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S05.E16: Conquer

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Talk about balls: When Rick left "confinement" and walked outside and immediately ran into those 3 men. He said hello to at least one of them by name, and I think one of them called him Rick.  He held his head high (even with all the little teeny-tiny bandaids on it).

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"But you setup noise traps around your camp to alert you of any walkers?"


Didn't we see Sasha, Bob, and Maggie do this a few times in their post Fall of the Prison episode? I think they do know how to do this, we just haven't seen them doing it much.


So Rick is now the new Jack Bauer...only more annoying...and less competent.

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Talk about balls: When Rick left "confinement" and walked outside and immediately ran into those 3 men. He said hello to at least one of them by name, and I think one of them called him Rick.  He held his head high (even with all the little teeny-tiny bandaids on it).


Rick was so hot to me in that scene. Which shocks me, because when this show started I did not find him in the slightest bit attractive. 

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I thought Rick came across well in the "meeting" at the end. Of course, when you come to a meeting carrying a dead walker over your shoulder, you're certain to call attention to yourself.


One thing I wasn't sure I heard right (well, there were many things, but I've forgotten the others): At the end did Rick say (something like) "I was thinking of how many of you I would have to kill, but now I don't think I need to kill any of you."  Did he really say that?  And, yet, everybody seemed to fall in love with him.


"Oh, honey, he's not going to kill us . . . just some other people."

Edited by JackONeill
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One thing I wasn't sure I heard right (well, there were many things, but I've forgotten the others: At the end did Rick say (something like) "I was thinking of how many of you I would have to kill, but now I don't think I need to kill any of you."  Did he really say that?  And, yet, everybody seemed to fall in love with him.


LOL, yea, he definitely said that. Or something along those lines. I was yelling at the TV at that point - "Rick! Some thoughts we keep to ourselves!"

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And why didn't Daryl at least *try* to hotwire the car once they were inside?  I mean, maybe it had gas, maybe it didn't.  Wasn't it worth a shot?


Heehee!  I kept thinking that Rosita, in her relative inexperience (?) had gone with a "better safe than sorry" approach to closing the wounds, so she just kept sticking stuff to his face.


I'm gonna be honest, I didn't even think of hotwiring that car. You'd think Daryl would have that kind of instinct to at least try. Also, "Wolves Not Far" was written on the car too -- can we conclude that the Wolves are the ones tagging things? Like "Wolves Wuz Here LoL." I have a feeling the Wolves are just going to be a little campy and not a genuinely scary threat. Ugh.


As for the medical side, I can fan wank that CDB has some medical training from Hershel (and that doctor at the prison - don't remember his name). Wasn't Carol training with Hershel at one point? They may not be able to diagnose things but they might be able to crudely patch up Glenn and fight off any infection if Pete has the right meds. 

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Oh, Father Gabriel, you are one messed up dude.  I know so many fans are clamoring for FPP and Nicholas to become walker chow, but I loved how Glenn's and Maggie's innate goodness kept them from killing the bad guys (as long as it doesn't come back to bite them).  I hope both can be redeemed. (A lesser show would have had Pete deliberately letting the walkers in.)

I'd been fearing for both Glenn and Daryl from spoilers I'd inadvertantly seen.  Whew.  And I thought Sasha would not last the episode since Sonequa is still only a guest star.  Once again she gave a tremendous performance.  I hope TPTB give her a promotion to main cast next season.


When Rick got walker goo dumped on him like he was Jennifer Beals in Flashdance, I thought man, I hope all those wounds on your face are sealed up tight, buddy.


He is already infected so unless the wounds are life threatening he should be ok.  Of course the only doctor is dead now so....

Are we 100% Deanna was telling Rick to kill Pete . . . OR . . . her husband?


100% sure it was Pete.  Reg will be next.


I think now that everyone is on the same page Rick will be able to turn down the crazy.  Get people involved in maintaining their safety instead of planning cocktail parties.  If the ASZers finally see that they are in danger and do something about it he won't get so frustrated with them.  Children indeed.

