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S03.E18: Nobody Knows But Me

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With the arrival of his former fiancee in Nashville, Jeff finds himself face-to-face with Jade St. John (played by Christina Aguilera), a powerhouse pop-star in Nashville on tour. Jeff is forced to revisit his past and work with the woman who once played a large role in both his personal and professional lives. Meanwhile, Deacon continues to cope with his cancer diagnosis - a secret that weighs heavily on his family -- especially Maddie, who struggles with the news herself. While Juliette is eager to get back to work following the birth of her daughter, she quickly finds balancing motherhood and a music career challenging to say the least, while Avery struggles with his own responsibilities and his Triple Exes bandmates.



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LOL @ Juliette trying to look threatening with a fork full of fruit. But then she yelled and made Cadence fuss louder. The return of diva Juliette, who's more than willing to go for someone else because she doesn't get what she wants the second she wants it. What's with the look of disgust at having to change her own daughter's diaper? Umm, hello you're a mommy now. Get over yourself. I wanted to smack her for being horrible to Deacon, choosing a nanny without Avery's input and then stalking away from him to go work on her music. Seems like she really doesn't want to be a mother. She's been w/the baby for three weeks, not three months. Good for Avery for putting the baby first since Juliette doesn't want to. 


I had to laugh at Britton's WTF? face when Rayna saw Maddie and her ex-almost-step-bro making out. Good for Maddie for calling Rayna out. Rayna just wants what she wants, and doesn't see herself as a hypocrite. But Maddie telling Deacon she's been avoiding him because he makes her "sad" was just cold. Didn't like that Rayna got an apology and some sweetness from Maddie thanks to Deacon when she didn't make the effort to face and talk out the depth of Maddie's anger and pain about her own shitty parenting. 


Luke is capable of being decent when he's not about Rayna. So, will Teddy wind up dead or in jail?

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I am looking forward to Christina Agulera's character. Between breaking Jeff's heart and getting Juliette all riled up, she is two for two already!


Juliette as a Mom does not look fun, nor does Avery as a henpecked husband/martyr father. I really would like to see the Triple Exes stay together, as those three do have a chemistry in their scenes. 


Gunnar alone with Scarlett is so boring now. He and Dr. Boring can come back when they have something interesting to do. 


Luke just continues to grow on me. He is now one of my favorite characters. The guy has guts and integrity and solid morals, at least for the last several episodes. He deserves some sexy time with Jill St James (or whatever her name is!) 

Edited by Midru
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Juliette was obnoxious throughout the episode (what's new, eh). Avery is so likable (and patient with Juliette's wild moods), I'm miffed if he feels he should give up the band so easily.

I'm not a Christina fan, but I'm interested in seeing what unfolds as Jade.

Good music tonight. I continue to enjoy Layla's performances.

Edited by KR Vermont
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Good on Will for getting with Kyle. He's cute as hell.


Juliette named her daughter Cadence? Aww. My niece is also a Cadence- the name enjoyed some brief popularity in the mid-2000's before becoming obscure again.

Edited by methodwriter85
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Christina Aguilera's character is off to a good start, plus she's making Jeff and Layla's storyline more interesting. The one con was that Jade's musical number was a tad too long. Plus, all her backup dancers looked like the Eloi from The Time Machine. I would've rather heard full versions of The Triple Xs or Layla. I don't know what's happened but Layla is fast becoming a favorite character for me.

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Good on Will for getting with Kyle. He's cute as hell.


Juliette named her daughter Cadence? Aww. My niece is also a Cadence- the name enjoyed some brief popularity in the mid-2000's before becoming obscure again.

It's still around, it's one of the latest victims of the creative spelling curse (this year alone I've done birthday shirts for a Kaydence, a Kadance, a Kaydance and a Caydence, but oddly enough never a Cadence). 

I didn't read it as Juliette being disgusted with a diaper as much as her being pissed off that now that she had time to work and someone to help her work she couldn't because she was being expected to be on call 24/7 while Avery went off to his pity party.  And I do get it, I remember being a few weeks postpartum, hormonal as hell,  and being insanely pissed off at my husband because it felt like his life hadn't really changed while mine was upside down.  It's not pretty but I will give them credit for showing what the postpartum period is like for a lot of women.

So, can we talk about how Christina Aguilera hasn't aged in the last 15 years?

Edited by rachel1496
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"Jade St. John."  Interesting name.  Not really a huge fan of Christina Aguilera, but she did better then I thought she would.  And, hey: it makes Jeff act all pissy, which I always enjoy watching.


Hey!  Luke and Deacon have a civil, mature conversation!  I knew they could do it!  Actually, Luke was in good form tonight.  He has his moments, I have to admit.


Please, please tell me we're going to get a break from Maddie being a brat.  It was just way too much, and I just felt bad for Deacon and Rayna, for having to deal with that shit.


I'm not against Juliette wanting to keep her career going; she should be allowed to just as much as Avery should.  But, she really shouldn't be doing stuff like hiring nannies without telling him, or jetting off without letting him know either.  Stuff like that makes me go against her.  In the end, this is simply a case where both of them need to sit down, and actually have a conversation about how they are going to do this.  Because, if not, then I see a lot of trouble for them in the future.  Hell, I now won't be surprised if Avery resents her, since it sounds like he's quitting Triple X.


God, do I want to see the doctor punch Gunnar in his mouth.  I am so done with Gunnar right now.


