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Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris - General Discussion

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Off to check the ratings...there doesn't seem to be much chatter here, I wonder how it did.

It depends on the metrics you use to measure success. The numbers are good compared overall to other shows that week (like third best of the week), but it was also not NEARLY as good as the ratings "Got Talent" had a mere hour later. Also, it had little competition. When up against real competition (NCIS), there's good reason to think it's going to get murdered in the ratings.
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The segments were really hit or miss for me. Some really draggedm like talking to the audience and the wedding stalker thing and the voice. Those interviews with voice judges were really not funny. But the stunt race and the thing at the end were really fun. Plus Reese Witherspoon was suprisingly fun.

Also $25,000 worth of bathroom products is crazy. A really high end kohler toilet costs around $1,500 according to home depot.

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I thought this was the dumbest thing I have ever seen! WTF was that zip line stunt? American Ninja Warrior is over! And, WTF was Oscar-winner, Reese Witherspoon doing on this drivel? Showing off her great talents in the announcer booth? I love NPH, but they didn't even utilize his talents as a "song and dance" man on this show! Also, what was up with the kid dressed as a "mini-me"? Was that supposed to be funny? OMG ... This was just an insipid mess!

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Also, what was up with the kid dressed as a "mini-me"? Was that supposed to be funny?

That part exists for the same reason most of the stupid shit on this show exists. Because they did it on the UK version of the show, and... despite our general impression that everyone in the UK are sophisticated people with better taste than us... that's just not true. Their "lowest common denominator" is just as bad as ours (and at times even lower). 


To be fair to the UK version, they actually give THEIR "little" versions more to do (than we've seen from the Little NPH).


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Am I the only one that came back for more?  ::crickets::  What can I say, I'm powerless against the NPH.


I'm beginning to think this show isn't long for this world.  My cable guide didn't show the celebrity announcer until day-of, which makes me wonder if they're having difficulty lining people up.


I thought the Britney thing was kind of hilarious--she was a good sport and did a great job executing NPH and Jonas's instructions.  I loved when she started riffing and NPH was like, "She's gone rogue!"  Lots of laughs during that segment.


On the other side of the village, WTF was with Bonnie Tyler's voice??  She sounded like she had a small furry animal lodged in her larynx!  Yikes.  It's got to be bad when I find myself yearning for the relatively-dulcet tones of Nicole Scherzinger (who I generally do not care for).


I find myself anticipating the "End-of-the-Show Show," a) because it's the end; and b) because I like seeing NPH do weird stuff.  Is there nothing he can't do??

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Wow.  Hardly any comments?  I floved this one.  I



Am I the only one that came back for more?  ::crickets::  What can I say, I'm powerless against the NPH.


I'm beginning to think this show isn't long for this world.  My cable guide didn't show the celebrity announcer until day-of, which makes me wonder if they're having difficulty lining people up.


I thought the Britney thing was kind of hilarious--she was a good sport and did a great job executing NPH and Jonas's instructions.  I loved when she started riffing and NPH was like, "She's gone rogue!"  Lots of laughs during that segment.


On the other side of the village, WTF was with Bonnie Tyler's voice??  She sounded like she had a small furry animal lodged in her larynx!  Yikes.  It's got to be bad when I find myself yearning for the relatively-dulcet tones of Nicole Scherzinger (who I generally do not care for).


I find myself anticipating the "End-of-the-Show Show," a) because it's the end; and b) because I like seeing NPH do weird stuff.  Is there nothing he can't do??

I guess it's just you and me, Lovecat.  I adored this!!  I totally fell in love with Curtis.  I usually hate public engagements, but that was so awesome!  Curtis seemed like a really fun guy and his fiancée is one lucky girl!  All that, plus a trip to Tahiti!


I also loved the Britney segment and this is coming from someone who isn't a huge fan of hers.  When she loosened up she really seemed like she was having a lot of fun.  This telling celebrities what to do is not a new concept (see: Repeat After Me which oddly enough is not on Wendi McLendon-Covey's IMDB page) but when the stars are good sports and get into it I always find it funny.


I also was saddened by Bonnie Tyler's voice.  Holding on For a Hero was my favorite, play a million times a day song. But, people age and voices change.  Maybe she smoked or otherwise didn't take care of her voice.  It happens.


I also love the End of the Show Show since Neil is amazing at pretty much everything he does.  But, I've been a huge NPH fan since Doogie Howser so I will probably watch him not matter what he does (Dr. Horrible is my all-time favorite NPH project!).

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It sorta feels like a combination variety show, a reality show, and a Vegas act.  But as usual, NPH makes things tons better. 


I normally hate the "I tell you what to do & say and you do it" segments (cough, Britney, cough).  Somehow with it being stars participating, it seems like everyone is in on the joke rather than some jerk accosting random people on the street.


