MarkHB April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Maybe HCJ's number was added because he was the only judge who didn't get his hometown sung about (I believe Quentin was going to do "House of the Rising Sun," since that has never been on the show ever at all). And so far as Clark saying "Your Man" reveals his soul due to the key and chord structure? Has no one explained to him that virtually no one who would even understand what he was getting at watches the show? I'm rooting for Jax; I like her voice, I like what I've seen of her personality, and enunciation doesn't bother me if Ariana Grande can get away with sounding like Elmer Fudd on "Bweak Fwee." Has anyone else looked at the tour prices???? There are only 5 Idols (how can they even build a show out of that?), and they're getting asking over $300 for Meet & Greet tickets! And I'm in a decidedly not-NYC market. 1 Link to comment
UsernameFatigue April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) I could be wrong because I have not watched all seasons, but isn't this the first time in the short number of years there has been a permanent 'mentor' on the show, that the mentor is the owner of the record company where the winning contestant will record? If so it makes sense to me that Borchetta is trying to steer all of the singers, including Clark, to pick songs on the show that as Keith pointed out could be a single. Many CDs have a mix of commerical and more artistic songs but I think very few artists put out CDs without some commercial. And certainly not an unknown like Clark. That said, I don't think AI threw Clark under the bus at all. I think he threw himself in front of it willingly. It is rather amusing that the two worst performances (IMO) of the night were from the two 'musicians'. Harry's was horrid, and Clark's second song was sleep inducing. I don't know why he thinks of himself as sexy. I have been a supporter of his for many weeks but for the last few he seems to have hit a wall and has no idea how to break through. And he is not listening to anyone's advice (including the Rascal Flatts guy who has no horse in the race). I would be surprised if he doesn't go home next week. JAX seems to be the chosen one which at this point I really don't care. I think NIck and Rayvon will do fine, and I think JAX will follow many of previous AI winners into oblivion. But in the meantime Borchetta will be able to mold and autotune her into whatever he wants. Which seems par for the course these days with 'talent'. Edited April 30, 2015 by UsernameFatigue 3 Link to comment
Shades of Red April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Russell Crowe must be pissed that he had to pimp his new movie on a dying show. He looked unenthused as he huffed off into the crowd. I actually laughed when he walked out on the stage. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. How the mighty have fallen. I guess directing your first feature will make you do just about anything to promote it. As a Canadian and not a country music fan can I say how disappointed and pissed I am that a Tom Cochrane song was featured as one of their successes for Rascal Flatts. How about talking about originals and not covers. I know musicians/bands have successes with covers, but really, emphasis originality. Oh, I forgot, no originals welcome. I watched other things while watching this last night so didn't see Harry sing or Martina perform. I know I missed several "moments", but did catch Jax kneeling on the stage during her second song. I couldn't figure out who/what she was looking at at one point in the song. Having read the comments on here I guess she was waiting for a reaction and of course manufacturing emotion. I thought she was looking for a cue from someone to do something but had no idea what that might be. Once again her lack of finishing words or pronouncing them properly irked me to no end. She seems to sing with a weird accent as well as a weird diction. I had to shake my head when Keith told Clark there's a difference between people liking you and liking what you're singing. Sorry Keith, this is a popularity contest not a talent contest. I like Clark and feel as if he might have gotten what he's looking for at this point so will stay "true to himself". I know one of our Canadian idol contestants played the game until the last minute and then things changed and he managed to get himself voted off. That's what he wanted so he wasn't pigeonholed into the "Idol machine". I think he's the most successful out of all of our Canadian idol contestants ever. It worked for him. Maybe Clark is doing the same thing. He realizes he won't be able to work with Scott and will go as far as he can before having to sell his soul to this man. Speaking of Scott and his posse. Did anyone get a distinct 80s vibe from his staff. They all looked to me to be throw backs to another era vs current - both in hair (bleach blondes all over the place) and clothing etc. 1 Link to comment
BogoGog24 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 I could be wrong because I have not watched all seasons, but isn't this the first time in the short number of years there has been a permanent 'mentor' on the show, that the mentor is the owner of the record company where the winning contestant will record? If so it makes sense to me that Borchetta is trying to steer all of the singers, including Clark, to pick songs on the show that as Keith pointed out could be a single. Many CDs have a mix of commerical and more artistic songs but I think very few artists put out CDs without some commercial. And certainly not an unknown like Clark. That said, I don't think AI threw Clark under the bus at all. I think he threw himself in front of it willingly. It is rather amusing that the two worst performances (IMO) of the night were from the two 'musicians'. Harry's was horrid, and Clark's second song was sleep inducing. I don't know why he thinks of himself as sexy. I have been a supporter of his for many weeks but for the last few he seems to have hit a wall and has no idea how to break through. And he is not listening to anyone's advice (including the Rascal Flatts guy who has no horse in the race). I would be surprised if he doesn't go home next week. JAX seems to be the chosen one which at this point I really don't care. I think NIck and Rayvon will do fine, and I think JAX will follow many of previous AI winners into oblivion. But in the meantime Borchetta will be able to mold and autotune her into whatever he wants. Which seems par for the course these days with 'talent'. In seasons 10 and 11 Jimmy Iovine was the mentor and head of Interscope where winners from 10-13 were signed. Link to comment
