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"The View": Week of 03/30/15


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Mo 3/30: Kevin Bacon, Chef Pepin, Tamara Tunie, guest co-hosts Garcelle Beauvais & Michelle Collins
Tu 3/31: Christina Ricci, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Mayra Rosales, guest co-hosts Raven-Symone & Caroline Rhea
We 4/1: Lennon & Maisy, Hunter Zampa, Maya Penn, ballroom dancers Ruby Castro & Jonas Terleckas, guest co-host Padma Lakshmi
Th 4/2: Mario Cantone, Daphne Oz, Mario Batali, Michael Symon, Carla Hall, Clinton Kelly, Stacy London
Fr 4/3: Guest co-hosts Stacy London & Samantha PonderS


Sorry for putting up this thread up late. I thought the show was off for Easter. Have a good long weekend, everyone!

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I enjoyed the Kevin Bacon interview but I'm not a fan of The Following.  Like Criminal Minds, et al, I just find them too "rough".  Just call me "candy-ass".

I agree, Medicine Crow. I really like Kevin Bacon, but I'm disappointed that he is in that show. It is so violent and the plot is so ludicrous that I can't take it, along with Criminal Minds and the mutilated bodies they show. 

  • Love 5

Another thing that bugs me about Whoopi is when she refers to a guest or co-worker as "Baby." Although I'm sure she thinks it comes across as being kind and relatable, it isn't. She's being patronizing, condescending and dismissive, hardly the qualities suitable to being an effective moderator. Nicolle seems to think that being Whoopi's biggest fan is her best strategy for holding on to her big salary. I think she's wrong about that. At least I hope so.


ETA having trouble with verb/tense agreement. 

Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 11

Well that sucks for those of us who watch for the hot topics and can't escape fast enough when hot topics ends. :(

I had such high hopes for the season. Whoopi is a dream crusher.


Girl, you can say that a bazillion times.  Had you asked me that 20 years ago, I'd have laughed in your face and told you that you were being absurd. :(

I enjoyed the Kevin Bacon interview but I'm not a fan of The Following.  Like Criminal Minds, et al, I just find them too "rough".  Just call me "candy-ass".


No you aren't being a candy-ass. I got hooked into The Following because of someone else in my life suggesting that we should watch it together, tbh I find it triggering and have no idea why I continue to expose myself to it.  Just sayin'.  (Same thing with Homeland, but I'm truly hooked on that show out of continued interest.)

Edited by NextIteration
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If Jacques Pepin was really on it was prerecorded.  He's recovering from a mild stroke.


It was actually the NOT Jacques Chef Pepin, the Latino version, as shown here:  http://chefpepin.com/chef-pepin/


I'm not sure how he gets away with adopting the Chef Pepin name ( with its obvious association) when his real name is Jose A. Hernandez.


With regard to Jacques Pepin...Get Well Soon, Chef!

Edited by Tunia
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"More people vote on American Idol than vote in the national election"    Nicolle brings this up, Whoopi agrees.  


BULLSHIT!   this is one of those things that is repeated so many times, and is based on a falsehood.   American Idol changes their voting methods and rules each season, in order to be able to say that "more people voted this season than ever before".    they extend the voting hours, add more voting methods, increase the limit, etc.   Idol's ratings are falling, they keep finding ways to be able to say how popular the show is.  



Sure, more VOTES are cast on American Idol than votes in a national election.  Not more VOTERS.  You cannot compare the two!   


National election - one vote per voter


 American Idol - 20 votes per week per contestant by phone, 20 more by facebook, 20 more by google, 20 more by text, 20 more by the official website. That's up to 100 votes - per week, per contestant (some people have more than one favorite) .  not even mentioning how people can log more votes by having multiple accounts.  And that Idol gives a statistic on total votes cast for the entire season.  


sorry for the rant - but, while I agree that there is voter apathy, I really want the myth that we're all voting for Idol to go away.  


