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S07.E17: Fix It Therapy

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I'm unfazed by Phaedra and Nene's budding "friendship." Nene already said in one of her blogs last week that she and P are "not that close" and she's fallen out with just about everyone else so she and Porsha are the only ones she films with.


Nene and Kandi will never be friends. When Kandi joined the show Nene was calling her ghet-to and a country bumpkin and there was this undertone of resentment there so it wouldn't surprise me if Nene is getting a bit of delight at the fractured friendship between P and K, and P seems to have allowed it by addressing the others and allowing them to voice their opinions and speak to Kandi about it instead of speaking to Kandi herself.

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I was pretty surprised the whole therapy session seemed to be about Nene.  And Dr Jeff apparently didn't know Nene very well thinking she would just sit there and take it.  Oh that's right the other sessions he had with her everyone in the room knew not to piss off Nene and just kissed her ass agreeing to whatever she said.  And I agree with poster above that said Nene walking off like that reminded me of her just leaving Celebrity Apprentice when the going got tough. Say what you want about Kenya at least Kenya didn't disappear off CA like coward Nene did.  Nene is a cowardly bully.


I sure hope the discord between Kandi and Phaedra is fake.  I think those two have a close relationship that might have derailed briefly due to things going on in both of their lives that side tracked both of them.  But I find fault in Kandi and her lack of compassion for Phaedra and not being there for her.....and I am talking about not calling/texting her especially after the dinner with the girls and Cynthia trying to be shady.  That is if of course if its really true she didn't.


What would be cool is if the girls all stay and hash out their differences and it leaves Nene out in the cold with no drama.  HA!  Like that would ever happen.  But it did appear as though everyone in the room except for Nene was willing to at least talk about what their issues were with whomever.

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I can't say enough that I'm amazed Nene can't see herself. She has requested the ladies presents at several sit downs. I must admit I thought the 1st sit down went well. It seemed as if Kenya, Nene, Porsha, and Cynthia were going to move on. Nene ruined that at Kandi's next event. She then brings the ladies to therapy where she essentially attacks them for calmly stating how they feel. This wasn't a gang up on Nene. Nene made everything about herself because she was combative and throwing digs at the ladies. They weren't able to address their problem with Nene and move on because Nene was acting a fool. Nene's time on this show is over.

  • Love 13

Nene's ego is just to much. Did she expect to just say whatever she wanted however she wanted and the other women were just going to agree with her. She needs to do some self reflection because the truth of the matter is she's had an issue with every single person on the show with the exception of maybe Porsha. It's you boo! Own your shit!

YES! I am done with her, done. She really is a horrible person. And I was falling asleep on the couch (too much yard work) & this brought me back: "The Barely Agency and Bar None". Hee.

  • Love 7

She is in total denial about how stupid and unimportant she really is. Not the magnanimous Queen of the World standing ready to cure all its ills at all. Take your ball and bat and go home. This show has been DONE for the last two years.


I've slowly been weaning myself off the Housewives. I already gave up New Jersey and Orange County. I just decided last night if Nene comes back next season, I'm done with Atlanta too.

  • Love 6

I thought Nene was at some costume fitting for Cinderella and that wig was part of her costume...OMG, did she meet up with a light socket? Yikes!


That therapy session was awful, Nene just proved how immature she is.  I bet Phaedra did not want to be there because she knew that everyone has a problem with Nene and did not want to be a part of it. 


What was that necklace Porsha was wearing?  It looked like it might hurt to wear not to mention that crazy necklace Phaedra was wearing...


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I know a woman with an attitude like Nene.


This woman is very intelligent, unfortunately, she wants everybody to know it and can't and won't accept that maybe someone else knows more than she.  Because of that she's lost several jobs because no matter how smart you are, people don't like being told what to do, nobody likes a know it all.  How would Nene like it if someone kept telling her, " you need to stop with that blonde hair, you look awful."  It would be the truth, but if someone kept saying it over and over again, you'd get pretty upset with them.


Sometimes you have to choose, be happy or be right.  If you want to be right all the time, you might wind up alone.


