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Donuts: Do you have a favorite?

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I have a pretty serious sweet tooth, but donuts I can usually resist, which is a good thing since folks are always bringing them in the office.


However, once in awhile I will cave.  Glazed donuts are my favorite. I like the ones from Dunkin Donuts and Krispy Kreme, but as long as they are relatively fresh I've never had a bad glazed donut.


My second favorite are French Cruellers.  For munchkins/donut holes I enjoy the powdered ones.


I dislike:

Jelly filled

Boston Crème (my brother's favorite)


Whats your favorite donut?  Do you have a favorite donut shop?


Growing up my mom worked in a local donut shop for awhile and she would bring them home, so maybe that's why donuts are out of my system now.


I never venture into NYC, but I do want to try out the Doughnut Plant.  They were featured on the cooking channel over the weekend and they have square donuts.  Lots of unique flavors and combinations.

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Not a big fan of donuts - they are usually a take it or leave it item for me.


I do have fond memories of one type from Dunkin Donuts - chocolate cake coated with white coconut flakes. 


Krispy Kreme always smell so good, but they always seem just a touch under-done for my tastes.

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I like a fresh donut -- that is, it's a little crunchy as you bite, but the body is creamy, cakey goodness. If it's still a little warm ... nirvana.  Doesn't matter if it's plain, chocolate, a cruller (which seem to be getting harder to find - even Dunkin Donuts has changed them into "sticks" which means you lose a lot of crunch, and sugar and cinnamon no longer have nooks and crannies in which to gather) - if it's got a tiny crunch, yum!  I'm also a fan of jelly-filled, but will only eat one in front of the hub or a really, really good friend who will not judge. 


I'll take a mom-and-pop donut shop over any chain.  Small shops can make bad donuts, but I usually have excellent luck with them.  That being said, The Doughnut Plant looks interesting, and if I'm in the area, may have to stop in.  


Last year the hub and I took a road trip to Portland, ME to try the goods at The Holy Donut, among other things. All their donuts are made from Maine potatoes, and they feature some different flavors.  They were tasty but very filling, so I didn't get to try as many as I would have liked. Perhaps another road trip will come up soon.  

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My mom used to make donuts from time to time when I was a kid, which was such a treat. 


Now, I don't remember the last time I had a donut.  Breakfast meetings tend to involve muffins or other pastries, instead, and donuts just aren't something I'd go out and get on my own.  I don't even know if there is a good, non-chain place locally.


I like glazed, but it's probably the one I'd reach for last (unless it was a twist; for some reason, I like glazed better as a twist).  Thus the Krispy Kreme fascination is completely lost on me -- to me, they're fine, but nothing more.


I don't like anything filled, even if I'd like the filling on its own. 


I just like a basic cake donut with some sort of icing - chocolate, vanilla, etc.  Maybe some sprinkles. 


I also like powdered donuts and crumb donuts.

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I love plain Krispy Kreme glazed when you can get them fresh-made and still hot.  A while back, they had one of those 'buy a dozen get a dozen free' deals for one day only and I went by to get some to take to work.  I had to wait for fresh ones to finish making the rounds on the conveyor belt.  I actually managed to get to work without eating any, but they didn't last long as soon as I got there (and no, I didn't eat them all myself!, ha ha).  However, my overall favorite Krispy Kreme is the cream filled (not Boston crème, but that pure white frosting stuff) chocolate covered.  I can practically feel my teeth melting as I eat one.  I also won't turn down a lemon or raspberry filled.

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In high school I had a deep fat fryer I would make fresh donuts and usually Krispy Kreme-ish style, sour cream, or cake. I was the hero of my family and friends those days : )

When I buy a donut I like original glazed or chocolate cake glazed.

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I like cinnamon sugar cake doughnuts, but I haven't had a good one lately.  We have a locally-owned shop not too far from me called The Tato Nut Shop.  I haven't had theirs in a while, but I think they make the glazed ones that are made with the potato flour.  I remember them being really good, though.  I don't know if they offer cake doughnuts (Krispy Kreme does, but if I'm going there, I want fresh warm glazed).

