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One thing I don't get about that preview clip -- the announcer states "For the first time, SHIELD encounters ...... Inhumans".


What about the various times that they have encountered Gordon or Raina post-change, or Lincoln after rescuing him .... or even Skye post-change ?  Or does someone finally decide to call enhanced people "Inhumans" for the first time on a memo ?

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Maybe they meant encountering Inhumans as an organized group/community for the first time? Promos are notoriously misleading as they're not produced by the shows themselves, but I took it to mean that SHIELD's going to encounter and maybe come into contact with the Afterlife commune for the first time.

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ottoDbusdriver, on 21 Apr 2015 - 10:15 PM, said:



ottoDbusdriver, on 21 Apr 2015 - 10:15 PM, said:


Everything in the entire MCU is now all about Skye. If this is an example to the big lead-up to Age of Ultron, prepare to be disappointed.  And if Skye shows up on the big screen in Avengers 2, I think I'll be walking out.


 SpoilerSave your money then - I read a guy elsewhere ,who has seen a screener say she is in the fight at the beginning


Thank heavens this turned out to be false.

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So Ward should be about to find out just how dangerous Hunter and Mack can be.  He shot Bobbi, granted it was an icer, but that on top of what he's done to the team and Fitz in particular, means Hunter and Mack should make life very difficult for him.  That's if he's lucky.


Should have sent Coulson in, because I don't think Skye's mom tries that with Coulson.  Mainly because she knows Skye would never believe her, and Skye would have stuck around for the meeting.

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Damn, the one time they should have listened to Raina.



The girl in the flower dress who cried wolf.....or in this case apocalypse.  


That explains why the show didn't send in Coulson.


Not sad to see Gonzales go.  I was getting ready to kill him.  Although the last scene with him and Skye's mom was pretty well done.  The index thing always kinda creeped me out.  Sounds so....creepy.  

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I thought this episode kind of sucked.


How did SHIELD air traffic control let two Quinjets takeoff from the Playground with May at the controls of both ?  How did that not raise a red flag with anyone.


Skye is just not a special snowflake, she's magnificent.  Can we go one episode without the Skyepraise turned up to 11 ?


Wasn't Agent 33 locked up ?  How did she manage to get out of lockup and not only assume May's face but get her clothes as well ?


What the hell was that stone in the aircraft carrier cargo hold supposed to be anyway ?  Is it something only comics readers would know about ?


The one thing I did like -- more Koenig, we got both Sam and Billy.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Best. Episode. Opener. Ever.  Loved seeing the Koenigs back, and watching Sam get ready was priceless.  I liked his nerdy sheets and socks, but I especially loved his box of lanyards.  And the Sky Mall catalog!  The line about hoping they never go out business made me chuckle.

Lots of surprises this episodes.  I clearly gave Ward too much credit last week in terms of being selfless toward Kara.  I'm definitely not disappointed to be wrong. 


And holy crap Jiaying!  You know, I really wasn't expecting Inhumans to start the war between them and SHIELD.  I thought it would be Gonzales for sure... but I think he was being genuine in his own bigoted but almost well meaning way.  And who would have thought Raina would be the more honest broker in Afterlife?


I wasn't thrilled with the reveal that Coulson is responsible for the helicarrier, even though I was expecting it.  It makes little sense that he's need to keep that a secret for May, and it just feels kind of cheap and dumb for the show to take credit for something like this on the movie when the movie did practically nothing to acknowledge that there's still a Coulson and a SHIELD around.  It's less convincing and impressive when the integration is so one sided.  Last week's tie ins worked much better, because atleast we had a visit from Maria Hill to make it more legit.  It also made no sense for Coulson to have kept this from May.  I understand why the nature of Theta Protocol was kept mysterious to us as an audience because it'd spoil parts of Age of Ultron, but there's no good story reason why restoring a helicarrier or working on a base for the Avengers would need to be so secret that Coulson had to hide it even from his inner circle. 


I also wasn't crazy with how combative Skye was with May.  Even in her mom's telling of the story, that little girl was dangerous, and it's clear from everything Skye knows about May that that incident changed May's life and deep scars so she can't believe that thatwas a decision that May has even felt at peace with or that was taken lightly. And asking May if she knew she was Inhuman was stupid, since it was obvious just from the conversation they were having mere minutes before made it clear that they knew nothing about them.


