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7 Little Johnstons - General Discussion

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Kudos to Elizabeth for losing weight.  She looks great.  Her acting is a little unnatural though. 

I don't see these kids being scared at their parents at all. Jonah talks back to them all the time.  And the other kids play pranks and have fun with them.  Are their times when they do seem scared? Well yea, when they know they're doing something they shouldnt be, as I think that should be how it is. 

Trent can be a little ridiculous at times but he's just a strict parent.  Both him and Amber are very matter of fact with their kids and I honestly think that's great.  They know life is going to be tough for them and they don't coddle them at all.  Except for Alex occasionally but really, he's the last of 5 kids so I think that's pretty normal that they're more lenient with him.  If he were their bio child they may be a bit more harsh with him but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a bit of leway about his attitude because he's adopted. 

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& again why do I watch this, amber makes my blood boil, I have never despised anyone as much as I do her. I believe she is 110% the reason Anna has issues, she blames her for EVERYTHING, she tries her best to have a confrontation. For instance, "well you finally put on a jacket" "dad told me to".,,,,if she would have just put it on & not said anything, bitch you instigated that!!! 

  • Love 6

On tonight's episode I did see where it appeared that Amber tried to pick a fight with Anna. I hadn't noticed it before. It's almost like a control issue. Like Amber has to dictate the shoes, clothes, schedule, responses, etc. I can see why Trent tells her to drop it. She doesn't appear to be able to provide Anna with a proper environment. She may do better living at boarding school or on campus. 

Did u notice the advice that Trent's sister gave Amber? She acted like she was talking about what Trent should do, but it was meant for Amber! I think it went right over Amber head.

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How dare Anna say "No" to her mother?  The very first time your kid disrespects you, you shut that shit down right away. That is the beginning of where Trent and Amber went wrong with her. Trent should have immediately told Anna to do what her mother tells her and get in the house now and put your jacket on. Not tell her nicely after she disrespects Amber and Amber goes back in to the house frustrated. If parents don't show a united front to their kids they pick up on that right away and take advantage of it.  That whole scene just infuriated me. 

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No wonder Anna argues with her mother. Being micro-managed by anyone like Amber tries to do with Anna would drive me insane. There is nothing wrong with driving in those boots. There is no safety issue saying you have to drive in sneakers. Anna is 18 years old. If she does not want to wear a coat then leave her alone! Do you really need to pick, pick, pick at every thing she does?

Edited by linthia
Added a thought
  • Love 11

Yeah, I'm big on respect for elders.  I take it very seriously and think that it's a big deal, but, I will say that every time I've seen Anna receive criticism and correction on the show, she appears compliant and respectful.  No one is perfect, but, to me, if you are 18 years old, even though you still live at home, there should be some autonomy with things like clothes, shoes, hairstyle, food, etc.  I saw Amber's input as bullying when it was not needed.  Sometimes, leave the negativity aside and just focus on the positive.  Amber ruined what could have been a positive day and turned it into a bummer for no real reason.  She was more childish than Anna, imo. 

And, I think that the teasing about how long it took Anna to get to driving is cruel too, like calling the car FINALLY.  When there are screw ups, punishments, issues, and then success, let it go and stop with rubbing her nose in it. 

I sense that Trent realizes that Amber's micromanaging Anna is setting the stage for Anna to run into the arms of a bad situation.  Then, Amber can say, I told you so.  It's really unfortunate.  Apparently, the other kids have learned how to placate her, but, Anna won't play that game.  And, Jonah has stopped too. 

  • Love 8
20 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

& again why do I watch this, amber makes my blood boil, I have never despised anyone as much as I do her. I believe she is 110% the reason Anna has issues, she blames her for EVERYTHING, she tries her best to have a confrontation. For instance, "well you finally put on a jacket" "dad told me to".,,,,if she would have just put it on & not said anything, bitch you instigated that!!! 

I think Anna has a defiant streak, but at the same time, Amber needs to stop taking that personally.  It's like when your 2 year old tells you no, you see that for the developmental stage it is rather than as a personal affront.  If Amber could do that, then she'd be able to not make it into a pissing match and pick, fight, and win the important battles.  I'd have insisted on the shoes for safety, but would have left the coat issue alone.  