IMO they should fire Nene from this show because in real life that's what happens to people who act like her.


Nene was wrong calling Peter a bitch.  It doesn't matter if he was acting like one, he is Cynthia's husband, and even though I think Cynthia is a damn fool for choosing him, he's her husband and it's not right to call a person names, in front of said person's spouse.  


On a shallow note, I like Claudia's hair in her TH.  She looks better with the shorter darker bob, than with that long, nasty fried looked weave.

Edited by Neurochick
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Nene sitting her ass in the chair right next to Dr Jeff was the biggest tell. She really sat there and said to herself "Yes Jeff, let's fix these ladies and get back to fun-ness"

I'm ready to give Kandi a bit of a pass on not being there for Phaedra. Phaedra likes to keep that bullshit smile on her face and speak in platitudes when folks try to connect with her. If you wanna act as if everything is everything and all is well, I'm going to treat you as if all is well. Sip on your mint juleps, fan yourself and be well. I can't imagine Phaedra is any different off camera and that's cool. If you want to keep your business private, fine but don't look for people to be mind readers and know when you need extra attention.

And if Phaedra did have a problem with Kandi's lack of phone calls during her tie of need, why would she take that complaint to the one person Kandi doesn't even pretend to gel with? Maybe Kandi should have dropped the"Head Doctor" as a reminder.

  • Love 17

Nene sitting her ass in the chair right next to Dr Jeff was the biggest tell. She really sat there and said to herself "Yes Jeff, let's fix these ladies and get back to fun-ness"

I'm ready to give Kandi a bit of a pass on not being there for Phaedra. Phaedra likes to keep that bullshit smile on her face and speak in platitudes when folks try to connect with her. If you wanna act as if everything is everything and all is well, I'm going to treat you as if all is well. Sip on your mint juleps, fan yourself and be well. I can't imagine Phaedra is any different off camera and that's cool. If you want to keep your business private, fine but don't look for people to be mind readers and know when you need extra attention.

And if Phaedra did have a problem with Kandi's lack of phone calls during her tie of need, why would she take that complaint to the one person Kandi doesn't even pretend to gel with? Maybe Kandi should have dropped the"Head Doctor" as a reminder.

Exactly Phadrea can miss me with the Kandi hasn't been there bs. I think that's her one true friend. I also think her and Todd have had plenty of arguments about the Nida's and Kandi still stuck by Phadrea's side. Edited by howivesforever
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My take on this week’s episode.


Phaedra and Kandi basically are still friends and just had a miscommunication at the time of filming.  Kandi was going though some things but Phaedra was living her own private hell.  Both were hurting but neither reached out for each other.  Nene stepped in for Phaedra because she could recognize an abusive situation and knew Phaedra needed support.  It was actually a good thing that Kandi did not come to Phaedra’s aid because she would have absolutely no idea what to say or do.  She has never been though anything like Phaedra is going through and just cannot see the problem.  Phaedra not being too forthcoming with what was happening didn’t help either.  Nene probably wouldn’t have helped if it was not that she has been there-done that and recognized the problem immediately.


Porsha is young and being young she sees things a bit differently than say the 40-somethings on the show.  That is why she sees Kandi as not being a good friend because Kandi did not jump up and bitch-slap Kenya for going after her friend, Phaedra.  This is how Porsha would have reacted.  Luckily, she just escorted Phaedra out of  the room.  Saying that, I see why she is bad talking Kandi and right then, Phaedra was just hurting and wanted her friend to support her.  When that didn’t happen she felt hurt by the lack of support.