UsernameFatigue April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Ah, so Randy Jackson was the only year where there was a mentor not attached to a record label, and Caleb won? Ouch. I think Caleb is even less marketable than Clark would be. I didn't watch S10 or S12 and only parts of S11 and honestly don't remember the mentor and how he interacted with the contestants. Did he overtly favour the winner over the other contestants? Phil Phillips seems to be the only one of those three seasons that you hear much from. Link to comment
thefog April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 The standouts of the night were Nick (What Hurts The Most) and Rayvon (Believe). They have shown the most growth and I would love to see the both of them in the finals. 3 Link to comment
backformore April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 I forgot to mention that hideous schmatte that JLo was wearing--it made her look like she had MAJOR saddlebags. So unflattering. And her ass, Kim Kardashian was going, "Whoa." I wonder if it was from her new Kohls line, because it looked kinda flimsy. Ah. I thought when she first walked out it was pajamas. Link to comment
Nedsdag April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) JAX will follow many of previous AI winners into oblivion. But in the meantime Borchetta will be able to mold and autotune her into whatever he wants. Which seems par for the course these days with 'talent'. Right minds think alike. Plus, as previously mentioned, there is a lack of originality to her that's astonishing. It was obvious when Joey was on and had a bit of originality to her, that Jax had to imitate her. Also, it was obvious that she was Borchetta's chosen one when it was mentioned that the AI winner will be singing the theme song for the Women's World Cup on FOX. It would sound a lot better coming from a female singer than a male singer. After watching India Carney's version of "Human" as her Twitter save song on The Voice, listening to Jax's overwrought, over sung and backup singer over singing one, makes India's version even better my eyes. Edited April 30, 2015 by Nedsdag 2 Link to comment
ichbin April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Was Jax singing "New Yor" throughout the song? Someone needs to tell her that the consonants at the end of words are meant to be pronounced. Yes! I was going to comment about that too because I found it so annoying. In fairness it doesn't take much with this one because the girl seriously bugs me. She comes off as though she already fancies herself to be in the big leagues...she's not an "artist" yet. She may have some raw material but she still has a looooooooong way to go. Link to comment
Rick Kitchen April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) Kind of interesting that the song choices were meant to shout out the judges' hometowns Even though Keith Urban's hometown is not Nashville. But I guess there aren't that many songs about Brisbane, Australia (or Whangarei, New Zealand, for that matter). But what did Clark's song have to do with Nashville in the first place? It was a country song, not a Nashville song. JAX will follow many of previous AI winners into oblivion. But in the meantime Borchetta will be able to mold and autotune her into whatever he wants. Which seems par for the course these days with 'talent'. It's what he did with Taylor Swift. Ever heard her sing without autotune? Shudder Edited April 30, 2015 by Rick Kitchen Link to comment
bluepiano April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) Clark is the new Haley Reinhardt. How dare you have any artistic integrity, or want to sing and play music that's important to you, or that comes from your heart? If you're on AI, especially this late in the game, you are supposed to be a good little puppet and kiss the hand that feeds you. That's why over the years they've skewed to younger and younger contestants, because they really don't want someone who "knows who they are as an artist." That's why many of the better and more seasoned singers (the ones left out there willing to try for this show, instead of The Voice), get knocked off before the last 24. If they even make it that far.The one older singer who did make it this year, Nick, is no threat to TPTB, because he's such a bland, generic pop singer, and it's been obvious from the start that he would do or say anything to have a long run on this show. Well, maybe he deserves credit for knowing that he's nothing special, and that this is his one chance. (Borchetta said that Clark is heading to the Holiday Inn. If there's ever been a singer on this show who typifies a Holiday Inn lounge rocker, it's Nick). It was really painful to me to watch Scott Borchetta, a guy who's claim to fame is giving the world Taylor Swift, ragging on Clark. Clark has more musical talent and knowledge in one finger that Borchetta will ever have. I'm pissed at HCJ, who should know better. For several weeks now Harry has been holding Clark to a higher standard than the others, and while it's not fair, it's really a sign of respect. Harry sees Clark as a fellow serious musician, and therefore wants more from him. Can you imagine him telling Jax that when she plays piano she needs to use more interesting chords and not rely on major sevenths? But ultimately Harry is a sell-out for even going on this show as a judge (he was great as a mentor). So this week TPTB must've brought the hammer down and told him that it's dump on Clark week. If Clark's gone, then I'm gone. Nick is a guy I can see any night of the week at a local bar. Rayvon sings pretty but lacks any depth. Jax is one the most overrated and overpraised contestants I've see on AI in years. And her whole pretentious "I'm an artist" shtick, from the single name to the hair to the outfits, grates on my last nerve. What a mess this show is. Edited April 30, 2015 by bluepiano 6 Link to comment
