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Kelly File: Duggar Interview Part 2 2015.06.05

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Daily Beast piece that addresses Gothardisms and Quiverfull while reviewing the J&J interview.


Gawker and Defamer are great, but Daily Beast is more mainstream.

I think Dr Ablow said they are just nuts the way they live.


I found the clip of Ablow and the minister!




That doesn't include the elusive second segment with the attorney either - that's the video that's on Hannity's site, sans the Mediaite clipping.



Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 5

Becca3891 - I watched Sean Hannity on Friday. The preacher, who was from Dallas, was one of the scariest, craziest people going. He kept screaming and going on and on about Josh being forgiven. Thank God, the psy. was calm, articulate, and able to get his point across that Josh's behavior was not normal.  I do not usually watch Fox because I consider them anything but a  "fair and balanced"  network. However, Sean Hannity appeared to agree with most people that Josh was in need of real help as a teenager and his parents failed him.

I saw it too and agree with this assessment.       I already posted that the pastor gave me the willies. Google him, Robert Jeffries, to read how hideous.  

There is no way in hell JimBoob and Me-chelle would have told the girls what happened to them if they were never aware of it in the first place. No way. So that is a big fat lie. JB's thinking: If you tell them they were molested, there are more witnesses to the awful events. If you don't tell them, they could pretend it never happened more easily.

Touching someone wakes the up unless they are very, very light sleepers. IMHO, all of the girls woke up or were awake and were aware were being touched inappropriately. They are only minimizing it for the media. JB & M would have swept it all under the rug if they could have.

I would tell my kids if I was in that same situation.

I don't think we should assume someone is telling a lie without proof to back up what we are accusing them of.

  • Love 1

There is no way in hell JimBoob and Me-chelle would have told the girls what happened to them if they were never aware of it in the first place. No way. So that is a big fat lie. JB's thinking: If you tell them they were molested, there are more witnesses to the awful events. If you don't tell them, they could pretend it never happened more easily.


Touching someone wakes the up unless they are very, very light sleepers. IMHO, all of the girls woke up or were awake and were aware were being touched inappropriately. They are only minimizing it for the media. JB & M would have swept it all under the rug if they could have. 

I don't completely believe the version of events that they told the police in 2006 and I think they're still lying now. I think JB and Michelle coached the kids on what to say to the police and, obviously, everyone was coached with the same talking points for the Kelly interviews. As I understand it, they are claiming that there was only one incident of molestation with each of the 5 victims and that Josh confessed each incident to them. I don't believe that for a number of reasons, none of which are based on any specific "proof" except for the inconsistencies in their stories and the general implausibility of their account.


I don't think Jessa and Jill are necessarily "lying" about their recollections of the abuse and how their parents dealt with it. I think they've basically been brainwashed to believe that version of events with all of its inconsistencies. I think they are consciously lying about everyone in the family being hunky dory with everything, but I can see how they'd rationalize that as just maintaining their privacy. I mostly feel bad for them because, obviously, this entire situation is very difficult and unfair for them and it seems like their parents are more focused on protecting Josh and the money train than on supporting their daughters.

  • Love 14

I think that they are deflecting and trying to blame everyone BUT Josh.


The more I think about it Boob and MEchelle are trying to sell Josh for a new job situation. They are really pushing it and want him to get another high paying job by minimizing the whole situation. 

I think Josh is already in Texas with that preacher, Robert Jeffries.   He is without a doubt just as bad if not worse as far as the hate mongering and these fundie beliefs.    


JB and Mechelle tried to say the police chief had an agenda agaisnt them because she did not shake Josh's hand(good for Her) and they seemed to imply, from my take, that she was a lesbian.



Just the thought of a woman who's allowed to carry a badge and a gun (and who gets to boss around all the male police officers under her) is enough to make Jim Bob's testicles shrivel up.


I made an observation years ago after the new house was mostly paid for and furnished for them, that JB was buying cars, trucks and other motorized things at a frantic pace.

I think all the buying escalated and they probably have little in the way of savings.



I think this is fairly typical of people who 'strike it rich" as reality TV stars (as well as many Lottery winners). They've never had much money in the past, have no experience handling large amounts of money (taxes, investments, trust funds, etc.) and tend to go crazy spending lavishly on all the things they've never had and always wanted. Also, they often seem to fall into the trap of assuming that the gravy train will never end, instead of realizing that their good fortune has a built-in expiration date (because the public will tire of them and their show will be cancelled) and planning accordingly.