The only part of last night's show I didn't like was the Alec Baldwin bit about yoga with his wife in the sound booth.  Baldwin isn't my favorite, but it seemed extra crass.  It just felt off.


And of course the proposal was a bit obvious from the setup (happy anniversary jump to let's talk to audience member who isn't married).  However, it did seem like he went the extra mile (no pun intended) to make the proposal unique.  I like a good proposal story, but it brings a squeamish moment of "is she saying yes only because the spotlight is on her"?

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When Alec Baldwin can't even land a simple and lame joke like "the 20 ft high club" that is concerning. 


I didn't watch all of the Britney part but any time she goes "off script" these days is fine by me.  Girl can come off as robotic.


The "End Of The Show Show" seems to be an extension of "I Can Do That!" but with more stunts.  That said...well hello Neil's arms.  This is what happens when you're so used to seeing him in a full suit and not a tank top!  (whistles.)  I'll forgive him for not knowing all the Spice Girls just for that!

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Wow.  Hardly any comments?  I floved this one. This telling celebrities what to do is not a new concept (see: Repeat After Me which oddly enough is not on Wendi McLendon-Covey's IMDB page) but when the stars are good sports and get into it I always find it funny.




For WMC's IMDb page the credit is there for Repeat After Me.  It's under the "Self" tab though since she was playing herself in the role of host.

BTE has entertained me enough each week to keep watching even though some of the segments are quite familiar from watching Ellen's talk show.  It's scheduled for a total of eight weeks.

Edited by WhoisMark
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I DVRed it last night and watched this morning. Will watch again this evening with the kids (they have been excited for the 2nd episode all week but it was on after bedtime last night). I liked it a lot. It's funny and does remind me quite a bit of Ellen's talk show, in a good way. I tend to prefer the funny segments and get bored during interviews so this is right up my alley. My ADHD brain likes the frantic pacing. My 9 yr old calls it her favorite show and she is dying to be on it. 

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Wish they had done more with Baldwin, since he is generally hilarious. Him singing on the Bonnie Tyler song was the highlight of the night for me. Honestly I am really not sure why this isn't a summer show. Seems like it would pair perfectly with something like Hollywood Game Night.


The Britney thing was funny, although it just reminded me of all the times Letterman did the exact same thing and was way better. The end of the show thing was cool, that trampoline thing was crazy. Although I did like it better last week when he was doing a wider range of crazy things.

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I loved it!  Fun, quick, anything you don't love is over shortly, and that End of Show Show is amazing!!  Is there anything NPH won't spend countless hours rehearsing to get right?  He must sped so much time working on these routines, and he is great.  The performers were awesome too.  I don't watch live, but knowing it's on the DVR is something to smile about. 


I didn't realize it was only 8 weeks--seems like a lot of work each week, which is probably why it's a limited run, but I will be sad when the 8 weeks are up!

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I still like it. It may be my love for NPH (and his arms and tight pants) or I just need some silly, but I'll watch it. This episode seemed to follow the template from the first episode so it didn't feel too different. But, it is fun and as long as I don't go in expecting some deep meaningful TV, then I am good.

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However, I love the end of the show show!  I may just record it and skip over everything except that.


I thought that was the best bit as well.  Overall, I thought it was a little uneven (ranging from "good" to "OK") but the sequence at the end was amazing.  i felt sorry for the bodyguards being pranked, though.  

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I was disappointed with this episode.  The marriage proposal was obvious from about 15 seconds into that bit, and it went on way too long.  The only interesting thing about these "random" audience member bits is that they must have taken a significant amount of time and effort to pull off.  Alec Baldwin was painful to watch.  The "say what I tell you to say" has been done many times before.  They could have at least done it with Ellen - that would have been a funny turn of events.  Sorry to be so negative.  I really do love NPH, but this just isn't doing it for me.  The end of show show was fabulous.  Can't get much better than NPH on a trampoline!

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The marriage proposal bit WAS way too long and the girl was not charming at all. I was afraid for a bit she would turn the poor guy down.


I love NPH so I can watch pretty much everything he does; I wish they would make HIM the fourth judge on America's Got Talent instead of effing Simon.


Alec Baldwin does not appear to be able to act or be very funny anymore, but he has had a rough go of it, public relations wise. I thought the bit with his wife was just so he could show off how young and "limber" she is and how awesome he is to have her as a spouse.

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I love NPH so I can watch pretty much everything he does; I wish they would make HIM the fourth judge on America's Got Talent instead of effing Simon.



Or even host, if Nick Cannon wants to give up the job.  The only problem with either of those is I could imagine NPH going up and saying "now try it like this" and doing whatever the talent does, only better.


Wait, that's not really a problem so much as it is great television.  


