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S03.E01: Antipasto

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The shower scene was obviously in the aftermath of the epic battle with Will and Jack and Alana (and Abigail, but she wasn't really battling).  However, was that Hannibals house (I glanced away for a minute) and Bedelia came in on her own, or was he showering in her place?

He was at her place. All the furniture was covered in plastic.

Getting the little things right: Hannibal had a huge bruise on his side from the fight with Jack.

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He was at her place. All the furniture was covered in plastic.

Getting the little things right: Hannibal had a huge bruise on his side from the fight with Jack.

Thank you.  That's what I thought, but wasn't sure (obviously).


Man I missed this show.  The previews look great too.  I hate to say it was worth the wait, because I don't like waiting that long, but it was.

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I don't usually comment because anything I would write lacks intelligence and insight, unlike other comments I read on here. That said, I'd just like to say a couple of things. One: Damn! That about covers everything from Gillian Anderson to Mads, to Eddie Izzard,to that poor Dimond guy. Felt sorry for him. Two: I missed you so much show! Ok, I lied. Three: loved the whole beginning. *coughbikerhannibalcough*

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Gillian Anderson sold curiosity and terror with perfection.  She really is in his power, even if she wants to leave.  Her comment about feeling in control of herself being a victory with Hannibal around is too true.  She lost control when she gave in to her curiosity, and now it is too late.  Mads was wonderful too, hunting and seeking.


Weaving together the timelines worked very well.  I’m glad they didn’t feel a need to play down to the audience – we know what happened and when.  Seeing a little unexpected and welcome interplay with Lector and Gideon, seeing how Belinda came to find Hannibal after the massacre, and seeing how Hannibal continues to toy with each and every person in his sphere made for a welcome return.  The transition from Hannibal stationary to Hannibal in hiding was well played.


I did miss Will, but this was a wonderful opening.

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I loved Hannibal pointing out he's hardly killed anyone since they got to Italy. Hehehe. Their relationship is unbelievably bizarre and complicated. Hannibal is right honey, that is *participation*, shoulda shot him while you had the chance.


Glad the show didn't let me down on the well curated travelogue, such much pretty to look at, including Mads and Gillian.Damn.

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I was very excited about tonight's premier and it did not disappoint. I loved the subtle changes to Hannibal's appearance, he looks more European now and slightly more attractive. Bedelia is a great character as well. I did miss my darling Will, but he should be appearing soon.


I enjoyed the many arty scenes but hope the show won't lose story for artful filming. It really needs to keep a balance. I also wish the guy who was curious about the Lectors' could have stayed around a bit. 

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The wait is over!  At long last, one of the best shows out there right now, has made its long awaited return!  Life just hasn't been the same without old Hannibal!


Thought it was a great return.  I knew going in that the first episode was just going to focus on Hannibal and Bedelia, so I was prepared and fine with waiting another week to check on Will and rest after the finale's bloodbath.  And it didn't let me down.  It would be an understatement to say that Mads Mikkelson and Gillian Anderson are just amazing both together and separate, so I found all their stuff gripping.  Always love Hannibal, but Bedelia is just fascinating.  Every now and then, she shows a glimmer that this is all wrong, and should just get the hell out of there, but she really seems to be under Hannibal's spell.  But that flashback did explain how that probably came about.  I didn't see his name in the credits, but that was totally Zachary Quinto as the former patient who attacked her!  I'm sure we'll see more of that in future episodes.


Loved that they brought Gideon back in flashbacks (and in black & white!)  This whole story is so messed up, and yet so damn hilarious.  I just love how Gideon really is already in the acceptance phase of this trama.  He's just all about getting on Hannibal's nerves now.  Eddie Izzard is so much fun in this role.


Had a feeling Dimmond was going to bite it by the end of the episode.  Enjoyed seeing Tom Wisdom in the role.  He is currently on Dominion, as the angel Michael.  Also recognized Jeremy Crutchley (Hawthorne on Salem), as the first victim.


As usual, the show was just so beautifully shot.  One of the best looking shows ever as far as I'm concerned.


Glad to see Hannibal still isn't done with the puns.


Still processing all of it, but I'm just so glad it is back.  It's almost a good thing this wasn't the show NBC allowed to be bingewatch On Demand, or I would probably watch the entire damn thing in one sitting.

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 8

The subtle things that Gillian Anderson brings to the character of Bedelia impress me so much. The nervous shaking of her fork as she is eating her oyster...she is so flawless in showing her underlying terror. Just enough fear rising to the surface without arising suspision. Yet, she still remains a willing participant in Hannibal's world. Its mind blowing and impressive. She is truly the perfect prototype for which

Clarice Starling

will eventually become as Hannibal's future protégé.

Sorry can't spoiler tag


. I am typing on a small tablet. If someone wants to edit that item for me, i would apreciare it. Unless we can assume that


is common knowledge. I did try to put the tags in the old school way. Hope it worked. Thanks!

ETA : Yay! Old School worked!

Edited by fuzzysneakers
  • Love 6

Awwww, so bummed that Anthony is already gone. I liked him (in fact, I said, "I like you!" in Spike's voice in my head during every one of his scenes). After he survived dinner with the faux Fells, I was relieved and hoped that he would live to see at least another episode. When he didn't give away Hannibal's identity after the talk and said he couldn't stand the real Fell anyway, I thought he might have a chance of surviving and the BAM! He was cheeky and fun so I wanted to keep him around.


I thought Bedelia was acting totally freaked out during their dinner with Anthony to the point where I was waiting for him to ask if she was okay. But nope, instead he asks if there's a possibility for a threesome! To be fair, she was holding it together much better than I could have in that situation.

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What was Bedelia buying along with the wine?

I heard her say, "bianchi" so I figured there would be white truffles and then they were shown.


My Italian is super-rusty, but I had a hard time understanding Anderson at first. She sounded French-accented to me as she placed her orders.But with a name like du Maurier maybe that was an acting or directing choice.

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He frightened her but he kinda sorta turned her on too.

I think the word I would use is she's intoxicated by him, and by the murdering itself. In this way she mimics Will and




fter he survived dinner with the faux Fells, I was relieved and hoped that he would live to see at least another episode.


Heh, I always think, maybe this time he'll let this one go! 


Nope, guess not! (Except for Abigail, I KNEW he had let her live, and I'm pretty sure he'll let Bedelia go, as long as he wins this game of transforming her into what he is.)

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 lol Mr Dimmond, I don't know what he was thinking was going to happen, I mean, he did suspect Hannibal of killing that other man, sooo?




         Littlefinger's brother should've asked somebody and got some damn intel and receipts. 


         Before rollin up in Chez Hannibal, fool got dat pretty face cracked.

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