all the OC malapropisms and nonsense that inspire the inside jokes that tend to spread through these forums.  For instance, if I didn't understand the origins of "Family Van!"  I'd think y'all were just nuts.

Love her or hate her, I gotta love Ramona for giving me my latest stand by words to use, "I can't, I can't, I CANNNNNT!" I plan to use that sweet line on a regular basis...unfortunately, I have plenty of opportunity lately...

Yeah, I am on board with this one-thousand percent.  You so eloquently hit the nail on the head.  There is no way Vicki's going to go along with a fake cancer story to secure herself a seat on some reality show.  Vicki has other means of income and is probably not so pressed for a Bravo check like some other reality stars are.  Vicki has a favorable business reputation I assume and would lose too much face and too many clients in the insurance industry if the cancer situation turned out not to be true.  Vicki needs to fall back on her insurance business once her reality show ends.  Plus, didn't Briana have a cancer scare with her thyroid issues?  Nah, not buying Vicki willingly getting on board with any of that.  She's got too much to lose.


As to Brooks' "Does he or doesn't he have the big C" - I will take him at his word (for now).  For as low as Brooks can go, faking cancer is even a little beneath him if that is possible.  If it comes out that Brooks is faking cancer?  God and all that is Holy help him.  The world is going to turn on him en masse.  I think it was really wrong of Briana to say stupid shit like "Well, he (Brooks) doesn't look sick" as a reason to not believe Brooks has cancer.


Briana's a nurse not a lay-person.  She should know the face of cancer takes many forms.  The fact that Briana thinks because one has cancer they need "to look like it" makes me give Briana the side-eye and question her ability as a nurse.  Not everyone who has advanced cancer looks like they're at death's door.  I volunteer at a hospice.  All are dying, not all look sick.  For now, Brooks and Vicki get the benefit of the doubt from me.

Why do I get the feeling that Vicki is using a conversation she and Briana had when Brooks was first diagnosed now, months later, for sympathy on the show? I could see Briana cautioning her mother what to "look" for if Brooks was really sick and getting treatment, so that she, Vicki, knew he wasn't faking/scamming her, after all, weren't Vicki/Brooks broken up at the time he found out about the cancer?  JMO

  • Love 1

Did anyone else think it was weird when Vicki whispered to Brooks something about him being the head of the household?  I hope Don is not watching these episodes, it seems so wrong and disrespectful that this guy has moved into Don's house and Vicki is telling him he is the head of her household.  For all her smack talk about being a powerful woman and having independence she sure gets needy about having "a man".


The Marriage retreat:  I am into watching Bachelorette lately so I wonder, instead of fake eulogies and pretending to tell their parents all their list of grievances about their childhood, why doesn't the marriage retreat have them do some more fun/bonding type of things that might be 1) fun and 2) help them remember why they fell in love?  Like why don't they do rappelling together, or a day at the beach, or country barn dancing or some of those things.  I am being 1/2 sarcastic, but on Bachelor these are the kind of things that give the people a sense of "falling in love" so why don't they try something like this instead of the gut wrenching crying and accusing.


I thought Shannon's eulogy was horrible btw. I mean this exercise was stupid regardless. But David said nice things about Shannon, said he loved her, what a good wife and mom she was.  Then Shannon gets her turn and she was like, you tried your best, I guess you did ok,  I was like gee she really doesn't like him much does she.


Megan - she reminds me of a younger Lauri Peterson.  I think in 10 years Megan will have that Lauri/Taylor looking face that she will eventually get when she starts trying to keep herself looking young.  She will be divorced 2-3 times and probably have a child or two, still attractive but very obviously botoxed, looking for the next hubby.


Jeana looks amazing.  This is a woman who is I think turning 60 this year - amazing.  I hope she has more of a role on the show, I would love to know more about her, how she is doing, where she lives now, is she involved with anyone, how her kids are doing...


I know people are saying Vicki looks great, and yes her hair looks good, but I can't get past what she did to her face.  I honestly liked how she looked better before.  I just finished watching season 3 and this was Vicki in her prime, cute face, slimmer figure (this was the season they were doing bootcamp).  The age Vicki is now is around how old Jeana was when the show started, but she looks so much older that Jeana did at the same age.


