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Small Talk: The Welcome Mat

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Helloooooo? Anyone here?  I will so miss all my TWoP friends  if they don't make it over here!  Hi PepeNY, I think I met you at a TARcon several years ago. I only went to one May finale. We happened to be in New York  helping my father in law move, so as my mothers day present, I left the family and went to TARcon. I didn't know anyone, but I  met all kinds of people I'd chatted with on line.  It was both weird and fun.

I'm here!  I posted in the 'introduce yourself' thread first, thinking it was part of this forum, and not realizing that was a thread for all forums.  Same username, even though I never liked it much.  I sincerely hope our twop community makes it over here so we can discuss TAR 25 and beyond, and I'll be over here regularly to check in on some TAR24 discussion as well.  I'm glad PepeNY made it, she's one of my favorite TAR peeps who has always made me feel extraordinarily welcome!

Just heard from the RSPCA... The poor little girl we rescued yesterday didn't make it.

I am disappointed, but honestly, I'm not surprised.  I've never seen any living creature in such dire straits, physically, in my entire life.  She was a fighter, but she was too far gone, and she just didn't have the strength.

Pat a puppy today.  That's what I'm going to do, right now.

Yet another TWoP refugee, but in all honesty I left not long after Miss Alli did and foung other places to hang.

Hello, macaddict, hadn't seen that handle in ages; amd you should see what your timelines from those early seasons have wrought elsewhere.

And for those of you (netfoot and piewarmer) who lost pups, Lieb (the schnauzer in my avatar) and I extend our deepest sympathies on your loss(es).

I will check in from time to time, especially in season, as I can. But I wanted to post and let y'all see that I'm still around.

piewarmer, I'm sorry to hear.  I know how it hurts.

theschnauzers, she wasn't my puppy.  She was a stray who was suffering from neglect to the point of death.  A friend and I saw her and got her into the hands of the RSPCA, hoping she could be saved, but she was too far gone.  So, not the wrench of losing one of your own, but still sad.  And sobering to think how many people must have looked and looked away in the days before.

I must get a new Avatar.  The one I'm using now still shows old Dotty.  I still think about him and miss him, but Budweiser deserves the spotlight too.

Hello!  Here from TWoP, same handle.  I don't comment that much, but TAR recaps and TAR forums were the first I read over there, starting with S2 (and I was glad I didn't start with S1, because I was a huge Guido fan and as a tender newbie might have not quite been ready to deal with animus toward them!  Luckily with S2 I could ease in, hating Flo with the best of 'em).  

I also watch Survivor and some other reality shows, a couple of dramas, and love the TWoP commercial threads, so I hope to find like souls here!

I appreciate all who took the time to direct folks over here.

I'm here, too.  Netfoot, I always love reading your posts.  Buddy sounds like hell on wheels - hopefully time will settle him down.  Many the wild child, be they two or four legged, achieve sanity while still maintaining a glint in their eyes,  as the years pass.

I'm hoping the TARCon will occur this May, perhaps as a salute and celebration of TWOP.  I've been a member since April 2002 - I didn't realize it had been that long.  I believe my first TAR post had to do with my ruminating that any visit to Sydney would include the Bridge Climb, which it did.  I was excited because I had done it myself, and many of my travels have included pictures at the site of various TAR tasks.  Sometimes these occurred in a stealth manner, such as being in Germany, thinking a building looked familiar, then realizing it was Mozart's home (or something like that).

Anyway, I'm glad to see so many familiar names and faces here.

Hi. I offically got on board TAR with the second season, and I haven't looked back. Sure, the show has had some decline in it, but I still feel it's the best reality show on TV today*. You got travel porn, people under pressure, animals, locals gawking at those wacky Americans, and the hardest working host in reality television. How has Phil Keoghan not won an Emmy?

I've also gone to all but one TARCon (the original), and I hope the tradition will continue. You can check out my pics among my Flickr sets; they date back to TARCon 4 in 2003.

*ETA: I admit that I don't watch a lot of reality shows nowadays, but I feel that most have been in decline, so TAR still holds up for the aforementioned reasons.

Edited by Lantern7

Hi All, another TWoPper checking in. I haven't posted much lately on TWoP, but Dezbot and I hosted a few West Coast TARcons years ago. Hope to be more active posting again. Lovely to see so many animal lovers, too. We just had to say goodbye yesterday to my beautiful Ruby cat, who would have turned 21 years old in July. I'll need to watch the latest episode online, because I drugged myself to sleep last night to numb the pain.

From Mighty Big to Without Pity to Previously.  Fine by me to keep up with Sars, Wing Chun and the wonderfully erudite posters and recappers I've grown so fond of over these many years.  I've never made a TARCon, but (along with my wife) I am as ardent a TAR fan as can be, having seen every ep of every season.  So comment safely...the world is waiting for us...<eybrow pops>...and here we go again!

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Just found out that TARCon is likely done and over. I'm a big guy, so I know that I can watch the finale at home if needed. However, I was wondering if there was any chance that a transplant or two can take over. I would volunteer my services wherever I can*, and I don't need Racers past or present to show up. I just like watching the finale with like-minded fans. I don't consider a lack of TARCon to be a crisis, but I do feel it would be a huge bummer to not have.

*I'd try to organize things, but the last time I did that, I wound up with a grand total of two other people for the finale of Mole 2. I don't have much going in my life, so I would be happy to assist.

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Happy trails beyond Small Talk!

Glad to see so many fellow TWoP transplants over here. Amazing Race is one of my favorite shows, so I haunt this forum pretty regularly. In my time at TWoP (since Nov 2003), I only made 91 posts, so I've always been more of a lurker and never much of a talker. However, that's vastly out of character for me as I spend most of my time talking way too much about absolutely everything. In the spirit of this thread, I'm an animal lover. My husband and I have three cats (Alice, Hazel, and Tess) and two pitt bulls (Rosalie and Desdemona). 

  • Love 1

So, on the way home, I made a flying stop to pick up a loaf of bread and a block of rat-trap cheddar.  No cooking for me tonite!  Grabbed the two items, paid the cashier, and headed home.  Come to start making cheese sarnies, and I notice the block of cheese is marked "New Zealand Vegetarian Cheddar".  Now, what sort of sick mind would come up with something like that?

Well, I didn't want to start defrosting meat at that stage, so I ate the damned stuff.  Ugh.  It didn't taste of Brussels sprouts or anything like that, but it sure didn't taste like cheese!  To make it palatable I had to smear it with hot pepper sauce and add a dash of Worcestershire sauce.  Even Budweiser hesitated to eat some of it.  Only hesitated, true, but then he spent the afternoon chewing on a sun-dried toad he found under the clubhouse, so his judgement on matters gustatorial is fairly one dimensional.

Speaking of the clubhouse, we've got a big maintenance day scheduled for next Saturday.  Good thing too.  I stepped down from the main deck to the front steps and a 2x6 simply snapped like a cheese stick right under my foot.  (A vegetarian cheese stick.)  One leg went down through, and the rest of me fell forward, down the steps, landing on the palms of my hands in the grass with my right foot still trapped inside the steps.  I think I'm very lucky I didn't break my leg.  I didn't even twist, sprain, strain or bruise myself, and have no aches and pains from the experience.  I did lose some skin off my ankle, but even that doesn't hurt.

Anyway, we're fixing the place up a bit next Saturday.  If you're in the vicinity and you've got a hammer with you, stop by.  We'll put you to work, but there will be a good curry going, and there will be literally gallons of rum.  If you haven't got a hammer you can come anyway, but you'll be issued with a paint brush which won't be nearly as much fun...

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