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S02.E08: Philippines Part 2

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I don't normally comment on episodes so here's my season's worth. 


Quote from another episode's thread:  



Gina, Gina, Gina, the casual racism is not a good look. Then again, I thought/think the "Chinese whispers" shit from last season was incredibly racist too.


Full disclosure:  I am a Gina fan (loving her snarky THs more than ever this season), faults and all.  I heard that phrase on RHOCheshire as well, so I feel like outdated, culturally insensitive sayings like that may still have more of a hold in British/recently-former-British societies than here.  I haven't seen or heard anything that has been presented on the show that makes me think Gina's racist, though her comments about Pettifleur's accent were rude and uncalled for.  I think they may be a response to Pettifleur's general attitude:  thinks she's hot shit, downplays her Sri Lankan-ness, thinks she doesn't have an accent.  Gina and Pettifleur are both bitches and do their fair share of dishing it out, but whereas if you're a bitch to Gina she'll just be a bitch back to you, if you're a bitch to Pettifleur she'll cry foul, whine to anyone that will listen that you're being mean to her, and call you racist.  She seems to be very insecure about people looking down on her.


I loved Jackie last year, then I was lukewarm on her this season, and this episode has totally soured me on her.  I do believe that Gina said, "Let's throw the new girls under the bus," but I don't believe she was serious; if she were, she would have said more than just that, and Jackie would have taken the opportunity to quote her as proof but Jackie just had that one line.


And damn you, Janet.  I wanted so much to like you this season since you were going to make up with Gina.  I managed to look the other way when you started in on my girl Gamble (like others, I thought I would hate Gamble and love Petti but it's been the other way around) but she's really starting to get on my nerves, what with continually trying to villainize Chyka and her jumping in at the dinner party argument this episode.  First she backs Jackie's allegation up by saying, "Yes, she said that, I was there," and then she backtracks by saying, "I don't know if she said he was a lunatic but she did say he didn't remember her."  That was the whole point of Jackie's bringing it up, that Gina was supposedly calling Rick a lunatic behind Gamble's back!  Why cosign the allegation if you don't even recall the only damning part of it??


I don't know Gina's true motives, maybe she is setting Gamble up for a fall later, but nothing Jackie brought up that night seemed to hold any water for me and I'm proud of Gamble for going with her own instincts and staying loyal to Gina.  And good on her for standing up to Pettifleur.  Petti is very immature and tit-for-tat, this is a grown woman?  She's so ridiculous:  "I have a Barbie name for you, do you know what it is?  Here it is!  Don't you want to know what it means?  I'm glad you don't know what it means.  Girls, I'm so glad she doesn't know what it means!  Do you want to hear it?"  Loved Gamble's playful response to what it means, though.


I'm stealing Gamble's "Fuck you, I'm a feminist; stop being a cunt!"

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Lydia creeped me out when she met her housekeeper's family, especially the nephew. And way to make the entire occasion all about you, Lyds! "Here's a picture frame so you can put a picture of ME (and your daughter) in it!" But the "Mama Lydia" was the worst and so inappropriate.

Oh I thought it was hilarious that after Pettifleur explained why she wore her outfit to dinner, and Chyka shows up in a similar, but more classy, outfit and looks just fabulous.

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petitfleur is so ott and unpleasant. i actually liked Gamble walking away from her too, she was more likable that i thought she'd be. jackie and janet just seem to want to hate on gina, no matter what and of course miss chyka manages to "slither" on through which janet cannot stand!

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Gina has devolved into such a complete disaster that I've done a total 180 on my opinion of her. She has lied so many times, on camera, irrefutably that I'm sure that it must be a pathological issue with her. I could really feel Jackie's frustration during the dinner and I'm glad she didn't let up.


Saying that a Sri-Lankan "might get mistaken for a local" in the Phillipines is beyond ignorant. Pettifleur absolutely nailed it when she said that Gina was somewhere between ignorant and outright racist. The worst part was Gina trying to paint Pettifleur as a racist (um wut?) for finding her insinuation that all Asian subgroups look the same offensive. Gina, your awful tan doesn't make you a PoC. Stay in your lane darl.


