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Yes, I had read Bethenny's blog, and I never said that she didn't approach Heather.  My point was that someone who was actually there certainly has a better idea of what the atmosphere in the room was like.  Dorinda said it seemed as though everyone was lined up to get to Bethenny, and - even though it may not have appeared that way to us - it certainly could have appeared that way to Dorinda and to other people who were there.  


The fact that Bethenny approached Heather doesn't negate the fact that Bethenny may very well have felt like a target.   I don't think Dorinda has any reason to lie about that being her impression.  Certainly Dorinda's feelings about what she observed and what it felt like to be there are more valid than ours.  She experienced the event in real time.  We simply watched a shorter, edited version.

IMO, 2 HWs, Kristen and LuAnn wanting to talk to Bethenny about an issue does not equate to them "lining up" for her. LOL Was Sonja even there and the Bethenny/Ramona conversation was normal chit chat. So I think Dorinda is exaggerating what actually happened an IMO, she knows that keeping on Bethenny's side in her blogs helps to build her own fan base. JMO 

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MAYbe this is true or, perhaps, Dorinda is succumbing to the rampant illness of "Housewife Douchery".

lol could be.

She did add drama to the description:

Salem bonfire, target, billy clubs, nightsticks, literally a line forming to take hits, the punches started swingin'!


She will fit in nicely ;)

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MAYbe this is true or, perhaps, Dorinda is succumbing to the rampant illness of "Housewife Douchery".


I don't think we've seen the slightest shred of evidence to suggest that Dorinda is anything other than straightforward.  She doesn't let herself get caught up in the drama, and actually is the voice of reason a great deal of the time.  I'm more than willing to believe that the impressions she shares are absolutely authentic.  They're only her opinion of course, but my point was that she's in a better position than any of us are.   I can completely see how a tense atmosphere that we're not privy to can completely alter the feeling in the room for those who experienced it.  And of course we didn't see everything.


She was there.  We weren't.

Edited by DebbieM4
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I don't think we've seen the slightest shred of evidence to suggest that Dorinda is anything other than straightforward.  She doesn't let herself get caught up in the drama, and actually is the voice of reason a great deal of the time.  I'm more than willing to believe that the impressions she shares are absolutely authentic.  They're only her opinion of course, but my point was that she's in a better position than any of us are.   I can completely see how a tense atmosphere that we're not privy to can completely alter the feeling in the room for those who experienced it.  And of course we didn't see everything.


She was there.  We weren't.

Dorinda rocks!


So far I have not seen any catty claws from her.


If you don't want a sandwich don't make a sandwich :)

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If you mean the greetings as they arrived at dinner (the four of them)- I love those.  I feel like those are real moments, before they've all settled in to do the work of making a reality show by having awkward conversations about topics production suggests..  



Window dressing. The point of the dinner (or anytime anyone gets together on one of these shows) was exposition - in this case to rehash what happened at Dorinda's birthday dinner. But they can't go right into the "real" reason immediately or it would be too obvious so there's some artificial topic inserted, e.g., the yammering about Ramona Blue during the unpacking scene with Avery, when the real point was to talk about Mario.

I don't know if anyone mention this yet, if so mods can delete...

Did anyone notice Carole in the background when she arrived at the Restraunt to meet, B., Ramona and Dorinda? She trudged/staggered in walking like a football player in full gear and stared down those four young guys at their table like she was going to jump all of them.


I read this before I watched the ep so I had an eye out looking for her.  WTF was with that swaggering walk? Was she trying to appear casual and nonchalant? And then when she finally sat down at the table she was moving like she was underwater. Weird...you'd think that by now she'd know how to at least appear (if not be) comfortable on camera.

Edited by Lone Wolf
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I read this before I watched the ep so I had an eye out looking for her.  WTF was with that swaggering walk? Was she trying to appear casual and nonchalant? And then when she finally sat down at the table she was moving like she was underwater. Weird...you'd think that by now she'd know how to at least appear (if not be) comfortable on camera.


She looked like she either just stubbed her toe or she had a blister on her foot that she didn't want to burst.


Maybe they made her shoot her entrance 10 times so that she entered exactly at the point they are discussing Heather and she was tired. Or she was stoned

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From Dorinda's blog:


That night, it seemed Bethenny was the target. But it was so aggravating because it seemed like there was literally a line forming to take hits at her. Like a line for a picture with Santa at Macy’s, but instead of wishlists, billy clubs and night sticks. As soon as she walked in, the punches started swingin'!


