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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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One concern I have about this situation is that, unless the police tested Kim for other substances, Kim will continue to insist that alcohol is her only issue. Therefore she will never really get sober, even if she manages to stop drinking. I just don't see her admitting (to herself or anyone else) to any other addictions. Even if she tests positive for prescription drugs or something else, I think she will continue to make excuses. Sadly, I don't think this incident is serious enough to be a catalyst for change for her.

Edited because 'is' and 'if' are 2 different words.

Edited by EVS
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Kim has always been a narcissist and a nasty person. It has always been there and while I'm no fan of Brandi, she is not responsible for Kim's behavior. Brandi served the role of BFF that Kim had never had on this show. She had back-up in that she could be the nasty person she is and knew she could fall back on Brandi. In the first season it was clear that Kim really didn't have friends and that Kyle had many friends. Kim, like Brandi, has never really fit in with the cast on this show. I honestly think as awful,as Brandi is, she's more Kim's pawn than vice versa. To me this was never more evident than last season when she gleefully sat back and watched Brandi go after Lisa Vanderpump.

Edited by AttackTurtle
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So, her little man in her life, Chad, was released that night and she didn't have the wherewithal to not drink knowing he is a RECOVERING addict of some sort?? What kind of mother reacts to positive news like this?! This is just too sad. I have no other words. He may not be a little boy anymore, but I just can't believe she did this at such a time. One would think the joy of his progress and having him back would make everyone happy.

His own mother couldn't be there for her own child. Where was HER SUPPORT FOR HER CHILD???!! Wasn't it mentioned by Brandi that Kim was so overwhelmed with what she was going through including the Chad issue? When Kim couldn't post a blog, what was posted here? "Oh, but Kim is tending to her poor sick child!"  Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.



4 you, Kazu!

:-) Thanks!

Edited by GreatKazu
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Discussing issues like this is so hard, I think, when there are so many varying mindsets on family and what that means.  It isn't that - for those of us who have cut off family members - it was easy for us to do so or that we don't care for our family.  I think those two can be common misconceptions.  I don't believe for a second that Kyle doesn't or never cared for Kim.  Not for a second.  But there's only so much a person can take, and everyone's limit is different.  It also feels like there's such a tug-of-war going on with those who say that 1) Kyle needs to toughen up and stop engaging with Kim, but at the same time, 2) how can Kyle be so cold and cruel and unsupportive of Kim.  


Again, loved ones just cannot win when it comes to the addicts in their lives.  They are always going to be judged on what they did or didn't do, while some addicts, like Kim, are always getting the sympathy, because hey, they can't help being addicts.  The addict is the one who holds all of the cards in these situations and so, it's not accurate to say that the loved ones are the ones who have more control/autonomy in the relationship.  Each person has to take responsibility for themselves and sometimes that means for the loved one, cutting the addict out of their lives.  As much as some would like to think that families should always stick together, life doesn't pan out that way and it's often sink or swim and I don't know anyone who would encourage a person to willingly let themselves drown while trying to hold up another person -- a person who desires to drown right along with them, no less.  That kind of self-sacrifice is tantamount to suicide, imo.


It's a tough place to be in when you've cut family out of your life.  People talk about their familes and it can be hard to join in because of all the drama.  People will ask you about it but many won't understand or they will openly guilt or judge you.  Now my family issues aren't about addiction but I really try not to think about the fact that I haven't seen nor spoken to my brother in about 10 years, that I haven't seen my ex-SIL in about that same amount of time, and most painfully, I haven't seen one of my nephews in that long either.  He has no idea who I am and I certainly wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd.  No more family dinners and holidays like we used to have -- not in 10 years.  Families are destroyed because of dysfunction like yours and mine and the Richards sisters', so it's hard for me to judge what Kyle chooses to do because there aren't any easy answers to this.  Some have scoffed at the idea of Kyle relenting because of the kids, but I see why she wouldn't want to rock the boat for their sakes all of these years.  Now that they are mostly grown, I hope she will readjust her boundaries but I get why, because if I felt like there was any way to be in my nephew's life all this time and still keep some of my sanity intact, I would have been.

Well said, SQ. I want you to be my BFF. I can't count how many times people have suggested that I would regret not having a relationship with my family. What they don't understand is that I would regret having the same relationship I used to.

I think Kathy had already cut Kim out of her life to a degree. Her interactions with Kim have seemed limited and superficial. Perhaps Kim considers her the good sister because she makes her work for it. Kyle's always there, Kathy isn't. We all know that children crave limits.

As for Kim holding Kyle responsible for her being on the show, she could just as easily blame Kathy for not keeping her off the show. Either way, it was Kim's choice.

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Sincerely Yours, do you honestly believe there are people posting on this board who would laugh if Kim OD'ed?

