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S26.E13: Reunion

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Thinking about to the original heroic Sarah from The Gauntlet, I'm glad there wasn't a reunion. Thinking about the prospect of the likes of Adam and Veronica dogpiling on her would've been too ugly to bear. Fast forward to today, I have to hear Johnny make excuses and try to eviscerate Sarah Rice. Hey, Johnny? It was someone else's turn to win. Sit down, shut up.


Not much I can add about the reunion. How come none of these people get booed? You got Johnny and his whinging, Nia and her ill wind, and Mr. Women Are Swamp Donkeys himself, and they get cheers. Unbelievable. Also: Jordan got rid of the Jack Sparrow look for the reunion. Good for him.

  • Love 6

Johnny doesn't shut up, even when questions completely unrelated to him are asked to the other challengers. It gets really irritating. Also, I'm of the (probably minority) opinion that Jay, pre-finale, played a better game than him.


As callous as this sounds, I'm not the least bit surprised that Nia made her tribute to Diem and Knight all about her.


Unless I missed something in the screech-fest between Nany and Theresa, Theresa never did quite say why she dislikes Nany so much. "Being promiscuous," especially when the guys she hooks up have nothing to do with Theresa, hardly seems like a reason.


Sarah, Jordan, Wes, Jonna, Jenna (and arguably Jay) seemed to be the only ones at the reunion with their heads on straight.

Edited by jsm1125
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I thought Sarah's comments about how hard the Challenge is with regards to being able to decide what you're going to eat and missing family and friends were interesting. I don't think any of the contestants have talked about that before and it is a perspective I've never really thought about.


It made me a little sad that Jonna (who I am not a huge fan of so thanks for making me feel badly for her, Zack) was taking on so much of Zack's shit as her own. He has got to be an abusive boyfriend. Hopefully Jenna steers clear of him (although apparently she can't steer clear from little Zack) because she's a fool if she thinks Zack won't do the same thing to her. (Especially because reading the little blurb about Zack and Jonna's relationship on Wikipedia sounds almost exactly like Zack and Jenna's 'relationship' so far.)

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I have always thought Theresa was a giant asshole. Now it is confirmed. What a crap attitude she has. And good on Sarah for saying she wasn't going to apologize to Bananas.

Bananas has always been on these shows like he is some sort of god and they should all worship at his feet. That's always bugged me. CT wore the man like a backpack (which will always be the most awesome thing I have ever seen on a Challenge) and yet he still struts around like his shit don't stink. He may be a wonderful person outside the show. He may be everyone's best friend and Bananas is all an act.  I still don't like him and think he's pretty much my least favorite on the Challenges.

  • Love 14

Bananas has always been on these shows like he is some sort of god and they should all worship at his feet. That's always bugged me. CT wore the man like a backpack (which will always be the most awesome thing I have ever seen on a Challenge) and yet he still struts around like his shit don't stink. He may be a wonderful person outside the show. He may be everyone's best friend and Bananas is all an act. I still don't like him and think he's pretty much my least favorite on the Challenges.

Yes. Bananas is just pissed that Sarah and Jordan beat him at his own game. I have no doubt that he would have thrown them in if he had won that last challenge, and he would be the one saying it was all just a game.

He has no real income outside of challenges, so he comes in and expects the big paycheck, to the point where he expects people to be okay with just handing it to him. He can't separate the game from reality because he's made the game his job, which only works if you win.

It being an "act" doesn't really excuse him treating Sarah, his supposed good friend, the way he did. You can put on a personality without alienating, insulting, and being a monstrous dick to people you actually care about. Which is why I don't believe he's such a good person in reality.

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I was so distracted by Zack's ever increasing armpit sweat I couldn't concentrate on what he was saying. Perhaps you wouldn't be sweating if you weren't wearing a knit cap inside under hot studio lights. I'm almost positive he changed his shirt toward the end of the show because the sweat wasn't as prominent. Ew.

I was just coming to post about those pit stains. It was fascinating to watch them grow over the course of the show.

Does the man not believe in anti persperant? That was some nasty shit.

I hate when women slut shame other women. Its so low.

