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S07.E24: Reunion, Part 2

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And no one actually knows if Nene actually donated as she could have done it anonymously or asked that it not be broadcasted. No one really know much about how Nene contributes to charities as we never know if she did unless the charity states it. Until she clearly says one way or the other, we really don't actually know.

She blows her horn whenever she did anything for charity throughout this entire show. Even when it's a fake charity, but I digress.....

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Last year when I donated money for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, I put my receipt on FB, as proof that I participated. I don't see how Kenya posting her canceled cheques on Twitter is mocking the act of charitable donation.

it is a point when she only produced the check after being blasted by the very charity that she had not come forward and has set up and then not shown up to several appearances where she was to present the check.  Only when she was called out did she go to instagram to show the check.  http://straightfromthea.com/2014/10/15/instagram-flexin-kenya-moore-cuts-20000-check-to-detroit-public-schools/

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Ugh, watching that gave me a stomach ache AND a headache. I am so over these mean, spiteful, small-minded women.

If Phaedra had just said 'dag Kandi, I really didn't know all of that was happening & I *am* sorry', that's all it would have taken for Kandi AND me to forgive or at least understand her. But she has to sit there and NEVERBEWRONG. Ugly ugly ugly women. Inside and out. All of them.

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She doesn't have the humility for us to even consider this as a possibility girl.  Even if the check had been anonymous, trust she would've acknowledged having done it if she were challenged as opposed to justifying not doing it at all.



Exactly. If she'd donated, when asked about it, she'd have acknowledged the donation. None of this "I'm poor, I'll do it when I'm ready" bullshit.


If it were some obscure charity it might not be that big of a deal, but my God woman.... it's children in need. NeNe, get your head out of your fake ass long enough to cut a check for $20,000. You just bought a bigass house. You ain't poor.

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Exactly. If she'd donated, when asked about it, she'd have acknowledged the donation. None of this "I'm poor, I'll do it when I'm ready" bullshit.


If it were some obscure charity it might not be that big of a deal, but my God woman.... it's children in need. NeNe, get your head out of your fake ass long enough to cut a check for $20,000. You just bought a bigass house. You ain't poor.


Not only is it children in need, but its minority children in need in a city that went bankrupt.  If Nene were as classy as she thought she was, she would have her fans donate to Detroit Public Schools as well, challenging them to match her $20,000 donation with their combined donations.  This is a fail for Nene.  She was trying to dig at Kenya when she ended up slashing herself.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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I think Claudia was quiet because it took all of her concentration to keep her eyes open with those three-pound lashes.


She has perfected one move: lowering her (heavy) lashes while cutting her eyes right or left.

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The misogyny espoused on this show by Nene, Porsha and the "viewer" who sent in the question to Peter calling him "Lupeter" is terrible.


Why are we continuing the dumb societal construct that the worst thing you can do to verbally insult a man is compare him to a woman? Nene of all people with her unconventional relationship should be really turned off by this sort of thing. On that note, I also have distaste for Gregg trying to regain his man cred by insulting Peter and trying to do the "See, I may hold my wife's purse, but Peter's worse."


In addition, shut up about "woman business". There is no such thing. Gossip and pettiness happens between and involving heterosexual males as well. We just all pretend that it's something else. Issues among women are not inherently inferior or unworthy of male attention. Dumb is dumb.

Edited by red12
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Except she DID flirt with Peter.  Multiple times.  On camera.  And made references to it in her talking heads.  And like Kenya tried to say to Nene before she started huffing and puffing about her marriage, Kenya didn't say that Nene was trying to sleep with him, just that she was also flirting and people sometimes flirt just for fun.  I would have more respect for Nene if she'd just admitted she had flirted with Peter but both Peter and Cynthia knew it was a joke, instead of getting super defensive over something we all saw her do.  


Andy kept trying to say this to Nene on WWHL last night, and of course, she kept talking over him.  


I definitely felt for Kandi last night.  Especially when they would cut to Phaedra sitting there trying to come up with something to say when she knew Kandi was telling the truth.  Phaedra came across as such the shitty friend who's problems are much more important than your problems.  


Oh, I know, but I'd still go ballistic at having myself, Peter and flirting in the same sentence.


