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S07.E22: Atlanta Twirls On

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Kandi delivers surprising news in the Season 7 finale. Also: Peter and Cynthia receive a shocking phone call; NeNe scrambles through her final preparations for her Broadway debut; and Kenya hosts a screening event for her pilot, titled "Life Twirls On."

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Kenya's show looks stupid.


Cynthia is going to get a rude awakening one day when she wakes up and has no money while Peter is sitting on the end of the bed blathering on about how whatever he bought was a sure thing.  Can't come quick enough for that bitch.


I'm with Todd...Mama Joyce's apology was not sincere.  Methinks someone's been googling themselves and sees what an asshole they look like on TV.  While I give her credit for apologizing, it wasn't sincere.  He's right to be weary.


I'm not against Phaedra's decision not to let the boys go to a prison to see their father.  As stupid as her bathroom excuses were, I can't say I'd allow it either.  And Apollo can have a seat with all his whining about it.  Dude, you're in prison......your fault.  Deal with it.

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I started out mad with this episode, then I ended up laughing and smiling, so it's all good.

Joyce, when you start an apology by saying "IF I said or did anything to offend you....." it's not an apology. And adding insult to injury, admitting you are just spreading gossip you heard on the street?

Do not tell me that wasn't a rehearsed speech by Kandi and Riley. Even Riley was having a hard time not busting out laughing. You'd talk to your daughter about something like that in private before telling everyone else, right? Kandi needs to stop with all the faked-up scenes because they've gotten beyond ridiculous. Riley immediately hit her phone, texting someone.... probably said "Hey, u won't believe this, I just had to tell my Mom that I was concerned about my education."

NeNe, you told "the girls" on the bus that you were going to give each of them two tickets. Now you don't understand why they aren't there? Maybe because you forgot to send those tickets, or let them know where/when to pick them up? One of my pet peeves is people who don't follow through on an invitation, or those who don't send thank you notes. NeNe definitely has some things to learn in the etiquette department. But, as she said, she could care less if they are there, so maybe that's all it was. Even Phaedra didn't send flowers....she sent a text. I could see the look on NeNe's face as she said that, she was pissed. Or confused. Or something. It was nice of her realtor to send flowers.

Has anyone explained to Porsha that calling herself a THOT is a slam?

I LOL'd at the cake topper of the bride trying to stop the groom from running away. Perfect! I actually liked Kenya's pilot, especially when Kandi said "They didn't stop again??" And Porsha... "Patricia?" LMAO!!! I love it when someone makes fun of themselves and makes me laugh at the same time. The entire thing was totally staged and over the top, but it made me laugh. And it looked like they were all having a good time. Kudos to Kenya for hosting a fun evening. I'm glad they included a mention of Kenya's boyfriend at the end as she really has found love, it seems.

On the flipside, I'm not buying the huge fuss over NeNe. Were the RHoATL cameras not there....what happens? I've never seen someone introduced at a Broadway play like that, it was weird. Would she have stayed with the play and gone on the road? I don't think it was offered, or if it was, she obviously turned that down. Even the way she yelled "Cinderella!!!" was pure NeNe from RHoATL. But I'm glad she got the one-month opportunity and I hope it spurs her on to get some real acting lessons and do better things.

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Has anyone explained to Porsha that calling herself a THOT is a slam?


Why should they? Porsha doesn't appear to care that her sensuality is more in your face than societal norms allow. She likes the way she looks, she's happy, she's getting what she wants out of life, and if that makes her a thot then so be it. Men will call some women thots and still clamor for their attention, so what does that really say about the person throwing that acronym around as a slur vs women who see game and flip it into a positive? 


Onto Kenya, while I do respect how intelligent she is, lord is her laugh like nails on a chalkboard and I am completely over any and all of her fake storylines. 


I also respect Nene's OG status, but I would also like for her to go. Let her go away for a season or drop to Friend Of status like Demetria or Luann of RHONY (and actually have less screentime -- don't make it into whatever Porsha was supposed to be). Make us miss her. 


Like cooksdelight said, as soon as your start off with "If", then it's not an apology. My eyes rolled as soon as she breathed, "If I have offended you..." and I'm sure Todd wanted to do the same thing. I can't imagine having so much hubris that I can't even hold myself responsible for offending someone and apologizing sincerely. It's not that hard to say I'm sorry. It really isn't. 


