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S01.E15: Out Of Time

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- Mark Mardon aka The Weather Wizard (guest star Liam McIntyre) appears in Central City intent on avenging his brother Clyde's death, and sets his sights on Joe, who shot Clyde. When Mardon attacks Joe and Barry, Barry is able to super-speed them to safety but Mardon gets away. Barry warns Joe not to go after a meta-human alone but Joe doesn't listen and ends up in grave danger. Meanwhile, Cisco looks into the night the team captured the Reverse Flash and realizes something doesn't add up and begins to wonder whether Joe was right about Dr. Wells. Barry and Linda (guest star Malese Jow) end up on an awkward double date with Eddie and Iris.



The episode description seems more 'spoilery' than usual; anyway:



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So after finding out something pivotal in the previous episode, I guess the logical progression for Iris is to have her go on an awkward double date with Barry? Way to keep that momentum going.

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Fuck, he killed Cisco. Okay, now the preview is making me doubt it. I hate fucking Wells regardless.


How can these two kiss at a time like this? They are lunatics. But yay, Iris now knows the truth though there will likely be a time adjustment so she does not remember.

Edited by SimoneS
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This is the kind of thing that makes me bail on shows.  Its hard to become invested in a show where there are no consequences.  Let's have two or three pivotal moments worthy of a finale and then whoops....time travel and none of it happened.

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Wells you son of a bitch, you bastard!  He's not a magnificent bastard, he's just a bastard.


Oh Barry, you have no idea what you're about to unleash now that you've broken the time barrier.  This is what Wells wants, and it's going to have massive consequences.  While Cisco will be alive, Barry breaking the time barrier, is going to lead to Wells pushing him more, and unleashing Hell on a scale that Barry can't possibly imagine.

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Holy Hell! This felt like a season finale! 


Cisco NOOOOOOOO! His poor little heartbroken face! I don't care if they have to pull the time travel card, bring him back now! 


This episode was HARD CORE. 

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Oh for heaven's sake, Barry, the Weather Wizard had a five second head start at the police station and you couldn't take the time to knock him out? 


While they'll no doubt reset Cisco's death and the Wells reveal Barry does know that Iris apparently feels the exact same way about him.  Also, Joe, if you're going to track down the baddie by yourself then why not take that spiffy magic wand that worked so well?

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This is the kind of thing that makes me bail on shows. Its hard to become invested in a show where there are no consequences. Let's have two or three pivotal moments worthy of a finale and then whoops....time travel and none of it happened.

Ah! I saw Cisco in the previews and I didn't connect it to the time travel for some reason. I was about to bail on the show if Cisco was dead because I seem to be pretty meh on everyone else. That scene with wells was by far the best of the episode.

Iris is a shitty girlfriend. Barry too, but he's only been on a few dates with Linda so I don't think it's at the same level of badness.

I apparently zoned out or they cut off whatever happened with joe excep maybe that's all gone because of time travel now? And I'm just now realizing all the iris stuff got wiped away too? So this whole episode can be thrown in the trash...is that about right? Ugh.

Edited by Shanna
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A lot happened this episode, lots of plot movement. Too bad it won’t mean a dam thing with Barry going back in time.


Now that that’s off my chest I will say, Barry, Joe and now Eddie treating Iris like a 16th century Courtier who can’t handle the details about the danger the men folk are encountering gets more ridiculous by the minute. 


I was very excited about Iris being continuously pushed by her mentor. Loved the fact that she went to Barry and cultivated the seed of doubt that should’ve been there months ago and as result that doubt has spread to Cisco and maybe even Caitlyn. I don’t understand what she’s doing with Barry though. It seems like she’s in denial about what she feels for him, but yet she has difficulty with seeing him date someone else.


If Wells is as diabolical as Cisco suspects him to be (and we know he is), he and Caitlyn should’ve known they couldn’t out smart him and that he'd figure out something was up.  I knew Cisco’s death would likely not be real, but still it was difficult to watch.