ari333 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Maybe HCJ's number was added because he was the only judge who didn't get his hometown sung about (I believe Quentin was going to do "House of the Rising Sun," since that has never been on the show ever at all). And so far as Clark saying "Your Man" reveals his soul due to the key and chord structure? Has no one explained to him that virtually no one who would even understand what he was getting at watches the show? I'm rooting for Jax; I like her voice, I like what I've seen of her personality, and enunciation doesn't bother me if Ariana Grande can get away with sounding like Elmer Fudd on "Bweak Fwee." Has anyone else looked at the tour prices???? There are only 5 Idols (how can they even build a show out of that?), and they're getting asking over $300 for Meet & Greet tickets! And I'm in a decidedly not-NYC market. Hee "Bweak Fwee" made me giggle snort! And Grande rarely wears pants. No really. I'm serious. Her wardrobe is full of little shirts she wears as dresses that barely cover her lady bits. FAME! Anyhoo.... back to idol. They can keep McBride.... and over the rainbow. 300$? Wha? my voluminous, rockin, smoking ass. NO WAY! omg.... 1 Link to comment
Shannon L. April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (I believe Quentin was going to do "House of the Rising Sun," since that has never been on the show ever at all) I'm pretty sure that Siobhan sang it in whatever season she was in. That said, I don't think AI threw Clark under the bus at all. I think he threw himself in front of it willingly. Clark certainly didn't help himself, but they could've found something nice to say, and I'm sure there was a lot more footage that could have been included, instead of what they put together, that would have made his intro package a bit more complimentary. Even though Keith Urban's hometown is not Nashville. But I guess there aren't that many songs about Brisbane, Australia (or Whangarei, New Zealand, for that matter). But what did Clark's song have to do with Nashville in the first place? It was a country song, not a Nashville song. Were they just supposed to be about the cities? Or could they have been songs that were made famous by artists from those cities. Either way, Brisbane probably would've been a very short list. How dare you have any artistic integrity, or want to sing and play music that's important to you, or that comes from your heart? I don't have a problem with that, but it seems to me, imo, of course, that Clark is losing his way. His song about the soul of who they are didn't make sense to me. Why didn't he sing a real soulful song that he could knock out of the park like "It's a Man's World" or "When a Man Loves a Woman", which I think were his best performances--both vocally and performance wise. Even "Takin' it to the Streets" was great. I think his song choices have been getting worse and his stage presence started making it look like he was lost. Again, imo--I do think he's a great talent, but I think he's lost something in the past few weeks. Link to comment
ari333 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Yes! I was going to comment about that too because I found it so annoying. In fairness it doesn't take much with this one because the girl seriously bugs me. She comes off as though she already fancies herself to be in the big leagues...she's not an "artist" yet. She may have some raw material but she still has a looooooooong way to go. Yes, THIS! ^^^^ Imo, Jax seems to think she's the shit. She will whisper, mew, and pose her way to the finals if not the win. Well, she is TCO (The Chosen One, for newcomers) so just give it to her already and er-body go home. Sheesh. 2 Link to comment
MrsMoltisanti April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Clark reminds me a bit of Jason Castro in a way, soulful, nice voice, not the best stage presence, originally they felt he could be the idol, then they kind of lose their way. I mean, look at how much we see going on just on the show alone, the favouritism, the sway shown towards the obvious chosen ones...wonder how much goes on in the background. Imagine being the other kids and seeing Jax get thrust at Steven Tyler and told on camera that she gets to sing with him in the finale. Basically told that she will be one of the finalists right there. The obvious crap that comes from the judges who collect their big cheques and get their careers up there in the spotlight by being on a show like this. I would love to see someone who would not take crap from a producer be a judge for once. It wouldn't last more than a season though. I would love to see Neil Young up there on the judging panel. Has anyone else looked at the tour prices???? There are only 5 Idols (how can they even build a show out of that?), and they're getting asking over $300 for Meet & Greet tickets! Ouch! Does that include a steak and lobster dinner and date with Ryan Reynolds? Because if not, I am out. 2 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 (edited) Geez I hadn't realized that the show tipped their hand by saying Jax would sing with Tyler in the finale show!! Is this right?? I did wonder last night how the other 3 felt as Ryan was saying that at the end of the show and they turned to look at Jax and I only saw Clark's face looking surprised. This makes me sick. Edited April 30, 2015 by Foghorn Leghorn 2 Link to comment
MrsMoltisanti April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 It may be the Finale Finale when they announce the winner now that I think about it but still, way to put her up in the spotlight. If they don't have everyone planned out, then don't announce one and give extra special treatment. 1 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 It may be the Finale Finale when they announce the winner now that I think about it but still, way to put her up in the spotlight. If they don't have everyone planned out, then don't announce one and give extra special treatment. Yep it still puts her in the bottom 2!!! GAG ME! Link to comment