I got nothing with Cynthia. Peter's been disrespecting her and her money since day one and she's allowed it and he's continue to do so until she leaves. And she won't. So, girl, I hope you got a secret account that he doesn't have access to. Just because his fake entrepreneurial ass isn't thinking about a nest egg doesn't mean you shouldn't either.  


Phaedra...should let Apollo see their children. If she doesn't, or continues to make excuses for maybe a once or twice a year visit, the boys will grow up and resent her by the time they're teenagers. Especially Ayden.  


Finally: Claudia is pretty. Sorry about the hammer toes. Your stand-up isn't funny and joking about colorism isn't cute. Bye. 

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I thought Apollo was in a less than high security prison? They don't have something there like a restroom for people to bring little children, to change their diapers? I've never visited anyone in a prison so I honestly don't know.

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I'm not against Phaedra's decision not to let the boys go to a prison to see their father.  As stupid as her bathroom excuses were, I can't say I'd allow it either.  And Apollo can have a seat with all his whining about it.  Dude, you're in prison......your fault.  Deal with it.

I disagree.  Apollo is still their father.  Phaedra is using her kids as a pawn against him.   I'm sure this was issue that caused the distance between her and Kandi.  What's her excuse for not having other family members take the kids?

Edited by escape
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There are provisions for children to visit their father. Better they do it now and get used to it as the grow. He'll be there a while. When they are older, they can decide to continue to visit or not. I did see positive interaction between Apollo and his boys. I do think he loves them. Kids need both parents and unless visits with Apollo upset them she should make an effort to help them maintain a relationship with him. That can include letters, cards phone calls etc, not just physical visits.

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I am beyond tired of Kenya's fake show.


Why is Mama Joyce at Bar One? Oh, hi Cynthia! Never mind...


Kandi claims she won't mention Todd breaking that lawn lamp to her mama. Who wants to take bets? Is this family gathering the best place and time to announce your move to L.A. for the first time? I hate fake apologies, and MJ's isn't any different.


Meanwhile, Peter drops a bomb of his own: Peter's Brew.. Peter is conveniently saved by the bell with Apollo's collect phone call from prison in which he whines. Cynthia once again looks bad in her TH. Cynthia's "lesson learned": Butt out!


While Nene gets ready for her Broadway debut, Kenya hosts a crazy-ass screening of her fake TV pilot. I noticed Klaudi offered Kenya a little revisionist history about what she and NeNe did last week at Phaedra's event.


What was the last line of NeNe's epilogue? I think they displayed it too quickly to read.


I noticed there was no drama at Kenya's lame screening. I wonder why?


OK, it wasn't just me. ALL the eiplogue notes were flashed too quickly to read.


Oooh, the reunion next week looks interesting!

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Cynthia is like an ostrich with her head in the ground.  When will she realize that her husband has an agenda which is to spend as much of her money as possible while they are still together.  How many times does this make that he's made a financial decision with her money without consulting with her first?  Too many to count at this point.  And then to say that they are as strong as ever?  Dream on Cynthia, queen of denial.  Too bad you won't have Nene's shoulder to cry on when Peter dumps your ass because you're broke.  I'm making that prediction based on his personality and your dwindling checkbook.  Just...stupid!  smdh


Kandi and Todd....Zzzzzzzz


Kenya's pilot....Zzzzzzz


Congratulations to Nene on her success on Broadway!  Whether its a month, two weeks or two days, its more than you're doing Claudia!  So kick rocks hammer toes!!!

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Phaedra doesn't need to bring the kids to visit Apollo in prison every week, but she needs to accept and take responsibility for having two kids with the guy, for picking him as their father, and figure out a way to let them see or at least talk to each other on some sort of timetable. He's going to be their father for the rest of their lives.

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"I'm sorry if I offended you" is the second worst non-apology on the planet, the first being "I'm sorry you took things the wrong way".

I understand why Phaedra resents taking her kids on prison visits but honestly it's not the ordeal she's making it out to be. Tons of inmates have kids. I've visited a family member in jail (pro-tip: shouting "I'm selling weed" at lollapalooza is a terrible idea) and it's like a daycare in there on weekends. There actually was a changing table in the bathroom, IIRC.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Atlanta used to be one of my favorites...but I cannot take the fake, contrived storylines anymore. Especially once Kandi has a Ski Trip show? what in the heck? Ski Trip? ugh. I actually miss Kim and Sheree lol...and that says a lot!

