bichonblitz May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 How well does Khloe know Bruce that she would think once he transitions he will be the type of woman that walks around in 6 inch red patent stiletto's or white pumps that match hers? He's 65 years old. He's not gonna be walking around in hooker shoes! 1 Link to comment
Timetoread May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I felt so bad for Kris. From what I have seen of Bruce NEVER taking responsibility for his actions, blaming others, dismissing other's feelings, I 100% believed Kris that he was a dick a lot of the time for reasons he never shared with her. People keep asking, how could she not know? She knew he was a cross dresser and she tolerated it. But she did not know that the husband who greeted her at night with a boner really wanted to be a woman. I believe her. Bruce is one of the most self-absorbed, arrogant people I have ever witnessed - I thought this long before this business became public. I.Believe.Her. What made me cry is the question hanging in the air that nobody asked "Did you ever really love me?" I cried because the answer also hung in the air, "No." Bruce used Kris for years and was NEVER the person he told her he was. To him she was part of the wonderful family he created. She was never the woman in his life who he loved. We see now that the woman he loved, was himself. 11 Link to comment
bagatelle May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 3:24 AM, njmama said: Did Kris always have blue eyes? The whole time she was crying I thought, when did her eyes change color? Her glasses were in front of her on the counter so they weren't contacts. Random observation. I noticed the lighter eye colour too! I thought, perhaps, it was the very strong, bright white light set up for filming. Kinda like what those Youtube beauty experts use when filming. Everything looks illuminated, with no harsh cast shadows and their eyes look lighter, too. Either that, or she's wearing Kylie's coloured contacts. Link to comment
Jodio May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 3:52 AM, bichonblitz said: How well does Khloe know Bruce that she would think once he transitions he will be the type of woman that walks around in 6 inch red patent stiletto's or white pumps that match hers? He's 65 years old. He's not gonna be walking around in hooker shoes! This will certainly be news to Kris. 2 Link to comment
hottesthw May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 3:02 PM, bichonblitz said: Bruce had his interview with Diane Sawyer. Now, he needs to step away from the camera's, do his transitioning in private and live the rest of his life as happily as he can. I'm disappointed in Bruce because I thought once he managed to get away from that famewhore Kris, he would not be so anxious to stay in front of the camera's. The public really doesn't need to know any more, this is his business. And I don't need to see his perfectly polished pink pedicure that he professionally did himself, or to hear what a skillful makeup artist he is. Enough, already! Kim as the spokesperson. They have managed to push Bruce's son's aside once again in favor of the most popular stepdaughter. Shame on Bruce for letting that happen. The exact reason why I have my doubts about this whole thing. First Kim and a Kanye were the face of biracial couples everywhere and the extreme racism they are subjected to (because Kim & Kanye are such victims ya know), now a Bruce and Kim are the face of transgender people everywhere? What a coincidence that this family has suddenly become so sensitive to current issues. I wish Bruce happiness in whatever he does with his life, but maaaannn, if this turns out to be another PMK production (couldn't help but notice all the K women listed as executive producers), I hope someone strings him up by his balls. Link to comment
GaT May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 4:14 AM, hottesthw said: The exact reason why I have my doubts about this whole thing. First Kim and a Kanye were the face of biracial couples everywhere and the extreme racism they are subjected to (because Kim & Kanye are such victims ya know), now a Bruce and Kim are the face of transgender people everywhere? What a coincidence that this family has suddenly become so sensitive to current issues. Don't forget that Kim is now the champion for mental health issues too. This is what happens when you become a mother, you think deep thoughts & educate people. Listen to Kim, she knows. 2 Link to comment
CrinkleCutCat May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 3:52 AM, bichonblitz said: How well does Khloe know Bruce that she would think once he transitions he will be the type of woman that walks around in 6 inch red patent stiletto's or white pumps that match hers? He's 65 years old. He's not gonna be walking around in hooker shoes! Khloe bought them for Bruce before she found out he is transitioning in Spring. I think she thought he was only going as far as cross dressing, so was having fun with the 'hooker shoes' as a way of expressing that she was supporting his desire to dress as a woman. Now she realises he IS transitioning, I don't think she will really think they are his type of shoes! 1 Link to comment
HumblePi May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) Several impressions from all this hullabaloo about Bruce Jenner transitioning into a woman. First of all I noticed in this 2 part special is the relationship between Khloe and Kendall, and I've noticed it many times in previous episodes. Kendall looks to Khloe for comfort and support in a way a child looks to her mother. She sits close, Khloe has her hand on Kendall and she eventually lays her head on Khloe's shoulder as she cries. This is a close mother-daughter relationship, something Kendall never got from Kris. The other thing is the way Kris deflected blame and projected it onto Bruce. The conversation in the kitchen went this way; "I think you shut me out a long time ago. You were angry, which made me angry," she said. Bruce shoots back "You know you treated me badly those last four, five years of our marriage," To which Kris says."No, you were just very, very angry to the point where we just had to separate and then get divorced," she replied tearfully. "You never said this was going to be the end result, ever." Last words from me regarding Bruce and the Jenners. Bruce Jenner has has this gender conflict his entire life. Bruce became famous and made a choice. His choice was to cash in on his fame, ride the wave of wealth and take it as far as he could and put aside all this yearning to be what he felt he really was inside in order to have that. Then he marries 3 different women and have seven children between them. Did he ever think "the last thing I want to do is hurt you" during those years? He was selfish and self-serving and now that the youngest is 17 and he's 65 years old he decides he wealthy enough, the kids are grown enough and he's out of his third bad marriage so he's free to be the woman he always wanted to be. All this adds up to one big messed up bunch of Jenners and Kardashians. Not only was he unfair to all the people in his life for selfish reasons, he was selfish to himself for not doing this sooner. I feel badly for people that are struggling with this issue of being transgender, but hopefully they won't follow in the footsteps of Bruce and destroy the lives of so many people by pretending they're something they aren't. Edited May 19, 2015 by HumblePi 2 Link to comment
