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S07.E01: The B Is Back

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I have to agree with the "Jason ain't shit" crowd. 


Now, Bethenny is a pretty abrasive, often unlikable person. So I don't really blame Jason for growing to hate her. 


However, I never really bought him as being a nice guy...I remember during their reality show when Bethenny accused him (on camera?) of acting like a different person when the cameras were rolling. I always bought that. I don't know if I initially thought Jason only saw money in Bethenny; I think both of them were at a certain age and wanted to settle down and have a kid or two, and it just worked out at first. Him fighting for every cent now does say a lot, though. 


I also dislike the notion that if the genders were reversed people "would feel differently". Women get labelled gold diggers for merely looking in the direction of a wealthy man. And women that get pay outs after a divorce get so much shit. Alimony was made for people that give up a career to raise a family, or to involve themselves largely or entirely in the life of their spouse.


Jason didn't have that big of hand or influence in Skinnygirl, and their marriage only lasted two years. Why the fuck does he deserve a bunch of her money?

  • Love 15

I like watching Bethenny on TV. Can't help myself. Jason is a dick. They have a prenup, for goodness sakes, he agreed to it and should be limited to the terms.


Dorinda's daughter -- UGH.  what a piece of work.  Only talking about fashion and designers. Hopefully there's more to her, because she came across horribly.


Sonja is not being a friend to Ramona.  Why can't she let Ramona talk about her problems, which are very fresh, instead of dragging herself into it? She's not amusing anymore and is getting more strange. Ramona has been mega-humbled which is satisfying in some ways (since she is generally annoying) but hard to watch too.

  • Love 4

They may have a pre-nup, but what does it say? There were no big bucks in play when they got married. The Jim Beam deal was a year or two away from happening . Beth had three seasons of RHWONY and two books under her belt which did not make her wealthy . You have to have lots of books out to make serious money from them. So- if the agreement said I keep what was mine you keep what was yours well then that doesn't play into it. Even if there was something about B retaining all rights to Skinnygirl- at the time that brand wasn't going anywhere. Remember when she and Jason visited a liquor store to ask about sales? B was frustrated because the SG Margarita ( the only product available at the time) wasn't selling. She wanted Jason to get involved since he has a business background. She wanted him to figure out how to marker the product and get it sold . He didn't want to. He didn't want to work for her. He wanted to work with her. Sooo.. If he became part of SG and had a hand in the Jim Beam deal ( which I think he did) then he is entitled to a portion of that money. If the pre-nup was ironclad as written this wouldn't be dragging on this long. There's something else going on and I think he played a bigger role in SG than B wants to admit.

  • Love 13

The fact is that the public does not know anything about what Jason is looking for in their divorce settlement.  One unnamed source said he wanted $10M.  Does that make it fact?  A big no.  We do know that Bethenny wanted full or sole custody of Bryn.  She took it all the way to testifying and before she could be cross examined, she agreed to what Jason wanted (and deserved as Bryn's father), joint custody. 


Bethenny is a selfish self righteous person.  She fought for the custody.  So, who's to say that what she's fighting for or against in the settlement fair or 'right'?  We don't know.  It does seem that because this thing is going on and on (just like the custody situation) that Jason may well be justified, not Bethenny.  Again, we don't know.  All we have is Bethenny crying the blues and Jason not saying a word. 


BTW, if Bethenny has enough money to get a place in the Hamptons and stay in hotels, she has enough money to rent an apartment in NYC.  Sure, the Essex House stay was comped for the show but everything before was paid out of pocket. And it's a lot more expensive to stay in a hotel than to rent an apartment.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 9

I like watching Bethenny on TV. Can't help myself. Jason is a dick. They have a prenup, for goodness sakes, he agreed to it and should be limited to the terms.


But...how do you know that he's not? I've seen many prenups thrown out, or portions of them thrown out for whatever reason. Prenups are just contracts and in litigation the courts can decide a contract is unconscionable or portions of it are. But from the articles I've read, that doesn't seem to be what's happening here anyway. What's happening is they're fighting over the assets the prenup says he IS entitled to. But even that is from "sources" from online articles, so who knows what's actually true. People seem to have such firm views on this litigation when we know so few facts about it. 

  • Love 7


The fact is that the public does not know anything about what Jason is looking for in their divorce settlement.  One unnamed source said he wanted $10M.  Does that make it fact?  A big no.  We do know that Bethenny wanted full or sole custody of Bryn.