Maybe, just maybe, Will won't screw this one up.  I'm rooting for him, but this man manages to find some way to ruin good things.


Ha, it was a FBI sting!  Teddy is so screwed.

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It's been 3 weeks together after a tumultuous courtship spanning years, Rayna's just broken off a public relationship and wedding that has affected her kids and she wants to move cancer ridden Deacon into her bed and house?  Then Rayna has no idea her daughter has a boyfriend and had been spending lots of time at Luke's. Luke who is up to date on what is happening in his son's life and more involved in Maddie's that she confides in him, unlike Rayna. 


She's also blaming Cole for the "Maggie Clayborne" video, that was all your daughter Rayna not Colt's idea. Wow. Just when I can't think she could get worse in her decision makings as a mother. And Deacon's the one holding back and actually thinking of the girls. He's shown as the smarter/better parent.


There's no wonder that Maddie doesn't respect her. Then Rayna's shocked at that? Go Maddie for calling her out on her hypocrisy. 


If Jeff's putting songs on iTunes and Jeff getting Layla gigs, what exactly is Rayna and the label doing for Layla? Just sitting around wondering how Layla got the opening act for Christina?


Someone who can sing! Is Christina supposed to be country at all or all pop? Country/Pop like a Carrie Underwood/Taylor Swift?


Oh Teddy, you're an idiot who walked into that one. 


I miss Deacon and Scarlet, since the drama of Rayna/Maddie knowing developed Deacon hasn't been sharing scenes with the person who was his rock all along and got him through the worst of it. I guess he'll move out now that he has Rayna drama life and Scarlet wll be left at his house? 


How did Luke become my favorite character at this point?

Edited by Artsda
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It's still around, it's one of the latest victims of the creative spelling curse (this year alone I've done birthday shirts for a Kaydence, a Kadance, a Kaydance and a Caydence, but oddly enough never a Cadence).

Huh, interesting. The name briefly cracked the top 200 in 2007 after coming out of nowhere, and it's popularity has dropped down to a top 300 name in subsequent years, although it's still hanging on. I think it's interesting that Juliette picked a name that was briefly trendy eight, seven years ago instead of what's trending right now.


They have to be writing out Teddy. He really is the most expendable part of the show right. There's absolutely no point in him being there...send the dude off to jail.


I get that Maddie has every right to be a total bitch, but man, I'm sick of watching it. I feel like if this show goes on to a season 4, we're going to be subjected to some dumb love triangle between Maddie, a "bad boy", and Luke's son.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I've blocked out most of the first half of the season, will someone remind me how Rayna was being a hypocrite? was she talking about Deacon?

Hated the line from Maddie to Deacon about being sad around him, truly cold to a man you claim to love. I could see that reaction from a younger child, but Maddie is more than old enough to have developed some empathy.

I felt for Juliette. It's always been about her career, and here she is stuck at home with a crying baby while Avery went out to live the life she thought she had. Given her emotional state she made the right decision to call a nanny.

Like Will and Kevin, he's a cutie pie. Liked Layla's song and her pushing Jeff to work for her. Luke is a totally different person without Rayna, but I thought the kids were in boarding school for stability since he was gone so much ;)

Glad to see Deacon's moving in, loved the little hip bump and Rayna's flirtatious smile. Looks like the move will be just in time too since it looks like Teddy's heading up the river. Maybe Daphne will get a scene or two out of it.

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Clemgo: Remember Colt asked to move home?

I don't buy Maddie at all. She's just the latest in a long line of butchered characters because these writers have no idea how people behave. If we wait a bit, we're bound to get a new Maddie, like we have everyone else. And then we'll just pretend she never acted this way. Again.

I love how happy Rayna is, even though Deacon is sick. There's so much freedom in truly being who you are and saying what you want. It makes really clear how miserable and shut off she's been for the last season and a half, and how battered she was emotionally by all the lying and secrets and loss. I wish these writers were better so that instead of a bizarre character shift, we'd gotten to see more of Rayna's inner dialogue and what she was feeling during that time, I wish we'd spent real time on her inner struggle back to herself, but whatever. Nashville either moves at a glacial pace or the speed of light, and I must accept the things I cannot change. The joy just radiates from her now. It's nice to watch.

Juliette is Juliette. Take her or leave her. She's young, insecure, immature in a lot of ways, and prone to histrionics. I don't mind. I dig all the things that are great about her more.

Edited by madam magpie
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 I will give them credit for showing what the postpartum period is like for a lot of women.


But this didn't seem to be an obvious case of postpartum behavior that's about a woman needing a little break from new motherhood, or fear that she's not cut out for it/going to be like Jolene. What I got from her this episode is "I want to escape motherhood." She hired a nanny in two hours, and was all 'Isn't that great?' to her stunned husband. The message was clear: any nanny will do because she had bigger priorities.  She then got on an airplane and left for a music commitment - the nanny told Avery she didn't know where Juliette had gone. Every single new mom I've known (who's not mentally ill) lets a nanny know her schedule and calls to check-in. Juliette was giving off of a 'yay-back-to-real-life-now-that-I've-unloaded-the-baby (on my husband and a nanny I don't know)' vibe. She looked like she couldn't be happier to get away, like she was done with the baby interfering in her career. I didn't see any hesitation, any texting to Avery or the nanny, any looking at the baby's pic on her phone wistfully.  

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Maybe Juliette did want to escape motherhood. So what? I've certainly known moms who feel that way. It's just that most of them don't have the means or balls to actually do it.