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My favorite donuts (and actually the only ones I eat now) are apple cider donuts, which I buy at the local farmer's market.   I'm looking forward to the end of this month when it opens (donuts are about the only edible thing you can buy for the first few weeks, the fruits and vegetables aren't ready yet.  

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My favorite donuts (and actually the only ones I eat now) are apple cider donuts, which I buy at the local farmer's market.   I'm looking forward to the end of this month when it opens (donuts are about the only edible thing you can buy for the first few weeks, the fruits and vegetables aren't ready yet.  


That wouldn't be Sweet Madeline's by any chance, would it?  They occasionally do the Wooster Square market in New Haven; people flock to their stand because you can smell them a good distance away.  They fry the donuts fresh, and can't seem to make them fast enough.

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Krispy Kreme always smell so good, but they always seem just a touch under-done for my tastes.

Krispy Kremes are ENTIRELY dependent on having them straight out of that conveyor belt oven thing straight from an actual location.  The ones boxed up for your local supermarket (or even to a Krispy Kreme location where they don't actually bake them) are only a fraction as good.  


Although if you microwave them RIGHT before eating for about 8 seconds it helps a hair.  It maybe gives back 25% of that out of the oven effect.

my overall favorite Krispy Kreme is the cream filled (not Boston crème, but that pure white frosting stuff) chocolate covered.  I can practically feel my teeth melting as I eat one.  I also won't turn down a lemon or raspberry filled.

I like those too (actually I don't mind the Duncan Donuts version of that white creme donut either).

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The apple cider donuts are from Averill Farm in Washington Depot, CT.  They make their own donuts fresh and bring them to the Farmers' Market in my nearby town. 

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Not a big donut fan because they usually give me a sugar headache.  However, there was a diner-type place in downtown DC called Reeves and I loved their blueberry donuts!  Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), they closed a while ago.  


So what opens right next door to the old Reeves location?  Astro Donuts and Fried Chicken.  The creme brulee donuts are fabulous.  I've yet to try the chicken, but I hear it's great.

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I don't live near any donut shops except Dunkin. I tend towards the Boston Creme and the jelly ones--although I can't look at the latter any more without seeing a t-shirt that one of my students once wore: a horrified donut standing over a prone donut that had jelly filling oozing out like a gunshot wound. I also like the ones with the cream filling, although that can be too sweet even for me. Dunkin has a line of "cheesecake" donuts now where the filling isn't as sweet. Good stuff.


There's a shop called Dreesen's in East Hampton that makes really nice fresh donuts. The sugar and cinnamon ones are great.

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My grandmother made a cake donut that was absolutely delicious--warm or cold, didn't matter. 


As for bakery donuts, I like good, old fashioned glazed.  The others, I can take or leave, but if I'm really craving sweets and donuts are all that's available and the glazed are gone, I'll look for chocolate glazed.  If there aren't any, then I usually pass altogether.


Krispy Cremes are good, but I agree they are much better fresh.  My favorites are the glazed from those little whole in the wall donut shops that put the donuts in the generic, pink boxes.  Somehow, I just know that if they're the pink box, they're going to be good, no matter where they were purchased.  There's something about the power of the pink box....  :)

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Shipley's!  And I usually prefer the basic ones - glazed or chocolate iced or sprinkles or maple iced.  I'll eat Krispy Kreme sometimes too, my sister and I used to eat those quite a bit in high school, until the one near us closed (because of a lawsuit I think?).


I've been to Donut Plant in NYC and recommend it, am planning to try Voodoo Donuts on vacation in the northwest this summer, and Hypnotic Donuts is a pretty awesome place for all you Dallas area folks to try, if you haven't already!

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My mom used to make Italian fried donuts called sphingies (no idea if that's how you really spell it) out of mashed potatoes that were absolutely heavenly. Similar to a beignet. God I could go for a beignet right about now.

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New subtopic:  Pre-packaged store bought donuts.