Come to think of it, I would want to see more of the trampoline dancers on America's Got Talent.

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I effing hate Alec Baldwin, so the fact that he cannot pull off live TV, even with a script, filled me with glee.  Wooden much? However it made the show hard to watch this week.

To be fair, I've seen speculation that maybe he was a last minute replacement (because the guest wasn't announced beforehand). Even Baldwin in his prime probably needed to memorize his lines.




Or he was drunk.  We know it happens with him.


And as much as I want to relegate Nicole as the next Chrissy Teigen... after two of these shows I think she's far better than Teigen.  She's got actual comic talent (whereas Teigen doesn't). And of course she can sing.


And NPH broke a gay stereotype, I think, by not knowing The Spice Girls! Also, while his end of the show show stuff last episode wasn't bad, he hit it out of the park with this one. That was genuinely impressive from him.


Hey, was it just on my TV that Britney was red as a lobster?


On the other side of the village, WTF was with Bonnie Tyler's voice??  She sounded like she had a small furry animal lodged in her larynx!  Yikes.  It's got to be bad when I find myself yearning for the relatively-dulcet tones of Nicole Scherzinger (who I generally do not care for).

Nicole actually has a great voice. She's just never used it well (PCD just used her for shallow girl-power-pop, and her solo career has been nothing but bottom of the barrel dance music). But if search Youtube for her doing standards or opera, you might be surprised how good she is. Edited by Kromm
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Also, while his end of the show show stuff last episode wasn't bad, he hit it out of the park with this one. That was genuinely impressive from him.


You weren't impressed by a backflip off a pogo stick?  You have some pretty high standards!

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I love this show and it's just full of things I normally don't like. It's so bonkers and over the top that it works for me.


Baldwin sounded sick. So maybe he was going to bail at the last minute or something. His throat did not sound ok.


I don't love every second of every segment, but they go quickly so it doesn't bother me if one kind of drags. 


I bawled at the proposal even though I saw it coming the second she sat on the couch. That's why the show works for me, that even if I can see it coming, I can still enjoy the ride.

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Couldn't sleep last night so I watched this on demand.


The  stuff with random people does not interest me at all.   The karaoke is really boring adn does not flow very well and the engagement thing was too long and predictable.


This really should be a summer show.

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When NPH was everywhere touting this show, I really thought it would be from the old genre of Variety shows, as he seems to be the kind of man who appreciates the golden days of television.  No way is this crapola a variety show, not in any sense of the word---it's even more slapstick than the old Laugh In.  I've seen the Dec and Ant show when in London, and it IS a totally bad show, and to copy it here is just a bad idea.  I've watched parts of subsequent shows, and they're all bad.  No renewal for this experiment gone bad.

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Okay, it cannot be a good sign that it's almost 12 hours later and no one's started a topic for last night's episode.


I caught this for the first time last night and really liked it....   I then went back this morning and watched Episode 2 (Alec Baldwin) on demand.  I started Episode 1, but had to leave for work after only the first 5-10 minutes.


If the response on PTV is any indication of the ratings, I really hope NBC sticks with this and it finds an audience.  I think it was probably hard to promote, but now maybe people will get what it's about.  (It worked on me...I'm now hooked!)

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I missed it -- what happened with that engaged couple that he surprised @ their engagement dinner? Did they decide not to do the challenge to win the trip? I came back and they were on the thing with the party planning.

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That stunt was delayed to a future episode due to high winds.



Three things about that which made me really like this show:


1.  Not killing people live on TV seems like an excellent choice.  

2.  Having a backup plan when your live stunt doesn't/can't work is an excellent choice.

3.  The way NPH covered (he gave the impression he really wanted to see what happened, but…live TV).  


I also really liked his answer about Halloween being a family thing, and kids can change their minds…but we'd know by November.  Fair enough, sir, fair enough.

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The Saga Thus Far (re: http://tvseriesfinale.com )



Air date/Episode/18-49 demo/demo change/Viewers(millions)/Viewers change

Tues 09/15/2015       01-01        1.83                         6.602
Tues 09/22/2015      01-02       2.09     14.38%      5.907      -10.53%
Tues 09/29/2015      01-03       2.00     -4.40%      6.292        6.52%

Edited by Kromm
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I actually forgot it was on but did want to find out what they did for the End of Show Show?


NPH is stuck in traffic, in a suit, in a cityscape with construction/tumbling/dancing and cops directing traffic/dancing and at least one random song-and-dance number (and also some old-school breakdancing.)  It was more like the first week's mash-up than last week's trampoline act, but there was a flow of a story in addition to a "check out all the cool stuff going on!" circus feel it usually has.  It was about a third "circus", a third Rube Goldberg-style story, and 4/3 talented (because NPH always brings 133%…and he suited up.)