DrivingSideways May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Kris (who I hate) - her breakdown scene actually raised a lot of questions to me. There seemed to be a lot of subtext. My takeaway was that Bruce likes dressing in women's clothes, and she knew this - but the whole 'I'm going to transition' thing is a shock for her. And she doesn't buy that he's actually going to go all the way. Which makes his confusion about questions about whether he will be a lesbian later make more sense. I wonder what the children that Bruce completely ignored to raise the Kardashians thought about his speech congratulating himself for being an awesome dad? Scott, once again, wins at life. His rampant alcoholism has got to be an act. Kind of sad to not see Rob. 7 Link to comment
jonesingjay May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 2:48 AM, FuriousStyles said: Side note....Kendall is starting to look exactly like Kim. I hope that girl isnt doing plastic surgery so young. Are you confusing Kendall for Kylie? The younger sister with the puffed up lips, and caked on make up. Link to comment
GaT May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I got a real big ick feeling when they were discussing surgery & sex with Kris with Bruce, he’s their father, most people don’t want to know anything about their father’s crotch area. When Bruce was talking with Scott, he did not look good, like his plastic surgery was not as successful as it should be, especially with his left eye. Scott did ask some good questions, but it’s interesting that he thought it was somehow his fault that Bruce acted angry & distant all the time he knew him. All the girls thought Bruce had a secret, & Scott thought it was his fault, I wonder what Rob thought. I actually felt sorry for Kris. She really didn’t know, & I absolutely believe that Bruce’s lying is responsible for the way she acted toward him. I don't understand how he thinks he told everybody the whole story when it's clear that he didn't. Everyone is completely surprised that he's transitioning. We could make a drinking game with how many times Khloe says she doesn’t want to offend anybody. Link to comment
mwell345 May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Quote It certainly seemed that scene was for Kris to tell her side and I bet she planned her speech for months. I'm kinda sorry Bruce didn't interject a bit more and refute some things she said. I had mixed feelings on this. Part of me agrees. Bruce was able to say that she treated him badly for the last 4-5 years of their marriage, but she immediately countered with "you were angry all the time". I think there was plenty Bruce could have said, but he held back - I just didn't think he was interested in rehashing it. She clearly was determined to get her side out there. On the other hand, I'm trying not to let my intense dislike for Kris color my thoughts. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have your husband of 20 years announce that he has always wanted to be a woman. It would be hard enough to explain to family and friends, much less have it play out publicly (which was their choice, although I'm sure that when they started up this Kardashian train years ago, no one suspected it would culminate in this). I also thought - well, you're married to a guy who likes to cross dress - did she ever ask him if there was more to it than that? She may have, and he said "no", or she may not have ever asked, because she didn't want to know. And I also agree that there must have been alot of anger and frustration in Bruce for many, many years. It would surface every now and then on the show, but always thought it was as because the Kardashian empire grew, I think Kris lost interest in Bruce, and pretty much ignored him. But clearly there was so much more to it. The thing that really annoys me about the entire family, Bruce included, is when they complain about the photographers. They chose this life. They decided to put everything out there. You can't turn it off like a lightbulb and say "OK, now I want privacy - the press is bothering me". If Bruce wants to stop the paps from hounding him, go out as Her, and continue to go out as Her. Let them take the first few pictures, and then it's old news. 2 Link to comment
RealityCowgirl May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) On 5/19/2015 at 1:42 AM, nexxie said: Don't get it - why is Kris so confused if Bruce had breasts when they met (which he then had removed)? The segment with Kris did seem to be all about managing her reputation, and she seemed to be acting. I recorded the episode and have not yet watched, but this begged for a "ditto." This wasn't 1950s Oklahoma, and she wasn't some dewey-eyed innocent. She seriously didn't know his path was more than just cross-dressing? And yet she chose to marry him, build a life and have two more children with him.I'm not giving Bruce a pass for making those same choices. (Also not letting him off the hook for his failures as a parent - for which there is endless evidence from multiple sources.) I can't begin to understand what he must have been thinking and going through to lead to this last marriage rather than continue with his plans to transition. But Kris has zero credibility when it comes to playing some poor, clueless victim in this. Edited May 19, 2015 by RealityCowgirl 5 Link to comment
Jellowslr May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I don't know what to make of this episode. I really do not like the exploitation of Kylie and Kendall - some things need to be kept off TV. Their crying was all too real for this scripted mess of a show. What kind of mother puts their teenage daughters in front of a camera while they are going through this with their dad? She must be a piece of work. Let those two go through this in private. I can only imagine what type of comments they have to endure on a daily basis from bigoted people in this world who don't understand. I just love how Kummy's face lit up (and then later the ugly cry) when she found out she is the family spokesperson. I do think she loves Bruce, but she loves herself more than anyone. All the shock and horror that no one knew about the Diane Sawyer interview. Obv they wanted us to come away with something since they purposely had PMP call to talk about it. Even though this was filmed before Diane Sawyer (as they want to make sure we know), I'm sure it was edited after to make sure PMK and the family come out of this smelling like roses. I do not buy even for one minute that she didn't know about Bruce, or Kummy didn't tell her once she accidentally found out. It's hard to believe anything this family says. 2 Link to comment