I don't think we should assume someone is telling a lie without proof to back up what we are accusing them of.


If we were talking about anyone else, I would agree with you, but Jim Bob and Michelle have always been willing to play fast and loose with the facts in order to make themselves look good or promote their agenda. I think they've pretty much given up the right to expect people to take anything they say at face value.

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 14

If I were the Police Chief and wasn't a lesbian (nothing wrong with it) I would be suing the shit out of MEchelle and Boob for slander for saying she is a lesbian that probably took a bribe to disclose the police report.


Boob needs to be accountable for the things he says.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 10

Just the thought of a woman who's allowed to carry a badge and a gun (and who gets to boss around all the male police officers under her) is enough to make Jim Bob's testicles shrivel up.



I think this is fairly typical of people who 'strike it rich" as reality TV stars (as well as many Lottery winners). They've never had much money in the past, have no experience handling large amounts of money (taxes, investments, trust funds, etc.) and tend to go crazy spending lavishly on all the things they've never had and always wanted. Also, they often seem to fall into the trap of assuming that the gravy train will never end, instead of realizing that their good fortune has a built-in expiration date (because the public will tire of them and their show will be cancelled) and planning accordingly.


Exactly. Also, if you take into consideration that JB is only quoted to be worth 3mil or so and divide that accordingly among the family members (although realistically, it will probably only go to the boys because of the "headship" stance) it isn't all that much money and the Duggars aren't known for making good financial decisions anymore. That whole "buy used and save the difference" is long gone. They've grown accustomed to their tv lifestyle and probably won't be able to cope after it's gone for good. I won't be shocked when in a few years they're right back to where they started financially because they mismanaged their funds.

  • Love 4

That's thing 89328743293473 that pisses me off about this whole mess. I know I'm not the first poster who has said this but it's totally true: they can thank the evil librul media for making them huge stars and paying for their luxurious house and their trips and their Macs and their Uggs and their American Girl dolls and the wads of cash they collect simply for showing up to a place and the book deals and the speaking engagements so FUCK THE FUCK OFF with that narrative, assholes. They're totally insane.

  • Love 17

Folks, we understand that there is harm in minimizing abuse. It is equally as harmful to survivors to tell them what happened to them and how they should react because it is essentially the same thing as disbelieving them.

We understand that it seems that the victims are following coached guidelines, but when we start straying into announcements that they're lying etc, it's gone too far. We ask that you be very careful with the words you choose because words and semantics matter in this instance. Glib jokes and somewhat informed speculation can be harmful in this situation. Feelings have understandably run high. Let's all take a deep breath, take a step back, and give the survivors the understanding they deserve.

  • Love 5

If I were the Police Chief and wasn't a lesbian (nothing wrong with it) I would be suing the shit out of MEchelle and Boob for slander for saying she is a lesbian that probably took a bribe to disclose the police report.


Boob needs to be accountable for the thinks he says.

No mater what her sexual orientation, she has to prove the Duggar's words damaged her reputation enough to cause a tangible loss (job, income, pension, etc.) for her to sue for slander. If the Duggars lose their income (the show, book contracts, tours, tours, etc), and can prove it was from the leaked court docs and the Police Chief leaked them, they have a better case for a slander case against her.


But seriously, you can only rally, rant and rave about the potential dangers of an alleged immoral group for so long, before someone points out the real, actual dangers that your own group.   

  • Love 7


I have the same problem with people trying to create role models out of actors and musicians. If it's a role they want than fine but if they just want to make music, movie or babies than that is their choice. The duggars chose to be on tv to show what their everyday life is like and they had a certain agenda to push of course. This did not include sexual abuse and I don't think they should be forced into that role.


I really didn't mean to imply that Jill and Jessa Duggar have a duty to become abuse prevention spokespeople or advocates and I'm sorry if my comment came across that way.  That being said, for me, the right to be in the public eye and to enjoy the perks that come with that comes with certain responsibilities. Namely, the responsibility not to encourage actions and attitudes that are harmful. I don't think celebrities need to be role models, but I would also have a problem if Katy Perry or Taylor Swift did an interview and encouraged heroin use (for example) as "not that serious". There are ways to get the message (it didn't feel that traumatic at the time; we don't cary any bagage about it; we would like everyone to stop talking about this please) across without saying that molestation isn't a. bad and b. criminal.

