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Odd Mom Out - General Discussion

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Reflecting back on the birth ep, who else wanted to slap Jill into the next century for yelling around a maternity ward for a stuffed frog? Did this idiot think the frog would croak back? She wasted emergency staff resources. This sort of thing makes me hate the TV character though I normally liked her book protagonists. Sorry, for those who've had kids, this doesn't make endearing TV. My dd was in the NICU for 5 weeks (I was even earlier) and this is the stuff that terrifies the mom who goes home without her child. Sorry to get a bit serious but Jill turned into a brain dead dingbat here.

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I had said earlier that the show kind of reminded me of I Love Lucy.  Now it reminds me of Heathers (minus the murders) or Mean Girls (minus LiLo).  Not that  that's necessarily a bad thing.


It doesn't matter that these women are around 40, they act like they are in high school, where Brooke is the Queen Bee and she has her blond minions. Jill is the outsider who they take under their wing at the expense of her less cool BFF.  It's no accident that there will be an 80s prom theme next week.


I predict that Jill will run back to Vanessa after the NACHO benefit and beg her forgiveness.  I think the heart of the show is Jill and Vanessa's friendship and how Jill's crazy family has impacted it.

Edited by apgold
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I couldn't sleep last night and discovered this show on MTV as reruns/ marathon. What WAS this? It was hilarious and spot on in lots of places. I have to find the rest of the episodes and get caught up!

It's pretty funny and seems to improve each episode. Monday night is the season finale and the episodes are on Bravo's website.

The birth part I keep flashing back to is where Jill is under the sister in law with a catchers mitt. I know it's a joke, but since her water already broke, that would be so gross. Like really really gross.

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I really, really hope that Bravo gives this show a second season. It is one of my new favorites. So fun, so unique and smart and throws so many great barbs at the world it's in. I heard Andy Buckley interviewed today on Sirius Radio (the EW station) and he is having a blast with the show -- unfortunately he has no idea if it's going to be renewed. Come on, Bravo! This show is waaayyyy better than much of what's on TV.

Edited by MerBearHou
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Come on, Bravo! This show is waaayyyy better than much of what's on TV.

It's way better than "The Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce." I barely could get through one ep. So, so bad. Didn't it get renewed?

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I only watched bits and parts before this afternoon's marathon, but I like it.


The funniest part was when OMO asked where the Vons were in the 30's and 40's and the BIL said he didn't know but several showed up in Argentina in the 50's!!!   She just smirked to herself thinking what dumbasses these people are to not think about about a Nazi connection.     

I was waiting for that shoe to drop at the end of the ep and watch them frantically changing their names back.


I relate more to Jill, but I like her friend's storyline as well. The orphan who has to be cuddled to sleep, just like Jill's 4yo? Hilarious.

Who was that? He sounded familiar...

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Reflecting back on the birth ep, who else wanted to slap Jill into the next century for yelling around a maternity ward for a stuffed frog? Did this idiot think the frog would croak back? She wasted emergency staff resources. This sort of thing makes me hate the TV character though I normally liked her book protagonists. Sorry, for those who've had kids, this doesn't make endearing TV. My dd was in the NICU for 5 weeks (I was even earlier) and this is the stuff that terrifies the mom who goes home without her child. Sorry to get a bit serious but Jill turned into a brain dead dingbat here.

I'm sure this is a stupid question but what is a DD?

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I'm sure this is a stupid question but what is a DD?

It's not stupid, I had to look it up too. DD = developmentally delayed; developmental disabilities

No, in this case it's "Dear Daughter"

Edited by DeeplyShallow
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Both me and my DD (daughter) were preemies and not developmentally or physically delayed. I was born at 28 weeks at 2 lbs and 10 oz. NICU & preemie doesn't equal probs later in life. :)

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I couldn't watch the Girlfriend show either and I felt like I was such a looser for it. If they would have Odd Mom Out and Playing House (USA) on every week of the year, I would be thrilled. Both of those shows just have an ease, each character nails what they are to do, whereas I felt Girlfriend was plodding and sluggish, and trying too hard to be shocking! (say it like ACT! TINNNNNNNGGG) I hope Bravo does realize what a little gem it has on its hands and renews it and expands the season. 


