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Season 5: Days of Real Housewives Lives - The Season in Review

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I wonder if who the executor named came as a surprise to them?  It would be interesting to know, since Kim still seems to be stinging from having Kyle named.  I think she would have been happier if it had been Kathy.   It's just one more thing that screams that Kyle is more stable, responsible, and for whatever reason Big Kathy (or her attorney's advised her) that Kim just couldn't handle it.     Yikes, I'd hate to think of what Kim would have done with anything left by her mother, especially in the condition she was in when her mom died. 


Have to add - it you are making out a will, PLEASE make a decision, and don't make it co-executors!   Horrible.   It's bad enough having to wade through mountains of paperwork, the sale of property, etc.  But if you have to make sure two people are available at the same time to sign papers, get things notarized, file claims, having two people is a nightmare.   When my MIL passed, she never wanted to play favorites, so my husband & his sister were named co-executors.   The burden for figuring things out fell to us, but trying to coordinate all the stuff was like doing all the work twice.

That is true.... I am the youngest and my mom has never wanted to show favoritism between my older brother and me. She named us both co executors but I tried my best to talk her out of it. For one, I just don't want to do it, for another, my brother and I never speak and when we do, he treats me like the kid sister who can't do anything. I am dreading the day when we have to do something about it. So I just wonder if some tension was caused by Kylie's mom trusting her more than the older siblings.

  • Love 5

We have no idea what was involved in this executor stuff.  For all we know the attorney who drew up the trust handled most of it and all Kyle did was sign off.  Although Big Kathy died in Indian Wells she had her funeral in Beverly Hills.  It may have been something as simple as Kyle was the only one living in LA at the time.  I don't think Kim was upset about Kyle being named executor I think Kim thought she should not have to share in her mother's estate-in spite of the fact her mother bought her a house in Indian Wells.

  • Love 3

We have no idea what was involved in this executor stuff.  For all we know the attorney who drew up the trust handled most of it and all Kyle did was sign off.  Although Big Kathy died in Indian Wells she had her funeral in Beverly Hills.  It may have been something as simple as Kyle was the only one living in LA at the time.  I don't think Kim was upset about Kyle being named executor I think Kim thought she should not have to share in her mother's estate-in spite of the fact her mother bought her a house in Indian Wells.

I know you have the inside scoop (friend of a friend, right?). Why would Kim feel like she deserved the whole estate?

I know you have the inside scoop (friend of a friend, right?). Why would Kim feel like she deserved the whole estate?

Because she, Kim, was the sole support for the whole family, no one else ever had a job, no one else ever brought a dime to the family table. In fact, didn't you know that Kim Richards, child star extraordinaire, supported the entire neighborhood, all of Disney, even Walts wealth was only due to the genius of Kim's acting ability and generosity!  LOL  ((insert major eye roll))

  • Love 15

I know you have the inside scoop (friend of a friend, right?). Why would Kim feel like she deserved the whole estate?

It is just her attitude because she felt she worked and blew through the money that was set aside under Coogan's law in record time she felt that more should have been set aside.  At least Kyle and even Kay Rosario, acknowledged that Big Kathy's full time job was getting these girls acting jobs and taking them to acting jobs and complying with the law and remaining on set while they were working.  I do not think Kim really has any idea how much she made and I think she grossly overestimated her haul over the years or the fact that Kyle and her father worked. Kim talks of buying Kyle her first car-Kim was married when Kyle turned 16 to a trust fund baby ad had just filmed her one and only feature film as an adult .


I think retaining 15% of what you total earnings over 13 years is better than most Americans save.  Kim also enjoyed the fruits of her labor with private schools, beautiful clothes and nice vacations.

  • Love 4

Ah, yes!! I am just seeing this post. I remember this scene pretty clearly and Kim did correct Kyle and say to her that they promised their mother to take care of each other. Not just Kyle taking care of Kim.

I am speaking to this bc as much as I detest Kim, I really detest it when certain posters demand facts/episode dates/blood tests/you-name-it as if they know all, when in fact they are incorrect are aren't humble enough to say so. Just my 2 cents.

I don't think it is unfair or unreasonable to ask for a reminder on when something was said. Lots of this original discussion began because a poster kept saying that Kim had said this "over and over". I don't want to say the idea was that they knew it all, but it was repeated several times with certainty that Kim had said this on the show lots of times. Many of us don't remember it at all (which is not to say it couldn't have happened), so if it happened many times, it should be easy to remember the episodes. For me, the idea that Kim has been coherent enough to recognize that it would have been nice to also look after her sister(s), it changes the entire narrative of who Kim might be if this is something she has said often.

