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Giants swept the Dodgers, Warriors only one game away from another championship ring! Life is good in the SF Bay Area sports land. Sorry, A's....I would love you too if you could get sold or something...anything.

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YOU GUYS.  I am SCANDALIZED.  10 years ago, on this date, *I* wrote this on my Facebook feed.

Not that anyone cares but I've decided a NL perfecto is way better than an AL one because the pitcher bats.

This is my deep thought for the day.

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18 hours ago, isalicat said:

Giants swept the Dodgers, Warriors only one game away from another championship ring! Life is good in the SF Bay Area sports land. Sorry, A's....I would love you too if you could get sold or something...anything.

I guess you could say the Niners are one QB away from a title, or another trade away; I don't know.

Earlier today (probably late this morning) a local DJ in my area made mention to how the Buccos got "destroyed" by the Cards.  Can't remember the word used to describe the result of the 2nd game within the double header.  I'm not sure if I'd call 9-1 as embarrassing, but I can be a little harsh and realistic.

For what it's worth, while it can't happen in the AL, an NL perfecto can be beautiful within a defensive game.  Really a scoreless one because I think it's awesome seeing a guy clinch a perfect game by going yard to break a scoreless mark

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3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Quick question . . . before yesterday, had any of you heard the concept of “Immaculate Innings”?

Yes.  Someone had one a few years ago.  And this year I believe Nestor Cortes did.  But it’s certainly a relatively recent addition to my consciousness.

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6 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Quick question . . . before yesterday, had any of you heard the concept of “Immaculate Innings”?

I could be pulling this out of my ass, but I think maybe a college kid did it a year or so back?  Regardless, I had heard of it before yesterday but was still surprised at finding out how many times it has happened.

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I had not heard of an immaculate inning before and don’t think I like it.  Frankly, I think, if anything, it should reference a three-pitch half inning.  It doesn’t always have to be strike outs.

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13 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I had not heard of an immaculate inning before and don’t think I like it.  Frankly, I think, if anything, it should reference a three-pitch half inning.  It doesn’t always have to be strike outs.

Crs97...I think you have something there.
In fact, lets go for the 27 pitch perfect game: an out on every pitch.
I bet this happens in slow pitch softball.

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I once saw a 27-pitch game in high school softball. There were two foul balls, both by the same batter, but other than that, lots of swings and misses. Ugly swings and misses. This pitcher was quite something. 

ETA: This was HS, so it was seven innings, thus a 21-pitch game. Very impressive to watch. The clean-up batter (a friend's daughter) fouled off a pitch in each of her at-bats, but was the only one to make contact. And she was a slugger, hitting over .400 on the season. But she K'd twice on this day. She only had two ABs, was on deck in the 7th when the batter in front of her whiffed to end the game. An impressive pitching performance, and a lot of fun to watch, even if the home team lost!

Edited by DXD526
Temporarily forgot the rules of high school ball. Hate when that happens.
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17 hours ago, DXD526 said:

I once saw a 27-pitch game in high school softball. There were two foul balls, both by the same batter, but other than that, lots of swings and misses. Ugly swings and misses. This pitcher was quite something.

If there were foul balls and swings and misses, it was not a 21-pitch game -- a perfect game, sure, but foul balls and swings and misses still count as pitches. If there were two foul balls, that would mean at least 23 pitches for the 21 outs (which would still be one hell of a performance, at any level).

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The Brewers waited until Lorenzo Cain was at his ten year investment for his pension before they designated him for assignment.  Owners are generally shitheads, but apparently they can occasionally do something nice.

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The Pirates had two rookies make their season debuts last night. Combined, they were 5-9  with 3 runs scored and 6 RBIs.

I know that there is no way it lasts, but I WANT TO BELIEVE!

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The Indi...<cough> Guardians are on a friggin roll!

Jose Ramirez has always been a bright star, but this season he’s shining more than ever.  He’s a legit MVP candidate.  And even tho I hated losing Lindor, Giminez is actually performing better than Francisco right now.  So that trade is working in Cleveland’s favor.

Go Tribe!

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I swear to satan if the Yankees let Aaron Judge go I will complain about it furiously for the rest of time.  

Two million!  Hank Steinbrenner probably cleaned that out of his cushions yesterday.

