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S01.E10: Mr. Berserk

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That was pretty good until they had to make Liv stupid at the end.  He just sampled your blood and you're a zombie, woman.  You're going to have to kill him a little more permanently than that!


Anyway, every scene with Liv and Ravi remains great.  Ravi is quickly gaining on the Queen of Thorns, Captain Holt, and both Belcher daughters for favorite character currently on TV.

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No kidding.  I kept telling her 'head shot' but she wouldn't listen.


I'm glad they didn't sweep Lowell's death under the rug, and the discussion of the form and his body as a biohazard was hard.


And crazy guy is right, does this city ever have a zombie problem.  Having Major clued in by someone else surprises me, but he's earned it.


I would love it if Ravi did train zombie rat to do tricks.

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This one is feeling like one of the more hardcore shows on the CW, with all the dead bodies, bones cracking and red water. It's no more violent than VD's pregnant tummy stabbing, but feels worse for some reason.

I'm guessing Major will find out soon ... it's cruel at this point and he has to read all the signs, no matter how crazy it may seem. A zombie problem, indeed.

Nothing on Ravi and the roommate ... wonder if that will be dropped. Also wondering if an energy drink will be the ultimate cause of zombieism???

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Hey, can't believe I was right and Major's plot does end up sending him to a mental institution.  But I didn't predict that he would end up meeting another guy who has been seeing zombies, so now it's probably going to make him dig in even more.  At this point, maybe Liv would be better off telling him the truth.


Glad that Lowell's death isn't being blown over, and not only is Liv upset over it, but does feel guilt over not taking that shot.  Interesting that all the previews were playing her getting alcoholic brains for comedy, but in the actual episode, it seemed way more serious.  In general though, those brains really were screwing up how she works, and I wasn't surprised that Clive finally had enough, and even Ravi finally sent her away.


Ravi at least did bring some laughs.  I am completely bummed though we won't be seeing Zombie Rat do tricks though.


I don't know if I was just slow on the uptake tonight, but I felt like I could barely make heads or tails over this week's case.  I figured it all out by the end, but it was kind of confusing during the actual airing.  Still, it was fun seeing Steven Weber being his scummy best as the Max Danger executive.


Yeah, beating the shit out of her capture was awesome, but you did see him drink your blood, Liv.  Maybe you should double-checked there.  Or triple-checked.  That was dumb.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Maybe Liv or Ravi could ask Major: "What if it was true? What would you do then?" rather than just acting like it is a definite delusion. They could have floated the bulletproof vest idea, at minimum. But more than that, Liv jumping to conclusions about what he would do if he knew the truth, instead of probing him a little to find out, is just condescending.


Liv was too stupid this week. It doesn't work for me to just write it off as an effect of the alcohol. For one thing, the reporter wasn't that stupid. But also, it's just too annoying to watch.

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Double tap, Liv. Always double tap. 


The alcoholic brain was much more serious than the previews made it out to be. Which made it better since they weren't just pushing Lowell's death under a rug. They are showing the consequences of Liv not doing what needed to be done. She's not breaking her oath, Blaine is a zombie not a person. 


I'm guessing Major's going to find out in the next 3 episodes, now whether Liv tells him or not is the question. 


Liv made her first zombie. I wonder if that guy's going to come looking for her. 

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I dozed off during a couple of the commercial breaks and missed a few bits, so I may need to rewatch, but having Major find out about Zombies while he's instutionalized for seeing Zombies seems like a set-up for him to resent both Liv and Ravi when he learns that they know all about Zombies.

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Also wondering if an energy drink will be the ultimate cause of zombieism???


We've already learned from Ravi and his zombie rat that zombieism is caused by a combination of Max Rager and Utopium, right? Max Rager alone can cause violent outbursts; the right balance of Max Rager and Utopium makes zombies.


And now we have confirmation that Blaine's not the only zombie who can create other zombies (we were wondering because we know he turned Liv, Lowell, Julien, and Suzuki). This could get out of hand quick.

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This was a pretty sad episode. Spent a lot of time feeling bad for people.


Poor Lowell. I liked how they had Live focus on work to avoid thinking about his death (that seems to be a very old Liv kind of thing), but damn. I miss him and his perfect hair already. 


Poor Liv. Of course she wanted the brain of an alcoholic. She is just having a terrible time, between her guilt with Lowell, and now with Major. Speaking of...


