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Season 6: Info, Casting and Spoilers

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2 hours ago, SeanC said:

Jon's battle strategy is to charge pell-mell at a much larger army with archers out in front?  

Count me as one who hates the way D&D has killed the careful way Martin himself described troop movements, armies and strategies. Even more annoying this is a replay of Agincourt, with the hateful Ramsay standing in for Henry V. It was a battlefield innovation of Henry's to have archers in front, behind stakes, while the French army in the grand chivalric tradition raced forward on horse. Using the Welsh longbows, the English filled the sky with arrows, which killed the horses, and pierced any gap in armor...including the visors. The pileup of dead horses and unhorsed knights, with more constantly running into them, turned the battlefield into a bloody rout...and cost the French huge losses and victory. So Ramsay is now a military genius, as well as an accomplished sadist...good to know.

So Brienne is heading back north...is the Brotherhood? Or are they still hanging out in the Riverlands? I would like to see the Hound run into Brienne again, though Tormund is really the man for her. 

1 minute ago, Knuckles said:

So Brienne is heading back north...is the Brotherhood? 

It sounded like it, which also corresponds with where the show would most easily be able to give them screentime.  Quite an impending narrative pileup.  At this rate it's looking like Season 7 will feature all of the Stark kids in the North, plus characters like Brienne returning, and the Brotherhood.

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1 hour ago, InsertWordHere said:

don't see Arya believing anything Jaime Lannister has to say.  

Smart girl, that Arya. Maybe her time in Bravos will be useful. She still has her kill list, and if she can't get to Cersei, take out Jaime. After all, he just killed the last of her Tully relatives (the Blackfish is dead, and Edmure, no longer useful to Walder as a hostage, soon will be). 

On ‎6‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 4:35 PM, Eyes High said:

Nice cape, Tyrion. I think that's the first time the character has ever worn anything blue (apart from that shirt he wore when laid up in bed after Blackwater and when imprisoned in Season 4): blacks and reds (Seasons 1-4), greens, browns and golds (Seasons 5-6), but nothing blue.

We know a fair bit about the last few episodes' goings-on in Meereen:

1. There is a scene with "Shae" (played by Sibel Kekilli, dressed like a Meereen peasant), Tyrion and possibly Varys.

2. Tyrion and Varys have a farewell scene in the Meereenese port. (The rumours are that Varys and Olenna both head to Dorne. Judging from the letter Olenna was writing in 6x07, I'd say it's likely that that's where they end up.)

3. There is an explosion outside Dany's chambers.

4. Tyrion inside the pyramid looks up and sees the suspended torch shaking.

5. A red priestess (played by Melanie Liburd) appears.

6. 7 characters, 40 extras (Unsullied, slaves), sand and multiple green screens needed for Mesa Roldán, Almería shooting. Tyrion, Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, Razdal and two other masters spotted on set. A dragon also confirmed to be part of the scene. Sapochnik-directed scene (6x09).

7. Crucial scene shot in Sorbas, standing in for the gates of Meereen (directed by Sapochnik).

8. The Sons of the Harpy are killing people (masters?) when something or someone surprises them.

9. The Dothraki charge Meereen (6x10).

10. Tyrion tells someone "Are you afraid? You should be. You're in the great game now. And the great game is terrifying."

It also seems likely that Yara and Theon will meet up with Team Dany before the end of the season. The Westerosi captain mentioned to his friend that he'd heard that the Iron Fleet had already made it to Slavers' Bay (!), even though they were in Volantis in this episode.

Moving this here just for reference crossed out stuff that already happened.

4 hours ago, InsertWordHere said:

I think it's going to be more like Hardhome, with two locations, 

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Winterfell and Meereen. Ice and Fire again.