Loved all the Barry/Iris stuff, especially the scene by the water. The scene in the police station smoldered too. They really do have great chemistry. And finally we got her POV, but still not enough to know exactly what’s up with her feelings for him, just that she couldn't stop thinking about him and didn't want to stop. So what does that mean? Being as she went ahead and moved in with Eddie.


The Captain trying to protect Joe was commendable, hated to see him be injured and likely not coming back. However, I thought it made no sense for him to try and keep Joe safe at the police station considering what they knew about the Weather Wizard.


Eddie scolding Joe about going after the Weather Wizard was hypocritical. What was he going to do if he found him? Like Joe he was going after him alone as well. It might not mean anything, but Eddie showing up at the apartment seemed kind of suspect.


So if Barry went back in time, what happened to the Weather Wizard? Is Barry and team going to be battling him and Captain Cold next week?


Though I liked a lot of things that happened in this episode, I'm disappointed that pretty much nothing is sticking. Also, the episode had way too much going on, which almost made it a bit disjointed.

Edited by Enero
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I didn't realize how much I loved Cisco until this episode. I knew he was the smartest (Barry's dumb convictions about Wells continue to piss me off).


I'm not even mad about the cheap re-write because we got the E. Thawne's reveal. Now let's see if Eddie is the lost twin.


Liam at CCPD was high tension stuff too. Singh loves Joe, good to know. Then at the abandoned warehouse place, I honestly thought Eddie was gonna turn it around and shoot Joe.


Iris was distractingly stunning all episode long.

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Oh, and Spartacus himself is our bad guy! I love the never ending parade of Spartacus alum who keeping passing through this show and Arrow. Damn it, Liam is a good looking man. It kind of distracted me. 


The captains fiance is a cutie. 


I hope at least some of this episode sticks around after the time travel. Most importantly, Cisco needs to be ok! 

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Wells said that as far as he was concerned that Cisco had been dead for hundreds of years -- so when exactly is Wells from ? 


I figured he was from the time of the newspaper that he keeps referencing, but that is only 10 years or so in the future.

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A lot happened this episode, lots of plot movement. Too bad it won’t mean a dam thing with Barry going back in time.

I don't think it won't mean a damn thing.  Barry broke the time barrier, and there won't be any huge consequences from it, which will cause Barry to think he can go back to save his mother without there being consequences.  This will get Barry into a false sense of security, and it will blow up in his face massively.


Wells said that as far as he was concerned that Cisco had been dead for hundreds of years -- so when exactly is Wells from ?

Eobard Thawne is from the 25th century.

Edited by Jediknight
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Now that that’s off my chest I will say, Barry, Joe and now Eddie treating Iris like a 16th century Courtier who can’t handle the details about the danger the men folk are encountering gets more ridiculous by the minute.

I'm dumbfounded at the stupidity. Doesn't Joe know that if you kill Evil Dude's family, Evil Dude is gonna be looking to go after yours? I guess Iris' pretty smile staying in place is more important than her watching out for herself when she's got a very imminent target on her back. Who writes this shit?


So next episode Cisco makes the wise choice and attends his brother's dinner right, with Barry as his date, and that's when the Captain Cold and his crew attack. Oh and someone KOs Liam.

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I guess I am supposed to feel happy that Iris and Barry kissed but I am just so annoyed at the both of them. Iris with all of her passive-aggressive smiley bullshit with Linda when you know what she really wanted to say was "back off bitch... he's mine." Using her fingers to wipe a smudge near Barry's lip when she knows his date (and her man) is watching... just poor underhandedness. Poor Eddie... he deserves better than this mess. If Barry truly wasn't over Iris... he should not have dragged Linda into this. So glad Linda called Iris out.. 

Edited by Bandolero
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MVP of the night, for me, was Carlos. oH man, Cisco had me tearing up with the betrayal and defeat showing on his face and radiating off his body.