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So disappointed to see MJ this episode, I haven't missed her at all.  I agree the apology was not sincere, but I was surprised at her attempt at one.  If by 65 you haven't learned not to carry "tall tales" back and forth, then I don't know when you'll learn.   I don't like Aunt Bertha either.  Where is Todd's daughter, she hasn't been on in quite sometime.


I believe Phaedrah is making excuses, is she telling the truth?  I find it hard to believe that Federal Prison's don't have restrooms for visitors that are child friendly.  I mean really, is Apollo the first inmate to have children visit him?   By the way, just how long is a visit? and Is it a contact visit?   Also, Apollo needs to calm down, he's only been away for 6 weeks at this point.  He needs to understand that Phaedrah and the kids cannot be running up and down the road to visit very often, it's just not practical. Why would you want to subject your children to all that disruption, think about them for a change.   And I don't blame Phaedrah for not sending the boys with their uncle, if my 4 year old and 1 or 2 year old kids are going to visit their father in prison in another state, no one is taking them but me; if they were a little older, maybe.  Lets not forget how Apollo told Ayden he was going to jail, and had the child in hysterics; Phaedrah needs to be there to counteract any foolishness Apollo tries to tell them.  If it were me he would be seeing them maybe two to four times a year.  I don't know how often Apollo thinks they should visit, but every other weekend or once a month is too much.  Every 3 to 6 months sounds more reasonable.    The other times he can call them on the phone just like he called Peter.  He should of thought about his kids before he concocted that scheme that got him locked up in the first place.  It's not his kids fault nor Phaedrah's fault that he didn't learn his lesson from his first go round in prison.

Edited by appledumpling
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Where is Todd's daughter, she hasn't been on in quite sometime.

She's in college during the time they were filming.

I bet Bravo had to buy a lot of tickets to get people to go and treat her like a celebrity. Autograph? Nene's? Really?

LOL, that's what I said, there's no way such a fuss would have been made had the cameras for this show not been there.

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Both Phaedra and Apollo can miss me with their whining. The two little boys are the ones being cheated out of a full-time parent.


Phaedra married an ex convict and had his babies. She should have foreseen jail visits with her babies in tow.


If Apollo wanted to see his kids, he shouldn't have done something that would land him in jail.


Kenya's pilot over Nene's serious play al year. The pilot was OTT ridiculous and clearly meant for a few laughs. I did.

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Kenya's pilot over Nene's serious play al year. The pilot was OTT ridiculous and clearly meant for a few laughs. I did.

And shady Andy asked Kandi on WWHL if they were laughing AT the show, or with it. He makes his favorites (and non-favorites) so obvious.

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I thought Apollo was in a less than high security prison? They don't have something there like a restroom for people to bring little children, to change their diapers? I've never visited anyone in a prison so I honestly don't know.

Yes, they have regular rest rooms. I don't know what Phaedra was talking about when she said if you have to use the bathroom you can't go back in. That's not true in my experience. My uncle was in prison and for 12 years my mom, my aunt and I visited him every weekend.

A prison visiting room isn't like what you see on TV. The visiting rooms look like big cafeterias with tables and chairs and vending machines all over.

There are guards and you do have to go through a lot of security but they really aren't a scary place for kids to visit. I was a teenager when we started our weekly visits but there were always a lot of kids running around.

They do have a section for the phone visits. Those are for the more violent offenders or those who have been caught with something after a contact visit.

Then there are what they call trailer visits. More commonly known as conjugal visits. Either a wife or the whole family can come for those visits. They are for 48 hours and take place in a trailer.

The list of things you can't take on a trailer visit is enormous and everything is checked very carefully. My aunt and uncle were older. My aunt was the sweetest woman you'd ever meet. She was an older crippled woman and all of the guards knew and loved her. They never suspected that the day before her trailer visits she would take her hypodermic needles (she was diabetic) and remove half of the juice from a jug of orange juice and she would fill it up with vodka. It took her a full day to do it and she never got caught.

Sorry so off topic but I thought I'd try to answer and prison visiting questions.

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A prison visiting room isn't like what you see on TV. The visiting rooms look like big cafeterias with tables and chairs and vending machines all over.

