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I know that Kristin is pretty but there is something about her that I find so not attractive.  Maybe it's that way she sticks her teeth out and makes those animated faces.  I loooooved Carole's talking head.  "She's pretty and now she's smart..." or something like that.  Carole defending Heather was cute.  She's bringing back what I liked about her.


I loved that Bethenny took Sonja to a *real* business meeting.  That's the Bethenny that is fun to watch.


And damn it, Ramona is making me like her.  And she looks damn good for her age.  

Edited by sasha206
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Kristin looks fabulous at the bar even though I just said I find her not attractive.  


And it would be funny if Bethenny and Heather end up pals and Kristine is the interloper.


Heather didn't apologize to Bethenny did she?  


I love that Bethenny was very self-aware in that moment.  This is the Bethenny I love.

Edited by sasha206
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I totally get Bethenny. I have friends. I don't necessarily need new friends. Just because I am introduced to a new person doesn't mean I need to make an effort to be their friend. My obligation as a person is to be polite and respectful. If a friendship naturally develops great, but I am not going to put an effort into developing one. Because I have enough friends that are eady and get me with no real effort. So I get that she met Dorinda and Carole and naturally feels comfortable, but doesn't have that vibe with Heather and Kristen and could care less.
I DON"T get Proplw like Heather and Kristen who give a crap if somebody they just met likes them or not. Who cares? Move on!

PS I fo admit that Bethenny is not always polite, but I feel like she only attacks after being pushed into a corner

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I love Dirty Martinis, and I was just googling Martini sets but I'm afraid I'll get way too drunk since I love the taste so much.


I think it's so funny Bethanny ran away from Kristin and I don't blame her especially after Luanne started a fake confrontation with her.  Luanne seemed even more butch than usual, maybe alcohol brings it out.  Anyways, it was just so annoying how Kristin was obviously laying in wait and then had all those rehearsed lines.  I would have thought Pop of Color was already trademarked too.  I loved Dorinda just getting the fuck out of there.  I'd rather have a housewife with that personality than Heather/Kristin/Luanne's bullshit.


Carole is an idiot for stirring up trouble but at least she admitted it in her talking head.  I've done the same thing, especially when I drink Dirty Martinis, so I can't blame her too much.

Edited by Morbs
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I knew it, I knew that Bethenny could see through Heather's fake smile, her eyes say one thing and her smile says another, Ramona nailed it.

Carole quite the shit stirrer, what did you think Kristen was going to do with that information?

No wonder Bethenny doesn't warm up to Heather and Kristen, they are annoying as heck and want to be around her only for air time and because they have no story line without her. On the other hand Bethenny has connected with Dorinda with no problem because she can tell that Dorinda is not as thirsty as Heather and Kristen.

I loved the way Luann and Bethenny handled their conflict, Luann tried to kept it going, Bethenny called her on it, Luann admitted it, backed off and they kept in moving, no major fuss, no major drama. That is the way to keep it moving.

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Heather didn't apologize to Bethenny did she?


I despise Bethenny but I give her credit for apologizing....but she should have, so it's not that big a deal. I do think Heather could have reciprocated just to be nice, but if you watch the scenes, she couldn't get a word in. Bethenny just rambles endlessly.

I don't think I can take much more of the poor Bethenny doesn't want attention story. She's fucking exhausting. I have anxiety just watching her for an hour. I don't llke watching TV that raises my blood pressure.

Bring back delusional Sonja.

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I'm annoyed. I missed the first 10 minutes of tonight's show yet again.

I knew it, I knew that Bethenny could see through Heather's fake smile, her eyes say one thing and her smile says another, Ramona nailed it.

Carole quite the shit stirrer, what did you think Kristen was going to do with that information?

No wonder Bethenny doesn't warm up to Heather and Kristen, they are annoying as heck and want to be around her only for air time and because they have no story line without her. On the other hand Bethenny has connected with Dorinda with no problem because she can tell that Dorinda is not as thirsty as Heather and Kristen.

I loved the way Luann and Bethenny handled their conflict, Luann tried to kept it going, Bethenny called her on it, Luann admitted it, backed off and they kept in moving, no major fuss, no major drama. That is the way to keep it moving.