So, now Barry will go back and fix everything, Cisco won't be dead and Wells' secret will still be in tact. Iris won't know the Flash's identity, but Barry will know she is into him. I'm not too sure how I feel about this right now.

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Everything with Wells and Cisco. That final scene of theirs was amazing.


Eddie not stewing quietly in jealousy. He flat-out told Iris he wasn't happy about the lovey-dovey stuff with her and Barry. Please don't have him be evil out of nowhere to better accommodate Barry/Iris.


The police Captain. I like that guy. He had a big heroic moment and it was great. I hope we see more of him soon.


The use of time travel. Save Cisco, Barry!





Barry/Iris. So forced. All it made me do is feel sorry for Eddie and Linda. Iris telling Barry that Linda wasn't the one for him made me angry like when she interfered in that relationship a few episodes ago. That kiss and whole relationship just feels so forced, so rushed. I don't get why they keep focusing on Iris relationships with Barry and Eddie, instead of letting us know her as an individual. I want to care about her, but I really don't. Its good acting by CP, as well as the fact that the other characters care about her, that is still keeping the character viable.


The way Barry behaves around Iris and Linda. If Iris is all you think about, break up with Linda. She deserves better. This is as painful as Oliver/Laurel/Tommy on Arrow.


Iris talkingto Barry about Wells. Ony for Barry to be able to have the exact same conversation with Mason a few minutes later. One of those scenes weren't needed. Some screentime was wasted.


The main plot with Martin. It was just filler. More screentime wasted when what I really wanted to see was the stuff with Wells as Cisco. This episode was advertised as a big mytharc heavy episode about Wells, but it was filler-tastic.

Edited by Lord Kira
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Way to come back from hiatus, show. Even with the reset button getting hauled out and shined so prettily, it was still one helluva hour.


Is it okay to feel bad for Linda? Stupid Barry hormones. Also think Mason was irritating, in the sense that he all but has the show's script in hand. It's great that somebody is putting two and two together about Wells, but it feels too convenient. Also, I figure Mason's corpse will be bury on top of Stagg's in about 2-3 episodes.

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I just realized with the time travel  most likely Cisco will come back alive (yay!), Iris will forget know about Barry being The Flash and their kiss (blech!), and Barry will never know that Wells is Eobard Thawne (ugh!).


The Captain's fiance was pretty cute. I hope that he fully recovers so they can get married.

Edited by SimoneS
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Ok, time for a post with actual words.


Wells, I mean Thawne, you bastard! You made Cisco cry and then you made him die. Major props to Carlos Valdes for that scene, the way the full realization slowly hit him. Even as I knew the time reversal was coming I was like, "Do it before Cisco dies! I can't watch him die!" And then when he did, I wanted Caitlin to find him. Oh, and Caitlin, how about fucking telling Barry that Wells left his wheelchair at the restaurant? 


Barry and Iris had great chemistry this episode, even before the kiss. I don't think I've ever liked them together more. And now Barry knows how she feels. At least something is sticking. And maybe will get to see Iris's gorgeous clothes again. I want that green dress and green coat.


Chilling line of the night: "To me, you've been dead for centuries."

Funny line of the night: "Your asking your adoptive father for advice about asking out his daughter who coincidentally is dating his partner."

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So next episode Cisco makes the wise choice and attends his brother's dinner right, with Barry as his date


Why wouldn't he take Caitlin?


WOW what an episode. 


Theory: Wells/Thawne traveled back centuries to kill Barry as a sort of vengeance for his ancestor Eddie. Because Eddie will somehow become RF and Barry's nemesis. 

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That was a mind bender of an episode. They still have to deal with the presence of the Weather Wizard, I assume, or is it that Cpatain Cold and Heat Wave now get blamed as an alternate timeline?


Depending on how the writers reset things, the Captain doesn't get injured, Cisco doesn't get killed, Iris doesn't tell Barry (although Bsrry will remember and now know how Iris does feel), Barry will realize how he achieved time travel accidentally, the big question is who will know who and what Dr. Wells actually is, and when that will come out in the new timeline. And whether Iris will even remember that Dr. Wells left his wheelchair at the coffeeshop.