No way would I want attention brought to that.

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Nene totally flirted with Peter. After one of their fights she said they'd made up and were "back in love." It was on television. I saw it. Maybe Cynthia wasn't bothered by it (and as far as Peter getting attention from other women goes, Nene isn't who Cynthia needs to worry about) but it absolutely happened.


This was so depressing. This show used to be a lot of fun, but now it just isn't. It's gone to a really dark place.

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Thankfully, it looks like the season won't be extended by another "bonus" Husbands Revealed episode, since Peter and Gregg are fighting their wives' battle, Apollo is up river, and Todd is spending more time in LA than ATL these days.

They need to start rebranding these 'Housewives' shows.

Edited by Lakewood27
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They were all disgusting. I think NeNe knows she flirted with Peter but she doesn't equate it with the flirting Kenya did with Peter because she had no designs on Peter and as she said at the time the two couples were good friends. She should have explained it that way. I hated the way she went all crazy at the end and how silly she's been in both episodes of this tortuous reunion.


That said, I wonder if seeing how wretched she looked throughout the season with the crazy fucked up hair gave her an epiphany because she looked fantabulous on WWHL. The hair was really nice, the makeup on point and the yellow was lovely on her. She definitely needs to keep that hair. Even though I'm not a big fan of all this blonde stuff, the deeper shade she was sporting last night was nice especially with the more conservative hairstyle.


I also very much agreed with the point she made that there are too many single women on the show and that if there are singles it would be much  more fun for the wives and us if those girls were dating and looking for love. 

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I also very much agreed with the point she made that there are too many single women on the show and that if there are singles it would be much  more fun for the wives and us if those girls were dating and looking for love. 


Kenya has a boyfriend, but I don't see him coming on this show. At all. Ever.


Claudia, I have no idea if she's dating anyone or not.


Porsha.... anyone's guess. Phaedra is still married but looking to get some Chinese. And I don't think she means take-out.

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overall, aginggoth, not to shade your opinion, I have to take objection to the breakdown of when Kenya did what and why.  You know that no Kenya Moore fan am I, but the bottom line is, no matter the source of those funds or the charity they were pledged to, Kenya did what she said she was going to do, Nene, didn't and if I were a betting woman, I'd say she's going to keep coming up with silly immature phrases and facial expressions to keep from having to

.Good Morning, ZaldamoWilder!


Don't see it as shade at all.  It is just that I feel both are very wrong, here.  Kenya for her delays and no shows before she wrote the check and the grandstanding she did to make sure everyone knew she finally did it and Nene for either not letting us know if she did her part or just not doing it at all out of spite for Kenya.  Both are very immature here.  If she could afford to plomp down that much cash for a house, she should easily afford 20K to donate.  Which, does actually piss me off with both of them

Phaedra is still married but looking to get some Chinese. And I don't think she means take-out.

OK I'm hungry now.

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Nene not writing that 20K check to charity tells me everything I need to know about her. She is a  poser and a liar. I'm sure Greg's balls are in that purse he carries for her. Why were any of the husbands there? They had nothing worthwhile to say. 


Phaedra saying she still loves Apollo. WTF? 

Edited by bichonblitz
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The misogyny espoused on this show by Nene, Porsha and the "viewer" who sent in the question to Peter calling him "Lupeter" is terrible.


Why are we continuing the dumb societal construct that the worse thing you can do to verbally insult a man is compare him to a woman? Nene of all people with her unconventional relationship should be really turned off by this sort of thing. On that note, I also have distaste for Gregg trying to regain his man cred by insulting Peter and trying to do the "See, I may hold my wife's purse, but Peter's worse." to be terrible.


In addition, shut up about "woman business". There is no such thing. Gossip and pettiness happens between and involving heterosexual males as well. We just all pretend that it's something else. Issues among women are not inherently inferior or unworthy of male attention. Dumb is dumb.

GOD  YES. All of these ho'wives shows. Blergh.

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Phaedra saying she still loves Apollo. WTF?

He's a broken piece of crap but you just don't stop loving your husband just because.  Sometimes it is just hard to let go.


