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S03.E07: Paris

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The appearance of the Viking fleet causes panic among the population of Paris. The Emperor Charles, urged by his daughter Gisla, announces in Court he will remain in the city. The defense of Paris is in the hands of its Commander, Count Odo, who hopes that a heroic victory against the Vikings will gain him Gisla’s hand in marriage. The Vikings establish camp downriver from the city and plan their attack.
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Safe bet for what?  Charles the Bald was King of France at the time of the raid.

Not sure which Charles it will be given that Athelstan mentioned  (IIR) being in France and seeing Charlemagne. Could see Hirst changing the history a bit...

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Didn't Ecbert say in one of the episodes that Charlemagne was dead? I think this must be King Charles the Bald.


I am looking forward to the Plague. I have a list of characters I want to die from it - starting with Kalf.

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Didn't Ecbert say in one of the episodes that Charlemagne was dead? I think this must be King Charles the Bald.


I am looking forward to the Plague. I have a list of characters I want to die from it - starting with Kalf.


I keep hearing Eddie Murphy saying "Charlemagne is dead".....like Buckwheat....

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Random thoughts during the episode: 

"...or something of that sort." Heh. I can't help it. I still like Ecbert for some reason.

Floki really isn't too bright, is he? Can he really not see Ragnar's setting him up? Or at least it certainly seems that way.

Poor Ragnar, mourning over his lost boyfriend. :(

Princess Krazypants! I never thought I'd like this character, but she's really grown on me this season.


I know nothing about medieval French history, but what the crap was up with the masks on the French king and princess at the end? I thought Dr. Doom had dropped by for a visit.


Very, very excited for next week. The Two Towers is my favorite of the LotR movies specifically for Helm's Deep, so...yeah. Bring on the siege!

Edited by bandella
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This was a nice setup episode.  Ecbert really gave me the creeps.  He kept needling his son about his marriage and then hits on his wife when he's away on a business trip. I feel bad for Judith.


I really hope Ragnar is setting up Floki for a big fall.  I laughed to see the look on Rollo's face after Ragnar said Floki was in charge of the raid.


Next week looks to be good!

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I have a feeling Ragnar is setting Floki up for a fall for revenge on killing Athelstan.

I'm confused about Queen Crazy Pants. I don't remember her having sex with Ragnar? Was she lying?

Why is Porunn so gung ho on not being with Bjorn and now not wanting her baby? Because of the facial scar? I thought Vikings were suppose to be proud of their scars.

I knew it, just knew it, King Ecgbert wants to get it on with Judith.

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This was a setup episode and I admit I wasn't crazy about much of it.  Way too little of the actual Vikings.  But after four great episodes in a row, they're allowed to have one like this.


Still, there was definitely stuff to like.  Floki leading the war council was funny and I really liked his scenes with Ragnar.  That face-to-face with them in the beginning was great.  Ragnar is definitely playing it smart with Floki.  He needs him for the time being but you know there will be a reckoning. 


Ecbert continues to be a creep but an entertaining one.  His son is reminding me more and more of an Evil Chris Pratt and Hodor from Game of Thrones.


Nice to see Princess...er, Queen Crazypants return.


Got to give Bjorn a better storyline.


I thought Horik's son was a skinny woman for a second.  He's not very imposing even compared to Earl Boy Toy.

Edited by benteen
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His son is reminding me more and more of an Evil Chris Pratt

Yes! Someone else gets it! I was starting to think I was the only one. I think, though, I'm going to have to change my nickname for him from Sulky to Angry Chris Pratt. 

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I'm confused about Queen Crazy Pants. I don't remember her having sex with Ragnar? Was she lying?

Remember when she peed on him to disinfect his wound? After that she had sex with him.


I sure hope Ragnar is setting Floki up. If anybody needs a visit by the kharma fairy it's Floki.

Edited by magdalene
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Yes! Someone else gets it! I was starting to think I was the only one. I think, though, I'm going to have to change my nickname for him from Sulky to Angry Chris Pratt. 


Heheh.  But I also said he looks like Hodor from Game of Thrones.  When Aethelwulf goes full zombie brainless, the guy looks just like Hodor.

Edited by benteen
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Why does Floki get two spots in the Power Rankings? Good acting by Gustaf Skarsgard. Not everyone can play crazy. Is Ragnar setting him up, or just getting him all worked up so he will build the boats and contraptions? Poor Helga.

By the way, did you know that Torvi is played by the younger sister of Maude Hirst, who plays Helga? They look just alike, so I looked on IMDB for verification.