Is it possible for Jenna to complete a sentence without saying "I mean"? I counted 4 of them in one sentence.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 2
Unless I missed something in the screech-fest between Nany and Theresa, Theresa never did quite say why she dislikes Nany so much. "Being promiscuous," especially when the guys she hooks up have nothing to do with Theresa, hardly seems like a reason.

I think she mostly just wants a partner for Rivals III.  She's also been on like six of these things and the most of the only things I remember her doing involve getting in the arguments that got her on the first two seasons of Rivals.

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I really don't like Jenna after all of this. I hate that Jay bailed out because that allowed Jenna to act like she wasn't ready to quit ten times over and easily would have on that final challenge. Also, the cast kissing her ass. Whatever. She's whining about how guys keep cheating on her and who does she choose next, ZACH. A human piece of garbage that berated his partner at every chance and admits to just walking away from his girlfriend because he was "over it". I wonder why you keep getting fucked over Jenna.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 3

I only watched the first few minutes then had to get to bed, but I don't know if I can stomach the reunion. I got as far as Sarah saying her big check speaks for itself, and something about how her mashed potatoes were able to help her win (assuming she's referencing an insult from the Banany/Nia camp in Norway, which I fast forwarded through), and Nia snits that it probably took her all day to come up with and practice saying that one.


God, shut UP Nia. You acted like a complete psychotic asshole the entire second half of the show, took to your twitter or blog or instagram or whatever the kids are calling it these days, to apologize, and then come back and show you haven't learned a damn thing. Please Murray- don't bring her back.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 4

Jenna, Jenna, Jenna.  When she said something about how her boyfriend was cheating on her, like it always happens, I said to my TV "then start picking better men!"  And now she's with Zach.  Honey, did you see how he treated his ex all season long?  Did you hear the story about how he woke up one morning, decided he was disgusted with Jonna, and unceremoniously dumped her, refusing to speak to her for a couple years, before showing up on this challenge to emotionally abuse her all season?  I don't care how good his body is, he's a misogynistic, emotionally abusive asshat.  Elevate your standards.  


I will say that Nany had one good line - "we're terrible women."  Yes, yes you are.  The slut-shaming and internalized misogyny are not good looks.  


Johnny was a big old baby.  Get over it, ass.  You've screwed people over to get to the win before.  So have others.  I love that Sarah refused to be apologetic and reminded everyone "we're on a game show!"  He really does seem to think that everyone owes him a trip to the final.  As he was saying that Sarah can never do another season because she's revealed herself to be a traitor and no one would trust her, I was thinking that maybe everyone would also keep in mind moments like him telling Zach that it's not enough to not send him in, you need to stick your neck out for him, or him telling Sarah and Jordan to send his "best friend" Leroy into the dome.  (And I really, really wish we would have gotten more focus on that moment in the reunion.)  I'd rather take my chances with Sarah, knowing that, when you get to the end, you're on your own, then be part of Johnny's circle of enablers who are expected to jeopardize their own chances in the game all season long before he throws them into the line of fire.  And, really, how is Sarah throwing him in any different than him telling Sarah to throw Leroy in?  Both moves were "betraying" a friend to preserve their own chances at winning the money.  Both moves were designed to keep Jay and Jenna in the game as an almost lock for third place.  So why was Sarah the worst person ever but Johnny isn't?   Not to mention, Johnny's move had a side dish of sending in his "best friend" to do his dirty work (eliminate Wes).  You hate the guy, you want him gone, you get your ass in there and do it.  


I did crack up that Leroy seemed to spend most of the reunion looking like he wanted to vault over the arm of that couch to get away from Nia.  

  • Love 7
He may be a wonderful person outside the show. He may be everyone's best friend and Bananas is all an act.  I still don't like him and think he's pretty much my least favorite on the Challenges.



I hate hearing about he is such a great person outside of the challenges. I'm not really quite sure why he can't be like that on the show? He's an ass and was downright insufferable on the reunion. I'm also not sure why he hates Jay so much. It's most obviously a case of misplaced anger. Still makes him a raging asshole.


I really don't like Jenna after all of this. I hate that Jay bailed out because that allowed Jenna to act like she wasn't ready quit ten times over and easily would have on that final challenge. Also, the cast kissing her ass. Whatever. She's whining about how guys keep cheating on her and who does she choose next, ZACH. A human piece of garbage that berated his partner at every chance and admits to just walking away from his girlfriend because he was "over it". I wonder why you keep getting fucked over Jenna.



