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S05.E10: Mother's Mercy

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I guess the thing that surprises me most is that people still expect a point. Game of Thrones has always seemed like the plot was generated by dice. Jon rolled poorly, apparently.  (Since Heroes and Lost I've vowed to never trust a show "because it's building to something". To often it's just not.)


Certainly this was a dark finale to a dark season, with none of the hope of the previous finale.  I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to stick with future seasons, but for those who do: please join me in lowering your expectations.


Welp, that was the most literal slut-shaming I've ever seen!

This show reads like the sadistic porn fantasies of a bunch of man-children who've never gotten laid.

While there are plenty of scenes in the show for which I might agree with you, it's kind of hard to hold that position here when we saw Pycelle go through the exact same shaming earlier this season.


I think the FTC or someone need to issue a cease and desist order to Jaqen after he told Arya she took a life that wasn't hers to take

So serious unfair and deceptive trade practices on Jaqen's part.

I think the objection wasn't that she killed someone. It was that she used the face swap without the approval of the Faceless God. They didn't like their powers used for pre-existing personal reasons.  (Of course it wouldn't be the first retcon either.)

Edited by Amarsir
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As far as Arya, I think being blinded was way too harsh for her vengeance. 


I don't know, she ignored the teachings of her supposed Master, failed to carry out her actual assignment getting justice for someone else for a change, stole a face from the super assassins with no training as to their use, then blinded a guy subjecting him to an extended and brutal death with repeated stabbings with a really small knife which brings her death toll to what ? 10 people she's killed ?


And she is blinded as a result. I don't think that's particularly harsh considering she's basically a psychotic teenager with a hit list of people who've 'wronged her' . YMMV though.



so many endless scenes. cersei's walk of shame. the dothrakis circling Dani. Arye and the freaking many faced whatever -- just creepy and pointless. the only thing that made me happy was Varys and Tyrion. melissandre will definitely save jon snow. there is no other reason for her to be there. god knows how that will warp him. can't a whitewalker kill her off? does sir davos know how shireen died? who is benjen? sorry. i'm tired and lazy. i'll go look it up.


Cersei's walk of shame felt like it took forever. I suppose that's the point in a way but it doesn't necessarily make it entertaining to watch.


Was I the only one singing the song from Buffy the Musical episode "Where do we go from here?" when they panned down the stairs of Dany's leftover minions


Drogon was hilarious he's just like "I'm feeling sleepy and lazy" and Dany's like "Young Man I have things to do back at home, take me back this instant." It's funny how much of a stereotypical teenage male he is in between the flying and flame throwing.


Did the deserting sellswords join with the Boltons ? Or was that the Bolton army ?

Edited by wayne67
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What was  important about Dany's ring that made her drop it?


So Ser Jorah can find it next season whilst out looking for her.


There was much more body-double usage than just a few long shots during the "Shame Shame, I know Your Name" walk. There were quite a few times it was creepily obvious on my HD tv that Lena's face was composited onto the body.


I have no sympathy for Cersei. It was 15 minutes into her walk before she finally dropped her holier-than-thou attitude and was back to plotting world domination the moment FrankenMountain picked her up. So maybe 2 whole minutes of remorse. Bah! (He's "taken a vow of silence" = I couldn't get his voice box working.)


If I have the urge to watch next season, I beg whichever gods you want that they don't ever have FrankenMountain take off his helmet! What little you could see through the eye slits was creepy enough.

Edited by morgankobi
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Daario:  “So mainly you talk.”  Tyrion:  “And drink”.  I like a man who knows himself well.  I also love Tyrion and Varys together.  Seeing them paired up again gives me something to look forward to. 


Other than that, this was one seriously downbeat episode.  I can only assume that after building Jon up to be a solid leader, they killed him off because they need the budget from his hair products to pay for more CGI.  Now that we’ve seen how adorable Drogon is when settling in for a nap, we’ll expect to see more of him.

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How the hell do the Watch not think that the Wildlings are going to massacre them now? Working from a wide open space in broad daylight, the giant alone could kill most of them by throwing snowballs!


I think the Wildlings went through Castle Black and are not still in the castle? But I'm not completely sure!


The sad thing is, the place in the show where I'm clearest on the situation is Meereen, and that's without knowing who the Sons of The Harpy are and why they are rebelling (and why they're so good at it, but that just seems an arbitrary factor in the show at this point.) I know there are the Unsullied and Dany's entourage at the palace; some of the former masters still running around; the common people; and the Sons of The Harpy.