  • Love 3

I don't think it is unfair or unreasonable to ask for a reminder on when something was said. Lots of this original discussion began because a poster kept saying that Kim had said this "over and over". I don't want to say the idea was that they knew it all, but it was repeated several times with certainty that Kim had said this on the show lots of times. Many of us don't remember it at all (which is not to say it couldn't have happened), so if it happened many times, it should be easy to remember the episodes. For me, the idea that Kim has been coherent enough to recognize that it would have been nice to also look after her sister(s), it changes the entire narrative of who Kim might be if this is something she has said often.

Fair enough.

I believe there's more to it than meets the eye, but I don't want to be argumentative and it doesn't really have anything to do with either one of us so I'm dropping it. :)

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 2

Fair enough. I'll just speak for myself and say that I just get fed up with a emphatic Know-It-Alls.


I see both points. It's important to not just throw stuff up and hope it sticks.  However, I wonder how important it really is because this is supposed to be mindless entertainment.  


Almost everything that everyone writes here about these Hos is opinion, not fact. (Notice I said 'almost'.  Kingsley bites. Fact. Kim loving her dog more than her niece?  Opinion.)  What we're seeing is not enough to bet our lives on.  So when something is stated as fact, even though I think in my head "No way they can know this for sure",  I'm usually able to not ask for footnotes and sources because I'm certain someone(s) is saying the same thing about my...'opinions'. 

  • Love 7

zoeysmom, Are you saying 15% of Kim's earnings is all that was put away for her?  That doesn't seem like very much to me, especially if her dad was making a good living supporting the family.

That is all that is required by law.  Kim may have had more.  The Coogan Law requires that 15% of the child's earning be put into a locked account accessible by the child and only the child at 18 years old.  I look at this way -Kim earnings-15% locked away, 20% for management and agent fees, 40% for taxes, and the balance may have been spent (and rightfully so) on maintain a lifestyle consistent with Kim's station in life.  For most people, having 15%  of the earnings automatically put away for later use is a big percentage. We don't know, and Kim hasn't said what percentage her mother and father put away.  Also Kathy bought a house for Kim in Palm Springs so obviously she was still looking out for Kim. 


What irritates me is regardless of what Bug Kathy and Kim's dad did with the money is it has nothing to do with Kyle or Little Kathy.  Even the house in Indian Wells purchased in 1996-some 15 years after Big Kathy had control of Kim's money doesn't make the house Kim's.  Even if it were shown that the house was paid for by Kim's childhood earnings-there was still a mortgage on the house. It would be one thing if Kim wrote a check for the house and then Big Kathy divided it between the three but records reveal that did not happen.  To bring it forward to filming times-Mauricio and Kyle paid $420,000.00 for the house and sold it for $450,000.00 and had $40,000.00 a year for 12 years in upkeep-just how does that warrant Kim having any interest in the home.  Real or imaginary.   

  • Love 9

Oh God Wills!  My father (generally a man of old-fashioned ideas) fell out with my older brother the lawyer.  And named me the much younger female non-lawyer as executor of his will.  Neither of us knew beforehand so it was a final fuck-you to my bro when the will was read.  That was more than 20 years ago.  It changed my relationship with my brother for ever even though he is fully aware that I had nothing to do with my dad's decision.  Stick-handling your way through that kind of sibling quagmire can be a total nightmare, so I feel for Kyle.  And my brother is a lot more rational than Li'l Kim ever was!

  • Love 7

I see both points. It's important to not just throw stuff up and hope it sticks.  However, I wonder how important it really is because this is supposed to be mindless entertainment.  


Almost everything that everyone writes here about these Hos is opinion, not fact. (Notice I said 'almost'.  Kingsley bites. Fact. Kim loving her dog more than her niece?  Opinion.)  What we're seeing is not enough to bet our lives on.  So when something is stated as fact, even though I think in my head "No way they can know this for sure",  I'm usually able to not ask for footnotes and sources because I'm certain someone(s) is saying the same thing about my...'opinions'.

I agree with this. I am wrong about stuff plenty of times and I hope I don't take myself so serious that I'm unable to say so. Most of the time I find it pure fun to read and post on here. There are exceptions, like the recent silliness over Kim and Kyle.