(I haven't voted since season 2, Clay was robbed) 


I want these women to be smarter than that.  Smart enough to not just repeat a statistic without checking its accuracy.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 15




"More people vote on American Idol than vote in the national election"    Nicolle brings this up, Whoopi agrees.

Nicolle continues to amaze me with the depth of her stupidity.  A person could absorb more knowledge from the atmosphere just by living than Nicolle seems to have.  How did she manage to survive in the White House?  What does this say about the Bush White House.  She does not represent them well.  I would love for SNL to skewer her dumb ass.

  • Love 16

This version, under Whoopi The Sage Of All Opinions, has finally done it for me. We have Neil deGrasse Tyson (!) on and she sits with legs splayed, acting like the Star Trek wise woman, embarrassing the piss out of me while we have newcomer Nicole vying for the most annoying voice of the show at other times. Yep, another Whoopi boobs on the ground joke, too. We could have had more time with Neil if she ever stfu. Whoop has been subdued, even thanking the audience for watching such crap but too late. I thought I could watch the end of this train wreck but they have beaten me with moronic experience. I know the show doesn't care, but screw off from an 18 year watcher. How they don't know they suck is beyond me.

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The way Whoopi carries and dresses herself makes me think she wants to be a man, most men don't sit so sloppily!  She is representing the show and network in a horrible way not just with her appearance but her personality has become a grating issue.  Give the job to someone who cares!  Nicole is just grating.  When Rosie finally gets the floor to speak I roll my eyes up and am starting to time how long it takes her to make a point which often never gets made.  And she needs a makeover, do something with that outdated hair!   

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"More people vote on American Idol than vote in the national election"    Nicolle brings this up, Whoopi agrees.  


BULLSHIT!   this is one of those things that is repeated so many times, and is based on a falsehood.   American Idol changes their voting methods and rules each season, in order to be able to say that "more people voted this season than ever before".    they extend the voting hours, add more voting methods, increase the limit, etc.   Idol's ratings are falling, they keep finding ways to be able to say how popular the show is.  



Sure, more VOTES are cast on American Idol than votes in a national election.  Not more VOTERS.  You cannot compare the two!   


National election - one vote per voter


 American Idol - 20 votes per week per contestant by phone, 20 more by facebook, 20 more by google, 20 more by text, 20 more by the official website. That's up to 100 votes - per week, per contestant (some people have more than one favorite) .  not even mentioning how people can log more votes by having multiple accounts.  And that Idol gives a statistic on total votes cast for the entire season.  


sorry for the rant - but, while I agree that there is voter apathy, I really want the myth that we're all voting for Idol to go away.  


Pikers!  Is DialIdol.com still a thing?  Heck I used to get in a couple thousand votes for SYTYCD before I stopped being invested at all (never used it for anything else).  giggles


Whoopi and her sycophant Nicolle, what a pair.


How bad really, was the Neil deGrasse Tyson interview?  I admire you all for taking this all for the team.  80 some comments last week - the herd has been drastically thinned.  


(For the record and to send you Nicolle flowers from MJ, she was spewing that the IN RFRA law is the same as Bill Clinton's and every other state with Joe this morning.)

Edited by NextIteration
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I want these women to be smarter than that.  Smart enough to not just repeat a statistic without checking its accuracy.

I've long abandoned the idea that this show and it's co-hosts (Whoopi in particular) would ever check out the accuracy of anything they spew but in this case I don't think it even requires checking - just a moment of thinking about what's coming out of their mouth.   I'm not sure someone has to even watch AI to know that viewers can (and are encouraged) to vote multiple times for their favorite.  I'm thinking DWTS is probably the same way.  It appears that half the time not only are they not listening to each other but they don't even listen to themselves. 

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I tuned in today long enough to hear Whoopi and The Whoopsters turn a What Men Say Women Can't Understand about Men into a long discussion about how Whoopi has no problem scratching/adjusting her crotch in public and how she does know what getting kicked in the balls feels like because she gave birth.  THEN, she told everyone watching/listening that they can talk like this because, "this is The View, y'all."      Seems like every time I try to tune in this show has just gotten worse and worse.  There seems to be no bottom. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

I stopped watching the show back in November, and only peek in on these boards now and again, but I wasn't busy yesterday at 11 am so I figured I'd turn it on and see what it's like without Rosie O.