What is she talking about?  There was Lu and Kris.  She implies that Heather was in that line because, "Heather was still upset."  Heather didn't bring up anything. 


From Beth's blog:


As for AOA, I felt like the Don waiting to put out fires and deal with everyone's issues.


What is she talking about?  There was Lu and Kris.  Ego much (Although I am a reality star, I don't always want the spotlight on me.)?


And Lu states in her blog about Ro picking up Avery from the airport. ... You don't ever have to been to be to NY to know that they were not in an 'airport'. 


Sorry, I can't help myself with this stuff........

I think they are already picking sides for the reunion. If Dorinda (whom I adored) goes to the Bside, I will no longer be a fan. I liked that she seemed her own person UNTIL the blog and tweets. 

I agree nobody was lining up to have a go at Beth.  She thinks the world revolves around her and only her. JMO

Edited by BeachyMum
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I don't think we've seen the slightest shred of evidence to suggest that Dorinda is anything other than straightforward. She doesn't let herself get caught up in the drama, and actually is the voice of reason a great deal of the time. I'm more than willing to believe that the impressions she shares are absolutely authentic. They're only her opinion of course, but my point was that she's in a better position than any of us are. I can completely see how a tense atmosphere that we're not privy to can completely alter the feeling in the room for those who experienced it. And of course we didn't see everything.

She was there. We weren't.

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Well, I do not particularly agree. I mean, really we don't KNOW anything other than what we are "shown ".

Despite the rather slimy aspect of her "boy"friend, Dorinda is quite Douchey to him. She has CHOSEN to be with him--why act so callous? And, on camera. She needs to be wary about calling out characters who berate others because she does a fine job herself . Don't want the sandwich DON'T BE WITH the sandwich.

Edited by BookElitist
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Well, I do not particularly agree. I mean, really we don't KNOW anything other than what we are "shown "

What I feel like I have been shown is that Dorinda is the most rational, level-headed person on the show. She doesn't seem like the type to needlessy take sides or create drama for drama's sake, nor does she seem prone to exaggeration or hyperbole.

I think her blog is more than likely as spot-on and objective an opinion of the true vibe at the event as we will ever get, short of actually being there ourselves, of course.

Until Dorinda gives me some reason to doubt her, I'm willing to take her at her word.

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Well, I do not particularly agree. I mean, really we don't KNOW anything other than what we are "shown ".


That was exactly my point.  We can't possibly know more than someone who was actually there.


And until someone who actually knows Dorinda and spends time with her has something to say about her being a liar or a poor reporter of facts, then I'll pay attention to it.  But so far I've seen and heard nothing even remotely like that.  Nor have I seen anything in her behavior that would cause me to come to that conclusion on my own.


The people who are actually present at these events and interacting with the others are in a much better position to know what the real story is.  I've stated this several times, so I'm moving on.........

What I feel like I have been shown is that Dorinda is the most rational, level-headed person on the show. She doesn't seem like the type to needlessy take sides or create drama for drama's sake, nor does she seem prone to exaggeration or hyperbole.

I think her blog is more than likely as spot-on and objective an opinion of the true vibe at the event as we will ever get, short of actually being there ourselves, of course.

Until Dorinda gives me some reason to doubt her, I'm willing to take her at her word.


Apparently we had very similar thoughts at the same time!

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So, if Dorinda (and don't get me wrong I like her), because she was there, she was the best person to know what the situation is, when did Dorinda state that Heather was in the line to confront Beth.


Going back to  what she stated in her blog:


That night, it seemed Bethenny was the target. But it was so aggravating because it seemed like there was literally a line forming to take hits at her. Like a line for a picture with Santa at Macy’s, but instead of wishlists, billy clubs and night sticks. As soon as she walked in, the punches started swingin'!


She never stated who was in that line. 

Edited by breezy424
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So, if Dorinda (and don't get me wrong I like her), because she was there, she was the best person to know what the situation is, when did Dorinda state that Heather was in the line to confront Beth.


Going back to  what she stated in her blog:


That night, it seemed Bethenny was the target. But it was so aggravating because it seemed like there was literally a line forming to take hits at her. Like a line for a picture with Santa at Macy’s, but instead of wishlists, billy clubs and night sticks. As soon as she walked in, the punches started swingin'!