  • Love 4

I think Brandi hates Kyle so much this season because Kyle wouldn't back her up at the reunion last year against Lisa V., and because Lisa V took Kyle back this year and still has Brandi on the outs.  I think that's where the jealousy lies.  I think Kyle did talk smack about Lisa V and told Brandi stuff about Calabassas and bankruptcy and Brandi ran with it only to have Kyle look away innocently at the reunion.  I would even believe that Kyle said something about Lisa V hooking up with her trainer last year.  But Lisa V doesn't want to hear any of it, and it is driving Brandi nuts, so she hates Kyle for it.


ETA and I wonder if the voicemail that Brandi allegedly has on Kyle at the reunion has to do with Lisa V and not Kim like I was thinking it would.

Edited by jinjer
  • Love 6

I think Brandi hates Kyle so much this season because Kyle wouldn't back her up at the reunion last year against Lisa V., and because Lisa V took Kyle back this year and still has Brandi on the outs.  I think that's where the jealousy lies.  I think Kyle did talk smack about Lisa V and told Brandi stuff about Calabassas and bankruptcy and Brandi ran with it only to have Kyle look away innocently at the reunion.  I would even believe that Kyle said something about Lisa V hooking up with her trainer last year.  But Lisa V doesn't want to hear any of it, and it is driving Brandi nuts, so she hates Kyle for it.


ETA and I wonder if the voicemail that Brandi allegedly has on Kyle at the reunion has to do with Lisa V and not Kim like I was thinking it would.

Brandi has a "voicemail" from Kyle? When did I miss this tid bit? LOL I had though that maybe Kim was going to show the text messages from LisaR and that was the big surprise that Andy was hinting about but if Brandi has something on Kyle that would be bigger. Hmmmmm, the plot/suspense thickens! LOL

  • Love 2

I think Brandi hates Kyle so much this season because Kyle wouldn't back her up at the reunion last year against Lisa V., and because Lisa V took Kyle back this year and still has Brandi on the outs.  I think that's where the jealousy lies.  I think Kyle did talk smack about Lisa V and told Brandi stuff about Calabassas and bankruptcy and Brandi ran with it only to have Kyle look away innocently at the reunion.  I would even believe that Kyle said something about Lisa V hooking up with her trainer last year.  But Lisa V doesn't want to hear any of it, and it is driving Brandi nuts, so she hates Kyle for it.


ETA and I wonder if the voicemail that Brandi allegedly has on Kyle at the reunion has to do with Lisa V and not Kim like I was thinking it would.

Kyle confirmed that Ken had talked about living in the valley but denied ever having said anything about them being bankrupt.  Bottom line Brandi chose to take the information she had public-about them being in the valley because Lisa did not like to go to either Kim or Brandi's house in the valley.   Lisa had given interviews saying they lost four out of five restaurants and as such needed to move back to the UK.   Brandi makes stuff up and Kyle just hasn't been shown to make stuff up.  The same goes with the magazines-Brandi claims production told Kyle it happened but even Brandi closest allies Yolanda (who does not like Lisa) and Carlton, who has been known to make out with Brandi don't back the story up.  Kyle never confirmed production told her that Lisa said it.  So brandi claiming someone said something or someone will back her up offers very ;little weight.  I sure saw a different side of Brandi when we saw her telling Kim what Lisa R had said compared to what we saw and Brandi's role in all of it. 


Kim was the one who screwed up everything in Puerto Rico because she kept inserting herself into the matter when she had no first hand knowledge,  When asked about it she kept saying Brandi told me and then verbally attacked Ken and went off onto the graduation party mess. 

  • Love 5

Seriously - I am always shocked by how functional Kyle seems to be in her life given what the rumor mill has to say about their upbringing. Kim and Kathy seem like absolute messes, but Kyle seems to have created a genuinely stable home for her family despite her streak of rage. I wonder if it has something to do with having been the baby - perhaps Kim and Kathy got more of the brunt of it, and by the time Kyle came along Big Kathy had cooled off some, especially if Kim had fulfilled a lot of her vicarious need for stardom.