Dany is either going to be able to deal with the Dothraki or she's not, so that's also a pretty clear question.


The North. Who the hell knows? We got - dead Stannis; 3000 or so of his deserters running around; the Boltons, who are presumably going to be delegitimized now that Sansa's flown the coop (I'm pretty sure that wasn't a suicide? But maybe?) and also don't really have the authority of King's Landing since there is no authority in King's Landing (?); Wildlings; a whopping 47 or so dudes in Castle Black who may or may not know about the enormous Schroedinger's White Walker army that may or may not be bearing down upon them; and the knights of the Eyrie, who may or may not be coming to seize Winterfell depending on what Littlefinger's doing (more on that question in a bit). And in dropped plotlines we also have: the various Stark bannermen; the Brotherhood Without Banners; whatever the Ironborn are doing; Bran hobbitting his way along north of the Wall; Rickon, holed up wherever; and I guess the hill tribes that Tyrion got himself captured by. Oh and two dire wolves in respectively unknown states of play. Analysis: ???


The South. Run by fundamentalist maniacs? The remaining non-Cersei Lannisters are... either copacetic with them or unaware of them? Ok so Tommen is in hiding, we get that. The Tyrells are... in Limbo? Presumably Olenna is plotting something? With Littlefinger? But is Littlefinger trying to help deal with King's Landing or doing what he told Cersei he'd do and cleaning up the North with the Eyrie's knights? Who can tell? What kind of revenge is FrankenMountain going to be able to exact that ordinary knights could not? And presumably Dorne is going to be warring with the Lannisters as well? Analysis: ???


Braavos. Arya is in an indeterminate amount of trouble! Mace Tyrell is singing a jaunty tune in the Iron Bank still? Analysis: ???


Aside from the Meereen plotline I just don't know what I can latch onto expectations-wise. I guess I'll have to wait for the season 6 previews so they can bring in a new crop of fresh assholes, and I'll see how they look? It's like going from season 1 of True Detective to season 2!

Edited by bbolto
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Jaime and Brienne are neck-and-neck in the worst bodyguard olympics, must be meant to be!

Ugh, we're all pretty much unspoiled now. I can't believe they left Jon's Caesaring as the closing scene. Melly better learn how to give the kiss of life like Thoros to justify her cockroach-like continued existence.

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How the hell do the Watch not think that the Wildlings are going to massacre them now? Working from a wide open space in broad daylight, the giant alone could kill most of them by throwing snowballs!


God I hope so. Jon saved hundreds of the Wildlings. Tormund is fond of the pretty crow. They will not be happy to hear the news of his death. I don't know what I want more: for Melisandre to burn all the Night's Watch alive or for the Wildlings to draw and quarter every last traitorous bastard. Did any Thenn's cross the Wall? If so, I want them to eat Olly. And Ghost definitely needs to get in on the action. Jon Snow must be avenged!!

Edited by bunnyblue
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Funny thing is I was thinking about after the end of last episode how weird it was that a Stark wasn't getting massacred at the end of the season as usual.  And they even seemed on the upswing with Sansa perhaps being able to upgrade her position after a Baratheon victory.  The show as usual proved anyone who doubted the Stark's have any more dirt to eat wrong.  Prediction for next season?  Bran Stark gets disemboweled before being hung until half dead and quartered.  Gotta top the Shireen burning somehow.


But back to this episode.  Where to even start?  I guess with the dead and those at risk of joining them.  This episode in the spirit of Samara from The Ring takes as it's motto "Everyone Will Suffer."


Probably dead.  I'll use probably since except for Jon we really don't see the death scene itself.  GOT has avoided the "but they aren't really dead" trope.  Even in the case of Bran and Rickon they telegraphed the hell out of the burnt kids not really being them before the "reveal."  Bringing these characers back would be something different.  Though you never know.


Jon Snow.  He's dead as a doornail.  The only question is whether they burnt his body.  If not it won't be Mel who will be bringing him back.  The big question is what becomes of the Wildlings.  There are too many of them and too few of the Night's Watch.  And they are on their side of the wall.  Everyone and their brother will try to ally with them.  But the question is whether the wildlings can behave themselves.  If there is any justice in the world a Thenn will show up and eat Olly.  If his parents tasted so good why shouldn't Olly make a fine meal?


