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Unfortunately (for her), I think she is coming to the realization that the girls don't need her that much anymore. She seems off to me this season - could be Bruce, but I think in reality she is a very lonely woman trying to pretend that she is still very involved in her children's lives..


(Please don't take this as sympathy for her - I have none, just a comment)

I think she's realizing that as well. With Kylie and Kendall having moved out (as well as Kim and North), she's in a huge house with only staff as company. Bruce has been gone for a while now. I'm sure the kids visit her outside of filming, but I bet she's feeling the empty nest syndrome big time.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I just saw bits & pieces of this episode last night.  I agree with what so many others have said, what in the world happened to Jonathon's face?  In my opinion, he was never a 'good looking' guy.  I always thought he was gay until I saw him on that Millionaire Matchmaker show...of course, he took full advantage of his relationship with KK on that show. 


That house was huge, so large, in fact, they call it an 'estate'.  Why could Khloe's friend not sleep in her room with her?  We are only talking about a few days here. I am sure each room had their own bathroom also. 


So, they made all of these plans for this 'Kid's Only' vacation (the Jenner kids must not have been included) and with all of the communication they claim to have with Bruce, he did not know about it until they were in Montana & called in to check on him? 


What was it with Kylie walking in with an angry look on her face, clutching a brown paper bag, demanding to know where her room is?  First of all, she looks older than any of the other girls, and not in a good way.  Second, those huge sunglasses look horrible on her.  I know she probably spent a few thousand on those but they just do not fit her face.  So, I am guessing her role in this whole thing is to play the sullen, misunderstood, angry teen.  Did we ever find out what was in her brown paper bag?


Does Kim not realize yet that whenever the tabloids say "A Kardashian Confident", they are more than likely referring to Jonathon? 

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Kim is absolutely the last person you want in a car when you're about two seconds from a major accident. Khloe gets seriously kudos for remaining calm and trying to bring the car under control.

.... while muttering notmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfault over and over.

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A bit "Jessica Lange"-ish.  


I wonder how retouched the cover shot is.  The other footage of the shoot seems to be panned back and dark and limited.  

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This is also after a 10 hour facial reconstruction surgery.


Most people who choose to change their sex don't have the kind of $$$ Caitlyn Jenner has. She can afford the surgeries, make-up artists, hairdressers, top notch photographer etc. to help with the transitional "look". It makes a HUGE difference. I think many men who change to a woman have a couple strikes against them because they just don't look feminine enough and have to figure it out on their own. (Beside the fact that they usually have large hands and feet which can't be overlooked.) Wearing a dress, nail polish, and make-up don't necessarily make for a positive transition.

Edited by tinderbox
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Most people who choose to change their sex don't have the kind of $$$ Caitlyn Jenner has. She can afford the surgeries, make-up artists, hairdressers, top notch photographer etc. to help with the transitional "look". It makes a HUGE difference. I think many men who change to a woman have a couple strikes against them because they just don't look feminine enough and have to figure it out on their own. (Beside the fact that they usually have large hands and feet which can't be overlooked.) Wearing a dress, nail polish, and make-up don't necessarily make for a positive transition.

If I had to guess what I thought Bruce would look like when he became she, oddly enough Annie Leibovitz came to mind.

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I've been through a scary number of winter road spin-outs, so I was fairly sympathetic with the girls, except for Kim. Why didn't the idiot put on her seatbelt? It's too bad they were all out of the car when the police arrived, because they could have gotten a ticket for no seatbelt, but then that really wasn't Khloe's fault. For one who is inexperienced in driving in those weather conditions, I really admired Khloe's poise.


I didn't think that Scott's reaction to the reckless driver was out of line. I'd rather have him blow off some verbal steam, then to not react and go grab the nearest drink or xanax as soon as he got home.


Why didn't they do their ritual "peaks and valleys" or whatever that nonsense is they always do at the conclusion of a family vac-cay?


Whiny self-centered Kim is just ridiculous. Was North in that car as well? If so, absolutely no concern for her well-being. Pathetic.

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Why didn't the idiot put on her seatbelt? 




Because the seatbelts are on the actual seats, not in the middle where Kim was sitting. If she was in the actual seat, she would have been behind Kylie, & you know there's no way she was going to let that happen. She sat in the middle with no seatbelt so that the camera could focus on her.