You know I have to agree. As much as I really sincerely do not like Kyle and don't see the good person struggling that so many do, I do give her credit for building what seems to be a really good kinda shockingly normal life. I actually credit her relative poverty (Kyle and Mauricio in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER). I buy that when they were first married full time help was not an option so Kyle had to grow up and figure some stuff out. You know, stuff like not getting drunk at lunch because there was no team of nannies taking care of the kids. In many ways I think Kathy and Kim were able to buy a prolonged adolescence that Kyle just wasn't. It may have been hard at the time and I would bet Kyle may be a bit resentful of it, but in the long run it served her well. Sometimes not having the time to become a huge mess is actually a really good thing. Idle hands, devil's work, all that stuff.

  • Love 17

You know I have to agree. As much as I really sincerely do not like Kyle and don't see the good person struggling that so many do, I do give her credit for building what seems to be a really good kinda shockingly normal life. I actually credit her relative poverty (Kyle and Mauricio in a VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER). I buy that when they were first married full time help was not an option so Kyle had to grow up and figure some stuff out. You know, stuff like not getting drunk at lunch because there was no team of nannies taking care of the kids. In many ways I think Kathy and Kim were able to buy a prolonged adolescence that Kyle just wasn't. It may have been hard at the time and I would bet Kyle may be a bit resentful of it, but in the long run it served her well. Sometimes not having the time to become a huge mess is actually a really good thing. Idle hands, devil's work, all that stuff.

Kyle sure seems to have a better grasp on reality than her older sisters.

  • Love 8

I'm not sure what he's got but I want me some!!  His instagram KILLS me.  Especially when he's on vacation with Shiva and all the kids.  One thing about the guy, he loves his kids and grandkids fiercely.  These people know how to live and laugh and some of the pictures are so damn loving and gorgeous I want to cry.   


If you look at his account, look at the picture of Anwar on the sidelines in his football jersey.  The kid is going to be a ridiculously good looking man.


I just wanted to post a photo of Yo & Mo on their wedding day. Yolanda was gorgeous and Mohammed hadn't gotten creepy yet.


  • Love 14

It is just her attitude because she felt she worked and blew through the money that was set aside under Coogan's law in record time she felt that more should have been set aside.  At least Kyle and even Kay Rosario, acknowledged that Big Kathy's full time job was getting these girls acting jobs and taking them to acting jobs and complying with the law and remaining on set while they were working.  I do not think Kim really has any idea how much she made and I think she grossly overestimated her haul over the years or the fact that Kyle and her father worked. Kim talks of buying Kyle her first car-Kim was married when Kyle turned 16 to a trust fund baby ad had just filmed her one and only feature film as an adult .


I think retaining 15% of what you total earnings over 13 years is better than most Americans save.  Kim also enjoyed the fruits of her labor with private schools, beautiful clothes and nice vacations.


I wonder how much, if anything, Kim gets in residuals for her early acting jobs.


IIRC, a lot of television (and perhaps motion pictures) actors weren't paid residuals until maybe 20-30 years or so ago. 


Any info on that, ZoeysMom?  I'm wondering if, aside from her spousal support, Kim has any income besides the Bravo paycheck at this point in time.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 4

I wonder how much, if anything, Kim gets in residuals for her early acting jobs.


IIRC, a lot of television (and perhaps motion pictures) actors weren't paid residuals until maybe 20-30 years or so ago. 


I don't know about Kim Richards in particular, but I did know someone who received them, but only for X number of runs of their show (or for a certain period of time determined at the time the original contract was written).  I believe the number(s) can vary by contract, or by when the contract was written, ie what the SAG/AFTRA terms were at the time the contract was written, or even by how savvy a negotiator your representative is.  Just throwing in my halfway uninformed two cents.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 4

I wonder how much, if anything, Kim gets in residuals for her early acting jobs.


IIRC, a lot of television (and perhaps motion pictures) actors weren't paid residuals until maybe 20-30 years or so ago. 


Any info on that, ZoeysMom?  I'm wondering if, aside from her spousal support, Kim has any income besides the Bravo paycheck at this point in time.  

Kim may get residuals but none of her series made it to DVD-the kind that pay residuals.  Nanny and the Professor, Hello, Larry did not make it to DVD release  I cannot find where any of the shows presently air.  Her Witch Mountain stuff may air but I am thinking any residual at best would be a family dinner at the Red Lobster (no appetizers or alcohol).  I think it usually airs on the Disney channel.