There are guards and you do have to go through a lot of security but they really aren't a scary place for kids to visit. I was a teenager when we started our weekly visits but there were always a lot of kids running around.

They do have a section for the phone visits. Those are for the more violent offenders or those who have been caught with something after a contact visit.



A friend of mine years back asked me to accompany her to visit her husband in prison in Bowling Green, KY where he was serving 2 years for possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia.  She was taking her then 2 year old son to see his father.  After the long drive, we had to wait in a waiting area for almost 2 hours before we were finally called back for the visit.  (By this time the baby was very fussy and not happy at all.  I can only imagine having to deal with 2 kids in that situation.)  You are right, it was set up like a cafeteria with tables and chairs.  The family sat on one side of the table and the inmate sat opposite them.  There was no physical contact allowed, although he was allowed to hug the baby one time while the guard stood right by our table.  I thought it was very scary though.  There was another inmate being visited by his family at the same time and my friend's husband explained that he was being held there awaiting trial for murder.  He was sitting only feet away from us.  I still shudder thinking about it.  After that, I never went with my friend again and she went, but she never took the baby again. 

Edited by swankie
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Even the way she yelled "Cinderella!!!" was pure NeNe from RHoATL. But I'm glad she got the one-month opportunity and I hope it spurs her on to get some real acting lessons and do better things.

Didn't Nene last season or so look down on acting lessons? I forgot her reason as to why she did not want to take any lessons or classes. Though I might be not remembering the whole thing correctly.

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Why should they? Porsha doesn't appear to care that her sensuality is more in your face than societal norms allow. She likes the way she looks, she's happy, she's getting what she wants out of life, and if that makes her a thot then so be it. Men will call some women thots and still clamor for their attention, so what does that really say about the person throwing that acronym around as a slur vs women who see game and flip it into a positive?

I don't think that Porsha is self aware enough to consciously do this. She's pretty simple in her thoughts. To her, THOT is a fun girl and that's what she wants to do right now. So she doesn't mind bring called the princess of THOTLandia. I doubt she's put much thought about the misogyny behind the term. Or that she's at least 10 years too old to consider herself a viable THOT.

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I don't think that Porsha is self aware enough to consciously do this. She's pretty simple in her thoughts. To her, THOT is a fun girl and that's what she wants to do right now. So she doesn't mind bring called the princess of THOTLandia. I doubt she's put much thought about the misogyny behind the term. Or that she's at least 10 years too old to consider herself a viable THOT.


Porsha knows all too well what a THOT is.  She was the one schooling Nene about what it meant at the beginning of the season.

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I don't think that Porsha is self aware enough to consciously do this. She's pretty simple in her thoughts. To her, THOT is a fun girl and that's what she wants to do right now. So she doesn't mind bring called the princess of THOTLandia. I doubt she's put much thought about the misogyny behind the term. Or that she's at least 10 years too old to consider herself a viable THOT.



Porsha may not be academically inclined, but she has always come across (to me, anyway) as having intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligence. Porsha's well aware of who she is as a person, and yep, she is the one who told Nene the meaning behind thot. 

Edited by cyberfruit
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She doesn't need one.  It's a prison.  

He can be their father when he's out.

As it stands, prison is not a place for children and they aren't old enough to make the decision on their own.  Phaedra is within her rights to make it for them.  If Apollo wanted to continue being their father he should've thought about that before he did some shady shit that landed him in prison for 8 years and embarrassed his family.


Sorry.  No sympathy for him.

That's the opposite of what everyone says whom Fakedra has seek advice from - including professionals like the child psychologist who tells her the kids only want to see their father and are too young to know it's a prison.  He also stressed that it will eventually have negative impact on them if she denies them from having a relationship with their father.

Her kids also aren't old enough to make their own decision to appear on television, yet Fakedra throws them in the middle of this fire storm - because she is such fame hungry, egomaniac stage mother.

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I agree that Phaedra is working hard at coming up with a litany of excuses as to why her children will not be visiting their father. And that's fine with me. I'm against putting kids in the middle of the mess of jailhouse visits. The boys will understand soon enough what imprisonment really means, and I hate making kids think that prison is a natural part of life and weekend activity, because it isn't.

Plus, since Phaedra herself doesn't want to visit, she'd need to allow her kids to make the trip to the prison with another person. It would be a cold day in hell before I'd allow that to happen. Legally, Apollo cannot demand prison visitation; let him stew. He and the boys can phone or exchange notes and drawings.