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, readheaded said:

I think Anna has a defiant streak, but at the same time, Amber needs to stop taking that personally.  It's like when your 2 year old tells you no, you see that for the developmental stage it is rather than as a personal affront.  If Amber could do that, then she'd be able to not make it into a pissing match and pick, fight, and win the important battles.  I'd have insisted on the shoes for safety, but would have left the coat issue alone.  

Readheaded, you hit the nail on the head about Amber. And Jonah really has a smart mouth where his dad is concerned. He's just popped off at Trent the last couple of episodes. 5 teenagers in one house. I don't envy Trent & Amber on this one but I do think they are loving, caring parents overall.

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Hey Amber, here's a thought! Seems like **you** need therapy. Alone, without Trent. And no camera crew.

She's got such a mean spirit about her.  She's very sour.

Yup...Jonah told Trent to 'pipe down.'  Holy shit.  That seems unacceptable.

I feel bad for Anna.  When Amber said 'what 18 year old doesn't know that they need to wear a jacket bc it's cold????"  Well, maybe Anna doesn't know.  Maybe you could be a little kinder to her. God, I just wanted Amber to STOP. TALKING. last night. What a drag she is.

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Maybe, Anna wasn't focused on a jacket that morning.  Maybe, she's excited to get downstairs and start filming the scene where she drives the car.  Or, maybe, she knows that little things bug Amber and she does it on purpose to get a reaction.  IDK.  Regardless, why does it really matter?  Even if it's 32 degrees, it's unlikely that Anna would really suffer any actual harm to her body, frost bite, etc.  It's long proven that getting cold outside doesn't cause you to catch a cold (virus).  And the shoe thing.....IDK. That sounded like a crock too.  Why can't she drive in boots?  You don't use the toe end of the shoe to brake or accelerate. To me you pick your battles and Amber seems way to intent of picking them with Anna. 

The therapist seemed to think that the couple needs to share their views and desires for parenting.  But, I don't think that he realizes that Trent knows how Amber feels and DISAGREES with her.  So, do you cave in and do things you don't think are right or just ignore her, like he's been doing?  lol 

  • Love 6

I wonder if Trent hasn't already quit his job? How would he work full time and film? Maybe his anxiety attacks are because he has 5 kids with the potential for serious medical problems and no insurance? Unless it was marriage or some sort of family counseling, why would Amber be allowed to be there with him? If she is part of his problem, then he wouldn't feel free to discuss it with her sitting right there. Also, is there anything that she isn't an expert at? 

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Amber is a witch. She has a permanently smug with with a smug, stanky attitude. She's the type of person who hates when people know more than she does, especially her kids and husband. 

Is she still working as a realtor? She seems very unhappy this season, they all do. The move to the new house has seem to brought down the mood. 

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I take it that they are actually in marriage counseling.  So, they are there together. And, he will follow up with individual counseling, where he will go solo. Isn't that what he said?  Is that allowed?  Seems like a conflict of interest to me, but, that's for attorneys. Not sure how it works for therapists.

I wonder if any of the kids will be mature enough to live independently.  Maybe, that's what Amber is upset about.  I can't see her changing her attitude though.  It would not set well with me.  

I hope they still have health insurance.  OMG, that'scary to think about. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I take it that they are actually in marriage counseling.  So, they are there together. And, he will follow up with individual counseling, where he will go solo. Isn't that what he said?  Is that allowed?  Seems like a conflict of interest to me, but, that's for attorneys. Not sure how it works for therapists.

I wonder if any of the kids will be mature enough to live independently.  Maybe, that's what Amber is upset about.  I can't see her changing her attitude though.  It would not set well with me.  

I hope they still have health insurance.  OMG, that'scary to think about. 

It isn't unusual at all to go for joint/family and solo counseling with the same counselor or different counselors.  In their case, it's probably just fine if they do joint counseling with the same counselor that Trent goes to for solo counseling.  They may even want to consider having Jonah and Anna come to some sessions, too.  It might really help them all learn to communicate better.  If a person had serious psychiatric problems, then it might be necessary, for example, for that person to go to a psychiatrist who can prescribe meds to help with that, but then that counselor might not do family/couples therapy.  

I think all the kids will live independently in time.  They seem like good kids, but we're privy to their drama.  We also see Trent and Amber teaching them life skills like cooking, driving, etc., and talking about career paths.  There also seems to be an expectation from Trent and Amber that the kids will grow up and move out on their own.