She never stated who was in that line. 


I'm not sure if your question is addressed to me, but I never said that Dorinda said anything about Heather.  My point (in my several posts about this!) has been that if Dorinda said it seemed that there was a line forming to take shots at Bethenny, then I think we have every reason to believe her.  She was commenting about how things seemed to her and what the atmosphere was there.  And IMO she was in a position to know.


Maybe you were addressing someone else?

Edited by DebbieM4
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I'm not sure if your question is addressed to me, but I never said that Dorinda said anything about Heather.  My point (in my several posts about this!) has been that if Dorinda said it seemed that there was a line forming to take shots are Bethenny, then I think we have every reason to believe her.  She was commenting about how things seemed to her and what the atmosphere was there.  And IMO she was in a position to know.


Maybe you were addressing someone else?

Actually I wasn't addressing you.  I was addressing the forum.  I mentioned Heather because Dorinda stated earlier in her blog:


As you know, whenever the girls get together, there’s some drama afoot and I felt it was going to be another Salem bonfire. I knew Heather was still upset, I knew Luann was annoyed and I knew Kristen wasn't happy, but I was hoping — fervently hoping — that everyone would remember ‘tis the season to be festive.


Bottom line for me:  A line is relative and from what I saw, there were two people who confronted Beth.  That was Lu and Kris.  Maybe for Dorinda, that constitutes a line.  I think Dorinda overstated.  Just like she did with this statement:


Like a line for a picture with Santa at Macy’s, but instead of wishlists, billy clubs and night sticks. As soon as she walked in, the punches started swingin'!

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Actually I wasn't addressing you.  I was addressing the forum.


 I wasn't sure because your post was directly under mine, and some posts directly under mine have been in response to me today.  I also had written about the same topic you were addressing.


Thanks for clarifying.

Edited by DebbieM4
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 I wasn't sure because your post was directly under mine, and some posts directly under mine have been in response to me today.  I also had written about the same topic you were addressing.


Thanks for clarifying.

No problem.

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Bethenny is a grown woman who states she had a bad childhood. She can check herself in for some therapy at any time to better herself for her own good and the good of her child. Bethenny chooses reality tv instead. She gets no sympathy from me. At some point in life you have to grow up and take control. But if you do that, you're also no longer the poor poor victim. And we know how much our Beth likes clinging to that title.



This. I have empathy/sympathy for tough childhoods, divorces and all the other hardships that people endure (including my own, LOL!). However, the fault lies in refusing to work through and solve those problems to the best of your ability as an adult. Beth has the very best of resources at her disposal and she refuses to utilize them. (No, I don't count the TV shrink she only consults when filming.)


ETA: motorcitymom65:


I am all for her doing what makes her happy. I work because it thrills me to no end. I do not, however, on any occasion ever cry in front of my co-workers and ask for any type of special understanding. I work with all men and trust me, they would think less of me and my career would be over in about 2 seconds flat



Ironically, Beth got her reality TV start on Martha Stewart's Apprentice, on which Martha uttered her classic, "There is no crying in business."

Edited by missy jo
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Ironically, Beth got her reality TV start on Martha Stewart's Apprentice, on which Martha uttered her classic, "There is no crying in business."


And there was no crying at Bethenny's brand summit.  She was all business and very much in control of her emotions.

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Bottom line for me:  A line is relative and from what I saw, there were two people who confronted Beth.


But there were three who took punches/shots: Luann, Kristin and Carole -- gossipy toads vaulting out of her mouth -- and snotting all over both Kristin and Bethenny in her ladylike eagerness to just "move things along" (not unlike a vat of desiccated prunes).

Edited by film noire
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And there was no crying at Bethenny's brand summit.  She was all business and very much in control of her emotions.


She knows full well when to turn the waterworks on for the cameras & it would never be in front of anything business related.  Still think she's being very, very deliberate in her behavior before the cameras.  The whining, the crying, leaving out any mention of having a boyfriend, the endless SkinnyGirl plugs, the fake therapy sessions & meeting with stepdad -- this has all been mapped out & carefully planned by her & Satan Andy.  And it feels it.  There's no spontaneity whatsoever.  Well, at least next week it looks like B has what might be a few funny one-liners mixed in with more of that fucking whining & crying I can't stomach anymore.