Should have sent Coulson in, because I don't think Skye's mom tries that with Coulson.  Mainly because she knows Skye would never believe her, and Skye would have stuck around for the meeting.


I don't think I can agree with that actually.  I don't think we know what  Jiaying is really capable of at this point.  I think she was resolved to do it the moment she rounded up everyone to confront Raina.

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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That was an intense episode. That moment Bobbi got shot in the head -- and then a second later the dendrotoxin SFX show up. I like that they didn't drag it out and did the quick reveal that she was just tranqued, but left just enough time for a WTF moment.


Everyone is so on edge right now. You're sitting around just wondering who's going to be the first to snap. I'm not surprised it was Jaiying, she's wound up so incredibly tight, and she's obviously anti-non-Inhuman (somewhat understandably). Dang, though, when Fitz is the calmest person in any given episode, the only one who seems sunny, then things are bad.

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Impressive. Liked the measures, countermeasures and counter-counter-measures. Did not expect SkyeMommy to get EJO killed. Well, there's a silver of a chance he can be an Inhuman named "Stumpy." Or "Lefty."


Yeah, we need more Patton Oswalt. The mystery of the Koenigs needs to be solved. Also: are "The Real SHIELD" folks worthy of lanyards?

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So did Mack really just quit?!   Dafuq?  If they really just rushed him off stage left like that, what a waste of a potentially great character.  (Not that I've liked everything he's done this season, but there was room for some development.)  Even if he's going to the spin-off show, that was sort of a crappy way to write him out.


Can't approve of either Jiaying or Raina, but I admit I LOVE them as antagonists.  For all that people criticize Marvel's film villains, they've created some great TV ones.  I also think Gordon is a great wild card and I admire the actor's ability to convey real presence with his eyes obscured.


God bless Kyle McLaughlin -- as much as I'm creeped out by Cal, his goodbye with Skye was legitimately touching.  

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I hate Ward. I hope he gets destroyed next week.

I was just wondering about the Koenigs before the show started, so seeing them actually in the show, I practically squealed with delight. Made me sad though to hear about Trip and Fitz. Who loved when Coulson touched the tablet screen the "One Year Earlier" popped up.

I also loved Coulson, Hunter, and Fitz together. I could watch them together every week.

I was surprised about Mac. Is that it for him?

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Maybe Jiaying is just bored. She is very old and a war makes things exciting and she apparently can't die.

I do wonder if the crazy gene is passed down. Both Skye's parents are crazy.

Ward's still evil and working against shield. What is he doing with Bobbi though? Or what did Bobbi do to agent 33?

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So did Mack really just quit?!   Dafuq?  If they really just rushed him off stage left like that, what a waste of a potentially great character.  (Not that I've liked everything he's done this season, but there was room for some development.)  Even if he's going to the spin-off show, that was sort of a crappy way to write him out.

Yeah, that seemed to come out of the blue.
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What the hell was that stone in the aircraft carrier cargo hold supposed to be anyway ?  Is it something only comics readers would know about ?




They explained what it was, a Kree weapon that can kill all the inhumans.  It looked like that gravitonium (sp) stuff from S1 to me.



Did I miss something with the Bobbi/Kara stuff?  It sounded like Bobbi had a hand in brainwashing her.  Did we know that? 

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And holy crap Jiaying!  You know, I really wasn't expecting Inhumans to start the war between them and SHIELD.  I thought it would be Gonzales for sure... but I think he was being genuine in his own bigoted but almost well meaning way.  And who would have thought Raina would be the more honest broker in Afterlife?



The scene played out extremely civilly..  It was really well done.  A bigot with power wanting to put the inhuman on a registry for "the best of reasons" and having someone who until now was portrayed as a kind and compassionate inhuman basically murder him in cold blood because she was angry and afraid was an interesting story choice and I approve of it.


And anyone who is still calling Skye a special snowflake I disagree completely.  All the scenes involving Skye felt natural.  Skye's parents of course would believe She is special.  What parents don't?  Fitz and Simmons are trying to reestablish their friendship with her.  And Coulson and May are trying to build bridges with someone to  whose side is no longer certain.  