They have stories without her. Because the powers that be have have decided that they're going to make season seven all about how "The B is back!" everyone else gets shafted in service of the myriad ways they can make this Bethenny Starting Over instead of The Real Housewives of New York City. Like, for real. How many THs did Bethenny get tonight? It was overkill.

Edited by Mozelle
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Bethenny apologized to Heather twice, heather none, no acknowledgment of her abrasive behavior at all, no acknowledgement about how overbearing she can be, she just accepted the apologies without ever saying a mea culpa.

Luann sticking up for Heather (after arriving with her and probably talking about it extensively) is quite funny , I can't wait for Heather to get involved in Luann's business to hear Luann say, "Heather means well"

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It seems like Heather and Kristen want to be friends with Bethenny so bad. Bethenny obviously doesn't want to be, I can understand that, they should just back off.

Kristen wanted business advice from Bethenny. I know I would not want to talk shop after working all day. Leave me alone with my (in these women's case) martini.

I'm glad Sonja got to see a real business meeting. I did not realize Skinny Girl was such a huge brand. I liked how they showed Bethenny can listen instead of speed talking like a loon.

I like the relationship Ramona has with her daughter.

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I'm annoyed. I missed the first 10 minutes of tonight's show yet again. They have stories without her. Because the powers that be have have decided that they're going to make season seven all about how "The B is back!" everyone else gets shafted in service of the myriad ways they can make this Bethenny Starting Over instead of The Real Housewives of New York City. Like, for real. How many THs did Bethenny get tonight? It was overkill.

The powers to be have decided? Have you spoken to them? As far as I know that is just your speculation, Carole good of bad had the boyfriend and her run for HOA and it was showed, same with Dorinda, her birthday celebrations took several episodes, Ramona had the divorce and Luann the sale of her house and her daughter showings, all of it was showed, so according to you Heather and Kristen both had interesting things going on but Bravo is blocking that on purpose? Kristen had that mess of a meeting and was shown, so I am just not willing to swear on a stone about those two having quite compelling personal stories that are not being shown at all. So far they both have or at least tried to use Betheny and the friendship/lack of as their story line, they both can't wait to peck and peck at her.

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Oh, I knew I wanted to mention Carole's defense of Heather. I'm glad she spoke on behalf of her and was pretty chill about it, explaining how Heather means well. I really do enjoy Carole's friendship with Heather.


It was interesting hearing Sonja speak about Bethenny's business meeting. I have a feeling that when the women were in London two seasons back, Sonja saw how Heather runs a business meeting (though all we, the viewers, only got that silly, "Say your name and what your favorite color is" moment). Heather's company is doing well, and I have to believe that her business meeting probably ran similarly to Bethenny's--take charge, let's get down to brass tacks and the lot type of discussion.


Heather gets TV spots to talk about her brand and her product. I'm guessing that Sonja, though, because Heather became fed up and frustrated over the toaster oven and Sonja's general ungrateful behavior, has just decided that she won't credit Heather (a woman who actually has product in stores) for a single thing. 

Edited by Mozelle
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Well, I have pretty much disliked Carole from the get-go, though I did have some empathy with her in the Aviva thing (because I used to be a writer). But I really can't stand her now. And with this episode she is even more hateful. First of course she is a shit-stirrer. And then, even worse, she says: "Between Bethenny and I." C'mon Carole! You claim to be a writer and you make that big of a mistake??

I can accept it from the idiots from Orange County, but ... !


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It is a dumb thing not to check on/obtain a trademark, especially if the product you're selling is already widely available. That would be my remark, as well. Hardly an insult; just an observation.

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Bethenny apologized to Heather twice, heather none, no acknowledgment of her abrasive behavior at all, no acknowledgement about how overbearing she can be, she just accepted the apologies without ever saying a mea culpa.

Luann sticking up for Heather (after arriving with her and probably talking about it extensively) is quite funny , I can't wait for Heather to get involved in Luann's business to hear Luann say, "Heather means well"


Could that possibly happen in Turks and Caicos?  Isn't Heather the one that Luann tells "Just be cool....don't be like all uncool"???  