Overall as a genre of donuts... they suck.  But even so, some are better than others.


I'm going to exclude the version of Krispy Kremes they send to some local supermarkets, because other than being OLDER, they're essentially the same product as the normal KK glazed.


So what mass produced donuts do you like?


I'll start with an East coast-centric vote for Entenmann's classic large chocolate covered (aka "Rich Frosted Donuts").  





Runner up for me is a brand that overall I don't much love, Tastycake, but they have one specific flavor, Salted Caramel, that's lovely.  These are 'mini donuts" too--a "format" of donuts that's usually inferior by nature, but works here.


Edited by Kromm
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For store-bought donuts, Entenmann's Crumb Donuts are crack...I can't buy them because I'll eat at least 3 in one sitting


You ever have the CHOCOLATE Crumb ones?  Even better.


I still might SLIGHTLY give the edge to the classic chocolate covered Entermanns, just because they're so perfect for that TYPE of donut.  Exactly perfectly done (and not really in competition with "real" donuts, because I'd never waste my time with chocolate covered donuts with a fresh baked product).

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I'm about to become REALLY unpopular:


I hate donuts. I tried a few of them as a kid (I think mainly chocolate donuts?), and have no desire to try any ever again. And given my weight issues, I'd say that's for the best!


Ironically, I go to Dunkin' Donuts all the time...for their Iced Mocha Lattes. NEVER their donuts. 


Besides, bagels are healthier anyway. :) 


ETA: Looked over the thread--more here seem to be take it or leave it towards donuts rather than outright hating them, but I'm not TOTALLY alone! :)

Edited by UYI
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Tough one, since I think my grandmother's homemade cake donuts are amazing, but to resist a glazed yeast donut?  I don't think I could. So, I say yeast donuts every time.  Sorry grandma! 

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The best donut I ever had was at a mom-and-pop shop in a small town in the mountains. I had gotten there late, so they were out of coconut donuts. When I expressed my disappointment, the lady behind the counter went and made one for me - cake donut with chocolate icing and coconut flakes on top, fresh and warm. Still one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life.

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Back in the day in Philly, there was a brand of glazed donuts called Bond and chilllle!  They were soooo addictive.  Krispy Kremes come close, I could eat 6 in one sitting....the faves were chocolate glazed with 'sprinkies', glazed creamed and glazed jelly.


But there are no more KK's in Philly, just punk assed Dunkin' Donuts who are so stingy with the glazed!

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Winchell's chocolate cake doughnut with chocolate frosting and peanut sprinkles. Next would be their twisted glazed. But a good old fashioned fried Apple fritter from one of the smaller shops trumps them both.

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I'm a sucker for anything bread related & sweet so I could wallow in a pit of doughnuts & be happy, but I'm gluten free now so I just gaze at them longingly. I always preferred yeast over cake & plain glazed or chocolate frosted, but as long as it wasn't burping fruit jelly at me or had coconut on it I probably would enjoy it. Sigh... doughnuts.

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I'm like Homer : "MMMMM . . . Doughnuts!"

The only ones I don't like are the overly-gooey ones (too much filling or icing).  

As for doughnut chains:  Love "Top Pot" and a local place called "Chuck's".  Not impressed with "Krispy Kremes".  Keep hearing about "Dunkin' Doughnuts", but, alas, we have none nearby.  One of these days, I'll saddle up my Passat and go on a quest for DD in Latte Land.


And, yeah, those prepackaged powdered mini-doughnuts can be addictive.

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miles2go, just know that Dunkin Donuts can be hit or miss.  Way back when, the stores made donuts in house and we could watch the donut guy dip a bunch of donuts on a stick into glaze and hang them to dry. Now they're mostly delivered and freshened or something.  Not knocking DD, they're my favorite chain -- I never got the Krispy Kreme love either -- but if you have a less than wonderful experience at DD, don't hold it against them too much.  On another visit to the same outlet or another, you could have a really nice donut experience.  


You can also have a "good" DD and a "bad" DD within a mile or two of each other in some locales.  Sadly, expansion has affected their quality - but it seems like only at certain outlets.    