*edit* Crisis averted!  They settled before stepping foot in the arbitration room.  Now they need to hogtie him to the Delta sign in center field and not let him become a free agent.*

Edited by mojoween
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When I put on my General Manager hat, I find myself being extremely wary of offering Judge anything like that reported 7 year extension for $213.5M or $30.5M/year.

He's 30 and has an extensive injury history.

I'd be much more likely to pay him significantly more per year for fewer years. What about $170M for 4 years? 

The problem with playing that game is that after the year he's having right now, somebody is going to give him more than that.

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2 hours ago, Mittengirl said:

I want to watch the Tigers game tonight, but don’t want to encourage this streaming nonsense.  First world problem, I know.  Feeling conflicted.

If Amazon is going to use the YES announcers, WHY CAN’T I JUST WATCH THE GAME ON YES?

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12 hours ago, mojoween said:

If Amazon is going to use the YES announcers, WHY CAN’T I JUST WATCH THE GAME ON YES?

Unfortunately, the answer to that question is directly tied to the gigantic contract Mr. Judge is going to earn. 

And also unfortunately (for only us Yankees fans,) the Yankees would be just fine with just being on YES and the MASSIVE revenue advantage over the rest of the league it provides them. But these new revenue sources from MLB streaming deals are important to generate league wide revenue.

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“God, I’m wasted. How did the hockey game end last night? Let’s go to ESPN and fin-BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA! Man, I cannot wait to go to the MLB thread and ‘at’ @mojoween!!!”

Note: me being wasted comes from poor sleep habits. Also, combined “efforts” count for me, especially since they’re going to be more common in the sport.

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I assume they talked about another time the Astros no-hit the Yankees:  their starter got injured during warmup and the Astros used a new reliever each inning to combine for a no-hit.  When they got back in the clubhouse, each pitcher had a bottle of champagne in his locker from the Yankees.

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14 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

I assume they talked about another time the Astros no-hit the Yankees:  their starter got injured during warmup and the Astros used a new reliever each inning to combine for a no-hit.  When they got back in the clubhouse, each pitcher had a bottle of champagne in his locker from the Yankees.

Yankees: classy. Yankees fans: case-by-case basis.

It's wild that the Yankees have been victims of no-hitters only twice since 1958  . . . and they happened at home . . . against the Astros (a team that did not exist in 1958) . . . and multiple pitchers were involved.

Hard to feel bad for Yankees fans, since their team is on track to win 117 games. I think the Mets are currently on a pace that would end with 105 wins (three from their record), but I have to figure on things dropping . . . like a penny, or instance. Or the other shoe. Or a piano loaded with anvils.

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18 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

I think the Mets are currently on a pace that would end with 105 wins (three from their record), but I have to figure on things dropping . . . like a penny, or instance. Or the other shoe. Or a piano loaded with anvils.

After that crazy double play was overturned Friday night, this may be a team of destiny...

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Just now, Moose135 said:

After that crazy double play was overturned Friday night, this may be a team of destiny...

Yeah, but do you say that out loud with people around you? I don't think you can. If any Mets fan says "This might be the year" in a crowd, Jacob deGrom's arm will pop off.

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10 hours ago, emmawoodhouse said:

I haven't been paying much attention... is there a timetable for deGrom to return? Or have they shut him down indefinitely... again?

He's been throwing and may return in a few weeks.  He's had a few bullpen sessions and threw to live batters earlier this week.

Jacob deGrom Rumors: 'Chance' Mets SP Could Return from Injury Before All-Star Break

There's a "chance" that New York Mets star pitcher Jacob deGrom, who has been out all season with a stress reaction in his scapula, could return prior to the All-Star break, per Jon Heyman of the New York Post during an MLB Network segment.

However, Heyman said the "best guess" is that deGrom returns "just after" the break, which will be from Monday, July 18 through Wednesday, July 20.

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Look.  I agree with the fans in attendance that Jose Altuve is a teeny, tiny, dirty cheater.  But for them to continue to lustily boo him every time he comes to the batters box?  After how he has played the last three games?  Is monumentally stupid. And look how he paid them back today, after one goddamned pitch.

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Especially with Marwin Gonzalez on the bench. I agree, kind of done with the boos myself but I will always loathe AJ Hinch. Not just for the cheating- but publicly lying about it and mocking his supposed friend Dave Roberts when Roberts raised the possibility there was something hinky about their wins. 