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According to Kim she cut scenes from the accident due to north being SO scared. She tweeted that..


I think the potential of having a downhill-bearing semi right on your tracks much worse and scarier than a spin-out in the snow. It's not like they rolled or anything. The slid off into the median. I'll bet North slept through it.

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One way to prove your love for your children is to KEEP THEIR MOTHER ALIVE.  That would be a great start! 


You would think that after the first gasp-inducing slip-n-slide move (when she first mentioned that she wasn't wearing a seatbelt) she would have deduced that maybe, just maybe, she might want to put it on....


I despise narcissists, but an ignorant narcissist just pushes the limits of my tolerance.   I should be embarrassed that my blood pressure skyrockets at the thought of selfish, self-indulgent humans and their ever-growing fortunes when even just a fraction of their "income" could feed hungry children and save countless lives (and that's just for starters), but I'm not.   They are beyond clueless, and I have issues with injustice, obviously.  ;)   


Just when I thought Kandi's family held the record for making me cuss at the TV!

I think the potential of having a downhill-bearing semi right on your tracks much worse and scarier than a spin-out in the snow. It's not like they rolled or anything. The slid off into the median. I'll bet North slept through it.

Ha!  I wouldn't be surprised. 

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If North was scared it was cause her mother was screaming like an idiot, instead of preparing for the worst. The two glimpses of North I got she was calm cool and collected, Kim was carrying on like a moron. The normal reaction would be to check her kid for any injury and then probably embrace her. Instead she has to call her absentee hubby to sob. Wasn't Kanye in Montana for a minute or was that a different ski trip?

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If North was scared it was cause her mother was screaming like an idiot, instead of preparing for the worst. The two glimpses of North I got she was calm cool and collected, Kim was carrying on like a moron. The normal reaction would be to check her kid for any injury and then probably embrace her. Instead she has to call her absentee hubby to sob. Wasn't Kanye in Montana for a minute or was that a different ski trip?


How do we know she didn't check North for injury or hug her? They clearly edited that accident a lot. We didn't see them right after it happened. All we saw was the police giving them a ride. 


It's also normal to be freaked out and scream during a scary accident, as is calling your family afterwards. Kim is a lot of things, but there's nothing wrong with calling your husband after something like that.

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I know a couple of weeks ago Kim was preggers. I told my girlfriends Kim's hips have that child bearing spread going on. Lol turns out I was right. Kim was probably sitting in the middle because North wanted to be near her. You can see for a while North was playing with Kim's phone. I have been in a head on collision before and I yelled and screamed like someone was murdering me so sue me. lol

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Kendall looks to Khloe for comfort and support in a way a child looks to her mother. She sits close, Khloe has her hand on Kendall and she eventually lays her head on Khloe's shoulder as she cries. This is a close mother-daughter relationship, something Kendall never got from Kris.

 I have noticed Kylie also looks up to Khloe as a mother figure, even saying as much in an Instagram post on Mother's Day.  Khloe is also so good with her little nieces and nephew.  I really felt for her in this episode.

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How do we know she didn't check North for injury or hug her? They clearly edited that accident a lot.

If I had to guess, I would imagine an act like that is something she'd insist on not being edited out.  More likely than not, if it wasn't shown, it didn't happen.

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I would have even taken a throwaway line when Kim was on the phone to Kanye that North and her were fine or that she is just glad North is okay, because it looked like she was oblivious that North was even there. I am 30 years old and when I visit my mom and in the passenger seat, if she stops short she always reaches out to shield me. It is like a reflex. I do tease her about it, so I was a bit surprised that during the accident she did not reach out to North or even just say something reassuring to North.


I do think some middle seats do have seat belts. Though if the conditions were not that great Kim should have moved herself to a seat that has a seatbelt.


I find it funny that the viewers do not really see much of North except when she was filming Kanye's music video. 

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So I would never want Kim with me in any type of emergency. Shrieking and crying WHILE the driver is trying to calmly gain control of the vehicle? Jesus. "I don't have a seatbelt on!!!" Maybe if you weren't sitting in the middle seat so you can always be on the car cam you'd have been safer, fucktard. Even Kylie handled it better. Did I hear her tell Khloe "don't coddle her" when she was asking Kim why she was freaking out? Haha. I think she even told Kim not to cry in front of North. Kylie is much easier to watch when she's showing off her athletic prowess boarding down slopes and offering Khloe a high five for br inging the skidding car to a standstill while Kim screamed in the background.