Stannis Baratheon.  I wanted him to make it back to Castle Black just to have to look Davos in the eye and try to justify what he did.  I assume he's dead.  And I assume my theory about Mel being a fraud is true.  She has magic and she has powers.  But the prophecy stuff was just her manipulations of others to have them do what she wants.  I'm also not surprised the mercenaries fled.  Burning your daughter is some really crazy stuff.  I'd get the hell out of dodge too.  Bit surprised Mel didn't stick it out to see how the battle progressed.  The big question is whether she got cold feet and ran or whether this was just part of her long game.  My money is she fled but obviously she'll play it in a way that won't show her cowardice.


Sansa Stark.  If anyone cheats death it would be her.  But unless Bran makes a surprise appearance with his warg powers Princess Splat is a goner.  At best a cripple fighting for her life.


Myrcella Baratheon.  If the actress playing her wasn't so wooden or if we were allowed to get to know the new recast Myrcella better I would perhaps mourn her.  Does Trystane continue on to King's Landing or does the boat turn around and dump him in Dorne?  I assume Jaime does not make him swim back to Dorne.


Ser Meryn Trant.  Last and least.  Nearly forgot him.  Cartoon villain squashed flatter than Sansa Stark.


In dire jeopardy


Arya Stark.  Has any other character other than Sansa Stark had a worse bait and switch?   In season 2 Jaqen H'ghar teases Arya about her kill list and hints that she should come to Braavos to learn how to properly kill.  Only to be told that she should abandon her kill list.  And even that wasn't explicitly stated even if was clever enough to know they would not approve of what she's doing.

She learns definitively that Jaqen H'ghar is not her "friend."  Since they didn't show her dead I THINK Arya is alive.  And given the Faceless Men don't play around that might not necessarily be a good thing.  She may end up blind, diseased.  Lose her "face" (which would open the door to the recasting of a cheaper actress).  Perhaps lose her personality and be reduced to a faceless automaton.  Sold into slavery.  Sold to the Boltons.  Or actually die.  But I don't expect her to walk away permanently unscathed.


Cersei Lannister.  She's had power for so long that she and those around her just took it for granted.  That is clearly no longer the case.  She may have been humiliated but there is more to come.  She still has a trial where if she is found guilty her children may be executed.  Though Myrcella may escape that if she dies before arriving in King's Landing.  Kevan has not lifted a finger to save Cersei.  And with the dominant religion in Westeros being now armed by Cersei there is no easy way to get her back anyway.  Kevan Lannister knows it is in his and Tommen's best interest for no trial over incest to ever take place.  The easiest way to achieve that is for Cersei to die before the trial.  And if she does reach trial there is no reason to think hers would be any fairer than Tyrion's.


Daenerys Targaryen.  Drogon took her from the oven and dropped her off in the frying pan before probably himself expiring.  A better move might have been taking Dany to the pyramid to release the other dragons.  But given Drogon's injuries we can forgive him for just wanting to get out of dodge.  Unfortunately she was dropped off right in the path of what appears to be a Dothraki horde.  They won't kill her.  She is probably too valuable for that.  Given her high status the ruling Kal might even want her as a wife (aka sex slave).  Her only leverage being perhaps the promise that she could secure them dragons (either as trade with the city of Mereen or through her own personal interdiction).  Then again after what happened with the last "trade" they might be smarter than that.


I assume she's still a player and they are just throwing roadblocks at her until she's ready to travel to Westeros.  But she also is in severe danger and could end up dead.  Particularly if the writers just wanted to punt her and let the dwarf and he eunuch control the Essos side of the story.

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I don't know. It's sounds pretty definite to me..

"I was talking to Dan Weiss and he said Jon is really dead. But George R.R. Martin left open the possibility the character might not be dead in the books. And then that cast salary contract story came out last year and it had your name among those receiving raises for season six and an option on a seventh. So let me ask you: Is Jon really dead?

This is my understanding of it. I had a sit-down with Dan and David, we did the Tony Soprano walk [letting an actor know they’re being whacked]. And they said, “Look, you’re gone, it’s done.” And as far as the salary thing goes, that angered me when that story came out. I don’t know where it came from, but it was inaccurate in many ways. It’s going to put questions into your head and into fans’ heads that things are not what they are. Quite honestly, I have never been told the future of things in this show, but this is the one time I have. They sat me down and said, “This is how it is.” If anything in the future is not like that, then I don’t know about it – it’s only in David and Dan and George’s heads. But I’ve been told I’m dead. I’m dead. I’m not coming back next season. So that’s all I can tell you, really."