Both parents filed for sole custody. That is very common.  No big deal there.  We don't know why Bethenny was not cross examined.  It could be that what she had said was worse than anything Jason had.  If they cross examined her and brought up Jason's accusations then Bethenny would have presented her witnesses and on and on.  It could be that Jason's lawyer had no idea the extent of Jason's games so they settled fast before things got worse.  Or it could be that Bethenny settled so she didn't have to be cross examined.  I don't know about that since she seems pretty stubborn.  What I see of her on these shows or her talk show says that she will not back down.  What is interesting to me is that I think less of Jason since this all started.  I know who she is and nothing in this divorce surprised me.  It does surprise me his behavior.  So now I believe her when she says he is different on camera.  


We do know that there was a $7 million offer made because there are court documents.  So we know that Jason wants more than $7 million.  That makes him a gold digger in my book.


My guess is that he wants to force the sale of the apartment because he knows that will hurt her the most now that he has had to share Brynn.  If he was the primary custodial parent there is no way that Brynn and Bethenny would be jetting off to Miami and Vail every other day.  


One thing we do know is that Bethenny earns more than ever.  She will always have more money than Jason so look for her to pay for school, healthcare etc.  That's the way it goes regardless of whether its an ex-wife or ex-husband.  But rest assured Jason's life will never be as big as Bethenny's.  Just like the thousands of women out there like Katie Holmes that suddenly are flying commercial with their daughter after years of the child knowing nothing but private.  And everyone survives just fine.

  • Love 2


There were no big bucks in play when they got married. The Jim Beam deal was a year or two away from happening . Beth had three seasons of RHWONY and two books under her belt which did not make her wealthy .

A guess, based on the fact that they are in court, is that Jason didn't ask Bethenny for the pre-nup to protect his assets. Look, I have no vested interest in their fight but please don't tell me Betthenny wasn't the financially well off one when they married. Seriously, the narrative of "Bethenny was dirt poor until Jason built her business and had nothing and no assets" is ridiculous. Even if she had NO deal pending for Skinny Girl, she was still wealthier than Jason.



 If he became part of SG and had a hand in the Jim Beam deal ( which I think he did

Any proof? Mind you, I don't consider it impossible at all... but neither do I think its impossible that his main job was to act as her personal assistant and not the sole driving force behind her image since frankly she was managing that pretty well on her own.

  • Love 3

Fellow dog lover here too, so I did a little sleuthing.  This was taken in December, so I'm assuming she still has Marley (the dog she seemed so dismissive of).  https://instagram.com/p/wurCHADBPP/

Cute pic, but...the second dog was a white dog, looked alot like the one that passed away. 

Edited by bichonblitz

Both parents filed for sole custody. That is very common.  No big deal there.  We don't know why Bethenny was not cross examined.  It could be that what she had said was worse than anything Jason had.  If they cross examined her and brought up Jason's accusations then Bethenny would have presented her witnesses and on and on.  It could be that Jason's lawyer had no idea the extent of Jason's games so they settled fast before things got worse.  Or it could be that Bethenny settled so she didn't have to be cross examined.  I don't know about that since she seems pretty stubborn.  What I see of her on these shows or her talk show says that she will not back down.  What is interesting to me is that I think less of Jason since this all started.  I know who she is and nothing in this divorce surprised me.  It does surprise me his behavior.  So now I believe her when she says he is different on camera.  


We do know that there was a $7 million offer made because there are court documents.  So we know that Jason wants more than $7 million.  That makes him a gold digger in my book.


My guess is that he wants to force the sale of the apartment because he knows that will hurt her the most now that he has had to share Brynn.  If he was the primary custodial parent there is no way that Brynn and Bethenny would be jetting off to Miami and Vail every other day.  


One thing we do know is that Bethenny earns more than ever.  She will always have more money than Jason so look for her to pay for school, healthcare etc.  That's the way it goes regardless of whether its an ex-wife or ex-husband.  But rest assured Jason's life will never be as big as Bethenny's.  Just like the thousands of women out there like Katie Holmes that suddenly are flying commercial with their daughter after years of the child knowing nothing but private.  And everyone survives just fine.

Do you have a link to the $7M.  I never heard about that.


Bethenny wasn't cross examined because she settled with Jason on the custody issue (she agreed to joint custody) before she could be.  At that time, Jason wanted joint custody and Bethenny wanted sole custody.

  • Love 4


Do you have a link to the $7M.  I never heard about that.

Bethenny wasn't cross examined because she settled with Jason on the custody issue (she agreed to joint custody) before she could be.  At that time, Jason wanted joint custody and Bethenny wanted sole custody.

