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S30.E14: It's A Fickle, Fickle Game / S30.E15: Worlds Apart Reunion

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Season 30 ends with the final castaways receiving a surprise visit from their loved ones. Later, they are interviewed by the jury, who then vote for the winner.


The winner is revealed as the castaways reunite to discuss the season. Later, Jeff Probst reveals the results of the fan vote for the 20 players who will compete in the 2015 fall edition.
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"I'm so proud to be your son, brother."


I've never seen someone call their father "brother" before now. 


I think squeezing in the family visits with the finale is a little much.  They have enough to get through tonight.

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Wait, Carolyn engineered the Dan and Tyler blindsides?! Did I miss something?

Based on that intro, I'm guessing she wins.


I think we've missed a lot.  Either that or they need to hype up a Carolyn victory and pretend she did something to warrant it.


Heh, Jeff: "Will is in first...and that's a first".  I love you Jiffy.

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I'm not sure how I feel about that first challenge. There was enough of a random factor that if Sierra had guessed the right combo to try first, she could have won. Maybe that's the only way to give most of these people a chance, though.

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Carolyn's inability to deduce that Mike was the other person who voted for Dan is a knock against her allegedly good gameplay. Not that we've seen much of it anyway, but that intro sure tried to spin it that direction.

115-odd minutes until this garbage season is over and Jeff reveals the Second Chances cast!

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In the introduction before the recap of the season started, we got voiceovers from one person from each of the collar tribe: something from Carolyn, Rodney, and Vince (who was the second person voted out this season). The editors aren't even pretending that Will is a contender!

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After all that stuff that Roddy spouted about his mom and then his dad shows up.


I was disappointed his mom didn't show.  And I wanted more Mike trashing, just because they all had to be pissed he won something again (and an advantage in the challenge).  They didn't really show much of his mom at camp, which was disappointing.

I'm not sure how I feel about that first challenge. There was enough of a random factor that if Sierra had guessed the right combo to try first, she could have won. Maybe that's the only way to give most of these people a chance, though.


I like challenges that aren't endurance (one of those a season is enough for me) or purely physicaly.  That one bordered on physical, but anyone could have won.


They are speeding this along I feel.  They probably want to get to the FTC and S31 reveal as much as we do.

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Wonder if Mike and his mom could've started from the center and worked out and then work back in. Maybe that would help the advantage.

Well I obviously didn't understand the challenge

Edited by DallasGypsy
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During the challenge advantage, was Mike wearing a buff over the blindfold?  Was he trying to be more blindfolded?  If the blindfold they gave him was semi-transparent, I would have thought that was part of the advantage.  

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Way to piggy back off of Mike, Rodney.  He must be really secure in his position since he was willing to help Sierra and Will.  But not Carolyn.

Yes Mike! I liked that challenge as well.  Any that prove to be an actual challenge is what I enjoy.


They really made them look like idiots in that challenge, except Mike.

Edited by LadyChatts
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They'd better show Rodney's mom at the reunion. Preferably hitting him.


I just hope he doesn't call her "Sis" or something now.

Edited by vb68
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Sierra just demonstrated why she sucks at this game.  I was right, girl had absolutely no strategy.  Oh, and shut up Will.  You're only there because no one like you and you have no chance at winning.


Grow the frick up Dan!  You are such a damn sore loser!  I'm glad you are still being made out to look like an ass at the biggest Survivor moment.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Are we all glad to know that Rodney's vote is "real"?  I guess if he hadn't sworn on his sister's soul, the vote might be less real.


And just when I think Will can't be more stupid, he speaks and proves me wrong.

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I just started watching and Jeff's doing his full season recap.  But when Will starts tearing Shirin apart, Mike walks over and says to her, "Come on, come on, you don't need to sit here and be attacked."  Then they walk away together.


Did we see that scene during the show and I just missed it???  I'm already Team Mike, but now I want to give Mike the million just for that.  Good man.

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Sierra just totally lost me with her 'deserves to be here' speech.


It really does sum up her gameplay.  She didn't even get why Jeff was saying she sounded like such an idiot.

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Well, the good thing is Sierra will finally get to shave off the blonde eyebrows and be all neat again.

The bad thing is what was mentioned above....Death Stare Dan is on the jury and we have to listen to him. OMG... opening more wine.....

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Of all the challenges for Rodney to win, why would this be the one?  I liked this challenge concept better during BvsW.  I thought we were getting that one when I saw the slides I guess.

Yeah, not too sure about the better person before walking in after all this, Will.  Great soundbite considering how the season went though.  Sure, now they all pretend to be happy for Mike.  Well earned win Mike.  Thank you jesus.


Survivor green room with the 2nd chance nominees!  Minus the S30 crowd.  Spencer, Peih-Gee, Stephen, Keith, Terry, Jeremy, Kass, and Tasha I spotted.  I think that was Andrew in the suit.

Edited by LadyChatts
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