So, when did Whoopi get herself a super-special COMPUTER CHAIR? I mean, I appreciate that they at least upholstered it in the same purple fabric as the other co-hosts' chairs, but if that was an attempt to make it 'blend in,' then clearly Whoopi is allowing the staffers to smoke some of her good shit. I found the handles underneath the seat that lower and adjust the seat to be so incredibly distracting, plus the fact that her chair has a much higher back than the other co-hosts' chairs. I understand she had back surgery a month or so ago, but, really, a COMPUTER CHAIR is the best solution they could come up with? Seriously?!

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I think it's worth it to note that Nicolle was only 25 when she had that fancy title in the GWB White House. There are so many people with so many important sounding titles ... I don't give it too much credence. But it sounds important.


I know that many if not most of the posters here don't care for the Whoopi as matriarch of the panel now but I have to say that since Rosie left, the tension has eased and the show, as inane as some of the shows are, is more watchable for me now. I couldn't watch it when the both of them were across from each other at the table. It was not pleasant to watch or listen to. Had they kept Rosie and booted Whoopi, I think it would have been as much Rosie and the Rosettes as it is now Whoopi and the Whoopets. And honestly, I like the version with Whoopi better. But that is my own humble opinion and I respect those of you who don't feel the same as I do.


On with the show :) I really enjoyed Carolyn Rhea on the show yesterday. She brought fun to the table. Raven-Symon (sorry if spelled wrong) still seems sort of sour. Not a fan of the hairdo she has these days.

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Well, today's show was the shortest watching time due to FFing yet.  I don't really like to watch little children perform, even if they're cute and precocious.  Yes, I know I am missing a gene most women seem to have.  To quote Whoopi, "I don't care what anyone thinks" anymore as I spent many years being told how weird that was.   The second part of my comment for today is how much better it would have been with Rosie O as she does like children.....

Now if they had done a show with cute dogs doing their thing.....

I was feeling guilty because I'm watching The Social instead of The View.  Don't feel alone though, I don't like kids either!!  Dogs/cats -- absolutely!!!

  • Love 5

Just shut up, Nicolle. During the cooking segment, she just had to keep yapping about how inept she was at cooking, how hot the peppers were, etc. Meanwhile Padma just asked interesting, intelligent questions. We know, you're mystified by everything, Nicolle. If only you wouldn't keep talking about it with your nasally, high pitched voice. (Sorry, I'm in a mean mood today.)

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 15


I know that many if not most of the posters here don't care for the Whoopi as matriarch of the panel now but I have to say that since Rosie left, the tension has eased and the show, as inane as some of the shows are, is more watchable for me now. I couldn't watch it when the both of them were across from each other at the table. It was not pleasant to watch or listen to. Had they kept Rosie and booted Whoopi, I think it would have been as much Rosie and the Rosettes as it is now Whoopi and the Whoopets. And honestly, I like the version with Whoopi better. But that is my own humble opinion and I respect those of you who don't feel the same as I do.


I appreciate you sharing your perspective. I'm wondering what you think Whoopi does better than Rosie that makes Whoopi, Nicolle and Rosie P. preferable to Rosie, Nicolle and Rosie P. Because I gotta tell ya, I can't think of a single thing.

I didn't realize Nicolle was only 25 when she scored that White House gig! Very impressive, epecially for someone who can't find Malibu on a map. I really wish the show was live this week, because I'd love to hear her spin the Governor Pence debacle and Jeb Bush's reaction to it.

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I don't know how political the Emmy nominations are, but I'd like to think that the industry folks who vote for the nominees are sincere in wanting to recognize quality work among their peers. When "The View" gets nothing but a hair and make-up nomination (and maybe something else ?), it tells me that the voters see what a mess this show has become. (And I do remember when Joy was there and complained that they never got nominated.) I sorta feel for the guy they brought in from the Rachel Maddow Show. I'm sure he didn't think he would be quite so restricted in what he could do with the show. For one, you have to have a competent person in the head moderator role. He didn't get that with Whoopi and I'm sure she doesn't take (constructive) criticism well. 