Cherrio April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 NIck is a bar singer, maybe. I do not like his voice, its not one I would ever choose to hear. There is something similar to fingernails on a chalkboard about it to me. Plus, he always sounds like he is singing the same note thru out each song. Clark and Rayvon were both off key thru most of their songs, especially the second ones. It was painful to listen to. The judges must have auto tune? Borchetta having Taylor Swift should know there is no money to be made with Jax. I think his ego has swelled to the point where he has lost whatever he used to have in the way of discovering stars. Harry was terrible. Geesh, remember when they used to have really talented people on? 1 Link to comment
UsernameFatigue April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Yep it still puts her in the bottom 2!!! GAG ME! Don't all of the final 4 have duets with guests? And even some who didn't make it to the final 4? Last year Caleb sang with Kiss, can't remember who JENA sang with. Alex sang with Jason Mraz, and John Legend sang with Malaya who wasn't even in the final 4. I think it was the second last show when they announced who would be singing with who last year, (could be wrong though) so I don't think being the third last week and having Stephen Tyler actually there it would be odd to announce that JAX would be singing with him. But maybe that is just me projecting as I would dearly love her to be eliminated next week. 4 Link to comment
rereader2 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 I ain't touching Martina McBride, who between the high-school-baseball anthem-singer terrified flatness and the Celine arm "narrative" made me embarrassed for her. I had to give Jason Castro's ukulele version a listen to clear my aural palate. THIS. Link to comment
Sparkling Beth April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Imagine being the other kids and seeing Jax get thrust at Steven Tyler and told on camera that she gets to sing with him in the finale. Basically told that she will be one of the finalists right there. As a rule, singing with a celebrity in the finale isn't limited to the two finalists. Random examples: Paris Bennett (who finished fifth in Season Five) singing with Al Jarreau, Michael Sarver and Megan Joy (#10 and #9, respectively, in Season Eight) singing with Steve Martin, Angie Miller (#3 in Season Twelve) singing with Adam Lambert, and Sanjaya (#7 in Season Six) singing with Joe Perry of Aerosmith. 2 Link to comment
ari333 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 As a rule, singing with a celebrity in the finale isn't limited to the two finalists. Random examples: Paris Bennett (who finished fifth in Season Five) singing with Al Jarreau, Michael Sarver and Megan Joy (#10 and #9, respectively, in Season Eight) singing with Steve Martin, Angie Miller (#3 in Season Twelve) singing with Adam Lambert, and Sanjaya (#7 in Season Six) singing with Joe Perry of Aerosmith.But there was a connotation to it.... mentioning only jax and with whom she'd be singing at the finale. For me, mention all 5 or no one. Imo.. 1 Link to comment
MarkHB April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Hee "Bweak Fwee" made me giggle snort! And Grande rarely wears pants. No really. I'm serious. Her wardrobe is full of little shirts she wears as dresses that barely cover her lady bits. FAME! Anyhoo.... back to idol. They can keep McBride.... and over the rainbow. 300$? Wha? my voluminous, rockin, smoking ass. NO WAY! omg.... Thanks... I just checked... you can actually get a M&G for $265 at my local performance; if you want to sit in Row 1 instead of Row 2, it'll cost you $315. I am not sure if that's before or after Ticketmaster eats your children. I'm pretty sure that Siobhan sang it in whatever season she was in. Oh yes she did, as did Haley Reinhart and a bunch of other performers (it was sarcasm on my part). I have a personal theory about that song, that it's only good if there's some taste of New Orleans to your performance. Haley's was dripping (to my ears) in bourbon and beignets; Siobhan's was steeped in voodoo. Not sure where Quentin would have taken it. 3 Link to comment
ari333 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Hated the human song and the butchering of it. I am shallow, but jax reminds me of a boiled chicken. I will be in hell if you need me. 3 Link to comment
Biggie B April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 they don't realize she is a little plastic Long Island doll Jax is from East Brunswick, New Jersey. Link to comment
Shannon L. April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 Oh yes she did, as did Haley Reinhart and a bunch of other performers (it was sarcasm on my part). Oops! I didn't catch that :) 1 Link to comment
ari333 April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 New yore !! Honds opp! Ok. I'll see myself out. Link to comment
drafan April 30, 2015 Share April 30, 2015 That was all so boring. Really. So, the famous Jax, with all her visual focal pints on overload, gets selected to perform (I can't actually use the word "sing") with the leather dog chew , who is all visual focal points on overload. Gah. HCJr is a hunk to look at while judging, but looks absolutely NUTS while singing. Clark has been painted into a corner and doesn't seem to know how to get out. That mentor guy is visibly drooling all over Jax while his same-looking but older bleached-head wife stands by. Can you say "John Derek"? I was expecting DaddyJax to show up wearing his NYFD uniform and helmet while his daughter was performing the NY song. Did we actually go a whole episode without being reminded about 9/11? Nick seems like a nice guy, but I still can't watch him sing. But, Yay! for CT finally getting a hometown visit. Did we finally get to see Rayvon's real head? Bye started off great. 3 Link to comment
MrsMoltisanti May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Jax is from East Brunswick, New Jersey. Whoops my bad. Correction - New Jersey doll ready to be molded into famous New yore !! Honds opp! Ok. I'll see myself out. I will love you forever Ari333 That was all so boring. Really. So, the famous Jax, with all her visual focal pints on overload, gets selected to perform (I can't actually use the word "sing") with the leather dog chew , who is all visual focal points on overload. Gah. HCJr is a hunk to look at while judging, but looks absolutely NUTS while singing. Clark has been painted into a corner and doesn't seem to know how to get out. That mentor guy is visibly drooling all over Jax while his same-looking but older bleached-head wife stands by. Can you say "John Derek"? I was expecting DaddyJax to show up wearing his NYFD uniform and helmet while his daughter was performing the NY song. Did we actually go a whole episode without being reminded about 9/11? Nick seems like a nice guy, but I still can't watch him sing. But, Yay! for CT finally getting a hometown visit. Did we finally get to see Rayvon's real head? Bye started off great. This whole post makes me want to marry you Link to comment