Poor Major. His life has really fallen a part in record time. I liked Ravi wondering if it was better just to tell him the truth, instead of letting him think he`s losing it. That being said, he is clearly going through some stuff, with his intense obsession with finding this killer, and his seemingly erratic behavior. But, he`s actually on the right trail! I cant decide what would be best for him. Liv and Ravi both had good pints when they discussed what to do about him. I really don't know. 


Correct me if I`m wrong, I had to run to another room for a minute, but didn't Liv kill the bad guy with a boat? She might have been able to kill him again, but she probably assumed he got sliced up too much to be a zombie? Is that possible? Could she have double tapped? 


Thank God for Ravi, the zombie rat training, hug giving ball of lovableness. 

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Correct me if I`m wrong, I had to run to another room for a minute, but didn't Liv kill the bad guy with a boat? She might have been able to kill him again, but she probably assumed he got sliced up too much to be a zombie? Is that possible? Could she have double tapped?


His face got propeller-ed badly, but apparently that's it. What's double tapping?


This show just keeps getting better and better. I love that they took a tough choice and made everyone feel so many different consequences. Also, the serialized parts are taking over more and more, which is always a good thing in my book, especially when done as smartly as here. 


Loved how the boys all gave Liv their love and compassion in such diverse ways. 


Well done for not making alcoholism a joke, show. However, Liv twirling drunkenly was pure gold.


As for the not realising what that (FUCKING CREEPY) dude drinking her blood meant, didn't Liv pass out right after that? Maybe she was too drunk to remember. Or she thought a propeller to the frontal love would suffice.


Oh, and: "I'm the freakin' murder victim whisperer!"

Edited by CinnamonCat
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His face got propeller-ed badly, but apparently that's it. What's double tapping?



Double-tapping is a head shot to finish off a zombie (or person who might turn) and make sure they are dead. Basically, even if you think you killed 'em, shoot 'em in the head one more time to be safe.


That term was made famous by the movie Zombieland though it might have originated somewhere else, I don't know for sure.

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Double-tapping is a head shot to finish off a zombie (or person who might turn) and make sure they are dead. Basically, even if you think you killed 'em, shoot 'em in the head one more time to be safe.


That term was made famous by the movie <i>Zombieland</i> though it might have originated somewhere else, I don't know for sure.

It's not just zombies it refers to any two shots fired in rapid succession and has been used as a term and in technique since the 1930s.

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It's not just zombies it refers to any two shots fired in rapid succession and has been used as a term and in technique since the 1930s.

That's true for shooting terminology. But that's not how it's used in Zombieland


Here's the clip (warning, some gore). 

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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Aww, I was hoping that Lowell wasn't really dead (is it called true dead like vampires?) but I guess he's really gone. Blaine must have told the captain about Lowell, & that's how he knew to cover up his murder? He didn't know about Lowell before then, did he?


They need to tell Major, he's in the line of fire now, he needs to be aware that he's got supernatural crazies after him & not just regular crazies.

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You know I get Liv wanting to protect Major but it's a little to late for that IMO. The zombies already know his name and where he lives what's stopping them from finishing Major off anytime of what if he crosses their path and they decide his brain is the next item on the menu. Major needs to know for his own safety.

And I think Ravi owes it to Major to tell him, Ravi might be Liv's boss/friend/confident but that's horrible to have your friend think they're going insane and is constantly put in danger and you keep quiet about it yet have the power to comfort your friend and at least give him a heads up to what he's facing.

Clive also has the right to know it's really dangerous out there he barely escaped Blaine. Liv is a horrible friend IMO letting them(mainly Major)walk into such a dangerous situation.

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You know I get Liv wanting to protect Major but it's a little to late for that IMO. The zombies already know his name and where he lives what's stopping them from finishing Major off anytime of what if he crosses their path and they decide his brain is the next item on the menu. Major needs to know for his own safety.

And I think Ravi owes it to Major to tell him, Ravi might be Liv's boss/friend/confident but that's horrible to have your friend think they're going insane and is constantly put in danger and you keep quiet about it yet have the power to comfort your friend and at least give him a heads up to what he's facing.

Clive also has the right to know it's really dangerous out there he barely escaped Blaine. Liv is a horrible friend IMO letting them(mainly Major)walk into such a dangerous situation.