I thought Claudias red gown with the plunging neckline was fabulous. She is gorgeous.

NeNe sans wig, getting made up before the curtain went up, was, to me, unusually attractive and radiant. Lose those damn blonde fright wigs NeNe ! The public adulation of the Broadway pros and fans was ass-backwards and highly unusual. Man. Did she (or a sponsor) pay her way unto the Cinderella stage?

When Cynthia first joined the show, I thought she was exquisitely beautiful. In this season, between her wigs, makeup, fashion and demeanor, I think she's bordering ugly. Such a waste. Jmo.

Edited by sleekandchic
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A friend of mine years back asked me to accompany her to visit her husband in prison in Bowling Green, KY where he was serving 2 years for possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia. She was taking her then 2 year old son to see his father. After the long drive, we had to wait in a waiting area for almost 2 hours before we were finally called back for the visit. (By this time the baby was very fussy and not happy at all. I can only imagine having to deal with 2 kids in that situation.) You are right, it was set up like a cafeteria with tables and chairs. The family sat on one side of the table and the inmate sat opposite them. There was no physical contact allowed, although he was allowed to hug the baby one time while the guard stood right by our table. I think you are dead wrong about it not being scary though. There was another inmate being visited by his family at the same time and my friend's husband explained that he was being held there awaiting trial for murder. He was sitting only feet away from us. I still shudder thinking about it. After that, I never went with my friend again and she went, but she never took the baby again.

Unless you and your friend told the kid that the guy was there because he killed somebody, how does the kid know and unless he was told, why would he be scared? The guy isn't going to start killing people in the visiting room.

I visited 3 different prisons every weekend for 12 years and met many prison families. None of the kids were ever traumatized or scared during their visits.

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Unless you and your friend told the kid that the guy was there because he killed somebody, how does the kid know and unless he was told, why would he be scared? The guy isn't going to start killing people in the visiting room.

I visited 3 different prisons every weekend for 12 years and met many prison families. None of the kids were ever traumatized or scared during their visits.


There is no way I would ever want my infant in the same vicinity as a murderer.  And I was scared!  You don't know what can go down in those situations and I've heard many a news report of prisoners spazzing out and the whole place having to be locked down.  Why would I want to take the chance of that happening while my child is there, and in this case, my friend felt the same way because she never took her child again.  Her husband even said he would prefer for her not to bring him.  If you're comfortable being in the room with a murderer, power to you, but I would never want to be in that situation ever again.  Mileage may vary!

Edited by swankie
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I just think you should do something like that more than once before judging the situation and declaring somebody "dead wrong"

I was never scared, one of the prisons my uncle was in was San Quentin, the visiting room was perfectly safe. I never felt scared at any of the prisons I've visited.

Nobody ever "spazzed out", everybody just wanted their visits.

One of the best things to help rehabilitate these people is contact and visits with the outside.

I'm not saying Phaedra should or shouldn't take her kids to visit, that's a personal choice I'm just saying that it won't traumatize them if she were to take them.

Edited by Maharincess
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I just think you should do something like that more than once before judging the situation and declaring somebody "dead wrong"

I was never scared, one of the prisons my uncle was in was San Quentin, the visiting room was perfectly safe. I never felt scared at any of the prisons I've visited.

Nobody ever "spazzed out", everybody just wanted their visits.

One of the best things to help rehabilitate these people is contact and visits with the outside.

I'm not saying Phaedra should or shouldn't take her kids to visit, that's a personal choice I'm just saying that it won't traumatize them if she were to take them.


I didn't mean for you to take my opinion so personally.  I didn't mean to make you feel that way at all.  I used a poor choice of words saying you were "dead wrong".  Sorry!  I'm just expressing the way I feel about it and I hope I never have to have that experience again.  I'm not saying I won't, because obviously if a loved one of mine is imprisoned, I will definitely visit them as much as I can, but I won't take any children with me.  I don't hold it against Phaedra for having reservations about taking her sons to visit a place that she has no idea how it is set up.  It's really a personal decision that only the parent who isn't locked up can make and outsiders should not try to berate her for having concerns.  That's just my opinion though.  And I'm glad nobody spazzed out while you were visiting the prisons you visited.  It doesn't mean it never has happened elsewhere because it has. 