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Everyone was so thirsty this episode! Kristin was the worst, but Lu was only one short step behind her. They were tripping over themselves to start shit with B for screen time. And Carole's (likely producer-ordered) snitch to Kristin felt desperate too. This episode really showed how hard they are all killing themselves to get next to the Queen B(ethanny). At this point, if Bethanny was wearing flip flops and cargo pants I feel like they would all buy flip flops and cargo pants. And is she punched them in the face they'd say it was awesome. Thirsty.

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Thoughts on this episode: Heather, "I've been told she doesn't want attention, that's she's broken...what do I do?" I dunno, stop badgering? I think Bethenny's toast was to lighten the mood and give Sonja the spotlight. Romana would rather her daughter ditched a final paper for a man? LuAnn schooling Bethenny and then feigning offense. Cool they worked it out. Carol totally hurts Kristen by telling her what Bethenny said and thinks it will stop there? Loved Avery rolling her eyes at her mom and Ramona being "boy crazy". Dorinda just goes with the flow. Bethenny's business meeting was interesting. Kristen was so excited about her launch. I liked the blue polish she wore in her THs. Sonja, surprisingly, was sane in the episode.

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Bring back delusional Sonja.


Ah, poor, poor Sonja.  She wasn't even as enjoyable as usual in that boring seminar B took her to.  Look, I've been to a billion of these things.  I hate, hate, hate them.  Yeah, they're filled with a zillion successful, sensible people who brag about their successes & sure, eager & ambitious young people can beg the pompous bores who usually speak at these awful things for jobs.  Good luck with that.  Ugh, they're always boring as all fuck & filled up to the wazoo with various blowhards & windbags.  There are a bazillion of these things going on at any moment here in NYC.


Well, all too obviously, Sonja was way out of her element in this thing & she knew it.  A con artist like Sonja knows when & where she can spew her bullshit.  And even she knew her bullshit wasn't gonna fly in this crowd.  So sorry, B, in terms of being entertaining for us to watch -- taking Sonja to this bore-fest was a total FAIL.  Do I blame you for this, B -- or Satan Andy for this lousy set-up?

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I was happy to see Carole finally defend Heather. For a second I thought it wasn't going to happen because a) she was late; and b) I thought they were going to stop talking about it once she sat down. But thankfully it kept going, and Carole was able to chime in. What I didn't like was Bethenny telling her she was "wrong" about her best friend. Bethenny can certainly have her own opinions about Heather, but she can't tell Carole she's wrong about hers. Esp. when Carole knows Heather a lot better than Bethenny does. Did somebody say "abrasive?" Man.

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What the fuck is happening to Ramona's right breast in that silky white blouse she is wearing? I cannot concentrate on anything else.

Ramoner needs to check with Heather about some properly fitting undergarments. It looked like she was shoved into a bra three cup sizes too small.

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I don't think Heather was nurturing at that dinner. Her behavior was overbearing and oppressive. I'm not buying her tears either. That was just a way to deflect and shift perception of her in the moment from being instigator to victim.

B has Challah's number for sure. Disingenuous is the perfect descriptor for Heather (and I'm not just saying that because I used it in other threads). That being said, both Bethenny and Ramona have some colossal balls to talk about her like that when she's only a stones throw away at AXA or wherever the hell they were.

Averys face looked airbrushed. Has she graduated to having her makeup professionally done for the show now? Not ragging on her appearance. She looks good.

Beth cracked me up with her TH calling out the elitist bitch who said the other bar patrons were not their "kind of people" because they hadn't invested in vaginoplasty. Bethenny may have buttloads of money now but she doesn't think that makes her better than anyone else, and that's one reason I still like her.

Bethenny: It's not that big of a deal.

LuAnn: I know it's not that big of deal but what was the big deal to me was because of that you starting crying. (Read--that took way from my screen time)

Be happy now LuAnn. You've wormed your way into an event that had nothing to do with you and are getting the screen time you're so parched for.

Kristen: Can I interrupt now?