I would be terrified about not having or losing health insurance, especially since they all have pre-existing conditions.

Interesting to me, when this show came on, they only showed summer in GA with the Johnstons,  Now looks like filming has expanded - so I wonder if the TLC greed got to them as well. They have what looks to be a beautiful new house, Trent can't be working full time if they are filming - inquiring minds what to know...and where is Louie ?

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Interesting to me, when this show came on, they only showed summer in GA with the Johnstons,  Now looks like filming has expanded - so I wonder if the TLC greed got to them as well. They have what looks to be a beautiful new house, Trent can't be working full time if they are filming - inquiring minds what to know...and where is Louie ?

I love your profile pic and name 😂😂

  • LOL 2
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On 5/3/2019 at 6:26 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Interesting to me, when this show came on, they only showed summer in GA with the Johnstons,  Now looks like filming has expanded - so I wonder if the TLC greed got to them as well. They have what looks to be a beautiful new house, Trent can't be working full time if they are filming - inquiring minds what to know...and where is Louie ?

I think I read somewhere that they gave him away, something about they didn't have time to spend with him 🙄 I read it as he was too much trouble, out if the cute stage, tired of him. You know those kind of pet owners. 

4 hours ago, winsomeone said:

I think Amber is jealous of Anna..the more weight she puts on, the uglier she is to that girl. Elizabeth and Trent both look like they have lost weight during the off season, but Alex and Amber just keep packing it on for some reason.

I also think Amber is jealous Anna. Amber always looks disgusted when looking at and/or speaking to Anna. Anna seems to have the kind of personality that is very likeable, while Amber is an ice queen and people obviously don't like to be near her.

Amber, Alex and Jonah are just soul sucking people. They have terrible personalities and are just not pleasant. 

I think Trent, Anna, and Emma would be much happier if they lived separately from Jonah, Amber and Alex.

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I just watched the newest episode. I feel really bad for Anna. She seems so sad all the time. Amber is constantly nagging her. She obviously dislikes Anna and even said that she only speaks to her when she needs to. 

I think Anna acts the way she does is because she craves attention. She's pushed to the side because the family thinks that she's the "bad" one. 

Amber and Jonah leads the Anna hate train. The way Amber was telling everyone to back up when Anna was driving off. Then Jonah saying call the "Finally," all you heard was Amber laughing really loud. 

Anna lacks confidence because of Amber especially. Anna is the family joke and it's obviously getting to her. 

I foresee in the future, that Anna will sever ties from Amber, and will probably so much happier. 

I feel like I'm way too invested in this lol, but Anna is obviously so unhappy. 

  • Love 7
On 5/4/2019 at 4:50 PM, camom said:

I think it would be good for joint counseling plus each of them having individual sessions.  They could all use some help.

I think one of the reasons Amber wants to micromanage Anna is that she seems to more like a 14 or 15 year old than an 18 year old.  That, and Anna's previous behavior and history of making bad decisions.

I completely agree. Amber seems really comfortable letting her kids be independent when they show the ability to be responsible and safe but I think she senses that Anna, as she puts it, "isn't quite there yet" regarding maturity. Anna seems closer to Emma's age emotionally and that has to be pretty scary for a mother who's watching her 18 yr old daughter go out into the world on her own. She can't make decisions for Anna, protect her like she did when Anna was little, and thats got to be scary considering Anna's history of poor decisions.

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There were some good parts last night, but, I am confused.  Some of the things that Amber reported to the counselor when they met in the office previously, seemed to change when they met with him at the horse stables.  So, which is it? In the office she said Trent was hands off, won't get involved, leaves things alone, but, later on, she says that he's overbearing, too involved, won't listen......?  I'm beginning to have doubts about their authenticity.  I'm not sure what to believe about the dynamics of this family.  It is obvious to me that Amber has serious control issues and Jonah and Elizabeth do too.  

Apparently, Emma has selective mutism.  It's about anxiety, from what I have read about.  I have a family member who had it growing up.  I hope they get Emma some individual counseling for it.  It's not just about habit.

I think that Amber has done some research on it, because, it is more common with children who have changed their major language at an early age and she brought that up. 

