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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I hope the DR eventually finds a smaller breast piece for Jackie's costume, because the poor girl can barely sit down. Vanessa has to buff her armour for 24 hours and right now they're giggling about it but give it a couple hours. And what a surprise, the costume is already falling apart. 


Shelli is being called to the DR. Must be time for her punishment to start. 


ETA: Ha! When Jackie showers, she has to wear the helmet unless she's washing her hair. And when she goes to use the bathroom, Vanessa has to stand outside and buff her helmet, apparently.

Edited by Callaphera
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James should take down Clay (a moron trying to evict himself for someone he doesn't know) and put up Liz.

Except now Clelli are back in bed still under the delusion that they can somehow talk James into saving both of them. They're actually running scenarios for next week that include both of them. Entitlement mated with denial appears to be a powerful hallucinogen.

  • Love 8

Except now Clelli are back in bed still under the delusion that they can somehow talk James into saving both of them. They're actually running scenarios for next week that include both of them. Entitlement mated with denial appears to be a powerful hallucinogen.

Wait, Shelli's in bed?  Shouldn't she be doing her punishment?  Or does that start tomorrow?

I'm pretty sure Shelli is DR getting instructions for her punishment. Clay was just with John bringing him in on the backdoor Steve plan.  Welp, Shelli out of DR now. Shelli can't come inside until she is done, going to put a crimp in their plan to pitch James.

Edited by pennben

When I think of Clelli, I will forever have that memory of them sitting on the couch near the shocked Jason, both in sunglasses with that ridiculously smug, bitch face on while claiming they had no idea.


I hope Clay goes, because I am tired of him. Shelli competes hard, has gas left in the tank, has a brain, and most importantly isn't hot enough to have 3 members of the opposite sex obsessed enough with her to have them be even more braindead than I thought humanly possible. So many of these girls seem to only be able to think with their vaginas.


As a result, I need James to not use veto and F&G 5 to keep Shelli. I want to see Meg and Becky ugly cry like the world is ending. Maybe then they will start playing...though sometimes people are better at the game when doing nothing than when trying to play.

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Shelli has to use a sword to knock two targets, then has to knock a bar off and pick it up and replace it.  That cycle equals "one".  She has to do it 2400 times in 24 hours.  If any of the targets break, or if she doesn't complete 2400, she loses and can't play POV next week.  Not the worst thing in the world for her, to be honest....a reason to keep her over Clay.

Edited by pennben
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Shelli has to use a sword to knock two targets, then has to knock a bar off and pick it up and replace it.  That cycle equals "one".  She has to do it 2400 times in 24 hours.  If any of the targets break, she loses. 


So she needs to do this 100 times an hour. Assuming 4 hours of sleep, 120. 30 seconds per for 20 hours. Frankly, that sounds awful. I think I would simply refuse. Way, way worse than kicking soccer goals.

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I think Clay/Shelli's plan of trying to get James to backdoor Steve is really really dumb. First of all, James has made it clear he wants a big target out (which Steve is not). Second, not that it means anything, but James has repeatedly promised Steve safety/told him he'd make it to jury. And while James felt comfortable breaking the deal to Clelli because of the betrayal last week, Steve has never really betrayed James. I'd be stunned if James even considered their idea.

  • Love 5

Oh man, Shelli is Brittany. She has to do something completely ridiculous and long and grueling, she has to have a smiling face while doing it, knowing that it most likely doesn't even matter, because she is the target. Instead of trying to figure out how to stay, she has to do this. I DO feel horrible for her. That's a sucky thing to go through. She has certainly been bitchy, and she would most likely love this if she was on the other side and it was Meg or Jackie doing this, but it doesn't change me feeling bad for her.

I'm just hoping Clay manages to get himself evicted. Because it would mean Clay actually accomplishing something, it would mean Shelli still in the house without his dead weight, and it would mean a more interesting summer for me. Unfortunately I don't see it happening, because boys are cooler than girls in this vapid world, but I still have hope.

  • Love 6

Oh man, Shelli is Brittany. She has to do something completely ridiculous and long and grueling, she has to have a smiling face while doing it, I'm just hoping Clay manages to get himself evicted. Because it would mean Clay actually accomplishing something, it would mean Shelli still in the house without his dead weight, and it would mean a more interesting summer for me. Unfortunately I don't see it happening, because boys are cooler than girls in this vapid world, but I still have hope.