You're welcome to google.  I don't save links.  The $7M was leaked court docs, other wise I consider it rumor.  Don't take this as fact but I think that was right about the time the court made them both stop talking to press.  But the filings have not been sealed so that stuff leaks out.  I know that the court proceedings were not sealed and there were PageSix reporters in the courtroom when Bethenny testified.


Jason agreed to joint custody as well.  He court filing was for sole custody.  We can only guess on whether he wanted that or not.  This might end up like the OJ Simpson case where we know nothing for a couple of years and then there is a book.  Oh I can so see Bethenny doing a book.  

  • Love 2

It seems like vow renewals are the kiss of death for reality couples.

Absolutely! Renewing your vows is the last nail in the coffin, just ask Vicki from OC or you can ask Tamara about the finger tattoo of Simon's name OOOORRRR you can ask anyone who has ever their "soul mates" name tattooed anywhere on there body, lol.


Wasn't it Jill that said "17(?) years, that is a strange anniversary for a vow renewal."  She was right.

  • Love 2

I never said Bethenny wasn't well off when they married. I said the millions hadn't come into play yet. That happened after they were married and no, I don't have proof that Jason had a hand in the Jim Beam deal. It's my opinion that he did. Bethenny likes the fun part of SG- the appearances, the publicity tours, etc. I don't see B having the patience to attend business meetings and all the negotiations involved in selling the SG alcoholic products. That's why she asked Jason to get involved. He was the one to inform her the deal went through at the end of S2.How/ why would he know if he wasn't involved.? Anyway , none of us knows and will probably never know what really went on.

  • Love 3

Really Carole? You're attracted to very attractive men? And that's different from other women how? Her cutesy act grates and she is so high on herself. You're really not all that Carole and by the way, you look better with darker hair.


Bethenny is insufferable and unbearable. She used to be one of my favorites way back. I even watched her show with Jason. She seemed somewhat human on there, in love and having a baby. Now she's back to being an ice-queen with the most annoying vocal delivery of anyone on the planet. She is abrasive and off-putting.


Did anyone notice when she was bragging about her dancing with Jaime Foxx that her assistants barely looked up and looked utterly bored? No one cares about you Bethenny.


I liked Dorinda. She brings something a bit different. Her daughter is a spoiled rotten princess though, ugh.


I actually teared up when Ramona was talking to Dorinda. Yes, Mario is a cad and maybe we've all seen it but it is heartbreaking for Ramona. Of course she was in denial. She loved the guy, hoped she'd stay married for life-why would she want to see who he really was? Very sad, 25 years thrown away. I hope Ramona rebounds like Luann and they are tearing up the town with young hotties. She also looks gorgeous. Take that douchebag Mario.


I'm glad Kristen is on-I like seeing a young housewife with young kids. I secretly wish she had left Josh though.


I like Heather. I detest Sonja. Sonja is a total loon and I'm over it.

  • Love 5

Absolutely! Renewing your vows is the last nail in the coffin, just ask Vicki from OC or you can ask Tamara about the finger tattoo of Simon's name OOOORRRR you can ask anyone who has ever their "soul mates" name tattooed anywhere on there body, lol.


Wasn't it Jill that said "17(?) years, that is a strange anniversary for a vow renewal."  She was right.



Didn't Lisa V and Ken have a vow renewal? They seem to have escaped the curse! I guess Tre and Joe G are still together, technically, though there are some solid bars that keep them apart so maybe the curse found a way there. 


Really Carole? You're attracted to very attractive men? And that's different from other women how? Her cutesy act grates and she is so high on herself. You're really not all that Carole and by the way, you look better with darker hair.


Ha, yes! Carol had me rolling my eyes quite a bit this episode. It's a strange version of ditzy that she's playing. My guess is she wants to come off as carefree, but it's not working. 

Do you have a link to the $7M.  I never heard about that.

Bethenny wasn't cross examined because she settled with Jason on the custody issue (she agreed to joint custody) before she could be.  At that time, Jason wanted joint custody and Bethenny wanted sole custody.



I've been unable to find any report of this, or leaked documents from this case. There are court documents from the Raw Talent suit which turn up quickly, but nothing on a settlement offer. I'm unclear on why a rejected settlement offer would be part of court documents anyway. Settlement negotiations take place outside the courtroom and aren't brought before the judge until the parties have agreed and want the settlement approved. 


There are a few articles about Jason wanting a $10 million dollar settlement, but those aren't official court documents. Also one report that B offered him $3 million and he turned it down. 

Edited by racked
  • Love 2




The point I'm trying to make is give him a couple of millions and call it a day. He was involved in the apt and it as well as the faucets and tile can very, very easily be redone by B.