LuAnn: No! (Read--it's still my slotted alone time with B)

Everyone is so concerned with getting their time in with Bethenny so they can assure their scenes make the final cut. I wonder if they're aware of how desperate it's coming across.

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Here's the thing about nail polish - and I know a lot of you here who buy polish or get mani/pedis will back me up! - a lot of the names have sexual inuendos. Carole wasn't wrong. It might be the wrong direction for Kristen, who's suddenly clutching her pearls, but those names need to be clever! Or at least interesting.

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Thoughts on this episode: Heather, "I've been told she doesn't want attention, that's she's broken...what do I do?" I dunno, stop badgering? I think Bethenny's toast was to lighten the mood and give Sonja the spotlight. Romana would rather her daughter ditched a final paper for a man? LuAnn schooling Bethenny and then feigning offense. Cool they worked it out. Carol totally hurts Kristen by telling her what Bethenny said and thinks it will stop there? Loved Avery rolling her eyes at her mom and Ramona being "boy crazy". Dorinda just goes with the flow. Bethenny's business meeting was interesting. Kristen was so excited about her launch. I liked the blue polish she wore in her THs. Sonja, surprisingly, was sane in the episode.

How about Carole hi-jacking Kristin's business meeting with stale dick jokes? What was that about?

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Overall, Bethenny came off pretty well in this ep, didn't she?  That wasn't the prob.  The prob is there's too much focus on her.  And man, it sure as shit makes for one boring ass show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I hope Bethenny is sufficiently scared of Heather, cause Heather is getting her "skully" and then she is going show that bitch Bethenny who she's  messing with.  And who is THAT, exactly?   And what is Heather threatening to do to Bethenny?


--oh, and yeah, she DID grab Bethenny's hand.


Honestly, this thug pose Heather likes to put on is ugly and ridiculous. UGLY & RIDICULOUS.  Oh, but her heart is soooo big. Big as her [imaginary ] testicles, I'm guessing.


Yeah, I am officially a Heather disliker, if we are counting...

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How about Carole hi-jacking Kristin's business meeting with stale dick jokes? What was that about?

I forgot about that! She even had her notes about her own nail color line. If Kristen uses one of Carole's suggestions, do you think she will buy Carole a car?

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This episode was so dull, I found myself on the Patent & Trademark Office website.  So, just FYI, Kristen filed for "Pop of Color" and "P.O.C." to be trademarked for beauty products (including nail polish) on September 10, 2014.  IIRC my intellectual property law class, she thus had a stake claimed on the trademark as of that date.  It's since been approved and are her trademarks.  Since this ep was shot in December, Kristen wasn't entirely wrong.  She may not have been approved for the TMs at that point, but she had filed.


Bethenny didn't wear me out this week like last week, but I agree with the posters that there was just too much of her in this episode.  She was basically the through line that connected all the women's stories this week, aside from the Ramona/Avery scene.

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Here's the thing about nail polish - and I know a lot of you here who buy polish or get mani/pedis will back me up! - a lot of the names have sexual inuendos. Carole wasn't wrong. It might be the wrong direction for Kristen, who's suddenly clutching her pearls, but those names need to be clever! Or at least interesting.

Carole's idea wasn't wrong, but she had no actual innuendo or wordplay.  Nail polish names like that tend to be punny, not as overtly, directly sexual as Orgasm blush (which at least can be marketed as faking a happy post-orgasm flush).  And then Carole did kind of devolve into more and more absurd dick jokes, but at least the other women at the meeting were laughing.  I didn't mind Carole at that meeting, but she really was shitstirring at the bar.


Luann first snaps "No" at Kristen about her joining Lu and Bethenny, but Kristen's umbrage is all directed at Bethenny?  This is another clear personality clash (on both sides), where neither woman would look at the other by choice, were it not for the show.  But Luann nailed it when she said that Bethenny ignoring Kristen entirely cuts more than B screaming in Heather's face.  

