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S02.E16: Blood Must Have Blood - Part 2

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The journey to the City of Light continues, and Jaha makes a move that shocks Murphy.


Hopefully Jaha doesn't pull Frank Costanza's move (Stopping short) or George's move (ending with a knuckle), and sticks with Jerry's move (ending with a counter-clockwise swirl). </Seinfeld>


Clarke receives help from an unexpected source


I'm hoping its the killer gorilla -- because that would be REALLY unexpected.


a visitor surprises Octavia


Lincoln stops by with some of his reaper buddies, and they play some yahtzee or maybe Monopoly: Grounder Edition.


Lincoln gets his revenge


Revenge on the Mt. Weatherites ??  Because he would sell his right arm for another shot of joy juice.


Meanwhile, at Mount Weather, Cage moves forward with his mission


Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice ...... Cage starts the marrow sucking.


and Bellamy and the group struggle to break free


Please, please, please let them set this to some Freddy Mercury and Queen music for this. 

"I've got to break free, I want to break free, yeah, I want, I want, I want, I want to break free."

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 1

Revenge on the Mt. Weatherites ??  Because he would sell his right arm for another shot of joy juice.



Actually, I think you had that reversed. He cut off Cage's arm, and shot him the joy juice.  Revenge is a bitch. Cage was arrogant and couldn't even consider losing. He really thought another person wouldn't be as ruthless as him. He underestimated Clark and Bellamy.


Wow. This show really went there. It does not pull any punches when it comes to the decisions that people make to survive. The thing is, I can't blame Clarke and Bellamy for their decision. Cage and the Mt. Weatherites would have killed every one of them for their bone marrow. Clarke and Bellamy couldn't let their people die. It's awful what happened, but realistic. All the children and all the people who fought to help the Sky People, it gave me chills to see them die. But to quote the pretty girl whose name I always forget. "None of us were innocent."


I think this episode gives a whole new meaning to "reap what you sow." I don't know what that says about me that I can't condemn the decision to irradiate the fifth level. I can understand it.


This show.

Edited by mustbekarma
  • Love 11

If a man with one hand claps in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound?


Cage looks dead, but what if he's just really, really dazed? I would rather Lincoln had lopped off his head. Cage was a turd.


Is the sexy AI the one who nuked the whole planet 97 years ago? 

Tippi, I think Cage would bleed to death. Lincoln didn't cauterize the wound. Unless that happy juice heals severed arteries, I don't see how Cage could be alive. I'm so not OK with him living. The Mount Weather story needs to be over.


I bet the sexy woman who was the model for the AI was the one who nuked the planet.


I do have one nit to pick. Really, I don't see why Clarke's people couldn't clean up Mount Weather, repair the turbines, and live there themselves. Hell, at least raid the place for food and supplies.

  • Love 3

I bet the sexy woman who was the model for the AI was the one who nuked the planet.


Ah, yes. I'm interested to find out more about her. One of my favorite things about this show is how many interesting women are at the forefront of the story.


But my favorite thing about this episode is probably Thelonius not getting what he wanted. I let out a big Nelson Muntz "HAW HAW!" at his disappointed, disbelieving reaction.

  • Love 3

Ah, yes. I'm interested to find out more about her. One of my favorite things about this show is how many interesting women are at the forefront of the story.


But my favorite thing about this episode is probably Thelonius not getting what he wanted. I let out a big Nelson Muntz "HAW HAW!" at his disappointed, disbelieving reaction.

Women really do have the juice story lines on this show. The men aren't window dressing, but they sure do not drive the story the way the women do.


Personally, I thought the Jaha and Murphy story to be quite boring. Murphy being left behind and getting into the cool tower with food and drink while Jaha got the lame AI, that was a bit interesting. Was that a nuclear warhead the AI was thanking Jaha for? I didn't really recognize that hunk of metal.


R'uh! R'oh! if it is a nuke.

  • Love 1

I think it was the warhead from the missile he rode on down to the planet.


I thought his storyline and the whole Quest for the City of Lights storyline was boring, but I enjoyed his comeuppance. He is one deluded, arrogant jerk. 


I know the show probably doesn't have the budget for this, but I'd like to see more of the mutant monster animals.


And poor Raven. Good thing she apparently has lightning fast healing capabilities, because she sure does take a beating on a regular basis.

  • Love 4

Looking back, what happened in the finale was painstakingly built up over the course of the season, and yet I still didn't really believe they were going to do irradiate the bunker. Well done, show!

I loved so many things about the episode, but I think my favorite moment was between Clarke and her mother. "Maybe there are no good guys"-unexpected for a show theoretical aimed at teens to convey such a dark and unflinching message. At the same time, I like that the show isn't cynical or casual in its use of violence. You can see the characters feel the weight of their actions, and that they truly want to act heroically, but are living in a world where that isn't always possible.

Bellamy joining Clarke in pulling the lever was a great moment, as was their goodbye at the gate.