Well, actually there is some spontaneity on B's part -- only when dealing with anyone.  She clearly hates people.  And that shows too.  Whenever she has to deal with anyone, it ain't good.  Still say Moaner was right about her.  She's horrible at making friends & being civil -- to anyone.  And now that she's rich, this has gotten a zillion times worse.  We see it.  Is it entertaining?  Not sure.  How the heck is she able to get boyfriends with that personality of hers?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I was confused by Dorinda's blog as well. She made it sound like everyone was there to confront Beth. We certainly didn't see that. We saw Lu and Kristen. Carole seemed fine with her, as did Ramona, Sonja, Dorinda herself, and even Heather. We saw Beth come to get Heather and say she wanted to talk with her, which Beth backed up in her own retelling of the events in her blog. 


One thing that was interesting in Beth's blog, is that she said she knew something was up with Kristen right away: 


"Now to Kristen. I saw her winding up the whole party and simply couldn't do it. We didn't click."


Since we've seen almost zero interaction between Beth and Kristen at this point, I'm not sure I understand where this is coming from.

I think Bethenny blowing Kristen off has to do with the fact that Josh and Bethenny use to date and Bethenny does not want to go down that road.  Bethenny has prefaced her knowing Josh as - I didn't know him that well I haven't even met his wife.  So I am guessing Bethenny and Josh probably dated 15 years ago and it is just not something Bethenny or Kristen wants to go in to.  It is not a new storyline on RHONYC - after all we had Harry for a couple of years.

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That was exactly my point.  We can't possibly know more than someone who was actually there.


And until someone who actually knows Dorinda and spends time with her has something to say about her being a liar or a poor reporter of facts, then I'll pay attention to it.  But so far I've seen and heard nothing even remotely like that.  Nor have I seen anything in her behavior that would cause me to come to that conclusion on my own.


The people who are actually present at these events and interacting with the others are in a much better position to know what the real story is.  I've stated this several times, so I'm moving on.........


Apparently we had very similar thoughts at the same time!

I am liking Dorinda and my interpretation is she said "lining up" somewhat tongue and cheek and she probably finds it odd that all these women chose to have these conversations on camera instead of making a phone call, sending a text or an e-mail.  Then there is the dynamic when they can't get the conversation on camera they bring it up.  I am sure she thought the whole LuAnn saying Ramona made Dorinda cry was very odd, and the women talking about John, as if he isn't at the event, is just in poor taste.  Finally, there are the confessional interviews, how strange it must be to answer questions and have your answers shown without benefit of the viewers hearing the questions.  I believe Dorinda is second only to Bethenny in the confessionals this season.  I actually find Dorinda's better than Bethenny's - Dorinda's seem fairly candid  whereas Bethenny seemed too contrived and exaggerated. 

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But there were three who took punches/shots: Luann, Kristin and Carole -- gossipy toads vaulting out of her mouth -- and snotting all over both Kristin and Bethenny in her ladylike eagerness to just "move things along" (not unlike a vat of desiccated prunes).

Carole did not confront Bethenny so I don't see that as taking "punches/shots" at her. And if anyone, I do mean anyone, said something questionable about SG name/business, Bethenny would be in their face and would never allow them to walk away, she would chase them down. LOL  JMO

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I don't think we've seen the slightest shred of evidence to suggest that Dorinda is anything other than straightforward.  She doesn't let herself get caught up in the drama, and actually is the voice of reason a great deal of the time.  I'm more than willing to believe that the impressions she shares are absolutely authentic.  They're only her opinion of course, but my point was that she's in a better position than any of us are.   I can completely see how a tense atmosphere that we're not privy to can completely alter the feeling in the room for those who experienced it.  And of course we didn't see everything.


She was there.  We weren't.

I agree. I think it was the way Kristen was  repeatedly butting in to find out if Luann was done yet, so she could have a turn shooting with Bethenny that made it seem like people were lining up. She was behaving like an impatient 3yr old saying "Is it my turn yet?... How about now?...now?"

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I think Bethenny blowing Kristen off has to do with the fact that Josh and Bethenny use to date and Bethenny does not want to go down that road. Bethenny has prefaced her knowing Josh as - I didn't know him that well I haven't even met his wife. So I am guessing Bethenny and Josh probably dated 15 years ago and it is just not something Bethenny or Kristen wants to go in to. It is not a new storyline on RHONYC - after all we had Harry for a couple of years.