Edited by madam magpie
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Team nanny.  I assume she had a background check done.  She has background check in a flash kind of money.   I don't really want to watch giving up his dream angry Avery.   Sure they should have talked about the nanny.  They should have hired the nanny together.  And hopefully they'll come to that in the next few episodes but seriously, I'm all about the nanny. 

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I like Eric Close, but Teddy is so so stupid.

I like the Triple Exes, but the writing was on the wall. I hope Avery isn't too resentful. He was never going to be able to put up with Gunnar long term.

Edited by Evie
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I meant that Juliette wants to escape motherhood permanently. I don't think it takes balls to escape - any fool can abandon their child to be taken care of by some woman (or man) they hardly know. It takes balls to be honest about what you want (to be a mother and career woman, or not a mother - a career woman only) and then make decisions about what's best and healthiest for everyone.  Abandoning a child you only wanted to keep in the first place because you were in love with the father is not the answer. So far Juliette has not come across as a woman who's in love with her child and wants the best for the baby. 

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Scarlet's stuck in a band with a stalker. Please keep shutting Gunnar down and do your thing with the doctor.

Hopefully the Will story is finally going somewhere.

I liked Luke tonight. I used to be all Free Rayna, but I think he got the better end of the deal.

I don't particularly like Jeff, but I was rolling my eyes at Rayna during their little confrontation. She's so clueless about everything. I just can't buy her as the owner of a record label.

Juliette's back. I understood both Avery and Juliette to a point. Avery's been home with Juliette and the baby for three weeks. I understand why he might have thought spending one day promoting the band wasn't a big deal. I also understand Juliette's struggles and her desire to get back to her career. The nanny subject should have come up a long time ago. Jumping on a plane without telling Avery was messed up.

Edited by Evie
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I meant that Juliette wants to escape motherhood permanently. I don't think it takes balls to escape - any fool can abandon their child to be taken care of by some woman (or man) they hardly know. It takes balls to be honest about what you want (to be a mother and career woman, or not a mother - a career woman only) and then make decisions about what's best and healthiest for everyone. Abandoning a child you only wanted to keep in the first place because you were in love with the father is not the answer. So far Juliette has not come across as a woman who's in love with her child and wants the best for the baby.

Maybe she's not right now, or not singularly. They're playing it up for drama and laughs, but maybe that conflict is how Juliette feels. I also disagree that it doesn't take balls to live that. Our society is extremely judgmental of parents, mothers in particular, and it takes a lot of strength to buck that. This is Nashville, so there likely won't be much subtlety or deep thinking or focus on WHY Juliette feels/behaves this way. But she didn't abandon her baby; she hired a nanny. Maybe she's resentful and stressed and angry and really really tired, as well as in love with her baby. She certainly seemed attached to the baby last week. That dichotomy is pretty common in mothers. Edited by madam magpie
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I really hope the Triple Exxxes don't break up permanently. I love them together, as a trio, both musically and otherwise. Otherwise, its just Gunnar being a creep while Scarlet tries to move on from all this drama. They need Avery! Everyone needs Avery!


Jeff continues to be a slimeball, but I am kind of entertained by watching him climb his way to the top. And I think Layla is crazy talented, so if this story line keeps her around, I am all for it.  


Will awkwardly trying to ask that guy out was so freaking cute! Good for you, Will! Lets hope this actually goes somewhere! New guy is a cutie. Lets keep this up!


Real lack of music tonight, I thought, but I liked what we got. I actually liked Christina more than I thought I would, stunt casting or not. I am pumped about watching her and Juliette go at it over Christina trying to make up country cred. 


Juliette really should have talked to Avery about the nanny, but I don't think its an awful idea. They just REALLY need to work on their communication. I don't think Avery realized how miserable Juliette was, being stuck with the baby, alone. 


Maddy, you dad is dying. Do you REALLY want to spend your possible last months with him avoiding him, and telling him to his face you hate being near him? Really? I can get thinking that way, especially as a teenager, but saying it is pretty damn harsh. 


Teddy and the wired hooker sounds like a better name for an Indie band than an actual plot line. 

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I didn't read it as Juliette being disgusted with a diaper as much as her being pissed off that now that she had time to work and someone to help her work she couldn't because she was being expected to be on call 24/7 while Avery went off to his pity party.  And I do get it, I remember being a few weeks postpartum, hormonal as hell,  and being insanely pissed off at my husband because it felt like his life hadn't really changed while mine was upside down.  It's not pretty but I will give them credit for showing what the postpartum period is like for a lot of women.

So, can we talk about how Christina Aguilera hasn't aged in the last 15 years?


Please continue to preach this truth. In a lot of ways, the postpartum period was worse than pregnancy for me because I was hormonal as hell and the baby was outside of my body and needy. Couldn't just go sleep it off or cry it out or eat tubs of ice cream to get over it when there's an infant needing to be fed and changed and loved on.


Christina looks great. Love her. I don't care about Jeff or Layla but this storyline is a little more palatable since Christina is here.


There's no wonder that Maddie doesn't respect her. Then Rayna's shocked at that? Go Maddie for calling her out on her hypocrisy. 


Oh, hell no. Telling your mother you don't respect her is just going waaayyy too far in my book. This isn't Juliette talking to her drug addicted mother. My mother would have popped me in my mouth for that one had I been crazy enough to say it.