Kandi is the type who lives in a bottle.  She can only see what she actually wants to see and that is why she is having problems with Todd.  She has been under the thumb of her mother for all of her life that she is her mother.  That is why she cries at the drop of a hat when confronted with anything.  She is trying to elicit sympathy and control.  However, it is not working with Todd and it is not working with Phaedra


The three witches I feel had an agenda; take down Nene at all costs.  They were not going to miss this opportunity to go after Nene on national TV.  Was Nene’s reaction to the attacks the right way to go? Heck Naw!  Nene always let her emotions dictate how she reacts to things.  This is her defense mechanism and one I have seen with formerly abused women.  They do not trust anyone, even their friends, they do not allow anyone to get too close, and when confronted, they will get very defensive and retreat.  Pretty much what Nene did.  I feel this was the plan for the three witches to go after Nene.  Kandi, on the other hand was just expressing her feelings but it worked for the witches and Nene bailed, giving the witches what they wanted.


However, if Nene is betrayed or blindsided in any way, she is totally DONE with that person.  So Cynthia had to know the olive branch meeting was just so that they could be civil with each other but not besties or even buddies anymore.  Plus no one is going to trust Cynthia anymore after what she did with Phaedra so there’s that.  There is only the witches for her.  They even came into the counseling session as a coven bent on going after Nene, probably after Cynthia and Clawdia went to their master, Kenya to report.


Kenya has to realize that she cannot have it both ways.  She cannot hope for a friendship with someone who she is trying to tear down, especially one who is untrusting, paranoid and defensive as Nene.  When Nene states that she is done, just leave her alone.  If things get better or she is willing to trust again, then and only then with she reach out for you, not the other way around.  Kim understood this better than anyone and they are friends again but both know it is not as close as it used to be. 


Yes, you might have guessed I just do not like Kenya or Cynthia.


Claudia trying comedy is like Porsha winning the nobel prize in educational excellence.  Nuff said.  I also just cannot understand why Clawdia has to beat that dead horse every time she is in the presence of Nene.  No, booboo, she does not like you or want to be your friend.  From what I read, it had something to do with a gig, Nene passed her way when Nene could not do it due to scheduling conflicts.  Claudia afterwards acted like she was saving Nene’s career by doing the gig.  Now fast-forward to her addition to the show and she is coming on a Kenya’s friend which ended that friendship long before it started.


I understood perfectly why Phaedra refused to go to the counseling.  Her situation was way too raw and did not need the inevitable attacks she would receive from the witches

Edited by Aging Goth
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(For the most part) I can give Phaedra a pass for wearing whatever she wants when she's at home or out with "friends" - but when she wears a see-through white lace button down shirt with a black bra to work at a law office - I just can't; although maybe the dress code for Southern law firms is different from stuffy Philly...

Does anyone else besides me think that her office is a fake? For me it has the rented by Bravo vibe to it.

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I cannot believe Nene's hair was just for fashion and not a dress rehearsal in NYC. Why are good wigs so hard for her????

Nene talks so damn much and yet doesn't know how to use her words. Nobody said anything she wasn't able to counter had she just spoken instead of yelling.

She doesn't even know how to pronounce the word counseling. She says cancelling.  Dumb moose with a Bride of Frankenstein wig.

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Last thought- it's super weird to watch these women, agree with them on Nene, and still not really be on their side.  But that's what it was for me.  They're right...but still not right, imho.


I agree with this.  What they were saying, while rude, was right.  What I didn't enjoy watching was the pile on and Dr. Jeff allowing it.  He didn't do a whole lot for his image if you ask me.  No therapist just lets a group sit there and gang up on one person while none of them said a word about their hand in all of what was going on.  Once he saw Nene starting to get heated it might've been a good idea to move on to another subject until she was in a place where she could hear what they were saying.  And what therapist runs after someone?  Let her get up and leave.  Therapy isn't going to work if she's not ready to hear what the other people are saying.  Let her leave.

And as far as Kandi commenting on Nene and Cynthia, what therapist allows that?  Kandi has no dog in that fight so I'm not sure why she felt the need to open her big mouth.  Guess since she was done eating she had time on her hands.


Nene was wrong calling Peter a bitch.  It doesn't matter if he was acting like one, he is Cynthia's husband, and even though I think Cynthia is a damn fool for choosing him, he's her husband and it's not right to call a person names, in front of said person's spouse.  


She was.  She admitted it.  She apologized.  Cynthia AND Peter accepted it.  Now both can sit down and shutup about it and stop bringing it up every.single.time a camera is around.