She did offer him a decent settlement, no? I think the big issue is he is wanting more than he is entitled to, and he also wants shared custody, which Bethenny will never agree to. Alot of this is a custody issue, not just about money.   

Edited by bichonblitz

Back to Dorinda (Dorito, Doroda, Dodi-Diana), I got claustrophobic as soon as Ramona walked into her apartment, with the kitchen right there by the door and then the table two feet away.  I also get crazy when I see Kristin's apartment and those kids running around screaming in there. 

I am crying-laughing over... Dorinda (Dodi-Diana)..... So hilarious!

  • Love 2

I am not a lawyer so I don't really know a pre-nup works. But as I understand it the agreement protects the assets that someone brings into a marriage. Anything that is developed during the marriage is shared in some manner even if only one spouse is involved in building up the business .

For example if a woman stays at home and her husband works and builds up his business she is entitled to some share. Maybe not an equal share but often a substantial one. I think the anger and vitriol spewed on Jason is because he is a man. I doubt the same level of hate will accrue to Ramona if she goes after Mario's business.

  • Love 4

I think she was stoned in that scene.


I suppose it's possible, but my bet is on "hung over." 


Absolutely! Renewing your vows is the last nail in the coffin, just ask Vicki from OC or you can ask Tamara about the finger tattoo of Simon's name OOOORRRR you can ask anyone who has ever their "soul mates" name tattooed anywhere on there body, lol.


Wasn't it Jill that said "17(?) years, that is a strange anniversary for a vow renewal."  She was right.


Yeah, seems like vow renewal is the new "let's have a baby to save the marriage."  Rarely works.  

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 1

Were any financial settlement offers made before custody was settled?  If not, Jason wasn't going to take any money before they settled custody.


I don't really like Bethenny any more.  She was my hands down favorite on NYC.  I even liked her on her show for a long time. I have grown to dislike her.  I hate the way she is handling the divorce.  I think she is repeating her childhood that she says she hated so much.  STFU about how hard it is right now and how unfair Jason is.  He is Bryn's dad, and she will read about it one day.  Your daughter's happiness and love for her father is more important than the pissing match over money/real estate.


I grew to dislike Jason during their foray in L.A.  They were out to dinner on a date night and he was agreeing with Bethenny about how damaged Bethenny was.  And I was thinking, 'Hey asshole, you married her."  I think problems are never one person's fault.  She has a shitload of issues.  That BEA show highlighted a lot of them.  She probably should never have gotten married.  


I think she is insincere and a phony.  She is friends with Andy Cohen.  To me, that speaks volumes about her lack of character.


I hate Carole too.  Phony poseur.  She's a snarky, elitist bitch.  Luann is living well - the best revenge on Carole who looked so haughtily down on the Countess a couple of seasons ago.  Luann is getting her groove on plenty. She looks amazing and is having a great time.  Carole is acting like a school girl, eating cucumbers and having bad plastic surgery.

  • Love 9

Really Carole? You're attracted to very attractive men? And that's different from other women how? Her cutesy act grates and she is so high on herself. You're really not all that Carole and by the way, you look better with darker hair.

Carole always gives me this Gone Girl/Amazing Amy/Cool Girl vibe. Something about her personality always feels very curated and I'm left wondering if she has any genuine emotions at all. That comment for example; it feels like such a thought out "I'm a smart accomplished 50 year old woman who was married to a prince and vacationed with JFKJr, but I like me a piece of grade A beef cake! You know what I'm talking about, ladies! Amiright?" But I have no idea if she actually finds him attractive. The same with her meeting with the publisher; it felt so scripted to be a part of her middle aged manic pixie dream girl self, but is she behind? Is she even writing a book? Or maybe the book is done and she just wants a "cramming for a deadline" story? Is there any there there? I feel that way with her all the time. Maybe she's just really bad in front of the camera.
  • Love 8

You're welcome to google.  I don't save links.  The $7M was leaked court docs, other wise I consider it rumor.  Don't take this as fact but I think that was right about the time the court made them both stop talking to press.  But the filings have not been sealed so that stuff leaks out.  I know that the court proceedings were not sealed and there were PageSix reporters in the courtroom when Bethenny testified.


Jason agreed to joint custody as well.  He court filing was for sole custody.  We can only guess on whether he wanted that or not.  This might end up like the OJ Simpson case where we know nothing for a couple of years and then there is a book.  Oh I can so see Bethenny doing a book.  

I did a google before I replied to your post.  Can't find anything about a $7M offer to Jason. 