I love how happy Rayna is, even though Deacon is sick. There's so much freedom in truly being who you are and saying what you want. It makes really clear how miserable and shut off she's been for the last season and a half, and how battered she was emotionally by all the lying and secrets and loss. I wish these writers were better so that instead of a bizarre character shift, we'd gotten to see more of Rayna's inner dialogue and what she was feeling during that time, I wish we'd spent real time on her inner struggle back to herself, but whatever. Nashville either moves at a glacial pace or the speed of light, and I must accept the things I cannot change. The joy just radiates from her now. It's nice to watch.



So true. She looks so happy. And I loved both of her interactions with Jeff. 


In defense of Juliette, I don't think she had any idea what she was in for. I don't know how much experience Avery had with babies beforehand, but I can't imagine that Juliette had very much. I don't know that she anticipated how intense those first few weeks/months would be. So I can't blame her for being overwhelmed by it. Being stuck at home with a newborn is hard for a lot of women. Plain and simple. Sometimes you just need some damn me time, especially in those first few weeks. I certainly felt that way so I don't knock her at all for wanting to get a break and be around adults for a little while, or working uninterrupted on her music for some time.


We know that she's felt stifled for a while about not being able to work while she was pregnant and she couldn't travel; she was damn near on bedrest, as someone else said. And she said a few episodes ago, "I'm having a baby and I feel like nothing in my life is my life." Be's that way sometimes. 


I don't agree with her not telling Avery or the nanny she was leaving town though. I can understand why she didn't tell him because she knew he wouldn't agree with it, but she absolutely should have told him. I can't defend that. As much as I love that girl, I can't even defend that one. 


It's that decision that concerns me above anything else she did in this episode. That she so easily left both Avery and Cadence without any explanation and then seemed totally at ease...that worries me. I don't want to see a postpartum depression storyline for her AT ALL and I pray they are not going there.


Lastly, because it can't be said enough, Teddy is stupid. Y'all called the FBI set-up weeks ago. Why the hell did she need all $500,000 of that money? I mean...damn, Teddy. Now if Maddie told him she didn't respect him, that I could understand! 


And then Natasha had the nerve to cry...girl, please.

Edited by Soup333
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Had to add this in a separate post. How disrespectful was the interviewer? "Pop star Juliette Barnes' baby daddy?" Who says that to someone's face??


And what do y'all reckon is the life span of one of Juliette's phones?

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Oh, hell no. Telling your mother you don't respect her is just going waaayyy too far in my book. This isn't Juliette talking to her drug addicted mother. My mother would have popped me in my mouth for that one had I been crazy enough to say it.

Oh, yeah. My mother would have slapped me across the face too...and did. But to be fair, neither Rayna nor Deacon has ever been particularly strict. They're both very talky disciplinarians. I actually think there would be some great storylines in their struggling with that. I mean, on the one hand, I agree with that style of parenting; they're very forgiving. On the other, if you never follow through with ANYTHING, maybe you end up with...Maddie?

Rayna's beef with Colt was also hilarious. A bad influence?? That kid is so tame! I mean, if Colt and Maddie were cutting school and smoking pot and having sex and sneaking out at night, I could board that train. But I mean he...posts singing videos to the internet. The horror!

Had to add this in a separate post. How disrespectful was the interviewer? "Pop star Juliette Barnes' baby daddy?" Who says that to someone's face??

Yeah, that was ridiculous. I don't know how realistic it is or not. The media can be awful, but you'd think he'd have been more stealthy about his assholery.

In other news, I like Gunnar as Will's wingman, not so much as Scarlett's...mopey, sad-eyed ex.

Edited by madam magpie
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Juliette is Juliette. Take her or leave her. She's young, insecure, immature in a lot of ways, and prone to histrionics. I don't mind. I dig all the things that are great about her more.

THIS. exactly. I love JB and this was totally in character. I'm surprised people hated it because a lot of people on here were saying they miss the old driven attitud-y Juliette while she was pregnant. I definitely did!


Poor Scarlett...when did Gunner turn into such a douche?? I LOVE the triple exes though. I've been playing all of their tracks on repeat. I'm assuming they arent really breaking up right??


And yeah I dont really know/care if Maddie's behavior is realistic but its really annoying to watch. I wish they kept her storyline about her singing bc that I can actually bear to watch. 


Oh and MORE LAYLA PLEASE!!! I hope Rayna's right and she dumps Jeff asap. She's incredible. 

Edited by hqtextbook
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Oh, hell no. Telling your mother you don't respect her is just going waaayyy too far in my book. This isn't Juliette talking to her drug addicted mother. My mother would have popped me in my mouth for that one had I been crazy enough to say it.

My mom too, however mine never treated me with the lack of respect Rayna's treated Maddie. She's not parading parentage on GMA and lying about DNA of my father all my life.

In this case, I don't think it's too far. Rayna lied to Maddie her entire life about her father, and Maddie found out the secret herself by finding the documents. There's a lot of deep resentment there for Maddie to hold onto forever. There's a lot to not respect.

Rayna doesn't even know who Maddie's spending time with or whose house she's been at for weeks. Yet Colt's such a bad influence because he posted a video under Maddie Clayburn's name, which was Maddie's idea and way of lashing out in the first place. Rayna needs to blame herself a lot for her actions and for Maddie's spiraling instead of dictating bad influences. Colt was the one telling Maddie to talk to her mom!

Rayna and Deacon and how they've lived their lives are walking neon signs of what not to do or who to be. Maddie's an alcoholic or drug addict waiting to happen. Tedd at least was more stable and tried to not let her spiral/get away with her actions, he tried to actually parent her but he's screwed now which is going to not help the kids.