I'm not Sincerely Yours but I have wondered. There have been times I felt things went beyond snark and into cruelty territory. Maybe it just got lost in translation through the internet machine. I stopped responding to most Kim posts because I was just repeating my main conflict which is that on the spectrum of evil housewife Kim is really a nonentity but because she is an addict exhibiting a symptom of addiction it was like she suddenly provoked the same kind of extreme level of hatred and disdain that is reserved for serial killers and child rapists* -- yup, that's my impression, I could be wrong but there you go -- and while I absolutely understand how vital it is to separate from an active addict for their own recovery and the non-addict's sanity, it seemed like the fact that there is a terrible sickness happening inside of Kim was being lost. Also, because people thought I was Kim. (I'm not. My name is Tracie, I live in Michigan in a goddamn condo with a cockatiel. I had a dog, a corgi-terrier mix named Sebastian, he lived a long and happy life and never bit anyone.) Anyway, Kim seemed to begin acting like a regular shitty human being and it got fun again to talk about her because I didn't feel like I was throwing stones at a dying person. Now I'm back to having compassion. Son of a b!%#.

*not meant to be taken literally

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Whether this arrest makes poor widdle Kimmie see the error of her ways or not, the bigger question for me is... What in the sam hell is she going to do when something REALLY shitty happens? Say like, Monty passes away.  Chad OD's. Kingsley bites Brandi's face off.


If THIS is her reaction to just watching the reunion....  Good Grief. She's gonna blow! And it ain't gonna be good.

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Whether this arrest makes poor widdle Kimmie see the error of her ways or not, the bigger question for me is... What in the sam hell is she going to do when something REALLY shitty happens? Say like, Monty passes away.  Chad OD's. Kingsley bites Brandi's face off.


If THIS is her reaction to just watching the reunion....  Good Grief. She's gonna blow! And it ain't gonna be good.


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Well said, SQ. I want you to be my BFF. I can't count how many times people have suggested that I would regret not having a relationship with my family. What they don't understand is that I would regret having the same relationship I used to.

I think Kathy had already cut Kim out of her life to a degree. Her interactions with Kim have seemed limited and superficial. Perhaps Kim considers her the good sister because she makes her work for it. Kyle's always there, Kathy isn't. We all know that children crave limits.

As for Kim holding Kyle responsible for her being on the show, she could just as easily blame Kathy for not keeping her off the show. Either way, it was Kim's choice.


I would gladly be your BFF and hide in the bushes and stalk someone with you, Lnmop!  That is what BFFs do, right?  


People, I think, are generally well-meaning about these things -- generally.  Well meaning but annoying.  ; - )   It's hard for some to understand how truly complicated relationships with toxic people are, on all levels.  There's such a push/pull aspect to them and it's exhausting.  It's easy to lose your temper and your mind over these matters, too, and wind up looking like an emotional basketcase or an unfeeling jerk.


Kathy confuses me a bit.  I don't know very much about her (other than that she's Paris' mom, and frankly that's all I've wanted to know).  But in looking at Kyle and Kim's dynamic, Kathy seems so far removed from them.  Where both Kyle and Kim are ... um... passionate ... within their relationship with each other, Kathy does seem like her emotions maybe don't run as deep?  I don't know.  The limits you mention reminds me of that push/pull thing that some people do.  The testing.  She needs/wants Kyle but resents her intrusion and seemingly perfect life compared to hers, all at the same time, and she knows that Kyle will always come back around, so she can push her away without really fearing the consequences.  I wonder if she treated Kathy in the same manner and slandered her name all over TV, if Kathy would be so forgiving.  

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I'm not Sincerely Yours but I have wondered. There have been times I felt things went beyond snark and into cruelty territory. Maybe it just got lost in translation through the internet machine. I stopped responding to most Kim posts because I was just repeating my main conflict which is that on the spectrum of evil housewife Kim is really a nonentity but because she is an addict exhibiting a symptom of addiction it was like she suddenly provoked the same kind of extreme level of hatred and disdain that is reserved for serial killers and child rapists, and while I absolutely understand how vital it is to separate from an active addict for their own recovery and the non-addict's sanity, it seemed like the fact that there is a terrible sickness happening inside of Kim was being lost. Also, because people thought I was Kim. (I'm not. My name is Tracie, I live in Michigan in a goddamn condo with a cockatiel. I had a dog, a corgi-terrier mix named Sebastian, he lived a long and happy life and never bit anyone.) Anyway, Kim seemed to begin acting like a regular shitty human being and it got fun again to talk about her because I didn't feel like I was throwing stones at a dying person. Now I'm back to having compassion. Son of a b!%#.