Now they would make a good couple!!! Two douchbags trying to out-douche one another!

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I am liking Dorinda and my interpretation is she said "lining up" somewhat tongue and cheek

I agree. Carole doesn't have the monopoly on T & C.

However, it felt to me like people were lining up to have a word with the Skinny Girl even before Dorinda mentioned it. I think I heard a couple of them say it during the episode.

If I go to the bank or grocery and there's 2 people before me, that's a line. A line could be 1 person. To me, it's any number of people waiting to do something.

Edited by ryebread
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I am liking Dorinda and my interpretation is she said "lining up" somewhat tongue and cheek and she probably finds it odd that all these women chose to have these conversations on camera instead of making a phone call, sending a text or an e-mail.  Then there is the dynamic when they can't get the conversation on camera they bring it up.  I am sure she thought the whole LuAnn saying Ramona made Dorinda cry was very odd, and the women talking about John, as if he isn't at the event, is just in poor taste.  Finally, there are the confessional interviews, how strange it must be to answer questions and have your answers shown without benefit of the viewers hearing the questions.  I believe Dorinda is second only to Bethenny in the confessionals this season.  I actually find Dorinda's better than Bethenny's - Dorinda's seem fairly candid  whereas Bethenny seemed too contrived and exaggerated. 

So far I am really liking Dorinda.  Agree that she and Beth are getting far and away the most TH's, which to a certain extent means the viewer is more often hearing everything from their POV which can drive the narrative. Like Shannon on the OC show, I tend to like her much better when she is part of a group, however. When she is alone with her boyfriend, John, I generally come off liking her less. 

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We’re seeing a pattern with Sonja! Last season she had Kristen over for spray tanning and was definitely checking her out.

There was also her "Heather got hot!" at the S5 reunion. Sonja with a Gay J, lol.


She clearly hates people.  And that shows too.  Whenever she has to deal with anyone, it ain't good.

She makes me uneasy just watching her through the screen. I can't imagine having to be around her in person.


Hold up...Beth and Josh dated?

Edited by jaync
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I rewatched/listened yesterday when Bravo replayed the past 3 episodes. Heather was helping Dorinda with the hosting-- I saw them both working at place settings before dinner and she was greeting people at the door. I think the place where Heather really stepped out of line was when she told Bethenny: "I'll say whatever the eff I want to say" comment. Being nice and welcoming to a person is not a horrible faux pas. Bethanny drew more attention to herself with her exposition of how she didn't want attention and her deep dark despair etc. I think Heather trying to take her away was to have a private word without everyone looking at her (Bethenny). She should have just dropped it.  Buddying up with Sonja to hide from attention is kind of hilarious.  Speaking of Sonja, if there were a tv show with real scripts to play her I would nominate Jan Shakowsky after seeing her on Younger. She really captures the narcissistic hot mess. I can totally see her playing Lady Morgan.


I think Kristen confronting Bethenny at the ASO event was stupid. And Bethenny was very rude to Luann. Other than that, what I have seen of Kristen this season is a cast member who is willing to be kind and supportive to her other coworkers/cast mates. Ramona really set her up at Dorinda's, holy crap- that was some expert shit stirring action there.  Carol's comment at the dinner that she didn't have to back up that Heather is a supportive friend who offers great advice and that in the future she (Heather) won't ever make that mistake to Bethanny again. I kind of wish she had said that out loud at the table.


The whole "Heather is so fake" convo between Ramona and Bethanny made me roll my eyes. Yes, she smiled and was cordial because she is polite. She had manners. Leave it to those two to scratch their heads about social appropriateness.


I do feel badly for what Bethenny had to grow up with and her challenges with her personality. However, I don't really feel sorry about her divorce problems. She brought that on herself. Her concern about spending time with her kid? Well, she blew up her kid's world and she only has herself to blame for that. We see that with Avery, her relationship with her father is important to her and while she is over 18, she has to now try to negotiate the two of them. Try being 4 and doing that. When you marry someone, you take an oath and unless that person is cheating on you, abusive, or practicing addiction--drugs or alcohol, it is on the people who made those vows to figure out how to make it work. Two years is not long enough,especially with a baby in the house. She should not prolong the agreement either. At least have the class to pay for good relations if you can't bring it to preserve the marriage.