I doubt the same level of hate will accrue to Ramona if she goes after Mario's business.

Oddly enough, I would be genuinely shocked if Ramona did anything of the sort. I always had the impression that Ramona and Mario's businesses were very seperate. And from a financial standpoint at least, they seem to be having an amicable divorce (Unless I have missed a massive RamonaBomb which is entirely possible)

  • Love 2

Were any financial settlement offers made before custody was settled?  If not, Jason wasn't going to take any money before they settled custody.


I don't really like Bethenny any more.  She was my hands down favorite on NYC.  I even liked her on her show for a long time. I have grown to dislike her.  I hate the way she is handling the divorce.  I think she is repeating her childhood that she says she hated so much.  STFU about how hard it is right now and how unfair Jason is.  He is Bryn's dad, and she will read about it one day.  Your daughter's happiness and love for her father is more important than the pissing match over money/real estate.


I grew to dislike Jason during their foray in L.A.  They were out to dinner on a date night and he was agreeing with Bethenny about how damaged Bethenny was.  And I was thinking, 'Hey asshole, you married her."  I think problems are never one person's fault.  She has a shitload of issues.  That BEA show highlighted a lot of them.  She probably should never have gotten married.  


I think she is insincere and a phony.  She is friends with Andy Cohen.  To me, that speaks volumes about her lack of character.


I hate Carole too.  Phony poseur.  She's a snarky, elitist bitch.  Luann is living well - the best revenge on Carole who looked so haughtily down on the Countess a couple of seasons ago.  Luann is getting her groove on plenty. She looks amazing and is having a great time.  Carole is acting like a school girl, eating cucumbers and having bad plastic surgery.

Great post. Did Carol and Lu reach some measure of accord last season? I think so but so much of it was dominated by Moaner's hair getting wet, I cannot fully recall....

Psst... I've heard there's these women called lesbians..... who like *other women* :O



Yeah, but something about that line of her being attracted to attractive men really rubbed me the wrong way.  WTF is up with her sense humor this season?  It's just so lame.  OK, she doesn't have Aviva to give her at least some storyline.  Her attitude sucks.  Eh, I also kinda hate her shitty work ethic.  It feels like she's offering up a false, fakey persona she's creating for the show.  Not diggin' the fakeness or this persona.


I don't think it was such a revelation about Lu living with Jacques for a long time.  Look, Lu has never been straight with us about who she is.  Moaner told us more about who Lu is when Jillzy (in a typical sneaky-ass move) put her on speaker in a phone convo, with Lu sitting in & not telling Moaner she was there.  Moaner said Lu was someone whose marriage was a sham, she slept around with a ton of random men & totally ignored her kids.  The only thing I never heard her mention was this place on the Upper West Side, where she lived with Jacques -- and that she chose it cuz it was close to his office.


So while Lu has absolutely zero storyline, I'm looking forward to see her as she really is.  Or at least a much truer version than we've ever seen before.  Well, maybe.  But then again, I like & admire slutty women.  Oh, I'm sure she loves her kids, but she wanted to get laid & The Count was off chasing young European gals & he's an old geezer anyway.  At least she had Rosie around keeping an eye on the kids when they were young.  I hope we get a glimpse of her kids this season.


I was bugged by Sonja's comments about the lawsuit.  No, Sonja you weren't sued because you had money.  You were sued because you scammed that film company.  Um, $8 million judgements don't happen every day.  They won this judgement because it was justified.  Sonja is yet another one on here trying to re-write history?  I'm finding her shtick very, very tiresome.  At least Dorinda offered up something a bit different.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

I used to like Bethenny, but I don't respect the way she's handling the divorce, or the way she bad-mouths her ex.  She is also much more high-strung than she used to be.  She's not fun to watch anymore.  I kind of just find her plain old annoying-- she is trying way too hard.  The joking around with Fredrick, the tears... it was just irritating.   


When she and Jason were together, I thought he seemed like a nice choice for her, someone who could give her a solid love relationship.  She doesn't have as much insight into her own issues as she pretends to have.  Seeing a TV-therapist is not the way to get healthy.  And spare me the complaints about having nowhere to live-- she chose an apartment that needed renovation.  That's her choice.  She could have chosen something turn-key if she was so keen to get settled in to a new home.  

Edited by OhGromit
  • Love 5

Look, the full quote from Bethenny was something like she was the "wealthiest" homeless person in Manhattan. It was tongue in cheek. She's not homeless, and I don't think for one minute that she's comparing her situation to being truly homeless. She's not actually homeless and I think she knows that. She has a bazillion dollars and can afford to do anything, but, divorce is a tricky thing, and, financially a lot of things - sometimes everything - is up in the air. Or, even locked down with the courts. And, a lot of time people have difficulty making decisions in the middle of a divorce. I think it will be interesting to see how she navigates this.