mwell345 May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) Quote I liked Kim going through the clothes and throwing out what she didn't approve of. And seeing the makeup he stole. lol It looked new to her and she was just being there for him. It was cute, but my problem with it was that Kim again represents herself as some sort of fashion guru. Considering the clothing she'll allowed herself to be seen in publicly, I don't think she's in a position to give anyone fashion advice. Quote I just love how Kummy's face lit up (and then later the ugly cry) when she found out she is the family spokesperson. I do think she loves Bruce, but she loves herself more than anyone. All the shock and horror that no one knew about the Diane Sawyer interview. Obv they wanted us to come away with something since they purposely had PMP call to talk about it. I think Kim wanted to appear in the Sawyer interview - as the "family spokesperson" or as the one "Bruce loves best" or the one who's known about it for 12 years or as the one to give us Kanye's pearls of wisdom. I think she was angling for an appearance. Edited May 19, 2015 by mwell345 4 Link to comment
Bobcatkitten May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I found these two episodes very moving - especially seeing Kendall and Kylie's reactions. I liked when Kylie pointed out that when/if he does fully transition to a woman he doesn't necessarily know who he will feel sexually attracted to. It seems that Kris especially - and a few others - want full, definite answers on a lot of these questions but there aren't any yet. Bruce is feeling his way through this too. He doesn't know how exactly it's going to go. Also, when Kris said something like "I'm the one you lied to the longest" I found myself responding, except himself. He lied to himself for 60 years trying to be someone he wasn't. I did notice a difference in Bruce's reactions to Kris in this vs. Diane Sawyer. On that latter interview he fully said he wasn't as clear with Kris about things as he should have been. 2 Link to comment
iwasish May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I'd feel more sorry for Kris if they weren't already divorced and if she hadn't constantly been spinning the story of a big happy family and even though they're divorced they're best friends and talk all the time and will always be besties, when clearly things were very strained between them and they hardly ever spoke or even saw each other. As much as Bruce may have lived his life as a big lie, so did and does Kris. She agrees that he told her he liked to dress as a woman and that he had been taking hormones, but she never asks what kind of hormones? Just how long were you taking them? What was your goal in taking them? Didn't it raise any red flags? She was a mom of 4 young kids, didn't she have any concern for them? She jumps into marriage after just five months? What was she thinking? A cross dresser with two failed marriages and 4 small kids of his own? Yes, he should have been more open, but I think Kris didn't want to hear it and that made it easier for him to not fully address it. Bruce had already had some plastic surgery and hair removal procedures, he mentioned that it was Kris who pressured him to go under the knife again to "fix" it. I just can't shake the feeling that Kris is less concerned over the "deceit" than she is over having the whole carefully crafted image of her family torn apart. The fact that what she created wasn't reality anyway is ironic. Looking at clips of Bruce from the early years of the show and home movies, his appearance just in the last 3 or 4 years has changed drastically. He became very thin and his face is completely different. When Kim was going thru his wardrobe she wanted to toss the striped dress that he was photographed in by the paparazzi, but Bruce insisted it was "great for the morning" 2 Link to comment
Nancybeth May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) I have a very hard time judging any of the Jenners' or Kardashians' behavior right now, because I, too, have been in their shoes. I never actually thought I would say that I could relate to them, or that I sympathized with them. But my sibling came out as transgender a year ago and it has been incredibly difficult for me and our entire family. We're not very good at talking about it either, and I'm sure if I had had a camera following me over the past few months, I would have said inappropriate or mean things at times too. It's hard to understand unless you're going through it. I respect that they're willing to put it out there and there were many things they said that had me nodding in agreement. I feel like you go through all the stages of grief when someone you love comes out as transgender, and grief is rarely logical or rational. Autumnh, thanks for sharing and I'm sorry for your loss. Edited May 19, 2015 by Nancybeth 6 Link to comment
Misslindsey May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Did anyone think Kim was mocking Bruce when she saw that he was a size 14? Something about her tone of voice rubbed me the wrong way. 2 Link to comment
thefog May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 1:34 PM, iwasish said: I'd feel more sorry for Kris if they weren't already divorced and if she hadn't constantly been spinning the story of a big happy family and even though they're divorced they're best friends and talk all the time and will always be besties, when clearly things were very strained between them and they hardly ever spoke or even saw each other. As much as Bruce may have lived his life as a big lie, so did and does Kris. She agrees that he told her he liked to dress as a woman and that he had been taking hormones, but she never asks what kind of hormones? Just how long were you taking them? What was your goal in taking them? Didn't it raise any red flags? She was a mom of 4 young kids, didn't she have any concern for them? She jumps into marriage after just five months? What was she thinking? A cross dresser with two failed marriages and 4 small kids of his own? Yes, he should have been more open, but I think Kris didn't want to hear it and that made