Since Jaime now knows about Sansa and Jon trying to take back Winterfell, I wonder 

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if he will meet Arya at the Freys (is he supposed to be at the celebration at the Twins or is he back in King's Landing in time to see it burn?) and earn some shred of redemption by telling Arya to head to Winterfell and her family or maybe even offer (and this is probably highly unlikely) to escort her there. The trouble is, I don't see Arya believing anything Jaime Lannister has to say.  

I don't think it makes sense


for Jaime to go to the Twins. That's in the opposite direction of King's Landing. I think he'd be eager to get back to Cersei as soon as possible.

Edited by Maximum Taco
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6 hours ago, jjjmoss said:

So do y'all think the episode will be Blackwater/Watchers on the Wall style with just the one location? The trailer makes it seem that way, but it could be misleading.

No, we already know from one of the bts vids that Meereen appears.

Jaime's not in the trailer shot at the Twins, but it seems like a waste to have him go back straight back to KL. They finally gave him his Feast arc just for one argument with Brienne? Surely there were other ways their paths could cross without a pointless siege.


None of the reports of Cersei's wildfire show mention him being there and I think Javi hinted about Jaime ending the season in another location. I think he and Bri could still get kidnapped by the BwB and he could be used for whatever is going down at the Twins somehow.

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Updated list of material not accounted for in aired episodes (6x01-6x08), in the promo for 6x09 or clearly from the BOTB (6x09):

Trailer 1 ("Red Band" trailer): Tyrion VO: "You're in the great game now, and the great game is terrifying." Littlefinger in the godswood (6x10). Explosion just outside Dany's chambers. Little birds stabbing someone. Dothraki charging Meereen (6x10).

Trailer 2: Ramsay VO: "Do you like games, little man?". Sansa VO: "It's all I think about (...) what was taken from me." Closeup of Sansa in a dimly-lit room. Walder Frey making a toast at a Frey/Lannister soldier gathering (6x10?). Littlefinger looking nervous, looks like godswood scene (6x10). Sansa turning to look at someone (probably Jon). Sons of the Harpy looking up from corpses.

8 hours ago, SeanC said:

It sounded like it, which also corresponds with where the show would most easily be able to give them screentime.  Quite an impending narrative pileup.  At this rate it's looking like Season 7 will feature all of the Stark kids in the North, plus characters like Brienne returning, and the Brotherhood.

The Brotherhood is still busy hunting down rogue elements before going north. That rowboat is an easy target for any bandit archer on the riverbank (except Edmure) and Pod would have to find and steal some horses - i.e. lots of walking -  again if they abandon ship. Very convenient that the Night King will delay any attack until they arrive.

Judging from Jon and Sansa's exchange in the previews, she's leveled with him about having called LF's armies to their aid, and he's protesting that they can win the battle without his treacherous help. I still expect that even with her truthfulness and forewarning, when LF ends up doublecrossing them it will be made to look like All Sansa's Fault.

6 hours ago, screamin said:

Judging from Jon and Sansa's exchange in the previews, she's leveled with him about having called LF's armies to their aid, and he's protesting that they can win the battle without his treacherous help. I still expect that even with her truthfulness and forewarning, when LF ends up doublecrossing them it will be made to look like All Sansa's Fault.

Nah, we have credible accounts that Sansa backs Jon as King in the North which undermines Littlefinger's plans.

There's an interesting aspect to this too in that when the spoiler originally broke that Littlefinger would be holding the Knights of the Vale back until Jon's forces were on the ropes is that originally the spec was that Jon would have almost all of the North except for the few houses in Ramsey's camp behind him. The idea that Jon would lose the bulk of the Northern forces to SuperRamsey and then have the Vale come in and giving Littlefinger all the leverage as the largest force in the North seemed right where the show would go.

Instead, its just Jon, the 2000 Wildlings and a couple hundred Northmen against 5000+ men behind Ramsey.

Why that's interesting is threefold...

First, they can showcase Jon's abilities as a field commander by having his forces do exceptionally well relative to their numbers while still putting them in a losing position where a rescue is needed just due to sheer weight of numbers.