Edited by Haleth
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So FPP takes a casual stroll, probably not too far from ASZ, and runs across a walker with a fresh kill? I get to say this one more time: You haven't seen anyone, alive or dead, in a long time, Deanna? Really?!??!


I felt like I was watching an odd production of Into The Woods at times the past few weeks. Who the hell isn't wondering around in the woods?


They may not be able to diagnose things but they might be able to crudely patch up Glenn and fight off any infection if Pete has the right meds.



There was a healthy-sized medicine cabinet next to Tara's bed, so at least there's that.

Edited by morgankobi
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That was an amazing 90 minutes of television right there!  Kick ass to the very very end!!!


Okay first, how great was Morgan in the opening scene?  He goes all ninja master splinter with his big stick on the Unfair Wolves!


I was scared for Glenn until the very end!  I am not glad that he got shot but I am SO glad that he stopped himself from killing Nicholas.  I think he recognized that his actions went against everything they were trying to do in Alexandria.


Daryl and Aaron are all kinds of awesome together!  I was truly scared for them but cheered so hard when Morgan saved them!  Afterwards, when Aaron was telling him about Alexandria and he handed the map to Daryl with Rick's name on it, I got chills.


When Rick was saying "I don't want to lie to them" I think he was saying that he would rather be completely true to them about the world.  The Alexandrians are very naive in the ways of the world as it is now.  I love everything that little town stands for.  I love that they are trying so hard to build a community but they have to be realistic about the ways of the world.  At this moment, they are completely weak and vulnerable.  I think Deanna was able to see what Rick was saying on 2 counts -- 1)  2 Zombies wandered in because FPP forgot to shut and lock the gate.  2)  Pete (one of their own) came in with the katana sword completely unhinged and in his anger, killed Reg by accident.  Now the question becomes did Deanna order the kill on Pete for revenge or because she saw the light from Rick's speech?


I really wanted FPP demise.  When he had his arms out to the zombie to say that he was ready, all I could think was "So are we, so are we.".  Completely disappointed that he is still there.  


I love that Michonne got the end credits shot.  


2 powerful and quiet moments in this episode:


The scene where Maggie, Sasha and  FPP held hands and prayed.  In a world where all hell has literally broken loose -- these people are trying to hard to keep their faith. 


The scene at the very end where Michonne put her katana sword on once again.  It was symbolic because she realizes that what Rick said is true.  Even though they have found a safe haven of sorts.  The haven isn't safe unless they continue to fight to keep it safe.  As much as she wants to believe in rebuilding the world, they are not quite there yet.

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The scene at the very end where Michonne put her katana sword on once again.  It was symbolic because she realizes that what Rick said is true.  Even though they have found a safe haven of sorts.  The haven isn't safe unless they continue to fight to keep it safe.  As much as she wants to believe in rebuilding the world, they are not quite there yet.


True, but there is nothing wrong with having the occasional cocktail party or BBQ at the same time.

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Lose a dish, get rid of another wife beater.  I'm sure this works for her.

Maybe, but I wouldn't want to be the one to tell her she's not getting her dish back. I am loving Carol channeling both June Cleaver and Lizzie Borden, at the same time, but she does seem really, really close to the edge. 


I will really worry when she starts joining Sasha's slumber parties.

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I know so many fans are clamoring for FPP and Nicholas to become walker chow, but I loved how Glenn's and Maggie's innate goodness kept them from killing the bad guys (as long as it doesn't come back to bite them).  I hope both can be redeemed. (A lesser show would have had Pete deliberately letting the walkers in.)


I understand the rage at Glenn and Maggie's decisions to let Dickolas and FPP live, believe me, I do. However, it's interesting that both men had complete emotional breakdowns and broke through their respective defensive emotional walls. That likely played a big part in Glenn and Maggie's choice and it might be the mens'  saving grace. We'll see if it sticks, and they can rebuild themselves as part of the "family".