Another thing I need to rant about.  Just what the Flip is in the air that there are hoards of African royalty falling out of the sky onto the heads of Atlantian women where they are being dragged off into the sunset full of lust and expensive purses while the Princes run back to the motherland to engage in a long distance relationship WHILE being totally transparent to the point that NO ONE has ever seen any of them BUT can have them run pass other women, yelling their names WHILE texting married women offering confectionary love and showering them with gifts that apparently don't actually last but for a few months.


Just asking.

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In addition, shut up about "woman business". There is no such thing. Gossip and pettiness happens between and involving heterosexual males as well. We just all pretend that it's something else. Issues among women are not inherently inferior or unworthy of male attention. Dumb is dumb.


LOL, my male colleagues call it "philosphying".  Women gossip while men philosphy.

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There are many reasons why I dislike Clawdia so and she never fails to continuously fuel my distaste for her.  Now Porsha (Yes, she has Porsha on the brain A-GAIN) has a stank attitude and has had it all season.  Once again, girl.  If someone doesn't like you and ignores you, just keep it moving and WALK AWAY.


She has taken to social media to "warn" Porsha not to talk about her and Kenya.   I'm sure Porsha is losing a mess of sleep over this.

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Another thing I need to rant about.  Just what the Flip is in the air that there are hoards of African royalty falling out of the sky onto the heads of Atlantian women where they are being dragged off into the sunset full of lust and expensive purses while the Princes run back to the motherland to engage in a long distance relationship WHILE being totally transparent to the point that NO ONE has ever seen any of them BUT can have them run pass other women, yelling their names WHILE texting married women offering confectionary love and showering them with gifts that apparently don't actually last but for a few months.


Just asking.


LOL!!!  Prolly no shortage of African men anywhere.  As to, *cough* princes, me thinks they're about as royal as their most gullible bachelorette.   Either that or I need to blitz out on some 25 inch hawaiian yaki and move to Atlanta, today.

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Nay-Nay has been basically playing Fay-Fay all this time.  Her true ugly self erupted when she screamed at Kenya saying this ain't Phaedra bitch, you can disrespect her & Apollo but not me. And the look on Fakedra's face......


I also think Kandi is done with Fakedra.

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 And no one actually knows if Nene actually donated as she could have done it anonymously or asked that it not be broadcasted.  No one really know much about how Nene contributes to charities as we never know if she did unless the charity states it.  Until she clearly says one way or the other, we really don't actually know.


Last night during the reunion:


Andy: "Nene, did you write your $20,000 check to the Detroit schools?"

Nene: "No."


What exactly are we waiting for to be sure that she didn't do it?


I have to say, I found it really distasteful that Phaedra and Porsha sat there smirking and giggling at Nene's absolute coonery about that check. There wasn't a thing cute or funny about claiming she couldn't write a check for charity because she was poor and had no job. Like, it wasn't funny, it was stupid. They didn't have to condemn her, but they didn't have to co-sign the buffoonery either. ESPECIALLY Phaedra, after acting like she cared by putting on that big charity performance for those poor "black boys"  :::drink every time she or Nene pointed out their black sons like they came into existence this season::::


Nene & Peter: I remember Nene flirting hard enough that there was a lot of talk about it on the old boards, and commentary about her crossing the line with her comments. Mind you, I did think she was excessive, although I never thought she truly wanted Peter. But I thought his attention to her did titillate her a bit, in the way an old married woman can enjoy a little appreciation without having any intention of taking it further. Or, uh, so I hear ....


At least this time when someone did something they "promised themselves (they) wouldn't do," nobody got hurt. I know Kandi is mad for showing so much emotion while her girl sat there stonefaced as usual.


I'll believe all these proclamations of being rich, and/or not needing this show for the money when they get off the show. At the least in Phaedra's case she wasn't getting the kind of publicity that made sense to do it, and in fact has the nerve to continually snap at people who ask about the damned story she put forth. These chicks exhaust me.

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Nay-Nay has been basically playing Fay-Fay all this time.  Her true ugly self erupted when she screamed at Kenya saying this ain't Phaedra bitch, you can disrespect her & Apollo but not me. And the look on Fakedra's face......