I do think a lot of snark/sarcasm gets lost in print! LOL

For me, I never liked Kim but when she went to rehab I was more than willing to give her another chance and I was more than surprised/saddened to see that she was still a very nasty, self entitled, angry, repulsive person "sober". I also do not think anyone here puts her behavior on the same level as "serial killers and child rapists" but IMO, they are tired of her games. She has grown bolder each season, since rehab, in revealing her true self and a lot of us, me included, are truly repulsed by what we see/hear. Kim is sick, yes, but, again IMO, it is a sickness of her own making as she refuses to get the help needed and then do the work required to save her own life. There is only 1 person to blame for where Kim is at this stage of her life and that is Kim herself.


FYI, I never thought you were Kim, you are too honest and you have far more compassion for others than Kim will ever have for anyone other than herself.

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Something crossed my mind-if any of the other RH had been arrested for drunk in public would there be this outpouring of sympathy?  The charges aren't serious she won't even be required to go to court, she doesn't seem to be physically harmed so it makes me think is the world that pays attention to RH matters maybe taking this a little too far.  Kim got drunk, got arrested, posted $20,000.00 bond and was home and out driving around  probably before most people heard of it.  There has to be some kind of line between concern and now what I see a little a bit of hyperbole concerning Kim's big night out Wednesday. What is the proper decorum before one can go back to tweeting about a co-worker after a drunk in public arrest?  When will the mourning end-are people sending flowers to the family? 

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Thanks WireWrap. :) I like you, too. Here's a picture of LVP and a llama to celebrate our relationship.


...Damn, she looks fantastic there.

Your Welcome! LOL, I loved when LisaV did that! I want to see more of that type of goofy, funny, silly moments on the show. and much, much less of what we saw this season, but, IMO, in order to achieve a more balanced show, both Brandi and Kim need to go.

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Something crossed my mind-if any of the other RH had been arrested for drunk in public would there be this outpouring of sympathy?  The charges aren't serious she won't even be required to go to court, she doesn't seem to be physically harmed so it makes me think is the world that pays attention to RH matters maybe taking this a little too far.  Kim got drunk, got arrested, posted $20,000.00 bond and was home and out driving around  probably before most people heard of it.  There has to be some kind of line between concern and now what I see a little a bit of hyperbole concerning Kim's big night out Wednesday. What is the proper decorum before one can go back to tweeting about a co-worker after a drunk in public arrest?  When will the mourning end-are people sending flowers to the family? 

I don't know why, but the bolded part made me laugh out loud. lol.  Thanks.


It reads like a title for an episode on this show. It could be used as a hashtag!


What else?



, I never thought you were Kim, you are too honest and you have far more compassion for others than Kim will ever have for anyone other than herself

Same here.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I would gladly be your BFF and hide in the bushes and stalk someone with you, Lnmop!  That is what BFFs do, right?  


People, I think, are generally well-meaning about these things -- generally.  Well meaning but annoying.  ; - )   It's hard for some to understand how truly complicated relationships with toxic people are, on all levels.  There's such a push/pull aspect to them and it's exhausting.  It's easy to lose your temper and your mind over these matters, too, and wind up looking like an emotional basketcase or an unfeeling jerk.


Kathy confuses me a bit.  I don't know very much about her (other than that she's Paris' mom, and frankly that's all I've wanted to know).  But in looking at Kyle and Kim's dynamic, Kathy seems so far removed from them.  Where both Kyle and Kim are ... um... passionate ... within their relationship with each other, Kathy does seem like her emotions maybe don't run as deep?  I don't know.  The limits you mention reminds me of that push/pull thing that some people do.  The testing.  She needs/wants Kyle but resents her intrusion and seemingly perfect life compared to hers, all at the same time, and she knows that Kyle will always come back around, so she can push her away without really fearing the consequences.  I wonder if she treated Kathy in the same manner and slandered her name all over TV, if Kathy would be so forgiving.  

Possibly because she had married young to a rich man and was involved with having her own children and was not involved in their lives to the same extent.  Maybe the mother held her up as a shining example of how she wanted the two younger girls to strive to.  Kathy Hilton seems to adhere to the family credo of keeping family matters within the family - look how well that's gone for her own family - and seems to hold the matriarch title over her sisters.  IMO you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence - I think Kim would be persona non grata if she ever crossed Kathy Hilton.  Kyle was a much easier target for Kim to torture.  Hopefully Kyle  takes herself out of that game.

Well said, SQ. I want you to be my BFF. I can't count how many times people have suggested that I would regret not having a relationship with my family. What they don't understand is that I would regret having the same relationship I used to.

I think Kathy had already cut Kim out of her life to a degree. Her interactions with Kim have seemed limited and superficial. Perhaps Kim considers her the good sister because she makes her work for it. Kyle's always there, Kathy isn't. We all know that children crave limits.