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- Carol bordering on self-parody. It's obvious that the show is in love with the idea of "Scarol," and with Hardwick cheerleading hardcore on Talking Dead, no wonder. The problem is that they are beginning to lose the character in overly aware clichespeak. The line about getting the dish back made me roll my eyes. I don't believe that's something she, or anyone in the real world, would have said. This isn't a Dirty Harry movie. The character is being boxed in and I don't like it.


I thought the same thing last night and it irritated the hell out of me. Carol is one of the few characters who has been fleshed out, and they're taking huge leaps toward making her a caricature suddently. Bleah.

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loved him too.  Didn't he get fired because of his DUI?  I think all three actors who got DUIs were fired.


         As I recall, Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros were fired for their DUI arrests.


         Adelwale(Mr. Eko) asked to be witten off the show.


         He has joined the cast of Game of Thrones this season.



Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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I want Nicholas dead, for his general cowardice and what he did to Noah, but I think they've handled this storyline kind of sloppily. Why does he want to kill Glenn so badly? Is it just some macho pride thing? Is it because Glenn knows the truth?

Yeah, I think so. His cowardice is different than Eugene and FPP's, who both admit to being liabilities and useless. Nicholas on the other hand is a bully who has convinced himself he is Rambo, going so far as to install himself in a leadership position on runs, and no one until now has been able to contradict him since he abandoned them to be torn limb from limb. Fast forward to present day and he is being pawned in every imaginable way by this small guy who probably resembles the nerds he used to beat up at recess but in actuality is a badass ultimate warrior with a hot wife. He can't stand it.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I don't mind the whole group praising Rick. He has kept them alive, after all

I think this is giving Rick too much credit. Sure he's the leader if you will but the group has played just as much a part in their survival and Rick's survival. If the idea is that they are only alive because of Rick, when the group was separated disproves that. I think the majority of the group is just as tough as Rick and it could be argued they are tougher considering Rick is the only one who has gone wacko twice LOL


I was so happy to see Morgan and this episode may be the first since season 3 that I will watch again. I was giddy when he opened the episode. I was extra giddy when he helped save Darryl and Aaron.


I want to see Michonne and Morgan fighting together. M&M, now that I could ship.


I actually thought Glenn was going to kill Nicholas but I'm glad he didn't. Hopefully the show won't drop it and address Nicholas' temp murder of Glenn next season. I did roll my eyes to see Glenn come out OK after all those walkers closed in on him. Yeah Glenn is awesome but it was ridiculous that he made it out alive when he didn't even have a weapon. But YAY! that Glenn still lives.


Glad Rick is coming across as semi sane now. They better watch him though considering this is the second time he's gone to crazy town. 


After watching Lennie James on TTD, I love Morgan even more. I didn't know he was British so when I heard that accent ... yeah I love Morgan.

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Overall, it was a satisfying season ender for me.  It's interesting that Glenn and Maggie (and oddly Morgan) haven't lost their ability to forgive the unforgivable - not killing Nicolas, FPP and the Wolves, respectively. Whereas, Rick and Carol are on the other end of the spectrum with kill or be killed mentality.


I'm not getting the Wolves - are they just deranged killers who want to take EVERYTHING they see (including Morgan's instant coffee/tea)?  And they do so by luring people into traps to do so?  Odd that Wolf #1 had no bullets in his gun.  Apparently, the trap set for Aaron and Daryl had been used before (hence the crumpled note "It's a TRAP!")  I guess they release the walkers, trap the living in the car, then coax the walkers back to the semis and kill/rob the living?  Was I the only one hoping for the 2 of them to have a kiss for luck before broaching the walkers?  Just me?  ok.