The fact that Dr.Wells/Eo. Thawne wants to just get back to his own time rather than still kill Barry is an interesting revelation. Still not clear why he wanted to kill Barry as a boy.


This show is managing to complicate all the story arcs at rapid speed.

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The moment when Barry touched Iris' face at CCPD I was done for. Heart stopping stuff right there. 


This was the first time I've seen romance done right in Flarrow verse, at least within one episode. We finally got to see what they teased before about how Iris and Barry couldn't hold down a relationship long term (not until the coma and Eddie). Then the events nicely led to Iris' reveal and the kiss. Beautifully done. But of course, they had to erase it all. Bummer.


Barry and Iris had great chemistry this episode, even before the kiss. I don't think I've ever liked them together more. And now Barry knows how she feels. At least something is sticking. And maybe will get to see Iris's gorgeous clothes again. I want that green dress and green coat.


I think Iris reciprocating really made the change. Everything from her face to her body language really worked well with what Barry's been delivering. I've been on the fence till now, but I'm done. I ship it.


I like Iris with Eddie too, so that's a bit of a problem.


Why wouldn't he take Caitlin?

Maybe she's busy? I'm just going by the official releases of Cisco being out with Barry.

Edited by driedfruit
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I had zero interest in Barry/iris romantically because I thought they were both being jerks at the time. Especially iris.

I like Linda, but what was that weird comment about iris telling her Barry liked someone else was 'typical girl stuff' or whatever she said? That was weird.

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Ranting a bit more about time travel. I hate when shows use time travel to undo major dramatic events. I think that sucks.


Loved all the Barry/Iris stuff, especially the scene by the water. The scene in the police station smoldered too. They really do have great chemistry. And finally we got her POV, but still not enough to know exactly what’s up with her feelings for him, just that she couldn't stop thinking about him and didn't want to stop. So what does that mean? Being as she went ahead and moved in with Eddie.


I have to admit that despite my annoyance with the kiss when Joe was in danger, I thought Barry and Iris were smoking hot starting with the bowling scenes. I was glad that both Eddie and Linda (?) both spoke up about the sexual vibe between Barry and Iris. I hate when the wronged "other" suffers in silence. While I was happy that Iris finally admitted her feelings for Barry, the timing soooo sucked. The kiss was hot though.

Edited by SimoneS
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Well, all that just happened.  Glad the show seems to be upping it's game now, after dragging a bit mid-season.


The final twist kind of leaves things in doubt, because I wonder what is actually going to stay long term.  I have to think Barry being in another universe (or back in time), is going to change some of the stuff that happened.  Until then though, I'm still wrapping my ahead over all the craziness: Captain Singh crippled, Caitlin knows Wells is shady, and Iris knows Barry is Flash, and they declare their love for one another.  Oh, and Wells kills poor Cisco.  Yeah, that's nuts.


Actually, it seems Wells is actually a Thawne?  The way he's talking makes it sound like he's from the future, so I'm thinking he's an ancestor of Eddie's.  Either way, that was low, man!  Killing Cisco like that.  Tom Cavanagh going full-blown psycho was great to watch.  And Carlos Valdes was heartbreaking.  I have to think that Cisco isn't permanently dead.  He better not be.


We've got a new Weather Wizard and HE.  IS.  SPARTACUS!!!  OK, I thought Liam McIntyre was pretty great; had the commanding presence, perfectly menacing, and seem to not slip into blandness that happens sometimes when Aussie's fake an American accent; but since I just finish my Spartacus rewatch, I still thought of him as Evil Spartacus instead of Mark.  Kept thinking that the rebellion would have gone much better for them if Sparty had those powers.  Either way, I enjoyed him.