As for Kim holding Kyle responsible for her being on the show, she could just as easily blame Kathy for not keeping her off the show. Either way, it was Kim's choice.

Excellent point and ITA

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Whether this arrest makes poor widdle Kimmie see the error of her ways or not, the bigger question for me is... What in the sam hell is she going to do when something REALLY shitty happens? Say like, Monty passes away.  Chad OD's. Kingsley bites Brandi's face off.


If THIS is her reaction to just watching the reunion....  Good Grief. She's gonna blow! And it ain't gonna be good.



According to what she said on this episode of the reunion, her dog biting someone else, again, some more (but no concern for the actual family member/victim!), was the worst thing that had ever happened to her.*


*I thought one of her husbands had been murdered or something (?), but I'm not completely sure on that ...

Edited by missy jo
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His own mother couldn't be there for her own child. Where was HER SUPPORT FOR HER CHILD???!! Wasn't it mentioned by Brandi that Kim was so overwhelmed with what she was going through including the Chad issue? When Kim couldn't post a blog, what was posted here? "Oh, but Kim is tending to her poor sick child!" Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

:-) Thanks!

Kim going out drinking after her son was released from treatment made my cold black heart sad for Kim.

I have been more or less rooting for Kim since the beginning. This season changed my mind. To much wreckage and pain, too little remorse.

Conversely, I pretty much despised Kyle since that game night. I considerd that to be her true self all these years. But I keep remembering the scene in the bathroom when she is putting Kim's makeup on. She was trying to manage her. Not giving Kyle a pass but starting to think a lot of that was a deflection of Kim. That's one complicated relationship. Kyle is the one who needs treatment.

Edited by Cheetosandchoc
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It's weird that supposedly Kim was so upset after watching the reunion that she went on this bender. She *participated* in this reunion. I would think actually living through it would be more traumatic than watching it on tv months later. It's just such a weird excuse.

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Kyle was a much easier target for Kim to torture.  Hopefully Kyle  takes herself out of that game.

From your lips to Kathy's ears.

It's weird that supposedly Kim was so upset after watching the reunion that she went on this bender. She *participated* in this reunion. I would think actually living through it would be more traumatic than watching it on tv months later. It's just such a weird excuse.

I think it might be really hard to watch yourself being an humongous asshole after the fact, oh wait, I forgot it was devastating for her because Vanderpump and Rinna, not because she was a flaming asshole.

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According to what she said on this episode of the reunion, her dog biting someone else, again, some more (but no concern for the actual family member/victim!), was the worst thing that had ever happened to her.*


*I thought one of her husbands had been murdered or something (?), but I'm not completely sure on that ...

It was a guy she was engaged to that was killed/murdered while talking on the phone with her. FYI, this guy was a scammer, he ripped off thousands of elderly for millions of dollars.


Kim going out drinking after her son was released from treatment made my cold black heart sad for Kim.

I have been more or less rooting for Kim since the beginning. This season changed my mind. To much wreckage and pain, too little remorse.

Conversely, I pretty much despised Kyle since that game night. I considerd that to be her true self all these years. But I keep remembering the scene in the bathroom when she is putting Kim's makeup on. She was trying to manage her. Not giving Kyle a pass but starting to think a lot of that was a deflection of Kim. That's one complicated relationship. Kyle is the one who needs treatment.

Chad got out 2 weeks ago and is living in an apartment while getting help. Kim posted photos of him with her, his sisters and Monty on her IG and twitter accounts at Easter.

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It was a guy she was engaged to that was killed/murdered while talking on the phone with her. FYI, this guy was a scammer, he ripped off thousands of elderly for millions of dollars.


Chad got out 2 weeks ago and is living in an apartment while getting help. Kim posted photos of him with her, his sisters and Monty on her IG and twitter accounts at Easter.

Interesting. Ok. Hmmmm. Not sure where I stand now.

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Kim going out drinking after her son was released from treatment made my cold black heart sad for Kim.

I have been more or less rooting for Kim since the beginning. This season changed my mind. To much wreckage and pain, too little remorse.

Conversely, I pretty much despised Kyle since that game night. I considerd that to be her true self all these years. But I keep remembering the scene in the bathroom when she is putting Kim's makeup on. She was trying to manage her. Not giving Kyle a pass but starting to think a lot of that was a deflection of Kim. That's one complicated relationship. Kyle is the one who needs treatment.


Edited by zoeysmom
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The speculation of Bravo putting a "sobriety" clause in Kim's contract, or demanding she go to rehab is bunk.  They aren't going to do anything.  They are going to wait to see how this plays out, both personally and in the press.  There is no plan to rush into filming, and there is plenty of time to sign contracts.    I don't think any of the other women feel it's in Kim's best interest, especially since her latest debacle, to continue on the show.