And where in the hell did the Unfair Wolves generate the power to run the zombie disco near the end of the episode?  Flashing lights? Music? Electric Garage door openers?   It would be very anti-climatic to discover that the wolves gang are just the 2 offspring of Rube Goldberg.  Also, Aaron and Daryl - very skilled trackers/hunters/recruiters but they don't smell a trap when there are cans hanging off of the trucks?  And Aaron's priority is grabbing an Alaska license plate? Suspension of belief I guess...


So, CDB are not telling their Chuck Palahniuk stories to the ASZers because they're afraid they won't believe it, or they might have nightmares?  Do the Alexandrians even know that everyone is already infected?  First order of business after capping Pete will be to put a knife thru Reg's temple.  Hope Deanna can deal with THAT.

Edited by HighMaintenance
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I think a really big part of the "sticking up for Rick" thing by CDB is if he is given the boot, what's to stop them from kicking me or us out next?!


Its solidarity, sure, but despite all the 'team talks', its still an "every human for themself" world.


No, that is not what was happening. You missed the entire point of this episode (and the series as a whole) which was that it is not and never is "every human for themself." Rick's group was never at any risk of fracturing, turning on Rick or siding with the Alexandrians, despite Rick, Carol, and Daryl's secret plan. This was exactly the point that Michonne made when she told Rick that she hit him to save him and that he should not have been afraid to tell her the plan because she is always with him.


Rick's people never had any intention of letting Rick get kicked out or leaving as a group. The point of speaking on Rick's behalf at the meeting was to convince the Alexandrians to see things their way so they could avoid a violent take over. Their plan was to take over Alexandria. Rick agreed that they would try to convince the Alexandrians to see things their way at the meeting, but if things went bad, then they would grab Deanna, threaten them with the gun, even kill one if they had to so they could get control of the armory and take over. This is why Michonne said something would happen, but Rick should not make it happen and then Rick agreed with Carl that this was their home, but warned he might have to kill one of them if he could not convince them. 


Regarding Rick being responsible for people's deaths


Everyone in Rick's group is alive because they have risked their lives to save each other and have stuck together. Despite, what some people insist Rick is not responsible for every death that has occurred, people have died for all sorts of reasons from bad luck to bad decisions to encountering bad people. Ultimately, they have survived as a group this long because of Rick's flawed leadership, persistence, discipline, willingness to risk his life to save theirs, and refusal to abandon his people when they get in trouble or captured. One thing that has changed about Rick is that he now realizes that he cannot let the bad people go or walk away from them because they eventually come back and cause more death. The Alexandrians have a much better chance of surviving the oncoming attack from the "W" people if they learn from Rick and his people. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I love that Rick came back to himself by the end of this episode. He told my beloved Michonne the truth and it turns out that she was always on his side.

I swore they were ganna kiss then...

I'd have shouted louder than I did when it looked like Glenn got shot then when he was ganna be zombie chow.

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Alexandria could take a hint from those guys and start their own zombie rave. Those walkers were so dutiful in going back in the truck, even with fresh meat just a few feet away through the fence. Deanna even already has the perfect mix CD to use.

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Seeing all of those tiny band-aids on Rick's face cracked me up.  It looked like he got into a catastrophic shaving accident.

LOL I thought well at least they patched him up. They might kick him out but they were going to take good care of him while he remain within the walls LOL

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While I am so happy that Morgan found Rick, I wish we would be able to look forward to a reunion without complication. Obviously shooting a human isn't compatible with an "all life is precious" outlook. I hope we find out how Morgan got to that point, but I felt the show having him show up just at the moment of a bloody Rick killing someone was just manufactured drama.

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Oh for Pete's sake (pun intended), I sure hope Rick shot him. If he is still alive and Carol finds out he broke her dish ....


I can't wait for those Wolves to come to Alexandria with that nonsense. Rick will probably send Judith, Eugene and FPP to handle the "light work" while he finishes his dinner.


Love Morgan and glad to see him back but I just wish people like him would realize you can't leave these types of people alive - FINISH HIM


Glen and Dickolas - FINISH HIM


Sasha and FPP - FINISH HIM


Hangman walker and FPP - FINISH HIM

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I will really worry when [Carol] starts joining Sasha's slumber parties.