Second, Jon won't have to lose nearly as many of the Wildlings in the battle before Littlefinger needs to step in to turn the tide (early spoilers indicated that the Wildlings were being decimated, but the presumption was also that they were only a small portion of the forces so it could be that they're completely wiped out... but if they're easily 80% of the forces then the losses might be more in the hundreds than virtually all of them.

Third, by leaving out the rest of the Northern forces from the battle, it gives Jon a reserve of fresh troops that keep the Vale forces under Littlefinger's command from being the absolute powerhouse who gets to call the shots by sheer weight of numbers... particularly if the Northmen unite behind Jon with Sansa's support.

My thinking is that Littlefinger has miscalculated and this might actually be the beginning of the end for him and it will be Sansa siding with Jon (and possibly turning Sweetrobin to her side) that will do him in.

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I don't think these were posted -- Watchers on the Wall got a look at GoT's Emmy submissions and they had some generic descriptions for 6x09 and 6x10.



“Battle of the Bastards,” next week’s epic ninth episode, is given this synopsis: “Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.”

Submissions for “The Winds of Winter,” the last episode of season 6, reveal a description of “Season Finale. Cersei faces her trial.”


So  I'm guessing King's Landing is out next week or gets one short scene a la Dany has sometimes this season. 6x09 is probably split with Winterfell and Meereen. 

3 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Instead, its just Jon, the 2000 Wildlings and a couple hundred Northmen against 5000+ men behind Ramsey.

The other thing that they are doing is building an army that is personally loyal to Jon.  No one is joining out of loyalty to the Stark name.  Those fighting with Jon Snow are doing so because he's stood with them in battle.  I think that is why the preview indicates that Jon will at some point put to Ramsey that they fight one another to the death so everyone else, on both sides, doesn't have to die.

It will overwhelm LF's machinations that those that eventually join Jon are following Jon Snow not the Stark legacy.  I expect a crap ton of deserters to join Jon after the battle because Ramsey is a sadistic bastard.  The rest of the North to join once there is another imminent threat.

And that's the other thing.  They need to do something before the end of the season to keep the momentum going towards building Jon's army instead of installing Jon/Sansa in Winterfell and the rest of the North going back home, even if its just something the audience gets a glimpse of that will have consequences early next season.

  Really, they have to do either R+L=J plus movement from the Lannisters or Dany on the Iron Throne front or the Wall falling.I do wonder at what point a Westeros battle will end with the surprise that some of the dead are rising as White Walkers.

8 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

And that's the other thing.  They need to do something before the end of the season to keep the momentum going towards building Jon's army instead of installing Jon/Sansa in Winterfell and the rest of the North going back home, even if its just something the audience gets a glimpse of that will have consequences early next season.

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to show the Wall collapsing.  Darn it, Bran!


Summary of leaks/spoilers for 6x09 and 6x10:



No storylines except Winterfell and Meereen.

Scene in Meereen shot with Dany, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tyrion, Razdal, and Unsullied at Mesa Roldan.

A very detailed summary of the battle has been floating around for months, but in short: Ramsay kills Rickon just as the battle is about to begin by shooting him full of arrows before Jon's eyes, Tormund kills Smalljon, battle goes poorly for Team Jon until Sansa, LF and the Vale army bail them out. Ramsay retreats to Winterfell. Wun Wun busts down the WF gates and is killed with an arrow to the eye. Jon beats the shit out of Ramsay but refrains from outright killing him since he doesn't want to kill Ramsay in front of Sansa. Sansa has a scene with Jon before the battle where she warns him that Rickon is already dead.

Davos will find the little toy stag he gave Shireen and will confront Melisandre. Melisandre will admit to having burned Shireen.

Deaths: Rickon, Smalljon, Wun Wun



Wall: Benjen will accompany Bran and Meera to the Wall before departing. Bran has a vision of Ned and Lyanna. Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies, which then cuts to a shot of a baby, then to a shot of Jon.