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I think Cal is over the TSA limit in carry on fluids...How stupid are the guys that cuffed him in Afterlife? Did they search him? If they found the unmarked vials, what is SOP? Halfwits, morons and cretins that deserve Cal ripping their throats out. (Hoping that Cal saw Roadhouse)

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I guess Jiaying the MCU's Magneto.


I kind of hate that they "resolved" the debate over Gonzales/Coulson who is real leader for SHIELD now that Gonzales is dead because they're going to have to turn to Coulson as the leader.

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They explained what it was, a Kree weapon that can kill all the inhumans.  It looked like that gravitonium (sp) stuff from S1 to me.

If that sample was discovered 100 years ago on Earth, Howard Stark would not have been old enough to develop containment equipment. Was SSR operating during WW1? Who was the genius that figured out how to contain it?

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Whelp, looks like Simmons had the right idea last week.  Redemption my ass: it sure looks like Ward is out for revenge, and Kara is helping them out.  I would have been more concerned about him suddenly shooting Bobbi, but since I already knew Adrienne Palicki is going to be on the spin-off, I figured she was being iced.  But I hope both Ward and Kara end up regretting that they spare her.  Those two better go down.


Did not see the twist with Jiaying and Gonzalez coming.  Gonzalez was trying to avoid a fight, but was still being his bigot self.   But Jiaying totally wants a war, and had no problems just offing him.  But, she is going to make it look like he started it, and probably get Skye on her side.  And it sure looked like Cal has taken some of that yellow juice, so I'm sure he's going to be causing some hell!  Can't wait  Crazy Cal is the best.  Kyle Maclachian is a treasure.  And a delight.  Some of the best casting ever.


Cracked up over the Fitz/Simmons exchange, which basically seemed to boil down to him being "The fact that you didn't kill Ward just means you are a better person!", and Simmons was like "Oh, Fitz.  You don't understand: I'm upset because I failed!"


SHIELD has no shot at getting back together, if Coulson (Dad) and Melinda (Mom), keep squabbling like they are doing.  Quit arguing!


There has to be more to Mack, right?  He didn't just merely quit, right?  That whole thing was so strange.


Always fun to check in on the Koeings!  Nice Star Wars product placement, show.  Disney sure ain't messing around!


Age of Ultron didn't seem to play as big of a part as Winter Solider did last season, but some of the references were pretty cool

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So did Mack really just quit?!   Dafuq?  If they really just rushed him off stage left like that, what a waste of a potentially great character.  (Not that I've liked everything he's done this season, but there was room for some development.)  Even if he's going to the spin-off show, that was sort of a crappy way to write him out.


I wouldn't say he's written off yet.  With Bobbi in danger, it seems likely that he'll be back next week to help Hunter and whoever else to save her.  I also have a feeling his resignation might have been a plot device to get him out of the SHIELD base and/or battleship. If the Inhumans end up attacking SHIELD, the writers might need to have a character who is neither part of the delegation sent to Afterlife or someone back at their base. 


Yeah, that seemed to come out of the blue.


I think it feels out of the blue because of how quickly Old and New SHIELDs buried the hatchet this week (which also felt abrupt).  We never got to see Mac even contemplate the possibility of Coulson coming back on as director, so there was no opportunity for the groundwork to be laid on this development.  I can't say I'm surprised by it though.  We saw him freaking out about Coulson's alien influences early this season, and given his own experience with being possessed I do think it makes sense that he wouldn't be able to get past Coulson back as director.  




They explained what it was, a Kree weapon that can kill all the inhumans.  It looked like that gravitonium (sp) stuff from S1 to me.



Did I miss something with the Bobbi/Kara stuff?  It sounded like Bobbi had a hand in brainwashing her.  Did we know that? 


Wasn't Bobbi's job in HYDRA something to do with sniffing out and punishing people who seemed disloyal to HYDRA? I know that's how we first met her in  A Hen in the Wolf House.  Maybe that put her into contact wit the people who were being forced into HYDRA's service, as well as the people who had joined up willingly.  She might have had been present during and possibly party to Kara's brainwashing in order to keep her cover.



Did not see the twist with Jiaying and Gonzalez coming.  Gonzalez was trying to avoid a fight, but was still being his bigot self.   But Jiaying totally wants a war, and had no problems just offing him.  But, she is going to make it look like he started it, and probably get Skye on her side.