TheGreenKnight May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 You know, I'm really not worried about Jax. I've said since the beginning (because that's how long her pimping has been going on) that no amount of propping her up will get her the win. They might think knocking Clark after pimping him for so long will make it easy for her, but all that's going to do is pave the way for the other white guy to win. Even though I'd love another woman to win this show (where only 5 have managed it in 13 years), I just can't root for Jax in any way. Her standing alongside Kelly, Fantasia, Carrie, Jordin, and Candice? Let's not ruin that streak with an awful singer like Jax. UsernameFatigue, on 30 Apr 2015 - 2:11 PM, said: Ah, so Randy Jackson was the only year where there was a mentor not attached to a record label, and Caleb won? Ouch. I think Caleb is even less marketable than Clark would be. I didn't watch S10 or S12 and only parts of S11 and honestly don't remember the mentor and how he interacted with the contestants. Did he overtly favour the winner over the other contestants? Phil Phillips seems to be the only one of those three seasons that you hear much from. When he first started in 10, I believe he saw more potential in Idol than was realistic, because he showed interest in quite a few contestants. But his favorite was Lauren Alaina, who came second. During 11, he favored Jessica Sanchez--and he definitely did hand her a pretty decent album that went nowhere--but it's possible he wanted Phillip if he had "Home" ready to go, in comparison to that craptastic song Jessica was given to sing on finale night. 12 was obvious--he wanted Amber Holcomb. After she was eliminated, I think he lost all interest. He probably gave some of the songs he had prepared for Amber to Candice when she won, who knows. 1 Link to comment
bluepiano May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) I would love to see Neil Young up there on the judging panel. That could only happen in alternate universe, but it would be one I'd want to live in. When it gets down to the last 5 or 6 is where we always seem to get that huge discrepancy in judging standards. They start really pushing TCO and dumping, often in a very unkind way, on the contestant they think is the greatest threat to their favorite. We saw that in spades with Haley Reinhardt, and that was part of what I was thinking about when I called Clark the new Haley. I understand Clark's dear in the headlights look, because he must've been wondering what the hell he did to turn everyone so clearly against him. And in the face of that, I thought he gave an articulate and classy defense of his performance. (Especially compared to what we saw from Quentin, or some other contestants in past years). Hey Keith (and JLo), what constitutes being 'sexy' is the ultimate YMMV. Grinding your hips and thrusting your guitar around like it's an extension of your dick is not everyone's cup of tea. Eric Clapton, for one, doesn't do it, and I think a lot of women consider him sexy. Although those are mostly not 16 year olds, which I guess is now AI's demographic. And had Clark singled out Jennifer to sing to, as Harry suggested, it would've been pretty nauseating. I think that Clapton would be a model for the kind of artist Clark see himself being, a serious musician who can cross over into pop territory and make music that appeals to a more mature audience. And it's a reasonably sizeable audience, if smaller than the millions who buy Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber albums. But believe it or not, Scott Borcheta, not everyone wants that kind of "success." Edited May 1, 2015 by bluepiano 4 Link to comment
27bored May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) You know, I'm really not worried about Jax. I've said since the beginning (because that's how long her pimping has been going on) that no amount of propping her up will get her the win. They might think knocking Clark after pimping him for so long will make it easy for her, but all that's going to do is pave the way for the other white guy to win. Even though I'd love another woman to win this show (where only 5 have managed it in 13 years), I just can't root for Jax in any way. Her standing alongside Kelly, Fantasia, Carrie, Jordin, and Candice? Let's not ruin that streak with an awful singer like Jax. Same here. I think people are getting nervous since we're down to the wire and she's still there and they keep saying she has a shot, but I think they know Jax isn't winning shit. I think it's a conscious decision by the producers to not beat up on her too much because they think they can market her once the show ends. If they leave her fans with the idea that she's awesome but just wasn't good enough to snag the title, they'll be waiting for her eventual single and album. They're probably not seeing too many dollar signs with any of these contestants, so might as well leave the door open for a groundswell of support once the show is over. In that sense, I see what they see in Jax. She's non-threateningly pretty, has a coquettish, sweet voice in the vein of an Ellie Goulding or Ingrid Michaelson (minus the quiet intensity of the former or the intelligence of the latter), and a fairly malleable image. There's something to work with there. Clark is the new Haley Reinhardt. How dare you have any artistic integrity, or want to sing and play music that's important to you, or that comes from your heart? If you're on AI, especially this late in the game, you are supposed to be a good little puppet and kiss the hand that feeds you. That's why over the years they've skewed to younger and younger contestants, because they really don't want someone who "knows who they are as an artist." That's why many of the better and more seasoned singers (the ones left out there willing to try for this show, instead of The Voice), get knocked off before the last 24. If they even make it that far. I agree and disagree. Haley seemed less affected than Scotty and Lauren. I thought as a contestant she was pretty good. I think she suffered because she wasn't clearly a rock or country singer, so the judges kind of hammered her week after week, whereas Scotty and Lauren had their genre and were allowed to stick with it. With Clark, he has a really good voice with kind of untapped potential, not unlike Haley, but he seems eager to please even though his tastes trend a little old. Clark's barely old enough to have graduated from college and he seems intent on making "grown folks music". It's like he doesn't even seem to have a lot of fun up there. I'd say Clark is probably like this season's David Archuleta. Edited May 1, 2015 by 27bored 2 Link to comment