I do not believe Kim receives spousal support.  I think it is more fiction from the Kim Richards camp.  She was married to Gregg for less than 5 years and received very generous child support.  She was all set to get married again until her fiancé was gunned down.  Her husband Gregg at the time was the son of a rich man, he had no inheritance.  So to pay some off for the next 60 years does not seem like the decision of a rich successful man.  When Kim and Kyle are arguing in the desert Kyle says to Kim-you were in no position to share a mortgage.  I don't think Kim had any spousal support and I think the only support she was getting was from John for Kimberly which ended most likely when she moved in with John Season 1.


I think what Kim has as income is RHOBH and bits like "Diving With The Stars", and "Revenge".  Her "Revenge" performance may have qualified under this term http://www.sagaftra.org/files/sag/Digest_Theatrical_Television_8_1_0.pdf and she would have received a minimum of $4,000.00.  At this point I think Kim is pretty much putting out the will work sign.  She had maybe two lines on "Revenge".

  • Love 7

I am watching reruns today and EVERY time I see kim's lying face I just want to vomit....vast expanses of vomit....all over her....I have never been so thoroughly fed up/disgusted/had enough with anyone (IRL or TVLand) than I have with this waste of space...I'd pray to my favorite deity to have her NEVER appear on my TV screen again, except for the insult to my beliefs that such a thing would entail.  I've come to the conclusion that regardless of any other cast changes, kim's continued presence on BH will be the end of it for me....at least I'll still have VPR - unless the bitch invades THAT venue as well.


ETA: BTW, NOTHING disgusts me more than having to vomit....I have a low, low gag threshold and even the repetition of the word makes me start to gag....to think that vomit would be preferable to seeing kim is saying quite a LOT for me...and not in a good way

Edited by becauseIsaidso
  • Love 5

I wonder how much, if anything, Kim gets in residuals for her early acting jobs.


IIRC, a lot of television (and perhaps motion pictures) actors weren't paid residuals until maybe 20-30 years or so ago. 


Any info on that, ZoeysMom?  I'm wondering if, aside from her spousal support, Kim has any income besides the Bravo paycheck at this point in time.

I'm not ZM but I do live with a TV producer. My guess is Kim isn't making any money off her tv shows. None of them made it to nick at night reruns nor do they get played overseas. If anyone is still making money off her acting career, it's Kyle. LHOTP and ER have made far more money given that they are more recent and have a bigger following. LHOTP reruns were playing for decades, they probably still are on WGN. And ER of course was more recent, offering better SAG/AFTRA deals.

At the end of the da royalty/residual money is just pennies, especially for actors. It's the studios and creators/producers that cash in. I think Kim is just as dependent on her Bravo money as Brandi is.

  • Love 12

I'm not ZM but I do live with a TV producer. My guess is Kim isn't making any money off her tv shows. None of them made it to nick at night reruns nor do they get played overseas. If anyone is still making money off her acting career, it's Kyle. LHOTP and ER have made far more money given that they are more recent and have a bigger following. LHOTP reruns were playing for decades, they probably still are on WGN. And ER of course was more recent, offering better SAG/AFTRA deals.

At the end of the da royalty/residual money is just pennies, especially for actors. It's the studios and creators/producers that cash in. I think Kim is just as dependent on her Bravo money as Brandi is.

I like your answer better.  I think the other little tidbit of Kyle's that may allow her to cash her residual check and take her family to Red Lobster and have drinks and appetizers is "Halloween", that seems to get a lot of play every year.

  • Love 4

I did catch the first episode of Nanny and the Professor via Hulu recently; i watched it as a kid, but it's pretty awful when seen in the bright light of day.  The hub disagrees a little because he's got a thing for Juliet Mills - not that I can blame him -- but even he was like "Geez, I don't remember it being this bad." 

  • Love 2

I see both points. It's important to not just throw stuff up and hope it sticks.  However, I wonder how important it really is because this is supposed to be mindless entertainment.  


Almost everything that everyone writes here about these Hos is opinion, not fact. (Notice I said 'almost'.  Kingsley bites. Fact. Kim loving her dog more than her niece?  Opinion.)  What we're seeing is not enough to bet our lives on.  So when something is stated as fact, even though I think in my head "No way they can know this for sure",  I'm usually able to not ask for footnotes and sources because I'm certain someone(s) is saying the same thing about my...'opinions'.

Sure, but shows like the Housewives are not only provocative and and often incendiary, but the kind where viewers have their favorites. So some posts come with an agenda behind it, supporting or criticizing particular favorites. And when it's about plot (Kim said in the car scene that she hates Kyle) as opposed to opinion (Kim hates Kyle), that's when it makes sense for clarification.