Heather - I cannot get over this woman.  So she is doing a sparkling wine and calling it Champage.  Really!  This is the same woman who was so snotty and pretentious when they went glamping make sure to note that there were no proper red wine glasses to drink from, but she missed the memo that California-made sparkling wine cannot be called Champagne.  How improper Heather!  What a fake poseur.  I hope Alexis is watching this and laughing her ass off.

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 1

Vicki's backyard continues to shit on all other housewive properties across the franchises. It is GORGEOUS!! When she and Tamra were sitting by the grotto re-hashing their bullshit, it legit look like some 5 star resort and I kept thinking I can't believe this is someone's personal backyard. Again, STUNNING!!!!

Vicki that is your hair and your optimal hair cut. Stick with it!!

Tamra, maybe Vicki could move past it if you weren't doing fresh shit to her every damn season. She acted like all her transgressions were from decades again. No Bitch! This was just last year. Funny how her memory is like Dory the fish from Nemo when her ass is in the wrong. Plus why does she think Vicki owes her an apology?

Tamra during the religious discussion at the table looking like 'what is this thing called God and Church." Just wait til the Devil finds out one of his head minions is about to break right.

I must need to get my ass to a Lens Crafter because I just do not see the great beauty and stunningness of Meghan. She ain't ugly but she is just kinda pretty/attractive to me because none of her features offend. Just pretty in a very basic generic way.

Lizzie's feature seems even more pronounced this season, especially her eyes in her TH. It is like her whole face is screaming at me. Nice to see her husband somewhat tamed his hair.

Shannon looked like David's aunt sitting next to him at dinner. Sorry not sorry.

Shannon, divorce may not be an option ............... but yeah, it is! What a joyless union. Shannon is just a joyless, miserabe and David seems patently unhappy, just going through the motions and counting down the clock until the youngest hits 18. I really want a timeline of the affair and if Shannon every suspected and more importantly if this was David's first affair. So glad they showed the clip of last season of the rodeo and David acting a little shifty flirty and Shannon swooping down and acting all salty. That was the action of a woman in the know if you ask me. Shannon seemed to be punishing David for something last season.

I'm finding Meghan and her husband just as hard to watch as DavidShannon mainly because at least Dave/Shannon had been married for almost 20 years. Jimmy and Meghan have only been married for 4 months and he is acting like that? They are basically newlyweds and he seems completely over her and it. He almost seems to have no respect for her. Why even get married? And don't even get me started about signing up to do a reality show when your marriage is still so fresh.

Didn't realize Meghan had also been married before so this is #2 for her.

Wow, when Meghan mentioned Jimmy being on Fox sports in the Midwest and they showed a pic of Jimmy during his hosting duty, he looked creepily just like Ronald Regan in it. Semi-freaked me out.


YES on all!  Shannon has a very elderly look to her.  The way she carries herself makes her look like David's aunt as you mentioned.


Jim and Meghan.  Maybe it's just getting used to the cameras following them but Jim already looks checked out of the marriage and I don't see any chemistry between them.  Her comment on whether the marriage will make it makes me think she'll be glad to walk away wtih a fat paycheck.  She does not look like someone who is in love with her husband either 4 months into the marriage.  I think she's in love with his fame and wallet.  


And to me, she looks like Tamra her first season.  She's attractive but she won't age well.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 1

Meghan knows not of what she speaks.  Many, many chemo patients are on a three week course of treatment.  They get their chemo they are sick for two or three days 0 as in vomiting and then they have two weeks until the next treatment.  Meghan is incredibly irresponsible even insinuating anything about Brooks condition.  As to him not talking about it - did she expect him to rattle off the cocktail he is receiving?   


I don't even think Vicki would go along with my lover has cancer as a storyline.  Thankfully in California cancer facilities have fairly strict rules about paparazzi shooting photographs of patients.


I haven't really wanted to chime in about the possibility of Brooks' cancer being fake because, well, the very idea of it makes me sick.


That said, my mother had breast cancer about 15 year ago and her chemo treatment was a three week course of treatment.  She'd go in for chemo on a Friday, be sick all weekend and then back to work on Monday.  Every third Friday, it repeated.  And while she did lose her hair and was sick on the weekends, she didn't look sick.  She had some pretty good wigs that she wore to work (she works with children and she was afraid of scaring them) and when she had them on, you would not have known she was going through chemo.  


