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S03.E19: One Watson, One Holmes

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I'm going to have to catch this on CBS online -- there are major thunderstorms and tornado warnings in the surrounding areas, and that's pretty much taken over tonight's TV viewing schedule. Most shows on that channel have been skipped entirely.


(I will say this, however... the tornado they showed that they caught on film looks absolutely massive and terrifying. Yikes.)

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I'm going to have to catch this on CBS online -- there are major thunderstorms and tornado warnings in the surrounding areas, and that's pretty much taken over tonight's TV viewing schedule. Most shows on that channel have been skipped entirely.


(I will say this, however... the tornado they showed that they caught on film looks absolutely massive and terrifying. Yikes.)


I saw the news tonight about the storms and the tornados, and was so thankful I'm not in that area.  Stay safe!

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I saw the news tonight about the storms and the tornados, and was so thankful I'm not in that area.  Stay safe!


Thank you, Zahdii!


I mean, just look at this tornado (link goes to an article with the Chicago Sun-Times from today). It's massive. Sheesh...

Edited by sinkwriter
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Hope you are all right sinkwriter!


I enjoyed this one...though I must say the end of that preview's a little misleading....will post more later when people have had a chance to see it.

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Always glad for a Clyde appearance.  Hope someone with a keener eye can list all the songs that were on his "Like" and "Dislike" list.  I am pretty sure that I spotted tat he dislikes all Taylor Swift songs, which amused me greatly.  Care though, buddy!  Taylor doesn't mess around with that stuff.  If her next song is about a turtle who is an asshole, we know who she is talking about!


Liked that case involved the "Everyone" group, and how we got meet the members who actually made Sherlock do those humiliating stuff for info.  In fact, didn't the killer end up being the guy who forced him to do the Twilight stuff?  Ha!  Sherlock gets his revenge!


Wasn't sure what was going on with Joan at first.  I guess the idea that she was acting too much like Sherlock was interesting, but it kind of got resolved very quickly.  Still, I did enjoy the "Miss Watson!"  "Mr. Holmes!" exchange at the very end.  Their interactions really make this show.

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Still, I did enjoy the "Miss Watson!"  "Mr. Holmes!" exchange at the very end.  Their interactions really make this show.


Yes, I really enjoyed that also.  I especially enjoyed Sherlock's rather halting explanation to her that what he had originally meant to discuss was the nature of friendship, more to the point, their friendship.  I think I am putting it more directly than he did, though, I like that they keep the Holmes/Watson relationship so subtle, and it is so well played by JLM and LL.

I find hacker stories intriguing so enjoyed this though I wondered if there would be more of a connection with Bella (since that story seemed to have been left unresolved at the time), but I guess they weren't going there.

More Clyde!

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Major bonus points for Thundarr the Barbarian! That was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. There weren't many awesome kickass female cartoon characters so I really loved Ariel.


Always glad for a Clyde appearance.  Hope someone with a keener eye can list all the songs that were on his "Like" and "Dislike" list.  I am pretty sure that I spotted tat he dislikes all Taylor Swift songs, which amused me greatly.  Care though, buddy!  Taylor doesn't mess around with that stuff.  If her next song is about a turtle who is an asshole, we know who she is talking about!

Music Clyde likes:


Free to Be You and Me



Music Clyde dislikes:

Carmina Burana

She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain

Taylor Swift (all)


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Writers for Scorpion, CSI Cyber and every other show that attempts to do even a single hacker themed episode should be required to watch this episode. For me, it was a perfect balance of complexity and clarity, using layman's terms without dumbing anything down.

I was trying to figure out where I'd seen the actor who played Petros, but, ironically, Joseph Cross has been everyone.

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I don't know how much time has passed in-show between Andrew's poisoning and this episode, but wouldn't one of Joan's friends have known that maybe being asked to do wedding stuff might be a bit soon? Joan strikes me as a good, if a little distant, on her good days and that's fine. Joan has had a range of female friends who pop up and Joan has seemed okay doing things with them.


I don't begrudge the friend getting married and doing the usual bridal stuff, but it seemed unfair to include Joan in the bridal party. That Joan is clearly still dealing with Andrew's death should be obvious to people speaking to her. I get that Joan was dodging their calls, but when she met up with them to plan the bridal shower, the  reactions to Joan's leaving read, to me, 'bummer, Joan ditched us.'  Opposed to  wishing her luck on her case/  things worked out well for her case or concern about how Joan was acting so different. I mean, we know why, so why don't these friends, if they don't? One of Joan's buds slept with Sherlock for heaven's sake!  


I think I sort of hate Agent Branch. She's willing to frame innocents and shelter a murderer so she can get a raise? What would she be willing to do for that next rung on the ladder?  


Sherlock was very sweet in his 'you do you' to Joan, both times, imo. 


I was very fun to see Clyde again. He has an interesting range of musical taste.


