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Season 10 Chat

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True Kourt is laid back... But there are moments when she lets loose and seems vulnerable. I do think her feelings for Scott go very deep. And I think she's a great mother.

I see Jonathan has gone under the knife and had lots of work done on his face. Probably at Kims direction, only the most attractive are allowed residence up her ass.

Edited by iwasish

I know Parts 1 and 2 about Bruce first aired weeks ago, but I just happened to watch both in their entirety today.


Can't believe I am going to admit this but......I was very moved. For all the vapidity that the K's exhibit, especially those girls, I found them extremely kind, generous, understanding, mature...and evolved. There I said it. Scott was quite articulate and compassionate too. I was truly impressed.


The least evolved and understanding was ...Kris. Although I have to cut her a break as her relationship with Bruce was obviously much much different. Any anger and betrayal she may feel is certainly understandable. But as somone said upthread, when Bruce told you years ago that he took hormones, and you didn't look into that or question that further ? Come on. It truly had to be denial and her putting her head in the sand in order to marry the great Bruce Jenner, celebrity, and all that came with that....i.e. $$$$.


Something else occurred to me while watching this 2 part Bruce special. While Bruce reiterated that he hoped that his public transitioning could have a positive impact on others and he hoped to do good with it (very commendable and heartfelt), and that maybe this was his true purpose in life ....I couldn't help but wonder, that with all the media overload of all things Kardashian these last years, that maybe, just maybe ...this may be the good they will do. The open public sharing of this story of their father and its impact on each family member, may do some good towards tolerance, healing, and understanding of our fellow humans. 


Well done K's. Well done. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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3. Just once, I'd like a Kardashian to use the word nefarious instead of shady. Or maybe even, "His actions are questionable." Why ALWAYS 'shady?"


5. And, Kim -- Kourtney is smarter than you. Maybe not as decisive, but definitely smarter.

Okay, I just re-watched this episode and I can't believe we didn't catch this. When Khloe is talking to Kourtney in the kitchen, she doesn't call Scott "shady," she calls him "shysty," as in "shyster," a racial slur for a greedy, unethical Jew. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=shyster (PS Scott is Jewish.)

Good lord. Between this and "sheik pussy" I think Khloe should probably cool it with the foreign lingo.

Kourtney is the only remotely intelligent Kardashian child. Her deadpan delivery makes her seem dull but she's a lot brighter than her stupid, racist sisters. Rob went to college too but he strikes me as average at best.


Okay, I just re-watched this episode and I can't believe we didn't catch this. When Khloe is talking to Kourtney in the kitchen, she doesn't call Scott "shady," she calls him "shysty," as in "shyster," a racial slur for a greedy, unethical Jew. http://www.urbandict...hp?term=shyster(PS Scott is Jewish.)

Good lord. Between this and "sheik pussy" I think Khloe should probably cool it with the foreign lingo.

Kourtney is the only remotely intelligent Kardashian child. Her deadpan delivery makes her seem dull but she's a lot brighter than her stupid, racist sisters. Rob went to college too but he strikes me as average at best.


Hmm.  Well.  I think there's a lack of education when it comes to Khloe, which might explain her racist comments (I totally didn't notice she said, "shysty!"). Kourtney, as we know, is the only K sister who has a college degree.

Although, one would hope that since Khloe is well-traveled that she would have gained a lot of knowledge but ... apparently not. I don't think she's stupid, though. I reserve that description for Kim.

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Kim and Khloe go to the land of their ancestors to achieve a long-standing dream of their father's; Kourtney wants to find out why Kylie is being so distant and the truth is something unexpected.

They should change it to 'Kim goes to the land of her ancestors' since we all know Khloe isn't Armenian.

Where's the episode where Kim, Kourtney and Khloe travel to Scotland? Kris is Scottish, but they never celebrate that.

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Kim really thinks she's royalty! OMG, how can Khloe stand her. The way she admired that necklace and then just preened about having it given to her, she knew exactly if she admired it they'd hand it over. She wants to get out on the balcony like Eva Peron. Lol

Loved how Kim was so up to speed on the Armenian Genocide details, she must have had it all right there on here blackberry.

Poor Kris, so broken up over Caitlyn but next week she's bragging over having too much sex.

And the K kousins came with them from the US.

So the bit on Caits show about the congratulatory calls about Vanity Fair cover, was that bullshit? Cause previews show them reading the article and getting all pissed off. Though I can imagine it might have taken them a few days to actually read the article, I mean there were some big words in there that I can see Kim struggling over.

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My theory is that this should have been a highly rated (gag) episode, but because of the Emmys, the ratings will be in the dumper. SO- Seacrest the genius labeled this something else as to give themselves an excuse for the poor ratings.