When Major told Ravi that he was checking into a mental health clinic, I thought Ravi was going to break down and tell Major the truth about zombies.  However, Ravi just kept Major in the dark.  I've really liked Ravi up to this point, but he's a bold faced liar just like Liv. 

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When Major told Ravi that he was checking into a mental health clinic, I thought Ravi was going to break down and tell Major the truth about zombies.  However, Ravi just kept Major in the dark.  I've really liked Ravi up to this point, but he's a bold faced liar just like Liv. 

Yes I think it has gone past mistake at the moment right to morally questionable. Major has had his life destroyed by not knowing this secret. Liv and Ravi aren't acting to protect him anymore.  But I will let it slide a little for this week because Liv is recovering from what happened to Lowell. This was ok but clearly they can only afford to have Blaine in every other episode.  I am starting to wonder how much longer it is going to be that Clive is in the dark.

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I am undecided as to whether Sebastian was already a zombie but at the very least he knew that Liv was a zombie (based on his "You look a little pale" comment in the garage), so if he hadn't already been turned then it's possible that he deliberately licked her blood to become a zombie. Heh, although when he licked her blood, I wondered if they were bringing vampires into the show.


I loved how sweet and gentle Ravi, Major, and even Clive were with Liv after Lowell's death. I totally understand Clive's escalating frustration with Liv though. From his point of view, being upset about her boyfriend's death doesn't give her the right to come to work drunk and, worse yet, disobeying his orders and sabotaging their investigation into Max Rager.


I suspected that Liv calling Major to take her home would be the first step towards getting them back together, especially now that Lowell is out of the picture, but checking himself into a mental institution has put that on hold. I liked that he didn't try to force her to talk about Lowell and that he just tried to be there for her, even though he had just been a really traumatic experience.


In the beginning, I was fine with Liv keeping all the zombie stuff a secret from Major. As far as i was concerned, it was her secret to keep. Ravi figured it out on his own, which was a big help to her adjusting to zombie life, and Lowell recognized that she was a zombie so she hasn't had to actually tell anyone that she is a zombie so I think part of of her is really scared that she will lose Major because she doesn't know how he will react. And I think she's even more scared about losing him now than she was right after she became a zombie because now they are in a good place where they are friends.


I was also fine with Ravi not telling Major for about the first half of the season because again, it was Liv's secret to keep or tell as she saw fit and for a while, there was no reason to tell Major. But now that they know he is in serious zombie danger due to his Candyman investigation, they really need to tell him. First of all, he needs to be aware of the risks. He could be killed or turned into a zombie fighting with Julian or Blaine or other henchman. But secondly, by keeping the truth from him he is questioning his own sanity, which is just cruel.


And as is usual on shows where characters have alter egos or other huge secrets, keeping him in the dark is NOT keeping him safe. If anything, it's making things more dangerous for the person who doesn't know the secret because he is unable to make informed choices.


Ravi seemed really concerned about Major's mental state and I think that if Liv hadn't already been in such a bad place due to Lowell's death, he would have pushed her harder to tell Major the truth. Her idea that he would be safe in a mental institution is ridiculous. Blaine could send one of his henchman there as a patient, an employee, or a visitor and kill Major or turn him into a zombie.

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I took so long making my own post that I missed ElectricBoogaloo's post, which is better thought out than mine, but I thought I'd post anyway.


Liv might have been right about worrying about what Major would do if he found out that the Candyman wasn't just killing kids, but also eating them.  But she was also under the influence of an alcoholic reporter who was very careful to keep her notes and thoughts as private as possible until it was time to break the big story.  (Which leads me to the question of how long eating a brain influences Liv.  A subject for the Speculation thread.)


Ravi has known Liv for about 8 months now, and has more of a rapport with her, not to mention she's important to him in relation to his zombie research.  He hasn't known Major for more than a couple of months but Ravi still wants to tell Major the truth, but he feels he's hamstrung by his loyalty and relationship to Liv.  At this point he has has duel modes going on, his stronger friendship with Liv (and her willingness to help him with his zombi research), and his friendship with Major.  Major hasn't been Ravi's friend for very long, but Major cheerfully agreed to let Ravi move in with him, he's a good guy, and his life has been screwed over by zombies to the point where one tried to kill him.  His reward has been that he's convinced that he's going insane and he's spending the last of his savings to check into a mental hospital.