In my opinion!

  • Love 6

I like your answer better.  I think the other little tidbit of Kyle's that may allow her to cash her residual check and take her family to Red Lobster and have drinks and appetizers is "Halloween", that seems to get a lot of play every year.


Wasn't she cut from Halloween? Even today actors get royally screwed when their lines are cut. No back end since they're classified as glorified extras. Although, I'm sure they cut her a check for doing the bts for the 20th anniversary. Maybe enough for one of Sur's overpriced cosmos...maybe.

  • Love 1

Wasn't she cut from Halloween? Even today actors get royally screwed when their lines are cut. No back end since they're classified as glorified extras. Although, I'm sure they cut her a check for doing the bts for the 20th anniversary. Maybe enough for one of Sur's overpriced cosmos...maybe.

She wasn't cut from Halloween. She is Tommy's friend, Lyndsay, and the other kid that Laurie babysat when Michael Myers decided to come home. I LOVE that movie. It was one of the reasons I immediately wanted to watch BH. I had never heard of Kim Richards, but I knew who Kyle was from Halloween and Little House on the Prairie. I was kind of disappointed to find out how much I disliked Kyle after watching the show. Even though I dislike her, I can't imagine the show without her. I consider her to be one of the show's anchors.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 10

Wasn't she cut from Halloween? Even today actors get royally screwed when their lines are cut. No back end since they're classified as glorified extras. Although, I'm sure they cut her a check for doing the bts for the 20th anniversary. Maybe enough for one of Sur's overpriced cosmos...maybe.

The first episode of the first season of RHOBH the opening  is Kyle doing a True Hollywood Story for some anniversary of Halloween.  So residuals are even worse than I thought they were.  Thanks for all the info.

Edited by zoeysmom

I don't think it is unfair or unreasonable to ask for a reminder on when something was said. Lots of this original discussion began because a poster kept saying that Kim had said this "over and over". I don't want to say the idea was that they knew it all, but it was repeated several times with certainty that Kim had said this on the show lots of times. Many of us don't remember it at all (which is not to say it couldn't have happened), so if it happened many times, it should be easy to remember the episodes. For me, the idea that Kim has been coherent enough to recognize that it would have been nice to also look after her sister(s), it changes the entire narrative of who Kim might be if this is something she has said often.

Here are 36 scenes of Kim and Kyle the first 5 or so are Season 1 and Kyle lays down the mom told me to take care of Kim line.  Kim agrees with this in a later clip and says that she thought of Kyle has her baby and now Kyle takes care of her.  The second season after the limo fight there is discussion of mom.  Clip 12 is interesting-drunk Kim and Kim never saying she is sorry oh and pregnant Kim.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-highs-and-lows-of-kyle-and-kims?clip=15284204


Clip 14 Kingsley is laying calmly on the bed while Kim and Kyle and obviously the camera crew are there.  Clips 16 Kim's relapse in Paris and general discussion of Kim's behavior, Clip 17 Kim talks medicine mix up and Kim saying she needs to earn everyone's trust back and talks about dying.  Clip 18 Brandi saying Kyle doubts her sobriety (direct contrast to clip 16) 


Clip 20 check out the crooked lamp shade in the room with the china hutch.  It is the one with Kathy Hilton-about Kathy throwing shade.


I can't find anything to support Kim ever said she promised her mom she would take care of Kyle or they promised they would take care of each other. Only the clip of Kim agreeing with Kyle's position.

  • Love 3

Here are 36 scenes of Kim and Kyle the first 5 or so are Season 1 and Kyle lays down the mom told me to take care of Kim line.  Kim agrees with this in a later clip and says that she thought of Kyle has her baby and now Kyle takes care of her.  The second season after the limo fight there is discussion of mom.  Clip 12 is interesting-drunk Kim and Kim never saying she is sorry oh and pregnant Kim.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-highs-and-lows-of-kyle-and-kims?clip=15284204


Clip 14 Kingsley is laying calmly on the bed while Kim and Kyle and obviously the camera crew are there.  Clips 16 Kim's relapse in Paris and general discussion of Kim's behavior, Clip 17 Kim talks medicine mix up and Kim saying she needs to earn everyone's trust back and talks about dying.  Clip 18 Brandi saying Kyle doubts her sobriety (direct contrast to clip 16) 


Clip 20 check out the crooked lamp shade in the room with the china hutch.  It is the one with Kathy Hilton-about Kathy throwing shade.