So... Barry and Iris, huh?  I really hope they are going forward with this, because I'm getting annoyed with both of them.  I usually try to be lenient on Iris, but I really can't believe she didn't see that doing things like wiping Barry's chin in front of both her boyfriend and his girlfriend, is so not cool.  That's not something "friends" do.  And, then her hilariously trying to claim Linda isn't good for Barry.  Please.  If anything, I think Linda is too good for Barry.  But, maybe things will change now.  Still, I actually have way more sympathy for Linda and Eddie.  I might not even blame Eddie if he does do a heel turn.


Always happy to get plenty of Joe and Jesse L. Martin killing it.  They were lucky to get a great actor like him in this role.


A hell of a return!

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I like Linda less and less the more she's on, but Barry is being very bad to her. He loves Iris. And this is episode shows he is not trying to get over her. The minute he thinks Iris is looking at him differently, he's ready to jump on it. At least Iris had seemed to really try to make things work with Eddie. It just couldn't happen.

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I like Linda less and less the more she's on, but Barry is being very bad to her. He loves Iris. And this is episode shows he is not trying to get over her. The minute he thinks Iris is looking at him differently, he's ready to jump on it. At least Iris had seemed to really try to make things work with Eddie. It just couldn't happen.


I have a bit more sympathy for Barry. It is difficult to stop wanting someone as much as he has wanted Iris for all these years. I think that he tried with Linda, but his feelings for Iris are so strong that the moment that she reciprocates even a little bit, he cannot help gravitating towards her. 

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This episode just was so good, and with each reveal I was getting excited (and heartbroken). Captain Singh gets injured!  Joe's stupid and tries to fight a metahuman on his own! Iris tells Barry how she feels! They kiss! Iris finds out that Barry is The Flash! Wells is revealed to be Thawne! Cisco dies! And finally, Barry accidentally goes back in time!


Well, the only thing that will stick is Barry knowing about Iris' feelings. Well, the bowling date obviously will have still happened, so now it'll be interesting to see how THAT changes. But Barry has no knowledge about Wells, well besides that he's a bit shady and there's a story about him. He has no idea that he's Reverse Flash, nor does he know that Cisco dies because of this knowledge. I mean, good for the audience to know all these secrets and to have knowledge that now nobody has on the show, but how is all of that going to get revealed? I guess Barry will somehow stop Martin in the first ten minutes just so we can move on to Captain Cold and company.


I am annoyed at Iris and Barry. Ok, I'm more annoyed by the writing for Iris, but what makes it a bit better is that they allowed both Linda and Eddie to call them out on their behaviour. I don't mind the kiss, because I get it. It's heat of the moment, stuff was going on, Barry knew it was dangerous and I guess Iris knew too so whatever. It was a nice kiss and I imagine if Barry hadn't have gone back in time, they would have a lot to discuss and probably some breaking up to do with their respective partners. Candice did what she could to make Iris as likeable as possible in this scenario, but with the cliches screaming out for the first half of the episode, I'm not surprised she struggled a bit.


Well, we did get to see psychotically evil Wells for a scene, so that was fun. I don't particularly mind that getting reversed, but I wish Caitlin had told Barry (before he 'rudely' hung up lol) that Wells disappeared out of his chair and Cisco was doing something to get the truth about him. That might have been some help for time traveling Barry to know so he could adjust his time travel schedule to fit 'Find Out What Wells Is' in between saving Joe and telling Iris about The Flash. 


But I wonder how Eddie will get into the action. Now that we know about Wells being a descendant of Eddie, I wonder what will come of this? 


Also, THANK GOD FOR TIME TRAVEL BECAUSE CISCO LIVES ON. But honestly, before the ending happened, I thought Caitlin would find Cisco's body, put two and two together, call Barry and have him try to time travel to save him...or something. But then I was like, 'that would mean Carlos wouldn't be in any episodes for a while...nah'.


All in all, I did really like the episode. Ok, the time travel thing sucks because it reverses all progress, but it did do some good, like temporarily saving Cisco's life and letting Tom be shady for another few episodes. 