Just another note...  I believe Nene thought she was being peacekeeper to the issues between the ladies such as Phaedra and Kenya, Porsha and Claudia, Kenya and Porsha, Kandi and Phaedra and even Cynthia and her.  She was just not even prepared for the issues between her and all of them.


I agree with this.  As far as she was concerned the issues with all the others had been squashed since she'd apologized and they'd accepted.  She wasn't hearing they were all still festering.  That's her own fault though.  Especially with those 3.  They never let anything go and pump each other up about the issues each has with the other women.  

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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I agree with this. What they were saying, while rude, was right. What I didn't enjoy watching was the pile on and Dr. Jeff allowing it. He didn't do a whole lot for his image if you ask me. No therapist just lets a group sit there and gang up on one person while none of them said a word about their hand in all of what was going on. Once he saw Nene starting to get heated it might've been a good idea to move on to another subject until she was in a place where she could hear what they were saying. And what therapist runs after someone? Let her get up and leave. Therapy isn't going to work if she's not ready to hear what the other people are saying. Let her leave.

And as far as Kandi commenting on Nene and Cynthia, what therapist allows that? Kandi has no dog in that fight so I'm not sure why she felt the need to open her big mouth. Guess since she was done eating she had time on her hands.

She was. She admitted it. She apologized. Cynthia AND Peter accepted it. Now both can sit down and shutup about it and stop bringing it up every.single.time a camera is around.

I agree with this. As far as she was concerned the issues with all the others had been squashed since she'd apologized and they'd accepted. She wasn't hearing they were all still festering. That's her own fault though. Especially with those 3. They never let anything go and pump each other up about the issues each has with the other women.

There was no pile up on Nene if she would have shut up and let others talk they could have said how they felt and moved on. Nene was the only one being confritational.

As far as Nene and her apology it was shit. She still needs to get her facts straight since she went to Peter he didn't go to her. It's definitely not an apology when you go on an active tour to get your "friend" fired.

Edited by howivesforever
  • Love 21

There was no pile up on Nene if she would have shut up and let others talk they could have said how they felt and moved on. Nene was the only one being confritational.

As far as Nene and her apology it was shit. She still needs to get her facts straight since she went to Peter he didn't go to her. It's definitely not an apology when you go on an active tour to get your "friend" fired.


Then Cynthia and Peter shouldn't have accepted it.  Once you accept an apology that's it, AFAIC.  You don't get to keep bringing it up and whining about it.  If they weren't satisfied they shouldn't have said they were and agreed to move on.  


And in your opinion there was no pile on.  From where I sat....big time pile on.

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Then Cynthia and Peter shouldn't have accepted it. Once you accept an apology that's it, AFAIC. You don't get to keep bringing it up and whining about it. If they weren't satisfied they shouldn't have said they were and agreed to move on.

And in your opinion there was no pile on. From where I sat....big time pile on.

It always amazes me that everyone watches the same show but our perspectives are different. That's exactly what I love about the forums.

I would normally agree about the apology but Nene did some dirty underhanded stuff to Cynthia and refuses to own it. That's why she got up and left when Kandi called her out on it.

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I thought part of the reason Kandi brought up the whole Cynthia/Nene friendship and how Nene can just throw away a friendship was that now Nene and Phaedra are close, and I guess she does not want Phaedra to get hurt by Nene.


Am I misremembering, but wasn't some of the Nene and Cynthia feud because Cynthia was becoming friends with Kenya? It was like high school drama, since Nene does not like Kenya, she thought Cynthia should not either? Though Nene was right about Cynthia going wherever the wind blows. Cynthia is now up Kenya's ass, and much more mean than when she was Nene's friend.

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I thought part of the reason Kandi brought up the whole Cynthia/Nene friendship and how Nene can just throw away a friendship was that now Nene and Phaedra are close, and I guess she does not want Phaedra to get hurt by Nene.