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I think Bethenny blowing Kristen off has to do with the fact that Josh and Bethenny use to date and Bethenny does not want to go down that road.  Bethenny has prefaced her knowing Josh as - I didn't know him that well I haven't even met his wife.  So I am guessing Bethenny and Josh probably dated 15 years ago and it is just not something Bethenny or Kristen wants to go in to.  It is not a new storyline on RHONYC - after all we had Harry for a couple of years.

Do you have a source for this? What I read (don't remember where) was that Bethenny's BF knew Josh, either personally or professionally. And that Bethenny had met Josh with her BF approximately 5 times. I think the above rumor you posted supposedly come from Brandi, but I've never seen the actual quote. I really don't think B and Josh dated.

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I just realized something, in her own way Bethany is Kim Richards. She dictates what she will and will not talk about. She shuts down other people. She for the most part doesn't have normal relationships. Her addiction is being a "Reality Star". She is a mental mess and should take some time off away from Reality TV until her house is in order and she isn't so emotionally raw.

And the Adderall.

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Do you have a source for this? What I read (don't remember where) was that Bethenny's BF knew Josh, either personally or professionally. And that Bethenny had met Josh with her BF approximately 5 times. I think the above rumor you posted supposedly come from Brandi, but I've never seen the actual quote. I really don't think B and Josh dated.

I cannot remember the details exactly, but do recall the story confused me. I believe it came from when Kristen was on Brandi's Pod Cast a not long after the season started. They were discussing the fact that Beth had told Heather that she didn't know Josh very well. Kristen told a story about Beth and Josh being out together one night years ago, and a date was mentioned, but I thought it was that they were on a double date, but with other people - not each other. That could be completely wrong. The end result, however, was that Kristen said that Beth was discounting how well they knew each other by saying they had met "like 5 times".


I also thought one other thing was kind of interesting. When Beth first met Kristen at the Hampton's (when she came into Lu's pad), she said hello to Kristen, and then the first words out of her mouth were "oh, is Josh here"?  Kristen said he was not and Beth expressed disappointed. Not that it means anything, but since she asked specifically about him, it was strange when she later acted like could not give 2 shits about him or his wife to Heather. 

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I cannot remember the details exactly, but do recall the story confused me. I believe it came from when Kristen was on Brandi's Pod Cast a not long after the season started. They were discussing the fact that Beth had told Heather that she didn't know Josh very well. Kristen told a story about Beth and Josh being out together one night years ago, and a date was mentioned, but I thought it was that they were on a double date, but with other people - not each other. That could be completely wrong. The end result, however, was that Kristen said that Beth was discounting how well they knew each other by saying they had met "like 5 times".


I also thought one other thing was kind of interesting. When Beth first met Kristen at the Hampton's (when she came into Lu's pad), she said hello to Kristen, and then the first words out of her mouth were "oh, is Josh here"?  Kristen said he was not and Beth expressed disappointed. Not that it means anything, but since she asked specifically about him, it was strange when she later acted like could not give 2 shits about him or his wife to Heather. 

I believe Kristen said that Josh fixed up Bethenny with a friend of his, he, himself did not date Bethenny but they, Bethenny/Josh, did know each other.

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A few people have commended Sonja for showing up at Bethenny's brand summit with a notebook, but if you look at the conference table, there are red notebooks for each person and they have the Skinny Girl logo on the cover and so were supplied for the meeting.


Sonja opens hers a couple of times and writes things (likely "Mrs. John Adams Morgan", "Lady Sonja Morgan", "Mrs. J. A. Morgan", "smoky eye, updo, Gstad", and a few doodles). So, well, she didn't come with a notebook but I commend her for sitting there quietly and acting as normal as I've ever seen her behave. Her gratitude toward Bethenny for inviting her seemed genuine, and I think she was truly surprised that Bethenny respected her enough to invite her to an (alleged) actual SG business meeting. And I think Bethenny meant well, even though of course it was all set up for the show.

Edited by RedHawk
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A few people have commended Sonja for showing up at Bethenny's brand summit with a notebook, but if you look at the conference table, there are red notebooks for each person and they have the Skinny Girl logo on the cover and so were supplied for the meeting.