Bravo will come out and say they are giving Kim a break from the upcoming season so she can focus on "what's really important" and then they will add some lame "but we hope she can join us again in the future".   She is just way too big of a liability.   If the speculation about her continues to revolve around the show drove her to it - that opens Brandi up for a whole lot of problems too.  She has her dirty little finger prints all over this mess.   As screwed up as Kim is/was, her family seemed to have a lid on it - a loose lid, but a lid.  Then enters Brandi.   Brandi puts all sorts of ideas into Kim's head about Kim taking control, speaking out, calling out Kyle, and reinforcing the idea (in Kim's head), that she was sober, and she was the strong one.   That's the ONLY think she brought to the show this season, and now it seems all the wise advice she gave her BFF only led to a gigantic FUp.  

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Possibly because she had married young to a rich man and was involved with having her own children and was not involved in their lives to the same extent.  Maybe the mother held her up as a shining example of how she wanted the two younger girls to strive to.  Kathy Hilton seems to adhere to the family credo of keeping family matters within the family - look how well that's gone for her own family - and seems to hold the matriarch title over her sisters.  IMO you hit the nail on the head with your last sentence - I think Kim would be persona non grata if she ever crossed Kathy Hilton.  Kyle was a much easier target for Kim to torture.  Hopefully Kyle  takes herself out of that game.

Excellent point and ITA


LOL  Yeah, looking at how well things have gone for her own family, and how well-adjusted her own children are, I think we can deduce that Kathy has not been and would never be a healthy influence on dear old Kim.  They both liked to party hard and it looks like Kyle was the odd sister out.  Not that Kyle didn't party, but she seems to have come away with the most "normal" life.  


I wonder about all of those "daily phone calls" to Kathy.  Maybe not daily but I think Kim might only call on Kathy for the big shit.  Kyle, she bothers all of the time and we've seen that it's worn her down and she's at her breaking point.  Kathy seems to me to not be the type who'd put up with 2am phone calls from a cracked out junkie, even if it were her sister.  Kyle, who can't seem to say no, I think was more willing to keep chugging along in the dysfunctional relationship, even though Kim would ask her for help one minute and then turn around and spit in her face, the next.  Maybe that's why Kim likes to throw Kathy's name at Kyle -- She wants Kyle to feel inadequate or replaced. 

Edited by SwordQueen
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LOL  Yeah, looking at how well things have gone for her own family, and how well-adjusted her own children are, I think we can deduce that Kathy has not been and would never be a healthy influence on dear old Kim.  They both liked to party hard and it looks like Kyle was the odd sister out.  Not that Kyle didn't party, but she seems to have come away with the most "normal" life.  


I wonder about all of those "daily phone calls" to Kathy.  Maybe not daily but I think Kim might only call on Kathy for the big shit.  Kyle, she bothers all of the time and we've seen that it's worn her down and she's at her breaking point.  Kathy seems to me to not be the type who'd put up with 2am phone calls from a cracked out junkie, even if it were her sister.  Kyle, who can't seem to say no, I think was more willing to keep chugging along in the dysfunctional relationship, even though Kim would ask her for help one minute and then turn around and spit in her face, the next.  Maybe that's why Kim likes to throw Kathy's name at Kyle -- She wants Kyle to feel inadequate or replaced. 

Here is a sample of the daily phone calls:


Kim calling Kathy- Hi I have a big day ahead an I just need to know do I start by buttoning my blouse from the top or bottom?

Kathy answers -let's try the top.

Kim-Kyle never let's me do it my way, I love you and turtles and Monty and Kingsley. 


An hour later-


Kim calling Kathy-Hi I solved my wardrobe crisis and put on turtle neck, because I love turtles.  I am headed to Starbucks-do they have turtle food?

Kathy-Are you meeting someone there?

Kim-No I am trying to decide if I should go in or go through the drive-thru.

Kathy-Did you remember to wear pants this morning?

Kim-Oh I knew I forgot something.  Drive-thru it is.


Later in the day:

Kim calling Kathy- I am so excited I just got the biggest bag of laundry from Kimberly.

Kathy-I'll send my laundress over-she'll be done in no time.

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I'm not Sincerely Yours but I have wondered. There have been times I felt things went beyond snark and into cruelty territory. Maybe it just got lost in translation through the internet machine. I stopped responding to most Kim posts because I was just repeating my main conflict which is that on the spectrum of evil housewife Kim is really a nonentity but because she is an addict exhibiting a symptom of addiction it was like she suddenly provoked the same kind of extreme level of hatred and disdain that is reserved for serial killers and child rapists -- yup, that's my true impression, I could be wrong but there you go -- and while I absolutely understand how vital it is to separate from an active addict for their own recovery and the non-addict's sanity, it seemed like the fact that there is a terrible sickness happening inside of Kim was being lost.