Edited by Artsda
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Eh, I think the show is trying to give Juliette a Postpartum storyline here.  I honestly have never had postpartum or seen it firsthand, but if a new mother is experiencing that would she constantly be checking her phone/texting about the baby? I don't think it's such a surprise that Juliette would be overwhelmed by the baby, one-aren't any type of new mothers? two-PP is pretty common and this is a tv show, I expected this, three- her own childhood and her own mother didn't exactly give a good rulebook on how to be one. It's understandable that all these factors would lead to this situation, actually.  

I think they are too.  And I think/hope they're doing something a bit different with it than "I want to drown my baby."  I do think her behavior was typical Juliette.  But I also think there was an aspect of postpartum depression going on.  She can't get the baby to stop crying. She's not sleeping. She has already had doubts about her ability to parent given her role model. 


Mothers think they have to bond with their babies right away and if they don't, they're failures because it's supposed to be such a happy event.  Therefore, it remains something they don't say.


And I'm not going to criticize her for not wanting to change a baby's diaper.  Does anyone really look forward to that?


Is Gunnar trying to push Avery out?  What a jerk. 


I loved the Juliette/Deacon scene.  It has been too long. 

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Oh, yeah. My mother would have slapped me across the face too...and did. But to be fair, neither Rayna nor Deacon has ever been particularly strict. They're both very talky disciplinarians. I actually think there would be some great storylines in their struggling with that. I mean, on the one hand, I agree with that style of parenting; they're very forgiving. On the other, if you never follow through with ANYTHING, maybe you end up with...Maddie?

Rayna's beef with Colt was also hilarious. A bad influence?? That kid is so tame! I mean, if Colt and Maddie were cutting school and smoking pot and having sex and sneaking out at night, I could board that train. But I mean he...posts singing videos to the internet. The horror!

Yeah, that was ridiculous. I don't know how realistic it is or not. The media can be awful, but you'd think he'd have been more stealthy about his assholery.


Five minutes into the episode and - yet again - we have a pissy pouty Maddie.  What now, I thought.  Oh I know, it's a day ending in "y", and Maddie is angry/resentful/silent treatment.  They've really got to lighten up on this because it's really making me dislike Maddie.  This girl has three parents kissing her ass night and day.  And then Rayna un-grounds her and lets her go to the concert, because she acted like a human instead of a little spoiled bitch for five minutes?  And who, may I ask, is caring for Daphne while Maddie's getting (as usual) what she wants?  Both Deacon and Rayna were with the golden child.  So Daphne's either alone, or she's about to watch her father get arrested.  I wonder if she'll be noticed when her father goes to jail?  Probably not, because no one will be suffering like Maddie, even though she has a spare father.


And there's nothing like telling you're dying father that he's a drag.  Gee dad, your cancer is ruining my life.   Do we have to keep talking about it, I'd rather be making out with my former step-brother to be.  Dying is such a downer.


I don't agree with her not telling Avery or the nanny she was leaving town though. I can understand why she didn't tell him because she knew he wouldn't agree with it, but she absolutely should have told him. I can't defend that. As much as I love that girl, I can't even defend that one. 


It's that decision that concerns me above anything else she did in this episode. That she so easily left both Avery and Cadence without any explanation and then seemed totally at ease...that worries me. I don't want to see a postpartum depression storyline for her AT ALL and I pray they are not going there.


It's pretty easy to make an overwhelmed and sleep-deprived new mother sympathetic - and they're not doing it.  I love Juliette, but I was very disappointed in her tonight.   She really wanted this baby and the pregnancy made her endearingly vulnerable.  Plus, having such a supportive and loving husband has given her self-worth and confidence.  Yet they continue with this obnoxious behavior.  I laughed at the baby shower because it was treated like slap-stick humor.  It made me uncomfortable tonight.  When she walked up to the crying baby and just stared at her ...... well if it was a different show, I would have described that look as sinister. 


To me, they are portraying a woman who is deeply resenting her baby, and I'm not sure that that's their goal.  The lack of urgency to comfort her crying baby.  The lack of concern that a stranger is caring for her child.  The lack of discretion that allows her to ditch the baby at home, and not tell the nanny or Avery where she's going?  Yikes, if this continues, she will no longer be my favorite character.


Having said all that, WTF Emily?  Can poor Avery handle taking care of the baby?  No one would have asked Avery that if Juliette was staying with the baby.  That line REALLY irritated me, but I'm sure it was the show's way of establishing that Juliette is lying to Glenn and Emily, and that she took off without notifying Avery.

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Are they setting Avery & Juliette up for a divorce? That would piss me off royally


Oh Teddy, in the words of Bugs Bunny "What a Maroon!"

If the Patsy Cline movie has a end credits song, wouldn't it be . . . a Patsy Cline song.



Yeah, that was my reaction too, why would they need a song, Patsy Cline did record 1 or 2 of them.


Does anyone know where there's a list of the songs they sang this episode? There's a couple I'm interested in hearing more of.

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Ms. Aguilara, your music has generally not been my thing but it would be a crime against humanity if you ever stopped singing.

I'm assuming Juliette is heading for a postpartum depression storyline. That seems to be what the bits were adding up to.

Edited by millahnna
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watching this episode and seeing a new character introduced again, made me realize what a waste of air time Sadie was---I actually like how they tied st john to Jeff and that makes it way more interesting than the insta-friendship Rayna had with sadie.