Ravi needs to be a little more determined when it comes to Liv.  Giving her time to come to an agreement on signing off Lowell's death as a suicide is one thing, but Lowell is already dead.  (I feel bad for Lowell's family and friends, but bringing them into the mix would be difficult at this point).  But Major is alive, and his only hope of sanity and the possiblility of staying alive is for him to be armed with the truth. 


Major isn't stupid, when he knows the whole truth he can either move away and try to forget what he knows, or he can stay and help.  But either way he needs to know the truth, because once he's out of the hospital he's toast.  And I also question the guy who clued him in.  That guy seems to have been there for a while, how is he paying his bill?  Does he have a trust fund he's willing to deplete for the pleasure of living in a mental hospital?  Did Blaine send him there as a spy?  That seems unlikely, as how many non-zombies have the means to check into this place?  Although it didn't seem all that luxurious to me, I've heard that those places are pretty expensive, even for the good ones that aren't 'celebrity worthy'.

Edited by Zahdii
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I took so long making my own post that I missed ElectricBoogaloo's post

Ha, for what it's worth, that happens to me all the time! I take so long to type out my thoughts that by the time I actually hit "post," there are a bunch of new replies! I like to pretend that it's because I type slowly but I think it's more that I take too long to think while I'm typing.


ITA that Ravi's dual loyalty is an issue here and that right now Liv is winning because he has known her longer and he knows her better, but after seeing how Major reacted this week I think that he realizes that even though he is more loyal to Liv, his concern for Major will begin to outweigh that, which I think is a good thing. I think the two major things stopping him from telling Major himself are that he doesn't want to expose Liv as a zombie and he doesn't want to upset her right now because she is in a bad place. Between Lowell's death, Blaine wreaking havoc, the Max Rager investigation turning very personal, and being drunk from the reporter's brains, Liv is not in a great place emotionally and Ravi is very aware of that. My hope is that he is just waiting for her to heal a little from Lowell's death and eat some non-alcoholic brains soon so that he can convince her to tell Major the truth.


I can't believe there are only three more episodes for this season. I have really started to like and look forward to it each week, so I am going to miss it when it's on hiatus.

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Liv was too stupid this week. It doesn't work for me to just write it off as an effect of the alcohol. For one thing, the reporter wasn't that stupid. But also, it's just too annoying to watch.

How does a zombie get drunk?

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That was pretty good until they had to make Liv stupid at the end.  He just sampled your blood and you're a zombie, woman.  You're going to have to kill him a little more permanently than that!


Well to be fair Liv was just punched in the head with brass knuckles and wasn't fully aware when he was sampling her blood. Plus she was scared and when people are truly frightened they don't always think straight. I could also go with the way to kill a zombie is to destroy it's brain, if you punch one in the head hard enough that might slow them down for a bit. 

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Convincing Major that he didn't really see the killer zombies doing illegal or impossible things could be the best way to protect him, since he would no longer be perceived as a threat to the bad zombies. But it's also not likely to happen in Hellsmouth (or whatever town they live in) since there is a zombie epidemic, as his new assylum mate testifies to.

Anyway, keeping loved ones out of the loop for their own protection is a crime story staple. I'm just not sure if that is Liv's motivation.

Edited by shapeshifter
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You know I get Liv wanting to protect Major but it's a little to late for that IMO. The zombies already know his name and where he lives what's stopping them from finishing Major off anytime of what if he crosses their path and they decide his brain is the next item on the menu. Major needs to know for his own safety.

In fairness to Liv, when Ravi says Major is checking in to that place, Liv says that "For a few weeks he's safe". She doesn't expect that the "crazy plan" gives him permanent safety. It just takes him off the board for a while. (Unless he meets another believer there, of course, but she doesn't know that).

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
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I could also go with the way to kill a zombie is to destroy it's brain, if you punch one in the head hard enough that might slow them down for a bit. 

Hitting a zombie square in the head with a cinderblock swung on a chain would be sufficient in The Walking Dead mythology.  At this point with little zombie-killing experience maybe that's all she's got to go on...


My nitpick: No journo would ever say "bloodshed always goes in the first graf.” (BTW, "graf" is short for "paragraph.") She would say "if it bleeds, it leads."

Weird, in the engineering world we say "para".  Never heard "graf" before.