Am I misremembering, but wasn't some of the Nene and Cynthia feud because Cynthia was becoming friends with Kenya? It was like high school drama, since Nene does not like Kenya, she thought Cynthia should not either? Though Nene was right about Cynthia going wherever the wind blows. Cynthia is now up Kenya's ass, and much more mean than when she was Nene's friend.


Then Kandi should have said that before she went in on Nene about it.  Here's the deal with these women and Nene.  They complain and bitch and moan about everything she does and think they are teaching her a lesson by giving her a taste of her own medicine.  It's not working.  It never does.  And it makes them look like hypocrites.  You want Nene to listen?  Stop trying to teach her a lesson.  She looks at it as them looking down on her and that's when she gets her feathers ruffled.  And as a viewer it doesn't get me on their side.  Kandi is hardly a model friend.  She doesn't like Nene anyway.  What does it matter to her how Nene handles her friendship with Cynthia?  Is she even that good of friends with Cynthia?  Phaedra's a grown woman, she doesn't need Kandi fighting for her.


And I think that is more of Cynthia's justifications for why she doesn't want to be friends with Nene anymore (even though she does because she cannot effing let it go).  She is no angel in terms of their friendship and while I'm sure Nene may have eluded to that fact, she never out and out said it.  At least not that I've seen.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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I think that if there was a Nene pile-on it was that therapist's fault because he focused too much on their reactions to Nene's opening monologue.  Maybe just make notes about that initially, to be explored later, and instead let them each have their "why I agreed to come to therapy" moment to start things off.  They probably would still have run into problems, because Nene's fixated on correcting everyone so that her truth becomes the reality of the show and Claudia/Kenya scream for attention with their reactions to things, but at least then maybe it wouldn't have felt like some kind of attack.  Or, it more clearly would have been one.


Point is, I think he made the topic of conversation Nene.  I don't know if I'd consider that a pile-on, though, only because I tend to think of that as more...plotted/planned, and this felt more...like they were taking advantage of an opportunity.  And since they were technically in therapy, where the point is to air out feelings and find resolution, I can't fault them for doing that...I guess.


Then Cynthia and Peter shouldn't have accepted it.  Once you accept an apology that's it, AFAIC.  You don't get to keep bringing it up and whining about it.  If they weren't satisfied they shouldn't have said they were and agreed to move on.


This is why I wish they'd openly talk about the process of making this show and how it impacts relationships, because in real life I would agree- you accept an apology, sincere or not, move on.  But this isn't real life, is it, because they all have to talk about stuff long after it happens, and they see/hear things from a friend you otherwise wouldn't.  I think that part- the rehashing, and Nene's "irrelevant" comments- are what this fight is about, not the original comment.  I also tend to think they're blocked because they can't say that since, y'know, they don't talk about it being a tv show, so they're forced to call back to that one incident that was part of the on-air story.

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I've slowly been weaning myself off the Housewives. I already gave up New Jersey and Orange County. I just decided last night if Nene comes back next season, I'm done with Atlanta too.


Yep, I am right there as well.  The shows have morphed so much through the seasons, it's not entertaining or enjoyable at all to me any longer.  I have this thing, where once I start something, I need to finish it, so I will most likely finish this season, but then be done, ESPECIALLY if Nene is in the cast again next season.   

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I thought part of the reason Kandi brought up the whole Cynthia/Nene friendship and how Nene can just throw away a friendship was that now Nene and Phaedra are close, and I guess she does not want Phaedra to get hurt by Nene.


Am I misremembering, but wasn't some of the Nene and Cynthia feud because Cynthia was becoming friends with Kenya? It was like high school drama, since Nene does not like Kenya, she thought Cynthia should not either? Though Nene was right about Cynthia going wherever the wind blows. Cynthia is now up Kenya's ass, and much more mean than when she was Nene's friend.

Nene didn't really have a problem with Cynthia's friendship with Kenya until the "Charity" ball Kenya set up to embarrass Nene.  Because Cynthia was so darn insistent on getting her there, Nene felt Cynthia was instrumental in the set-up, especially when Peter had a problem with how Nene handled it.  Their relationship went downhill because Peter didn't like Nene confronting him.  At first, Cynthia had no problem with Nene until Peter got in her ear.