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This episode was so dull, I found myself on the Patent & Trademark Office website.  So, just FYI, Kristen filed for "Pop of Color" and "P.O.C." to be trademarked for beauty products (including nail polish) on September 10, 2014.  IIRC my intellectual property law class, she thus had a stake claimed on the trademark as of that date.  It's since been approved and are her trademarks.  Since this ep was shot in December, Kristen wasn't entirely wrong.  She may not have been approved for the TMs at that point, but she had filed.

This is how I heard the story, too. Carole then discloses that Bethenny called Kristen "dumb" for not trademarking the name (in line with this episode's theme of Bethenny as THE successful brand businesswoman), when in fact she had. So why is this ok?

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The dynamic between Heather, Lu, and Bethenny was practically Kafkaesque. So Heather behaves as the aggressor in initiating the blowup with Bethenny (even if one accepts that she was just trying to be helpful during their first exchange, she incontrovertibly returned to and escalated their tension by declaring, apropos of nothing said by either Sonja or Bethenny, "I'm going to have to separate you two!" and the continuing to jabber), invades Bethenny's physical space by grabbing her without permission, and yet Bethenny apologizes, hugs Heather, and apologizes days later and *Bethenny* is still the villain? . . . After enjoying Carole for two episodes, I was starting to become physically uncomfortable watching her puerile sex jokes at the nail polish meeting. She and Heather really cannot play runtelldat with any degree of finesse. . . So Kristen is being boxed out by everyone and yet Bethenny alone is responsible? Yet again, she attempts to start enmity by sneering "I'm glad you took the time to Google me" and then can't stop herself from acting shocked that the person at whom she is launching a verbal grenade doesn't engage pleasantly with her. From her "why don't you ever bring home flowers" to "your boyfriend was too handsy with me," this seems to be a running theme of which she has no awareness.

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Everyone was so thirsty this episode! Kristin was the worst, but Lu was only one short step behind her. They were tripping over themselves to start shit with B for screen time. And Carole's (likely producer-ordered) snitch to Kristin felt desperate too. This episode really showed how hard they are all killing themselves to get next to the Queen B(ethanny). At this point, if Bethanny was wearing flip flops and cargo pants I feel like they would all buy flip flops and cargo pants. And is she punched them in the face they'd say it was awesome. Thirsty.


And as someone who was pretty neutral on Bethenny, and don't see anything special about her, I am starting to resent her. 

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Here's the thing about nail polish - and I know a lot of you here who buy polish or get mani/pedis will back me up! - a lot of the names have sexual inuendos. Carole wasn't wrong. It might be the wrong direction for Kristen, who's suddenly clutching her pearls, but those names need to be clever! Or at least interesting.


Carole was the only thing that was remotely interesting about that sad Ricky's scene. Kristen is just beyond boring and nothing can save her. Not a million fights with Bethenny, especially when B won't even bother to engage. Honestly? I wouldn't bother either. I laughed when Kristen told her to "come back here!" and Bethenny said um, no. To quote Nene (sorry) "the thirst is real."


I don't care if Kristen trademarked Pop of Color or not, but that is a remarkably overused term in both beauty and fashion. The first thing that came to my head was some campaign that Tide was doing a few years ago when I was working for a Bravo sister network. For weeks all we talked about was how to incorporate "Pop of Color" into the bumper for this show or that show. Not to mention the kajillion other times you'll see that term in any given fashion blog post or any single video from a YouTube beauty guru. Honestly I think any fashion editor worth his/her salt would steer a less experienced fashion writer from using that term at all costs, for that very reason. Cliche city. 


I was really happy that Carole stood up for Heather at the dinner. It makes my heart happy to know that she's not the kind of friend to abandon you when the waters get rough. 


Oh, before I forget, I have to comment once again on Josh managing to come off as a douchebag just by showing up in his outfit. The rolled jeans. Was he wearing a hat or did I imagine it onto his head?

Edited by Otherkate
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Bethenny make up your mind - do effin want attention or do you not! Least you recognize youre being as bad of dinner guest even if youre being sarcastic.

And did I see the Owner of ArIZona beverages... You mean Urine beverages?

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I can't believe Carole copped to stirring shit only to "move things along." It's like she was quoting the producers standing behind the cameras verbatim.

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