The idea that the people who have been abused and are set off by Kim's actions are people seen to be rooting for her death, wow.  I don't know.  I think that's so sad, really.


As for serial killer and rapist, no.  Addict and narcissist, yes. 

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Kim needs to up her game then. I think I read all she got is a misdemeanor.

Kim is lucky that was all she got. Had she been most of us those charges would had gotten her at least a year. Must be nice to be all connected to the Hiltons after all.

Edited by BlackMamba
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They are going to wait to see how this plays out, both personally and in the press. There is no plan to rush into filming, and there is plenty of time to sign contracts. I don't think any of the other women feel it's in Kim's best interest, especially since her latest debacle, to continue on the show.

Bravo will come out and say they are giving Kim a break from the upcoming season so she can focus on "what's really important" and then they will add some lame "but we hope she can join us again in the future".

Bravo will Bravo like usual. When does this show usually start back filming, June or July? I expect before Kim's first court appearance either with the dog or her arrest Bravo will have their cameras ready to say "ACTION!"

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The idea that the people who have been abused and are set off by Kim's actions are people seen to be rooting for her death, wow.  I don't know.  I think that's so sad, really.


As for serial killer and rapist, no.  Addict and narcissist, yes. 


Yeah, no one is saying that Kim is either of those things, at all.  But she's toxic to those around her and she harms them.  Just because she isn't out there raping and killing doesn't mean she's as harmless and as helpless as a turtle.  There's been a lot of hyperbolic joking because this is some heavy shit and laughter is good medicine -- sometimes even gallows humor.  How much she effects those around her, I can't really compare to anything because I don't know, only her loved ones do.  I think one of my main points has been that appearances can be deceiving.  Not all who are visibly ill or disabled are suffering and automatically victims and not all people who seem fine from the outside aren't seriously in pain and struggling.  


It doesn't seem to be lost, from my observations, on anyone here, how sick Kim really is.  She's a sick person, no question.  But she has made it very clear that she's not interested in pity, sympathy or any acknowledgement of her issues.  She's not interested in helping herself because she thinks other people should do everything for her.  When anyone has tried to help her or show compassion, she attacks them, viciously.  And I'm not even going to get into Kingsley and her utter disregard for human (and animal) life.  I just don't feel compassion for someone like that and I'd feel dishonest pretending that I do for the sake of keeping up appearances on a message board.  Like I and others have said before, if Kim were honestly working on her sobriety, I'd have compassion for her and would cheer her on.  Showing that to her now, when she's not willing to be responsible for herself, is only enabling her, imo, because in her mind, it's reinforcement that her Narcissistic perception is right and that, once again, she's the victim of her own life.  

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Holy crap. Well I hope Kyle is happy because this must be her fault. Good thing we know it isn't that Kim has relapsed. She probably borrowed Monty's water over dinner.


HAHAHAHA!  Yeah and it's for her chronic thirst YOU BEASTS!

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I'm so over the idea that Kyle is responsible for protecting Kim. Kyle can do whatever she wants on her Instagram. She's allowed to post pictures of her daughter in the hospital. If the picture had been of Alexia holding up a sign saying "I visited my Aunt Kim and all I got was a dog bite", that would've been fine. If she'd been doing the thumbs-up sign and had a cartoon thought bubble that said "100% pain" that would've been fine. It is not Kyle's responsibility to cover Kim's ass. If the IG post led to legal trouble for Kim, so much the better. That dog is dangerous and he is so because Kim made him that way. He is a weapon. Kim *should* be in legal trouble.

Exactly! Had this been a normal relationship, Kim would be apologizing all over the place and making sure the dog was placed with someone who can do what is necessary for him, while actually having great concern for her niece.

But in this black hole of a relationship, Kim calls all the shots and threatens the victims with her witchy voice to keep quiet or else. The miracle is that instead of telling the truth and reminding her that they are the victims, not her, they cower in corners and keep her dark secrets. That's how a shame based family operates and Kim is the dominatrix. It's sickening.

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Kim is lucky that was all she got. Had she been most of us those charges would had gotten her at least a year. Must be nice to be all connected to the Hiltons after all.

