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Small Talk: The Inner Circle

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I converted the show request into the Small Talk thread for the show -- a social thread and not generally for specific show discussion.

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I'm always late to the snark for the Challenge - I don't have cable, and MTV puts recent episodes on a delay.  (It also means, that to avoid spoilers, I have to skip Grantland's weekly reality wrap up column for 1-3 weeks at a time.)  I hope they put it on a short delay this season (like two seasons ago,) as opposed to last seasons two week delay.

I don't watch The Real World, so these famewhores come in with a fairly clean slate, (with the exception of those that really stand out to the Grantland folk - Hurricane, I'm looking at you,) but they usually fall out of my good graces within the first three episodes.  (The drama/drinking/hooking-up episodes that I don't care for as much.)

Sadly, this show is my jam. I recapped four seasons on another site, and I did two more on my blog. It's a trainwreck from start to finish, and I know that I should quit it, but I just can't. Occasionally, you have a happy ending, like CT winning Rivals II last season with that ginger jackass Wes. But more often than not, it's a huge pain in the ass. If anybody has a twelve-step program on swearing off Bunim-Murray programming, I'd like to hear it.

Edited by Lantern7
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Sorry, Lantern7, I don't know how to quit it either. I haven't watched The Real World since the first New Orleans season in 2000 and have almost no idea who any of these folks are, yet I still watch every Challenge season. I just like to see what crazy activities these jokers will do for money. I'm thrilled by the way this new Challenge will work so that the boys can't complain about their "dead weight." 

I'm another Challenge addict. I can not quit this stupid show. I haven't watch the Real World since...I think Hollywood. (RIP Joey)

I love Laurel. She's one of my faves. Couldn't stand her until she went off on Paula during Rivals, and then I was instantly on team Laurel, because I also love Cara Maria. Can't stand Diem. She seems so fake and vapid to me. HATED Jenn, hope she's gone for good. Wish we'd see Svetlana on another challenge.

On the guys side, so tired of Johnny. GTFO, Bananas. Love Landon, and wish he would come back. Used to love Derrick from Xtreme, until he became a JEK groupie. I find Wes hilariously entertaining, though he can be a cocky little twerp a lot of the time.

More thoughts when the new season airs. I'm excited. Damn it.

Good one, Maverick, I like that title. :) If I never see Diem again it will be too soon. I'm so glad that there's a Challenge forum here. I haven't watched a Real World since Brooklyn & before that San Diego with Robin & Brad. But I can't give up these challenges. Don't know why. This is really the only "sports" show I watch. hehe. Glad to see Laurel back. I didn't like her either until she teamed up with Cara Maria and told Paula off. One of my favorite challenge moments ever. I also have a perverse fondness for Wes. I do miss Derrick, but glad to see that maybe he has a life now. Can't wait for the new season to start.

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

I just got into The Challenge last season (probably the only one this late to the party), so I'm pretty interested to see the new season.  My only big disappointment going in is that none of the current Real World cast are going to be on this season.  Also it seems like a lot of people who were on Rivals II are back - is that common?  

I think it's too close to taping the RW for current members to be on it. I'm sure a few will show up from this past season next Challenge.


I'm new to this trainwreck too. In terms of old seasons, which seasons are good and which are bad? Is there a good place to start, or should I just watch through them in order? (Edit: My previous Bunim-Murray knowledge is limited to Isaac's two-day stint on Big Brother UK and, like, an old old episode of Road Rules that I saw on mute while at a bowling alley years ago, so a "go with the people you like" answer won't help.)

Edited by SnideAsides

I guess this is where I should put this.

I just saw Jenn at Chilis, she has gained a LOT of weight. I used to see her a lot, she lives the next town over but hadn't seen her in about a year.

She's really short, I'd say 5 foot 1 at most and she's pretty heavy now. She was in sweats so maybe she's trying to work out to get the weight off.

The last time I saw her was at Chili's (I only go there once in a while but have seen her there 4 times) and she was drunk and yelling about having to wait for a table like the rest of us.

I also saw Cynthia [Miami) at Arbys here in the Bay Area a few years ago. She's really tiny too. These people ahead of us in line kept staring at her and whispering to each other. She looked at me and I said to her that the staring must get old. She said it does but it happens less and less these days.

We talked for a few minutes, she knew I knew who she was and I think she appreciated that I didn't mention the Real World. We just spoke of random things.

She's really sweet.

Has anybody had any Challenge encounters?

I'm really bored.

Edited by Maharincess


Has anybody had any Challenge encounters?

I think I saw Sophia from BOTS2 working at a bat mitzvah around 2006. She was working with a DJ setting things up I didn't go up to her because I was embarrassed if it wasn't her, but she still had the aphro which is why I recognized her.


ETA not really an encounter, but this past summer I was waiting for a NJ Transit train and Swift from this past season had posted flyers to invest in some business he wanted to create and to hire him for appearances.

Edited by choclatechip45

I never got to meet Sophia, but I did interview her back in 2001. I wrote about her for a grad school story, and I reprinted it on my blog.


Meeting BMP alumni . . . the only time I've met them in bulk was when I went to Calico Jack's in 2003, back when The Gauntlet was airing. Wound up meeting Sarah, Steve, Rachel (the tall pixie from Back To New York), Roni, Elka and Antoine. Also, there was Eric from Campus Crawl. I remember being sick while there, as well as Roni and Antoine dancing on the bar. Antoine had to be asked down, since guys weren't supposed to do that. Oh, and I met Melissa during an event at Sanrio, the NYC HQ for all things Hello Kitty.

I guess this should go here?  I just checked out the Vevmo forums.  Wow.  Folks.  Do they have jobs?  Go to school?  The amount of thought and effort that some of them put in to tracking the last years of Diem and CT is scary.  I want to suggest to them that maybe they should all just get a cat?  Some other kind of pet?  A hobby, where they will interact with actual human beings in person?  But, I think they are all too far gone, and I have a job and frequently interact with actual humans so I really don't care about them too much!  LOL.  But, really it's frightening!

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I guess this should go here?  I just checked out the Vevmo forums.  Wow.  Folks.  Do they have jobs?  Go to school?  The amount of thought and effort that some of them put in to tracking the last years of Diem and CT is scary.  I want to suggest to them that maybe they should all just get a cat?  Some other kind of pet?  A hobby, where they will interact with actual human beings in person?  But, I think they are all too far gone, and I have a job and frequently interact with actual humans so I really don't care about them too much!  LOL.  But, really it's frightening!

This is hilarious.

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I can definitely see the family members being more over the top than the regulars. Simply because being the center of drama is one way to be asked back on the show. If you aren't memorable, chances are you won't be asked back.


I think it is why we have been stuck with Bananas for so damn long (can we get ONE season without him, PLEASE?!), because he is ALWAYS the center of some drama...

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