Edited by swankie
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Prison? Oh my! Phaedra should have thought of that before she had two kids with an ex-con who spent every day living large and buying six figure cars. With what money? She's like a mob wife who chose this life and enjoyed what it gave her, but when the husband gets caught, she acts the victim. Even putting aside my suspicions about possibly being involved in the scams, she's not innocent. She has some nerve acting like taking her kids to see their dad in prison is a travesty. She made her bed, now go lie in it.

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NeNe sans wig, getting made up before the curtain went up, was, to me, unusually attractive and radiant. Lose those damn blonde fright wigs NeNe!

I agree! In the pre-wig cap getting her eyes done, she looked simply stunning. Hmm...maybe the radiance was also coming from inside because she was so moved by her upcoming Broadway premiere. It reminded me of previous seasons when her makeup was always on point. This season her hair & makeup people were #TeamTooMuch----too focused on giving different looks even though some of them clearly weren't working. It's interesting---Nene isn't as obviously beautiful as Cynthia & Kenya, or as pretty as Claudia, but she has the capacity to take makeup very well. Her eyes especially. She's one of those women like Halle Berry who generally look better with less hair. It seems counterintuitive because she's a big girl & longer hair is considered more feminine & desirable in general. But it's best not to fight it if you're a short hair girl.

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I didn't mean for you to take my opinion so personally. I didn't mean to make you feel that way at all. I used a poor choice of words saying you were "dead wrong". Sorry! I'm just expressing the way I feel about it and I hope I never have to have that experience again. I'm not saying I won't, because obviously if a loved one of mine is imprisoned, I will definitely visit them as much as I can, but I won't take any children with me. I don't hold it against Phaedra for having reservations about taking her sons to visit a place that she has no idea how it is set up. It's really a personal decision that only the parent who isn't locked up can make and outsiders should not try to berate her for having concerns. That's just my opinion though. And I'm glad nobody spazzed out while you were visiting the prisons you visited. It doesn't mean it never has happened elsewhere because it has.

And I apologize if my reaction was too personal. I spent a lot of time with these families and I know how important the visits can be for the inmates and the kids. I'm probably just desensitized to the prison visiting experience, most people would probably be anxious about it.

Like I said its Phaedra's choice if she wants to take the kids. I've never said that I think she should take the boys to see him. All situations are different. I was just trying to offer a different perspective.

Maybe it would be better when the boys a little older and things can be better explained to them. I don't know.

I just saw kids that were happy to see their dads. All these years later and I'm still friends with some of the families. The kids are grown now and even though they knew it was a prison and their dads were there because they broke the law, they have only good memories of their visits.

Edited by Maharincess
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Prison? Oh my! Phaedra should have thought of that before she had two kids with an ex-con who spent every day living large and buying six figure cars. With what money? She's like a mob wife who chose this life and enjoyed what it gave her, but when the husband gets caught, she acts the victim. Even putting aside my suspicions about possibly being involved in the scams, she's not innocent. She has some nerve acting like taking her kids to see their dad in prison is a travesty. She made her bed, now go lie in it.

I honestly do not believe she chose to be the wife of a criminal.  She was hoping he had left that life behind.  Plus she is the one with the money and ties, not him. And yeah, she is indeed a victim.  Yes, she fell in love with the wrong man.  but it is never fair to say because she married this man that she deserved to be mistreated and belittled or have to make such tough decisions because her husband chose to continue being a criminal.

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NowVoyager, NeNe bought a new home, there's more details about it in her thread. It's in her name only. :)

Plus she is the one with the money and ties, not him.

And therein lies the problem. Either she is the dumbest woman on the planet, or she knew Apollo wasn't a reformed man not that long after she married him. He somehow always managed to have money to buy cars and go to strip clubs, yet he had no job. She wasn't funding his fun, and she knew it. She knew it before she got pregnant a second time. I will never believe that she was clueless about Apollo's criminal ways. That's why I cannot muster up but so much sympathy for her. I can and will always feel sorry for those kids, they didn't ask to be thrust into the middle of this show, the life they will have without a father, and the stigma of having a con man for a dad.

Why not file for divorce as soon as she figured out he was up to no good? She cannot have been that stupid not to know.