Stratego May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Same here. I think people are getting nervous since we're down to the wire and she's still there and they keep saying she has a shot, but I think they know Jax isn't winning shit. I think it's a conscious decision by the producers to not beat up on her too much because they think they can market her once the show ends. If they leave her fans with the idea that she's awesome but just wasn't good enough to snag the title, they'll be waiting for her eventual single and album. They're probably not seeing too many dollar signs with any of these contestants, so might as well leave the door open for a groundswell of support once the show is over. In that sense, I see what they see in Jax. She's non-threateningly pretty, has a coquettish, sweet voice in the vein of an Ellie Goulding or Ingrid Michaelson (minus the quiet intensity of the former or the intelligence of the latter), and a fairly malleable image. There's something to work with there. I agree and disagree. Haley seemed less affected than Scotty and Lauren. I thought as a contestant she was pretty good. I think she suffered because she wasn't clearly a rock or country singer, so the judges kind of hammered her week after week, whereas Scotty and Lauren had their genre and were allowed to stick with it. With Clark, he has a really good voice with kind of untapped potential, not unlike Haley, but he seems eager to please even though his tastes trend a little old. Clark's barely old enough to have graduated from college and he seems intent on making "grown folks music". It's like he doesn't even seem to have a lot of fun up there. I'd say Clark is probably like this season's David Archuleta. Puhleeese, don't compare JAX to Ingrid. Ingrid is a musician, composer, and a singer. JAX barely qualifies as a singer. Haley's problem is sort of like Clark's, she fit best into a dated, low-volume selling music--Jazz. She has a good voice and a whole lotta good looks! Clark is a good looking white-guy who sometimes plays a guitar--but sings the blues. Sort of a Micheal McDonald sort of music fits Clark best. But that music was dated in the 80's! No amount of retro will ever make it popular again. That is why Borchetta prefers JAX--she has no music of her own--she is transparent plastic. Kind of SARAN Wrap probably best describes JAX . Borchetta will have difficulty selling JAX [her music], but Clark would be a just as big of a gamble--but with a much smaller payout. Thus, Clark is an anathema to Borchetta. But he believes (probably correctly so) that JAX must be the next AI--or she is a fish-wrapping paper. Link to comment
backformore May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 The discussion with the coach/mentors and Clark, telling him not to choose that song - Am I the only one who thought it was staged? (even thought ryan called it "candid moments") Maybe they did have a REAL argument, and then re-staged it for the cameras, I don't know. But there was something about the scene that said "three guys acting like they're arguing". It did not seem genuine at all. Why would they do that? Maybe because the dust-up with Quentin put AI back in the news, a little bit, and they decided that a slight disagreement could be milked and re-enacted and publicized as more than it was, to get the show more publicity. Maybe they want to generate support for Clark, because they want Clark and Jax in the finale. (where's that grassy knoll?) 2 Link to comment
backformore May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) Ok - since my posts always double, I'll say this - Jax singing "only human" was AWFUL. WTF? Even Harry praised the hell out of it, while sneaking in "there were pitch problems". Edited May 1, 2015 by backformore 2 Link to comment
Waldo13 May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 It's what he did with Taylor Swift. Ever heard her sing without autotune? Shudder I haven't but my friend has on her Fearless Tour and she had nothing nice to say about her singing. In fact, Kellie Pickler opened for Taylor on the tour. Most tour goers thought that Kellie was a much better singer. Maybe that's why Kellie was not invited back for the next tour. Jax won't be the next Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood if she wins, but she would have some earning potential with the right promotion. Even if she doesn't win, there could be a recording contract. I think AI is ready for a female winner this year. IMO The guys that are left have nothing unique about them to warrant stardom nor to be recognizable on the radio. 1 Link to comment