Carol is fully, completely alive now, feeling 100% of her power, if she had seen Sasha lying in the pit of dead one's, Carol would have pitied her, not joined her. Sasha and Carol are complete opposites, Sasha is dead, Carol is alive.


So the Wolf trap, that was interesting! I will admit to you all, the shot of Daryl and Aaron walking towards the food trucks, I was amazed to see our boy Daryl wearing SKINNY JEANS!!!! Oh man, no way in hell Daryl and Aaron dont end up together, fuck whatever Kirkman said! Anyway, the wolves, the wolves, the wolves. It is so very unlikely that people that deranged, that frankly psychotic could really manage such a detailed operation, not with two people, not with 20. It's just too much craycray. People IRL that tend to do that kind of sick stuff work alone. The wolves have no real goals other than to do exactly what they've been shown to do, BTK writ large.

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Morgan had some smooth moves but the dude on LOST did the killer walking stick first.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say this was done way before Lost -- "Kung Fu," anyone? Morgan is much like Caine in that he wanders the country looking for someone (crap, I think it was a relative...and Rick's the closest thing he has to family/friend), fights only when he has to, and does not want to kill. If he makes reference to pebble snatching, and pulls out a long flute, I'm gonna die laughing.

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boy Daryl wearing SKINNY JEANS!!!!

I just have to say that he had rope tied around the legs, presumably to keep ticks and other creepy crawlies out. I have noticed he's done that at least all of 5b. :)

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Preston IS an idiot. He needs to be put in the corner and barred for life from gate duty.

Yeah. Before last night, I thought he was the more sensible brother of the two. But, no. After asking FPP if they could talk about Aiden's death, Spencer basically says, "I am guarding the gate now, but I have this meeting to get to, so I'm going to leave it unguarded. Since you're a foot closer to the gate we secure to keep us all safe, why don't you close the gate? I, as the guard, trust you completely to do my job."

Edited by Captain Asshat
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I am more than a bit confused.  I have just a few questions....


Were those two dudes that Morgan beat up, the same two dudes that set up that trap that Daryl tripped?  I couldn't see their faces very well.  So, because Morgan didn't kill those two dudes, a hiker with a red/orange backpack was sacrificed to the Walkers, so the trap could be reset?


Were those two dudes, the same two dudes that were kicked out of Alexandria?  One of the dudes that was kicked out, was supposed to be really smart.  That trap looked kind of complicated.  It just kind of adds up.  Still, I think a woman was kicked out too, and she is still missing.


How did Glenn escape those Walkers?  He looked like a dead man.  TPTB could have at least shown that fight scene.


I have no idea how large the Alexandira settlement is, there was a very small attendance to the meeting about Rick.


The season ending episode wasn't bad, but I think it could have been better.  That really wasn't much of a cliffhanger ending..


Most seem to agree they were the same two wolves that Morgan let live, yes. I wasn't completely sure what the thought process was when they brought poncho guy to the trap. It didn't seem to be consistent with their handling of Morgan. But it seemed that things changed when they realized the trap had already been triggered by someone else, so they killed the guy.


There's no indication that they are two of the three people banished from Alexandria. It wouldn't surprise me if that turned out to be the case, or if the three banished people returned. But these guys were 100 miles away from there when they (presumably) attacked Noah's community, and they are most likely part of a larger pack. (My assumption is the producers didn't want to bring in a bunch of extras to play the Wolves for only one episode this season, then have to try to bring them all back for next season, so we'll see the larger group next year.)


They didn't show Glenn escaping the walkers so they could surprise us when he jumps Nicholas again. Such is life.


The show is so very inconsistent and obscure with the size of the Alexandria community. Sometimes it seems like there's two dozen, sometimes a hundred. Couldn't they have given us a hint when Rick and Co. showed up, "welcome to Alexandria, we have about 100 people in our community but we need more."