I agree with most of this post.  If I read correctly in one of these threads doesn't Bethenny own two other residences besides the apartment Jason now resides in?   I realize divorce proceedings equals temporary financial "lock down", etc. but couldn't Bethenny and her daughter live in one of the other two homes/residents Bethenny owns until the divorce is finalized?  I don't get it.  Okay, so you are "homeless".  Hmmm.  Here's a thought.  Live in one of the other two houses you own (provided you don't have renters who've signed a lease).  


Since Jason's living in the main residence and refuses to budge while the divorce is in full swing, move into another one of your homes until the divorce is finalized.  Brynn is familiar with the other homes you own because she has spent time there.  Familiar surroundings help create stability, a routine, etc. for a child. 

Edited by beesknees
Oddly enough, I would be genuinely shocked if Ramona did anything of the sort. I always had the impression that Ramona and Mario's businesses were very seperate. And from a financial standpoint at least, they seem to be having an amicable divorce (Unless I have missed a massive RamonaBomb which is entirely possible)



It'll be interesting to see what happens with the Mario/Moaner divorce.  I don't think she could get a piece of Mario's business since that has been a long established family business.  Now, if she were involved with the business and/or helped build it up -- that's a different story.  But I thought she never had anything to do with Mario's business.  It's the real estate that could be tricky with their settlement.  Between the Manhattan apartment & the Southampton house, it's gotta be worth 10 to 15 mil or more.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs

Oddly enough, I would be genuinely shocked if Ramona did anything of the sort. I always had the impression that Ramona and Mario's businesses were very seperate. And from a financial standpoint at least, they seem to be having an amicable divorce (Unless I have missed a massive RamonaBomb which is entirely possible)

Ramona gave up the rag trade awhile ago.  She has the Pinot, jewelry, TrU rEnEwAl and restaurant.  I wouldn't doubt that Mario has an interest in some of them.  She probably has no interest in his family business.


For you NY lawyers, what is the deal with NY prenups?  It there an expiration date like in Cali?  They have been married almost 20 years.  Would that have expired?  If so, she may get some of that family business money.  There have been reports that they will sell the Hamptons home and the NYC apt. 


I wonder how gently Ramona will go once they start battling over finances.

  • Love 2

I could be wrong but I think Ramona is entitled to compensation if the business grew substantially while they were married. The business was featured a few times on the show and Mario benefited to some degree by the celebrity he gained from appearing on the show. What if it went from a small family business to a big corporate success?

I don't think Ramona would be out of line for asking for a piece of that pie. I bet Ramona might think so. I know for sure her lawyers will think that.

  • Love 4

I was bugged by Sonja's comments about the lawsuit. No, Sonja you weren't sued because you had money. You were sued because you scammed that film company. Um, $8 million judgements don't happen every day. They won this judgement because it was justified. Sonja is yet another one on here trying to re-write history? I'm finding her shtick very, very tiresome. At least Dorinda offered up something a bit different.

I also loved her incredulous "a lawsuit...over a movie that wasn't even made!" That's the point, you fucking loon!

  • Love 15

I hope these threads do not turn into a long series of comments bashing Bethenny.

Because I want to be sure we spend a lot of time bashing Carole.

Thank you.

HA! And bravo! Damn, didn't enough bandwidth get used up on these same tedious B divorce discussions over at TWOP? Along with her loathsome personality, these endless he said she said discussions that NONE of us have any true knowledge of were the reason I cringed upon hearing of her return to RHNYC.

  • Love 6

Was Bethenny always this whiny and nasally??  She really is never happy is she?  She complained all the time when she was single and broke, then married and wealthy, and now single again with a beautiful child and is a millionaire.  She must just be a really unhappy person to the core.  

Yes, no, I agree :-))


Bethenny's child is small enough that she's likely not in even preschool, so she could stay at the Hamptons house (seriously, "I'm homeless, so I had to buy a house in the Hamptons for the summer!?!") during the week and just come into town when she has a business meeting.  But she doesn't want to be out of NYC, so she cries a river.  If she "has" to be in NYC, then get a corporate apt for a couple of months, dragging a child around from hotel to hotel is stupid.


I suspect she's trying to expense the hotels as part of her "business," which may well get her into tax trouble in the future.  Was her search with what's his name for a place to work or a place to live?  I remember her mentioning need for her *2* interns to have space, but if this is an office she has no need for it to be an apt.  Just rent actual office space!