I actually think that was less about getting Skye on her side than getting the rest of Afterlife to follow her into war.  Earlier in the episode when she was talking to Cal, Jiaying told him she didn't believe her people would back her if she started a war with SHIELD.  I think she's hoping that if she makes it look like SHIELD came to Afterlife to kill their leader and tag and/or capture everyone else, they'll be willing to fight.

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Jiaying being so old she knows that humans like to categorize people and after Whitehall I get her not trusting them not to experiment on them if given the chance. Maybe not Gonzales but others will and SHIELD has shown over and over again they can't control their own people. Plus I think she just wants revenge from what happened to her and she needs Skye on her side. 


Cal is also her plant inside SHIELD, he's going to mess things up when they take him back there, he took his Hyde juice. 


Ward has to stay evil, it's the only way he's interesting. He just can't really stay past this season or if he does he needs to only show up sparingly. 

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Yeah, I think the fact that the Daisy-praise came from Cal goes some way in countering her Mary Sue status: number one, he's her father, and two, he's crazy.

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Best. Episode. Opener. Ever.  Loved seeing the Koenigs back, and watching Sam get ready was priceless.  I liked his nerdy sheets and socks, but I especially loved his box of lanyards.  And the Sky Mall catalog!  The line about hoping they never go out business made me chuckle.


This very much.  Lanyards and badges in every color, and even triangular ID badges!  Somebody's been having fun with their label maker.


Two small moments I enjoyed:

  • Fitz and Simmons joking with Skye about the hula dancer because it shakes
  • Hunter drawing spines on Raina's file photo
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Great episode!  The post-MCU movie episodes haven't disappointed.


I was surprised that Gonzales was as civil as he was.  I think he was genuine but there's no way to make that indexing sound good.  Jiayang is just as batshit crazy as Cal.  Sorry to see EJO go and I would have looked forward to seeing his character in the supervising role.


Speaking of Cal, KM continues to kill it.  His character is a blast and I loved the scene of him dissecting Raina's personality to her face.  He did it well in private too.


I want Mack to stay with the show.  He's been one of its best additions.


Good tie-in to the Age of Ultron stuff.  I do call bullshit for trying to link Coulson more to it though.


Skye was called "magnificent" by her father.  I would expect a father to say that.


I was glad that Coulson was called out on his blind spot in regards to Skye.  It was correct although he still should have been there with another agent when dealing with Jiayang.  Looks like it wouldn't have made any difference though.


Don't trust Ward.


I'm looking forward to Shield vs The Inhumans.

Edited by benteen
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Ehh. I'm so completely over Skye. I've had to force myself to try to accept SkyeMom because I do not care for the actress but now I'm over trying with her. (Her voice, ugh!) Of that family only Daddy Crazypants is entertaining.

This episode bored me in the oddest of ways. In theory I like the idea of Inhumans & Shield getting all up in each other's business but in practice... meh. I found myself looking at Lincoln & missing The Tomorrow People. How messed up is that Marvel?!

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Always fun to check in on the Koeings!  Nice Star Wars product placement, show.  Disney sure ain't messing around!

I forgot about that. I had The Empire Strike Back sheets, but I was little then.

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Kara being an inside agent for Ward, totally saw that coming. Jiaying starting a war, I did not.


Same, although I think that that was the first time that I was actually happy to see Ward. When we get to see that this is all part of his evil plan. Go Evil Ward! Go!


Should have sent Coulson in, because I don't think Skye's mom tries that with Coulson.  Mainly because she knows Skye would never believe her, and Skye would have stuck around for the meeting.


Actually I disagree. Jiaying knows how important Coulson is to Skye, but that makes him dangerous and a threat to her happy family reunion. Plus, if Jiaying killed Coulson and claimed that he had tried to kill her first ... well, I think Skye would probably buy it even if she had doubts. Also it seems like Jiaying really doesn't trust SHIELD's entire plan of putting them on the Index, not just the messenger.


And holy crap Jiaying!  You know, I really wasn't expecting Inhumans to start the war between them and SHIELD.  I thought it would be Gonzales for sure... but I think he was being genuine in his own bigoted but almost well meaning way.  And who would have thought Raina would be the more honest broker in Afterlife?