If Jon is getting resurrected, Kit's not gonna spoil it in interviews, geez. The actors have all lied their pants off at various stages.

I think Drogon just needed to take a nap and didn't want to get up for his Mom again, a feeling I can definitely identify with from my teen years. He should wake up if the Dothraki give Dany any trouble though.

So not only are Ellaria and the Tennage Mutant Dornish Turtles murderers, they apparently don't give a shit about the mess Trystane might find himself in with the Lannisters now.

Also, how the hell did Jaime never learn of Cersei's arrest and Jon never learn of Sansa's marriage?

ETA: The biggest injustice was that Jorah and Daario left without even trying to free Viserion and Rhaegal. Who better to track down their mama?

Edited by Lady S.
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Last week someone asked if there was anyone left in Westeros who didn't know that Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen were Jaime's kids. I guess now we know the answer is: just Tommen!


I don't think Sansa is dead or that she intended to kill herself. She just wanted to get the hell out of Winterfell before Ramsay discovered that (1) she managed to get out of her locked room and (2) his side piece was dead. Since she and Theon didn't have any of the old tv/movie cliches available to break their fall (a dumpster full of soft garbage bags, bales of hay, etc.), I guess they were hoping to land in some powdery snow. On a practical level, I would assume both of them injured their legs in the fall but for dramatic purposes I am going to guess that only Theon is hurt and he will urge Sansa to leave him there (to be found by Ramsay and tortured some more) and she will run off. I have no idea where she will go though. Is there anywhere that's safe for her now? She's going to be really disappointed if she walks all the way to Castle Black only to find Jon's body in the courtyard.


By the way, props to Sansa for figuring out how to pick the lock on her door using a corkscrew. Maybe she can venture into safecracking next.

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I wish I could agree, but filming reports say it was a body double. They CGI-ed LH's face on the naked body. Notice how the most realistic looking shows only show LH's face. She still killed it though.

Not to get too pervy, but I thought I could tell a difference with her boobs once she got walking outside. I assume the shaving in her cell was Lena's real bod (I believe this was all filmed before her pregnancy or at least before it started showing), and maybe the unveiling on the steps, just not when people were throwing shit on her.


Theon saved Sansa from the deadly arrow by throwing the evil miss-what's-her-name over the edge to her death. Could testicles really regenerate back in those mythical days?  If so, Theon grew a set and now he and Sansa jumped and possibly landed in water. Don't most of those old castles have a moat filled with water surrounding them?

I think Rams only took his penis, because taking the pillar and leaving the stones is probably worse.

I knew Jaime/Myrcella's sudden father/daughter moment could lead nowhere good, remembering the last touching father/daughter, but I wasn't expecting her to die right in that very scene. And IA with others that this shit sl was not worth recasting Myrcella 1.0, it wasn't like with Tommen where they needed a teenager playing a pre-teen to make a sex scene less skeevy.

Edited by Lady S.
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Yeah, I'm going to take all of Kit's interviews saying "I'm really dead! Promise!" as believable as "I am tots not playing Taila Al Ghul. Nope. Not me!" believable.  Which is to say, if he wasn't going around doing the interviews saying he's dead, then it won't be a surprise.


Plus, if he is really dead, who are they going to focus on in the Wall scenes?  Mel? Davos? We don't have someone to carry the plot if Jon is dead.


Cersei's scene was great, but it was clear she didn't lose her pride.  Does the High Sparrow have no concept of a mother doing anything to get back her children?  I expect a death by zombie next season.


I have to assume the faceless men were mad she took a face without earning it, rather than the actual killing.  Wasn't he going off in a previous episode that it didn't matter who died to the Many-Faced God?  Though I suppose we all thought Arya was training to be Batman, when in actuality she's Daredevil.


Dany purposefully destroys her army (unsullied) and magically gets dropped into another army to claim? Bull.  Though I thought she dropped the ring because it was a the wedding ring her now-dead fiance gave her.  Didn't consider the tracking implications, but I could see that making sense.


Glad Theon came to his senses and I could definitely see them deciding the jump was worth it, since suicide would have been preferable to being back under Ramsey's thumb.

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So Ramsay's alive and Stannis is dead -- boy, did I get those two wrong in my wish-for-list last week.  