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While I am so happy that Morgan found Rick, I wish we would be able to look forward to a reunion without complication. Obviously shooting a human isn't compatible with an "all life is precious" outlook. I hope we find out how Morgan got to that point,


I hope they do too. Honestly, I'm not loving that aspect of Morgan right now. And he's one of my favorite characters, I was so excited to see him back. I just really don't get that mentality. A bit of middle ground is fine. While I would have leaped for joy had FPP met his demise, I get what Maggie did and I am okay with it. The Wolves are an entirely different story, though. From Morgan's brief talk with that guy, he knows their group is about taking people's shit and taking PEOPLE - and doing God knows what to them. How on earth can you be okay just knocking dirtbags like that out and leaving them to prey on someone else the next time? He knows Rick and his family are out there. What if the Wolves killed Carl? I just don't get it. It makes no fucking sense. Some humanity is great, but when you're living in the ZA, it's kind of on you to do the other survivors a favor and take out human garbage if you can.

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When Rick first walked into the meeting with a bloody face and threw down the zombie you could see CDB's reaction on their faces like Michonne and them thinking "Oh shit, we just stuck up for him and now he is going to screw it up by losing it again". hee

Edited by Armchair Critic
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The scene at the very end where Michonne put her katana sword on once again.  It was symbolic because she realizes that what Rick said is true.  Even though they have found a safe haven of sorts.  The haven isn't safe unless they continue to fight to keep it safe.  As much as she wants to believe in rebuilding the world, they are not quite there yet.


I actually took the katana moment to mean that Michonne realized the message of this season.  As Deanna said, who we WERE does matter -  that is the embodiment of Alexandria.  Viewers had such a viceral dislike of this place because it is so jarringly WRONG in the ZA world that is being presented.  But really that place is the American Dream in a nutshell.  It's what they SHOULD want.  But CDB is the hard, ugly version of who we HAVE TO BE in order to survive.  Rick and Carol represented the extreme of juxtaposition.  But I think the struggle and the answer has always been taking place inside Michonne.  What matters most is who we ARE NOW.  Not one or the other, but a blend of the two.  Alexandria should not be abandoned, it should be tweaked so that it can be sustained.  Michonne can be a benign member and co-constable, but she can also be the katana wielding badass that she has become and not be afraid of that.  Same with FPP - while I hate that he lived, during the course of this episode, three separate people sought out his services.  Two, who had every right and motivation to kill him, instead chose to save him.  Why?  Because people in the ZA need faith and hope.  Repentance isn't being sorry, repentance is changing your ways.  Maybe Gabe will change into somebody useful.


I actually came on just to say that I am tired of that beautiful katana being used by bad guys to murder kindly older gentlemen.  That is the second time it cut the throat of the patriarch.  Enough already!

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Yeah. Before last night, I thought he was the more sensible brother of the two. But, no. After asking FPP if they could talk about Aiden's death, Preston basically says, "I am guarding the gate now, but I have this meeting to get to, so I'm going to leave it unguarded. Since you're a foot closer to the gate we secure to keep us all safe, why don't you close the gate? I, as the guard, trust you completely to do my job."

I think you guys mean Spencer, right?

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I just have to say that he had rope tied around the legs, presumably to keep ticks and other creepy crawlies out. I have noticed he's done that at least all of 5b. :)

Oh I wasn't looking at the ankles, the entire pants are very tight, almost Michonne level tightness, as tight as jeans can be on a guy and not cut his junk off tight. I might have rewound a time or two...Edit to add, lord have mercy but all the looks between Aaron and Daryl in that car, I mean I know Rick (AL) is the master of the eye fuck but Daryl (NR) was seriously giving him a run for the money, he was banging the ever loving hell out of Aaron in that car! At least that's how I saw it.

Edited by diebartdie
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Can any of you Closed Caption junkies help?

When Pete comes to the meeting, what does Carol say to Rick? Do it now? Not Now?