Edited by Morgan of Hed
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Weird, in the engineering world we say "para".  Never heard "graf" before.

Graf is old school printing, when people wrote in markups on paper. They used homophones so nobody would accidentally print an instruction (like, if someone wrote "new graf here" they didn't want to take a chance on someone actually inserting a graph or the word graph).

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Convincing Major that he didn't really see the killer zombies doing illegal or impossible things could be the best way to protect him, since he would no longer be perceived as a threat to the bad zombies. But it's also not likely to happen in Hellsmouth (or whatever town they live in) since there is a zombie epidemic, as his new assylum mate testifies to.

Anyway, keeping loved ones out of the loop for their own protection is a crime story staple. I'm just not sure if that is Liv's motivation.

I am a bit suspicious of the man who approached Major. Major never said anything about the eyes glowing, unless I am mistaken.
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I am a bit suspicious of the man who approached Major. Major never said anything about the eyes glowing, unless I am mistaken.


Major said, "When I shot the guy, his eyes turned red—bright red! What the hell is that?" Scott E. said, "They were crazy-ass strong, and I still have nightmares about those eyes. They're red, glowing."

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That was a pretty sad episode, but I liked the case. The CEO (or whatever he was, the boss guy) was appropriately smarmy and eccentric. I'm looking forward to more of him and I'm ready to learn if Max Rager created zombies on purpose.


Felt bad for Liv throughout the episode, Rose McIver really sold the grief. However, Liv's treatment of Major is just not OK. Seriously, the guy already considers himself crazy because you can't spill the beans! Hope it will come back to bite her in the ass big time.


Still don't care about Major/Liv. It's not as forced as on some other shows (*cough* The Flash), but the still don't have any chemistry (surprisingly, he has better chemistry with Ravi... but then, it's Ravi) and are generally dull. That said, I'm actually interested in Major's storyline with Scott-e (hee!) I still hope for him to become a zombie slayer.


Called Sebastian becoming a zombie as soon as he tasted Liv's blood. It's weird that it didn't occur to her he could be turned, but then, she was kinda out of it when it happened, so maybe she doesn't remember.

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That was pretty good until they had to make Liv stupid at the end.  He just sampled your blood and you're a zombie, woman.  You're going to have to kill him a little more permanently than that!

Clonking someone in the head with a cinderblock and then running a yacht propeller into them is putting forth a fair amount of effort. Liv didn't have a woodchipper handy, and it sounded like she expected his body to be recovered along with his victims' when the police dredge the lake.


That seems unlikely, as how many non-zombies have the means to check into this place?  Although it didn't seem all that luxurious to me, I've heard that those places are pretty expensive, even for the good ones that aren't 'celebrity worthy'.

In my experience a bargain-basement psychiatric care facility will run you roughly $1,000 a day (possibly considerably more if your treatment involves electroshock or particularly expensive drug therapies). Insurance might pay the bulk of that if Major has any, though.

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Major said, "When I shot the guy, his eyes turned red—bright red! What the hell is that?" Scott E. said, "They were crazy-ass strong, and I still have nightmares about those eyes. They're red, glowing."

But I think he only said that to Ravi and maybe the cop. I don't think he said it to group at the mental place. Didn't he start to say it there and then cut himself off? So I think Ubiquitous is right. Plus, that zombie-sighter from the mental place just seemed sleazy. Edited by shapeshifter
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Graf is old school printing, when people wrote in markups on paper.



Julia, you continue to surprise me. Old school, indeed.


Hated that Lowell was really all dead and not just mostly dead like I was hoping. Liked that the show confronted his death and how to deal with it this week, even though I hated him dying. I'll miss him as much as Liv does.

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But I think he only said that to Ravi and maybe the cop. I don't think he said it to group at the mental place. Didn't he start to say it there and then cut himself off? So I thin Ubiquitous is right. Plus, that zombie-sighter from the mental place just seemed sleazy.

Major said, "His eyes turned r--" and that's where he cut himself off. If the institution guy knows about zombies, I can find it plausible that he'd figure out what Major had been about to say.

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Not to mention, believing in zombies might be one of the reasons Scott E is institutionalized in the first place. Wanting his own validation about them from someone who seems less crazy works for me.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Convincing Major that he didn't really see the killer zombies doing illegal or impossible things could be the best way to protect him, since he would no longer be perceived as a threat to the bad zombies. 