Oldtown: Sam has a brief scene with a maester.

Dorne: Appears in finale. Speculation that Varys and Olenna show up in Dorne appears correct (Olenna seen writing a mysterious letter and leaving KL, Varys departing on a "secret mission").

KL: Mountain kills Septa Unella. Little birds kill someone (Pycelle?). Crowd gathers at the Great Sept for Cersei's trial, but Cersei isn't there. The High Sparrow is confident that she'll show up, but she doesn't. The Great Sept is blown up using wildfire, killing Loras, Margaery, Mace, and the High Sparrow. Tommen dies by jumping out a window.

Winterfell: Big northern lords powwow takes place where Lyanna Mormont vouches for the Starks, and the other houses (Cerwyn? Manderly?) apologize for not supporting the Starks at the battle and say that they don't care about Jon's bastardy. Jon is named King in the North. Littlefinger meets with someone in the godswood (rumoured to be Jon). Ramsay will wind up meat for his hounds.

Riverlands: Arya arrives back in the Riverlands. She serves Frey pie (not sure if it's actual Frey pie or just poisoned pie) at the Twins and kills Walder Frey. Jaime leaves Riverrun and travels.

Meereen: Dothraki charge Meereen en masse.

Deaths: Ramsay, Walder Frey, Lame Lothar Frey, Unella, Loras, Margaery, Mace, High Sparrow, Tommen, Pycelle

Spoiler sources have indicated that there are a lot of major character deaths in 6x10, so this list might not be exhaustive.


Edited by Eyes High

Eyes High,

If that summary is accurate, it looks like Cersei survives. If so, where on earth does she go? Back to Casterly Rock? With the Mountain and Qyburn in tow?

Jaime is presumably heading back to Kings Landing...does he not get there in time for the wildfire? I hadn't thought about where/or what Cersei's plans for herself would be...maybe Jamie and she meet on the road leading out of KL.


Shall I start a collection for a fruit basket for her now?  Or maybe she'd prefer a bottle of bourbon.

After reading several posts that talked about how Jaime would draw the line at Cersei going batshit and burning the city with wildfire -- like it was the most obvious conclusion to what we saw in the last episode -- it occurred to me I had better check in here to see if perhaps I need to lay in some Milk of the Chill-pill to get through my annual episode 9 nervous breakdown.  

*starts busily crushing xanxax, valium and klonopin*  

Thank you for thinking of me though, Haleth.  Now when I see a lot of reference to shit-that-will-upset-and-unnerve-me I take note.  Once burned, twice as tefloned.  This will also save Mya from having to trying and catch me on Facebook with vague'd up reference to how I probably need to balance my chakras and put on a straight jacket prior to tuning in.  

OH FUCK.  Glad I'm in here.  OF COURSE they brought Rickon back at the top of the season just to have Ramsay kill him. OF COURSE THEY DID.  FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK.

Edited by stillshimpy
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4 hours ago, Haleth said:

Sounds like a perfect opportunity to show the Wall collapsing.  Darn it, Bran!

I keep going back and forth on this, because that seems like what you'd expect given the episode title, and yet it still seems kind of early to me.  Particularly since I'm pretty sure Littlefinger's story isn't over yet, and if the North was being overrun by murderous zombies I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be sticking around to play power games.

Relatedly, it's been a longstanding theory that Littlefinger's downfall will come when Sansa learns about his role in Ned's downfall, events which could only be revealed by a handful of characters, of which the Hound is one.  And whattaya know, it sounds like the Hound and the Brotherhood are heading North for Season 7!

Re: 6x10:


For a while I was thinking that Tommen's death would precipitate Cersei going nuts and nuking the Great Sept, but there's been no leadup whatsoever to Tommen dying, and from 608 Cersei is already planning the wildfire nuke, so I'm guessing Tommen commits suicide after Cersei murders Marg et al., another karmic payback for Cersei.  That's obviously not what will happen in the books, though.