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Loved Ragnar's quiet control of the Viking force and manipulation of Loki. The man know's exactly what he's doing. (Even if I'm not entirely sure what it is.) Also, his costume looked very monk-like there at the end with the dark cloth, robe-like coat and his staff. Not carrying a weapon that I could see. Is this an homage to Athelstan or something more? Hinting at a ruse coming up against the Parisians perhaps?


Ecbert was once again his usual engaging yet creepy self. Long live Ecbert!


Queen Krazypants? We love you and accept you as your nymphomaniac self, but you have NO IDEA who the father of that child is so get over yourself!


New French Princess? Hmmmm…. Nice to see you put some spine in your decrepit father

and I'm looking forward to seeing you and Rollo together in the future.


I still don't get Porunn and her angst. What am I missing…?

Edited by RiddleyWalker
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By the way, did you know that Torvi is played by the younger sister of Maude Hirst, who plays Helga? They look just alike, so I looked on IMDB for verification.

Didn't know that, but that absolutely makes sense, as they do look a lot alike. I kept seeing Torvi in background scenes at the camp and thinking it was Helga and going, "Wait, why did Helga tag along? Where's her kid?" So when Helga really did show up, I was especially puzzled. 


Still waiting for Helga to kick Floki in the balls next time he manhandles her and goes all Colonel Kurtz on her.

Edited by bandella
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Definitely was a set-up episode, prepping things for the main event next week.  Wasn't bad, but it did mean that we spent less time on the Vikings and some of the characters suffered for it (boo to barely any Lagertha!), in order to set up the Paris crew.  Right now, my first impressions on them are that the Paris king really doesn't seem to be that much of a force, and, if anything, I think the princess might be the true power in this group.  She seems to command the most respect out of Count Odo at least.  Curious to see how this all plays out.


Ragnar totally knows Floki killed his main man, Athelstan!  And he seems all about the long con to get him back.  I have to think making him league the raid is part of his plan.  If nothing else, he sure had fun watching him get flustered at the council meeting, and being unable to talk down Lagertha and Kolf's argument.  Best part though was easily Rollo's reaction when he heard the news.  Clive Standen really has perfected the amusing reaction shots on this show.


Meanwhile, in Wessex, things have gotten even crazier.  Should have known Kwenthrith being cray-cray, was going to have some repercussions for Ecbert.  That is the risk you take when you align yourself with the crazy.  And, of course she's claiming she's now Ragnar's baby mama, so who knows if there is any truth to that or not. Meanwhile, Ecbert's just totally hitting on Judith, like it ain't no thing.  Oh, Ecbert.  You are just as nutty.  I wouldn't have you any other way.  Linus Roache is so much fun to watch.


All the Aslaug/Porunn scene did was actually make me feel bad for Aslaug of all people.  I wouldn't wish anyone to be stuck with that Debbie Downer.  No wonder Bjorn's eyes are continuing to wander.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Frankly, I would totally rather be with Eckbert (and the delicious Linus Roche) than that self-flagellating asswipe of a son. I can't believe how sumptuous the filming of the series is--that candle-lit scene with the masked princess at the end was breath-taking. Obviously, I want Floki to get his comeuppance for murdering Ragnar's BFF. Linus Roche was hilarious as double-crossing scheming Eckbert.

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This was a setup episode and I admit I wasn't crazy about much of it.  Way too little of the actual Vikings.  But after four great episodes in a row, they're allowed to have one like this.


Still, there was definitely stuff to like.  Floki leading the war council was funny and I really liked his scenes with Ragnar.  That face-to-face with them in the beginning was great.  Ragnar is definitely playing it smart with Floki.  He needs him for the time being but you know there will be a reckoning. 


Ecbert continues to be a creep but an entertaining one.  His son is reminding me more and more of an Evil Chris Pratt and Hodor from Game of Thrones.


Nice to see Princess...er, Queen Crazypants return.


Got to give Bjorn a better storyline.


I thought Horik's son was a skinny woman for a second.  He's not very imposing even compared to Earl Boy Toy.

Horik's son reminds me of the boys who I used to hang out at the mall with in my youth.

So is Porunne or whatever her name is not a Viking? She said she wants her kids to be Vikings.

I thought Krazypants was lying about the baby.

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Could be Charles the simple (III).  In some accounts he had a daughter named Gisela.

He said he was the grandson of Charlemagne, he clearly has issues with his brothers, and it looks like he leans on his daughter for decision-making.  That makes me suspect that his (presumably late) wife must have been the power behind the throne earlier in his life and now his daughter has stepped up into the role.  So "Charles the Simple" sounds about right.