 Emma did a great job when giving her talk at the function.  I thought they all had a lot to offer. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There were some good parts last night, but, I am confused.  Some of the things that Amber reported to the counselor when they met in the office previously, seemed to change when they met with him at the horse stables.  So, which is it? In the office she said Trent was hands off, won't get involved, leaves things alone, but, later on, she says that he's overbearing, too involved, won't listen......?  I'm beginning to have doubts about their authenticity.  I'm not sure what to believe about the dynamics of this family.  It is obvious to me that Amber has serious control issues and Jonah and Elizabeth do too.  

Apparently, Emma has selective mutism.  It's about anxiety, from what I have read about.  I have a family member who had it growing up.  I hope they get Emma some individual counseling for it.  It's not just about habit.

I think that Amber has done some research on it, because, it is more common with children who have changed their major language at an early age and she brought that up. 

 Emma did a great job when giving her talk at the function.  I thought they all had a lot to offer. 

I hope they continue to let Emma meet with the pediatric pathologist to help her. I though the Dr. ( forgot her name ) was fantastic and Emma could benefit from that

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I hope they continue to let Emma meet with the pediatric pathologist to help her. I though the Dr. ( forgot her name ) was fantastic and Emma could benefit from that

This. Emma needs lots of support and therapy for her selective mutism/anxiety. It's not as simple as, "Emma just needs to do it/grow up/be more confident," as Amber tries to put it.

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I am definitely somewhat new to this franchise, but I have been paying half attention this season, and...I think the parents are atrocious.

I think it starts with Trent.  He is a total, rage-fueled asshole.  Amber is his passive-aggressive partner in crime.

Listen, I hate parents who think it is their job to constantly lecture their kids, and I think that is a theme here.  No wonder Emma doesn't want to open her mouth--all that ever happens when the kids express themselves is some hammer coming down, or some lesson bestowed on behalf of the idiot parents.

Just speaking from last season, first the idiots had a big problem with Jonah not wanting to drive his sister around, when she is old enough to drive? Ok, so there was an issue with her driving--is that Jonah's responsibility, or should Anna get a bus pass?  Then there is this big issue with "Jonah's attitude," which I just didn't see.  He was a normal, garden-variety 18 year old punk kid.  So what? 

I feel like Trent and Amber are only successful by virtue of this show landing in their laps like manna from heaven, and they are frustrated and upset that their lives didn't work out the way they wanted, so they take it out on their kids.  A few episodes ago, Elizabeth was struggling with something about going to a dance.  Amber tried to talk to her about it.  I wished then that Elizabeth just wouldn't have said anything, because I knew no matter what Elizabeth said, Amber was going to bust out a big old lecture.

Elizabeth wants to go with a boy?  Well, she'll be lectured on how she shouldn't take boys and dating so seriously, and that she is getting too attached, and maybe the brain trust that is Amber and Trent should keep her home from the dance.

Elizabeth is going with girl friends?  She'll be lectured about the role that boys are going to play in her life, and she had better get over that last relationship--with the boy that gave her "the rage"--and get back into the dating pool, but not with boys at her school, and not with boys that are "average height" (don't get me started on how nonsensical this is to me--the heart wants what it wants).  Isn't it "heightist" to try to prevent Elizabeth from dating a young man who is normal-height or tall that treats her well, whose company she enjoys? Talk about luxury problems!

Elizabeth doesn't want to go to the dance? She needs a lecture on how antisocial she is!

The kids can't win!!!  Yes, Alex was acting like a baby with the Russian food.  So what?  Kids can be babies sometimes.  Every goddamn thing in life is not a learning lesson.

When I saw the terrible two ganging up on Maddie last night, who is by far my favorite, I really started to see red.  Maddie is so normal and healthy.  She doesn't have a problem speaking--she is a cheerleader for Christ's sake--she is just refusing to talk, because she is smart enough to figure out that she canNOT win with her parents.  They are unhappy people who want their kids to be unhappy, so she is staying selectively mute until she can age out of this hellhole.  I give her two thumbs up for a well-formed plan!

Just as a point of comparison, I watch The Little Couple, and it has just become apparent to me last season how shallow and uptight Jen is with the way she approached purchasing their Florida home, and what a sort-of good-for-nothing doormat Bill is in deference to his wife, but you know what Bill and Jen are?  They are loving, caring and nurturing parents to their kids.  I don't see that with Trent and Amber.  I think "tough love," like anything else, can be taken too far, and they are doing that right now.  I think these five kids are doing as well as they are in spite of their parents, not because of them.