I wasn't thrilled with the reveal that Coulson is responsible for the helicarrier, even though I was expecting it.  It makes little sense that he's need to keep that a secret for May, and it just feels kind of cheap and dumb for the show to take credit for something like this on the movie when the movie did practically nothing to acknowledge that there's still a Coulson and a SHIELD around.  It's less convincing and impressive when the integration is so one sided.  Last week's tie ins worked much better, because atleast we had a visit from Maria Hill to make it more legit.  It also made no sense for Coulson to have kept this from May.  I understand why the nature of Theta Protocol was kept mysterious to us as an audience because it'd spoil parts of Age of Ultron, but there's no good story reason why restoring a helicarrier or working on a base for the Avengers would need to be so secret that Coulson had to hide it even from his inner circle. 


I also wasn't crazy with how combative Skye was with May.  Even in her mom's telling of the story, that little girl was dangerous, and it's clear from everything Skye knows about May that that incident changed May's life and deep scars so she can't believe that thatwas a decision that May has even felt at peace with or that was taken lightly. And asking May if she knew she was Inhuman was stupid, since it was obvious just from the conversation they were having mere minutes before made it clear that they knew nothing about them.



I don't think I can agree with that actually.  I don't think we know what  Jiaying is really capable of at this point.  I think she was resolved to do it the moment she rounded up everyone to confront Raina.


I loved the Gonzalez-Jiaying scene. It really played with expectations, and I love that Gonzalez, this prejudiced guy who wanted to go to war with them, wound up being the one extending an olive branch, whereas Jiaying, the non-confrontational leader, was the one to murder him and fake an attack to start a war.


Agree totally about the let down of Theta protocol, and the nonsense of keeping that such a huge secret. I did like though that Coulson invited them all to the discussion table.


And yeah, I'm not sure how Skye's going to wind up back on the team after this episode. It really highlighted that despite what happened in S1 and S2, she really doesn't feel that loyalty anymore, and she seems to see the team as people that she can't really trust. The Inhumans are her people now, not SHIELD. It's interesting that rather than having sympathy for May, the SHIELD agent who had to make a tough call, she has sympathy for Katya, the little girl who couldn't control her powers and killed a bunch of people.


Can't approve of either Jiaying or Raina, but I admit I LOVE them as antagonists.  For all that people criticize Marvel's film villains, they've created some great TV ones.  I also think Gordon is a great wild card and I admire the actor's ability to convey real presence with his eyes obscured.


So that moment with Jiaying and Gonzalez was my favorite moment by far for either character. Chilling and tense and just oh my god awesome.

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I don't think I can agree with that actually.  I don't think we know what  Jiaying is really capable of at this point.  I think she was resolved to do it the moment she rounded up everyone to confront Raina.

She's smart enough to know that Skye wouldn't believe that Coulson fired first.  Heck, even Raina wouldn't believe it for a second.  Had Coulson walked in, she probably would have agreed to peace, and started the war at a different time, perhaps saying Gonzalez shot Cal.  But with Coulson, she'd have to know, there's no way her plan would work.

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She's smart enough to know that Skye wouldn't believe that Coulson fired first.  Heck, even Raina wouldn't believe it for a second.  Had Coulson walked in, she probably would have agreed to peace, and started the war at a different time, perhaps saying Gonzalez shot Cal.  But with Coulson, she'd have to know, there's no way her plan would work.


Does it matter what Skye would have believed?  Yes she's her mother, but Jiaying is apparently an "end justify the means" type person.   If she believed that peace with SHIELD would put her child at risk she might not be worried enough about what Skye would think of what she had done.  Nor do I think anyone else in Afterlife would be likely to take Skye's word over Jiaying's if she tried to tell anyone else that there is no way Coulson would have shot Jiaying first.  She's an outsider who received her powers out of turn, and is a known agent of SHIELD.  It'd be easy for Jiaying to discredit her if it came to that.


Also, I think it's clear that her plan was already in place before they met with Gonzales, because Cal already had his elixirs on him when SHIELD arrived.  That's clearly not something he would have been allowed to have access to while in Afterlife, so Jiaying must have given them to him or at least allowed him to get them.  She wouldn't have done that if turning Cal over to SHIELD was truly meant as the gesture of good faith she initially presented it as.

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Yes she's her mother, but Jiaying is apparently an "end justify the means" type person.   If she believed that peace with SHIELD would put her child at risk she might not be worried enough about what Skye would think of what she had done.