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NowVoyager, NeNe bought a new home, there's more details about it in her thread. It's in her name only. :)

And therein lies the problem. Either she is the dumbest woman on the planet, or she knew Apollo wasn't a reformed man not that long after she married him. He somehow always managed to have money to buy cars and go to strip clubs, yet he had no job. She wasn't funding his fun, and she knew it. She knew it before she got pregnant a second time. I will never believe that she was clueless about Apollo's criminal ways. That's why I cannot muster up but so much sympathy for her. I can and will always feel sorry for those kids, they didn't ask to be thrust into the middle of this show, the life they will have without a father, and the stigma of having a con man for a dad.

Why not file for divorce as soon as she figured out he was up to no good? She cannot have been that stupid not to know.

have you WATCHED Discovery ID?  smiley-laughing011.gif  There are so many Phaedras on that show you wonder just what the heck happened to their braincells that they keep marrying and stay with these losers.

My take on this week’s finale episode.  Thank GAWD it’s OVER!!!


Phaedra- pondering how or even if she should take the kids to see Apollo.  She spent some time weighing the pros and cons but mostly came up with cons on whether or not to take the kids to the Kentucky prison to see their dad.  She has to decide if Aiden would resent her if she takes him and he is tramatized or would he resent her if she decides not to take him at all.  From her blogs, she decided for now, she would allow them to talk with their father whenever he can call and see how that goes.  She has not filed for divorce as yet.


Porsha- pretty much stayed drama free this episode and from her blogs, she is concentrating on her Dish Nation gig and promoting her businesses, including the upcoming on for lingerie


Claudia gave Kandi the revisional historical version of what happened at the charity luncheon and pretty much no one corrected her.  Phaedra just said everyone was on their best behavior but in her TH she knew Claudia was not right.  It was said that Claudia was going to still pursue a career in stand-up.  So far, we haven’t been blessed with that footage.

Kandi and Todd went to see Joyce’s house for the first time since she moved in.  Todd had to get a drink before leaving to prepare himself.  At the dinner, Joyce gave a Kenyaesk half-assed apology, pretty much taking absolutely no responsibility for her actions.  Kandi was overjoyed that Joyce apologized and called for a group hug which Todd understandably declined to participate in.  In his TH, he stated that the apology was “insincere” and he was still waiting for a real apology from Joyce.  One never came and she is now accusing him of having an affair with Kandi’s friend, Carmen down in LA.,  Probably after Kandi told everyone she was planning to go with him while he is there, taking Reily with her. 


Cynthia is still Cynthia and is blissfully delusional as usual. However the shock she got from Peter almost set her blood boiling but Apollo saved the day for Peter with his call from prison, asking them to persuade Phaedra to bring his kids to Kentucky to share in his “temporary residence” for a spell.  Cynthia smartly declined that task as she was burned by the chocolate fiaco. (side note:  Peter is one nasty spirited SOB on twitter).  Also, once again Cynthia could not go without Nene on her lips.   When they were taking down her picture from the wall of the old B1, she reminisced about all the good times she had there and there was a flashback of Nene touring the bar before it opened.  She stated that she regrets the demise of their friendship but she still contends that Peter and she have a better marriage now that Nene is not in the picture.  She is kind of right.  Peter does not want Nene in Cynthia’s ear, cluing her in on what he is doing to Cynthia’s bank account.


Kenya, ever the delusional crackpot (No, I still don’t like her) decided that since they didn’t get formal tickets from Nene to go to her play (not that she was planning to go anyway) that she would throw a viewing party for her pilot that she produced, acted, built the sets, wrote……  and invite all the girls to watch with her.  Of course she wished Nene well… Actually she wished Nene would actually break her legs.


When they got to the mansion she procured for the night, they were all surprised that it was set up like a real wedding with the cake, the rice, the works; even drinks designed for each of the women.  Claudia felt somekindaway about the fact that hers shaded her messed up feet and she was not very amused and whined about it during the party.  Kenya was going to get to don a wedding gown even if she didn’t have the groom to go with it.  She appeared at the top of the stairs in full wedding attire and bouquet and stayed in the gown during the entire viewing party.  It was kind of creepy.  Did anyone find it interesting that Leon (Cynthia’s ex) was her groom in the pilot?  Oh and that she had Cynthia play the silliest character.