  • Love 3

Nene's outfit looked like a jumpsuit to me.


Luckyroll3: Perhaps her dear NJ friend, Theresa Guidice grabbed an extra one for her while she was doing laundry duty at "college camp"!!

I just wanted Ayden to shout out "Bye Wig! " as Nene was walking into the house with Paedra with that monstrosity on her head.


Oh my gawd!!!  That would have been perfect.  You know Andy Cohen would have been all over that for sure!!!

It always amazes me that everyone watches the same show but our perspectives are different. That's exactly what I love about the forums.

I would normally agree about the apology but Nene did some dirty underhanded stuff to Cynthia and refuses to own it. That's why she got up and left when Kandi called her out on it.

I was watching the same show and I also see it the way caught on tape saw it.  Cynthia and Peter accepted Nene and Gregg's apology and afterwards went on trips together, celebrated new years together, and had fun outings together afterwards.  it wasn't until the reunion that Cynthia blasted Nene for calling out Peter.  It was when Peter felt somekindaway about the tweets on social media that he instructed his puppet to go in on Nene and end the friendship.

  • Love 3

Nene didn't really have a problem with Cynthia's friendship with Kenya until the "Charity" ball Kenya set up to embarrass Nene. Because Cynthia was so darn

insistent on getting her there, Nene felt Cynthia was instrumental in the set-up, especially when Peter had a problem with how Nene handled it. Their relationship went downhill because Peter didn't like Nene confronting him. At first, Cynthia had no problem with Nene until Peter got in her ear.

She absolutely had a problem with Cynthia being friendly with Kenya. If Nene was as smart as she thinks she is she would have handled the charity event with grace and class since she did bother to show up. If Nene wouldn't have went out of her way to confront Peter that night she wouldn't have gotten her little feelings hurt.

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Funny thing is Nene haven't really been part of the real drama of this season.  Most of the problems the witches are having with Nene were from two years ago and were addressed at the reunion.  We really shouldn't even see Nene vs anyone this season since the only person she went in on, she apologized to.  Several time at that.  So no. she is not the bully; the ones constantly rehashing the issues are

  • Love 6

As for Dr. Jeff, he is and always has been a joke imo.    Whatever career he supposedly had besides being a last resort talking head on tv is done now by his appearance on this show.

 As another poster already commented on, I too am almost done with Bravo and all the shows. I only watched last night for a few minutes.

       Andy and his whole crew should fake buy some house in Cotex de Crappo and live happily ever after.

She absolutely had a problem with Cynthia being friendly with Kenya. If Nene was as smart as she thinks she is she would have handled the charity event with grace and class since she did bother to show up. If Nene wouldn't have went out of her way to confront Peter that night she wouldn't have gotten her little feelings hurt.

It is true but she had already smelled a rat when Kenya set up the event.  Finding out she was the guest of honor from a third party instead of the organize was the other red flag and Cynthia was that third party so yeah she started questioning Cynthia's loyalties.  However, Cynthia has been friendly to Kenya for an entire season before the Charity event and no, Nene had no problem with their friendship, except the fact that Kenya was calling Cynthia an idiot who couldn't read or run a business just months before their friendship blossemed.

  • Love 1

Funny thing is Nene haven't really been part of the real drama of this season. Most of the problems the witches are having with Nene were from two years ago and were addressed at the reunion. We really shouldn't even see Nene vs anyone this season since the only person she went in on, she apologized to. Several time at that. So no. she is not the bully; the ones constantly rehashing the issues are

Damn shame that such a fine, intelligent, talented and attractive woman gets so little respect, especially considering her interest in philanthropy, good works and Christian values. Just a head-shaking shame.

  • Love 9

didn't say she was all of THAT. Just saying she was not really in the middle of the real drama this season.

But that isn't really true. Nene either created drama (Claudia) or kept having get togethers to hash out old drama. She made herself the center of it all. Even at therapy she made sure her seat was right next to the doctor. She puts herself in the middle of everything but then tries to act unbothered.