The problem I have with Jiaying's plan is that even if Gonzales did shoot her, that's no real threat to Jiaying's life it's just an inconvenience really.  After what Whitehall did to her, she should be able to walk off a gunshot wound.  And how is she going to explain how she "accidentally" hit Gonzales with the Terragenesis mist ?  That seems like a bit of an overreaction -- and I hope someone puts the pieces together soon that Jiaying murdered the guy and was in fact the instigator.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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The problem I have with Jiaying's plan is that even if Gonzales did shoot her, that's no reakl threat to Jiaying's life it's just an inconvenience really.  After what Whitehall did to her, she should be able to walk off a gunshot wound.  And how is she going to explain how she "accidentally" hit Gonzales with the Terragenesis mist ?  That seems like a bit of an overreaction -- and I hope someone puts the pieces together soon that Jiaying murdered the guy and was in fact the instigator.


So that's a good point, but given the fear and tension on both sides, I bet it's going to be glossed over by the next episode. There are people on both sides itching for a fight, and certainly after seeing their leader bleeding, I think this ultra-secretive society is going to be ready for all out war.

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Worst episode ever.


And guess what? It was all about... Skye! I find Mack ten times more interesting than Skye, and they make him quit. You will like Skye or else! So sick of her and the Inhumans story. 


And they love to torture us with Ward, dangling some hope that he could be redeemed and then having a sleepover party to laugh at all of us who bought in. So much for that, because, you know, it's all about her Skyeness, so who cares about Ward being good or on the team? I guess next season we can look forward to more of the same, seeing bad Ward in every third episode or so along with Kara. So much for her rejoining with Shield. Thanks, showrunners! And Fitz? He will ALWAYS be second fiddle to Simmons.


And whoa! Jiaying murders Gonzalez. And then shoots herself to manipulate her own daughter and everyone else. Wow. But I'm supposed to root for the Inhumans? I like Gordon a bit and sympathize with Raina a little, but that's about it. 


But who cares, right? Because Skye!

Edited by APSimpson
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I also wasn't crazy with how combative Skye was with May.  Even in her mom's telling of the story, that little girl was dangerous, and it's clear from everything Skye knows about May that that incident changed May's life and deep scars so she can't believe that thatwas a decision that May has even felt at peace with or that was taken lightly. 


"You, most of all, should know why the Inhumans are so secretive and afraid of the outside world, May. That little girl who killed all of those non-Inhumans was the Inhuman daughter of an Inhuman who exposed her daughter to the Terrigan Mists too early because she didn't trust the autocratic leadership of my mother. Clearly, then, that is a sign that the Inhumans should be MORE secretive! You should know this, May!"


That May looked at her like, "Okay, good point" instead of "What the heck are you even talking about?!" is beyond me. 

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"You, most of all, should know why the Inhumans are so secretive and afraid of the outside world, May. That little girl who killed all of those non-Inhumans was the Inhuman daughter of an Inhuman who exposed her daughter to the Terrigan Mists too early because she didn't trust the autocratic leadership of my mother. Clearly, then, that is a sign that the Inhumans should be MORE secretive! You should know this, May!"


That May looked at her like, "Okay, good point" instead of "What the heck are you even talking about?!" is beyond me. 


I also liked Skye's dig "did you know she was Inhuman JUST LIKE ME?!?" Okay, clearly not as they literally just learned what an Inhuman was Skye. Calm yourself. Katya was a killer child, who became a killer because your mother created this crazy authoritarian rule. May was just stopping a mass murderer.

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I also liked Skye's dig "did you know she was Inhuman JUST LIKE ME?!?" Okay, clearly not as they literally just learned what an Inhuman was Skye. Calm yourself. Katya was a killer child, who became a killer because your mother created this crazy authoritarian rule. May was just stopping a mass murderer.


They turned up in Bahrain prepared to kill the mother if she wouldn't sign up with SHIELD .That was the standing operative procedure for approaching the Gifted.

Nobody had died as far as we know up to that point.


And the mother was responsible for how Katyas's trip through the mist and its results .Jiaying plainly said the girl was disturbed before hand  and she could see psychological weaknesses which turned out to be true as she went insane when she did go through.