Fear not, @Katesus7.  If Vanessa has her way -- which I think she might -- Shelli will manage to stay no matter what James, Meg, and Jackie want.  She has more than enough numbers on her side to keep Shelli over Clay.  She has control of Austin and can get him to vote with her, and of course she can count on both Liz and Julia.  She's also got control of Steve, so that's the five votes Shelli would need to stay.  Becky is the icing on the cake since she promised Clay that she'd vote for him to go, as well.  If things stay that way for the next five days, Shelli will have it made.


Yet for some reason, she still doesn't know that yet.  I guess Vanessa might tell her later.

  • Love 4

Fear not, @Katesus7. If Vanessa has her way -- which I think she might -- Shelli will manage to stay no matter what James, Meg, and Jackie want. She has more than enough numbers on her side to keep Shelli over Clay. She has control of Austin and can get him to vote with her, and of course she can count on both Liz and Julia. She's also got control of Steve, so that's the five votes Shelli would need to stay. Becky is the icing on the cake since she promised Clay that she'd vote for him to go, as well. If things stay that way for the next five days, Shelli will have it made.

Yet for some reason, she still doesn't know that yet. I guess Vanessa might tell her later.

Johnny Mac also promised Clay that he would vote out Clay.

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Lord, in about 10 hours Vanessa (with the buffing) and Shelli (with the sword thing) are going to be batshit and bitchy and over this.  The worst part about Shelli's is she constantly has to bend over to pick up the bar she knocked down.  Last year, that bothered Brittany most, but in that case, she really didn't have to bend down to pick up the ball, she could have just kicked it back to the starting point.

  • Love 3

Lord, in about 10 hours Vanessa (with the buffing) and Shelli (with the sword thing) are going to be batshit and bitchy and over this.  The worst part about Shelli's is she constantly has to bend over to pick up the bar she knocked down.  Last year, that bothered Brittany most, but in that case, she really didn't have to bend down to pick up the ball, she could have just kicked it back to the starting point.


I think Brittany picked up the ball because she had injured her foot. She knew she was being evicted and still completed that challenge! 

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James is hoping everyone gives him a break next week since he brought everyone remaining in the house to jury this week by taking out someone else before jury.  I like James, but that is stupid talk.

That is one of the least self-aware statements I've seen from a BB HoH and they ALL lack self-awareness when they're HoH, so that is saying something.


It was too funny watching Meg and Becky wail and moan over Clay's "sacrifice." He's quite a dim bulb, as if he stays, he has a VERY good chance of winning. if Shelli stays, she'll have a relatively decent chance of winning. If Clay stays, though, he is in great shape. I imagine Vanessa must be thinking about that when deciding who to keep.this week, as Clay is a huge threat to her - Shelli has mostly been de-fanged for her now. 

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Catch-up time for meeeeee....


Someone on twitter made a comment "Isn't there a drought in California?"   Not in Grod's world lol


Tom Selleck wishes he had CBS's lawyers.


If they do a nine person jury like normal next week's eviction is the last one before jury starts.


That's also the usual setup for a DE; the two evictees are the last not on Jury/first on Jury.


Who or what is ADC? The Absolutely Dumb Crew? Austin's Despicable Crush?


After Dark Crew.  What Jason & friends called themselves.  They'd spend BBAD hours sitting on the outside furniture with Jason while he was smoking.


Vanessa was trying to convince Shay to throw Becky unde the bus to James, they shot her down. She floated Johhny as replacement nom if she won pov and took Shelli down, they don't want to throw him under the bus either

Vanessa dramatically thew up her hands and loudly proclaims she's done with them.

I actually wish Vanessa tries to throw Becky or Johnny under the bus to James. Like they need more reason to gun for her.


I kinda doubt Vanessa actually wants Becky or Johnny out. 

More likely what Vanessa does want is for ClamShell to say they want Becky or Johnny out.  To other HGs/witnesses.

One of either Clay or Shelli is 100% guaranteed to walk out the door this week, so I think Vanessa wants to increase the odds of the other being totally dependent upon V as their sole ally.  To this end, she's pushing C/S toward a game move which will further isolate C/S within the House - and make the more dependent upon their only true friend, Lady MacV.



And now Johnny Mac is crying? What the fuck is happening this week?



She cries over everything. Good, bad, sad, happy, Meg will cry. And the spectators of the Veto comp got booze to drink while they watched. 


So - both JMac and Meg are weepy drunks?  :)

Clay is 19? 22? Something like that? I can see him seeing Big Brother as a good way to get some national TV exposure, but the cold showers and the slop and the goofy costumes and the having to be nice to socially awkward people to whom he wouldn't normally give the time of day means he's ready to peace out. I hope he actually does, because again, if he stays, he could very easily win.