Edited by satrunrose
  • Love 8

Could you imagine if Boob and MeChelle get to heaven and find out that God is a Black Lesbian whose a liberal democrat.


And she is PISSED.

Well, it's been a very popular trope for years in the furthest reaches of the religious right that AIDS is God's punishment for sin, which (as there are vanishingly rare cases of female-to-female HIV transmission) would arguably make lesbians God's chosen people.

  • Love 10

I'd rather watch paint dry.

Horrible show name, reminds me of Brady Brides but if you think about it TLC would not want the Duggar name in the title. TLC also isn't very creative with show names.


Maybe the American Girls dolls were given to them by the company. Didn't the Gosselin kids do something with the American Girls, as well?

The Gosselin's had an episode where they took the twins to the American Girl doll store so there was advertising in exchange for free products. While there are way more product placements then we ever realize, I don't think American girls was one of them on 19 kids. Someone was talking about dolls and Josie? said American girl dolls and it seemed like it wasn't suppose to come out. I could be wrong and it was a sly product placement. If there is any proof it was a product placement American girl is one sponsor I would write to.

  • Love 1

What "leaked court docs"? The only reference I've seen to a court document, is that back in 2008 or so, a reporter saw a court file or document with a caption involving Josh and the Human Services Dept (or whatever it's called there), with reference to a trial date. It's a confidential case, and that's all I've seen reported about it. I didn't read that the reporter obtained a copy of the document itself, so I assume s/he made a note of the contents she saw. 

There was a police report and a Sheriff's Department report, but those are not court documents, nor were they "leaked." They were obtained via legal channels under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. 


I've been following this matter pretty closely since the news broke. It's apparent from the existence of that court document that there was some DHS involvement with the family, and in the Jessica/Jill interview they confirmed that and said DHS praised their parents. However, I haven't seen any details about that involvement, which is really the Duggars' business to disclose. So far they've chosen to say very little. DHS of course is bound by law to keep it all confidential. 

You're right. "Leaked" isn't the right word - let's say "identified" or "tipped" InTouch or whomever that the docs existed. All the info obtained through the FOIA were obtained legally, to my understanding. Either way, looks to me like if there is any Agenda, it was the Duggars insisting they're the ideal family - and yes, Josh said so while promoting his job - and all The Gays and The Transgenders are out to destroy America. If someone, gay, straight, whatever, disagreed and knew there was info that proved the Duggars have a history of incest and sexual molestation - all while touting that transgendered and gay people are out to rape little girls in bathrooms, then I don't blame the person for revealing it.

  • Love 8



This is the Kelly File: Duggar Interview Part 2 2015.06.05 thread.


We have a religion thread, called "Gimme That Old Time Religion." Posts about religion go there, not here.


In the religion thread, everyone believes what they believe, and no one here gets to tell the rest of the posters that they are wrong or that something is absolute.


Post that are not in compliance will be removed.



  • Love 4

I really didn't mean to imply that Jill and Jessa Duggar have a duty to become abuse prevention spokespeople or advocates and I'm sorry if my comment came across that way. That being said, for me, the right to be in the public eye and to enjoy the perks that come with that comes with certain responsibilities. Namely, the responsibility not to encourage actions and attitudes that are harmful. I don't think celebrities need to be role models, but I would also have a problem if Katy Perry or Taylor Swift did an interview and encouraged heroin use (for example) as "not that serious". There are ways to get the message (it didn't feel that traumatic at the time; we don't cary any bagage about it; we would like everyone to stop talking about this please) across without saying that molestation isn't a. bad and b. criminal.