Agreed, agreed, agreed. If Jenna didn't quit on the drinking challenge, she would've at some other point. Most likely the mountain if they had gotten that far. I think everyone was kissing her ass for three reasons: she's pretty (opinions may vary here, but it seems to be a common sentiment among these challengers), she's harmless, and she poses no threat to their winnings. 

  • Love 4

I still dislike Bananas less than certain others (*cough cough* Zach), but he showed during the reunion why I can never like him. All the backstabbing and shady backroom dealing are good and fine, until it doesn't benefit you. After winning five Challenges and placing in a few others, you'd think Bananas could take the occasional loss in stride. But as others have pointed out, these things are basically his only source of income, so he becomes extra sour when he misses out on a big check. I'm glad Sarah didn't engage him more than she had to.


After briefly being on Theresa's side in the Nany feud, I'm back on Team Nany. The reason I never liked Theresa was because she always seemed catty, always starting these petty beefs with other women. Also her performances never stood out to me until recently.


Zach got off easy as far as I'm concerned. That was the least convincing apology I've seen in awhile (although Nia's wasn't much better), and he didn't really get called out as hard as he should have. He really seems to have embraced his dickish ways lately. Having said that, I did think his feelings towards Knight were genuine.


For all the bad things Nia said and did, I thought she had a point w/r/t Jay and certain people not being cut out for this type of environment. We've seen people who actually won Challenges disappear forever afterwards. Also, we've seen some of the same people serve as cannon fodder in these things over and over again. I will say that Jay owned up to his pathetic showing reasonably well. I also agree that Jenna got off easy.

Edited by TD3000
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Every time Jonna opens her mouth I cringe. She really should just be quiet because I loose sympathy for her every time she talks.

Oh, hey there Zach!


Kidding! Yeah, I don't know if she's cut out for this. She's too earnest and easy to manipulate. I had so much second-hand embarrassment back when she and Zach won the power couple and she was put on the spot. I was so annoyed with Adam when he was trying to appeal to her sensitivity while totally backhandedly insulting her. I wish she had just been like "Fuck you for calling me weak. You're going into elimination. Suck on that!"

  • Love 1

I just have to comment on Theresa's "look" for the reunion show. I usually find her a fairly attractive person, personality aside, but wtf was she wearing at the reunion.  Her face cannot handle that much make up, her hair was ridiculous, and she was dressed like she was headed to a ladies luncheon at church.  It was just a weird, weird look for her.

  • Love 1


Oh, hey there Zach!


Kidding! Yeah, I don't know if she's cut out for this. She's too earnest and easy to manipulate. I had so much second-hand embarrassment back when she and Zach won the power couple and she was put on the spot. I was so annoyed with Adam when he was trying to appeal to her sensitivity while totally backhandedly insulting her. I wish she had just been like "Fuck you for calling me weak. You're going into elimination. Suck on that!"

Ha! I think Zach is an ass, but I've never liked Jonna since RW Cancun so maybe I'm biased.

Nia is such a hateful piece of shit. She basically seems to think that she can act like a maniac and then apologize for it later and that makes it totally cool, no big deal, "we're past the sexual harassment," especially if she explains it all away by saying that she's just super emotional, that's how she is. If Jordan pulled down her pants and grabbed her crotch, I seriously doubt she or anyone else would be all "let it go already!" and laughing it off. 


And I'm still completely baffled as to why Nia is even pissed at Sarah to begin with. Sarah had nothing to do with Nia and Leroy being in that last elimination.

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I wish they would put together some supercuts for these reunion shows of everyone contradicting themselves all the time.  Bananas and Nia were the biggest offenders as far as I can tell, but it seems to be rampant.  Mostly it pisses me off to hear Nia trying to call people out on things that she herself did as well.  I agree that Jay and Jenna are probably not cut out for The Challenge, but for a person who deliberately quit a challenge a few weeks ago, she has a short memory.  Yes, she did well the times she went into the Dome, but there's no denying that Leroy carried her through the season.  At least Jay and Jenna seemed to pull pretty equal weight as a team.