Meghan alluding to Brooks faking his cancer is just one of many reasons why I'm not taking to her.  There's just something about her overall that I don't like, and what I'm seeing on my tv is not helping her any.  Including her douchebag of a husband.  No wonder Gramballs is calling Meghan her "mini-me".  She's just as fake and nasty as the original recipe.

  • Love 8

Yeah, I am on board with this one-thousand percent. You so eloquently hit the nail on the head. There is no way Vicki's going to go along with a fake cancer story to secure herself a seat on some reality show. Vicki has other means of income and is probably not so pressed for a Bravo check like some other reality stars are. Vicki has a favorable business reputation I assume and would lose too much face and too many clients in the insurance industry if the cancer situation turned out not to be true. Vicki needs to fall back on her insurance business once her reality show ends. Plus, didn't Briana have a cancer scare with her thyroid issues? Nah, not buying Vicki willingly getting on board with any of that. She's got too much to lose.

As to Brooks' "Does he or doesn't he have the big C" - I will take him at his word (for now). For as low as Brooks can go, faking cancer is even a little beneath him if that is possible. If it comes out that Brooks is faking cancer? God and all that is Holy help him. The world is going to turn on him en masse. I think it was really wrong of Briana to say stupid shit like "Well, he (Brooks) doesn't look sick" as a reason to not believe Brooks has cancer.

Briana's a nurse not a lay-person. She should know the face of cancer takes many forms. The fact that Briana thinks because one has cancer they need "to look like it" makes me give Briana the side-eye and question her ability as a nurse. Not everyone who has advanced cancer looks like they're at death's door. I volunteer at a hospice. All are dying, not all look sick. For now, Brooks and Vicki get the benefit of the doubt from me.

I agree with everything you've said! I too am taking him at his word, I just don't think he's that naive. He's a conman, for sure - but conman usually have emotional intelligence if lacking in academic. Brooks has proved that with "affirming" Vicki... And it continues to work everyday because how many years has it been? To most of us he's slimy and smarmy but he honed in on exactly what Vicki needs and ran with it. I just can't see that he's so stupid he would think he can fake cancer and get away with it especially when he's gotta know how disliked he is by the viewers and they'll

be a handful digging to try and confirm his story either way.

If he is lying then I believe he's lying to Vicki too. While I don't think she's above making shit up in an attempt to both give herself a storyline and make Brooks appear more appealing (the fur coat etc) to the people in her life and the audience, I just don't think she'd go there with cancer. Vicki's a needy, insecure nutjob (and I love her for it!) but she's never struck me as a stealth manipulator or someone with the ability to pull such a blatant, disgusting lie off convincingly.

As you said she has too much to lose; Vicki loves money even more than Brooks. There's no way she's sacrificing her insurance business or being the OG of the OC for Brooks.

Briana's a fucking idiot for saying that he didn't "look" sick. I'm a nurse too and a similar age to Briana (I think I may be a little younger) so we've likely been nurses for the same amount of time and I've seen many, many patients who didn't look "sick."

My Mum's friend died of oesophageal cancer on Christmas Eve. Other than losing a little weight, until the last week of his life he didn't look like a man who was dying. Even with the weight loss he wasn't thin and if you'd not known him prior to his illness, you would not have known. Until two weeks before he was admitted into the hospice, he was walking miles every day and doing everything in his daily life he had done before. Hey Briana, was he not sick either you fucking moron?

I get that she doesn't like Brooks but plenty of lay people know that you don't have to look sick to be it and I think her comment says far more about her as a person than it does about Brooks.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 7


I thought Shannon's eulogy was horrible btw. I mean this exercise was stupid regardless. But David said nice things about Shannon, said he loved her, what a good wife and mom she was.  Then Shannon gets her turn and she was like, you tried your best, I guess you did ok,  I was like gee she really doesn't like him much does she.

To be fair, Shannon's eulogy is on David. He wrote the words she spoke. She wrote the words he spoke. Not that that makes the scene make any more sense but there it is. In all of its weirdness.

  • Love 5

I just spent some time looking on line to see if I could understand the timeline on Crooks cancer announcement. There is a video of Vicki and him on US magazine Nov 24 ( she did all the talking)  she was told in October and he moved in shortly after.  Then she told another magazine she had him sign a release  that he was not getting any money if they broke up. Is the head of household a paying position ?  He answered a twitter response recently about not looking ill from chemo that of course he has cancer but has not had chemo since Jan..  Another quote from him is that his numbers are not any better from chemo. 