We got to see her ugly crying/freaking out face. How many times did say "exhausted" in this episode? As much as all of the girls telling Bruce/Caitlyn they "support" him. None of them seem happy about it, they just have to put up with it.

Edited by MrsEVH
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In the UK I've just watched both specials. I haven't been able to find the Diane Sawyer interview as of yet. Anyway firstly I think major prop's need to go the family and production for how they did the show. I thought it was really really well done. I've always been a number 1 fan of Klohe, we have a lot of similarities in personality and this episode made me love her more. I really felt for her when in part 1 Bruce said he was only concerned for Kendall and Kylie when he prides himself on being a dad to the Kardashian kids, so I think it was a completely unthought full comment. The next thing I was shocked with was that Bruce was already having procedures without even telling his children his full plan. Obviously as they said there's no right way to go about it. My personal opinion is that they got pretty close to perfect! Scott has gone up in my books beyond belief, how he didn't know was crazy. I loved how supportive and considerate he was. Now I don't understand why Kris has got do much negativity when I think her segment with just her and Bruce was so honest. I have no experience of this sort of situation but I could not imagine how Kris is feeling. To go 20+ years with a man who then says he's been miserable his whole life must be heartbreaking. I would have so many questions like did he resent me? Did I hold him back? Does he regret our whole life? I think she hit the nail on the head when saying she has to mourn her husband. My outstanding people were Klohe,Scott and Kris. Always <3 Klohe! Now the only reason I'm leaving an essay is because I saw an article this morning showing a petition that someone has started for Bruce's gold medal to be revoked! I was disgusted! I felt that was worse then being transphobic. The reasons behind it were because Bruce said that he has always felt he like a woman inside and woman aren't allowed to compete in the men's sports. Bear in mind this was what 1976? I'm no pro at this but I think Bruce was the man who worked his but off, trained beyond belief and won it with no help of enhancement drugs etc all by himself. So how dare people think that is something they could try and take away from someone who worked so hard for. Call people names being close minded it can all be brushed away but that is disgusting. Rant over Caitlyn Jenner is stunningly beautiful.

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Dan autocorrect kept changing Khloe's name! Was bashing my fingers so much I never noticed.

That Dan, where does he get off changing people's words? :-)

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.... while muttering notmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfaultnotmyfault over and over.

Not the usual response - pretty stressful family dynamics imo.

"All of my kids seem to be doing great" so Rob is ex-communicated from the family??

John Edwards as a fertility consultant? Ok.

Kanye seems so uninvolved in the pregnancy process. Did he go to any appointments?

To me it looks like Kris goes to the faux appointments they dream up for the show, and Kanye goes to the real appointments. A few months ago there was a pic of Kim and Kanye in the parking area of her fertility doc.
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I really felt for her when in part 1 Bruce said he was only concerned for Kendall and Kylie when he prides himself on being a dad to the Kardashian kids, so I think it was a completely unthought full comment. 

I was happy Bruce said that.  I think his point was Khloe is a 30 year old woman.  Kendall and Kylie are teens.  Though honestly I think it was a scripted/planned comment and so completely thought out.  

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To me it looks like Kris goes to the faux appointments they dream up for the show, and Kanye goes to the real appointments. A few months ago there was a pic of Kim and Kanye in the parking area of her fertility doc.

I was wondering when they showed the appointment if that doctor was really crawling up Kim's cooch, or if it was all pretend for the camera.

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I will give Khloe huge props for her driving. I've lived in the Cleveland area my entire life in the snow belt, where we get lake effect snow by the ton, and I can't tell you how many times I've seen that scenario play out each winter. It's scary as all hell, and happens so fast. Black ice is the worst. In Kim's defense, the first time a truck slushed them and when they were spinning, she did grab North's hand.

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In Kim's defense, the first time a truck slushed them and when they were spinning, she did grab North's hand.

Yeah, but did she grab North's hand to protect her, or did she grab it as protection for herself?

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I must have missed her grabbing North's hand. I thought she just grabbed North's seat to hang on to, since she did not have a seatbelt on. I have to admit not paying attention that well during the episode.

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Just now catching up on this special and I am cracking up at Scott having no clue what was going on.  "I just thought he wanted a slimmer neck!"  ROFL.


Leave it to Scott to add some well needed levity. 