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"Scarlett's in a band with me so she has to spend time with me whether she likes it or not." Dude, seriously, Gunnar? You're a step away from kidnapping your ex and locking her in your basement with this creepy attitude.


Love that Daphne is totally fine with what's going on and is thrilled that Deacon brought donuts for breakfast. And that's before we get to Maddie being a mopey pain in the ass who makes Daphne look even better in comparison. I do remember what it was like to be a teenager (although my parents were way stricter than Rayna and Teddy) but I totally loved that once Rayna found out Maddie had lied about having plans the night of the concert, she called her on it.


Christina Aguilera comes from the Mickey Mouse Club school of bad acting, but she has definitely improved in recent years. Jade St. John sounds like a porn star name.


I totally understand Juliette's frustration and feeling cooped up in the house with the baby, but first of all I don't know why they didn't discuss getting a nanny sooner. Just having someone else to hold the baby so you can take a shower or get a few hours of sleep can really help, especially if you don't have family nearby. But even if you do get a nanny, you can't just leave without telling your husband! Yes, Avery was doing stuff for his band, but with the exception of the last minute performance, he made sure to tell her about his interview and other commitments ahead of time, as opposed to leaving the baby with the new nanny and flying across the country without so much as leaving a note.




If the Patsy Cline movie has a end credits song, wouldn't it be . . . a Patsy Cline song.

My guess is that they specifically wanted an original song for the credits so they could submit for a best song award for the Oscars, Grammys, etc.




Is Christina supposed to be country at all or all pop? Country/Pop like a Carrie Underwood/Taylor Swift?

Luke referred to her as a pop star and Jade reminded Jeff that she originally wanted to do country music but he told her not to.




I think it's interesting that Juliette picked a name that was briefly trendy eight, seven years ago instead of what's trending right now.

Heh, she might as well have named her kid Jaden!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Hey Rayna, a couple of parenting tips:

Stick to the consequences you mete out, ie, don't take Maddie to the concert. This is why there are so many obnoxious, whiny kids out there. They know from past history that if they keep asking, their parents will eventually give in.

If you take your child to a huge rock concert (anywhere actually), you don't piss off home without saying goodbye or making sure the kid has a ride home.

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watching this episode and seeing a new character introduced again, made me realize what a waste of air time Sadie was---I actually like how they tied st john to Jeff and that makes it way more interesting than the insta-friendship Rayna had with sadie.

I was totally thinking that. I do like Laura Benanti but Sadie was practically pasted into the show with barely a connection to anyone. There were quite a few episodes where she didn't interact with anyone from the main cast, it was like she was in storyline Siberia. They've done much better with launching Jade.

"Scarlett's in a band with me so she has to spend time with me whether she likes it or not." Dude, seriously, Gunnar? You're a step away from kidnapping your ex and locking her in your basement with this creepy attitude.

What's sad is that Gunnar told Will to "apologize for being a jackass." How about following your own advice, tool? It would go a long way toward keeping Scarlett from filing that restraining order.

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I meant that Juliette wants to escape motherhood permanently. I don't think it takes balls to escape - any fool can abandon their child to be taken care of by some woman (or man) they hardly know. It takes balls to be honest about what you want (to be a mother and career woman, or not a mother - a career woman only) and then make decisions about what's best and healthiest for everyone.  Abandoning a child you only wanted to keep in the first place because you were in love with the father is not the answer. So far Juliette has not come across as a woman who's in love with her child and wants the best for the baby. 


At this point she's only been gone for the length of time it took her to drive to the airport and get on the plane so it's hard to say.  Maybe she'll get her day in LA and realize that she does want to escape, maybe she'll realize that she won't.  I don't agree that leaving the baby with the nanny and her husband for a day trip is in any way abandoning her though.


Maybe she's not right now, or not singularly. They're playing it up for drama and laughs, but maybe that conflict is how Juliette feels. I also disagree that it doesn't take balls to live that. Our society is extremely judgmental of parents, mothers in particular, and it takes a lot of strength to buck that. This is Nashville, so there likely won't be much subtlety or deep thinking or focus on WHY Juliette feels/behaves this way. But she didn't abandon her baby; she hired a nanny. Maybe she's resentful and stressed and angry and really really tired, as well as in love with her baby. She certainly seemed attached to the baby last week. That dichotomy is pretty common in mothers.

My second baby didn't sleep through the night until she was almost 2 and "naps" were 30 minutes max and only if I wore her in the wrap.  The second I tried to move her she was awake.  I'd be lying if I said there weren't nights I didn't resent her a bit because when you're so tired you're walking into walls it's hard not to be a bit resentful of everyone and everything that is stopping you from just getting to sleep.  I still remember my OB telling me that extended periods of sleep deprivation is one of the most commonly used forms of torture because it is hands down one of the most effective.  I really hope they're not going with a ppd storyline and it's actually going to turn into an Avery and Juliette have a serious discussion about the division of labour and childcare before Juliette loses her damn mind storyline.  So I'm Team Nanny all the way.

Juliette has always been someone who believed that she had to look out for herself first because no one else was looking out for her.   She's been waiting months to get back to work so to hear that Avery was going out without her and Glen was telling the producers that she was too busy with the baby to do the song is going to trigger that impulse in her.  In her mind no one else is looking out for her career so she's going to do it herself.  It's not healthy but Juliette has never been terribly healthy or emotionally stable.