I for one don't mind that Arya was blinded.  She wants what she wants and she doesn't listen or understand as long as she's in that temple, she has to play by their rules.  


They've well and truly plowed through their source material, haven't they?  My one hope is next year we get the story of the now-only-living Stark sons, Bran and Rickon.  So once they come back on the canvas, Dan and David can kill them off, too.  :blech:


I didn't feel sorry for Cersei at all.  And I loved seeing Varys and Tyrion together again.  But it made me miss Littlefinger.  

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Yeah, I'm going to take all of Kit's interviews saying "I'm really dead! Promise!" as believable as "I am tots not playing Taila Al Ghul. Nope. Not me!" believable.  Which is to say, if he wasn't going around doing the interviews saying he's dead, then it won't be a surprise.


Exactly. Kit is just doing good publicity for the show. Notice he says that as far as he knows that Jon is dead and it is up to D&D where the story goes next. He puts it on them. He can say later on that they changed their minds and that he was not lying when he is back next season. Unless I read that Kit has booked new projects for during the filming of Game of Thrones, I will remain confident that Jon will be brought back to life by Mellisandre next season. Why else is she back at the Wall?

Edited by SimoneS
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I like this show because I like the story and I want to see where it's going.  I don't really need heroes or characters that I can root for.


I remember a few years ago being pissed off with Boardwalk Empire when a character I liked was killed off.  I swore I would not watch the next season but you know what?  I watched.  And I got why I watched, I watched because I liked the story and I wanted to see where it went.  For me a show is like a ride and you meet some people along the way and maybe they stay and maybe they don't, but you keep on riding.  I want to see where this ride eventually goes.  


BTW, as far and Jon Snow/Kit Harrington, I take that with a grain of salt.  I saw him on Graham Norton show a while back.  I don't want to mention this here because we're supposed to talk about the episode but if you want,  PM me and we'll talk.

Edited by Neurochick
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I'm pissed off/frustrated at George Martin and HBO. HBO knew that there were 16 years between book 1 and book 5. Why did they think he would start writing any faster? Martin must have some kind of contractual control over what they showrun vs the books because this entire season felt like filler while waiting for Martin to get book 6 done. When I saw the Dothraki come around for the second time, it enforced that nothing new had happened on this show for two seasons. They either need to get it in gear or I'm done. It's time to move this story along, with or without Martin. And to Martin, I would say this: you sold the rights to your story knowing that this might happen. If you want to be in charge of the characters, plot, and speed, then get your ass busy writing. If not, you signed it away just like an author to a movie script.

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I just can't believe Jon Snow is actually gone for good. What about all the hinting around this season, about his parents? I almost think that interview quoted upthread is a deliberate con. They've had bad luck this year with stuff getting leaked, so maybe they are taking extra precautions.


I don't believe it either. Thought it could be possible Jon Snow wouldn't be a factor in the next year.


It was a depressing season / finale. I think the creators have to realize that this show is called "game" of thrones.. implying a little fun to it. And this year was no fun at all. It is crazy lopsided right now with the bad guys winning and the good guys suffering. Even in real life that isn't the way it goes.  I also think there were pacing problems this year. There were just too many scenes that went on for about 1/2 the show. There was a pattern to it that was imho lazy. Typically at the 9:35 spot we would go into this long scene for one of the characters. But from 9 to 9:30 it would be a rushed Hodge podge.


I flat out don't understand Arya's plot line.  But the one thing that freaked me out was how she killed that guy. My gosh she is blood thirsty.  I actually thought it might be a dream for a while.

I will give the creators credit for so quickly giving pay back to Stannis. That said, it wasn't enough.

I am not sure what Sansa and Theon were thinking...  how far will they get?  They should have just said that Theon's dead GF broke Sansa out to hurt her and Theon saved Sansa.

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I have to assume the faceless men were mad she took a face without earning it, rather than the actual killing.  Wasn't he going off in a previous episode that it didn't matter who died to the Many-Faced God?  Though I suppose we all thought Arya was training to be Batman, when in actuality she's Daredevil.


Dany purposefully destroys her army (unsullied) and magically gets dropped into another army to claim? Bull.  Though I thought she dropped the ring because it was a the wedding ring her now-dead fiance gave her.  Didn't consider the tracking implications, but I could see that making sense.


Glad Theon came to his senses and I could definitely see them deciding the jump was worth it, since suicide would have been preferable to being back under Ramsey's thumb.