And that is how Kim became Kim. I don't know if a year in jail would help her at this point, perhaps a minimum security Martha Stewart type place. A halfway house.....but I can't see her staying. She needs to be someplace where she is one among many. Not "Kim Richard's child actress, aunt to Paris Hilton"

Edited by Cheetosandchoc
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Yeah, no one is saying that Kim is either of those things, at all.  But she's toxic to those around her and she harms them.  Just because she isn't out there raping and killing doesn't mean she's as harmless and as helpless as a turtle.  There's been a lot of hyperbolic joking because this is some heavy shit and laughter is good medicine -- sometimes even gallows humor.  How much she effects those around her, I can't really compare to anything because I don't know, only her loved ones do.  I think one of my main points has been that appearances can be deceiving.  Not all who are visibly ill or disabled are suffering and automatically victims and not all people who seem fine from the outside aren't seriously in pain and struggling.  


It doesn't seem to be lost, from my observations, on anyone here, how sick Kim really is.  She's a sick person, no question.  But she has made it very clear that she's not interested in pity, sympathy or any acknowledgement of her issues.  She's not interested in helping herself because she thinks other people should do everything for her.  When anyone has tried to help her or show compassion, she attacks them, viciously.  And I'm not even going to get into Kingsley and her utter disregard for human (and animal) life.  I just don't feel compassion for someone like that and I'd feel dishonest pretending that I do for the sake of keeping up appearances on a message board.  Like I and others have said before, if Kim were honestly working on her sobriety, I'd have compassion for her and would cheer her on.  Showing that to her now, when she's not willing to be responsible for herself, is only enabling her, imo, because in her mind, it's reinforcement that her Narcissistic perception is right and that, once again, she's the victim of her own life.

Slow clapping.

It's weird that supposedly Kim was so upset after watching the reunion that she went on this bender. She *participated* in this reunion. I would think actually living through it would be more traumatic than watching it on tv months later. It's just such a weird excuse.

It wouldn't be wierd if she were drunk or high an in a blackout during the reunion.

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What really scared me was that clip of Kim getting into her car yesterday (shown on Entertainment Tonight) knowing she has been not sober for less than 24 hours. But it's OK, since she's not struggling with sobriety. She's lucky she got arrested inside of the Hotel, and not in her car. Did she drive herself to the Polo Lounge? If so, she would have been driving herself home.

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Whoa -- nothing I said was aimed towards abuse victims. Did not mean to imply that at all. I am an abuse victim. This is getting ugly so I'm dropping out, but just to reiterate: yes, I have gotten the impression that some would be satisfied by Kim's death, I think there has at times been OTT bizarre hatred not normal for a message board which is why I made the killer comment that was not meant to be taken literally (my bad), I could be totally wrong, my opinion is not in any way a condemnation of victims of physical or emotional abuse from an addict or anyone else.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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One thing the Reunion and from Poker Night reinforced with me is you cannot vouch for another's sobriety.  Whatever cocktail of medications Kim cobbled together for the Reunion seemed to bring out the worst in her.  I think at the beginning of the Reunion she was somewhat clear but even Kim who admits to not being able to control herself was totally off for most of Part 2 and 3.  I still think she messes around with something reserved for people treated with ADD.  The worst person to talk about Kim's sobriety is Brandi.  Brandi ties Kim's sobriety to her being able to handle her alcohol and how she can drink around Kim or maybe she should stop drinking around Kim  http://www.accesshollywood.com/kim-richards-arrest-her-struggle-with-sobriety_video_2742637


Here is where the Reunion falls flat for Brandi and her screaming hypocrisy she was so defensive of her drinking behavior she was hell bent and eventually accused Kyle of being a drug addict.  Accusations by the viewing public, or even Rinna saying Brandi has a drinking problem stem from the behavior we saw and what they collectively experienced while filming with Brandi.  In a very short period of time Brandi was drunk, stupid and offensive in front of Rinna and Davidson.  First we had the wine toss at Eileen, then the drunken obnoxious behavior at Fosters, and then Poker Night.  This all happened within a two week period. So any comments about her drinking were justified and to tie herself to Kim and her relapse as being unfair was ridiculous.  After a three week respite from drinking Brandi was back at it again in Amsterdam shown two out of three nights drunk and misbehaving.


My issues with Andy is in an effort to coddle Brandi he did a crappy job of highlighting the drinking behavior that caused the others concern.  She was allowed to make an entire plea without any evidence to the contrary to support the others' position.  It then became her hue and cry that the entire season was about one night )poker Night) and she and Kim were unfairly portrayed.  I felt Kyle's frustration when Kim could not remember the day, when Kim was calling Eileen a beast and insulting Kyle.  If we ever hear from Kim again I do think she will admit to taking narcotics for chronic pain.  In the clip from Access Hollywood there is a clip of Kim talking about how guilty she feels for drinking.  Kim fooled no one except Brandi this year with substance abuse issues.