I know nothing about medieval French history, but what the crap was up with the masks on the French king and princess at the end?

Yeah that looked like some weird we're-so-royal-the-commoners-cannot-look-upon-us thing, which seems like a bad way to endear yourself to your people.  I like that the princess dropped her mask and gave the crowd a look.


Floki is just getting crazier by the episode, but the man builds a damn fine ship and now it seems that siege towers are also in his bag of tricks.  Ragnar complains at the beginning that Athelstan would have been useful in the siege so he's not going to cast away someone useful like Floki on the eve of a major battle.  But I agree with the sentiment expressed above that Floki is due for some what-goes-around-comes-around comupppance.


I was surprised that Helga was surprised to learn Floki killed Athelstan.  Ragnar certainly seems to know it.  Was Helga simply in denial?


I find myself bored when we're in Wessex without the Vikings.  A little of Queen Crazypants goes a long way and Athelwulf is just a drag.  Also, he's a bit stupid, drinking ANYTHING from Queen Crazypants (I sincerely have no idea what that character's real name is.)  Of course Poruun is the biggest drag of them all.  She just irritates me.


Thank you shirtless Rollo for making this hour worth watching.


Now bring on the siege!

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Poor Floki is so being set up for a major fall.  But love the process.  Best war council ever with Floki suddenly in charge of a bunch of bewildered earls and warriors.  And I absolutely love the delivery of the line "Floki the TOWER ....... builder."  Like he didn't know how to end his new, self-made title or rather realized how silly it sounded.  (Poor Helga, looks like she wasn't thrilled with the Athelstan sacrifice bit at all).


And in the background, Ragnar is pulling the stings.  He even warns Floki things will not go well for him if he fails.  The walking stick Ragnar was using now does add to showing his aging though.  Reminds you he isn't the younger guy that survived a jump off a cliff a decade back.


No way does Crazy Queen have a son by Ragnar.  As was pointed out by a suddenly logical Aethelwulf, she never "showed" so come off of your delusions, Mad Queen.  And please return the red-haired tyke to his real parents asap.


And kudos to Aethewulf for remembering not to drink the wine until after Kwenthrith took a sip.  (Loved the look she gave him when she realized she needed to take a gulp first, "Like really, you think I'd use the exact same way to off someone twice in a row?"). 


But he even showed some balls at the end when he went on the offensive after being made a kind of prisoner.  Even a grasp of real politics when he mentioned his father could have even set him up to be killed since it would give Ecbert a great reason to invade Mercia.  Aethelwulf actually had some good moments this episode to help balance out the usual bad ones.


And Ecbert is reaching #23 on his bucket list I gave him: "Stab King Aella in the back and steal his lands."  That is once Crazy Queen calms down for two seconds.  And he even finds a way to start seducing Judith via a mutual love for Athelstan.  Guy is pretty hyper-active these days.  Hasn't had a chance for a long bath in some time.


Cheetosandchoc, thanks for the French history above.  Charles the Simple sounds about right for that dude.  I was kind of going with Charles the Not Playing With A Full Deck so glad there is a real title that says the same thing and is way shorter.  Also for spelling Gisela for me.  Oh Princess Gisela, the Kattegat Seer says hi and look for a Bear in your near future.


Was the French commander named Odo with an O?  I thought he was the shape-shifting alien sheriff on Deep Space Nine.


So far the Franks have been pretty dull compared to the Vikings and Saxons.  But leaving aside Athelstan who is in his own unique category and not of the ruling class, the first Saxon mover and shaker we met of import was King Aella and he was/is kind of dull.   It's Wessex and Mercia that have the more colorful Saxon nobles plotting and planning and running amok.  So I will give the Franks a pass for now.

Edited by green
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I'm getting worried for Helga. She'd be safer back home, but since she followed the warriors it feels like she might become a casualty when something goes wrong with the raid and that will be what knocks Floki down a peg.


There's been very little Lagertha in the last two episodes. I'm a little surprised, knowing how popular she is. I hope she'll get to be a major character again in episodes 9-10 (8 will probably be all about the epic raid).

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I wasn't too surprised by the Ecbert/Judith kiss, they are after all both in love with Athelstan. I do think Ecbert's going to regret making an enemy of the Vikings. He wants too much too fast and he doesn't have his weapons with the Vikings. 


Never thought I'd love Princess Krazypants, but I do love Princess Krazypants now. I loved the recapper saying that her and Ecbert are playing the real version of Fuck, Marry, KIll. 


Give Lagertha more to do!! Or at least let her gut Kalf. I did like that she was wearing her fancy I'm a leader furs. 