I think the lead actress is perfect for the part and I would not enjoy the show as much if it were another person. I know some don't like her, but I think she is great. I love her look, her voice, her mannerisms, everything. 

I like the show too and think that Jill as Jill brings an odd realism to the mix. Knowing it is her real story (sort of) makes the character rather endearing. I'm not sure I would have liked her manic character as much if I hadn't know Jill was the creator. If that makes any sense...

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Jill wearing Andie's Pretty in Pink dress cracked me up.  Was her husband Duckie?  I couldn't tell.  


Best part of the show was watching them go koo koo over the Meryl Streep movie and Jill's impressions.  "Bow down.  Bow. Dowwwwwn."  


Best episode to me was the first.  UNICORN!  UNICORN!  "I love exercise!"  "Why did you let me do that!  Owwwwww"

Edited by Lablover27
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Both me and my DD (daughter) were preemies and not developmentally or physically delayed. I was born at 28 weeks at 2 lbs and 10 oz. NICU & preemie doesn't equal probs later in life. :)

My Darling Child was a 28-weeker, too. We spent months in the NICU and I had a support team that I worked with for the first 18 months or so, until she was 100% out of the woods.

She's 26 now and doing very well.

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I get this whole mean mom thing and being in LA, have dealt with my fair share, but damn, she's how old and her kids are how old? I fed into that whole thing when my son was under 3 but know I have no time for it at all. If someone is an asshole mom, I just say see ya! And the same with her friend. This is a teenage script but cast with adults.

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Going back to last week's ep, did Brooke have something to do with Jill's twins getting into the same school as hers? Dottie got rejected from Hazel's school (and Jill seemed to be having a hard time with school acceptance in general) and the twins suddenly get in Brooke's?

Now for this ep... I loved the 80s prom attire, especially Lex's mullet. Hee!

I may be in the minority, but I don't think Brooke is as evil as we're supposed to think she is. Yes, her outburst was horrible, but she just found out that her husband was cheating and everyone else knew and her and Jill had gotten closer. I'm not I'd behave well after getting that type of news. lol However, I would let my friend explain why she kept that info private and wouldn't throw a bowl of punch on anyone. lol IMO, Brooke was hurting and lashed out. I wonder how this will affect the family and the show?

Where's poor Andy going to work now?

Hope Vanessa keeps Elliott around.

There was a big work-up to Candace's lover, but then to be let down is was just some normal Joe who reads palms. I was hoping for some celeb stunt casting. :D

Edited by Atlanta
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There was a big work-up to Candace's lover, but then to be let down is was just some normal Joe who reads palms. I was hoping for some celeb stunt casting. :D

It sort of was stunt casting/inside joke. The actor who played Candace's lover is Frank Pelligrino. He is the co-owner of Rao's, an Italian restaurant in East Harlem where it is notoriously (and ridiculously) hard to get a table. They also sell a line of sauce (and maybe pasta). Frank has popped up in some minor TV/movie roles, usually as a "mob" type.

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Now for this ep... I loved the 80s prom attire, especially Lex's mullet. Hee!

I may be in the minority, but I don't think Brooke is as evil as we're supposed to think she is.  ...

There was a big work-up to Candace's lover, but then to be let down is was just some normal Joe who reads palms. I was hoping for some celeb stunt casting. :D

Lex's mullet was made of win!


I speculated earlier that Jill's character had undergone a redesign more than an evolution.  Maybe it's the same for Brooke.


But then. . . I was also sure Candace had a girlfriend.

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It sort of was stunt casting/inside joke. The actor who played Candace's lover is Frank Pelligrino. He is the co-owner of Rao's, an Italian restaurant in East Harlem where it is notoriously (and ridiculously) hard to get a table. They also sell a line of sauce (and maybe pasta). Frank has popped up in some minor TV/movie roles, usually as a "mob" type.

I just about swallowed my gum when Frank showed up. He's good friends with a friend of mine and an excellent host at Rao's. He played the head FBI agent on The Sopranos for a large chunk of its run on HBO. To see him as a celebrity psychic was very much an inside joke. And hilarious.

Edited by kariyaki
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I had to laugh at Jill with the tumbleweed on Madison Ave.  It really is that quiet in the summers and even weekends during the year, especially on Sundays when a lot of stores aren't open.  I've never seen any tumbleweeds though!