I also think Kandi is done with Fakedra.


Yeah, if that wasn't a wake-up call for Phaedra....and confirmation of everything Kandi's been saying about NeNe... I don't know what was. 


NeNe is too wrapped up in her own hype to realize how badly she's coming across to people who aren't blinded by her teeth to see it.

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Ugh - why does Bravo insist on casts that are so unlikable?!

At this point Claudia seems the most forthright and decent - but give it time; we don't know her very well yet.

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Perhaps NeNe did indeed secretly donate to the DPSF but lied on last night's broadcast because she's just so humble? Huh? If "making a mockery" of and creating a spectacle around philanthropic endeavors was of such concern to her, then why did NeNe issue the challenge to Kenya on a television show that's functionally all about women arguing and nets 4 million viewers? There are certainly more obvious avenues of discretion than attempting to shame one's co-worker about their lack of discretionary funds and using philanthropy to do it, and if one transposes the inverse of NeNe's words on to whatever she says, why doesn't one have to do the same for Kenya? Maybe Kenya didn't just donate $20k but, rather, much more despite her own statements . . . I don't see the dissolution of Kandi and Phaedra's friendship as case study in miscommunication, really. When Phaedra meets with Kandi and does not express her distress to the extent that she did in talking heads, how, in fact, is Kandi supposed to discern that Phaedra is feeling so "raw"? Telepathy and mind-reading? Phaedra certainly felt comfortable enough "boo-hooing" to the camera in her talking heads, and that's understandable; she was and is under an enormous amount of stress. However, if she feels more at ease confiding in show production than in Kandi during their face to face meetings, then how is the onus of responsibility on Kandi to magically know what emotional tumult Phaedra is experiencing? At least Kandi cried when she was sitting opposite Phaedra, even if it was on a sound stage, rather than waiting until she was alone in reality show confessional to air her grievances.

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Phaedra's real problem wasn't that Kenya flirted with Apollo.  It was that Apollo flirted back.  She's mad at Kenya because she can't bring herself to be mad at the person who actually wronged her..... Apollo, her husband. 


That's also why the Nene/Peter flirting thing wasn't a big deal.  Nene flirted with Peter.  But Peter wasn't interesting in Nene....AT ALL...

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The misogyny espoused on this show by Nene, Porsha and the "viewer" who sent in the question to Peter calling him "Lupeter" is terrible.

What did that nickname mean? I thought someone was calling him "NewPeter".

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Phaedra's real problem wasn't that Kenya flirted with Apollo.  It was that Apollo flirted back.  She's mad at Kenya because she can't bring herself to be mad at the person who actually wronged her..... Apollo, her husband. 


That's also why the Nene/Peter flirting thing wasn't a big deal.  Nene flirted with Peter.  But Peter wasn't interesting in Nene....AT ALL...


Kenya committed the sin here.  No single woman should ever look in the direction of a married man, much less talk to him.  Ever.  Men are svengallied by the ugliest woman, thus its the job of women to make sure all married men stay faithful to the relationships they commited to.

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I hate Nene.  She was on WWHL going on and on about how only married women should be on the show.  I guess when she was divorced, they should have fired her?  And I hate Peter, but it galls me that Andy just sits there and lets these people call him effeminate and gay for being 'in woman business' or whatever.  Andy would have a complete shit fit if the Guidices implied that gossiping was an effeminate thing but Gregg can say he's a 'man's man'.  Again, I hate Peter and don't really like Cynthia but Peter was defending his wife.  It's an easy homophobic way of shutting the man down by implying he's feminine for being in the gossip mix, and I think it's gross.  Nene is a nasty, homophobic, ignorant woman, and I love that Kenya and Kandi will get right into her face. 


Also not a fan of Kandi this season but she silenced Phaedra.  Phaedra knows she did wrong by cuddling up to Nene.  And she can lose me with weighing whether her traumas are more important than Kandi's.  At the end of the day, Phaedra knew she was marrying a criminal, I'm sure she knew he was continuing to break the law, and she allowed all of this, and her children, to be filmed.  So in my mind, it must not be so tragic and horrible for her.  It's entertainment.  Cry me a river, Phaedra.