They would also have to convince Blaine & the Candyman that he was no longer a threat, which is something I don't see happening. 

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And I also question the guy who clued him in.  That guy seems to have been there for a while, how is he paying his bill?  Does he have a trust fund he's willing to deplete for the pleasure of living in a mental hospital?  Did Blaine send him there as a spy?  That seems unlikely, as how many non-zombies have the means to check into this place?  Although it didn't seem all that luxurious to me, I've heard that those places are pretty expensive, even for the good ones that aren't 'celebrity worthy'.


I think he could be a spy. Either Scott E or one or more staff may be on Blaine's payroll/ an informant.  That way Blaine can ensure ducks in a barrel, if he needs to eliminate someone, or to make sure that the person who checked in is "cured"/doesn't believe anymore. It would be a smart move to ensure that "leaks" are handled.


I agree that this was generally just a sad episode, which is fine. Bad stuff went down and folks are responding. I was surprised about Suzuki sweeping in. I am hoping he did it on his own, after being told about Liv last week.  Blaine wants Suzuki high-functioning and to be able to, in essence, use the PD as his own private security force. I am rooting for Suzuki to Norma Rae Blaine's ass.  Maybe not unionize, but to throw Blaine off his  back for sure.


I was pleasantly surprised to find "drunk brains" wasn't all "hijinx ensue!", but the spinning at Clive was great.  It was a nice moment whenLiv asked Major to rub her back, "like you used to." Last week, Liv mentioned the lack of touching with regular humans, and that scene brought last week's scene to mind. It was bittersweet.


I love how tight Liv, Clive and Ravi have become at work. I like how Major and Ravi have seemingly bonded so quickly. I think that is why Ravi should tell Major, regardless of Liv's internal debate. Simply put: Ravi lives in a house where a bodybuilding zombie henchman tried to kill his landlord! What if it had been Ravi and not Major?  What if Ravi is used against Major?  Yeah, Liv has a mess no matter how she ends up dealing with The Truth and Major, but she better hurry up or she will lose Major's friendship, if not the man himself. (Having said that, Show? Leave Mr. Buckley alone; Major is just fine. There is no need to kill both men Liv has loved in one season. So, please don't. TIA, Actionmage )


Just three more left for the season?! Geez. This Spring has flown by and/or I'm just old and time does that. Either way, I am looking forward to next week!

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My nitpick: No journo would ever say "bloodshed always goes in the first graf.” (BTW, "graf" is short for "paragraph.") She would say "if it bleeds, it leads."

I'm not sure about this. "If it bleeds is leads" is about story choice. Violent stories are "better choices" for front page, top story whatever. 


Liv's full comment is "What a yawn, try not burying the lede next time, bloodshed always goes in the first graf". Liv's comment is about how to structure a specific story -- most important, engaging details first. It seems reasonable to me for her to say that this way.

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Major said, "When I shot the guy, his eyes turned red—bright red! What the hell is that?" Scott E. said, "They were crazy-ass strong, and I still have nightmares about those eyes. They're red, glowing."


But I think he only said that to Ravi and maybe the cop. I don't think he said it to group at the mental place. Didn't he start to say it there and then cut himself off? So I thin Ubiquitous is right. Plus, that zombie-sighter from the mental place just seemed sleazy.


Whoops, you're right. At group, Major said, "And when I shot him, his eyes, they turned— It doesn't matter."

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Double-tapping is a head shot to finish off a zombie (or person who might turn) and make sure they are dead. Basically, even if you think you killed 'em, shoot 'em in the head one more time to be safe.


That term was made famous by the movie Zombieland though it might have originated somewhere else, I don't know for sure.

Double tapping was first done to people before it was done to zombies, and it refers to the practice of shooting a person twice in the head to ensure that he or she is dead, most frequently attributed to professional assassins and special forces operators.  The logic is that while somebody might survive one bullet to the head, they almost will never survive a second.

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Felt bad for Liv throughout the episode, Rose McIver really sold the grief. However, Liv's treatment of Major is just not OK. Seriously, the guy already considers himself crazy because you can't spill the beans! Hope it will come back to bite her in the ass big time.


Yeah, I keep feeling like this show is smarter than the other comic book crap, but it's pulling the same old story. It seems obvious that the mental hospital isn't going to actually protect major. But I guess that's just genre awareness.

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