Some friend.

Edited by cleo
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I'm sure some of you already noticed this, but it took until today for me to realize that the Yankee shortstop in the movie Major League wore number 2, back in 1989! (Also, the iconography of the original team name aged really poorly.)

I'm done hunting down games on a variety of streaming services. If it is not on the team cable service or the local carrier, I am not going to try and track  it down on Peacock, Apple +, Youtube etc. 

And I am sure as hell not going to subscribe to a service because they have a handful of games I might be interested in.

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I did.  I subscribed to Peacock, but I will cancel as soon as they play the last Yankees game of the season.

I guess I am going to need to track down some Angels and Mariners highlights, sounds JUICY.

And I would be remiss if I didn’t send best wishes to Bryce Harper.  That sucks.

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2 hours ago, AimingforYoko said:

This was not a baseball fight, this was an actual fight:

MLB's going to be collecting a bit of money here.

You're not kidding - actual punches being thrown.  Usually when benches clear, there's a lot of pushing & shoving, guys holding onto one another and doing a sort of waltz until they get pulled apart, and the always hilarious sight of one guy "restraining" a teammate who waits until the hold is in place and only then starts yelling threats & abuse.  My favorite part is when the guys from the bullpens arrive just as everyone is calming down.  

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The Angels play-by-play guys pearl-clutching about Winker’s double bird to the crowd would be funny if it weren’t so over-the-top.

Winker got plunked as retribution for something that didn’t even happen, and I’m sure the crowd wasn’t playing off his exit with roses and hosannas.  A double bird isn’t stabbing them in the face for cod’s sack.

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10 hours ago, Calvada said:

You're not kidding - actual punches being thrown.  Usually when benches clear, there's a lot of pushing & shoving, guys holding onto one another and doing a sort of waltz until they get pulled apart, and the always hilarious sight of one guy "restraining" a teammate who waits until the hold is in place and only then starts yelling threats & abuse.  My favorite part is when the guys from the bullpens arrive just as everyone is calming down. 

It was also unusual because he didn't charge the mound - it's always fun to see the catcher act like the pitcher's bodyguard unless he really hates the guy (see Buster Posey just standing there when Bryce Harper went after Hunter Strickland some years back).

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10 hours ago, xaxat said:

My favorite part of  scraps in baseball is watching the cavalry relievers sprint side by side from the bullpen to the diamond.

For some of those guys "sprint" is a generous description. 

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Outside of what xaxat said in terms of these "scraps" (the relief pitcher participation), I basically hate them.  Just a waste of time and does nothing toward the benefit of life (in baseball).  Though I guess if you're going to go for it, make it count, just like Seattle & L.A. did.  Good for them, but better for the people collecting for the abundance of violations committed.

Maybe my dislike toward these scrums seems like the craziest thing said in the sport of MLB, but if you want a crazier take or even position, then join that guy that said the Pirates "will win the World Series (with)in 5 years".

On the topic of "violence" (and away from "super" optimistic takes), I think I can feel bad for a guy like Harper despite his financial situation.  Part of the "tradition" in baseball includes a pitcher hitting a batter for whatever reason.  Fair enough, as long as it's not at the head (area) or enough to cause serious injury (and I don't believe Blake did that intentionally; just a tough break).  Injuries are part of sports, but it just sucks when a rare/random segment results in one of the faces of the sport missing time

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Fallout from the Mariners/Angels brawl...

Los Angeles Angels RHP Archie Bradley out after fracturing elbow in dugout fall during Seattle Mariners brawl

Angels reliever Archie Bradley broke a bone in his right elbow while climbing over the dugout railing during Los Angeles' massive brawl with the Seattle Mariners on Sunday.

Bradley will be out for at least one month, Angels athletic trainer Mike Frostad said Tuesday. Bradley won't start a throwing program for four weeks while his elbow heals, and he could be down a "couple of months," according to Frostad.

Bradley's injury is the second to result from the lengthy fracas at Angel Stadium: Mariners catcher Luis Torrens went on the 10-day injured list Monday with a sore left shoulder.

Bradley slipped and fell off the railing when the brouhaha broke out in the second inning immediately after Angels opener Andrew Wantz hit Seattle's Jesse Winker with a pitch. Bradley didn't pitch Sunday or in Los Angeles' win over the White Sox on Monday night.

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