I guess the other option is one of those Sand Snakes appearing out of nowhere to push him out the window.

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11 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

How many days sailing from Braavos to Westeros? Then travel to the Twins, isn't that fast for Arya? 

Braavos to Westeros is like crossing the English Channel. (Far shorter than the Iron Islands to Volantis, but Theon did that in a day.)  Arya will need to pick up a jetpack for getting to the Twins this season.

21 hours ago, paigow said:

Braavos to Westeros is like crossing the English Channel. (Far shorter than the Iron Islands to Volantis, but Theon did that in a day.)  Arya will need to pick up a jetpack for getting to the Twins this season.

I suppose you could fudge it a little by saying Arya's events in 6.08 occurred (chronologically) days or weeks before the capture of Riverrun, and moving an army from Riverrun to the Twins is a slow process so took them several off-screen weeks to get there for the party.


Alternatively, Arya used one of Littlefinger's brothel stargates to go from Braavos to the Inn at the Crossroads instantaneously, and borrowed a horse (and some recipes) from Hotpie.

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15 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I suppose you could fudge it a little by saying Arya's events in 6.08 occurred (chronologically) days or weeks before the capture of Riverrun, and moving an army from Riverrun to the Twins is a slow process so took them several off-screen weeks to get there for the party.

Arya has no idea about what happened at Riverrun. That is, there will be a big party at the Twins that she can easily blend into. Otherwise, she would have to kill a lot of redshirt Freys - without anybody noticing - to reach old Walder. 

55 minutes ago, paigow said:

Arya has no idea about what happened at Riverrun. That is, there will be a big party at the Twins that she can easily blend into. Otherwise, she would have to kill a lot of redshirt Freys - without anybody noticing - to reach old Walder. 

My thought was that maybe Walder Frey went to Riverrun to celebrate his 'victory' there.  Arya went to Riverrun because she assumed that she still had relatives there (given it was Catlyn's birthplace) and that was the closest castle after crossing the sea.  Instead, she found Walder Frey there and decided to take advantage of the situation to shorten her list by another name.


The synopsis for 6x10 is a bit disheartening in that obviously certain plots never materialize.

6 hours ago, Minneapple said:

No real surprises in those photos, but they are stunning. The one of Jon on the ground as the army charges toward him -- wow. The shot of Jon and Sansa is also very pretty. 

Very pretty and also puts to rest all the 'Sansa is pregnant' rumors that have been going around since the start of the season. In the third and the last picture on the page we can finally see her waistline clearly and she is as svelte as ever.

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Very pretty and also puts to rest all the 'Sansa is pregnant' rumors that have been going around since the start of the season. In the third and the last picture on the page we can finally see her waistline clearly and she is as svelte as ever.

I think they purposely put those images up to get people talking and generate noise about this season. They knew how pissed off and horrified some fans would be after all the rape controversy last year, and it worked. There was lots of articles about Sansa maybe being pregnant. Know that they don't need it they don't care its obvious she isn't.  The weird part is I have always though that Sansa will end up pregnant in the books ( I am thinking with Aegon but who knows), in order to continue the Stark line.  I think Rickon is a goner in the books and Bran won't be able to father children, and I highly doubt Arya is going to have any so I think its down to Sansa.  think the whole story about Bael the Bard and the last Stark female was meant to foreshadow that but maybe I am completely wrong. I can't see her getting pregnant on the show now with basically 15 episodes left and the White Walkers coming.  I just hope Ramsay's end is as satisfying as most of us want it to be. I cannot wait to see the smirk wiped off his loathsome face. 

2 hours ago, Amtosbm said:

I think they purposely put those images up to get people talking and generate noise about this season.

I doubt it very much.  It's obvious in the initial promo photos that its just the shape of the dress, which was also evident when she wore it in the prior season.  The boomlet of speculation midseason was derived from a potential interpretation of a single line of dialogue.