Refreshed my memory about them both being sued for fraud by their Vicki's Vodka partner for shady money dealings.  Vicki did not care about her reputation pulling that slick move.  Then to top it off some quotes from the reunion with Brianna expounding about what a creep he is because he was told her husband he needed to hit her.  Then the video confession that he cheated on Vicki, which I did not watch . But best of all he told Brianna that his friends refer to him as " Girth Brooks" He said he understood Brianna being upset seeing a email from him shortly after he met Vicki (2007) telling her to leave Don because he loved her.


I think he just might have cancer but the not drinking I bet is a demand from Vicki.  I believe they both are capable of restaging this cancer situation ploy for sympathy and reason for him moving in....so he is surrounded by people who care about him.??? How about his kids?


My conclusion? As my mother used to say : to each his own, said the old lady as she kissed a cow.  These two deserve each other.

Edited by athousandclowns
  • Love 1

David apologizing to his daughters for "abandoning" them is simply absurd!  Did he leave the family residence and refuse to support them?  Refuse to take their calls? Anything??  It doesn't seem like it -- he always seemed to be engaged and engaging of his children whenever we saw any interaction, and IMHO this whole counseling deal is unbearable and exposure of it is so unnecessary.  Even though we don't really know these people, it seems obvious to everyone watching that David has checked out of the marriage and Shannon is such a needy, drunken nutbag that nobody blames him.   Kinda makes me wonder how long she's been dysfunctional.  Jeesh, Bravo, please SPARE US this awfulness.

When I was a nine years old, my father had an affair and I found out about it. It was devastating to me and tore me apart. It completely turned my world upside down and I saw my father with new eyes. No longer my hero, I saw someone who was sneaky and dishonest; A liar who wasn't telling the truth about who he actually loved. Did it mean he didn't love me as much as he said he did? Was he pretending? These are the questions I thought about, and I stopped trusting him. I watched my mother bawl oceans of tears when she didn't know I was looking and her deep sadness and depression effected me and my siblings everyday, even when she tried to smile and be normal. I was so connected to my mother that I absorbed her energy like a sponge.

My father stuck around for some time before they eventually got divorced, but things had already shifted. I never got an apology, and I wish I did. I deserved one because my father let me down too. It felt like he cheated on all of us. It's not only adult stuff. It effects children profoundly and deeply. To be with another woman outside the family unit feels like abandonment, so I appreciate his apology. The fact that it was done on television was, of course, inappropriate.

  • Love 15

I didn't understand before watching the show as to the apology to the daughters and their reactions to the apologies, but knowing that one of the kids discovered the affair by looking at dad's cellphone and seeing all the texts, now it makes sense.

The kids deserved an apology. Finding out that way is horrid and David needed to apologize and clean up his act.

  • Love 3

*Small voice* regarding Shannon and David, but as much as Shannon seems like a complete buzzkill, I can relate to her despair and paranoia. Having experienced the mind f that is gaslighting from the person you love and trust most in the world and specifically regarding the existence of an affair, I cannot empathize with David whatsoever. It takes a special kind of coward and skeeze to passively aggressively practically throw evidence in their spouse's face (receipts), and then cry "You are crazy," when confronted!

The affair itself is horrible, as is the direct lying when confronted, but actively making someone doubt their own sense of reality and intuition is egregious. It is inhumane to make someone doubt their own sense of safety and security. Maybe Shannon was unpleasant prior to David's affair, but my hunch is that she is gutted, exhausted and deeply depressed as a result of trying to keep her family together and stay in denial after repeated affairs or "indiscretions".


And let's not forget that past domestic violence issue a few years back that came to light last season.


Possibly abusive.


Admittedly a cheater.


Yeah, I'm not willing to hop on the Poor David train yet.  Except when it comes to some total fuckwit like Terry Dubrow making derogatory, shady comments about his "construction" business.


But as a husband?  Nah, an admitted cheater is never, ever going to get a pat on the back from this bitch, not to mention there's still that huge question mark over the domestic violence charges.  

  • Love 8

I didn't understand before watching the show as to the apology to the daughters and their reactions to the apologies, but knowing that one of the kids discovered the affair by looking at dad's cellphone and seeing all the texts, now it makes sense.