As for Pettifleur's treatment of Gamble, Gamble brought it on herself when she called Pettifleur "nouveu riche". It was an elitist comment that basically put down half the cast (including Chyka, who was rightfully rankled by it). Say what you want about Pettifleur but at least she earned her money. She's not cashing out an inheritance from her grandma.


Despite the drama and negativity, I am still loving this season. I really respect how well Chyka manages to keep herself out of the conflict in the group. If people weren't being so awful to some of my favourites I'd probably try and embody her neutrality more.

Edited by GuyAwks
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I agree with OnceSane, Link417 and blahblah comments above.

Some of my thoughts:

LOL @ Jackie acting like she doesn't lie---> you claim to be a fucking psychic who communicates with angels. I know she is a favorite of many but I can't stand her and want her off the show. Whenever I see her on the show I think grifter, con artist, scammer, fake, crass/common drama queen who is full of shit. Girl, you aren't real and your shit stinks.

Janet is a shit stirrer and I am not a fan of her. However, Janet at least brings drama to the show. As long as her drama doesn't get to malicious, I'm ok with her being on the show.

Again the women are trying to get everyone against Gina. Good on Gamble for not falling for their underhanded tactics.

Petti may of ruffled several of these women's feathers with the "allowance" comment---probably Lydia, Janet, Gamble and Jackie. Those four may may "work" but I'm sure their has been a lot of financial support from husbands and/or ex-husbands.

I thought I would like Petti and dislike Gamble but it's the other way around.

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If Lydia loves her housekeeper sooooooo much, why not pay for her to visit her family? Saint Lydia the Saviour, yuck.

And props to the editing monkeys: showing Pettifluer bragging about her understated and elegant style whilst slowy showing us her outrageously tacky cannon firing costume... Bit. By. Bit. From the feet upwards! Bwa ha ha!

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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Gina, Gina, Gina, the casual racism is not a good look. Then again, I thought/think the "Chinese whispers" shit from last season was incredibly racist too.

Would it have been better if she said "it's all Greek to me"? ;-)

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I don't like Pettifleur but Gina if you want to do a talking head saying she was being "racist" because she didn't think it so as a compliment that a dude thought she should speak the language in the Philippienes you shouldn't have been telling her that the language there was Malaysian (yes I realize that they share some commonality) but it's actually Tagalog.

Pettifleur's head piece and outfit were ludicrous and how any of the women didn't bust out laughing is beyond me.

I refuse to believe Lydia isn't a performance art piece at this point because most satirists would say she is to much a caricature at this point.

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I agree with OnceSane, Link417 and blahblah comments above.

Some of my thoughts:

LOL @ Jackie acting like she doesn't lie---> you claim to be a fucking psychic who communicates with angels. I know she is a favorite of many but I can't stand her and want her off the show. Whenever I see her on the show I think grifter, con artist, scammer, fake, crass/common drama queen who is full of shit. Girl, you aren't real and your shit stinks.



Hahaha... thank you for describing Jackie in a way that I couldn't possibly articulate as well as you've done.

Edited by aussieinsydney
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Hahaha... thank you for describing Jackie in a way that I couldn't possibly articulate as well as you've done.

I know Jackie thinks she's J-Lo but the way she speaks, her face, her buggy eyes, her over the top arm movements and air-head bubbly space cadet type of personality really reminds me Celine Dion.

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Omg, what's wrong with everyone? So to inquire as to someone's heritage and accent is now racist?! How ridiculous.

Gina is still the bomb; she's clever, has a dry wit, doesn't suffer fools and is the most entertaining by far. And so what if she's giving some shtick back, after the vile treatment she endured from the dreadful Andrea and others ... yes, even Saint Chyka. 


Poor Janet's trying to reform, but is still having trouble scrubbing off 'the Andrea.' She looks worse this season after her 55th surgical procedure - should've stopped at 54 - and looks a bit like a sashaying cadaver.

There's not much more to say about Pettifleur, other than I've never seen such self-love; does she really think she's so worldly, exotic and knowledgeable? Little Flower is a Sad Joke.


As for those two village idiots ... Lydia and Jackie ... what are these things? Lydia tries to be some benevolent, psychosexual matriarch, but wouldn't know her own address. Jackie's worse, especially now she's trying to assert herself. Everything that comes out of her coochooowahh mouth is just stupid and aided and abetted by her whipped husband - but what do you expect from a has-been drummer?