it easier for him to not fully address it. Bruce had already had some plastic surgery and hair removal procedures, he mentioned that it was Kris who pressured him to go under the knife again to "fix" it. I just can't shake the feeling that Kris is less concerned over the "deceit" than she is over having the whole carefully crafted image of her family torn apart. The fact that what she created wasn't reality anyway is ironic. Looking at clips of Bruce from the early years of the show and home movies, his appearance just in the last 3 or 4 years has changed drastically. He became very thin and his face is completely different. When Kim was going thru his wardrobe she wanted to toss the striped dress that he was photographed in by the paparazzi, but Bruce insisted it was "great for the morning" It's not about having sympathy for Kris (or anyone). It's understanding there are 2 sides to this story that needs to be represented. And obviously, those who despise Kris, will continue to paint her as the villain and Bruce as some kind of martyr. It's not as black and white as that. He married her, had kids with her, well aware his being transgender broke up last marriage. She revitalized his career as a motivational speaker. She went on to build the Kardashian empire, of which Bruce got half of when they divorce. Bruce admittedly was never as straight forward with Kris as he was with his first two wives. Granted, it was something that he had struggled with. And this subject was (and still is) taboo when they married. Cross dressing doesn't necessarily equate to being trans gender. 6 Link to comment
iwasish May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 4:23 AM, CrinkleCutCat said: Khloe bought them for Bruce before she found out he is transitioning in Spring. I think she thought he was only going as far as cross dressing, so was having fun with the 'hooker shoes' as a way of expressing that she was supporting his desire to dress as a woman. Now she realises he IS transitioning, I don't think she will really think they are his type of shoes! I don't know that she could be that naïve. Cross dressing wouldn't involve the Adams apple surgery and all the other little things. Did she really think he was just looking to sit around the house dressed as a woman, or perhaps go to the grocery store in heels and a skirt? No way, not with all the stuff that was being printed and flying around the internet. And this family doesn't miss one article about themselves. I can't imagine they never went to Kris and asked her what the deal with Bruce was. They talked about all kinds of inappropriate things with her, but Daddy dressing like and possibly becoming a woman isn't one of them? 2 Link to comment
bichonblitz May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) On 5/19/2015 at 6:34 AM, DrivingSideways said: I wonder what the children that Bruce completely ignored to raise the Kardashians thought about his speech congratulating himself for being an awesome dad? I will never be able to get past this with Bruce. He practically abandoned his "first four" biological kids and threw himself into his life with Kris and her kids, to the point of having 2 more. He is very , very lucky his other kids talk to him at all. On another note, he sure was happy showing Kim his clothes and makeup, as if he finally felt free to be himself for the first time in his life. On camera. He needs to get his shit together and go away for a while to do some serious work on himself. Edited May 19, 2015 by bichonblitz 4 Link to comment
DrivingSideways May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I can see why the children, and Khloe, are freaked out. Something doesn't smell right about this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but all of Bruce's discussions about HER are approached in a way that imply that Bruce is going to be dead, and replaced with this glamazon who has to re-establish connections with the family. Is Bruce getting a sex change, or a lobotomy? His gender may be different but he's still going to be the same person. But the fact that he can't even come out and say whether he will like dick or vagina, much less what his fashion will be, has got to be very unsettling for the kids in terms of what their relationship will be like after the transition. They all know how he dropped his first four kids and ignored them for years and years, and they know he's capable of doing it to Kardashian-Jenner kids. Poor Kylie and Kendall, being raised by the two most selfish people on the planet. 13 Link to comment
Darknight May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 10:08 PM, autumnh said: I loved it. My first husband committed suicide because he was too afraid to come out and talk about his gender identity. He was 27...I was 22...this was back in 1989 when you did NOT speak about it. I knew and I tried as best I could to help was not enough. It broke my heart and for us families who try to help but who is the worst thing ever. That's terrible. Sorry you had to go through that. 1 Link to comment
Artsda May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I agree the kids are confused, based on what he said last night, Kourtney asked him about the 2 facial surgeries and he said that was it. Then Kim asked him about his genital parts and he said that was staying. Then they brought up relationships and if it would be with men/women and he said he's hetero, so I get them being confused because Bruce himself seems confused. He said he's not doing this to find love again or thinking of that part, I think he just wants to be good in his own skin. Quote I wonder what the children that Bruce completely ignored to raise the Kardashians thought about his speech congratulating himself for being an awesome dad? Well he was a great father and awesome dad to them/this family, he was talking to in this episode. Khloe, Kendall, Kris all praised him as the wonderful father he's been. Kris praised him for raising her kids like his own, which really he didn't because he didn't raise his own. He treated them better than his own and they're going to have to deal with that if they want a relationship with Bruce without resentment. I do feel bad for them when/if they see things like this or all their home videos, how Bruce was the opposite with them. But it doesn't change Bruce was a great father to these 6 kids and great grandfather to Kourt's kids. 1 Link to comment
jnymph May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I was so distracted by the freakish alien blow up dolls (Khloe, Kim, Kourt and Kylie) that I missed the whole gist of this special. Kendall looks so natural & lovely next to all the other women. 3 Link to comment