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Whoa -- nothing I said was aimed towards abuse victims. Did not mean to imply that at all. I am an abuse victim. This is getting ugly so I'm dropping out, but just to reiterate: yes, I have gotten the impression that some would be satisfied by Kim's death, I think there has at times been OTT bizarre hatred not normal for a message board which is why I made the killer comment that was not meant to be taken literally (my bad), I could be totally wrong, my opinion is not in any way a condemnation of victims of physical or emotional abuse from an addict or anyone else.

I hope you don't exit and I have never gotten the impression that anyone would be satisfied by Kim's death.  I am certainly not a proponent of Kim's but as citizen of the planet I hope Kim does not die.  This situation is unique because these women as part of their contracts are forced to be around Kim and Brandi.  After the various unresolved frays with these two women the only way the others would have anything to do with them is contractually.  There were jokes and puns about Kim and her arrest and most of that stems from Kim's repeated and unwarranted omnipotence about her three years of sobriety. 

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I was really disappointed reading Kyle's blog that Kyle didn't hold Kim responsible for the dog bite and was ready to move past it. Luckily, Kim bringing up Alexia and inferring something does seem to be a line that Kyle has drawn and I hope Kyle does stay strong and maintain boundaries with Kim, even - or particularly - with Kim's recent arrest. Kim will not stop unless she's held accountable, which she won't be if family continues to enable her.

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Yes, there are. Anybody who has been around the disease can tell you horror stories about the shit people say -- being hectored and intruded upon with statements about the cancer being the person's fault (bad habit, negative thinking, too much stress, etc) and needing to eat better, take this supplement or do an obscure treatment -- or visualize better, or do Louise Hay/Bernie Siegal/etc -- cancer patients lose friends, family, are rejected, lectured, blamed and mocked -- and their disease is not an infectious one, like alcoholism is -- so again, using the disease model; cancer patients have had it much worse (imo) than Kim Richards, handling any snark here at PTV

Dude. Oh, duuuuuuude. Let me tell y'all about the family member that said to me excitedly, "You're going to lose so much weight!" after I told her that I had stomach cancer. Because being fat is worse than cancer, obviously. Or the theory spun to me about how cancer manifests where you hold your anger, i.e., I have stomach cancer because I eat my rage. Oh, the many, many stories I could tell.

If Kim is foolish enough to read Internet forums, or someone in her circle is foolish or cruel enough to tell her things from them, then she needs to learn one of my mantras. Maybe even write it on her mirror in that frosted pink lippy of hers underneath where Rinna has already scrawled "Be nice to your sister!" What other people think of you is none of your business, so don't worry about it.

Edited by Found A Peanut
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Bravo will Bravo like usual. When does this show usually start back filming, June or July? I expect before Kim's first court appearance either with the dog or her arrest Bravo will have their cameras ready to say "ACTION!"

I have said it many times, Bravo does not give a shit, they never have.     They were already working with a drunken, drugged out supposed liability (Kim and her dog ) this season. So, next season would be no different than this one.     The network did protect themselves by always having her driven everywhere, but that was it. Drive her somewhere and hope she would do something hideous, which of course she did numerous times.

    Bravo's investment in every single housewife is that they will commit some crime, drink too much , commit assault and have their marriages blow up.  Oh, yes the delicate little discussion about Russell.......golf clap.      Then they go and show it anyway.   Big shocker.

Do you think she will call the judge a beast?

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I seriously do not think anyone wishes Kim ill. We would all love her to sober up, make amends, become self aware and live a happy productive life. BUT she is a vile, mean person in her addiction and I think that's what turns people off. I've defended her in the past but since then I have seen her nastiness and hate and jealousy. When a person is that nasty it is kind of human nature to say Ha-Serves you right for being so nasty. So what comes first-the addiction or the personality? Like the chicken or the egg. I've had my fair share of therapy, and rehab and I feel for her I really do....but at some point you have to say "My life is unmanageable and I have to change". I don't know her personally, maybe this will be her wake up call, maybe not. But I wish the best for her and for every addict who suffers. But I feel the most sorry for her kids and for Kyle.

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Dude. Oh, duuuuuuude. Let me tell y'all about the family member that said to me excitedly, "You're going to lose so much weight!" after I told her that I had stomach cancer. Because being fat is worse than cancer, obviously. Or the theory spun to me about how cancer manifests where you hold your anger, i.e., I have stomach cancer because I eat my rage. Oh, the many, many stories I could tell.

If Kim is foolish enough to read Internet forums, or someone in her circle is foolish or cruel enough to tell her things from them, then she needs to learn one of my mantras. Maybe even write it on her mirror in that frosted pink lippy of hers underneath where Rinna has already scrawled "Be nice to your sister!" What other people think of you is none of your business, so don't worry about it.

I can't believe anyone could be so callous to say something like to you. I'm so sorry you had to hear that...

Are you okay?

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