I was glad that Sucking Chest Wound was innocent.


Was this the first time Mr. Briggs, forensic accountant, has been seen? 

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Clyde - good to see you!


I liked Sherlock's response to Joan's question how he can tell if Clyde likes the song?).  I can't recall the exact words, but ElectricBoogaloo got it Quotes Thread.


Watson: But how can you tell if Clyde likes it or not?
Sherlock: It's really obvious if you know what to look for.




I don't begrudge the friend getting married and doing the usual bridal stuff, but it seemed unfair to include Joan in the bridal party. That Joan is clearly still dealing with Andrew's death should be obvious to people speaking to her.

I don't agree.  It is unclear how much Joan has told them.  They are college friends who seem to have moved on in their own lives to the point where ongoing contact is reduced to weddings, maybe a baby shower.  And something like "my boyfriend, who you never met, was murdered by mistake when someone tried to kill me" doesn't strike me as something Joan would share easily nor casually.  With her therapist?  Sure. 

Edited by DeLurker
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I was trying to figure out where I'd seen the actor who played Petros, but, ironically, Joseph Cross has been everyone.


Ditto.  At first, I thought it was Dominic Monaghan because he looked so much like Charlie did in the early years of Lost.  So I was completely distracted for the first 10 minutes of the show until I finally found him on IMDb.  

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It is unclear how much Joan has told them.  They are college friends who seem to have moved on in their own lives to the point where ongoing contact is reduced to weddings, maybe a baby shower. 


I agree on the drifted-apart-because-Life college friends shouldn't be expected to be all in Joan's most recent happenings then. Yet their reaction to Joan's leaving was a variation on the Huffy SO/Wife of a cop/doctor/PI/other profession with unusual hours. A kind of 'she chose her case over talking about how drunk we're going to get at the bachelorette party.' Which, while fair, if they knew she's a detective, they should have known that was a possibility. 

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Did anyone write down Sherlock's exact definition of friendship? I liked it but was too slow to jot it down.


"Friendship, I’ve come to believe, is most accurately defined as two people moving towards the best aspects of one another.  It is a relationship of mutual benefit, mutual gain."

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Is there any significance to the text that Joan received from "Canadian Online Pharmacy"?


Or was that just a telemarketing text that came to her randomly and she used it as an excuse to leave her girlfriends?


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grawlix, thank you for the friendship quote.


UncleChuck, I think they just showed us she was receiving a spam text so that we'd know she was lying to her friends to escape the party planning, and that she didn't really get an urgent message from Sherlock about the case.

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Still, I did enjoy the "Miss Watson!"  "Mr. Holmes!" exchange at the very end.  Their interactions really make this show.

That was a great moment, but actually, it was closer to:


"Enjoy yourself, Watson" 


"I'll try, Holmes".


I don't think they have ever referred to each other with "Mr" or "Miss" except when speaking of each other to others (maybe early on).


One of my favorite bits of dialogue was when Watson comes in as Holmes is viewing the feed from the outdoor camera at the Brownstone's stoop to discover where "Sucking Chest Wound" deposited his DNA-riddled gum.


Watson, looking at the screens: "Why are those two guys bringing a python into the brownstone?"


Holmes, dismissively: "It's gone now".


....and then they just carry on without any further comment about it.


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Is there any significance to the text that Joan received from "Canadian Online Pharmacy"?

I think it was random, but wouldn't it be interesting if the former sober companion became addicted to prescription pills to mask her pain. Then, they really would be switching roles.

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I think it was random, but wouldn't it be interesting if the former sober companion became addicted to prescription pills to mask her pain. Then, they really would be switching roles.



That would not be interesting for me at all. It would be a shark jump moment for me. It was (imo) just a device for Joan to make an excuse to leave. Everyone I know gets those kinds of out of the country pharma texts/emails.


At least it wasn't a penis enlargement ad (though that would have been funny).


But no - no Joan addictions for me, please.


Also of note: musician Johnny Cash was a telegraph operator when he was in the military, and was adept at recognising the "fists" of many German operators. Wonder if that's where they got the idea?

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...One of my favorite bits of dialogue was when Watson comes in as Holmes is viewing the feed from the outdoor camera at the Brownstone's stoop...


Watson, looking at the screens: "Why are those two guys bringing a python into the brownstone?"


Holmes, dismissively: "It's gone now".


....and then they just carry on without any further comment about it.

I especially loved the tone of voice Lucy Liu used. It was sort of a childlike curiosity.
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When these characters talk to each other, they commonly change their minds about what they think or even do something differently because of it. That's not so common on TV as it is in real life, so it suits me.

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Also of note: musician Johnny Cash was a telegraph operator when he was in the military, and was adept at recognising the "fists" of many German operators. Wonder if that's where they got the idea?


In the film The Imitation Game (2014), there was a discussion of the "fists" of the German telegraph officers, a discussion that helps to lead to the cracking of the German Enigma machine.