Timetoread May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) I simply don't get all this BS. Bruce has been gender frustrated since the 1960's but he's never considered what his sexuality is? It's even a question at this point? He couldn't definitively say that he's always had a sexual interest in women and therefore as a woman seeking a woman he would indeed be a lesbian? This isn't rocket science and I don't buy for one freakin New York second that with all the decades of thought and family-plundering and supposed recent therapy sessions that Bruce has not given any thought to sexuality. He's so full of it, I can smell it from here. On 5/19/2015 at 3:10 PM, bichonblitz said: On another note, he sure was happy showing Kim his clothes and makeup, as if he finally felt free to be himself for the first time in his life. On camera. He needs to get his shit together and go away for a while to do some serious work on himself. I thought he came across as mentally disturbed and childish and, pardon me, downright sexist. All being a woman means to Bruce is clothes and makeup. All this man does is play. With helicopters, cars, planes, and people. It's kind of a slap in the face to the transgenders getting killed for their choices. There is no introspection there at all. He can't answer a single difficult question. Honestly just when I didn't think I could dislike him any more, he makes it happen. On 5/19/2015 at 1:02 PM, mwell345 said: It was cute, but my problem with it was that Kim again represents herself as some sort of fashion guru. Considering the clothing she'll allowed herself to be seen in publicly, I don't think she's in a position to give anyone fashion advice. I think Kim wanted to appear in the Sawyer interview - as the "family spokesperson" or as the one "Bruce loves best" or the one who's known about it for 12 years or as the one to give us Kanye's pearls of wisdom. I think she was angling for an appearance. Kim was a celebrity stylist long before the public knew who she was. In the earlier years of the show I always thought Kim dressed impeccably. The problem is that as her fame grew she wanted to evolve from fashionista to model and she simply doesn't have the body type for haute couture. Hooking up with Kanye proved to be disastrrous. She went from the best dressed list to the worst dressed. So my point is that I very much enjoyed Kim doing what she's good at. She can dress other people. It's just that she is no longer allowed to dress herself or her own child. Also, again with the sanctifying of Bruce. So now Kim makes every choice in Bruce's life too? To be so stupid, Kris and Kim are simply the most powerful people on the planet. How bout this...out of all 10 of his kids, who has the most exposure, the biggest marketing machine and is married to somebody who is also famous and a famewhore? Yeah, Kim. Bruce wanted the kid who's face will make people tune in - if only to hate. Everything this man/woman has ever done in his entire life was self serving. What makes you think he's stopping now? Edited May 19, 2015 by Timetoread 8 Link to comment
trimthatfat May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) Bruce had B cup breasts when he met Kris. I'm just curious as to what went through Kris's mind when she realized that...I mean, using hormones goes beyond cross-dressing. Some men cross-dress and have no interest in gender reassignment. If Bruce was taking hormones, that tells me he was seriously considering gender reassignment around the time he got involved with Kris and that he didn't just don a dress every once in a while. That's why I side-eye Kris...I feel like she's a bit of a revisionist. She insists that she is still BFFs with Bruce, but it's clear that they don't have a friendly relationship. She said she watched the ABC special with Bruce, but two of his ex-wives said they watched it with him and the older Jenner kids. So I just don't know about Kris. More and more, I think there isn't a genuine bone in her body. All I can take from the specials is that Bruce has a lot he needs to figure out. I now feel even though he can be petty, catty, and insensitive, he isn't intentionally misleading the kids - he's just taking this situation day by day. He's unable to answer basic questions with any degree of certainty. As far as him not being able to say if he's gay or straight - I don't think he's given a real thought to it. When he did the Diane interview, he implied that he would still be with Kris is she had been okay with his decision to transition. I do have to say it is just really weird for me to hear Khloe go on and on about what a great father Bruce is. Based on how she treated him during the early seasons of KUWTK, it seemed like she just barely tolerated his existence. Edited May 19, 2015 by trimthatfat 3 Link to comment
Artsda May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) Quote She said she watched the ABC special with Bruce, but two of his ex-wives said they watched it with him and the older Jenner kids. So I just don't know about Kris. More and more, I think there isn't a genuine bone in her body. It's all true. There were 2 viewings of the ABC special at Bruce's house. Kris and the 6 kids (that side) with Bruce watched the East coast with him. The Jenner 4 and their moms watched the West coast with him. There was no pictures released, interviews from the East coast side. The Jenner side actually made more public their viewing. One of the ex's even said how Bruce took off right after he showing. Quote When he did the Diane interview, he implied that he would still be with Kris is she had been okay with his decision to transition. I do think he still loves her and that family they created together a lot, but I can't blame Kris too for not being on board with staying in the marriage after he transitioned. Quote I do have to say it is just really weird for me to hear Khloe go on and on about what a great father Bruce is. Based on how she treated him during the early seasons of KUWTK, it seemed like she just barely tolerated his existence. Since she was the youngest of the 3 K girls when Bruce came into her life, she said she was the closest one to Bruce and that's what she's having the hardest time. I think the early seasons was after Khloe was just coming off of not talking to barely anyone. Losing her father isolated her and she took that really hard. I think it must be really really hard for Rob too, with all his other issues I hope he's handling it ok. Edited May 19, 2015 by Artsda 4 Link to comment
Bobcatkitten May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I guess I don't find it that odd that Bruce doesn't definitively know if he will like men or women after the transitions. I mean, not to be too detailed, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that if he has different parts that might mean he starts feeling differently about sexual attraction. And why do people need to know RIGHT NOW if he will like women or men? 8 Link to comment