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2 hours ago, Amtosbm said:

The weird part is I have always though that Sansa will end up pregnant in the books ( I am thinking with Aegon but who knows), in order to continue the Stark line.  I think Rickon is a goner in the books and Bran won't be able to father children, and I highly doubt Arya is going to have any so I think its down to Sansa.  think the whole story about Bael the Bard and the last Stark female was meant to foreshadow that but maybe I am completely wrong.

Oh, I definitely think its foreshadowing (and agree with your assessments on Bran, Rickon and Arya as well), but at the same time a pregnancy doesn't actually have to occur during the story (books or show) to convey that Sansa's children will continue to the Stark family line. You just need to have her end the story married (or engaged) to someone who'd want to keep the Stark family name going (as opposed to their own family name) and leave the specifics to the imaginations of the readers/viewers.

Its that latter bit... the desire to maintain the Stark name instead of their own... that puts the limiter on who her husband might be. For the Bael the Bard angle to work (vs. someone like a Lannister, Bolton or Arryn who'd want to keep their own family name) its going to have to be someone without a family name of their own; i.e. a commoner (very unlikely), one of the Free Folk (even more unlikely) or a bastard (one of whom happens to be one of the main heroes of the story and has a vested interest in the Stark name continuing).

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38 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Joanna Robinson posted an image from a UK TV magazine that confirms Meereen is in 6x09 (Robinson has been hearing that it's a 40/20 split between the North and Meereen, or thereabouts), and also that the Greyjoys arrive in town in that episode.

She indicated in the Twitter thread that she'd been hearing 1/3 Meereen and 2/3 Winterfell for a while now, but that this was the first "official" mention.

Sounds like Dany immediately takes to Yara. That should be fun.

On another note, after Edmure and Jaime's conversation where Edmure is mentioned as having been in captivity "for years" (i.e. since the Red Wedding), is there any sense at all as to how much time is supposed to have passed since Season 1? I've heard a few say that each season spans about a year of time, but I haven't seen anything official for that.

Edited by Eyes High
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43 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

On another note, after Edmure and Jaime's conversation where Edmure is mentioned as having been in captivity "for years" (i.e. since the Red Wedding), is there any sense at all as to how much time is supposed to have passed since Season 1? I've heard a few say that each season spans about a year of time, but I haven't seen anything official for that.

The one season = one year rule seems to have been mentioned by people associated with the production, though there's really no consistency for this (Sansa is referred to as 14 at the end of Season 3, when she was 13 at the beginning of Season 1, for instance; that's one of the only instances I can think of where characters' ages have been mentioned at different intervals).  It's impossible to fit that much time into a lot of these stories (for instance, Jon and Sam would have had to spend about 2 years on that ranging north of the Wall).

On that score, I can't really blame the production, since they've got these younger actors who are clearly aging at a much faster pace than the book's story was written to cover, and the events really can't be stretched.

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Going by book time.  A Game of Thrones spans roughly about a year maybe 15 months.  The tournament for Joffreys 11th name day was just before Jon Arryn dies and the royal procession goes to WF which takes about a month.  Then another month at WF with delays after Brans fall followed by another month or two of travelling back to KL.  I think it was said that Ned was in KL roughly 8-9 months before his death.  Things devolved pretty quickly after the Hands tourney.

A Clash of Kings is a little less.  Maybe nine months.  I know Bran and Sansa are 7 and 11 at the beginning of AGOT and Bran mentions his ninth name day passing either at the end of ACOK or beginning of ASOS so by the end of two books at least 2 years have passed (although it depends on when name days fall i suppose).  Joffrey is also celebrating his 13th name day at the beginning of ACOK and he was 11 at the beginning of the 1st book.