Nene prepared for her maiden voyage on the broadway stage and was overwhelmed with the realization that she was actually in a broadway play.  She thought about how far she had come to get to that point and was thankful.  She did note that the only response she got from her cast mates was a text from Phaedra, congratulating her.  She received absolutely nothing from the others.  Kind of felt sorry for her.  Here she is doing a major Broadway play and everyone is watching Kenya’s straight to DVD pilot while she live out her fantasy of being a bride. FUN FACT:  Did anyone else know that Nene acted in a movie and appeared in several sitcoms before getting on RHOA?


I do not think Demetria has any plans to come back on the show.  She stated that she only came on to jump-start her music career (which she did) and now she has a record deal and will be appearing in another sitcom

Edited by Aging Goth
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Kandi and Todd are so very doomed, and Joyce remains an evil wench. When Kandi announced that Todd's show (which really is entertaining, I watched all of season 1) was picked up for season 2 and everyone was clapping, Joyce was sitting in the corner looking stank. And her apology is bullshit, and Joyce is waaaaaaaaaay too old to be playing runteldat. Todd's look when Kandi said "Group hug!" was like "Wait, you're actually good with that bullshit non-apology?"


I don't feel sorry for Cynthia at all. I hope she has some sort of secret rainy day fund, because Peter is going to bleed her dry.


Ayden is the cutest. "What does it taste like?""Sugar."

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I'm watching the episode on the dvr and I'm just at the scene with Kandi and Todd talking about the dinner at Joyce's house... Kandi has a lot of nerve demanding Todd "be nice" to Joyce and rolling her eyes (of course) about him having a drink beforehand. She's lucky he even agrees to be around Joyce. Let the man have a drink and not be excited about going, seriously. Gosh, she irritates me.

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Ugh, Joyce's apology was such bs! "If" I said something to offend you? Um, you did, and you know you did!! And the whole, "I was repeating what I heard, I didn't make it up" is her shady way of still saying it *might* be true.

Sorry, I promise I won't be doing a play-by-play lol, I just can't stand Kandi and her mother. And I used to really like Kandi!

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Apollo's phone call really bugged me.  I just got the sense that it wasn't a "surprise" call and that he and Peter made arrangements for that call to happen when Peter and Cynthia were filming.  It just wreaked of Apollo wanting to get one last slam at Phaedra in while the cameras were rolling.  If you are that concerned about seeing your kids then it isn't Peter you should be calling.  It should be Phaedra or either of your parents or even your spiritual people, pastors, whatever, since you both are so into the church.  You can't see your kids and that sucks, but this is no one's fault but yours.  He needs to accept it and accept that the decision is solely Phaedra's now.    And if he's serious about wanting to see his kids he needs to start on a sincerity and apology tour.

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Without question Phaedra is raising some beautiful boys. Criticize anything else about her, but not that. This is real life, not just a silly reality tv show. I sincerely wish her & her children the best....


Except those cookies were foul looking......;-)



Apollo's phone call really bugged me.  I just got the sense that it wasn't a "surprise" call and that he and Peter made arrangements for that call to happen when Peter and Cynthia were filming.


I got the idea that Apollo is still trying to be relevant and that's just sad and pathetic. 


It also occurred to me that the Nidas are using Apollo's situation as a storyline for the show.  I am not saying they created for the show.   I think they are both consciously using it to continue this income stream.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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So Peter thinks he is Peter Vander Pump?  Now he will own 2 places?  I see two places that will fail like the others. 


Nene goes randomly to stand on the stage for the first time and there just happens to be a throngs of fans waiting by the stage door.  I am inclined to think that was set up. 


Mama Joyce, Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth.  Kandi better stick to music because her acting is horrible, I don't believe for one minute that she never had a discussion about spending time in L.A. with Riley until that dinner. I wish Kandi would think about not having a baby, they rarely save a marriage. If she gets pissy when Todd is away for weeks on end for business she will surely lose her shit when there is a baby to take care of and he is out of town.


I didn't think Kenya's pilot was so bad, there are a lot worse sit coms that get picked up for a season.  I am impressed that she got a pilot made so don't take away that accolade, LOL!  If all of these women have such wonderful homes why do they constantly rent another house for a party?  What was that awful singing and dancing at the premiere party, words fail me.  BTW, ten years ago  I had a cake topper on the grooms cake of a bride dragging a groom to the alter, my husband and the guests loved it!









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