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This is just crazy but this show defines and pretty much rules johnny's life that its unbelievable, the fact that he can't let go something that happened almost 6 months ago, and he is still going back and forth with it, says a lot of how he is as a person, "a traitor" "she can't do challenges anymore" I mean this is a simple reality tv show ,johnny dating hannah got to his head, he probably thinks he is competing on the olympics now,  so what if jay made it to the finals, he trying to shit on jay last night was like watching a kid fighting for a toy that he wants,  the day the challenge gets canceled johnny is going to jump from a cliff or something...


Nia is delusional, in her twisted head she probably thinks she is number one...


Zach is an idiot, he didn't even feel sorry for jonna, and he is also really insecure, the fact he stayed away from social media the minute all the hate start coming says a lot on how this guy can't handle the pressure, he can show his ego on the reunion and make people think how he doesn't regret anything, they say actions speak louder and fortunately we have seen plenty of zach horrible performances, from crying and bitching on free agents to losing against jordan, so yes zach keep making excuses we know u will keep sucking on the challenges.

Edited by fredj
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What did everyone think of Wes? I was surprised how chill he was. Especially compared to Banana's... I mean why was Johnny complaining? Wes (IMO) played a better game, and it was a twist that even let Johnny back in... which sunk Wes' game.

I feel weird, I usually do not like Wes....



I have for the most part been neutral when it comes to Wes, occasionally leaning to like, especially when on a challenge with Johnny. Pouring the bottle of soda on Cara Maria was an especially low moment for him, dickish if you will. He endeared himself to me on this challenge. He tends to have some semblance of character and dignity. He never quite crosses that line, except for the way he handled the CM incident. I appreciated that he was the one not treating Tonya like shit on that infamous challenge.


Wes was the one that really got screwed. Not only were he and Theresa the only ones that weren't given a second chance, but he played a great game until Johnny came back. Leroy let himself be completely blinded and shit on Wes as soon as Johnny stepped back in the house. He's the one guy in recent memory who plays a character on these challenges without being a complete asshole. He doesn't do these like it's his job. I really wanted to hear his take on the Johnny/Sarah and Zach/Jonna situations. He'd be the most unbiased. Not to mention, he tends to admit when he gets outplayed, unlike a certain fruit. 

Edited by SophiaPehawkins
  • Love 6

I think Wes has grown up. I probably didn't like him at some point, but I do today (with a bit of reluctancy). He has self awareness, like he has learned something over the years about how to handle himself. Compare that to Johnny, and Wes is just completely inoffensive these days.


I loved how he took every question in stride. Answered honestly, consisely, with a little smile and a chuckle. Q: "What did you think of the redemption twist?" A: "Hah. Hah. I thought it was a terrible idea."


Also, not interjecting himself into every discussion, trying to be the loudest voice to try to "win" at least something this season.

  • Love 7

When Nia said the reason she always turns into a screeching, soul-eating wendigo the moment things don't go her way is because she's so "passionate about sportsmanship", I guffawed right out loud.  She needs to never, ever, ever, ever, ever be on TV again, ever.  What a stinking piece of delusional garbage.


Leroy wasn't at his best this season, but he hasn't yet burned through all the goodwill he had built up with me since all the way back to his days on RW.  I'm glad he won some money, and I don't think he necessarily would have if Nia had been his partner.  I could definitely see her quitting at several points along the way.


I have no idea how it was okayed to let these people climb up a mountain at such a steep angle without being attached to anything.  One slip, one stumble, and they could have fallen a terrible, horrible, bouncing, rocky long distance.  I wish they at least showed them being picked up by helicopter after they finished.  Asking them to make their own way back down seems pretty cruel.  And still dangerous.

  • Love 3

Unless I missed something in the screech-fest between Nany and Theresa, Theresa never did quite say why she dislikes Nany so much. "Being promiscuous," especially when the guys she hooks up have nothing to do with Theresa, hardly seems like a reason.



Because they're setting themselves up to be partners on the next Rivals, whenever that is. I also think Bananas is purposefully having beef with Sarah so they can partner up, if Sarah decides to continue doing Challenges now that she's finally won. (I do think he's also actually a little hurt, but come on, he of all people know it's a game and he got played. It's all fake, it's all part of his "personality.")

I assume it's a combination of Sarah sending her into the second to last dome and then sending Johnny/Nany in against her and Leroy in the last one instead of giving them Jay/Jenna. 