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Yes!  Scott cracks me up.  That one ranks right up there with "you know what to do..." as he casually strolled out of the bridal suite on Kim's wedding day to Kanye.  

Better was Scott's incredulity when he found out Kris Humphries didn't know Kim had been married before and his subtle remark about a "video I could show you" 

And his disbelief at Kim when she was complaining about sharing her closet space with Kris H..."you do know you're married???"

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Just now catching up on this special and I am cracking up at Scott having no clue what was going on.  "I just thought he wanted a slimmer neck!"  ROFL.

He really does have some good lines!

Also like the one about Mason asking whatever happened to that Grandpa he had, and when he asked Bruce if he was going to be the most butch girl ever because of his guy toys.

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This episode really pissed me off mostly because how canned, fake, and contrived the premise is but also....that all the shit Kim and her sisters were bitching about were their own fault. Bad management leads to employee failures and business setbacks. Did they adequately train their Dash Dolls? Do they show how much they appreciate them and nurture them? Have Kim and her sisters taken the requisite steps for a safe environment and proper loss prevention? No.

Just everything they say is so stupid. Besides the vocal fry and village idiot speaking style the content and logic is garbage.

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I have to say that even dull  Kourtney getting her pubes trimmed sprawled out in a bathtub is more interesting than the Dash Doll spinoff nonsense, and marginally more scintillating than Ms. Jenner whining about how much pressure there is for a woman to look good in her upcoming spinoff. 


Kourtney's pubes for the win.


I know this is highly scripted,  but for Scott to say that he never knew Kourtney was so pretty is a low blow.     She did look beautiful, and she should dump his loser ass. 

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I have to say that even dull Kourtney getting her pubes trimmed sprawled out in a bathtub is more interesting than the Dash Doll spinoff nonsense, and marginally more scintillating than Ms. Jenner whining about how much pressure there is for a woman to look good in her upcoming spinoff.

Kourtney's pubes for the win.

I know this is highly scripted, but for Scott to say that he never knew Kourtney was so pretty is a low blow. She did look beautiful, and she should dump his loser ass.

It's scenes like that with Kourt and Scott I find most real and show the bond the two of them have. I didn't take offense at Scotts remark about Kourts looks. I think sometimes when people are together a long time and are caught up in their children and other things they don't really see each other anymore. Plus Kourtney seems the least vain of the girls, she doesn't make herself up everyday and loll around. I find her way more attractive than Khloe and Kim, and a much nicer, caring person than either of them.

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Also, her ass looks normal. But I still think she has some version of Aspergers.

I don't think it's Aspergers at all. Kourtney seems fully aware of social cues; she just chooses to respond to them in a droll way. She used to be more animated, but I think being a parent has mellowed her out, and being associated with the Kardashians has made her more reserved and sarcastic. She doesn't have any other classic Aspie traits like a fixation with mechanical or technical things, or a problem with eye contact. I think she's just laid back with very dry sense of humor, and often annoyed by her screechy mother and sisters.

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I think a lot of it is a put on persona for TV. I don't think she shares her real personality with people other than very close friends and family. She does keep her feelings close to the vest. Scott is a fun loving guy, I doubt he'd waste all these years on a dull lump of nothing.

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I like Kourtney. I think she's the prettiest and she seems like she actually has a brain or two. She is the one who appears to make all of the major business decisions behind the DASH boutiques. (Although it sounds like she dropped the ball on "kwality.")


I'd be low-key and at arms-length too, if I had to deal with three small kids, a flake for a baby daddy and that family of hers. It's probably the only way she can keep her sanity!

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I think Scott would spend many years with a dull lump of nothing, if that lump has money.     What exactly does he do other than leech off  the Kardashian machine? 

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I think Scott has a lot of money of his own. He owns the luxury car dealership and I think he has a trust fund that he lived off even before meeting Kourtney. He's an attractive guy, he can/ could easily find a woman with money to leach off.

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That's true. Given his habits and looks and humor he could have hooked up with someone more famous.

Kourtney is ok she might be the most normalish one of this freak show family but she is very weird and bland. Sometimes people with strong personalities like Scott want someone more toned down. Plus they've been together a very long time which made things so comfortable and nostalgic and now they have all those children.

Has there ever been a more useless and fake and desperate fame whore than Jonathan Cheban? I guess I see why he and Kim "click".

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