The kids deserved an apology. Finding out that way is horrid and David needed to apologize and clean up his act.

My question is, what was his daughter doing reading his text messages to begin with? And if they, as parents, felt the need for David to apologize to their daughters, it should have been off camera and not staged for the show. JMO

And let's not forget that past domestic violence issue a few years back that came to light last season.


Possibly abusive.


Admittedly a cheater.


Yeah, I'm not willing to hop on the Poor David train yet.  Except when it comes to some total fuckwit like Terry Dubrow making derogatory, shady comments about his "construction" business.


But as a husband?  Nah, an admitted cheater is never, ever going to get a pat on the back from this bitch, not to mention there's still that huge question mark over the domestic violence charges.  

What "domestic violence" issue last season? Did I miss this, I don't remember Shannon ever accusing him of that at all, I thought that was about Ryan, Briana's husband and Brooks.

  • Love 1

My question is, what was his daughter doing reading his text messages to begin with? And if they, as parents, felt the need for David to apologize to their daughters, it should have been off camera and not staged for the show. JMO

What "domestic violence" issue last season? Did I miss this, I don't remember Shannon ever accusing him of that at all, I thought that was about Ryan, Briana's husband and Brooks.


Oh no no, there was quite a ballyhoo about the charges last season when they were uncovered.


I believe Shannon tried to explain it away as a mistake/overreaction and they had worked through it.


I've known several women who also backpedaled after calling the authorities on an abusive spouse.


Perhaps I'm being overly judgmental, but I will always have a gigantic question mark over my head when it comes to David in this regard.


Here's one link but there are several out there (this is from the ghastly Radar OnLine, but Shannon has verified the incident did happen):  




(ETA:  I just noticed the title of this episode which makes it somewhat ironic in light of discussion of domestic violence...Yikes!)

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

The adult Beadors are about as messy as you can get and there are no heroes in the saga of their marriage. It's really unfortunate that they've established their present dynamic. I was heavily biased against David last year due to his domestic violence record - after all, how would the DA/SA's office manage to make that manner of charge stick without a cooperating witness? - but after watching the relationship between him and Shannon more extensively, I now feel there are too many unknowns to conclude that he's abusive consistently or even was in the context of the situation that yielded the charges. David is a grown-ass fifty-year-old man. That he gaslit Shannon after or concurrent to her gaslighting by Tamra and Heather is horrible. That perversion of trust must be mind-boggling. With that being said, however, Shannon contributed significantly to the animosity and tension within their toxicity - she literally could not even stop bitching at and criticizing David when they'd just returned from the retreat. She seems determined to be aggrieved (see: the complaining about them not waking up together when the solution, as she discovered, was pretty simple and obvious). She appears to hold a long-lasting grudge and have an affinity for histrionics (see: the scene she makes regularly in front of cameras and co-workers; upbraiding your spouse in front of others is borderline abusive in and of itself, imo). I think that she is possibly myopic to some of her propensities, but it's as if she wants validation of her resentment and affirmation that her perception of herself as the underappreciated, taken-for-granted wife is true . . . As for the apology David had to issue to his children, I have to ask: *why was his daughter going through his phone in the first place*? Boundaries. And I personally cannot imagine the extent of the mindfuck it would have created for me if I had participated in something like that when I was a kid, not to mention having all of that dirty laundry aired on national television for the viewing pleasure of my schoolmates and their parents. And if, say, the girls were treated to the therapy-necessitating running feature of Shannon sobbing over David's betrayal, then, yes, that would of course be on David but also on Shannon for not keeping it together in front of them. As I said, no heroes and a really icky choice on the Beadors to rope their daughters into their marital quagmire.

  • Love 6

Oh no no, there was quite a ballyhoo about the charges last season when they were uncovered.


I believe Shannon tried to explain it away as a mistake/overreaction and they had worked through it.


I've known several woman who also backpedaled after calling the authorities on an abusive spouse.


Perhaps I'm being overly judgmental, but I will always have a gigantic question mark over my head when it comes to David in this regard.


Here's one link but there are several out there (this is from the ghastly Radar OnLine, but Shannon has verified the incident did happen):  



I did not know about this. Although I do not like Shannon, no one should have to experience this.