Sonja opens hers a couple of times and writes things (likely "Mrs. John Adams Morgan", "Lady Sonja Morgan", "Mrs. J. A. Morgan", "smoky eye, updo, Gstad", and then I think she doodled a few times). So, well, she didn't come with a notebook but I commend her for sitting there quietly and acting as normal as I've ever seen her behave. Her gratitude toward Bethenny for inviting her seemed genuine, and I think she was truly surprised that Bethenny respected her enough to invite her to an (alleged) actual SK business meeting. And I think Bethenny meant well, even though of course it was all set up for the show.

Yea, I thought it was good all the way around. Sonja did seem extremely grateful, although of course she had to use the opportunity to hammer away at the other gals, since "no one else has ever offered to help her like that" before. Heather probably wished she would have known she could have just invited her to a couple of YT meetings instead of hiring all those people to help her with her toaster oven.

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Seems to me that all those at Bethenny's branding summit are well aware she is a ticking time bomb even if she didn't cry at it.


Doesn't matter - she is unable to handle motherhood, a divorce, her brands and tv show well at all.


ETA - and therapy and relationships as well.

Edited by maggiemae
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Seems to me that all those at Bethenny's branding summit are well aware she is a ticking time bomb even if she didn't cry at it.


Ain't that the truth.  I bet the splattered guts of one or both of her assistants at the time of that meeting were laying underneath the set-up of zillions of SkinnyGirl products.  Oh my goodness, those poor, poor, poor girls didn't put out the SkinnyGirl sweeteners.  What a horrible crime!  Shoot them dead right on the spot, eh, Bethenny?  Wonder how many assistants Bethenny has gone thru since filming ended?  10 billion?  Ah what a sweet, sweet gal that Bethenny is.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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According to Brandi's podcast in May with Kris from a Reality Tea story:


Kristen talked about Bethenny getting bent out of shape over whether or not she knew Josh and Kristen prior to her return to RHONY.

“It’s so funny. I never said that they were best friends, that they hung out, that they shared an email, that they call each other all the time,” said Kristen. “The simple question was, does your husband know Bethenny? Yes. Like, they know each other well enough to stop on the street and have a full-on conversation for ten minutes and have paparazzi take pictures. I will pull it up. It’s like, ‘do you know my husband: yes or no?’ Yes. I’ve met you two times at an event. You clearly don’t remember. I will NOT make shit up. Why would I want to make this shit up? It’s crazy. It’s just so silly.”




What the truth is?  I don't know.  But it seems like Beth knows Josh better than she's willing to let on......

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Doesn't matter - she is unable to handle motherhood, a divorce, her brands and tv show well at all..

From what we're seeing she's not handling it well. There are probably hours of tape of Beth being normal. The crying scenes feel real to me. Annoying but real. And at this time, with all the stress she's under, that's her reality.


Of course Bravo is going to exploit her messiness. Just like they're exploiting Sonja's dizziness, Heather's bitchiness, Carole's laziness, Kristen's nothingness, LuAnn's haughtiness and Ramona's....what? Kookiness? Scatteredness? They're taking what these women are giving them, and probably what they are at their core, and ramping it up by A.) editing and B.) encouraging them to stir the pot by offering camera time and/or cash incentive.

I cut Beth slack for the crying because it looks organic to me. And I've BTDT. I want some reality on my tv. But she has the power to kibosh the therapy sessions and beach time with Daddy. Those are just dumb.

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If I knew Josh, I wouldn't admit it either.

LOL me too


Is Kristen getting gaslighted by Heather & Carole?


First the phone call, oh I went to Bethenny's Birthday dinner, oh you weren't there were you busy, oh you weren't invited. How awful and rude, are you okay?

Next Heather going up to Kristen & Josh, oh I told Bethenny off for you, she made such a big deal out of out, she is not the type of person I want to know better.

Then Carole, oh I don't want to hurt your feelings but I spoke to Bethenny and she said you're dumb for not trademarking your nail polish.


What kind of friend does that?

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Reality TV "friends"! Most of these women have no basis for their "friendships" other than being castmembers. I can't help laughing when they act so concerned about each other only to rip each other apart 10 minutes later. If this behavior is friendship then I'd rather deal with my open enemies!