Yeah, I'm not sure how Arya even knew how to manage the face-swipe already without being taught, but taking a face without permission and not even bothering with her actual assignment (I think in 5.08 Jaqen meant the Many-Faced God didn't care if she found proof the Thin Man was corrupt, not that Arya could kill whoever and it would all be the same) looks like pretty clear insubordination to me. 


Good call on the breadcrumb being a ring from Hiz, checking the ep stills I don't think she had it before 5.06. The ring on her left hand is one she's had since the pilot. Thinking of Dany's hands, after the handholding last week I'm glad Daario knows that Dany/Missandei is the real otp.


If either Theon or Sansa were suicidal, I think they would have done it sooner. There has to be a reason they ran away from the stones where Myranda's corpse lay to find some snow to jump into.


Did the deserting sellswords join with the Boltons ? Or was that the Bolton army ?

Not at all clear, but that does sound like what faithless mercenaries would do in foreign territory. They don't have ships to go home on their own so might as well get some gold from the other side to buy passage at a port. I love that apparently no one bothered to steal Mel's horse, probably out of fear.


As someone who kinda liked Stan before last week, I thought he ended well enough. I loved that deliberate shoulder bump into Mel when she was trying to psych him up before the battle, and how he kept going after being defeated to take out both Bolton soldiers who came after him. Then when Brienne finds him, he admits to black magic fraticide, doesn't even correct when she calls his foolish usurper brother the rightful king, and only tells her to carry out her duty. I believe the abrupt cut to Ramsay butchering wounded men was because there's no glory in killing a wounded and spiritually broken man. And frankly I'd like justice for Shireen's death, but I cannot give a shit about avenging Renly, especially when it means Sansa was having to escape on her own and probably breaking some bones in the process. You had one job, Brienne! (I'm beginning to have to agree with the Hound's assessment of her terrible bodyguard skills.)


And yeah, Stannis and Myrcella are both really and truly dead.


Tommen should run away from Uncle Daddy and the truth of his paternity for his own good. 2 out of 3 twincest kids dying in Jaime's arms is not a good track record.


When Cersi was being carried by frankenmountain and she was being told he will kill all those who wronged her my daughter and I said we're sure she already has a list, like Arya's.

You just know she will want vengeance.

That's why I love Cersei as a villain. She's one bitch that can never be kept down for long. Edited by Lady S.
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I can see revenge already brewing in the eyes of Cersei as she enters the gates of the Red Keep. The High Keep warned her about not being truthful and there would be dire consequences. She acknowledge to him that she understood this. If she demands revenge to the sparrows I feel that Cersei will be captured and a far worse fate will be in store for her.

Oh, I did chuckle a little bit when someone in the crowd yelled "brother-fucker"

When Cersi was being carried by frankenmountain and she was being told he will kill all those who wronged her my daughter and I said we're sure she already has a list, like Arya's.

You just know she will want vengeance.

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Even if she brings back Jon, I still hate Melisandre. I mean, let me put it this way. I love me some alliteration, and even when she said "Bolton banners burning" in what was supposed to be a serious dramatic scene, I didn't crack one smile.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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With Jon dead and Sam gone, is there any reason left to want to watch any scene next season taking place at the Night's Watch?

Olly and Thorne could get killed by some White Walkers/wights.


I keep thinking about why Thorne is so fucking petty, and I realized he didn't go on the expedition beyond The Wall a few seasons back. I know he's been beyond before, but he didn't battle the White Walkers at the Fist of the First Men, so maybe he doesn't (or want to) realize how imminent the threat is. One would think when Jon returned from Hardhome, he would have been like, "Brothers, you won't even believe the crazy shit we'll have to deal with sooner than later." We saw him telling Sam, but the entire Night's Watch should have been put on notice.


And I echo others who want to know just where in the hell is Ghost?

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Stannis forgot one very important thing...when you pay in blood, the gods take more than they give. He needed the ice and snow to melt for his troops survival, and it did. The price for that was his daughter, mutiny and his wife.

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Dany purposefully destroys her army (unsullied) and magically gets dropped into another army to claim? Bull.

Leaving aside whether it was on purpose, I don't believe the Unsullied have been destroyed. Some have been killed, but she started with 8,000 plus some recruits and there's also the 2,000 Second Sons (not sure who will command them while Daario is Queen hunting). One of the reasons Grey Worm stayed in Meereen was to command the Unsullied.