You don't get a medal because you adopted kids.  You earn respect from slogging through the shit with those kids for 18 years and not fucking them up.  Those kids don't owe you a damn thing. I feel like that is what the parents are vying for.  In addition, just how many little people conferences and events are they going to host/attend?  There is a point where I find it counterproductive and isolationist as far as society-at-large goes.  You know what it is good for though?  Reality TV.  And Amber and Trent need those checks to keep coming.  Otherwise they might need to--gasp--get real jobs.  

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

And Amber and Trent need those checks to keep coming.  Otherwise they might need to--gasp--get real jobs.  

Just as a note, Trent has a real job. He is the Assistant Director of Landscape Management at Clayton State University. https://www.clayton.edu/facilities/Plant-Ops/Landscape

I'm not sure if Amber worked when the kids were younger, but, during the show, she got her real estate license. I don't think she is currently working.

Just checked the @team7lj Instagram and the conference they spoke at in the new episode was in March. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, ShortyMac said:

Just as a note, Trent has a real job. He is the Assistant Director of Landscape Management at Clayton State University. https://www.clayton.edu/facilities/Plant-Ops/Landscape

I'm not sure if Amber worked when the kids were younger, but, during the show, she got her real estate license. I don't think she is currently working.

Just checked the @team7lj Instagram and the conference they spoke at in the new episode was in March. 

I remember on the first season when he talked about his job and Amber was not working, and I wondered how much do asisstant landscape directors make? In the first season they had a decent newer home and 5 kids and this one income. I tried looking up the salary but it seems to vary widely from college to college an state to state.  Trent did not go to college so , he is lucky to have a job that was able to provide a new life for 5 kids and a stay at home wife and all the medical needs before the show. 

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Fuck Trent and Amber. Poor Emma.  She's so fragile and kind and innocent, and I felt she was just publicly embarrassed on national tv.   Not everything needs to be on air. 

And I didn't like the approach of the Speech Therapist either.  In my opinion, she wasn't a good fit for Emma.  And why did the whole family have to go? Do they all have speech issues? 

Ugh. This episode rubbed me entirely the wrong way.

There's something about Elizabeth I don't care for.  It's like an over-inflated sense of self.  Again...just my opinion 😉

The kids (including Emma) did great with their speeches, though.  Bravo!

Edited by woodscommaelle
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I'm no professional, but, it seemed like they focused on a speech pathologist because some in the family do have some issues with the way they pronounce certain letters.  But, with Emma, it seems that pronunciation is not the issue.  Speaking in public, or even in small settings is more of an anxiety issue.  From what I have read,  a child psychologist might be a better option. I do hope they deal with it, though, because, if not, it can really affect a person as they get older.  I have a family member who suffered with it and I know a couple other girls who have it.  They can talk, but, they just choose not to.  Even if they get refused jobs or academic opportunities, because of it, they persist in not speaking. It's a real handicap. I equate it with something like phobia. 


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On 5/8/2019 at 9:59 AM, SunnyBeBe said:

 Emma did a great job when giving her talk at the function.  I thought they all had a lot to offer. 

yes - she did a great job.

Trent and Amber though need to realized thought that while its their "calling / mission" to give talks in front of a crowd it might not be their children's. I do think in Emma and Alex's case - let them get a few classroom/small group (like scouts/church youth groups/ etc) presentations under their belt before in front of an auditorium full of strangers, where the mike is passed and musical chairs.

I know its not the family's call - but I wish the screen with the bullet point notes wasn't totally 100% behind them. there were times when they had to turn their back to the audience to read it.

I missed why Jonah was dressed like he was going into a courtroom with the bow-tie and suit jacket? 