  • Love 5

I don't know how political the Emmy nominations are, but I'd like to think that the industry folks who vote for the nominees are sincere in wanting to recognize quality work among their peers. When "The View" gets nothing but a hair and make-up nomination (and maybe something else ?), it tells me that the voters see what a mess this show has become. (And I do remember when Joy was there and complained that they never got nominated.)

I think maybe Joy was complaining about never winning because this show has been nominated for Outstanding Talk Show a dozen or so times.  

  • Love 4

I didn't realize Nicolle was only 25 when she scored that White House gig! Very impressive, epecially for someone who can't find Malibu on a map. I really wish the show was live this week, because I'd love to hear her spin the Governor Pence debacle and Jeb Bush's reaction to it.

Oh, please no. I live in IN and was dreading listening to her spout the right wing talking points ("blahblahClinton, blahblahMedia...). It should all be cleared up by Mon so she can move on to praising the Arkansas legislature.

Edited by Haleth
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Let me add my thanks to those of you who still watch, I don't know how you survive the show!


Could kick myself tho' for missing Neil deGrasse Tyson, one of my all time favorite people.  I was obsessive about his recent mini series.  He is so genuine and enthusiastic about his love of science.  I am energized every time I see him.


Perhaps I was lucky to miss his appearance on this crapfest masquerading as a talk show - my blood pressure would have taken a hit and I can't afford that.

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Just shut up, Nicolle. During the cooking segment, she just had to keep yapping about how inept she was at cooking, how hot the peppers were, etc. Meanwhile Padma just asked interesting, intelligent questions. We know, you're mystified by everything, Nicolle. If only you wouldn't keep talking about it with your nasally, high pitched voice. (Sorry, I'm in a mean mood today.)

Imagine how her poor husband stands it!    Can't imagine that no one has told her to calm down!

  • Love 6

Thanks all for the conversation. I've been a Whoopi Goldberg fan for what seems to be forever. I may have already written this, bear with me if you've already read it. Rosie O'Donnell reminds me of my angry Irish aunts. They would smile with their mouths but their eyes were like you see on birds of prey. In other words, their eyes never smiled at the same time their mouths did. If you look at photos of Rosie, you rarely see a full on eye/mouth smile. I think Tyra Banks calls it a "smize." My Irish aunts could turn on a dime if you said something that got under their skin... they would turn on you. And I've seen that with Rosie O and that is why she discomforts me.


I have only really seen her do a total smile during the "Who Do You Think You Are" episode when she was learning about her genealogy and roots.


So for me, Whoopi's toilet humor and other 'stuff' just doesn't get to me. I'm just happy that the crew seems to have gelled. I would love to see Carolyn Rhea as a regular panel member. She was hysterical on the show and a down to earth person. Bonnie Hunt has always been my "dream panel member" but I don't think that would ever happen. Even without Barbara on the show to put her down.


Hope that makes sense. Probably not :) -- It's late and I'm getting over major oral surgery. Smiling hurts.

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Catching up on some of this week's shows.   An example of what Nicolle does that pisses me off -  

They talk about how bribing kids to do chores is not a good idea, and Nicolle says "I don't care about the research, I'm doing it anyway", with an attitude that researchers don't know what they're talking about.   Then she BRAGS about her kid, at 3, who can already vacuum, do dishes and COOK.   


20 minutes later, she's talking to the kid chef who said he started cooking at age 6, and her response is a startled "AT SIX!!  Oh my gosh!!"   After saying that she herself could barely pour cereal in a bowl at 14.  


The disconnect between "I'm a klutz in the kitchen, I can't believe this teen can cook"  and "Yeah, I'm a great parent of a kid who can do anything"  is an example of what she does.  She does it all the time.  She presents herself as an accomplished political insider, then turns around and she's a ditzy blonde who doesn't understand technology and has no clue about very basic information that everyone should know.  I end up feeling angry , wondering how someone with clearly only average (if that) intelligence, and no talent that i can see,  could have made it as far as she has.