It seems to be one of those topics that I never heard of, and then suddenly I'm hearing it everywhere.

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I appreciated that Sherlock made sure that Everyone knew about Agent Branch and commented on how being the enemy of a hacker collective is not a good idea. Ms. Branch's life is going to suck indefinitely. Good luck with that.


Also, high praise for the extended scene featuring shirtless Sherlock. They've really gotten on board with this lately and I approve.

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I really do love the various ways Holmes wakes up Joan. And that it was sort of linked to the case, even better. Though the best was the bugle followed by, "I am a considerate housemate." 


It was nice to hear Sherlock's description of friendship. It's what I've long said about marriage and relationships. It's not soulmates, or two lives becoming one. I hate that crap. It's two people bringing out the best in each other. Sharing a journey, supporting one another and accepting the faults. I'm so glad to see something like that on tv.

Sadly, I had to see it the next day because I did, in fact, fall asleep and missed that part.

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I would be happy with entire episodes of Life in the Brownstone and listening to the two of them talk!  Who needs cases when you have Clyde the Music Critic?


This is the only show where a name like Sucking Chest Wound is quite a normal moniker.  Both Sucking Chest Wound and Canadian Online Pharmacy would be great band names!

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I really do love the various ways Holmes wakes up Joan. And that it was sort of linked to the case, even better. Though the best was the bugle followed by, "I am a considerate housemate."



I'm going to have to look for it, but Sherlock has used that line before - maybe in season one when he first tells Joan he knows his father is no longer paying her?

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UncleChuck, I think they just showed us she was receiving a spam text so that we'd know she was lying to her friends to escape the party planning, and that she didn't really get an urgent message from Sherlock about the case.


Up until the point that we found out Sherlock hadn't actually texted Joan (and was surprised to see her come home so early), I was half hoping that this "spam" text was yet another of Sherlock's entertaining quirks. Perhaps his way of coding his messages to her. I'm a little bummed it was truly spam.




One of my favorite bits of dialogue was when Watson comes in as Holmes is viewing the feed from the outdoor camera at the Brownstone's stoop to discover where "Sucking Chest Wound" deposited his DNA-riddled gum.

Watson, looking at the screens: "Why are those two guys bringing a python into the brownstone?"

Holmes, dismissively: "It's gone now".

....and then they just carry on without any further comment about it.

That exchange, along with the end "Holmes" and "Watson," the Morse code wake-up call ("Wake up, Watson," LOL), and Clive's music tastes were my most favorite parts.


Though I have to disagree with Clive on Carmina Burana. I saw an ice skater named Paul Wylie do a beautiful routine to the first movement of that piece. Clive's hating the music of "Taylor Swift (ALL)" cracked me up, though. And that he seems to enjoy a band called Goatwhore. Heee. Interesting.

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Music Clyde likes:


Free to Be You and Me



Music Clyde dislikes:

Carmina Burana

She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain

Taylor Swift (all)



I thought the Taylor Swift dig was a bit of pandering (although not as much as it would be for Justin Bieber).  

Otherwise, a pretty fun case, and the exchange at the end, with "One Watson and one Holmes" was well done.

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Goatwhore has a wiki page and Stuff on iTunes. From Wikipedia:

Goatwhore is an American blackened death metal band,[1] formed in 1997 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The band has stated that they think of themselves as "just straight heavy metal." [2]

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I thought the Taylor Swift dig was a bit of pandering (although not as much as it would be for Justin Bieber). 

My sweetie was tickled by the Taylor Swift things, because, well, editorial comments on the quality of her music aside, turtles are the opposite of swift.  :) 

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Thanks!  I'm opposed to people dressing up their pets in general, but Ms. Hudson has knitted some awesome cozies for Clyde.  I may need to get a tortoise.  And to learn how to knit or crochet.

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Re Holmes waking up Watson.

Search you tube for cbs elementary introducing Holmes

I had not seen this CBS promo before - pure delight

"The revolutionary sleep aid that is simply Elementary. Find out more Thursday 10 /9c on CBS ..."

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,, and in the middle of a murder case, our detectives failed to take much notice of what has got to be the most alarming news in the history of the show.


Atherton was not just vaguely sinister, it needed nuking from orbit. 


A right-wing lobbying firm *with an all access pass to the NSA databases*? That is... so far beyond the bounds of acceptable I have no words. Seriously, death-rattle of democracy stuff here. It wasn't the first time deeply bloody disturbing news from the security state has just been lightly skimmed past on the show either. I mean, the fact that the NSA may have a P=NP algorithm isn't exactly.. trivial news either. 

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Just watched this episode I love Sherlock pushing Joan to get out. It really shows how far he's come. A season ago he'd been happy with a Joan who didn't want to go out and stay home. Seeing him try to start a conversation with her in the library, then the first talk to with her how it doesn't work for him and then the really great second talk. 

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