Your second guess was better. He's 23. He's a college graduate, so he's not that young.

My thought- that house smells as bad as it looks and he doesn't want to be there anymore. $500k is a decent amount of money, but it certainly isn't life changing (especially after taxes) for someone who is reasonably well of.

Besides it's still a long summer left and he'd miss his next semester of grad school. Maybe he no longer thinks his odds are good enough for that. I know some houseguests have a goal to get to jury, but if I had to be out, I'd rather be back in my normal life! He possibly got too used to everyone doing what he said and didn't realize eventually he'd be a target too.

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If Clay gets evicted this week he'll probably get a part on The Bold & The Beautiful next week. So, I don't feel that bad for him LOL!!! A week on a soap and Clay will drop Shelli like a Big Brother habit. While I'm joking about this it's not that far off base. Almost the whole cast appeared last year but Clay actually looks like he belongs on a soap with the face, teeth & hair. Last night, while he was talking his shower he washed his face 5 times and took FOREVERto do that hair of his. He's worst than some woman I know.

  • Love 2

Your second guess was better. He's 23. He's a college graduate, so he's not that young.

My thought- that house smells as bad as it looks and he doesn't want to be there anymore. $500k is a decent amount of money, but it certainly isn't life changing (especially after taxes) for someone who is reasonably well of.

Besides it's still a long summer left and he'd miss his next semester of grad school. Maybe he no longer thinks his odds are good enough for that. I know some houseguests have a goal to get to jury, but if I had to be out, I'd rather be back in my normal life! He possibly got too used to everyone doing what he said and didn't realize eventually he'd be a target too.

He can always go back to grad school after the show.  He will get paid to be in the jury house - which is not the Big Brother house.  It is usually in a very nice setting, location.  He would have already been voted off, so no more strategizing or putting on the game face.  He can just sit back and enjoy the rest of the summer.  And if I had come this far, I would like to have a voice in determining the winner.

Edited by escape

If I do the 1 week free trial would I be able to use it on both my devices or just the one I start it with?


You can use it on more than one device.


Agreed.  I was trying to remember how many goals Brittany had to make...2000?


I believe she had to do 2400 as well. I still think Brittany's was worse. Her feet were a mess. Shelli basically just has to walk around. Although having to bend over to pick up the stick will undoubtedly give her back pain.


I really hope that the 'keep Shelli' plan remains a secret. It would be really fun to see James, Meg, and Jackie get blindsided by the vote. But then I would want Jackie to win HOH and nominate Vanessa and Shelli. Such fun!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I don't think it's going to be a secret for much longer. Clay already told Meg, but she was pretty drunk. He also told Shelli a few hours ago if the veto isn't used he's going to go off on Meg and Jackie, telling them he's making it his mission to get them out if he stays. He seems intent on going down as one of the dumbest BB players in history.

Edited by Cutty
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Yeah, this request is sounding less like strategy (Dr. Will) or misguided twu wuv (Brendan) and more like a Survivor contestant that asks to be voted off because they've had enough. I still think the force of the pretty boy is strong with this one, but it seems there is a possibility he could turn into McRae: sleep all day, halfheartedly attempt strategy, not even seeming to care if he makes it another week. Of course, McRae did make final 5.


I also think all it would take is a couple comp wins to reignite his competitive streak, as well as the fact that if he survives this week, he's nobody's number 1 target (save possibly Vanessa). So, best to take him out now. Or "honor his wishes," if you will.

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C'mon Cutty, Clay is in looooovvveeeeeeeee. Give him a break. LOL!!!! It would be interesting to see if Clay stayed in the house and then made the Final 2. Who would vote for him? I guess he has Meg in his back pocket. LOL!!! Last night, I really thought they were going to start making out. I was sooooo hoping Shelli was going to walk in instead of Johnny Mac. I feel like I'm in high school all over again and I'm 50. LOL!!! I need to get a life.

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He can always go back to grad school after the show.

Yes, but not in the fall semester. Being juried he'd be too late to start. Unless the show ends sooner than I think it does.

Yes, they get paid to be in jury house, but there is opportunity cost to delaying school. And if he's like many grad students, he gets paid for that too. Since he's still at a&m he might have a job with the football team if he's back in time.

I can see a lot of reasons for deciding you don't want to be in jury. And unless they get housekeepers, I can't imagine that house is less nasty than the show one.


I still think the force of the pretty boy is strong with this one,



That's a good way to put it.