I agree, I think at this point my issue in all of this is how Jill and Jessa have minimized this not only for themselves but for anyone who has experienced abuse. If they truly weren't traumatized and they do forgive Josh, then this is all best case scenario, and that is great for them, but when they go on National television saying that touching is not a big deal, they, perhaps unknowingly, did make themselves spokespeople to some degree, and that statement from them CAN affect people who have experienced abuse and to them it IS a big deal. Should they now have to be poster children for abuse? No, but they can't have it both ways, that they want all of America to look at them and admire them, but then when something comes up that makes people become critical, then shut down and say we want to be private. From the first time Michelle proclaimed "we do things a little bit different" she put them on a pedastool, and I think in her mind that included them becoming role models. I agree that simply because someone is on tv or an athlete or musician they do not need to be a role model, but in the Duggars case they portray themselves that way. And although other musicians, actors, athletes don't choose to be role models people are watching them so like it or not people do make them role models.

  • Love 13

I'm absolutely livid that those women  were made to be mouthpieces to denying their own abuse. And I am especially livid that in doing so, that other abuse victims of the same kinds of crime, had their experience/pain diminished as well. I don't blame them for being brainwashed drones and doing so, but what they were saying is not a message abuse victims should a.) be forced to say b.) hear. Especially from a fellow victim. So their parents suck even more for making them do this, and be a party of that. 


I am also totally skeptical of their forgiveness, in that I don't think they had a choice in that either. After all, what is there to forgive if nothing bad really happened to them? So clearly their feelings were given zero validation, which they display to this day. 


And while it clearly sucks to have one's abuse made public, that's also on their scummy parents deciding to take them all on national TV and packaging themselves as moral arbiters. All while knowing what their son had done to five girls. But maybe there is some good that can come out of it being public, because maybe they're finally hearing from a lot of people, that what they went through really was wrong. That they have a right to be upset,  if they want to, however they want to. That it's all Josh's fault, they are not in any way shape or form to blame. And that their parents weren't looking out for them, the way they did their son. Sure their brainwashed minds aren't going to let a lot in, but maybe some of that gets through to them, and gives them some deserved validation. 

I think they wanted to tell "THEIR" side of the story. I think it is terrible to not believe them. They came across as genuine to me.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 1

Just to clarify, Jill absolutely does not have a private Facebook page visible to the public. The only real one is her public figure page, https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jill-Duggar/1585717631652806?fref=tsWhatever you saw, and also the 2 Brides and their Grooms page, are fake.

Thank you for clarifying. It is really bizarre that fans would create pages and post to them as if they were them. Then again, their die hard fans are....

Daily Beast piece that addresses Gothardisms and Quiverfull while reviewing the J&J interview.


Gawker and Defamer are great, but Daily Beast is more mainstream.


That doesn't include the elusive second segment with the attorney either - that's the video that's on Hannity's site, sans the Mediaite clipping.



For all it's worth this is a good recap of what went down Ablow vs Jeffress.




The thing is, the girls believe what they've always believed, and while it's shocking to us, they knew all along they'd been molested. I think they're horribly wrong, about this and any number of other things, but that's their right.

I think the people who need to behave responsibly are TLC. Granted that doesn't currently seem to be on the table, since their current mission appears to be promoting a form of christian-based sharia, what with the sister wives and the submissive wives and the kitchen-bound gypsy girls and the nuclear family sports leagues.

I have to believe, though, that the woman who's running the place didn't get an ivy league education and a high-powered corporate career because she believes in what she's selling. I don't imagine for a moment she would let the Duggars watch her own kids, and I don't imagine for a moment she lets her own kids watch the Duggars. I think it's time for her to take one for the team and get the Duggars off the air, and give them all the privacy they think they deserve.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 12

I just let out the most sinful, liberal, inappropriate laugh and I love you for it. I just imagined Kim Kardashian driving to Walmart with DerickDillard and Kanye picking out clothes for Jill.

I have been reading here for a couple weeks now...I have been triggered by this story due to my own history of abuse and finding this site has helped me keep it together...but finally decided to sign up just to make that comment. Glad it made you laugh too. Sometimes you just have to find the funny. Edited by Cobb
  • Love 16

I think they wanted to tell "THEIR" side of the story. I think it is terrible to not believe them. They came across as genuine to me.

I'm not convinced they actually wanted to tell their side of the story. I'm not convinced it was voluntary. I feel for them. I'm happy to call them "survivors" rather than "victims," but I don't they it is terrible to have doubts about the stories they told. 

  • Love 19

Can you imagine? My posts would be nothing but a series of [snips] for violating some bizarre rules set up by TWOP Jim Bob.