Cosmic Muffin May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 In one of her books, Jennifer Boylan (formerly James) says that 75% of people who transition find their orientation switches afterwards. Hers did, although she and her wife opted to stay together in a loving but sexless marriage. So Bruce doesn't know. Although it appeared that rather than not knowing because transitioning can change things, it seemed to me that he hadn't given it any thought. So who knows. 2 Link to comment
bagatelle May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 10:29 AM, mwell345 said: The thing that really annoys me about the entire family, Bruce included, is when they complain about the photographers. They chose this life. They decided to put everything out there. You can't turn it off like a lightbulb and say "OK, now I want privacy - the press is bothering me". If Bruce wants to stop the paps from hounding him, go out as Her, and continue to go out as Her. Let them take the first few pictures, and then it's old news. They have their own personal photographers who follow them around and photoshop the pictures, before selling them. Look for a photo credit of Brian Pahl /Splash News, for example. He is hired to tag along, even on one of their vacations, taking 'candid' shots, slimming Kim's waist and hips, and selling the photos. I think Bruce doesn't like the paps they don’t pay. Which is kind of funny, if you think about it. 1 Link to comment
iwasish May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Quote I do have to say it is just really weird for me to hear Khloe go on and on about what a great father Bruce is. Based on how she treated him during the early seasons of KUWTK, it seemed like she just barely tolerated his existence I have the same thoughts when I see Kris crying over the death of Bruce Jenner, when they spent the last 4/5 years of their marriage in separate rooms and eventually separate houses, barely able to tolerate the sight of one another. They've divorced, she's moved on to a new man and I would think that whatever Bruce does now should only affect her in as much as it affects their children. I'm not saying she isn't entitled to be angry, confused or feel whatever she wants to feel about his decision to change gender now. She doesn't have to accept it or even be supportive of him (other than how it affects her kids). I just don't see that the savvy smart business woman that she is was in the dark all these years. She went along with it because she believed it was a secret that Bruce never wanted revealed. I do wonder though how she/they ever thought it could remain a secret with the success of the show. The skeletons always emerge, one way or another. 1 Link to comment
trimthatfat May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 6:03 PM, Artsda said: It's all true. There were 2 viewings of the ABC special at Bruce's house. Kris and the 6 kids (that side) with Bruce watched the East coast with him. The Jenner 4 and their moms watched the West coast with him. There was no pictures released, interviews from the East coast side. The Jenner side actually made more public their viewing. One of the ex's even said how Bruce took off right after he showing. I do think he still loves her and that family they created together a lot, but I can't blame Kris too for not being on board with staying in the marriage after he transitioned. Since she was the youngest of the 3 K girls when Bruce came into her life, she said she was the closest one to Bruce and that's what she's having the hardest time. I think the early seasons was after Khloe was just coming off of not talking to barely anyone. Losing her father isolated her and she took that really hard. I think it must be really really hard for Rob too, with all his other issues I hope he's handling it ok. Okay. Link to comment
Thula May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 6:17 PM, scribe95 said: I guess I don't find it that odd that Bruce doesn't definitively know if he will like men or women after the transitions. I mean, not to be too detailed, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that if he has different parts that might mean he starts feeling differently about sexual attraction. And why do people need to know RIGHT NOW if he will like women or men? Exactly! I thought it was very inappropriate for Kim to be pressing this question. Bruce is very early on in his transition, he doesn't know when or where this will take him, but everyone wants to know the answers RIGHT NOW! Why can't they back off and give him some breathing room? 5 Link to comment
wallofsound May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I haven't seen part 2 of this yet. I came away from the Diane sawyer interview really feeling for Bruce and really liking him. I came away from part 1 of this special liking him less. Someone up thread mentioned that he didn't seem protective of his kids and I have to agree. He also seemed a little pissy in response to some of their questioning. Clearly, this has not been easy for Bruce. I get that. I wish him all the best, but if this were my own father embarking on a major life change, I would be devastated. Hopefully, I would get over that. My initial reaction would be closer to Khloes. 2 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 I do not know a lot about this topic so I can't say much, really. I was very annoyed with Kim's side boob when they were doing their TH's sideways. I think Bruce is looking happier. 5 Link to comment
Maya May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 (edited) I am starting to suspect that he already knows he wants to be with men after he transitions. However he can't admit that to anyone, and will go on for a couple more years dating women, hurting others and dragging them into his lie - only to reveal in an epic interview that he does indeed like men, and it's time to be true to himself. Edited May 19, 2015 by Maya 5 Link to comment
Artsda May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 2:58 AM, iwasish said: I think he died in that bed. That even makes it weirder. I would have thought one of the kids would have gotten the bed or the wife at the time. However, Robert and Bruce were close, so I don't know. The using of Robert's bed as his own in his transitioning bedroom was really surprising to me. It goes to show how close knit they all were though. May be Bruce gets strength from it, may be Robert even knew about it all. Since his ex-wife knew. Link to comment