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While there are plenty of scenes in the show for which I might agree with you, it's kind of hard to hold that position here when we saw Pycelle go through the exact same shaming earlier this season.


It was the previous High Septon, not Pycelle.

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Not to get too pervy, but I thought I could tell a difference with her boobs once she got walking outside. I assume the shaving in her cell was Lena's real bod (I believe this was all filmed before her pregnancy or at least before it started showing), and maybe the unveiling on the steps, just not when people were throwing shit on her.


IIRC, Lena had mentioned her reason for no nudity was her abundant of tattoos.  Pretty sure that has not changed

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I still don't get how Cersei was powerless and imprisoned by a bunch of religious nutjobs.


Where were her soldiers and that boy King? Couldn't they have killed all those religious fanatics?,...for her being a ruthless and powerful Queen, it makes no sense!!!


I really didn't expect seeing Jon Snow getting killed!,..kinda sad.

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Olly and Thorne could get killed by some White Walkers/wights.


I keep thinking about why Thorne is so fucking petty, and I realized he didn't go on the expedition beyond The Wall a few seasons back. I know he's been beyond before, but he didn't battle the White Walkers at the Fist of the First Men, so maybe he doesn't (or want to) realize how imminent the threat is. One would think when Jon returned from Hardhome, he would have been like, "Brothers, you won't even believe the crazy shit we'll have to deal with sooner than later." We saw him telling Sam, but the entire Night's Watch should have been put on notice.


And I echo others who want to know just where in the hell is Ghost?

Exactly, the show never told us if he did tell the rest of NW about the WW and wights.  If he did tell them, then the NW were just too stupid to kill the person who could help them survive the upcoming ice zombie apocalypse.  Otherwise, Jon was a fool for not telling them the truth :(


I fanwank Ghost is making sure Sam and Gilly can safely travel pass the northern badlands (or whatever you call the area between the Wall and Hightower)

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I still don't get how Cersei was powerless and imprisoned by a bunch of religious nutjobs.


Where were her soldiers and that boy King? Couldn't they have killed all those religious fanatics?,...for her being a ruthless and powerful Queen, it makes no sense!!!


I really didn't expect seeing Jon Snow getting killed!,..kinda sad.

The boy king was pouting in his room, there was no one to give orders to the soldiers. And even Cersei seems reluctant to order the mass slaughter of followers of the religion of the land.

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If Stannis is indeed dead, it was too merciful. I wanted him to live a suffer and know that he killed his sweet innocent girl for NOTHING!

I think he suffered.  His expression after watching Shireen burn to death in the last ep was like he'd lost his soul.  Which he did.  Then in this ep he loses everything else.  His expression watching the Bolton army coming at him was also poignant:  tragic, resigned, bitter, but determined to take it like a man.  Excellent acting, btw.


Here's what I don't get about the Watchers' betrayal of Jon Snow: if they were so bent out of shape about the Wildlings, then why open the gate to any of them?  Now they've got to contend with thousands of angry Jon Snow loyalists.  

Same here!!!  The Watchers could have just refused to let them in, thereby depriving the Wildlings of shelter and deposing Jon Snow from his leadership position at the same time.  It would have been quite efficient.  I also have trouble with the notion that the Night Watch either was not told that Winter Has Fucking Shown Up or did not believe what they were told.  Either way it strains my credulity.


Jon Snow better not be all dead.  I'm going to hold onto that wish for the next nine months.  


Arya story:  bleh.  I would rather have spent the screen time on Bran and Rickon and the magic tree.



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I think fairly high as they were still in sight of the Dornish coast lands...


It's a Dornish ship, since Jaime and Bronn did not arrive via normal channels. The crew should be loyal to Tristane, so likely they will do whatever Tristane wants.


Ellaria has to be toast now; Bronn will know by the symptoms that it was Sand Snake poison.

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I still don't get how Cersei was powerless and imprisoned by a bunch of religious nutjobs.


Where were her soldiers and that boy King? Couldn't they have killed all those religious fanatics?,...for her being a ruthless and powerful Queen, it makes no sense!!!


I really didn't expect seeing Jon Snow getting killed!,..kinda sad.

Kevan probably realized High Sparrow had the backing of KL's people.  Forceful retraction of Cersei would result in riot.  Plus it was to his advantage to let High Sparrow soften Cersei a little bit.