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Wow, Juliette was just over the top bad mom tonight. Sorry, I but when she was looking a t her baby crying, I was thinking she was going to harm the child, not hire a nanny. When you chose to bring a child into this world, its your responsibility. Hiring a nanny is great, and she can afford one for sure. But hopping on a plane and leaving the nanny and your husband without an clue where your are? Not only horrible mother, but horrible person as well.  


I am really starting to hate Maddie and like Luke. She once again was rewarded (was grounded for like 5 minutes) for her bad behavior. Ugh. grow the hell up!


I love the Colt/Luke dynamic. Seems sad that Luke is hanging out on his son's date instead of having his own dates, but sounds like maybe he and Jade will be an item?


Deacon and Rayna so happy in the kitchen-- loved it


Teddy is a dumb-ass. Hopefully this is the last of the hooker.

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My mom too, however mine never treated me with the lack of respect Rayna's treated Maddie. She's not parading parentage on GMA and lying about DNA of my father all my life.

In this case, I don't think it's too far. Rayna lied to Maddie her entire life about her father, and Maddie found out the secret herself by finding the documents. There's a lot of deep resentment there for Maddie to hold onto forever. There's a lot to not respect.

Rayna doesn't even know who Maddie's spending time with or whose house she's been at for weeks. Yet Colt's such a bad influence because he posted a video under Maddie Clayburn's name, which was Maddie's idea and way of lashing out in the first place. Rayna needs to blame herself a lot for her actions and for Maddie's spiraling instead of dictating bad influences. Colt was the one telling Maddie to talk to her mom!

Rayna and Deacon and how they've lived their lives are walking neon signs of what not to do or who to be. Maddie's an alcoholic or drug addict waiting to happen. Tedd at least was more stable and tried to not let her spiral/get away with her actions, he tried to actually parent her but he's screwed now which is going to not help the kids.


Every single one of your points are valid. I get her resenting her parents' choice not to tell her about her paternity. But Maddie OFTEN speaks to Rayna like they are friends having a disagreement instead of mother and daughter. Rayna said they could have the conversation, but in a respectful way. I don't think that's too much to ask, but others have already called Rayna and Deacon on their tendency to cave where Maddie is concerned. It's getting old though.


I wish I could say I was shocked that Gunnar wasn't put off by the looks Scarlett was giving him at the party. Wish I could have been shocked that he knowingly tossed Avery to the side while gushing over his duet with Scarlett. But I'm not. Gunnar, darling, go visit Micah (off screen). Write some songs. Burn that hat. Leave Scarlett and Dr. Boyfriend alone.



I'm assuming Juliette is heading for a postpartum depression storyline. That seems to be what the bits were adding up to.


Guess I should just be thankful for the few episodes of happiness she was allowed to have. 


For the record, I don't think she was abandoning her baby by leaving. It's the lack of communication with her husband and caregiver that threw me off. She should have said something so that they could at least know when to expect her back. 

Edited by Soup333
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I don't mind Gunnar the Creep so much, mostly because since the first episode we have been trained to think of him and Scarlett as endgame. So I think we are supposed to find it cute, or at least interesting, the way Gunnar is behaving as he negotiates the hundredth obstacle the writers have put in the way of what we expect to be True Love. 


Will tonight, (for the first time ever?) was an open, honest vulnerable person who really showed his feelings. I really am enjoying his storyline, and wonder if this is paving the way for him to come out in a few episodes. 


Did anyone else breathe a huge sigh of relief that Rayna and Deacon stayed a solid couple, with no relationship drama? I will be so excited to have a few more episodes of them as a team, together, facing their problems as a unit. 


Avery, it finally happened! I may be the one person who is totally unmoved by his higher-than-angels feminine voice and the songs that it sings. But tonight I loved his voice and song. Rock out Avery, it suits you. 


In Season Two Maddie started getting her own storylines. I hope Season Four we get some Daphne specific storylines!

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I get her resenting her parents' choice not to tell her about her paternity. But Maddie OFTEN speaks to Rayna like they are friends having a disagreement instead of mother and daughter. Rayna said they could have the conversation, but in a respectful way.

I think the show is attempting to demonstrate that Maddie is still not over Rayna lying to her about Deacon. I get that too, and like it because I feel like that would be true. It would be very hard for Maddie to trust Rayna again and would take time. I liked that Rayna seemed to acknowledge that too by saying they could have a respectful conversation about it. That was exactly the right way for her to respond, and Maddie being sassy was OK really. I also very much liked Deacon's line to her about it being silly to keep something a secret that you aren't ashamed of. That had a lot meaning: his cancer, Colt, Maddie's paternity, his relationship with Rayna, etc. Very nice. However! The fact that Rayna's lying about Deacon seems to bother Maddie only when she's mad at her mother makes her come off like a jerk. It's just not realistic. #1) It should affect other aspects of her life. But #2) raising a child with understanding, forgiveness, and compassion theoretically should teach her those qualities. That's one of the main points of the talky, seemingly permissive parenting Rayna is doing. But Maddie shows no ability to carry that from one experience to the other. Plus, I see no reason that she should be so emotionally stunted that she continues to lash out with no thought and then fall into sad face apologies. She's not three and lacking in self control. She's fifteen and has a mother who has done this kind of thing, presumably, all her life. Maddie should ooze compassion at this point. And to people who say, "Teens are inherently bratty," I say, "No they aren't." I've known lots of teens who are compassionate and understanding; they have parents who treat them that way. I mean, if we need an example, just look at Lennon Stella herself. She's fifteen, sixteen (how old is she now) and she always come across as very compassionate and thoughtful. That doesn't mean she never snaps at her mother; I'm sure she does. Hell, I stil snap at my mother. But she's not a jerk just because she's a teenager. I remember reading something where Maisy was asked about her parents as disciplinarians, and she said something like, "My mom isn't really very strict. We don't really get in trouble. She mostly encourages us to do what we love. She's just nice to us." And that kid is what? Eleven! The way Maddie is acting just doesn't jive for me with how we've seen her be raised. (I do think it's funny that in interviews, both Maisy and Lennon often seem as baffled by Maddie's behavior as the rest of us.)