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I'm on Jiaying's side in this. I don't know how the show has managed to portray SHIELD as antagonistic (at least to me) but, looking at it long term, it's hard to see how the Inhumans generally will be the bad guys in this universe (a. they have their own movie coming out and b. the Kree want to destroy them or use them nefariously and the Kree don't seem like good guys. - PS. I haven't read the comics, so this is just speculation). Now, unless Jiaying has become rogue, which I somehow doubt, her fears of SHIELD are legitimate.


Her job was secrecy and helping her race through the transformation process. As soon as the secret is out SHIELD land their jets, Coulson the leader she might trust has not showed up and the replacement is talking of studying and monitoring her people - lab tests, surveillance, interrogation and being locked up will be the norm. And that was the more "peaceful" option on the table. Remember SHIELD also have the Kree weapon to exterminate them with. But I question her decision to start a war, disappearing would have been better but if Gordon can be tracked that won't help matters much.


I also think she trusted Raina's vision, she just knew Raina would use it to attempt a coup. I wonder what Raina's own solution would've been, I suspect fighting back is the answer too. But we don't know the leadership of the Inhumans beyond Jiaying. Obviously Afterlife is not Attilan and Jiaying answers to higher ups. Attacking SHIELD seems like a far reaching decision. I doubt the show will carry it through.

Edited by Boundary
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You guys, I love Sam's sock drawer and his watch case filled with different Shield badges.


I know that Cal is crazy and dangerous but he still cracks me up from time to time. This week it was when he said that Shield THINKS he's a murderer and then he followed that up by saying that it's technically true. Oh, Cal, never change. I also loved when he told Gonzalez he didn't think he had killed any Shield agents, just humans who had it coming.


Come back, Mack! At least come back long enough to help Simmons take out Ward and Agent 33!

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I think that the show did a good job of showing why Jiaying did what she did, and I do empathize with her. But in my mind, she lost the moral high ground when she decided to kill Gonzalez and pretend that he attacked her in order to start a war. SHIELD is definitely shady, and if Jiaying did not want to go along with their shady terms, there are a lot better ways of doing that than murder + faking an attack. Ultimately, her actions are going to get a lot of people hurt and killed, not just SHIELD agents but her own people.

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I think that the show did a good job of showing why Jiaying did what she did, and I do empathize with her. But in my mind, she lost the moral high ground when she decided to kill Gonzalez and pretend that he attacked her in order to start a war. SHIELD is definitely shady, and if Jiaying did not want to go along with their shady terms, there are a lot better ways of doing that than murder + faking an attack. Ultimately, her actions are going to get a lot of people hurt and killed, not just SHIELD agents but her own people.


What ways ? As I already said SHIELD SOP is to use force if they don't agree to being Indexed .So its either agree to being probed and experimented on or resist


as someone in another franchise once said


I have been marked once, my dear and let me assure you, no needle shall ever touch my skin again. [pulls up sleeve to reveal tattoos from his time in a Nazi Concentration Camp]


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Starting a war is a questionable tactic but so was SHIELD's first act. They could've used Skye as an envoy, to and fro a few times, until the dialogue had built enough trust to meet at a neutral venue or something. Offering "peace" to the Inhumans with big guns parked in their lawn was really asking for it. And it was stupid, these are powered people, no way could they know SHIELD can survive an attack. 

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They could have straight up refused to meet and fled Afterlife. She could have refused Gonzalez terms and run. Or she could have consulted her people (you know, the ones she's going to be sending to war) if they even agree with a war. She said that she's not sure that they will even follow her (hence faking the attack to sway sympathy), but Afterlife doesn't seem to have a military or anyone who is expected to fight and die to protect the others. So she's basically asking civilians to go to war against a heavily armed opponent. I'm not saying that SHIELD was right in what they did, but I think that as leader, when you're going to be sending people to war, you should at least consult them first. Maybe the others in Afterlife would not have wanted to fight?

Edited by kitlee625
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I actually kind of saw Jaiying pulling this.  There were really one too many anvils about Gonzalez starting the war for me to think he'd actually be the one.  And she's been giving me bad vibes for a few weeks now.  But I did love her and Cal together.  Not sure they'll get their happily ever after with their daughter though.


As always, the brotherhood of Coulson, Hunter and Fitz is made of win!  And I really want to see Hunter take Ward apart for Bobbie.  And I was oh so not surprised that Kara turned on SHIELD.  Saw her as Ward's plant a mile away.  


I did like the Theta Protocol explanation.  The Koenigs were the best.

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