I can't find anything to support Kim ever said she promised her mom she would take care of Kyle or they promised they would take care of each other. Only the clip of Kim agreeing with Kyle's position.

 I watched most of those scenes yesterday and found them fascinating.  Kyle did say in one of those clips that her mother said something about watching out for Kim or something of that sort.  I don't remember what the actual quote was. 


What I found the most interesting is a scene with Kim and Kyle, and Kyle is telling Kim that she NEVER apologizes, for anything.  At the time, it probably didn't have much impact but a few seasons later, we know how true that is. 


The clips also really does give us insight into who Kim is and what she is all about - a child 'star' who was treated as someone special (not necessarily by her mom but the people around her) who grew up to be a spoiled adult married to men who indulged her for a time and then left her, and then hit rock bottom because the star faded very quickly.  She hates Kyle because Kyle's life worked out.  Kim knows she can manipulate Kyle.  We've seen it, especially in PS.  Kyle is the only one that Kim can get over on because Kyle truly loves Kim, her 'sister'.  No one else buys what Kim is trying to sell except maybe her children.  Kim made a big mistake coming onto this show.  I think Kyle is very close to calling it quits with her sister (especially if Kim throws Alexia under the bus about Kingsley) and I wouldn't be surprised if her children may get to that point as well.  Kim's vision of her life is pure delusion.


Edited to add - I should have said Kim left her marriages because she was no longer indulged the way she felt entitled to. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 10

Kyle is taking her promise to mom about taking care of Kim too far.  Death bed promises are never good anyway.  It was more a statement of concern than asking Kyle to upend her life to make Kim's life right.  Get some distance, Kyle.  Mauricio and the girls deserve your attention and happiness.  


ETA:  Lisa looked beautiful in some of those clips.  Her upper lip was fuller, her bottom lip had not been filled and she just looked softer, prettier.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 3



I wonder why Lisar ended up so afraid of Kim.  Is there really something that she would happen to know about Harry?  It's just so strange.

I wonder if Lisar is afraid of the power of gossip, like once it's put out there, it becomes "true" to some people?  Otherwise it just doesn't make sense to me either.  Unless all the ladies agreed upfront that family members are off-limits; still Lisar's reaction, even under those circumstances, was extreme.  Was it just an act to bring the drama, or was she authentically flipping out? She reminded me of a cross between Caroline's "family" rant and Teresa's table flip!

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How many mothers have said to their children who has serious problems, "Take care of your sister (or brother)."  More than you think.  I don't think it evil.  I think it's being a mom.  And I would say the same to my children.  I guess I'm evil.  Or, I'm just a mom.

I only have one child, but if I had two or more, I think I'd say, "Try your best to help your brother or sister, within normal, healthy, loving bounds, but don't ruin your entire life/lives if it ends up being nothing more than a painful exercise in futility for either one of you..."

Exactly.  I don't think that Kyle and Kim's mom envisioned what has happened now when she told her other daughters to take care of Kim.  


I don't know if Mauricio has ever complained about the house in the desert either.  And I don't know what the amount was in the trust fund to take care of that house.


The bottom line for me is that, love her or hate her, I don't see anything in what their mother wanted as being anything else as being a 'mom' at the time.

Breezy, I'd normally agree with you, but in this case I think Big Kathy knew about Kim's addictions, so it's different...

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When my kids were younger, and sometimes now, when they fought, I'd make them sit down and look at each other.  I'd tell them "look at the person across from you.  this is the person, god willing, that will know you the longest in your life.  longer than dad & I, longer than your spouse, or friends.   you will know what makes each other smile, cry, and what drives  each other nuts.   don't use that knowledge to hurt one another, but use it to comfort, love for a lifetime, and help when it's needed.  "  So far, so good. 

  • Love 23

When my kids were younger, and sometimes now, when they fought, I'd make them sit down and look at each other.  I'd tell them "look at the person across from you.  this is the person, god willing, that will know you the longest in your life.  longer than dad & I, longer than your spouse, or friends.   you will know what makes each other smile, cry, and what drives  each other nuts.   don't use that knowledge to hurt one another, but use it to comfort, love for a lifetime, and help when it's needed.  "  So far, so good. 


That seems to me like a very sane tactic; I wish my parents had done it.