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Kenya committed the sin here.  No single woman should ever look in the direction of a married man, much less talk to him.  Ever.  Men are svengallied by the ugliest woman, thus its the job of women to make sure all married men stay faithful to the relationships they commited to.


I want to tackle hug and church pinch you at the same time for this.    It is Kenya's sin - because she's boundary less and continued to cross lines she pretended not to notice even after being asked not to.  Pinchy part:  every gloria steinham mitochondria in my body rebukes the idea that anyone else is responsible for anyone else's behavior.  Women, single or otherwise do not have the responsibility of keeping men faithful.   His dick, his job. 

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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While Nene has her issues and I've defended her before, I have to say this.


I believe the reason she got so incensed by Kenya comparing her flirting with Apollo to Nene's flirting with Peter because they were two different things.  Nene "flirting" with Peter is the kind of "flirting" I do with the married boys I work with.  Cute, harmless, compliments that mean nothing and their wives have been around and see it and don't care because I'm not that kind of woman and they aren't those kind of men.  I like their wives, I love their kids, I would never do a thing to get in between any of them.  And yes, I find some of them attractive in the same way I can say my brother is hot....but gross, he's my brother.


Kenya's flirting was a different thing entirely.  Longing looks from across the room.  Wearing skimpy outfits.  Text messages that bordered on inappropriate.  Had Apollo seriously responded to ANY of the things Kenya was doing (which I think he did in a way) then there's no doubt they would've been bumping uglies as quickly as they found a spot.  

And lets not forget the most important thing....Phaedra asked her to stop.  Phaedra made it clear she was not comfortable with the situation.  That alone makes it a different situation.  And for Kenya to compare the two as if Nene and Peter were disrespecting Cynthia by doing it is unfair and ridiculous.  If Cynthia had a problem with it, she never said anything and seemed to think it was funny most of the time.  In this situation, one does not equal the other.  So in Nene's defense, she had a reason for going crazy when Kenya suggested that.  And to be honest, Kenya explains most of her inappropriate behavior with "WELL YOU DO IT TOO!!!" and it's as annoying from her as it is from Brandi.  For a woman who's constantly squawking about other women not taking responsibility for their shit, she sure as hell should take her own damn advice.

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But getting all worked up about something so innocent isn't how normal people react. If someone accused me of flirting with a friend's husband, I'd laugh and call them my crazy friend. Or just crazy in a fun way. I'd never go off on them like a raving banshee.

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I watched this mess of a reunion and this show needs to be put to rest, or get a new cast.


What I see are a bunch of women fighting over nothing really.  Nene is trying to keep her "top dog" status, whatever that means in this group.  I don't really know why she's still on the show, since she seems to have no use for it.  In her defense, the show has changed from when it began.  In season one, most of the women were really wives, and there was a different feeling to the whole thing.  Now it's just nasty and who can be the nastiest.


I see Cynthia, Kenya and Claudia, the three witches, as women who at one time were known for their beauty.  But now they're over forty and we live in a youth oriented culture.  Cynthia was a model, Kenya a beauty queen and I think Claudia used to be on The Price is Right or some game show where she didn't speak.  The point is the are fighting to get to the top of the heap of all this mess.  Why?  Well what else do they have?  Cynthia is married to a man who probably will rob her blind, and then leave her for a younger woman, Kenya probably knows this is her last leg; I mean most beauty queens, especially winner, either have careers in broadcasting, or marry well; I don't know if Kenya has done either.  And Claudia, well, I'm not sure what she is, I think she was known for being cute, but she's not even that cute now and probably can see that her time is fading.


I see Porsha trying to get a peach because she knows this is all she has, she doesn't seem to have much going for her.  At least Kenya won a beauty contest.


I see Phaedra really trying to hold on.  She came on this show, probably to promote herself and it all blew up in her face.  She married what she thought was a good looking man.  She knew his history and probably thought she could change him.  But the problem with that is no one can change unless they want to, and I don't think Apollo really wanted to change.  

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Right.  She didn't say the thing that we could support her for which, to your point Caught, would've been:  Yeah I flirted with Peter that was different because (reasons 1-5).  She said I didn't flirt with Peter and seemed, almost, what? indignant? at the suggestion.  Why, because it's being said in front of her husband? Who had to have watched the same scenes we did, right?  We didn't imagine this, did we?