He definitely has Golden Boy disease.  You can tell that everything has always been given to him on a platter, and when he finally has to put in some actual effort, he goes into  a tailspin.  I can't wait to see what he did during and right after the nomination ceremony.  Without Shelli there to calm him down, it probably would have gotten real ugly.

Edited by vb68
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I see Shelli made some progress overnight and is now at 1600 out of 2400. I had a good laugh last night, when she was at 146. She or someone in the backyard had finally figured out that if she hit the bar from underneath with her sword and caught the bar in mid air before it landed, it was easier than picking it up. So she does and the count doesn't change but she didn't notice. Another round, another bounce into the air and catch, no change in the count. On the third go-round, she looks back and says, "Hey, it didn't count!", runs back to the bar, knocks it onto the ground and it goes up to 147. She resets, does another round with catching the bar, checks the count and still 147. Knocks the bar to the ground, 148. Steve went into the DR and came out with confirmation that she had to knock it down to the ground for it to count. So she tried to find a loophole and BB shut her down. Good.


For some reason, last season I was cheering on Brittany to finish her kicks. This time around, don't really care if Shelli completes them or not.


I also see that they allowed Clay to sleep outside with her. Which I guess is sweet on his part, but he never got a "Sleeping is only permitted..." message from BB. Penalty vote! (Kidding. Kind of.)

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I agree vb68. I find his attachment to Shelli weird because of this. It's not like he would a hard time finding women, so I'm a little surprised he got so devoted so fast. If he is that prone to partnering, why would he not already have a girlfriend? There was one night where Shelli was talking about working full time and then spending all her free time on her etsy business. Clay was looking at her with totally admiration in his eyes. Maybe he is just only around immature bimbos in College Station? His own fault, if so.

Clay is in his 20s and just starting his life. Whereas Shelli is in her 30s and already working and living hers. I'm sure in the house it's all sunshine & rainbows but the real world is waiting for them. I just think the age difference will be a problem. It's not like they are 20 years apart but he's a young guy and he doesn't even have a job yet. That said, maybe they'll hook up after the show and get married.....or go on The Amazing Race. Same thing, right? LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose

Clay told someone (maybe it was one of his talks with Shelli and Vanessa) that he's into older women. Add in Shelli's pretty face, plus she's pretty smart and pretty athletic, and has beaten Clay at most comps they've been in, including a physical one. I can see why he's infatuated with her.


I really think Clay honestly believes Shelli can still win this game. He knows that she's a lot better at it than him, on both a strategic and competition level. The only thing he fails to understand (probably because he's a recruit) is that unless you are VERY good, the brilliant mind and/or comp beast doesn't always win this game.

  • Love 4


For some reason, last season I was cheering on Brittany to finish her kicks. This time around, don't really care if Shelli completes them or not.



Brittany didn't come off as so very entitled.  She saw it as a personal or type of moral victory.  Shelli basically ordered people to stay out there with her.

Edited by vb68
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I think what is motivating Clay is he thinks he will look good on TV for doing this. That America will view him as the knight in shining armor for giving up his game for Shelli. It's funny because most of the house thinks America loves Clelli when in reality they aren't popular at all. McCranda had more fans, which is saying a lot.

Edited by Cutty
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I watched BBAD and it almost seems like a parody of BB from seasons of years ago. There is nothing new, nothing fresh, nothing to keep me interested. it's excruciating. There is no chemistry between Clay and Shelli. Liz and Julia are boring. I am rooting for Jackie, only because she is the most likable. 

I just rewound to watch them play Spin the Bottle, and it was pretty funny. 


Later on, Vanessa, Jackie, Steve, and James were all discussing it (sidenote: I think this was the best day of Steve's life, he kissed Meg and Jackie), and Jackie was like, "I kissed 3 boys and 3 girls, in my armor suit, while Vanessa is scrubbing me. What is going on, could this day getting any weirder?" LOL

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So I signed up for the free week of feeds, and so far I'm bored.  I tuned in during the challenge last night, so I saw nothing.  And thus far this morning, I get to watch Shelli walking around monotonously, and Clay in the pool talking without microphone.


I have two questions regarding Shelli's punishment:  Is the intent to kill her via heat stroke?  I mean those tights are ridiculous.  I also wonder why she doesn't choose to wear sneakers versus slippers.  Second question - she gets to use the bathroom inside, right?


I'm sure it's fun for the Shelli-haters, but it's excruciatingly boring to me.


ETA:  I lied, one more question.  Meg just got up and rummaged through a drawer.  I clearly heard a bottle of pills rattling.  I thought all meds, even OTC, were controlled via the DR.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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