Glad that Jill and Vanessa made up, as I predicted.  Sad that their diner is closing, but that's also what's going on in Manhattan these days due to sky high rents.  So, Vanessa really bought the apartment?  Wonder if she keeps the real estate agent, too?


I thought it was funny that Jill dressed up like Molly Ringwald and Andy was dressed as Duckie/Jon Cryer.  He needed the hat though to complete the look.  And yes, that dress is an ugly as I remember from the movie.


I too thought that Candace was going to show up with a woman, but I suppose Frank was a cute reveal.


I could do less with the potty humor with Jill stressing about Brooke's situation.  That's a no win situation when you know when someone is unfaithful. 


Anyhoo, I hope Bravo renews the show.

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Nasty Brooke showed her true colors, look what she said about Vanessa, what a witch. No wonder he husband has an affair. If I was married to such a horrible person I wouldn't fuck her with someone else's dick.

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It sort of was stunt casting/inside joke. The actor who played Candace's lover is Frank Pelligrino. He is the co-owner of Rao's, an Italian restaurant in East Harlem where it is notoriously (and ridiculously) hard to get a table. They also sell a line of sauce (and maybe pasta). Frank has popped up in some minor TV/movie roles, usually as a "mob" type.

I love Rao's sauce (pricey as it is)! I had no idea there was an actual (famous?)place/people behind that brand. Well, whaddaya know?

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I am doing a happy dance!!! Elated that this gem of a show has been renewed. It certainly deserved to and I will eagerly await Season 2. Defying the No Bread rule and having a celebratory gay bagel. :) Way to go, Bravo!

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On 6/12/2015 at 10:36 AM, Neurochick said:


I think this is sad.  To me it shows how fucked up a society we have become that the thought of a parent in their underwear with their own children makes people think of abuse.  

I really don't think the vast majority of people would think of a mom in her underwear as abuse.  I mean, not at all.  That's a total stretch. And the whole "Can you imagine if the dad" doesn't work either, obviously the OP doesn't watch The Goldberg's.  Parents in underwear in the morning = perfectly normal.

On 6/14/2015 at 10:21 AM, jenifaohjenny said:

I agree. I love the premise of the show and wanted to like it...but it was kind of over the top and manic. They were simply trying too hard for me (I.E. underwear dance party.) I'll give it another try and see if they dial it back a little. Probably not because I am thinking that is the tone of the show. Which is fine, I just did not connect with it.

Somehow missed the dance party, could I have dozed off?  Must rewatch due to  many comments about it.

On 6/15/2015 at 9:42 AM, Atlanta said:

Yes! This. ^^^ Are the kids in a pre-K which would explain why she can go to breakfast with her BFF. Does she have a part time nanny? That would make more sense with all her child-free activities. 


As someone who's read most of JK's books (solo and co-written), I'd love to see a 'cameo' from one of the characters from "The Right Address." lol I want to see Melanie Korn or Wendy and Joan. :D


On a shallow note, the actress who played Rima (from the BJ place scene) is stunning. She almost made me go blind when she appeared on screen. lol I don't think that ep airs until tonight, but I binged watched the first three eps on Bravo's site.

Rima is Divya from Royal Pains.  It's like she's playing the same character to me, but that's okay since I find her extremely likeable on both shows.


I'm not wild about the lead to be honest.  I just don't find anything about her that makes sense for her husband and best friend, both of whom I think are extremely down to earth and "normal", to be her biggest champions.  They haven't shown a side to her that makes her that likable yet.

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On 6/5/2016 at 6:57 AM, mansonlamps said:

I really don't think the vast majority of people would think of a mom in her underwear as abuse.  I mean, not at all.  That's a total stretch. And the whole "Can you imagine if the dad" doesn't work either, obviously the OP doesn't watch The Goldberg's.  Parents in underwear in the morning = perfectly normal.

I'll admit it surprises me that the underwear scene got such a negative reaction. First of all, I thought the joke was that we saw her first thing in a t-shirt and underwear and thought, "Oh yeah, rushed morning with kids", but then we see her later and she's changed back into that, and we're supposed to laugh because nope, she just likes to be comfy. I thought it was funny! But as for abuse, during warmer months it's pretty common to live by the pool and just throw a t-shirt over your bikini, and you end up with the exact same outfit as a t-shirt and underwear, and no one bats an eye. There's certainly nothing sexual or abusive about it.