  • Love 5

My question is, what was his daughter doing reading his text messages to begin with? And if they, as parents, felt the need for David to apologize to their daughters, it should have been off camera and not staged for the show. JMO

What "domestic violence" issue last season? Did I miss this, I don't remember Shannon ever accusing him of that at all, I thought that was about Ryan, Briana's husband and Brooks.

My youngest daughter used to grab my phone...usually to delete pictures I took that she thought were not flattering of her...you know, young teens who see a giant pimple when it was visible to no one, not even with bionic vision! Anyway, my husband and I didn't give our kids cell phones until they were much older than their peers. Often, they would pick ours up and put it down once I gave them the side eye. My kids have eaten my secret stashes of goodies too. That doesn't mean they are bad or haven't learned boundaries, they are kids. Perhaps her daughter was just using his phone and the women texted when she was looking at it. On smart phones & Blackberries their name will pop up and a portion of the message is visible without opening the text. She's also old enough to have been curious to see if she could read conversations between her mother & father and discovered more than she bargained for...or maybe Shannon had her look, who knows.

  • Love 3

My youngest daughter used to grab my phone...usually to delete pictures I took that she thought were not flattering of her...you know, young teens who see a giant pimple when it was visible to no one, not even with bionic vision! Anyway, my husband and I didn't give our kids cell phones until they were much older than their peers. Often, they would pick ours up and put it down once I gave them the side eye. My kids have eaten my secret stashes of goodies too. That doesn't mean they are bad or haven't learned boundaries, they are kids. Perhaps her daughter was just using his phone and the women texted when she was looking at it. On smart phones & Blackberries their name will pop up and a portion of the message is visible without opening the text. She's also old enough to have been curious to see if she could read conversations between her mother & father and discovered more than she bargained for...or maybe Shannon had her look, who knows.

I kinda agree regarding the phone unless of course Shannon made her look. I have never put a password on my phone and I have a very bad habit of just putting it down anywhere. Essentially anyone could pick it up and go through it. My work cell phone however is an iPhone which makes you put a password. It does seem as if everyone on these shows have iPhones and if David indeed does how was the daughter able to get into the phone? I personally hate iPhones and I truly don't understand the craze about them.

  • Love 1

I didn't want to be uncharitable, but per the conduct we've seen from her within the context of her marriage (though we haven't really seen a lot of footage of her with her daughters), I don't think it's beyond the realm of possibility that Shannon encouraged her to look through David's messages. If so . . . yikes. I also thought that the framework that both parents constructed by confirming the notion that David's move would indeed constitute "abandonment" was pretty irresponsible. That paradigm suggests that the relationship between David and his daughters is somehow contingent upon his relationship with Shannon which does not appear to be true. And considering how unstable the dynamic is between Shannon and David, both should be reinforcing the premise that David will always be their father and love them irrespective of what transpires between their parents.

  • Love 4

I'm not sure about the idea that if David has an affair it has nothing to do with the love he has for his daughters. I expect a man to respect the Mother of his children. Part of that is not cheating on her or causing her pain. 


Shannon is also disrespectful to David in front of the children by cutting him down.


They both need to love their children more than they resent each other. If that involves going to therapy to sort their issues out or going their separate ways they children will be better off.

  • Love 8

I was not aware of that. My phone would not let me do anything until I created a password, but I am not iPhone savy.

You can also clearly see who is calling or texting, and you can see the beginning of a message even when you use a Passcode. As long as you can see the phone, you can get some information without opening up the phone.

That's why Vicki was accusing Heather of making up that she got a phone call from one of her kids, which Vicki said was an excuse to leave Shannon's dinner party last year. Vicki claims Heathers smartphone wasn't lit up when she was answering the phone call, so felt Heather was really talking to no one on the other end.

Edited by IKnowRight

I have always suspected that perhaps David lets the girls use his phone when mom isn't around.  Doesn't she have a thing about the kids not having cell phones?  I noticed last year after Shannon made that proclamation and claimed to use her self phone infrequently that she had a ticket for talking on her cell phone while driving.  You would think she would be hands free.


Last year before the melt down Shannon had a melt down because David didn't buy enough wine.  My husband agrees it was enough wine for the party they were having but was also curious as to why they have a huge wine closet/cellar and didn't have wine appropriate for the occasion.  Could it be David's previous arrest had alcohol involved in it?  Shannon was quick to say David drinking tequila was a new thing. for him.