She needs to figure out who she is and stick to it, stop trying to re-invent herself every 5 minutes.   The overall impression I end up with is that between Nicolle and sarah Palin, no wonder most Republican men don't respect women's intellect. 

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Whoopi makes a connection between obesity and genetically modified food.  HUH? 


And Whoopi - you might not want to know the calorie or fat content of your fast food - so don't pay attention to it.  Because some of us WANT to know.  

Then she says people shouldn't BOYCOTT against certain food ingredients - if they don't like it, don't eat it!! Isn't that what BOYCOTT means?  


And now, I guess The View has heard what I have said, that The Chew is a superior show, so they're bringing on The Chew crew to inject some life?  But I can't watch any more, because Mario keeps SCREAMING  at me.

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And Whoopi - you might not want to know the calorie or fat content of your fast food - so don't pay attention to it.  Because some of us WANT to know. 

Then she says people shouldn't BOYCOTT against certain food ingredients - if they don't like it, don't eat it!! Isn't that what BOYCOTT means?




Why shouldn't people boycott certain ingredients?  I refuse to eat anything with high fructose corn syrup in it because that crap is so bad for you.  I read every label of things I buy.  And Whoopi would be the last person I would listen to where food was concerned.  Didn't she say once she didn't eat vegetables?

  • Love 4

Omg. Today's show. Unbelievable.. There r no words......

jbx, you know this just makes me want to tune in, lol. 


And now, I guess The View has heard what I have said, that The Chew is a superior show, so they're bringing on The Chew crew to inject some life?  But I c watch any more, because Mario keeps SCREAMING  at me.

Is this a taped show or live?   The Chew got all kinds of Daytime Emmy noms (and The Spew did not) so I am wondering if it came up although, even if it was live I doubt this rude show would mention it. 

Is this a taped show or live?   The Chew got all kinds of Daytime Emmy noms (and The Spew did not) so I am wondering if it came up although, even if it was live I doubt this rude show would mention it. 

They aren't live again until April 13th! That one is sold out for some reason. They don't even have those guests listed yet so, who knows?!

They aren't live again until April 13th! That one is sold out for some reason. They don't even have those guests listed yet so, who knows?!

Thanks ginger.  I tuned in before I saw this but clicked right out again when I saw today's guest co-host was Stacey London.  Well, that and Whoopi announcing she doesn't want to know what's in her fast food or how many calories it contains so no need for companies to include that information for anyone else.  Shocker.  

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Good for you Cosmocrunch..... wish I had.....


Good grief....WG's expressions on food are disgusting. Quite ugly and judgemental.  I don't think NW needs to chatter uselessly/incessantly during Michael Symon's recipe. RP cares about winning. SL about her love for Clinton.


And Mario C is a lunatic.


I remember last year when The Chew came on the show and insane SS made a fool of herself. 




I will totally be out if Monica Lewinsky is hired as a permanent co-host. I simply cannot imagine what she has to offer....even when the past is the past, but since then definitely. Nothing to add at all.


But then I don't care about any of the co-hosts anymore.....not even for the snark value. 

  • Love 6



And Mario C is a lunatic.

I remember last year when The Chew came on the show and insane SS made a fool of herself.

Yeah, what is it about The Chew people that means when they visit The View, everyone has to be so CRAZY?   

I used to think Mario Cantone was too much, too hyper, too loud.  Then, in the past few months, there was a softer side to him, he seemed kind of goofy, but sincere. Somewhat restrained.  And I liked him.

 But the View/Chew cooking show?  Holy shit!  That was a full-blown manic episode!   Shouting, pawing people, turning everything into a sexual innuendo! was he mainlining Red Bull? 


And everyone else just responded with more hysteria, making the show nearly unwatchable.  Some of the food looked good, I wish they gave the recipes.  But I guess there wasn't time for that. 

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