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But getting all worked up about something so innocent isn't how normal people react. If someone accused me of flirting with a friend's husband, I'd laugh and call them my crazy friend. Or just crazy in a fun way. I'd never go off on them like a raving banshee.

I wouldn't laugh if they were trying to use ME as an example of their very inappropriate behavior, especially with my husband right there possibly wondering just what was I doing.  Plus Nene was more incensed that Kenya was attempting to compare her very whorish behavior with Nene which I for one would not ever want to be compared to Kenya for any reason.  Kenya was acting like her behavior was fine and it never was.

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But getting all worked up about something so innocent isn't how normal people react. If someone accused me of flirting with a friend's husband, I'd laugh and call them my crazy friend. Or just crazy in a fun way. I'd never go off on them like a raving banshee.


Well....I mean.....just because you wouldn't react that way doesn't mean someone's abnormal for reacting that way.  To be completely honest, I would lose my shit if someone tried to make it seem like I was attempting to break up a marriage because of some innocent flirting.  Especially if it was someone I hated who'd spent the better part of 2 years slamming me for everything I'd ever done.  Everyone has their button, apparently for Nene, Kenya hit it.  


I really hate this idea that because Nene reacted that makes her crazy or abnormal.  EVERYONE in the world has a line that people can cross that leads them to react.  Nene is no different. 

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especially with my husband right there possibly wondering just what was I doing.

But that's the thing, Gregg watched it all play out LIVE while he was there (or not, depending on if he was awake) and then again on TV. He knew it was no big deal. We all did, we all watched the same thing.

If it hadn't been aired on national television, then I'd cut NeNe some slack. But it was part of a televised program. Seen by millions.

So her acting like someone's trying to kill her makes no sense (to me) unless there's more going on than we know about.

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So her acting like someone's trying to kill her makes no sense (to me) unless there's more going on than we know about.


This is slightly dramatic for someone who's trying to tag Nene for being overly dramatic.  


Nene is loud, she let Kenya know it wasn't ok.  She did not get up from her seat or put her hands on anyone.  People are allowed to get pissed off and lose their shit on national TV.  I don't see what that has to do with anything.  Kenya says shit to get a reaction.  She did it last year to Porsha and she's doing it this year to Nene and Phaedra.  If you ask me the reaction isn't the problem.


ETA:  I also don't care if Nene verbalized the reasons I don't take issue with her flirting with Peter and I do take issue with Kenya's flirting with Apollo.  I don't need someone to say it to know it happened.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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I couldn't finish watching this. Seriously, Andy Cohen just grosses me all the way out. There was a moment when he sat there giggling delightfully, hiding his mouth behind his index cards while these women tore each other apart. It just didn't sit right with me. There was something just so wrong, so very exploitive about it that I all of a sudden felt very uncomfortable. It was like he was watching animals at the zoo. I won't watch the rest of this "reunion." I'll definitely come here to read the brilliant snark though.

ETA: Because I should know the difference between hear and here by now.

Edited by charmed1
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Nene most definitely got flirtatious with Peter. I wish Kenya had quoted her: "The darker the berry, the sweeter the juice."


That said, this reunion is all kinds of boring. I don't like any of these women.

Agreed. BORING.

They're all awful. From bad to worse:

1. Kandi

2. Cynthia

3. Porsha

4. Nene, Phaedra and Kenya (3 way tie)

5. Claudia

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This is slightly dramatic for someone who's trying to tag Nene for being overly dramatic.  


Nene is loud, she let Kenya know it wasn't ok.  She did not get up from her seat or put her hands on anyone.  People are allowed to get pissed off and lose their shit on national TV.  I don't see what that has to do with anything.  Kenya says shit to get a reaction.  She did it last year to Porsha and she's doing it this year to Nene and Phaedra.  If you ask me the reaction isn't the problem.


ETA:  I also don't care if Nene verbalized the reasons I don't take issue with her flirting with Peter and I do take issue with Kenya's flirting with Apollo.  I don't need someone to say it to know it happened.  