My question is what happened to Margery and Loras ?  Did they get their trials ? Did they confess ?  For something that was supposed to be a big deal for Olenna, the show was strangely quiet about it.

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IIRC, Lena had mentioned her reason for no nudity was her abundant of tattoos.  Pretty sure that has not changed

Actually, she's spoiled the Walk several times in interviews and related that to why Cersei's never been shown nude before, which is why I think at least some of that in the cell had to be her. (The other reason for no nudity would be that she was visibly pregnant with her first kid during s1 so I figure the first clothed twincest sex scene influenced everything else.) If the show can make actors into wights and white walkers, I'm sure they can cover up tattoos with makeup. The EW article about the scene just says "while Headey might not have been naked herself during all the shots (a body double was used), she still had to pass through the hostile jeering mud-slinging crowd over and over again," all the shots, as opposed to not any.


ETA: I'm glad Arya didn't have to actually kiss, or Mother have mercy, do anything more with Meryn when she was wearing the dead girl's face. Now I only wonder if Joffrey inspired this beating tween girls kink by having Meryn do so to Sansa, or if this was a pre-existing fetish he shared with Joffrey.

Edited by Lady S.
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The were carrying the crescent shaped spears. If Daenerys can convince the Dothraki clan to fight for her, the Masters of Meereen are in for a whole lot of trouble. I want to see Khal Drogo re-emerge and join Daenerys again.


I was confused, didn't realize they were Dothraki because that sure didn't look like the Red Wastes or any other Dothraki stomping grounds. (In fact I said to my friend "Dany's going to Hogwarts*! (Where the Sorting Hat will put her in Gryffindor, naturally.)"


*After trying to tickle a sleeping dragon :)


As a devotee of Joe Bob Briggs back in the day I have been ghooooulishly keeping count of how many heads have actually rolled on Game Of Thrones and I think it's only been four:


- the Night's Watch deserter in the first episode

- Lord Karstark, by Robb Stark

- Ser whosit that Theon clumsily beheads, and I'm not actually sure about that

- the guy in the Meereen fighting pits this season


There's also the former slave whom Dany had executed.


I also choose to believe that Pod was watching her back while she had her revenge moment, so no one could threaten her from behind. Because that had me on pins and needles, worrying someone would sneak up on her during her righteous speechifying.


Oh my Lord, I kept yelling at the TV "STOP MONOLOGUING! It never leads to anything good! Read Harry Potter, everytime Voldemort monologues he loses his concentration and Harry gets away!"


I have no sympathy for Cersei. It was 15 minutes into her walk before she finally dropped her holier-than-thou attitude and was back to plotting world domination the moment FrankenMountain picked her up. So maybe 2 whole minutes of remorse. Bah! (He's "taken a vow of silence" = I couldn't get his voice box working.)


I absolutely detest Cersei. I felt sympathy for her as a woman but as a character she bought and paid for that walk of shame. She deserves much worse.

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Actually, she's spoiled the Walk several times in interviews and related that to why Cersei's never been shown nude before, which is why I think at least some of that in the cell had to be her. (The other reason for no nudity would be that she was visibly pregnant with her first kid during s1 so I figure the first clothed twincest sex scene influenced everything else.) If the show can make actors into wights and white walkers, I'm sure they can cover up tattoos with makeup. The EW article about the scene just says "while Headey might not have been naked herself during all the shots (a body double was used), she still had to pass through the hostile jeering mud-slinging crowd over and over again," all the shots, as opposed to not any.

Of course they could cover up with make up, but I would think it would be too impractical during the body scrubbing scene.  Also there was a high probability for the things thrown at her to smear the make up.  It would be easier for the director / editor to superimpose her head to a body double than to search and digitally erase any traces of tats from every frame.  

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So Stannis is Macbeth. And Jon Snow is Julius Caesar.


Oh and I meant to add--and Theon is Darth-Vader-turning-back-into-Anakin-Skywalker-at-the-end-of-ROTJ.


Aren't the soldiers who left Stannis' army deserters and not mutineers?  Trivial point, but it bugged me nonetheless.


As the daughter of a Navy officer, that bugged me as well! You'd think nit-picky Stannis would not make such an error.

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He is a little further away.

Also, it doesn't seem like she's really his cheerleader anymore after abandoning him for Castle Black as soon as things went south.


I hope Gendry rowed his boat clear across the Narrow Sea. Westeros is not a safe place for Baratheons of any hair color.

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