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I really like this show, but I've been an NPH fan since his Doogie Howser days. I wish it was on a little earlier in the evening, I think this type of show is better suited for an earlier primetime slot, but I guess if they want to keep it live and get the west coast involved, then 10pm ET is their best bet. I find the format and content refreshing and fun. 


As far as this episode, I really enjoyed the first segment with the dad. I only saw the first part of the engaged couple, but it seems like there were some issues with the live feed, because they didn't seem to be having the reactions I would have expected - more like deer in headlights than excited to be on a live tv show. Maybe they were just completely caught off guard. 

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I watched the whole first episode.  Last week I watched it all, but fast-forwarded through the karaoke.  This week...tried watching the first segment, ended up fast-forwarding.  Gave up when the engaged couple wasn't any better.  I think I might be done for good--I really wanted to like this, too.

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I thought it was fun, and I'm still in for every episode.  Although the change in time for next week is complicating my DVR scheduling.  And it doesn't bode well for the remainder of the show, if they are still airing it live on the West Cost.  8 here (NY) is only 5 pm there.

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I thought it was going to be 8 central, so 9 EDT?  I spaced out a bit at the end. I spaced out A LOT at the first part of the show. I can't stand anything Housewives-based.  But I was into the rest of the show. Yeah, it's not perfect, but it makes me happy to watch it and since most of what I watch tends to be dark and cynical, or at least sarcastic, it's nice to have just pure joy on.

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From Zap2it for Oct. 6


Best Time Ever (NBC) 1.3 million (18-49)/4 share/ 4.66 million total.


Not encouraging, but I'm not sure how much they weight DVR/online viewing (not in the above).  And I'm not sure how much the show costs; if it's affordable enough they might try it for the summer where ratings like this would be less of an issue.  I hope they figure out how to make it work.

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I haven't watched this week yet. This seems like a show that is best to watch live, but 10pm is my bedtime. Interesting to hear that the time is being moved to 8pm Eastern next week. Yes, they will definitely lose their West Coast audience, but I wonder if they've looked at the ratings and aren't really getting West Coast viewers at 7pm anyways. I think this is a show that families would be interested in watching together, so I wonder if they are moving the time to get more East coast families viewing, which might bring in more ratings despite losing the West Coast audience completely. Or they could do what 30 rock did for their live show, and have two separate shows for the East and West coasts. Although I'm sure they don't have the budget for that. 

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Another option is that they could show it on taped delay on the West Coast, like they do with re-runs.  I noticed they're not re-running the show later in the week any more, which is a shame because I missed this one live.  


They could also do some of the elements live, and show other elements pre-taped.  That would be even more fun for the "you could win a car" elements, though of course that would raise the cost (for a national TV show, a new car is a relatively small percentage OF the cost, though.)

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The Saga Thus Far (re: http://tvseriesfinale.com ) - Some of this seems to have been adjusted (down--so even worse) from earlier figures.



Air date/Episode/18-49 demo/demo change/Viewers(millions)/Viewers change

Tues 09/15/2015       01-01        1.83                         6.602

Tues 09/22/2015      01-02       2.09     14.38%      5.907      -10.53%

Tues 09/29/2015      01-03       1.89     -9.66%      5.992       1.44%

Tues 10/06/2015      01-04       1.31    -30.95%      4.452      -25.70%

With this pattern this can't continue much longer. Cancellation HAS to be imminent.

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Is this thing on? 


I came here looking to see if anyone is still watching this show, and had to create the topic myself. Not a good sign. I watched until 8:30 and then flipped over to Fresh Off The Boat. I'm guessing most people were watching the Cubs.


The only part of this episode I saw was when NPH and Nicole were re-enacting the lady's diary about all her childhood crushes, which was kind of funny. Then they had to go and ruin it by bringing out the actual crushes. Awkward city!


The best part for me was when my husband looked up from what he was doing and we had this exchange:

Him: That looks a lot like Jack Black.

Me: That is Jack Black.

Him: What? I thought he died!

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The best part for me was when my husband looked up from what he was doing and we had this exchange:

Him: That looks a lot like Jack Black.

Me: That is Jack Black.

Him: What? I thought he died!


I made a valiant attempt to hang in there through the entire episode.  That exchange is funnier than anything that happened on the show, trust me.  There is entirely too much happening on this show.  Also, I used to really like NPH, but he has seriously dialed up the smug as of late.  It's really off-putting.

Edited by SuzyLee
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I still am somewhat amused by this show, but some sections definitely drag on too long or maybe sound better in concept than actuality.  Like that Ticket to Slide.  It wasn't as much fun to watch as they thought it was going to be.


I was amused by the diary- until they brought out these guys too!  Talk about embarrassing for both the girl and the guys!  But, the reenactment was funny.

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