Luanne's Sag Harbor might be similar location-wise to Bridgehampton, but I believe the house is a lot smaller.  The one shot of the living room showed that.  But heck, that's just proof she's trying to live within her means.


Sonja - the delusion continues.  She's a really lousy friend.  In addition to the stupidity of comparing years together when Ramona was talking about the end of her marriage, let's face it, Ramona's marriage was real and Sonja's was an "arrangement."  And of course, just let Ramona talk for once!  (Lord, I don't think I've ever thought that before).


I look forward to the Ramona-Luanne divorce conversation - unless the editing monkeys are tricking us,,at least the NY housewives can actually apologize for bad behavior.


Carole can claim all she wants that she didn't inherit $$, but this year apparently she's trying to prove she doesn't really have much of a writing "career" and doesn't need to work to live.  But honey, we already knew that.  Stoner indeed, watch out for the floating steps.


If the new girl inherited a lot of money from hubby #1, she didn't put it into the apt, that kitchen was tiny and there is no entryway/foyer.  I know NYC real estate is insane, but what was that?  I hate apts where you just walk right into the living room.


Bored with Kristin, am depressed I need to hear "Holla" for another season.

  • Love 2

At first I thought I needed a new battery for my hearin' aid.  But this morning I caught enough of the rerun to confirm that Luann did, in fact, state that she had moved in with Jaques ... and they lived together for four years!  


I'm sorry, I still can't believe Luann was living with that guy for four years and I never knew they had even shacked up.  I didn't even think they were together that long.  Much less co-habitating.  


Did everyone else know this but me?


I know they got together in 2009 (same year her divorce was final from the Count) and broke up in 2013.  If they started cohabitating right away (which some people do) then yeah... 4 years makes sense. 

Bottom line with the B/J divorce is there's a lot going on we don't know about.  B has made some offers that sound pretty generous to me, but they've been refused.  I thought I read Jason has some wealthy "backer" who is funding his gaggle of lawyers.  I know B has one of THE top divorce lawyers in the country, who would have otherwise squashed Jason like a bug & settled this thing out long ago.


My prediction is she's gonna litter this whole season with going wah-wah-wah over the divorce.  Whether she garners public sympathy or not, it has absolutely no bearing on the divorce case, but I would think maybe it might help with selling the SG crap.


Is it different when a husband goes after a wife's money, instead of the other way around?  In theory, I suppose not.  Eh, it's all about the dough, ain't it?  And money makes people do really fucked up things.  Maybe Jason was a nice guy & maybe he's still a nice guy.  I don't know.  He coulda been fired up by these big-gun lawyers funded by his "backer", but we can see he's now plainly in grab-that-dough mode.  Seems distasteful & gross to me.  But I can see where he's coming from.  


I wouldn't quite say Jason is a loser, but it seems to me he took a long time to get his life together & get a job where he could earn a decent & dependable living.  I know all about pharm reps.  It's a hard job & it often takes a long time before you're at a level where you can make really good money, altho the potential is certainly there.  But he'll never make millions at it.  So this is his one shot to get that kinda money, and he's lunging at it.  I also think he's probably fired up by sleazy lawyers too.


Anyhoo, while I don't much care for B, maybe I can sympathize with her a tiny bit when she makes comments about being surprised at this vile change in Jason.  I'd actually like for her to say something like -- "Hey you girls out there, look at the shitty situation I'm in & make sure to protect your finances as much as you can."  Every time I see these successful actresses dragging around jobless hunky losers (er, like Lea Michelle, for instance), I think of what B is going thru.  You can be sure Aniston isn't marrying her cute loser exactly cuz of this shit.


Luanne's Sag Harbor might be similar location-wise to Bridgehampton, but I believe the house is a lot smaller.  The one shot of the living room showed that.  But heck, that's just proof she's trying to live within her means.



Well, in an earlier post I said she broke even, but I'm re-thinking that.  I'd say she somewhat traded up.  Look, she got $8 mil for the Bridgehampton house & this small cottage is worth nowhere near that, but Lu is a very smart & savvy gal.  She found a very comfortable, beautiful & affordable (for her) place in an even nicer town.  Good for her!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

I know they got together in 2009 (same year her divorce was final from the Count) and broke up in 2013. If they started cohabitating right away (which some people do) then yeah... 4 years makes sense.