Guest May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Sweet fancy Moses. [/seinfeld] Wow. Jax kind of makes me sick. Is her stupid name spelled all in caps? Really? Gag. This show is stuffing her down my throat. Sorry to sugarcoat it, but I cant stand her voice or anything about her. If you gave me a free CD by her I'd never play it once and toss it. She already needs autotune imo, so she is right up Bochetta's alley; and Mrs Borchetta better watch Scottie. Just an observation. NEW YORE? Is that like days of YORE? "The strights woo mike ya fill brine you" (The streets will make you feel brand new) BRINE YOU!? That sounds like something you do to a turkey before cooking. Oh Dear God get her off my TV Sweet baby Jesus. Clark, for whom the bus revs.... it revs for thee. I sort of had Tyanna for the win even on her worst night I still liked her. I like Nick too. I guess. Rayvon is gonna ride the seal all the way to the finals a la Syesha Mercado. As Rayvon and Tyanna approached the stage Ryan was all: "Rayvon has become comfortable with this position over the course of several weeks" And that certainly blows to eliminate Tyanna and then have her sing. And screw her out of the second song? That super blows. Hate, with the heat of a thousand nuns :) melisma, screeching, and runs and falsetto; so there's that. Glad HCJ clarified that he wrote "City Under the Sea" 20 yrs ago... as in years before Katrina. Ouch. That may have been the worst I have ever heard HCJ since ...ever. And I say that as a HCJ fan. Yikes. The song was bad. The sound was bad. The performance was bad. (imo) Well, New Orleans was below sea level before Katrina. I too liked Tyanna every week and pegged her for the win. I don't think Jax actually does spell it in all caps, does she? The only place I recall seeing it that way is here. She still feels phony to me. I feel like I like her personally but her whole packaging thing feels put-on. Even more than Taylor Swift's. Has anyone else looked at the tour prices???? There are only 5 Idols (how can they even build a show out of that?), and they're getting asking over $300 for Meet & Greet tickets! And I'm in a decidedly not-NYC market. It's only 230ish for Meet & Greet here. Not that I looked it up. I was registering for a summer mosaics class. Speaking of Scott and his posse. Did anyone get a distinct 80s vibe from his staff. They all looked to me to be throw backs to another era vs current - both in hair (bleach blondes all over the place) and clothing etc. That place had the god-awfulest decor of anything I've ever seen. It was like they told a decorator, "think GAWDY and TACKY". And who else is shocked he's married? It's what he did with Taylor Swift. Ever heard her sing without autotune? Shudder My radio station played a track of just her voice after an awards show performance. It was laughably bad. Link to comment
bluepiano May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) Clark sometimes has a bluesy/jazzy edge to his vocals, but he's a long way off being a blues or jazz artist. I think he's pretty mainstream pop, although it's pop of an earlier generation than you would expect for a 22 year old. I'm a musician, and I actually run into a lot of young people like that, either studying or already playing professionally You just don't usually get them on Idol. But when you do, like Haley Reinhardt or Casey Abrams, I think it adds variety that the show desperately needs. How many contestants do we need to hear doing karaoke versions of whatever's currently on the radio. Incorporating a jazz or blues edge into pop is not exactly a ticket to obscurity and food stamps. If you want to see a musician who's had a pretty good career incorporating those elements than look no further than the judges' table and Harry Connick Jr. I'm not saying that Clark is as talented as Harry, but he's played some nice solos on both piano and guitar, and that puts him into the very upper ranges of musical talent they've had on Idol. (Nick is more typical of Idol contestants, strumming his guitar and using it more as a prop than actually playing anything). Edited May 1, 2015 by bluepiano 1 Link to comment
howmanywords May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Just from what I'm seeing looking around regular AI boards, Twitter and Facebook..I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the bussing of Clark is going to backfire in a big way. Initially I thought like with Quentin they would get their way but he's getting a ton of support and he seems to have the fanbase that will stick up for him and vote. People dont like to feel manipulated and the crap they pulled with Clark was he didn't help himself but the package with Scott especially could have been edited in a very different way, less abrasive way. Throw in the very blatant favoritism of Jax which I'm also seeing a lot of complaining about, yeah I think the shenanigans will come back to bite them in the ass. 1 Link to comment
27bored May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 It's also possible they want Clark to win. I think for anybody to really care about Clark or Jax or Rayvon, they need to win. Nick's gonna make a record regardless at this point, and he's the most radio friendly. Clark would probably make a better record if he wound up on an indie label with some session musicians and a producer who can tease out his strengths and make him sound like he's having some fun. 1 Link to comment
BogoGog24 May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) It would seem to me that it would be best for all parties involved though if Clark didn't win. Scott clearly doesn't care for him, you just know this would not be the first of their arguments. I'm sure Scott would try to steer Clark in a more pop direction which Clark would refuse. What's the point? They would just dump all promo for Clark out the window and Clark would not be happy, nor would his fans. The contract would be a complete waste on someone who the label has no interest in pushing and who the artist has no interest in taking direction or advice. The contract would better suit someone like Nick or JAX who are a little more malleable and cooperative. I could just see Clark pulling a P2 later on and talking about how unfair it all was. Clark is much better off taking the exposure he's gotten and the fanbase he's built to release something independently through something like Kickstarter, CrowdFund, PledgeMusic, etc. If all he cares about is making the type of music he wants without anyone interfering the indie way is the way to go. I don't see a major record deal working out for anyone in that instance. FYI, JAX actually is a songwriter. I haven't heard any of her original songs but I do know she writes. That is probably why Scott is drawn to her, because like Taylor, she may not be the best singer, but she has other things going for her that kind of make up for it. Scott even said that the winner of this show won't be the best singer. The only original I've heard from her was one track she did with a band she used to be in. It was very Disney, kiddy pop but it was actually kind of catchy so who knows. I'd really like to see JAX surprise people and actually sell a few records, whether she wins or not. I can bet you anything that she'll sell more than Clark. Off topic but it irks me when people rag on Taylor's singing. Nobody ever claimed she was supposed to be a great singer. But she can play several instruments and is a hell of a songwriter and performer. Her singles aren't her best work, I'd recommend checking out some of her deep cuts like State of Grace, Our Song, Ronan, All Too Well, The Best Day, Wildest Dreams, This Love, Clean, Long Live, and Enchanted, just to name a few. Not all of her songs are about boys and fairytales. She can write better than most people these days. Edited May 1, 2015 by BogoGog24 1 Link to comment