Everyone should know by now that when Ragnar's more quiet than usual that something is spinning around in his head and mostly involves death. He is looking more like a monk. I could see the Frenchie's seeing the cross around his neck and being confused. 


By the way, did you know that Torvi is played by the younger sister of Maude Hirst, who plays Helga? They look just alike, so I looked on IMDB for verification.


That makes a ton of sense. I too was confused and wondered for a second why Bjorn was talking to Helga, then I was wondering why there was two Helga's. 

Edited by Sakura12
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Is Linus Roache channeling William Shatner doing Capt. Kirk? He. is starting. to speak. in. a. staccato. manner.


I thought King Ecbert's kiss of Judith (whom I find unattractive, but that's not my point!) was creepy, icky, skeevy, and all that. He isn't doing it out of lust for her, nor misplaced love for Athelstan; King Ecbert wants ownership of ALFRED.


Floki, can you not see that Ragnar made a huge fool of you? You will. But hey---the good news is, it won't make you happy! Just like you're not making Helga (maybe she'll stab you the THIRD time you put your hands around her neck).


Who chose these actresses? The blondes all look alike to me, and now so do the brunettes!

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Blondes in social media and pop culture have all looked alike to me since the 80s.  I look forward to seeing Helga (whom I can remember by the curly hair and the Floki-Eye-Makeup routine) give Floki what-fer.  


That earlier comment about Charlemagne (versus Charles the Simple) being a safe bet was a quick one-off during the work day -- not really suitable for quoting, I'm afraid.  Also, very wrong.  LOL  I still think it was a safe bet -- just a wrong one.

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Lothaire Bluteau as the French King! OMG, how great! (Black Robe was a great flick, historical drama fans!)


I don't quite know what to do what with Krazypants, Judith and now Gisla all being fair skinned, blue-eyed, long-haired brunettes. Is there like a medieval princess 3-D printer with only one model? Was no one in  western Europe fair-haired before the Scandinavians came? Did no one in royalty have dark eyes and olive skin?


As long as Floki keeps laughing his hysterical horse-whinnying laugh, I will be on Team Floki. No matter how nutty he gets. Plus, he does get props for his technological innovations!


Count Odo did a creditable job of evincing 'oh, holy shiiiiiit' while watching the longboats arrive.

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I thought this episode one of my hands down favorites. I think that the costuming has taken a huge step up. The leather looking vests that the Vikings are now wearing are just spectacular and so rich with detail. I adore the braiding of the women's hair as well. I am so loving the details, not sure how accurate, but I am really loving how the show is getting bigger and more ornate as the Vikings encounter all of these other cultures.  Despite not wanting to be influenced by the other cultures, they are being influenced by them. Loving King Eckbert. He is a devilish rogue, but can't help but love him for his devious ways. Since Floki was so upset about Athelstan being Christian, I am surprised that he hasn't lost his mind about Ragnar wearing that cross. Did he not see it? I must have missed the beginning of the last episode. I don't recall how Athelstan's death was explained to anyone. Was it explained? How did they think that he died? All of the women have the most beautiful skin in the show. This show is really bringing it on all levels. Has it been nominated for any Emmys? They really deserve it. 

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When Ragnar was holding that snake and mouse (or was it a hamster?) in front of Floki., I was thinking "You're screwed, Floki."  Oh yes, it's coming, and I can't wait to see it.


Queen Krazypants still bugs the hell out of me, but I thought Athelwulf acquitted himself well in dealing with her.  Apparently, he's not as stupid as he looks.   I still don't like what he did to those poor Vikings but I'd like for him to have a hand in bringing his father down. 

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When Ragnar was holding that snake and mouse (or was it a hamster?) in front of Floki., I was thinking "You're screwed, Floki."  Oh yes, it's coming, and I can't wait to see it.


Oh yes! Now I'm wondering if this foreshadows that snakes actually have something to do with Floki's demise.

Will Hirst change what's recorded in the Sagas regarding Ragnar's death and put Floki in that spot due to Ragnar's plotting? 

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"The walking stick Ragnar was using now does add to showing his aging though."  Without any special aging make-up Fimmel sells it that he has aged since we first met him (as a contrast see Jeremy Piven in Mr Selfridge, although at least a decade has passed in that show Piven seems to be preserved in aspic.)  To be honest I was only vaguely aware of Fimmel as an "underwear" model, but the dude can act. 

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I don't quite know what to do what with Krazypants, Judith and now Gisla all being fair skinned, blue-eyed, long-haired brunettes. Is there like a medieval princess 3-D printer with only one model? Was no one in western Europe fair-haired before the Scandinavians came? Did no one in royalty have dark eyes and olive skin?