Most seem to agree they were the same two wolves that Morgan let live, yes. I wasn't completely sure what the thought process was when they brought poncho guy to the trap. It didn't seem to be consistent with their handling of Morgan. But it seemed that things changed when they realized the trap had already been triggered by someone else, so they killed the guy.

I think by "take" he meant take Morgan to the food warehouse, like they did poncho guy. (Easier to transport them that way.) They get them there, kill them, and replenish their trap.

Edited by morgankobi
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When Rick got walker goo dumped on him like he was Jennifer Beals in Flashdance, I thought man, I hope all those wounds on your face are sealed up tight, buddy.


Oh and the red poncho made me think of the red balloon from last week.

You may be on to something. I remember in the movie "The Sixth Sense" the color red was always supposed to signal something.


I am not understanding the whole wolf thing. What is their objective? Are they people who were banished from ASZ? Is it just revenge or just your basic cray cray?

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Never, and I mean nevery watch the finale with people who don't know the show well and are drinking. ...off to rewatch, which is more like a first watch :(


Ah, yes. This is why I watch the show completely alone and even "exile" my loud, talkative cat to another room during show time. 


Count me in on enjoying Abe's "vast ocean of shit" speech. Also count me in on wanting CDB to "use their words" and really explain the horrific things they've seen. I wanted so badly for Maggie to say to Deanna, "I kept my dead mother in a barn, watched the man who sexually assaulted me behead my father, and was reunited with my little sister only after a deranged cop blew her brains out. So yeah, I lost WAY MORE, girlfriend." (Just kidding, we all know Maggie didn't have a little sister.)


I really do worship at the altar of Danai Gurira. She always kills it but that post-credits scene...man. It was so simple yet so BIG. I don't know any other way to describe it. I am thankful the writers trust Danai to get the point across with her acting and don't make her say stupid things. As much as I enjoyed Carol from an entertainment perspective, Carol is starting to feel a little hammy (not MMB's fault either). 

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I don't understand what Pete was talking about when he kept saying "This is him!  This is him!" at the end.



I think #RickIsThePlague was trending on twitter and Pete realized it was the same Rick. I love Rick and the gang just as much as the next guy but let's face it, once they arrive you need to get your affairs in order and choose your manner of death

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I enjoyed the ending because people finally realized who they were. It wasn't closure, not by a long shot, but Glenn and Sasha didn't kill, Father Gabriel understands he is a coward, Deanna has finally seen how dangerous the world really is and Rick has calmed down to the point where people will listen to him and understand that he has some decent ideas. That was a satisfying ending to season 5 and season 6 is set up decently.

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I think by "take" he meant take Morgan to the food warehouse, like they did poncho guy. (Easier to transport them that way.) They get them there, kill them, and replenish their trap.


I'm not disagreeing with you, but I guess what I don't get is -- what's the point?  They capture someone as living/dead bait. They then load the walkers into the trucks just to capture one or two more people.  That seems to be an awful lot of work to capture people, plus you're having to kill a fresh one to capture 1 or 2 other fresh ones.  That's like reaching around your ass to scratch your elbow.  There are easier ways to capture people. (And scratch your elbow.)


Or, did I miss something?

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I watched this in a hotel room with other people so I might have missed a few things. Was thrilled to see ninja Morgan, and part of me melted when he said "all life is precious". And yea, I know ZA and all, but I just loved that statement. Also loved the moment of faith shared with Maggie, Sasha and FPP. But, can't the man do anything right? How hard is it to close a damn gate?

I'm in the group that thinks Carol is becoming a joke and I'm guessing her clean plate comment will be the new Lets put that on a tee shirt! Not realistic and sorry Carol acting like a bully isn't justified because you were once bullied.

And when Morgan handed the map and note about Rick to Daryl, was I the only one who wondered if Daryl knew how to read? Yea, I'm mean. I guess I liked it, more to think about and comment on later.

Edited by Madding crowd
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