Seriously, all this fake concern and caring just leads in the end to Bethenny's tears and other stupid over-emoting. I want to see more Turtle Time and pirate highjinx. Send them all on vacation and dispense with the fake friendships and alliances. Let them openly gossip and snark like Carole was the morning after Luann had her pirate sleepover.

To get back to this episode: I thought Ramona's reaction to all the lesbian chat was funny and basically genuine. (I'll conveniently forget her playfulness with Sonja, who seems to instigate it anyway.) Why be offended? I know several gay men who have shown the same reaction to the idea of sex with a woman.

Edited by RedHawk
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LOL me too


Is Kristen getting gaslighted by Heather & Carole?


First the phone call, oh I went to Bethenny's Birthday dinner, oh you weren't there were you busy, oh you weren't invited. How awful and rude, are you okay?

Next Heather going up to Kristen & Josh, oh I told Bethenny off for you, she made such a big deal out of out, she is not the type of person I want to know better.

Then Carole, oh I don't want to hurt your feelings but I spoke to Bethenny and she said you're dumb for not trademarking your nail polish.


What kind of friend does that?

I kind of see it. If I were talking to one of my girlfriends and had been to the party of someone we both knew the night before, I would mention it. If I thought it odd they had not been invited, I would say so. Heather's loyalty is to Kristen, not Beth at this point. I would say, "hey, it sucks that you weren't there".

I think Carole told Kristen anout the Beth comment because it was filmed. Why else would they have been hanging together at this point? They hadn't become real friends yet and we know that Beth doesn't want to spend any unnecessary time away from Bryn. The part of Carole's comment I zeroed in on was when she said to Kristen that she didn't defend her to Beth. She said she didn't say she was wrong about the trademark deal because she was unsure. I think Carole wanted to get in front of it in case they showed a clip of Carole kind of laughing with Beth about the potential of Kristen not being on the ball. Or she was just trying to give Kristen an actual reason to engage with Beth. It seems like all of these women are desperate for camera time with her because clearly, the camera is going to follow Beth. I guess I just haven't seen anything in either Carole or Heather that would lead me to believe they have a reason to go after Kristen.

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Ok I am seriously wondering if I am going to make it through an entire season of Bethenny's hysterics.  I felt like I needed a nap after watching this episode she is just draining to watch even on television, I can imagine she just sucks the life out people in person.  Calm the eff down!  Don't want attention?  Get off my television screen then!  You will not be missed!  And this is coming from someone who has always been a B fan.  I bought one of her books and watched all her spin offs and always rooted for her.  Truth be told I still root for her and hopefully she will get her shit at least semi-together soon, but right now she is just a hysterical, manic, exhausting mess.


The only good point about Beth this episode was her brand meeting and watching Sonja take it all in and actually ask an interesting question.  If she could just get a good team behind her to focus her, she may just be ok.


Avery is so lovely.  I really love Ramona's relationship with her daughter, and the fact that Avery has made up with her father as well.  Given the sordidness of the circumstances, I think they are all handling the separation remarkably well.


I can't help but like Kristen.  She's not an emotional basket case or a constant drama queen, but not everyone can play that role.  I think she's gorgeous and has a beautiful fashion sense.  I think she provides some balance to the cast.


Heather just seemed completely over Beth at the end and good for her at this point.  I've lived in the Northeast my whole life and recognize that we are all a little high strung, but B has taken it to an entirely new level.

Edited by mostlylurking
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Do you have a source for this? What I read (don't remember where) was that Bethenny's BF knew Josh, either personally or professionally. And that Bethenny had met Josh with her BF approximately 5 times. I think the above rumor you posted supposedly come from Brandi, but I've never seen the actual quote. I really don't think B and Josh dated.

When Kristen was on Brandi Glanville's Podcast, Kristen and Brandi were talking about Bethenny and the fact that Josh and Bethenny knew each other.  Then Brandi said they use to date.  Which as much as I dislike Brandi it would seem like an odd thing for Brandi to lie about. http://podcastone.com/pg/jsp/program/episode.jsp?programID=582&pid=505132

Edited by zoeysmom
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The cast is falling all over themselves trying to get time with Bethenny - and B is loving every moment of it. Probably Andy as well.



This is exactly what is happening and it is not subtle at all.  That dinner party was like Bethenny should have had a number like a deli counter for everyone to come up and have their conversation/screen time with her.  It's not even couched - like it really lifted up the third wall for me or whatever you call it.

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