The show is probably using it as shorthand to help distinguish the characters. Notice that almost all the blondes are Norse characters.

As for olive skinned royals, the show has only visited Scandinavia, England and Northern France. Olive skinned people being scarce is only to be expected. However, if the shows keeps going and we eventually visit Constantinople or Al-Andalus you’ll get your dark-eyed, olive-skinned royals.

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It's fine they want to distinguish the invadees from the invaders, but it makes it hard to distinguish the various princesses from each other!


Fortunately the Princesses of the Brown Hair Circle don't hang out together much.  The Frankish one speaks with this show's version of a Frankish accent, the Northumbrian one is missing an ear and the Mercian one is batshit crazy.  I think I will be able to keep them straight.


I did have problems this episode with Helga and the late Mr Borg's second wife but since the actors are real life sisters I can live with that.  Especially since I should have been looking for the Flokishade Make-Up for Whacked Out Vikes (purchase it at your local long house) on Helga.  At least it is easy to tell the late Mr Borg's first wife from everyone else.  That is if anyone knows what happened to her skull.

Edited by green
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It's fine they want to distinguish the invadees from the invaders, but it makes it hard to distinguish the various princesses from each other!

The French Princess had a bit of a Castilian lisp...she also seemed to be less crazy....even playing Odo...she didn't say she would marry him just that she would be grateful.

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To be honest I was only vaguely aware of Fimmel as an "underwear" model, but the dude can act.


. During the first season, I had to google him to find out who he was.  He is brilliant as Ragnar, and I love that he plays him so subtlety instead of going over the top, which I think, with this character, would be easy to do.


Not pertaining to this episode - but worth noting - last season, during the final episode, Ragnar spoke once, and that was when he said the Lord's Prayer with Althesan.  That was Fimmel's idea.


Overall, this particular episode did not do much for me - but I understand it was to set things up, and truthfully, even a lackluster episode of Vikings beats almost anything else out there.   3 episodes left though - did I hear that right?  


Floki is toast.  Floki should think about the set up with King Horik - and high tail it out of town.

Edited by mwell345
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Regarding Fimmel as Ragnar -- in this episode and pretty much all of them -- in the old days of TWoP, I used to return again and again to the reviews of his role in the ill-fated "Tarzan" in Manhattan show.  OMFG, how I used to laugh.  They would make me so cheerful if I need a bit of a lift-up.  I don't know if the reviews are still out there but there was no mercy for the Australian underwear model.


As Ragnar?  I agree about the "neck acting" as if he was getting ready for a yoga class, but I think he's fantastic.  I have no idea where he pulled that burial scene last episode from but it was a thing of beauty.  


ETA:  Ask and ye shall receive -- and Lo, the Google doth work:  http://www.televisionwithoutpity.com/show/tarzan/

Edited by Captanne
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Hi everybody,

I'm new here and I'm italian, so sorry for my poor english: I just need to spend my (maybe more than) two cents here because I guess I finally understood HOW RAGNAR WILL CONQUER PARIS. It's just a bet but I'm so excited that I can't remain here lurking around.

I won't tell you right the way but just give some hints, so that everyone could make his guess or just ignore them and enjoy the surprise.

Just put together...


The Seer's prediction about Deads conquering Paris

The very very very last words Ragnar says to Athelstan

Some not even so accurate research on internet about how viking conquered some cities in Italy (i.e. Luni, just after Pisa, my own city, devastated by...Bjorn Ragnarsonn himself!)


Ok maybe I'm completely wrong, or worst, many others already said that, but again,


I wanted to tell yaaa!!!


skal to all!

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Hi everybody,

I'm new here and I'm italian, so sorry for my poor english: I just need to spend my (maybe more than) two cents here because I guess I finally understood HOW RAGNAR WILL CONQUER PARIS. It's just a bet but I'm so excited that I can't remain here lurking around.

I won't tell you right the way but just give some hints, so that everyone could make his guess or just ignore them and enjoy the surprise.

Just put together...


The Seer's prediction about Deads conquering Paris

The very very very last words Ragnar says to Athelstan

Some not even so accurate research on internet about how viking conquered some cities in Italy (i.e. Luni, just after Pisa, my own city, devastated by...Bjorn Ragnarsonn himself!)


Ok maybe I'm completely wrong, or worst, many others already said that, but again,


I wanted to tell yaaa!!!


skal to all!

Welcome, Damiano!


I'm very new here myself. I'm intrigued by your speculation. Maybe we could continue this discussion on the "Speculation with Spoilers" thread? 

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