I really like the friendship between Jill and Vanessa. It will be interesting to see how/if it evolves this season.

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On 6/9/2016 at 11:08 PM, MerBearHou said:

So fun to see a recap of last season tonight -- cannot WAIT for it to return on 6/20.  

I didn't know a recap was on!!  I was watching the Tony Awards! 

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On ‎6‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 1:37 PM, glowlights said:

I'll admit it surprises me that the underwear scene got such a negative reaction. First of all, I thought the joke was that we saw her first thing in a t-shirt and underwear and thought, "Oh yeah, rushed morning with kids", but then we see her later and she's changed back into that, and we're supposed to laugh because nope, she just likes to be comfy. I thought it was funny! But as for abuse, during warmer months it's pretty common to live by the pool and just throw a t-shirt over your bikini, and you end up with the exact same outfit as a t-shirt and underwear, and no one bats an eye. There's certainly nothing sexual or abusive about it.


Agreed!  People get crazed outrage over the most ridiculous things.  There is absolutely nothing sexual or abusive about a parent wearing underwear in front of their child.  Mother or father.  If someone thinks that there is, I am pretty sure there is something wrong with that person.  If your mind goes there, you need help. 

I am very excited for this show to return!  I read Jill Kargman's book Momzillas and I am thinking about ordering another one.  She's not the best writer ever, but she's pretty funny.

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So happy this is back on, but I'm hoping that Jill Kargman will tone down the annoying....she seems to have acquired a little more confidence in front of a camera, and is definitely a different actress than she was last season.

So, did Lex and Brooke get divorced, or are they just separated?  I don't remember them getting a divorce.  

Can't wait to see what this season will bring, though!  :-)

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I'm guessing separated, with a reconciliation later. Is Abby Elliot pregnant? She looks a little puffier and they're dressing her in pretty loose tops.

Happy this show is back! For some reason, Vanessa wasn't working for me this episode, I'm not sure why.

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So many posters whose opinions I respect adore this show.  I don't really get it because I don't like these people much, except for the doctor friend--but I do enjoy any glimpse I can get of the city.

Isn't the main character supposed to be more grounded, less superficial, than the rest of them?  Weird seeing her be so frantically fake, back in her old workplace.

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On 6/23/2016 at 11:41 AM, candall said:

Isn't the main character supposed to be more grounded, less superficial, than the rest of them?  Weird seeing her be so frantically fake, back in her old workplace.

Yea, I'm getting a frantic and manic vibe this season. Jill needs to calm down. Already tiring of Brooke's bitchiness. 

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I think I know why Vanessa seems off to me. The actress doesn't seem to have the same energy or spark as she did last season.

 I watched all three episodes that are on demand. Meh. I can't seem to get into the season, and I love this show. I'm not sure what it is.

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Thanks to Deeply Shallow, I peeked ahead and have seen all 3 of the first episodes.  The 3rd one was my favorite so far.  Lots of funny bits IMO.  

I think the makeup team needs to make Jill just a little less goth and white-faced.  Maybe I'm forgetting but it seems much more harsh than last season.  

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I'm so glad this show was renewed. It's infinitely better than Girlfriend's Guide to Making a Really Bad Sex and the City Ripoff... I mean Divorce. And it's far superior to the Dallas Housewives.

i thought the first ep was SUPER funny... Except for the end. I know it's dark humor but the jokes about their own kids were just a tad too much for me. 

Anyway, looking forward to more :)

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I keep seeing commercials for this show and I think I might like it except I find the lead so unattractive that there is no way I could watch her. And, her manic antics are really a turn off. So I guess I am going to have to pass on this one.

Edited by windtrix
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On 6/27/2016 at 10:52 PM, windtrix said:

I keep seeing commercials for this show and I think I might like it except I find the lead so unattractive that there is no way I could watch her. And, her manic antics are really a turn off. So I guess I am going to have to pass on this one.

While I wouldn't say the lead is a raving beauty, she doesn't strike me as so unattractive as to be unwatchable, do you mean personality wise?  That I could understand as she is pretty overbearing.

The more I watch the more I love Brooke, she's so unaware of what a b*tch she is it kills me. 

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