  • Love 15

Nene looked like she stuck her head out of the window of her car, like puppies do, on her way over Phaedra's house. And she thought she was styling!  Poor Ayden took one look at her head and was struck speechless.  He just chomped on his Doritos and took it all in.

Okay, luckyroll13. I had a mouthful of salt & vinegar chips when I read that, and nearly choked! That mental image is STILL cracking me up.

I guess Nene has decided to double down on her bad behaviour, and that includes the 99 cent fright wigs.

  • Love 1

But that isn't really true. Nene either created drama (Claudia) or kept having get togethers to hash out old drama. She made herself the center of it all. Even at therapy she made sure her seat was right next to the doctor. She puts herself in the middle of everything but then tries to act unbothered.

She created the drama with Clawdia but apologized.  The rehashing is the three who have dragged this crap through the entire season.

Dr Jeff is better at couples therapy than group/corporate therapy.  He is just not very well prepared for a group of pre-menopausal women screaming at each other.

The only stand up comedy routine I saw on this show last night was sitting on top of Nene's head. That was a laugh riot. I am talking Laugh out loud give it its own HBO comedy special funny. They could call it Wig: Kill it Fire, since it seems inspired by Frankenstein. Seriously, who with her alleged money wears this wig not only out in public, but on tv? 

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She created the drama with Clawdia but apologized. The rehashing is the three who have dragged this crap through the entire season.

I don't see that. After the tavern meet up all the ladies were willing to move on with Nene. At the next meet up with everyone Nene was acting stank like the previous conversation didn't happen. None of these ladies are innocent but Nene always refuses to own her shit.

Claudia did say she acknowledged Nene's apology. At therapy she just wanted to know where all the venom came from. I felt it was a reasonable question. Nene can't just say because I'm a hateful bitch so she tried again to act unbothered when she is clearly always bothered.

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Just another note...  I believe Nene thought she was being peacekeeper to the issues between the ladies such as Phaedra and Kenya, Porsha and Claudia, Kenya and Porsha, Kandi and Phaedra and even Cynthia and her.  She was just not even prepared for the issues between her and all of them.

BINGO!  I enjoyed every delicious minute of Nene getting her ass handed to her. Intentional pile up or not, it was awesome.                                                    

  • Love 14
Kenya acting like she doesnt know why Nene didn't ki ki it up with her. It's because she don't like you and thinks you're shady and only occasionally wants to play the game and giggle. It's not a big secret.



I'm with Kenya on this one. The last time she saw NeNe, they were laughing and carrying on and agreed to be "cordial". Then then next time she sees Nene, it's all "who the fuck do you think you are trying to greet ME?" Just a total dick move that was uncalled for. You can be nice without being friends. That doesn't mean being fake, either. That's handling your buisness like a GROWN ASS WOMAN.


LOL. Unfortunately, Kandi seems to have neglected to make the point that she was upset about her *employees* loss of revenue, and that she felt she had let them down. I think Phaedra would have been more understanding.


I wasn't really paying attention to this part, but I do remember Kandi telling Phaedra that she had to then break the news about the show being cancelled to the staff and actors - all the people who were depending on her. I think that's implied that they're losing money by not getting paid for the work they thought they were going to be doing. It sucks, and Phaedra was cold as ice.


I think Kandi is just going to explode one day. Between the disrespect her mother constantly shows her, the issues in her marriage, her employees constantly telling her that Todd's the issue (and make fun of him to his and her face?! WTF?! ), and the play cancelling, she seems near the tipping point of going off.



The three witches I feel had an agenda; take down Nene at all costs.  They were not going to miss this opportunity to go after Nene on national TV.  Was Nene’s reaction to the attacks the right way to go? Heck Naw!  Nene always let her emotions dictate how she reacts to things.  This is her defense mechanism and one I have seen with formerly abused women.  They do not trust anyone, even their friends, they do not allow anyone to get too close, and when confronted, they will get very defensive and retreat.  Pretty much what Nene did.  I feel this was the plan for the three witches to go after Nene.  Kandi, on the other hand was just expressing her feelings but it worked for the witches and Nene bailed, giving the witches what they wanted.