27bored May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 To a woman? Yes, I'm shocked. Although I guess if he were gay, he'd be dressed better, because none of my gay male friends would be caught dead with that assenine "Music Has Value" jacket. Who is this in reference to? Link to comment
Guest May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Who is this in reference to? Scott. Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 I just caught the last bit of Tyanna's song on Live with Kelly and Michael, she sounded great, her voice has such a rich tone. 2 Link to comment
Nedsdag May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) I just caught the last bit of Tyanna's song on Live with Kelly and Michael, she sounded great, her voice has such a rich tone. Whoever suggested that she sing that Disney song should never work in show business again. She truly never recovered from that. If Borchetta should've championed any female singer this season, it should've been her. All that raw talent could've been molded with the right producer. Edited May 1, 2015 by Nedsdag 2 Link to comment
ari333 May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Well, New Orleans was below sea level before Katrina. I too liked Tyanna every week and pegged her for the win. I don't think Jax actually does spell it in all caps, does she? The only place I recall seeing it that way is here. She still feels phony to me. I feel like I like her personally but her whole packaging thing feels put-on. Even more than Taylor Swift's. I know that New Orleans was below sea level before Katrina. My point was that I thought it was good that HCJ clarified that he wrote the song, "Under the Sea" or "City Under the Sea" or whatever it was... 20 yrs ago. A city being "below sea level" and actually being hit by a hurricane that was one of the worst in US history in which hundreds, thousands died and thousands were left homeless - are two different things. Anyway, I did not enjoy HCJ's performance. It was quite bad imo and I was shocked.... as a HCJ fan. I think Tyanna is very talented too. She had some off nights, but I'm guessing also that Borchetta does not want to deal with a parent. Hence no TCO status. SHe is very attractive too, imo and has a natural ease on stage that I find engaging. So Jax doesn't spell her name in all caps? OK then. Does she use a last name? Bc I've never heard one, but maybe I missed it. I thought she was going for the Elvis, Cher, Madonna, one name thing since she appears to me to think she's all that. She was so flat on Human (imo) I had to change the channel. Yikes. Brochetta was right. She is definitely doing a "character" imo as well. 1 Link to comment
OakGoblinFly May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Even though Keith Urban's hometown is not Nashville. But I guess there aren't that many songs about Brisbane, Australia (or Whangarei, New Zealand, for that matter). But what did Clark's song have to do with Nashville in the first place? It was a country song, not a Nashville song. It's what he did with Taylor Swift. Ever heard her sing without autotune? Shudder For all of Ms. Swift's auto-tuneiness, she (at least to me) comes off as genuine (not to mention that she is a dang fine song writer). Jax, not so much. 4 Link to comment
Guest May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 Whoever suggested that she sing that Disney song should never work in show business again. She truly never recovered from that. If Borchetta should've championed any female singer this season, it should've been her. All that raw talent could've been molded with the right producer. What Disney song? I know that New Orleans was below sea level before Katrina. My point was that I thought it was good that HCJ clarified that he wrote the song, "Under the Sea" or "City Under the Sea" or whatever it was... 20 yrs ago. A city being "below sea level" and actually being hit by a hurricane that was one of the worst in US history in which hundreds, thousands died and thousands were left homeless - are two different things. Anyway, I did not enjoy HCJ's performance. It was quite bad imo and I was shocked.... as a HCJ fan. I think Tyanna is very talented too. She had some off nights, but I'm guessing also that Borchetta does not want to deal with a parent. Hence no TCO status. SHe is very attractive too, imo and has a natural ease on stage that I find engaging. So Jax doesn't spell her name in all caps? OK then. Does she use a last name? Bc I've never heard one, but maybe I missed it. I thought she was going for the Elvis, Cher, Madonna, one name thing since she appears to me to think she's all that. She was so flat on Human (imo) I had to change the channel. Yikes. Brochetta was right. She is definitely doing a "character" imo as well. Oh, I see, about 'under the sea'. Yes, it's Jax, no last name, no 'all caps'. I would like to see her less 'charactered up'. The one name thing is so ubiquitous it doesn't really bother me anymore but I think she might come across as more authentic without the extreme blondeness and the x and some of the other stuff. She seems more like an honor student than a punk. Link to comment
ChristmasJones May 1, 2015 Share May 1, 2015 (edited) I wanted Tyana (sp?) to win and I have always felt like Rayvon has absolutely no personality at all. He just seems flat and empty to me. Its weird. I am certain that the only reason he has made it as far as he has is due to his looks. But even his eyes weird me out sometimes- hard to explain why. Edited May 1, 2015 by ChristmasJones Link to comment
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