If Nia and Leroy had 2 brain cells between them they would realize that Jay/Jenna were the difference between 15K and 30K...so they should STFU and thank Sarah but we know they clearly aren't that intelligent. Sorry Leroy I like you but...come on


I think had the final been Johnny/Nany, Sarah/Jordan and Leroy/Nia- Leroy and Nia would have easily been 3rd. 

  • Love 2

So Wes, Bananas and Zach can play all sides of the house and backstab each other and it's ok, BUT when SARA does it and wins the money she instantly becomes the devil. huh??? Bananas you nuts. 

What did everyone think of Wes? I was surprised how chill he was. Especially compared to Banana's... I mean why was Johnny complaining? Wes (IMO) played a better game, and it was a twist that even let Johnny back in... which sunk Wes' game.


I feel weird, I usually do not like Wes....

I think because maybe Wes actually has a pretty good income and career outside of the show whereas Bananas apparently does not? 



I have no idea how it was okayed to let these people climb up a mountain at such a steep angle without being attached to anything.  One slip, one stumble, and they could have fallen a terrible, horrible, bouncing, rocky long distance.  I wish they at least showed them being picked up by helicopter after they finished.  Asking them to make their own way back down seems pretty cruel.  And still dangerous.

OMG me too..... I work for a safety company.... fall protection is HUUUUGEEEEEEE deal.  I'm just hoping the shots we saw of them from far away made it looks 10 times worse than it actually was.  I also would have liked to see how they got down as well.  The up close shots of them made it seems like their path wasn't that bad. In terms of "the hardest climb" I'm thinking that what they really meant was "one of the hardest HIKES up a mountain"

  • Love 2

Nevermind. It worked this afternoon.


It always surprises me how quiet Wes usually is at there reunions. He almost seems shy.


I would have liked to have seen more competitors than these few late season teams. Because of Diem and Knight maybe it made sense to go with this limited group, as, of course, CT & Jemmye probably wouldn't have wanted to participate.


Sarah looked great. I don't ever want to have to see Nia again. She's repugnant. Theresa didn't have much to contribute and sat there with a puss on her face the entire time. Jenna & Zack are perfect for each other. The new Flintstones.

  • Love 2

So Wes, Bananas and Zach can play all sides of the house and backstab each other and it's ok, BUT when SARA does it and wins the money she instantly becomes the devil. huh??? Bananas you nuts. 

I think because maybe Wes actually has a pretty good income and career outside of the show whereas Bananas apparently does not? 


OMG me too..... I work for a safety company.... fall protection is HUUUUGEEEEEEE deal.  I'm just hoping the shots we saw of them from far away made it looks 10 times worse than it actually was.  I also would have liked to see how they got down as well.  The up close shots of them made it seems like their path wasn't that bad. In terms of "the hardest climb" I'm thinking that what they really meant was "one of the hardest HIKES up a mountain"


In addition to that, I think Wes is genuinely one of the most intelligent people currently doing the show.  To borrow Sarah's chess analogy, Wes is playing chess, while Johnny is playing tic tac toe.  Wes looks ahead at each week as a layer, and if something gets screwed up, he recalculates and keeps going.  Johnny knows that he needs his x's and o's in the right place, but if someone doesn't put one where he needs it, he freaks out and game over.  Look at the hissy he had when Zach wasn't going to follow his orders to put Wes in.  Johnny is still using the strategy Kenny and Evan wrote for him a Challenge generation ago, and forgets that all the new people have watched it play out on tv for years.


That also makes it clear that Sarah wasn't using Johnny's own strategy against him, she was using Wes', which actually makes me even happier about her win.  I was originally in the despise Wes camp, both from how he treated people on his original season, and for the CM incident.  Seeing that he and CM reconciled made it easier to accept that in the Johnny/Wes feud, he's easily the more likable of the two.

  • Love 8

Does anyone know if the reunion will air again? It's not working on my On Demand or on the MTV website (which is a nightmare to begin with). I checked some local guides but am not finding it. I kind of miss these morons already.

(Due to scheduling conflicts I didn't see it when it aired) Thanks!


Mine either... still trying to find it too. I actually thought I finally saw the reunion but based on posts here, I don't think I did. Hopefully it becomes available online or on demand.

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