A Storm of Swords is the largest book but covers the least amount of time.  I'm pretty sure it's only 2-3 months from Blackwater to the Red Wedding and only another month after to the Purple Wedding if not sooner, plus time spent on Tyrion's trial meaning ASOS covers roughly 5 maybe 6 months.  Another way to gauge it is that Joffrey marries (and dies) on the first day of year 300 and AGOT starts, I believe, in 297 proving it's been at least 2 if not 2 1/2 years.

A Feast for Crows and A Dance for Dragons run I  tandem for the most part.  I haven't re read Feast yet but I think it covers roughly a year as does Dance with another month or two tacked on near the end.  This is all speculation but by ADWD end it seems at least 3 1/2-4 years have passed since Jon Arryn's death.

This is all spitballing though.  I'm not convinced that one year=one season in the show considering this season picks up right where 5 left off and 3 and 4 run together too so I wouldn't say that 6 show years have passed.  Then again if a few months have passed between eps 5 and 7, justifying the warp speed travel from Pyke to Volatos I could be wrong.  If we go one season, one year then Little Sam should be 3 when hes barely past one and Bran had a very young growth spurt. Again, those are continuity holes and I think both D&D and GRRM have inconsistently kept up what time it is and how it's been so that doesn't help my calculations. 

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In the books, measuring character ages, Sansa is 11 in AGOT, and still hasn't turned 14 by the time the published books are over.  So less than three years.  Which fits with, e.g., Arya, who was 9 at the start, still not having gotten her period yet, from all indicators.

I believe Jaime says when he visits Raventree Hall toward the end of ADWD that it's been six months since the Red Wedding.

Edited by SeanC

Even if Theon and Tyrion speak, I doubt they will discuss Sansa. Tyrion wouldn't think to ask Theon about Sansa; besides, he had Varys by his side for most of Season 6 and never once asked about Sansa, so why would he ask Theon? Plus, Tyrion was a dick to Theon the last time they spoke, so I doubt Theon would be in any humour to discuss much of anything with Tyrion, much less a very painful set of events that represent a source of shame for Theon.


So, it's possible Sansa's marriage to Tyrion might yet save her life. Or conversely it could cost Tyrion his.

If it comes down to it, I think it will be Jon's friendship with Tyrion that spares the Starks from Dany's wrath. If Tyrion learns that Sansa has been hanging out with Littlefinger since fleeing KL, he'll likely assume that she conspired with LF to frame him for Joffrey's murder. I doubt even the saintly version of Tyrion in the show would be kindly disposed towards her knowing that.

Edited by Eyes High
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41 minutes ago, Eyes High said:


If it comes down to it, I think it will be Jon's friendship with Tyrion that spares the Starks from Dany's wrath. 

If anybody should be getting Dany's wrath it's the Lannisters and Baratheons. 

The Starks were the most wronged during the rebellion and Dany ought to know that plus no Starks of the current generation deserve her wrath. Ned is dead so that should be enough. 

And it should be the fact that Jon might be her nephew if R+L=J should spare the Starks plus them being not guilty of anything against the Targs that spares them. Not Tyrion. 

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9 minutes ago, SeanC said:

Thematically, the resolution to Dany's antagonism toward the Starks (which has been soft-pedalled in the show anyway) should be her reckoning with the real actions of her father and seeing things were more complicated than she had been raised to believe, not members of her entourage vouching for specific people.

There have been a lot of things that many fans think thematically "should" have happened in the show that haven't. I doubt what is "thematically" required is much use as a predictive tool when it comes to the show. Not to mention that what "should" happen thematically is a very subjective question. If indeed it comes to it, and I'm not convinced that it will be TV Tyrion and TV Theon standing between Dany and the Starks, TV Dany seeing her allies' relationships with her family's supposed enemies may very well have more of an effect on her than Barristan warning her about becoming another Aerys (which clearly didn't have much of an effect on her anyway given how she acted after Barristan's death, and how she dealt with the dothraki).

Edited by Eyes High
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