Shannon second only to Bethenny in the meltdown department, has either going to have to learn to suck it up or stop discussing her marriage and husband on the show.  I really don't think this is a good franchise to make the core of the show about the women's marriages.  All of them have either been divorced or discussed some trouble in their marriage - - even the Dubrows.   So far this season has been pretty marriage-centric with Shannon and Meghan.   I also don't think this show should center around the other women talking about Brooks and Vicki or Shannon and David no one does that and ever speaks to that person again.

  • Love 2

This show has always had dysfunctional marriages. Vicki and Donn were the original Shannon and David. Matt was horribly abusive to Jeana as we're her sons.

I actually think how Jim Edmonds interacts with Megan is almost as bad as Shannon and David too. Lots of uncomfortable moments in only 2 episodes.


Maybe the gay rumors are the reason Jim Edmonds seems so unhappy?

In regards to the comments about Shannon looking like David's aunt, I totally agree and have a hard time believing she was born in '64.  She has the kind of loose skin you see on women close to or in their 60's.  I think she's at least 5 years older than David.


As for Meghan looking like Tracey Gold - nailed it!  Tracey Gold with a Sports Illustrated swimsuit bod! Jim Edmonds is kind of slimy to me - black shoe polish dyed hair and huge 1970's white as white can be capped teeth. I definitely don't see it lasting, but I don't doubt Meghan will pop out at least two $kids$ before he moves onto his next, and even younger, wife.

  • Love 1

There's a thread on a gay sports forum that he supposedly frequented gay bars in St. Louis.  But who knows.  He pinged my gaydar as well.

Disclaimer: sarcasm ahead. Youze guys better hope Andy doesn't read this forum or Andy will ask what gay looks like...not that there's anything wrong with that. Remember when he was questioning Vicki at the reunion last year?!! Even Tamra was charitable enough and had the good sense to tell to Vicki to not answer the question. Vicki ended her babble with the guy at the party didn't ping her gaydar.

Interesting news to hear.

  • Love 2

Disclaimer: sarcasm ahead. Youze guys better hope Andy doesn't read this forum or Andy will ask what gay looks like...not that there's anything wrong with that. Remember when he was questioning Vicki at the reunion last year?!! Even Tamra was charitable enough and had the good sense to tell to Vicki to not answer the question. Vicki ended her babble with the guy at the party didn't ping her gaydar.

Interesting news to hear.


Well good news is if he is gay, the housewives will be flocking to him and introducing him to all of their friends as though they are a cute accessory.   "My gays..."

  • Love 3

Between a briefcase chock full of hotel receipts and text messages from the other woman on his non-password-protected cell phone, I'm going to make the logical leap here that David is a cheater who wanted to get caught.


Who the fresh hell leaves evidence as powerful as this for his wife to find unless their goal is to be found out?


It's actually quite cowardly of him to let Shannon find out through hotel receipts and text messages rather than growing a pair and just asking for a divorce.


And all the while apparently denying it to her face and telling her she was imagining it.


Lucky for him, he's not a powerful San Diego attorney and his wife isn't Betty Broderick.  

  • Love 5

Brianna is turning into Vicki--interfering with relationships in an inappropriate fashion and apparently turning into a Housewife Fame'ho'. Both she and Ryan(who has a HOST of PROBLEMS himself)would spin the world out of its orbit if Vicki constantly and publicly espoused her negative views of him. I mean really WHY IS Brianna on the show?

Brianna is also spoiled and petulant. She is the type of person who downplays and denigrates having access to wealth BUT when that wealth is no longer as accessible initiates behavior to gain what was heretofore disparaged. Brianna use to exhibit dismissiveness of and for Vicki's work habits that allowed for all of those creature comforts. However, now, she is so concerned about Brooks garnering Vicki's "stuff"( and not leaving any for her).

Despite what one thinks about Brooks, he is HER CHOICE. And, assuming Vicki is of sound mind(yeah, yeah don't laugh), she can do whatever she wants to do with her wealth.

Please note that I am not claiming that Brianna is some vile entity sweeping in to destroy Brooks and "THE GREATEST LOVE STORY EVER TOLD". I know that Brianna loves her mother but she needs to learn her place.