  • Love 3

I wonder if Lisar is afraid of the power of gossip, like once it's put out there, it becomes "true" to some people?  Otherwise it just doesn't make sense to me either.  Unless all the ladies agreed upfront that family members are off-limits; still Lisar's reaction, even under those circumstances, was extreme.  Was it just an act to bring the drama, or was she authentically flipping out? She reminded me of a cross between Caroline's "family" rant and Teresa's table flip!

I do think Lisar takes it to extremes but once that aired it was everywhere about what had Harry done.  So his wife and his kids are left with the surrounding gossip which is made up stuff.  Kim is just pure evil and she will not be working in Hollywood anymore-unless it is just really low budget projects.  What other actors, producers or directors want to be around someone that throws that kind of crap out there on film about a co-stars family and especially another well-respected actor?  I will be curious to see how Kim gets out of it gracefully.  I predict she won't deny "knowing something" but will say she was SO HURT that she threw it out there to make Lisar stop.


I think Kim was the one who initially overreacted.  Then again Kim was given bad information by Brandi.

  • Love 4

When my kids were younger, and sometimes now, when they fought, I'd make them sit down and look at each other.  I'd tell them "look at the person across from you.  this is the person, god willing, that will know you the longest in your life.  longer than dad & I, longer than your spouse, or friends.   you will know what makes each other smile, cry, and what drives  each other nuts.   don't use that knowledge to hurt one another, but use it to comfort, love for a lifetime, and help when it's needed.  "  So far, so good.

Such great advice.

My mother always told us that the relationship between sibs is the only cradle to grave relationship that exists. She told us we had to treat it with the utmost respect and honor it like no other relationship we would ever have because nothing like it would ever exist. I have told my kids the exact same thing and they take it as seriously as I always have with my own brothers and sisters.

  • Love 7

When my kids were younger, and sometimes now, when they fought, I'd make them sit down and look at each other.  I'd tell them "look at the person across from you.  this is the person, god willing, that will know you the longest in your life.  longer than dad & I, longer than your spouse, or friends.   you will know what makes each other smile, cry, and what drives  each other nuts.   don't use that knowledge to hurt one another, but use it to comfort, love for a lifetime, and help when it's needed.  "  So far, so good. 



Bravo!  I am going to send this to my son's so they can say this to their children.   Brilliant. 

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I do think Lisar takes it to extremes but once that aired it was everywhere about what had Harry done.  So his wife and his kids are left with the surrounding gossip which is made up stuff.  Kim is just pure evil and she will not be working in Hollywood anymore-unless it is just really low budget projects.  What other actors, producers or directors want to be around someone that throws that kind of crap out there on film about a co-stars family and especially another well-respected actor?  I will be curious to see how Kim gets out of it gracefully.  I predict she won't deny "knowing something" but will say she was SO HURT that she threw it out there to make Lisar stop.


I think Kim was the one who initially overreacted.  Then again Kim was given bad information by Brandi.

ITA - your point about Lisar going to extremes is on point for me - and over the years she has been very vocal, sometimes smarmily so,  about her wonderful life with Harry and her girls.  But to hear Kim Richards infer anything about Harry Hamlin was the lowest of the low, the cheapest of shots.   I think you are right that she will not get work where she feels she deserves to be after this.  I hope she loses her Disney gig.


I wonder if this gossip stuff is the norm for Hollywood kids.  Probably it's not the first time for the Hamlin kids to hear rumors about their parents, but it sucks nonetheless.


As an aside, I've found it interesting to see the contrast between Lisar and Eileen - I get the impression that Eileen prefers small doses of Lisa's enthusiasm - Eileen leaves her drama on the set.  JMO 

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Wow, watching all those clips is eye-opening.  I had forgotten what a mess Kim was.  Geeze, if I were Kyle and Mauricio, I'd have been done a long time ago.  There is the one clip where Kim says something about earning people's trust, but she seems to have forgotten that.  The one slip up with the pain pill is all it takes to knock the confidence people have about your sobriety.  I watched the scene of Lisa and Kim in the limo, with Kim completely drugged out of her mind (and I know this because I have been around someone who acted exactly the same bizarre way when she was completely blitzed out on drugs).  It freaked me out and took me right back to my uncomfortable moments with my druggie ex friend.  I gave up, completely cut the cord, could not let that negative influence affect myself or my family any more.  I give Lisa Rinna props for not jumping out of the car.  Kyle, for your own sake and your family's sake, you need to cut the cord - the only way Kim will ever get better is if she is allowed to hit rock bottom - sad as that is.

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