iwasish May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 7:02 PM, Artsda said: I would have thought one of the kids would have gotten the bed or the wife at the time. However, Robert and Bruce were close, so I don't know. The using of Robert's bed as his own in his transitioning bedroom was really surprising to me. It goes to show how close knit they all were though. May be Bruce gets strength from it, may be Robert even knew about it all. Since his ex-wife knew. I would think maybe Robert Jr would have wanted it. But if its true he died in it, it may be too creepy for the children. Link to comment
iwasish May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Quote This is what happens when you become a mother, you think deep thoughts & educate people. Listen to Kim, she knows. I saw Kim do an interview this week with one of the tabloid shows.. and I was really bothered by her almost giddy comments about getting to meet "her" and she knows "her" name and she was so beautiful and had beautiful make up and clothing and was just so beautiful. After her tearful speech about her poor mom who is struggling and that everyone should be so nice to because she does so much for us and is crying over this every day, doesn't she feel slightly disloyal to mom. Or is she so excited to be Bruce's confidant and the chosen Kardashian that the hell with Kris, she'll just have to deal with it? I guess Kim is blessed by not having those deep thoughts, she gets sidetracked by shiny baubles and fashion. She literally looked like way more excited to be viewing Bruce's wardrobe, than she was moved by either Kendall or Khloe's obvious emotional turmoil. 4 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 Kim's lips were way too big in this special. I kept thinking they would leak. 2 Link to comment
GaT May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 8:11 PM, Jellybeans said: Kim's lips were way too big in this special. I kept thinking they would leak. Better her lips then her ass. 2 Link to comment
Jellybeans May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 8:17 PM, GaT said: Better her lips then her ass. ha! she was larger (and older) than i thought she would be but she's growing in all the wrong places. Link to comment
Timetoread May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 6:17 PM, scribe95 said: I guess I don't find it that odd that Bruce doesn't definitively know if he will like men or women after the transitions. I mean, not to be too detailed, but it's not outside the realm of possibility that if he has different parts that might mean he starts feeling differently about sexual attraction. And why do people need to know RIGHT NOW if he will like women or men? I'm guessing, because this would be MY reason for wanting to know from my father: they want to know if it was ever real for him with their mother or did he fake that too. I am not a fan at all of being on the down low and my guess is that this is where we are heading with him. 2 Link to comment
Guest May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/18/2015 at 11:18 AM, iwasish said: When Bruce was taking the picture of Kendall and Kylie in the kitchen, something was said about them wanting a picture and Khloe snidely said you better get lots of pictures now. I guess 9 seasons of pictures of Bruce on KUWTK isn't enough. On 5/19/2015 at 1:14 AM, autumnh said: All I can say is that it is VERY easy to watch a tv show and post in a forum about a topic especially when you have not had to live it. I am not usually a kill joy but...for some of us? we have lived it and we have suffered the pain that is causes. I understand the need to snark since inherently it is a snark board..but some of us in the audience have had to deal with....losing a family member to suicide because they could not be who they are is horrible....we should all be thankful that trans people today can be who they are..... I know a couple people in some stage of outing their gender issues, one a niece, one a 15 year old, and I feel for them and I understand the family feelings. But I agree with those who said this show cheapened it. It seemed to me like a way for KUWTK to jump on the hot topic bandwagon... Milk Bruce's ordeal for their ratings. The Diane Sawyer interview at least seemed real. This seemed like their typical Brady storyline-- Khloe in the bitch role this week, Kim in the strong role, Kris as martyr, Kourt as pragmatist, etc. While Bruce just sits on looking hurt and tolerant. And the girls scratch at their re-enacted tears with their fake nail tips. Link to comment
bagatelle May 19, 2015 Share May 19, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 5:33 PM, Timetoread said: Kim was a celebrity stylist long before the public knew who she was. In the earlier years of the show I always thought Kim dressed impeccably. The problem is that as her fame grew she wanted to evolve from fashionista to model and she simply doesn't have the body type for haute couture. Hooking up with Kanye proved to be disastrrous. She went from the best dressed list to the worst dressed. So my point is that I very much enjoyed Kim doing what she's good at. She can dress other people. It's just that she is no longer allowed to dress herself or her own child. Kim might have called her self a stylist, but she didn't really style anyone, other than herself and her Juicy tracksuits. I think she worked for Brandy, but wasn't there an issue with stolen money and an illegally used credit card? I'm anxious to see Bruce. He said the next time he appeared, it would be as a woman. Yet, he seems to have gone into hiding. Unless he's secretly filming and waiting to do the big reveal on his TV show. 1 Link to comment
GaT May 20, 2015 Share May 20, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 11:56 PM, bagatelle said: Kim might have called her self a stylist, but she didn't really style anyone, other than herself and her Juicy tracksuits. I think she worked for Brandy, but wasn't there an issue with stolen money and an illegally used credit card? Actually, she styled Paris Hilton during her heyday, it's how she became known originally. TMZ always had papps following Paris around, & every time Paris went to a club or a party, Kim was with her because they were also friends. TMZ then started posting stories about Kim, & then the sex tape happened, & Kim became more famous than Paris which is why they're no longer BFFs. Brandy's mom said that Kim, Kourtney, Khloe, & even Rob all charged things on her credit card without permission, the case was settled out of court, so I guess that the answer to the question is yes. Of course Kim then went on to make a sex tape with Brandy's brother, so I guess she got her revenge. 1 Link to comment