I sort of imagined they were "friends" for a while before the divorce and once they both felt it was ok for them to be together they jumped right in. Plus some of that time may have been Luanne staying with Jacque when she was living in the Hamptons and commenting to the city. More of a having a key to his place than moving in situation. In any case, I miss Jack. I thought he and Luanne were great together.

  • Love 2
Really Carole? You're attracted to very attractive men? And that's different from other women how?



I think Carole was being very deadpan. Like, "duh, who isn't attracted to very attractive people?" Similarly, I don't believe that she's existing on cucumbers, butter, and vodka.


I'm sorry, I still can't believe Luann was living with that guy for four years and I never knew they had even shacked up.



I know! I didn't even know the relationship lasted that long. I remember Ramona making a crack in St. Barth's about Jacques being "LuAnn's live-in lover" but I thought that was just Ramona running her mouth, a riff on the "LuAnn's a weekend mom" thing. Damn, LuAnn is nothing if not discreet. I had no idea she was living with Jacques and she did a good job of keeping it off the show. But now it puts some of those "I go into the city to see Jacques during the week" comments into a different perspective. Coy LuAnn.

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 2

     Whew, I finally read through the comments. I have to say Lu just looks stunning. I swear either here or on TWOP someone asked Lu via tweet what skin care brands she used and she answered. I recall it was something somewhat reasonable. If anyone recalls please dish!


     Sonja's duck facing was hard to watch. She bobbles her had and then does her "blue steel" duck face. STOP!  I was so incredibly bored by Carole's scene I just don't care about her being an author, in fact I just am not interested in anything about her except her past career as a journalist. I was distracted by the background scene with three piles of books and then one book placed upright and propped open. I liked Dorinda enough, I also appreciate the natural eyebrow look, Her kids brows however did not look at all natural, not interested in seeing her anymore.


I have to say I genuinely laughed out loud when Bethany was commenting on the red gloves, and then mentioning how they matched the red stripe in the man's suit. It was really funny, and I would of probably made the same joke.


I felt bad for Ramona.

     Whew, I finally read through the comments. I have to say Lu just looks stunning. I swear either here or on TWOP someone asked Lu via tweet what skin care brands she used and she answered. I recall it was something somewhat reasonable. If anyone recalls please dish!


*Raising Hand*


That was me (I always go for those hard-hitting questions on Twitter).


LuAnn stated she used Clarin's products.


They should consider giving LuAnn an endorsement deal.  The woman looks phenomenal.

I sort of imagined they were "friends" for a while before the divorce and once they both felt it was ok for them to be together they jumped right in. Plus some of that time may have been Luanne staying with Jacque when she was living in the Hamptons and commenting to the city. More of a having a key to his place than moving in situation. In any case, I miss Jack. I thought he and Luanne were great together.


Anyone else suspect perhaps in the end that Jacques just couldn't get past Pirategate?


I've often wondered if her lame-assed "Italian friends" lies and feeble attempts to cover her ass just destroyed any trust Jacques may have had in her and he ultimately just couldn't get past it, even though he apparently tried.

  • Love 6

The part that surprised me the most about Sonja's lawsuit was that she ever had $7 million to spend. ....Unless she signed on to be a producer when she actually didn't have much liquid to offer.


Bing bing bing bing bing!  She never had the liquid.  She used her ex's name to make it sound like he was backing her "movie producer" ventures when he wasn't.  She promised to front millions, but she never had millions to front.  


So she was sued in federal court for breach of contract and fraud, and she lost.  She lost her appeal, too.  That's a big loss, legally, to lose on a fraud count (it's really hard to prove fraud in a way that stands up in federal court and holds up on appeal, too), which means... bitch was really wrong and really screwed some folks over.  

  • Love 6

Anyone else suspect perhaps in the end that Jacques just couldn't get past Pirategate?


I've often wondered if her lame-assed "Italian friends" lies and feeble attempts to cover her ass just destroyed any trust Jacques may have had in her and he ultimately just couldn't get past it, even though he apparently tried.


Based on nothing other than all the gossip about Luann's marriage, I've always suspected that she and Jacques had an open relationship or some kind of "arrangement." 


I look forward to the Ramona-Luanne divorce conversation - unless the editing monkeys are tricking us,,at least the NY housewives can actually apologize for bad behavior.


That's one thing I've always liked/sensed about the RHONY that I don't necessarily get from the other franchises, especially BH. It feels like, among the NY set, that they're pretty good at apologizing and actually meaning it. The apologies always seem less calculated and more like common decency. You say you're sorry, you move on and have a good time. On a lot of the other franchises (again, BH, in particular) it seems like every little wrong is tabulated and kept on record and no apology is ever without strings.

Edited by KFC
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