These shows are about putting these women under pressure and watching the crazy ensue.


Nene's reaction illustrated that Kenya was hitting her hard.  Kenya was not sweating.  In fact, I forgot she was there for a minute.  Nene was the one who had to catch herself from flying out of her seat over an innoucuous comment that was true.  Kenya was not making her point to disrespect Gregg and Nene.  She was making the point that she is an outsider and the rules apply to her differently than they do to others.  She was not setting Nene up for anything, but Kenya has Nene thinking that she is setting her up.


RHOA is Nene's show.  She sits at Andy's left for a reason.  If Nene allows Kenya to get at her so easily, then Nene is showing her weaknesses.  This is not about Kenya; this is about Nene.

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She was making the point that she is an outsider and the rules apply to her differently than they do to others.

I was with you right up to the moment you said this.  She was not making a point that she was an outsider, she was doing her best to deflect blame for her behavior as Phaedra mentally pinned her to a wall.  She was using the age old cheaters deflection tool "everybody's doing it so what's wrong with me doing it too?"


That last sentence,  SO TRUE!!

Edited by Aging Goth
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I didn’t believe the “Mr. Chocolate” story until Phaedra blushed and her chest and arms stayed red for the rest of the segment (which was at least a couple of minutes).  You could say she was blushing with rage, except the rest of her body language was not angry – she was retreating, looking down and away, trying to keep her face composed, hoping for it to end soon. 


As for NeNe busting a blood vessel over the “insult” to her marriage, I think she was taken aback by her nosedive in popularity this season, and possibly having gotten some feedback about her behavior on the show (specifically the clit comment to Claudia) backfiring when it comes to professional opportunities, came into the reunion with the game plan of deflecting every valid point with “yeah, you’re right, I’m wrong, I’m a terrible person.”  The only socially polite outlet for a woman to go to the level of aggression she really wanted to go to is in defense of her children and her marriage.   So labeling the completely accurate and not the least bit exaggerated “you flirted with Peter” statement as an attack on her marriage permitted her to come out charging on all the other slights, under the flag of self righteousness.  


She did look wonderful on WWHL.


I think Claudia similarly was taken aback by seeing herself on the show and toned it way down.  I may be biased because I like her, but I suspect she will be very different next season should she be asked back.  She was fighting for her peach, and knowing the producers, it would not surprise me if they kept egging her on to do more and more if she wanted that peach.  Unlike Cynthia, she’s sharp and witty, and it may have worked to her disadvantage in making the producers sic her on the others.  I suspect she can dial it back and bring it to the talking heads in future, the way Phaedra mostly managed to.

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I thought the thing being discussed wasn't so much Nene's reaction or her right to it but that she denied doing something we all saw her do.  I can understand her not wanting her behavior to be lumped into the same category as Kenya's but for her to so vehemently deny having flirted with Peter is just bizarre.  Sorry if I got sidetracked, I really did think we were talking about the lie, not her umbrage at being compared to Kenya.

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I want to tackle hug and church pinch you at the same time for this.    It is Kenya's sin - because she's boundary less and continued to cross lines she pretended not to notice even after being asked not to.  Pinchy part:  every gloria steinham mitochondria in my body rebukes the idea that anyone else is responsible for anyone else's behavior.  Women, single or otherwise do not have the responsibility of keeping men faithful.   His dick, his job. 


I will accept both as expressions of affection and good humour. 


Kenya is not likeable to most people and I understand why.  I never thought she wanted anything from Apollo and I still don't.  She is a flirty person IMO.  She has flirted with both men and women.  She is an outsider brought in by the bosses to stir things up.  She will always be on the outside.  It was never setup for her to be part of the group and she understands that and handles her assignment.  I laughed when it was so obvious that she was asked to assist Cynthia with that Mr. Chocolate conversation.


This will never be Kenya's show.  The only play she has is to be chief instigator.  She cannot afford to roll in and have a seat in the corner somewhere.  They relegate you to friends of status when you do that.


AgingGoth, I will rewatch, but I think Kenya was trying to make the point that what she does is seen one way, but someone else can do the same thing and they are given the benefit of the doubt.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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