Just a hunch.

Also, has there been a break in the season? I feel like this is the first new episode in a while.

Yep, one of those "E! TV programming" sections was the show, so I got to watch it tonight. No wonder Kim thinks she's all that when she gets that kind of reaction from an entire country. Is there no other famous Armenian in the world? And Khloe was such a bitter bitch about it “I’m Kim’s little monkey, I’m dancing. Dance monkey, dance!”


Hearing Kanye speak without ranting was weird too, who even knew he had a normal voice? 


Why did they decide to wear those outfits to the genocide memorial? They were completely inappropriate, Khloe especially looked like she was going clubbing.

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Yep, one of those "E! TV programming" sections was the show, so I got to watch it tonight. No wonder Kim thinks she's all that when she gets that kind of reaction from an entire country. Is there no other famous Armenian in the world? And Khloe was such a bitter bitch about it “I’m Kim’s little monkey, I’m dancing. Dance monkey, dance!”


Hearing Kanye speak without ranting was weird too, who even knew he had a normal voice? 


Why did they decide to wear those outfits to the genocide memorial? They were completely inappropriate, Khloe especially looked like she was going clubbing.

And Kim mentioned that they had to dress conservatively!

I didn't get the impression that the top of the line politicos were on hand to meet them, I think they were the second string greeters. I mean they gave them a welcome party in a rug factory! I bet Kim was trying to figure a way to get a freebie rug.

And Kim really needs to mind her own business, if Khloe wants to keep in touch with Lamar, it's her business. And Khloe should just keep it private. Talking about it especially on camera, she's trying to make herself look like this great person.

Kylie is right to hide her frequent visits to Caitlyn, Kris will not like it. I think the way the K girls are now carefully referring to Caitlyn as Kylie's dad or father, it's a subtle tell that they've distanced themselves.

The pic this week of Kris Kourtney and Corey with Kourtney's kids ( Corey carrying P) seemed kind of a public statement that Caitlyn's role as grandpa is being taken over and that Kourtney is moving on from Scott.

Kim "admiring" the necklace really bugged me. I admit, my attention wandered during the show, but didn't Khloe tell her before hand that if she said she wanted the necklace they would give it to her?  So shameless Kim, who probably has 1000 necklaces did it anyway.  She is disgusting. And Kanye - "dope this" and "dope that" just managed to make him look like the dope he is.  And the birth of 3-D printing means no one will buy his crap shoes? News flash - they're not lined up outside the shoe stores anyway for them. 


OK....let me preface this by saying I can't stand Kris Jenner, but there was a tiny part of me that felt bad for her tonight. She seemed stressed and almost unsure of herself.  I can't even imagine how hard it would be to have the guy you were married to for 25 years transgender and in such a public way (which was unavoidable, considering who they are). 


While I have always believed the show is scripted, there was in interview with Kylee or Kendall some time ago in which they said that the cameras have been in their homes/lives for 8 years, to the point where at times they forget they are there.   So I think the cameras occasionally capture "real moments" and I think they are capturing some of what Kris is dealing with.


Now I'll go stand in the corner.  : )

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Make room in the corner for me. I didn't hate the episode.  I actually thought it was one of the more interesting ones they've done.  I think they probably could have given a little bit more background on the Armenian genocide for those who don't know of it (and there are plenty), and the politics of why some governments recognize it and others (ours) do not.  Kanye talked in a normal voice, and it looked like he was the one with North a lot of the time.  And Khloe actually made me laugh with her statements about Queen Kim of Armenia, and her being her monkey.  And I kind of thought the dinner and fashion show in the carpet factory was kind of cool, in an industrial cultural kind of way.


That said, I was distracted by Kim's face.  She clearly had just gotten touched up.  Her upper lip didn't move.  S


She's starting to look all stretched out, like Jack Nicholson as the Joker. 


Moving on from the Joker.  Kylie didn't make me want to claw my eyeballs out.  She explained herself pretty well (I'm spending a lot of time with Dad and don't want to hurt Mom), and didn't look like a Bratz doll.

Edited by Shangrilala
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K girls are now carefully referring to Caitlyn as Kylie's dad or father, it's a subtle tell that they've distanced themselves.

I don't think so, I think that's just how they referenced in relations to the plot that this is about Kylie's situation and her storyline. In fact this whole thing with Kourtney not meeting Caitlyn yet and Kris crying over the facetime seemed pretty odd considering this same time was when Caitlyn had her breast augmentation surgery and it was Kourtney and Kris visiting Caitlyn in Malibu post-surgery which happened while the others were in Armenia. There were so many reports and sightings of Kourtney coming and going, claiming she's the one there for Caitlyn during surgery while the other 2 were in Aremenia and Kylie/Kendall were not around. We also know from 'I am Cait' that Kylie never even met or showed up to meet Caitlyn until the cameras started rolling on the tv show. 