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Oh, and Spartacus himself is our bad guy! I love the never ending parade of Spartacus alum who keeping passing through this show and Arrow. Damn it, Liam is a good looking man. It kind of distracted me. 



I hope Agron is next. He was my favorite.


Now that Barry is back in time I hope he tells Iris not to wear that hooker outfit to work. That was really distracting to me. I couldn't enjoy Barry and Iris because of her behavior at the bowling alley. If you've moved in with your boyfriend then you don't get to wipe ketchup off your "best friend's" face and tell him his new girlfriend isn't right for him.


I'm not clear on how Barry can save Cisco when he doesn't know anything about what Well's was up to.

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Cisco better come back to me and Whitley! Oh, and everyone else.



* Joe always looks snappy in that knit cap. Don't know why, but to me, it's a nice look.

* Eddie and Linda not taking being treated poorly in a quiet manner.

* Cisco getting a bit more proactive in his concerns about Wells-Thawne.

* Iris giving a considered response to Barry's questions about her questions.

* Mason Bridge being an actual investigative reporter.

* Weather Wizard is quite the handsome gent. Thanks casting and Mr. McIntyre!



* Mason Bridge telling a guy that's a) a CSI and b) a close associate of a suspected murderer that he has proof of wrong-doing in a safe place.

*The timing of The Kiss--ya'll? Your dad is being threatened with death too! Oh, and that tidal wave isn't losing speed. 

* That Iris and Barry were so "Whaaaat?" about how they were at the bowling alley. It was a very bad SNL sketch that we are supposed to buy as honest wonderment? Oh-kay....

*  Cisco's "been waiting to use that since week one!" It wasn't that cute or funny the first time, it was the same this time, Writers.


Mixed feels:

* The hospital scene--when the doctor was all "only family" I was ready to tear everyone a new one, but the doctor was all "oh, go on in!" and I was relieved. We really didn't need the first part, Writers. Why not just quietly let this doctor be cool throughout the scene? It would have been refreshing and modeling.


I was entertained and am curious about next week!  I just want Cisco back, really.

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Wow.  That was a hell of an ending and an episode.  I figure it's going to be reversed because the end almost happened in a dreamlike state.  Nevertheless, it was very impressive how that all came together.


First off, my dislikes...Iris is absolutely detestable and I hated the way things played out with Barry.  It makes them both look bad but Iris even worse since she's the one who's supposed to be in a committed long-term relationship.  I'm not letting Barry off the hook either but at least his relationship with Linda is still relatively new.  I'm glad Eddie and Linda called Iris on her bullshit.  I don't know how the writers think this makes Iris an appealing character but this is further proof the writers of both The Flash and Arrow have no ability to write a romantic storyline for their main characters.


As detestable as Iris is, she doesn't deserve to be treated like a delicate snowflake by her father.  Joe's "protection" of his daughter is his least desirable personality trait and he seems to prefer keeping his daughter in danger rather than tell her the truth.  He needs to be called out on his bullshit too.


Now, onto the good...TC absolutely rocked it at the end when he confronted Cisco (CV was pretty damn good as well).  His scene with Caitlyn was pretty good too.  I was saddened that this looked like the end of Team Flash.  Even with the reset though, it doesn't change the fact that Wells had no problem with just snuffing out Cisco.  Cold, cold stuff.  And we get the revelation that he's related to Eddie.


I like the stuff with the captain too.  That was unexpected.


Very impressive action scenes


Can't wait to see how this turns out.

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Eobard Thawne is from the 25th century.


Yep, the same century as Iris if they go that direction. 


Well that was one way to reveal everything and then take it all back because of Time Travel. Iris and Barry never kissed, Iris doesn't know Barry's the Flash, Cisco didn't die and no one knows Wells is the bad guy.


Speaking of the kiss, why the hell are they kissing when her dad's life is danger! I guess she was paying him back for all the times he forgot he had daughter. And they really need to stop mentioning Barry's her brother, it really puts a damper on the whole romance thing. Did I even hear Iris say "Did you hear from Dad?"