Midru: Re: Rayna, Deacon, and no drama, yes! Me too! I was worried there for a minute.

Edited by madam magpie
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Can they please just have Gunnar sing all the time. I LOVE hearing him sing and the songs they give him. Don't worry with any more stories for him, just throw him on stage and let him sing every so often and I'll be happy.


I shrugged it off way back, but long ago when Julliet told Avery she was pregnant my wife said "great, can't wait to see how this show f*cks up a postpartum story." Bleah.


Guys it's ok for Maddie to act like that and say such horrible things. She's a teenager AND she apologized!! Plus caner dad and all so, you know kids being kids. The best thing to do when your child apologizes for being terrible is to reward them with exactly what they wanted and lied to you about in the first place. I really hope Ryanna is writing all this down in a "Parenting 101" book to give to Julliet.

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Having said all that, WTF Emily?  Can poor Avery handle taking care of the baby?  No one would have asked Avery that if Juliette was staying with the baby.  That line REALLY irritated me, but I'm sure it was the show's way of establishing that Juliette is lying to Glenn and Emily, and that she took off without notifying Avery.

In fact nobody did ask Avery if Juliette was ok staying home with the baby...which she clearly was not. I totally agree with this comment. 


Juliette being angry/resentful is so in-character. Shes career-driven, self-centered, and insecure! (in a lovable way of course). It would have been so unrealistic if suddenly she completely changed her personality over night. I'm totally on board with how this storyline is going. 

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I might be on Maddie's side if she wasn't such a little bitch about it.  She didn't say she doesn't respect her mother because she actually doesn't respect her mother, she said it to hurt Ryana's feelings and dig the knife in.  I can't stand her and her petulant whiny bullshit and I sincerely hope she gets sent off to boarding school.  I really don't think her reaction to Deacon's sickness is in any way normal and it comes off as self serving.


I have no patience for teenagers though.  This is why I don't have children.  I'd have smacked that little hag in the mouth if she ever said that to me.  I don't care how justified she was.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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Juliette's finally back to being her old self.  Was anyone surprised at her approach to motherhood?  I can't believe the subject of hiring a nanny didn't come up before three weeks.  I would have even anticipated it prior to the birth.  Seems for a star of Juliett'e magnitude, there would have been a full time nanny waiting the day the baby came home from the hospital.


Poor dumb Teddy.  Escort girlfriend might as well had "FBI Sting"  tattooed on her forehead during their last conversation.

I was getting a little concerned we were going to see Shaken Baby Syndrome happen - HP did a great job showing the tiredness/frustration/resentment that can happen.  I thought Avery had said he had been there every moment of the prior three weeks since the baby had been born so I wasn't feeling overly sympathetic towards Juliette.  That being said, when I was a first time mom, my Mom came out to stay with me for the first two - three weeks and I was so grateful.  Outside of being plain tired, I vivdly remember being so so conscious of how fragile a new born baby was and panicky at all the million things I could do wrong.  But the ex felt that way too.  And of course Juliette comes with a boatload of baggage from her own upbringing.


I think they muddled the storyline they want to go with - is Juliette hilariously hysterical new Mom?  is Juliette dealing with post-partum or something darker?  is Avery hands on until the interview/party/etc...or is he itching to get back to life outside the house?  They threw in a bit of everything.


And Teddy's deal had STING written all over it.  In flashing neon.

But since in the promo Deacon said they had a liver donor, I am thinking it is Teddy.  They've misused Eric Close horribly so this wouldn't make me said.  Except for Daphne. (Not sure if promo stuff needs to be in spoilers, but just in case).


So, can we talk about how Christina Aguilera hasn't aged in the last 15 years?

I thought she looked really good on stage.  She's aged, but she was a freakin' baby when she got launched solo after the Mouse Club.



"Scarlett's in a band with me so she has to spend time with me whether she likes it or not." Dude, seriously, Gunnar? You're a step away from kidnapping your ex and locking her in your basement with this creepy attitude.

I know those two are supposed to be endgame, but stalker behavior is stalker behavior.  Is it supposed to be viewed as romantic?  Stalking means you care?  Cause it is not reading that way by me.


At what point did Avery turn into everyone's life coach?

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Honestly, have they ever considered sending Maddy to therapy? She has a lot going on, and it would be good for her to talk to someone not directly involved in her family's giant drama festival. And send Daphne too! She might be the most emotionally stable person on the show, but being the resident grown up as a kid can lead to some real problems later on. 



At what point did Avery turn into everyone's life coach?

Poor Avery. Taking care of a kid, trying to have a music career, dealing with the drama of his wife and his friends, he needs to take a personal day ASAP. Didn't he say at some point he`s been with the baby a lot already? Even before Juliette got the nanny? 

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