SPLAIN May 20, 2015 Share May 20, 2015 On 5/19/2015 at 1:42 AM, nexxie said: Don't get it - why is Kris so confused if Bruce had breasts when they met (which he then had removed)? He did not have them removed. He developed some breasts due to the hormone treatments he was undergoing at the time. Quote I was surprised when she said something about him cross dressing and its something he did every so often. Red flag! Why is that a red flag? People can cross dress, but that has nothing to do with wanting to be transgender. Not everyone who is a cross dresser has an inner feeling of wanting to be the opposite sex. On 5/19/2015 at 6:49 PM, Maya said: I am starting to suspect that he already knows he wants to be with men after he transitions. However he can't admit that to anyone, and will go on for a couple more years dating women, hurting others and dragging them into his lie - only to reveal in an epic interview that he does indeed like men, and it's time to be true to himself. On 5/19/2015 at 5:33 PM, Timetoread said: I simply don't get all this BS. Bruce has been gender frustrated since the 1960's but he's never considered what his sexuality is? It's even a question at this point? He couldn't definitively say that he's always had a sexual interest in women and therefore as a woman seeking a woman he would indeed be a lesbian? This isn't rocket science and I don't buy for one freakin New York second that with all the decades of thought and family-plundering and supposed recent therapy sessions that Bruce has not given any thought to sexuality. He's so full of it, I can smell it from here. I know someone who is a transgender. From what this person has told me, some people who go through the transition, find out that their desire for one sex sometimes changes. If one preferred female, they find that after transition that they end up liking males. I am sure with all the professional help Bruce has received thus far, he is aware that there is a chance his preference for women might change. Bruce cannot offer a definite answer because he himself cannot give that answer. It would have helped if he would have enlightened the girls on that bit of information. I am hoping he did when the cameras were not around, but if his goal is to help others and educate the public, it would have been nice to mention. I notice someone else posted similar information up above in the comments. Bruce does appear to not be forthright with the information he has given his family. When he told Kris that he had in fact told her of his hormone treatments, Kris informed him that he was never specific. He never gave her a timeline. She didn't know if he meant he had tried hormones during the time they met and dated or if it was a decade before. Bruce seemed to acknowledge to her that he in fact had not made it clear. Just like he did not make it clear to the girls that he had not told them he was going to be transitioning in five months. All they knew was, "in the future". They thought a few years, not months. This makes me wonder if his description about having "B" cup breasts is even accurate. In his mind they may have been noticeable and "B" size, but maybe they weren't. I can't give a side-eye to Kris not being aware since he had breasts when Bruce seems to be all over the place with not being fully honest. I am not calling him a liar, just that the way he tells the story seems to leave his family with more questions than answers. 5 Link to comment
Fostersmom May 20, 2015 Share May 20, 2015 i'm going to apologize up front…. my ms is flaring, i'm typing with only my right hand so it's all lower case or all upper, or it will tai me 30 minutes to type this. On 5/19/2015 at 3:55 AM, Timetoread said: I felt so bad for Kris. From what I have seen of Bruce NEVER taking responsibility for his actions, blaming others, dismissing other's feelings, I 100% believed Kris that he was a dick a lot of the time for reasons he never shared with her. People keep asking, how could she not know? She knew he was a cross dresser and she tolerated it. But she did not know that the husband who greeted her at night with a boner really wanted to be a woman. I believe her. Bruce is one of the most self-absorbed, arrogant people I have ever witnessed - I thought this long before this business became public. I.Believe.Her. What made me cry is the question hanging in the air that nobody asked "Did you ever really love me?" I cried because the answer also hung in the air, "No." Bruce used Kris for years and was NEVER the person he told her he was. To him she was part of the wonderful family he created. She was never the woman in his life who he loved. We see now that the woman he loved, was himself. i felt bad for kris too. bruce seat there with this coy, look at how crafty i've been look on his face, telling her the same lines he's told her for years. i do think she's been evil in the last few years, but i do also think he took to lying to her face to make the changes he wanted but didn't fill her in on. On 5/19/2015 at 3:59 AM, bagatelle said: I noticed the lighter eye colour too! I thought, perhaps, it was the very strong, bright white light set up for filming. scott's looked blue in his interview too… it was one of the first things i noticed and i've never noticed him having blue eyes before either. On 5/19/2015 at 3:12 PM, DrivingSideways said: I can see why the children, and Khloe, are freaked out. Something doesn't smell right about this. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but all of Bruce's discussions about HER are approached in a way that imply that Bruce is going to be dead, and replaced with this glamazon who has to re-establish connections with the family. Is Bruce getting a sex change, or a lobotomy? His gender may be different but he's still going to be the same person. But the fact that he can't even come out and say whether he will like dick or vagina, much less what his fashion will be, has got to be very unsettling for the kids in terms of what their relationship will be like after the transition. They all know how he dropped his first four kids and ignored them for years and years, and they know he's capable of doing it to Kardashian-Jenner kids. Poor Kylie and Kendall, being raised by the two most selfish people on the planet. right? i fully understand his personality will undoubtedly change once she's free to openly live as a woman, and embrace feminine things, but he's talking out of both sides of his mouth. he's basically telling the family bruce is going away, and in the next breath saying he's not going anywhere. sadly, i do think he's going to completely check out at being a parent, even more than he already has, once she makes her debut. On 5/19/2015 at 7:17 PM, iwasish said: I would think maybe Robert Jr would have wanted it. But if its true he died in it, it may be too creepy for the children. i assumed it was kris and robert k's bed and kris still had it from the beginning of her marriage to bruce, not that she got it back after robert died. 3 Link to comment
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