I must be the only one who's not a fan of Chyka (though love her husband). When told of Pettifleur joining the cast, she ... of all people! ... said 'what kind of name is that?' At best, boring, and at worst, a passive-aggressive shit stirrer.

And for someone who's exposing her life, family, home etc on television, she objects to having her name on a fkg shoe? A hypocrite with good clothes. And btw, can someone tell her hairdresser that Elvis has left the building?

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Pettitfleur - just no. Please. You can't be so dumb as to think that just because you think there is no issue with your book then there's no issue. Delusional much? And when you're prancing around wearing a deflated chandelier on your head, it's hard to take you seriously as you try to demean someone else.

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Ugh Gina and her lap dog Gamble. Can't stand either of them. Gina, a degree doesn't buy you class.

Gamble, if you're upset at being called a kept woman, maybe you are.

What is so wrong with a woman being taken care of by her partner or family? It's not like Gamble is blackmailing Wolfie or stealing from someone (as far as I know). Heck, I don't work and get an allowance. I don't lie to anyone about that, but yeah, it hurts my feelings when someone I just meet starts grilling me like my situation is any of their business. It's the intent, not the actual questions. It was obvious to me Pettifleur was trying to be a combative, demeaning ass. Gamble doesn't have to encourage that outrageous behavior. Pettifleur is nasty in her heart, imo. Hateful. Rude. Ugly on the inside.

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What is so wrong with a woman being taken care of by her partner or family? It's not like Gamble is blackmailing Wolfie or stealing from someone (as far as I know). Heck, I don't work and get an allowance. I don't lie to anyone about that, but yeah, it hurts my feelings when someone I just meet starts grilling me like my situation is any of their business. It's the intent, not the actual questions. It was obvious to me Pettifleur was trying to be a combative, demeaning ass. Gamble doesn't have to encourage that outrageous behavior. Pettifleur is nasty in her heart, imo. Hateful. Rude. Ugly on the inside.


Very well said. It really bothered me that Pettifleur feels entitled to anyone's financial information. Wtf is wrong with her. Gamble is better than me because I would have torn her a new one. Pettifleur is an ass, dumb, tacky x's 100, humorless etc. etc. I really dislike her. She comes off as a total fake to me. Like she's putting on a show for the cameras. Which all of the women are in a way but she really wants to make sure the camera is on her at all times.


I hope Gina really tears into her as well as that cross eyed moron Jackie. What happened to her I liked her last season. She's lost the fun & now wants to be above it all, saintly woman. She's the type to twist your words & make it sound as bad as possible.


Ok done ranting idk this episode made me want to slap most of them lol.

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Pettifleur was justified in asking those questions because it was Gamble who first brought up the subject of personal finance.


Don't throw stones in glass houses. When your daddy and grammy and Wolfie are funding your existence, don't call people "Nouveau Riche" and expect to get away with it because you're blonde and ditzy. Once you do that it's open season.


I've really found that Gamble can dish it out but can't take it. She literally screamed out to crowds of people that Janet sold her body for heroine. It was arguably the most the malicious comment ever made on the show (and yes that includes everything out of Andrea's mouth) and it wasn't even remotely warranted- Gamble even admitted afterwards that she only said it because she wanted to say something with shock value.


I've found similar behaviour from Gina this season too. The comment in the fourth episode where she suggested that Janet could walk out in front of a car on the street struck me as excessively hostile. Those two aren't victims in any capacity whatsoever.

Edited by GuyAwks
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So everyone including the editors pretty much hate Petti.  The fact that they keep putting her THs about classy and understated in front of the most outlandish outfits.  This woman is calling  Gamble a clown?  And lets hear it for Gamble.  She really looked good next to Petti.  She has gone up in my opinion.  And she must have some love from the other folks as well.  Lydia went straight for Petti's jugular on the car business.  Does Lydia get an allowance? 


Gamble, nice going girl.  She kept her head with Petti and spoke quite well.  Then she took the Barbie name and laughed and made a joke.  Because to Gamble those things are teasing with friends.  Poor Petti, obviously doesn't have friends.