Vicky has no one to blame for Brianna's character than herself. Yes, Brianna can make a choice to change but she is who she is because of the way that Vicky raised her. I still remember Vicky showing up to Brianna's date with Colby. Just as Vicky has not grown in all her years on the Housewives neither has her daughter. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

Between a briefcase chock full of hotel receipts and text messages from the other woman on his non-password-protected cell phone, I'm going to make the logical leap here that David is a cheater who wanted to get caught.


Who the fresh hell leaves evidence as powerful as this for his wife to find unless their goal is to be found out?


It's actually quite cowardly of him to let Shannon find out through hotel receipts and text messages rather than growing a pair and just asking for a divorce.


And all the while apparently denying it to her face and telling her she was imagining it.


Lucky for him, he's not a powerful San Diego attorney and his wife isn't Betty Broderick.  

I am laughing at the Betty Roderick reference.  Maybe David wanted to get caught to show Shannon there were other options out there.  Can you imagine the "other woman" listening to this play out?  I wonder if she and David watch it together.  I am sorry that was Caroline Manzo's husband that supposedly watched the RHONJ with his mistress Jill.  I am still wondering why David and his side piece got hotels.. She was either married or a professional.

  • Love 2

Vicky has no one to blame for Brianna's character than herself. Yes, Brianna can make a choice to change but she is who she is because of the way that Vicky raised her. I still remember Vicky showing up to Brianna's date with Colby. Just as Vicky has not grown in all her years on the Housewives neither has her daughter. The apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

 I have to say, disliking her mothers BF and speaking out about it is far different than interfering into someone else's marriage/life like Vicky does.Yes, Brianna learned at her mother knees but I am hoping that living and raising her sons away from her mother will help her grow up. I think there is still hope for Brianna but IMO Vicky is a lost cause.



  • Love 2

Regarding the apology scene with David and the kids... it bugged me. I get that the kids found out about the affair and David is apologizing for disrupting their family, but I feel like that involves them in adult issues far more than they should be. He does owe them a kid-friendly explanation - "I did something I shouldn't have, but I will always be your daddy, nothing will change how much I love you" or whatever. I just feel like saying sorry for cheating is for Shannon. While he did disrupt their family, he didn't do anything wrong *to* them. I feel like I'm not explaining myself well, because I do think what he did was wrong and it was damaging to their family and it's nice for them to know he's sorry. I just think pulling them further into the issues with him and Shannon and entangling them in it to the point of a public apology isn't right. They shouldn't be worried about that stuff. I know they already knew, but they're young, you can ease their minds fairly simply. Not quite by lying (like saying "you don't know what you saw" or something, kids are too smart for that), but - in private! - letting them know they're loved, they're safe, mom and dad have a lot to talk about, etc. I don't know, I just thought it was uncomfortable.

I found out a lot of things about my parents relationship when I was older that I had no idea about. And looking back, there were clues, but when I could've been, I wasn't pulled into their issues.. instead my hand was taken and I was gently led out of them. I'm happy I wasn't bogged down with adult problems as a kid. I wish I had known more, but it really was for the best that I didn't.

  • Love 2

To be fair, Shannon's eulogy is on David. He wrote the words she spoke. She wrote the words he spoke. Not that that makes the scene make any more sense but there it is. In all of its weirdness.


I thought the eulogy she wrote for David to read was lovely. Then poor Shannon had to read - I dealt with her issues the best I could.   Nice, David.  Tell us how you really feel.

  • Love 4
Between a briefcase chock full of hotel receipts and text messages from the other woman on his non-password-protected cell phone, I'm going to make the logical leap here that David is a cheater who wanted to get caught.


Totally with you on this one, Persnickety. I think David wants out, but he doesn't want to be the one to initiate it. I bet he was hoping Shannon would boot his sorry ass, not dig her claws in deeper and force him to ridiculous marriage retreats. 

  • Love 2

Totally with you on this one, Persnickety. I think David wants out, but he doesn't want to be the one to initiate it. I bet he was hoping Shannon would boot his sorry ass, not dig her claws in deeper and force him to ridiculous marriage retreats. 




Maybe the reason he even agreed to this marriage retreat is that he knows she won't ever be able to get over it, will continue to be miserable, and then maybe she'll recognize that they did in fact give it their all and went through therapy and what they have is a dead marriage.  Then she'll finally set him free.

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