I honestly didn't see an agenda or a "take down." Nene made the session about Nene and all the women were calmly stating facts about how they felt about situations. When Nene acts like an asshole to everyone, don't sit up next to the therapist and try to tell everyone else what's wrong with them without taking any criticism for her actions.


Also, I thought Phaedra's comment about Cynthia being a plus-sized model was pretty heinous. Throwing stones in glass houses and all that. Making fun of anyone's age or weight is just classless.

Edited by Madame Helvetica
  • Love 11

I don't see that. After the tavern meet up all the ladies were willing to move on with Nene. At the next meet up with everyone Nene was acting stank like the previous conversation didn't happen. None of these ladies are innocent but Nene always refuses to own her shit.

Claudia did say she acknowledged Nene's apology. At therapy she just wanted to know where all the venom came from. I felt it was a reasonable question. Nene can't just say because I'm a hateful bitch so she tried again to act unbothered when she is clearly always bothered.


Nene made it clear she wasn't about to be having dinners with anyone at that get together.  She just wanted to be able to be in the same room with them.  Cut to the next get together and Cynthia wants hugs and kisses and to act like nothing happened.  Same with Kenya.  I will say this until I'm blue in the face.  These women expected relationships to rekindle from where they ended and I absolutely am on Nene's side (with that situation anyway).  She was clear with what she was expecting, they didn't hear her.  So, in that respect, it's their fault for getting offended about their expectations not being met.


Claudia has been harping on this thing with Nene for the entire season.  Enough already with her boo-hooing about it.  Again, she doesn't like or want a relationship with Nene, so why keep questioning her about it?  She got her answers, she (seemingly) let it go on the bus to Demetria's performance.  End it.  Move on.  Claudia seems to get offended whenever someone doesn't fall all over themselves to be nice to her upon a first meeting.  She's done it with Porsha and Nene.  Sometimes people just don't like you, hun.  There's no explanation.  Just accept it and move on.

  • Love 7

I'm with Kenya on this one. The last time she saw NeNe, they were laughing and carrying on and agreed to be "cordial". Then then next time she sees Nene, it's all "who the fuck do you think you are trying to greet ME?" Just a total dick move that was uncalled for. You can be nice without being friends. That doesn't mean being fake, either. That's handling your buisness like a GROWN ASS WOMAN.

This, to me, is Nene's main problem.  She doesn't understand how to just be cordial and polite.  You don't like someone, fine, but that doesn't mean you need to give them the stink eye or say something rude to them every time you see them, especially when you're at events.  Say, "good afternoon" and keep it moving.  You don't even need a "nice to see you" if you don't feel like it. 

  • Love 11

Nene made it clear she wasn't about to be having dinners with anyone at that get together. She just wanted to be able to be in the same room with them. Cut to the next get together and Cynthia wants hugs and kisses and to act like nothing happened. Same with Kenya. I will say this until I'm blue in the face. These women expected relationships to rekindle from where they ended and I absolutely am on Nene's side (with that situation anyway). She was clear with what she was expecting, they didn't hear her. So, in that respect, it's their fault for getting offended about their expectations not being met.

Claudia has been harping on this thing with Nene for the entire season. Enough already with her boo-hooing about it. Again, she doesn't like or want a relationship with Nene, so why keep questioning her about it? She got her answers, she (seemingly) let it go on the bus to Demetria's performance. End it. Move on. Claudia seems to get offended whenever someone doesn't fall all over themselves to be nice to her upon a first meeting. She's done it with Porsha and Nene. Sometimes people just don't like you, hun. There's no explanation. Just accept it and move on.

They were at a social event after a dinner where they decided they would be cordial to each other. A dinner Nene initiated. When the people she arranganed a dinner with to be cordial are indeed cordial to her she acts as if it's a great offense.

Most of what you stated about Claudia more or less sums up how Nene acts.

  • Love 6

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