"Folks we've had to delete several posts for violating the site rules. Since some of you can't seem to follow basic rules, I will post them again:

Any posts that don't capitalize the words Bible, Gothard, or Christian will be deleted.

Do not refer to abortion as "a woman's right to choose." I've deleted several posts already for this reason.

Do not discuss y'alls alternative lifestyle here. There are plenty of sick places on the Internet to do that.

If y'alls are living an alternative lifestyle, do not link images of you engaged in any type of alternative lifestyle activity. This includes hugging, hand holding, sitting next to and talking to any person or persons of the same sex. (If there are any questions about this, PM me, TWOP Josh. Leave your number.)

Do not give nicknames to cast members. Any posts referring to "Jim Boob or Mechelle"

will be deleted. Do not discuss JimBob or Michelle's hair except to compliment it. You have no right to judge people based on how God made them.

-Love, your lovely Duggar mods"

If 19 Kids was on Bravo...

That's kind of uncanny.

  • Love 1

Can you imagine? My posts would be nothing but a series of [snips] for violating some bizarre rules set up by TWOP Jim Bob.

"Folks we've had to delete several posts for violating the site rules. Since some of you can't seem to follow basic rules, I will post them again:

Any posts that don't capitalize the words Bible, Gothard, or Christian will be deleted.

Do not refer to abortion as "a woman's right to choose." I've deleted several posts already for this reason.

Do not discuss y'alls alternative lifestyle here. There are plenty of sick places on the Internet to do that.

If y'alls are living an alternative lifestyle, do not link images of you engaged in any type of alternative lifestyle activity. This includes hugging, hand holding, sitting next to and talking to any person or persons of the same sex. (If there are any questions about this, PM me, TWOP Josh. Leave your number.)

Do not give nicknames to cast members. Any posts referring to "Jim Boob or Mechelle"

will be deleted. Do not discuss JimBob or Michelle's hair except to compliment it. You have no right to judge people based on how God made them.

-Love, your lovely Duggar mods"


  • Love 1

I think the Duggars are like the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz, they haven't wanted us to look behind the curtain. And now with all the that has gone on recently including the interviews people are looking behind the curtains and upsetting the Duggars balance of life.


Aha. Is this why Michelle kind of reminds me of Glinda the Witch of the North? But not in a good way?

  • Love 6

Can you imagine? My posts would be nothing but a series of [snips] for violating some bizarre rules set up by TWOP Jim Bob.

"Folks we've had to delete several posts for violating the site rules. Since some of you can't seem to follow basic rules, I will post them again:

Any posts that don't capitalize the words Bible, Gothard, or Christian will be deleted.

Do not refer to abortion as "a woman's right to choose." I've deleted several posts already for this reason.

Do not discuss y'alls alternative lifestyle here. There are plenty of sick places on the Internet to do that.

If y'alls are living an alternative lifestyle, do not link images of you engaged in any type of alternative lifestyle activity. This includes hugging, hand holding, sitting next to and talking to any person or persons of the same sex. (If there are any questions about this, PM me, TWOP Josh. Leave your number.)

Do not give nicknames to cast members. Any posts referring to "Jim Boob or Mechelle"

will be deleted. Do not discuss JimBob or Michelle's hair except to compliment it. You have no right to judge people based on how God made them.

-Love, your lovely Duggar mods"

Thank you for the laugh!  OMG that is hilarious!

  • Love 3

Can you imagine? My posts would be nothing but a series of [snips] for violating some bizarre rules set up by TWOP Jim Bob.

"Folks we've had to delete several posts for violating the site rules. Since some of you can't seem to follow basic rules, I will post them again:

Any posts that don't capitalize the words Bible, Gothard, or Christian will be deleted.

Do not refer to abortion as "a woman's right to choose." I've deleted several posts already for this reason.

Do not discuss y'alls alternative lifestyle here. There are plenty of sick places on the Internet to do that.

If y'alls are living an alternative lifestyle, do not link images of you engaged in any type of alternative lifestyle activity. This includes hugging, hand holding, sitting next to and talking to any person or persons of the same sex. (If there are any questions about this, PM me, TWOP Josh. Leave your number.)

Do not give nicknames to cast members. Any posts referring to "Jim Boob or Mechelle"

will be deleted. Do not discuss JimBob or Michelle's hair except to compliment it. You have no right to judge people based on how God made them.