They're just pretending and acting for plot like none of them were ever caught coming and going by the paparazzi.

Edited by Artsda

Yep, one of those "E! TV programming" sections was the show, so I got to watch it tonight. No wonder Kim thinks she's all that when she gets that kind of reaction from an entire country. Is there no other famous Armenian in the world? And Khloe was such a bitter bitch about it “I’m Kim’s little monkey, I’m dancing. Dance monkey, dance!”


Hearing Kanye speak without ranting was weird too, who even knew he had a normal voice? 


Why did they decide to wear those outfits to the genocide memorial? They were completely inappropriate, Khloe especially looked like she was going clubbing.

Can't forget the original Armenian celeb, Cher. I wonder if she's ever been there...

Can't forget the original Armenian celeb, Cher. I wonder if she's ever been there...

Yes, she visited Armenia in 1993. I couldn't find any information that she's been back there since then.



Still photos of Cher's visit.



The Guardian, April 22, 2015, "Cher, Kim Kardashian and Andre Agassi: Armenia's A-list diaspora"

The pic this week of Kris Kourtney and Corey with Kourtney's kids ( Corey carrying P) seemed kind of a public statement that Caitlyn's role as grandpa is being taken over and that Kourtney is moving on from Scott.

That's jumping to conclusions - and reaching for something out of nothing.  I don't see how Kourtney and Scott splitting has anything to do with Caitlyn.  In as far as Cory and the "grandpa" role - he's younger than Kourtney.

Edited by ifoundit

That said, I was distracted by Kim's face. She clearly had just gotten touched up. Her upper lip didn't move.

She's starting to look all stretched out, like Jack Nicholson as the Joker.

Her lips are so pushed up, and out- it looks like she is wearing braces! But there are no braces, it's just strange fat lip. So weird and fucked up.
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Glad to see Kim idea of helping Rob is relatedly saying what a mess he is for an hour. Super useful for his mental health, I'm sure.

Her idea of helping him was to call him out as a lazy, spoiled, fat ass. Which he may well be, but as his loving sister, who was asked by her father, on his death bed, to look out for his only son, wasn't very nice. And if anyone has gone out of their way for Rob, it's Khloe, I'm surprised she let Kim stretch the truth that way.

And as far as going to Armenia to visit your ancestors homeland, another wish of their deceased dad, hanging out in a 5 star hotel and getting treated like royalty (gag) probably wasn't his vision... They couldn't find one distant relative in the whole country? Rob is the last hope to carry on the Kardashian name?

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I thought I noted on of the cousin's eyerolling from the back seat of the car during one of the many vapid driving scene conversations.


Let's see, they tried to work in a social message (Armenian Genocide), demystifying Kylie, Rob's whereabouts, Caitlin's transition, Kris being an emotional mess, Kris pregnancy, Kourtney and Scott and Lamar all into a single episode.


Funniest moment: Kris instantly turning off the crocodile tears when Kim told her about the pregnancy. FAKE!

  • Love 1

I thought I noted on of the cousin's eyerolling from the back seat of the car during one of the many vapid driving scene conversations.


Let's see, they tried to work in a social message (Armenian Genocide), demystifying Kylie, Rob's whereabouts, Caitlin's transition, Kris being an emotional mess, Kris pregnancy, Kourtney and Scott and Lamar all into a single episode.


Funniest moment: Kris instantly turning off the crocodile tears when Kim told her about the pregnancy. FAKE!


I'm pretty sure I saw a camera man walk behind kris in that scene.

  • Love 1

I thought I noted on of the cousin's eyerolling from the back seat of the car during one of the many vapid driving scene conversations.


Let's see, they tried to work in a social message (Armenian Genocide), demystifying Kylie, Rob's whereabouts, Caitlin's transition, Kris being an emotional mess, Kris pregnancy, Kourtney and Scott and Lamar all into a single episode.


Funniest moment: Kris instantly turning off the crocodile tears when Kim told her about the pregnancy. FAKE!

Note her over the top excitement over a new Kim spawn, as compared to the lukewarm response Kourtney  received over her pregnancy with Reign.


Will they ever mention their Armenian heritage again? Or the genocide? Or like Kim's foray into the fight on racism, is it a one and done?


I'm pretty sure I saw a camera man walk behind kris in that scene.


Probably on his way to throw up.

Edited by iwasish
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