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I'm not clear on how Barry can save Cisco when he doesn't know anything about what Well's was up to.

Based on where Barry ended up when he went back in time the only things in tact is the awkward double date and the Weather Wizard killing the coroner. Everything else could change. Iris asking Barry about Wells is what started the chain of events that led to Cisco's 'death.' If that conversation never happens or happens at a different time then Cisco could be saved. Honestly there are numerous scenarios that could cause a change to the original timeline and thus prevent Cisco's death.

Edited by Enero
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First off, my dislikes...Iris is absolutely detestable and I hated the way things played out with Barry.


How dare she have feelings for her friend and be a little jealous. Obviously detestable stuff right there.


Sigh, Iris hate continues to be reaching and so damn transparent.

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Did I even hear Iris say "Did you hear from Dad?"


Yes, she asked Barry. He told her he hadn't heard from Joe, another lie.



I like Linda, but what was that weird comment about iris telling her Barry liked someone else was 'typical girl stuff' or whatever she said?



Linda was saying that she figured that Iris was essentially being "typical" in sabotaging a possible relationship like women apparently do all the time. It wasn't weird, but it was insultingly generalized. Yes, some women sabotage other women's relationships, but not all of us. So unless Linda has a history of every relationship torpedoed or almost so , there were better ways to say that.  ::side-eyes the Writers, some more, again::

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If Reverse Flash can run faster than the Flash, why does he need Barry to do the running to time travel back?


Liam MacIntyre is so cute. That's all I could think of when he was on.


If this were Arrow, I'd think Cisco was dead. But since it's The Flash, he's good to come back.  Loved the Harrison Wells twists; I'll miss him being on the team.


And so it begins. Or rather, it doesn't since Barry just went back in time.  If this were Arrow, I'd think Cisco was dead. But since it's The Flash, he's good to come back.  Loved the Harrison Wells twists; I'll miss him being on the team.


I didn't think any romance could be worse than on Arrow but Iris really opened my eyes tonight. So as soon as Barry tells her he loves her, she can't stop thinking about it but moves in with Eddie anyway? And then messes up Barry's date with Linda?  And kissing when Joe's life is in danger?  Barry was clueless, Iris was selfish but they both lost me this episode.  So not rooting for the WestAllenn romance.

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How dare she have feelings for her friend and be a little jealous. Obviously detestable stuff right there.


Sigh, Iris hate continues to be reaching and so damn transparent.


Feelings that magically developed only after Barry admitted his own and after she moved in with Eddie.  Iris then goes about trying to end Barry's relationship with Iris while still stringing her boyfriend along.  That is why Iris is detestable. 

Edited by benteen
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So as soon as Barry tells her he loves her, she can't stop thinking about it but moves in with Eddie anyway?


She said she was angry with him. Which makes sense given he was dishonest with her about his feelings for 15 years. It was Barry's fault for his bad timing, and it put Iris is a bad place as she clearly needed time to process her feelings....and just when she was moving ahead with her life.


And then messes up Barry's date with Linda?  And kissing when Joe's life is in danger?  Barry was clueless, Iris was selfish but they both lost me this episode.  So not rooting for the WestAllenn romance.


Iris assumed they were gonna die. She didn't know that Barry is Flash or that he could save her. Her selfishness is completely understandable given the situation.

Edited by driedfruit
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Sigh, Iris hate continues to be reaching and so damn transparent.



So because some people obviously have a different opinion than you it is "reaching and transparent"?  Okay then... to each his own I guess. It is not simply that Iris has feelings for Barry and was jealous. I was calling her out on her actions... i.e. moving in with another man after Barry told her about his feelings (when she apparently could not stop thinking about him), passive-aggressiveness with Linda, inappropriate behaviors in front of Eddie and Linda, etc. I called Barry out too for dating Linda when he apparently couldn't stop thinking about Iris.  Wrong on all fronts.


(Sorry haven't quite figured out how to quote yet).

Edited by Bandolero
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