Janet is getting a redemption for me.  The fact that in the midst of Jackie and Pett's dinner rant she piped up that Gina never said lunatic was not what I expected.  But if that's the truth then good for her.  Gina said enough things for Jackie to go nuts on without making something up.  And quite frankly the fact that she lied about that point made the rest of what she was saying less believable.


Gina, girl when you gonna learn.  If you say things that are bad out of context these bitches will take them out of context.  But you really sent Petti to school.  


I told you Jackie didn't like not being the center of attention at that dinner.  She was just livid that everyone was talking but her.  At least Petti had the guts to say no one was paying attention to me.  I think Petti and Jackie should be best friends.  But then it's pretty obvious that Jackie doesn't make a wage.

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Pettifleur does act nouveau riche if you're going by what the phrase means in slang. She's so tacky it hurts by brain. Glass houses? No.

Gamble reacts badly sometimes, but I don't see her starting anything...and she at least says things because she's hurt. Still not the best, but I can have sympathy for her easily. I think it will be some time before petti sheds a tear about anything. Hopefully I'm wrong because I dislike thinking people are terrible.

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That head thing that Pfluer was wearing looks an awful lot like ear covers for horses, google it and you will wet your pants laughing.  I am amazed that Gamble would have not burst out laughing or even be seen in public with her.  Pfluer asked Gamble the what she meant by calling her "Nuevo riche" and she gave two different wordings and they meant the same exact thing!  Did Pfluer call Gamble a clown Barbie whilst wearing the horse ear cover on her head?  Kudoooz to Gamble for walking away from the questions about where she gets her money, who woulda thunk it but I am actually liking Gamble.


Gina, I believe she has a snarky sense of humor but she must learn that these hyenas will go after any morsel she throws out there.


Jackie, shut up. 


Mama Lydia, could you make it a little more awkward for everyone?  Maybe you could have sent your maid to her homeland to celebrate her parents anniversary with them and not you?  I am quite sure they are eager to put a picture of you in a frame in their house.  The little boy was adorable but why on earth would you make him call you Mama Lydia?


The tea house was interesting and I liked that Chyka and Janet made their own tea but I am wondering how long this tea business/charity will last, mostly everything any of the housewives start seems to fall by the wayside.

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What is so wrong with a woman being taken care of by her partner or family? It's not like Gamble is blackmailing Wolfie or stealing from someone (as far as I know). Heck, I don't work and get an allowance. I don't lie to anyone about that, but yeah, it hurts my feelings when someone I just meet starts grilling me like my situation is any of their business. It's the intent, not the actual questions. It was obvious to me Pettifleur was trying to be a combative, demeaning ass. Gamble doesn't have to encourage that outrageous behavior. Pettifleur is nasty in her heart, imo. Hateful. Rude. Ugly on the inside.


You know, reading your comment, that's an interesting point you made.  I have to admit that I used to think women who were in your position were almost like children, adults work, children have people taking care of them.  But then again, people are in different situations, some people can't work due to health reason, some people are taking care of children or homes (in that case they do work IMO), or some people are artists and have family supporting them (well they're working too).  Actually, Gamble said that her partner is supporting her because she left her job at the gallery.  

Edited by Neurochick
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I just can't with these boring women.  They are in the Phillipines and what did we see?  All of them sitting around a table arguing or standing up arguing. 

What is wrong with Jackie this season? She looks so serious and miserable. What happened to the shine, shine, shine I'm so happy all the time? 

Still like Gina and Chyka but Gina needs to lay off Petti a bit. Although, Petti is insufferable. As is Janet and Lydia. 

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What's up with Lydia's marriage? She NEVER mentions Andrew anymore and last season she was bragging about how wonderful a husband, architect, provider, father, etc. he was and now she never even utters his name. i also wondered why she didn't bring the maid with her on the trip and am hoping that she has been home recently enough because otherwise that really sucks, especially since Lydia can more than afford the airfare.


Pettifleur is a horrible, horrible person who visibly gets pleasure in being an ass toward people. She is the worst!

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What's up with Lydia's marriage? She NEVER mentions Andrew anymore and last season she was bragging about how wonderful a husband, architect, provider, father, etc. he was and now she never even utters his name.


From what I understand, Andrew wasn't happy with the way they were portrayed on season one, and didn't want Lydia to return for season two.  I believe he "allowed" her to return under the condition that she tone down her behavior and that he didn't have to be part of the show.