Where are Top Pots?  I have not heard of them; and after reading this forum, I feel like I must one day do a cross-country donut run.  

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Top Pot Doughnuts are mostly in the Seattle area, but they've opened up a couple in Dallas, Texas.  (I'm not sure how that happened -- it's quite a jump from Latte Land to the Lone Star State.)  They have lousy coffee, by the way.  Great doughnuts, bad coffee.

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Top Pot Doughnuts are mostly in the Seattle area, but they've opened up a couple in Dallas, Texas.  (I'm not sure how that happened -- it's quite a jump from Latte Land to the Lone Star State.)  They have lousy coffee, by the way.  Great doughnuts, bad coffee.

A place based out of Seattle with terrible coffee? Geez.
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Anyone else love Chinese Buffet Donuts? I'm pretty sure they're just canned biscuit dough, fried and coated in sugar. So good!


I'll admit it.  I love them.  When I go to my local Chinese buffet and get some takeout for lunch, I always put in a doughnut.

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Happy National Doughnut Day!


I saw news about this 'holiday' on Facebook yesterday morning, so I treated myself to a coffee and a free donut at Dunkin's on my way to work.  No idea if the long drive-thru line was for free ones or if its typically like that!

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I believe the best glazed doughnut I ever had (and I'm a glazed doughnut-only person) was from a bakery in Wilson, NC.  Someone would bring them to the Raleigh campaign office of a candidate I was volunteering for and those glazed doughnuts had a hint of lemon that made them divine.  Other than that, I like glazed doughnuts at Dunkin Donuts, and only the ones that are fresh & hot from Krispy Kreme.  Store-bought donuts have never appealed to me, nor have cake-like donuts.


Do beignets count?  Had them at Cafe du Monde in New Orleans years ago - wow, were they good!

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Not a huge regular doughnut fan here, admittedly...I can resist any of the plain glazed/mass-produced in boxes variety.

But if it's filled with cream and covered in chocolate glaze/etc? Oh man, get in my belly!!!

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A newish trend around here is maple frosted donuts (long johns really) covered with a slice or two of bacon. I love donuts and I love bacon but I can't make myself try these.


<Feels my arteries clogging as I read this post>

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A newish trend around here is maple frosted donuts (long johns really) covered with a slice or two of bacon. I love donuts and I love bacon but I can't make myself try these.


Yeah, I've been seeing that for quite some time, and I can't get behind it, either.  I suppose it's a play on the maple syrup (on pancakes, etc.) and bacon flavor combination, but that has no appeal to me -- I've had a lifelong rule that my syrup cannot touch my bacon.

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Yeah, I've been seeing that for quite some time, and I can't get behind it, either.  I suppose it's a play on the maple syrup (on pancakes, etc.) and bacon flavor combination, but that has no appeal to me -- I've had a lifelong rule that my syrup cannot touch my bacon.


Oh, wow. You mean I'm NOT the only person who loves bacon, loves syrup, but hates syrup on my bacon? Yay!

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I accidentally bought maple wood smoked bacon before.  I love the smell of bacon, but the smell of maple?  Not so much.  I seriously wanted to re-paint my kitchen to get rid of that lingering odor!


ETA:  Thanks Athena!  I couldn't remember the name of the vile stuff, just knew it had maple.

Edited by DeLurker
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How about maple wood smoked bacon?


One of the donut makers in my area makes a maple bacon donut. It's maple glaze with bacon bits. It's good.


I am Canadian so I am spoiled by good maple syrup and always have it on hand.

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I am Canadian so I am spoiled by good maple syrup and always have it on hand.

A whole different topic, but I'm a Vermonter, so I understand.  I'll cope with the fake stuff in restaurants, should I have a craving for pancakes, but in my house, I only have the real stuff. 


Having said that, while I love maple syrup, I'm not a big fan of it in other forms, so maple glazed donuts are kind of "meh" to me.  And I'm with those who don't like their bacon touching their syrup.

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