-Love, your lovely Duggar mods"

"Stop this talk about 'freeing' Jana-banana. She's happy right here cleaning Josie."

"No, we haven't forgotten about Jordan... i mean Jordyn."

There would probably a giant banner across the board that reads "John David Duggar, single and ready to mingle!"

  • Love 9

I really didn't mean to imply that Jill and Jessa Duggar have a duty to become abuse prevention spokespeople or advocates and I'm sorry if my comment came across that way.  That being said, for me, the right to be in the public eye and to enjoy the perks that come with that comes with certain responsibilities. Namely, the responsibility not to encourage actions and attitudes that are harmful. I don't think celebrities need to be role models, but I would also have a problem if Katy Perry or Taylor Swift did an interview and encouraged heroin use (for example) as "not that serious". There are ways to get the message (it didn't feel that traumatic at the time; we don't cary any bagage about it; we would like everyone to stop talking about this please) across without saying that molestation isn't a. bad and b. criminal.


I totally agree that the Duggars have missed an opportunity to do something constructive here. I'm not saying the Duggars had an obligation to go public with the story of sexual abuse in their household, but once the story broke the Duggars could have used it as a teaching opportunity to share the lessons they learned with their fans. Of course they don't have to be advocates, but it would have been nice.

Edited by bencr
  • Love 1

Given the source, take this for what it's worth, but that has been rumored to be the name of their new show:


If they were floating this as a trial balloon to test the water, I'd say the Kelly interviews might have taken it down like the Hindenburg.

  • Love 12

Josie explicitly said she liked playing with her American Girl dolls, so take that for what it's worth.

They've never visited an AG store on the show, like the Gosselins did, but Josie did specifically say she like playing with her American Girl doll(s). Who knows if they bought it straight out, or it was a gift.


Side note: growing up, a friend of mine was a PK from a very normal, down to earth family. Two boys, then a huge (14 year) gap, and then a surprise baby sister. Their parents though their family with 2 boys was complete, and didn't plan a new baby when the boys were starting to head off to college. Some people in their congregation were so enamored with the new baby girl, and that she was FINALLY getting her sweet girl (not that she'd ever said that herself), that without the mother every asking or hinting for anything, people were constantly dropping off gifts. Their mother actually said the attention was overwhelming, but she knew it was par for the course as a reverend's wife. She also said she had never purchased a package of diapers, toys, or a stitch of clothing until she started school, because it almost became a competition between some older ladies as to who could deck out the Baby Girl better. Then it became a competition with some of the men as to who would provide a fancier stroller, car seat, etc. There was so much stuff that she actually initiated a program that donated baby supplies to families in need, so she could shift some of that excess generosity into families that needed it. 


It was sort of like during the Depression, when families were starving, but would send Shirley Temple scads of toys, because she was so adorable (which she also donated)


Anyway...........I wonder if the Lost Girls' AG dolls came from admirers or fans. If the family truly does not have television, homeschools, homechurches, buys used, etc., I don't know how those little girls would be aware that AG dolls are really desirable and that they'd want one. IMO, they're 99% prestige symbols, and don't look an more entertaining or worthwhile that all the dolls at Wal-mart or whatever (although I loved the historical books when I was a kid, but the dolls were just way too expensive for our large family).

  • Love 1

I meant to make this point in my previous post, but I got distracted by my desire for a sandwich.

I think what bothers me most about Jill and Jessa's interview is that, like I said before if they truly aren't traumatized then I am happy, but there are ways to discuss what happened and the fact that they have worked past it without minimizing it for others. I got off on a tangent about role models in my original post, but the point I intended on making was that there are ways to say "yeah it sucked" "I was scared" ", and also say " I forgave Josh and we are ok now" if that is their truth, then great.

Also to the whole sleeping point... I can't believe the fact they were sleeping is an argument that it wasn't that bad... If I were informed after the fact I had been molested, I would have been MORE traumatized, how do you ever sleep in that house again? So are the Duggars ok with voyeurism? Because nobody knows you are watching, you aren't touching anyone, no harm done. I mean that's a bit of a slippery slope, but they are treating this like Josh went to give a hug and his hand brushed a boob.

  • Love 19
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