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Whew, this was a rough episode to watch.  Poor little Emma.  Amber was dead wrong in her approach with her, insisting that she force herself to speak in front of the group and criticizing her when she clearly didn’t feel confident.  Yes, she will have to speak for herself when the time comes to go to college and interview for jobs.  Why not arrange for her to speak to a therapist instead of insisting that she power through it and do it anyway, on command?  She’s a kid.  She’s also a kid on a national TV show.  She’s also an adoptee who only started learning English at the age of five.  That’s a lot to ask of anyone, much less a young person.  This is one of my biggest issues with these family-based reality shows.  The poor kids go through all of their most personal moments in the public eye, from the changes that come with puberty, to being disciplined, to first romantic relationships and I think it’s terribly unfair.  Hell, I’m 42 and have spoken English from day one.  I’ve been working since I was 13 and the idea of standing up in front of a large group and speaking still scares the shit out of me.  Don’t scold her for feeling uncomfortable; get her some therapy (not a speech therapist, as warm and wonderful as she was) with someone who’s experienced with working with very shy/anxious kids who had a challenging start in life.  Amber’s ham-fisted, bludgeon approach is neither effective nor kind.  She’s a delicate soul who needs gentle guidance and encouragement, not Amber’s verbal kick in the ass and admonitions.

Oh, and Emma?  You did great, girl.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
  • Love 6
On 5/9/2019 at 7:50 PM, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Whew, this was a rough episode to watch.  Poor little Emma.  Amber was dead wrong in her approach with her, insisting that she force herself to speak in front of the group and criticizing her when she clearly didn’t feel confident.  Yes, she will have to speak for herself when the time comes to go to college and interview for jobs.  Why not arrange for her to speak to a therapist instead of insisting that she power through it and do it anyway, on command?  She’s a kid. 

Yeah, I found this episode tough to watch as well. I wondered why Emma had to do this now. Emma is at a rough age anyway and I'm sure she will have to face her fears doing class projects and such so why push her so hard to make a big auditorium speech in front of older teenagers and adults? Younger teens are usually very intimidated by older teens in general, just walking the halls of high school, never mind public speaking. I feel for her! And give her some credit, she is already doing cheerleading which is clearly a move in the right direction.

I have a similar situation with my 8 year old son. He flat out refuses to sing in the christmas concerts at school. He sang in his kindergarten and first grade concerts but refused last year and this year. We didn't force the issue. He is a super social kid so we just let it slide and let him skip it. Hell, I'm a grown ass adult and when one of my very best friends asked me to be maid of honor at her wedding and stand up in front of a few hundred people I told her I would rather die in a fire.

Edited by GoldaVining
  • Love 2
8 hours ago, GoldaVining said:

Yeah, I found this episode tough to watch as well. I wondered why Emma had to do this now. Emma is at a rough age anyway and I'm sure she will have to face her fears doing class projects and such so why push her so hard to make a big auditorium speech in front of older teenagers and adults? Younger teens are usually very intimidated by older teens in general, just walking the halls of high school, never mind public speaking. I feel for her! And give her some credit, she is already doing cheerleading which is clearly a move in the right direction.

I have a similar situation with my 8 year old son. He flat out refuses to sing in the christmas concerts at school. He sang in his kindergarten and first grade concerts but refused last year and this year. We didn't force the issue. He is a super social kid so we just let it slide and let him skip it. Hell, I'm a grown ass adult and when one of my very best friends asked me to be maid of honor at her wedding and stand up in front of a few hundred people I told her I would rather die in a fire.

Same here, word for word.  I told her that I loved her and would help with every aspect of wedding planning, but being “featured” that prominently in front of everyone was not my jam.  I’m just too damn shy and I prefer not to put myself through torture that is not absolutely necessary.  It’s not a personal failing, it’s a choice.  We’re adults and have the autonomy to advocate for ourselves.  Imagine being a kid and having Amber riding your ass about speaking in front of a huge group.  Nope.

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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Not sure why people think Trent can't keep his job while filming.  Filming doesn't take up that much time. I think the season started at halloween, then the 2nd episode it was Christmas. They probably film mostly on the weekends and maybe a just a few times a month.  I'm sure Trent has plenty of vacation saved up too that he can use if need be for filming days.  

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I too am glad for less sex innuendo from Trent.  I noticed last night in bed they actually talked without reference to it so I agree they are listening!

Elizabeth craccked me up with her comment to Anna about the crossed arms stance at the booth “touch my jewellery and I will kill you!”  Or words to that effect!  LOL

I am getting tired of the constant references by Amber to Trent quitting his job, she goes on and on about it instead of just trying to have a good time with the family at the booth.

I thought Jonah was super in helping Elizabeth with her soccer, too bad she didn’t get to play.  

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