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Gamble didn't need to get into it with PettiFleur because simply walking silently next to that ridiculous Las Vegas show girl get-up was revenge enough. I mean, that outfit was astoundingly bizarre and ugly. Everything I need to know about PettiFleur's "class" is from that outfit as well as the yachting outfit.


Plus, PettiFleur is an a*hole. I loathe her and hope they yank her from the lineup next go-round. The nerve of her criticizing women who don't work when she essentially ordered her rich boyfriend to give her a custom Bentley. And I still believe her claims of being a "developer" are trumped up. Janet said she never heard of her.



Lydia creeped me out when she met her housekeeper's family, especially the nephew. And way to make the entire occasion all about you, Lyds! "Here's a picture frame so you can put a picture of ME (and your daughter) in it!" But the "Mama Lydia" was the worst and so inappropriate.

That entire scene made me uncomfortable. Why the hell didn't "Mama Lydia" bring along her "daughter" so she could visit her aging parents?


Do they pay these women by the minute? Because Janet insists on inserting herself into every conflict.

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Finally got around to watching this episode; this is my first season watching, and I'm baffled as to why it's not more popular here in the States. This is some good entertainment--a lot of these wives GO THERE when other housewives kind of dance around the topic.


What was Gamble's Barbie name? I couldn't catch it because everyone kept talking over everyone else. I am with many others in my love for Gamble and Gina -- and my distrust and dislike of Petti. Gamble has always struck me as very calm and docile, but she proved this episode she can certainly speak up for herself. Good on her, that comment by Petti about if she gets an allowance was super offensive.


And, this is shallow, but I find Petti a very unattractive woman. 

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Janet just cannot deal with how Chyka keeps her head above all the freaking madness of the other ladies. It cracks me up.

How can you have a "spa day", while wearing your clothes and full faces of makeup?

Sapphire - I think Gamble's Barbie Name is Crazy Clown.

Edited by vixenbynight
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Going into this season, I never would have guessed that Gamble would become my favorite of the bunch. Other than Chyka of course. The "Gina is the worst person alive" campaign that everyone is on, is just as tiresome as it was last season. Pettyfleur cannot get off my screen fast enough, she doesn't appear to have any redeeming qualities, or at the very least is doing an impeccable job of keeping them hidden.

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From what I understand, Andrew wasn't happy with the way they were portrayed on season one, and didn't want Lydia to return for season two.  I believe he "allowed" her to return under the condition that she tone down her behavior and that he didn't have to be part of the show.


I hope she is a good, um, lay, cause wow.  While she seems sweet, she has to be the biggest idiot out of all the RH franchises and that's saying something.  

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Jackie looked totally demon-possessed at the dinner, her eye was twitching and everything. These women are so annoying (except Chika and Gamble perhaps), I was especially happy to see (my favorite) Gina holding her own against the howling banshees. Finally she was on-point fighting-wise.

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Pettifleur does act nouveau riche if you're going by what the phrase means in slang. She's so tacky it hurts by brain. Glass houses? No.

Gamble reacts badly sometimes, but I don't see her starting anything...and she at least says things because she's hurt. Still not the best, but I can have sympathy for her easily. I think it will be some time before petti sheds a tear about anything. Hopefully I'm wrong because I dislike thinking people are terrible.

I agree. The phrase is used as slang, an insult towards people like Pette who act like royalty because of "new" $$$ going to their head about their special status. The phrase is not a slam towards everyone who has earned their wealth on their own. It's a slam towards certain people with their new found arrogant attitude. I know lots of people with new $$$ who do not brag and do not rest their egos on their income. It's a minority of obnoxious jerks who speak and act like Pette. I think Chyka took the comment to heart, but I'm sure Gamble never thinks of Chyka when she gave Pette her Barbie nickname. It's a misunderstanding of the term.

I try to like Janet, but her heavy duty gossiping is not a good look. All the ladies on this show indulge in gossip, but Janet, IMO is the worst offender. It's unfortunate, as I think she's not a horrible person.

Pette does have an accent that reveals her ethnicity, not sure why she's offended that people knows where she comes from...so that's on her as it seems she's trying to hide her true background, thus the snark from Gina.

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