Clarke's role and journey on the show is probably my favorite heroic journey since Buffy, and this finale felt a lot like the second season finale of that show to me. The heroine heading off on her own after making an impossible choice to save the world-Buffy mourning the loss of her lover, Clarke mourning the person she'd hoped to be.

  • Love 13

I was pretty okay with them irradiating everyone.  They tried every other way first, and those people were torturing them and sucking out their bone marrow.  And they didn't even have to, they could have worked out a trade...bone marrow is a renewable resource.  I know that the Weatherites weren't all in on it, but enough of them were, and they really did try everything else first.


The one guard is still alive, Emmerson.  Cage does seem to be dead, at least.  Jaha's stuff is still boring, although it was great seeing the Deputy from Eureka again.

  • Love 2

I should probably at some point stop being surprised when this show impresses me, because it does that an awful lot. Maybe it's my low expectations from years of watching dreck like Gossip Girl. The 100 does remind me a lot of Buffy or Nikita in that on these shows, life has meaning, and that death and killing takes a toll on a person -- that is something a lot of other "better" shows often forget.


Clarke leaving absolutely broke my heart. So did her conversation with her mom about maybe there are no good guys.


And I'm glad Cage is dead. Hopefully this is the end of the Mount Weather storyline.

  • Love 4

Awesome ... the Kraken attacks Jaha's canoe of desperation.  Right after they spot their destination .... land ho !  


How did Jaha know that the sea monster would stop at eating two people ?  That floating human McNugget 4-pack may have only been an appetizer.  And Jaha throws a redshirt as a distraction.  Gotta keep the faith and keep rowing.


So, Clarke is the one who knocks ?  Should we start calling her Heisenberg ?


Who exactly Octavia's unexpected visitor -- Clarke ? Considering she was the only other person outside the mountain, that was not really unexpected.


Considering she has one bum leg, Raven put up quite the struggle.  I wondered once they started drilling into Raven they Mt. Weatherites would knock the bullet loose lodged against her spine and her left leg would work again.


Clarke is pulling the whole "Don't make me do this" nonsense. But murder is in her blood, and she likes the feeling.  Man, Clarke really is a cold-hearted beyotch -- willing to kill people that helped her and all the kids just to save her mommy.  Isn't that what Finn did to the Grounders for the love of his life, Clarke ? But she tried to be the good guy by committing mass murder.


The lighthouse has a fully stocked fallout shelter -- and looks exactly the same as it did at the fall of civilization and everything works.
So who cleaned up that dead body in the shelter ?  And what was he babbling about launch codes for ?  How long ago was that video made.  Seriously, that place wasn't even dusty.


Now Jasper is probably going to kill Clarke -- or at least be mad at her for all of Season 3.


What the fuck was Cage trying to accomplish by drugging Lincoln ?  That made no sense, he just set himself up to be killed -- because Cage will never survive all the blood loss from his missing hand.


Poor little Clarkey is all butthurt because she killed a lot of people, and she can't stay at Camp Jaha.  Oh boo hoo.  Seriously that was the most anticlimactic ending for the Mt. Weatherites, all because they made the one mistake and didn't put some of there own guys in radiation suits with a lifetime supply of oxygen tanks in the command center -- or at least lock the freaking door.


So, they should find Clarke dead of starvation in the woods somewhere in about a week.


WTF with Jaha and the hologram ?  How was that house so very, very clean on the inside and completely undamaged after 97 years after a nuclear annihilation ?  Were all those drones cleaning drones ?  Did she have an army of Roombas ?  And was that Jo from 'Eureka' as the hologram ?  How did that missile warhead get from New York to wherever the hell it is now ?  Considering that the new intro for Season 2 showed not one but two different cities that were never ever shown during the season, it seems like bit a big fakeout.  Those cities probably don't even exist.  And are they still going to keep calling this show 'The 100' -- because that has no relevance anymore.


I do have one nit to pick. Really, I don't see why Clarke's people couldn't clean up Mount Weather, repair the turbines, and live there themselves. Hell, at least raid the place for food and supplies.


Heck ya, they have chocolate.  For chocolate cake.

  • Love 3

So who cleaned up that dead body in the shelter ?  And what was he babbling about launch codes for ?  How long ago was that video made.  Seriously, that place wasn't even dusty.

I assume that video was made when the world was nuked. I'm guessing that he gave the launch codes to Allie who appears to be the physical manifestation of Skynet.
  • Love 3

I liked the parallelism with the forgiveness conversation between Clarke and Bellamy. I think Clarke's arc has been extremely interesting, going from who she was in season 1 to who she is now. Very well done. I'm definitely glad I didn't give up on this show halfway through season 1. 

As for season 3, I'm guessing we're going to find out exactly what happened 97 years ago. I'm excited about that. I hope it's a good story.

  • Love 4

Wow, fantastic end to the season and a really good build up for the next one. 


Clarke is such a fucking fantastic character.  She's almost solely the reason why I love this show so much - and not that the rest of it is bad by any means.  It's just that her character gives me something to really get behind, and get into her head.  The biggest problem I had with Defiance - another 'post-apocalyptic' Sci-Fi series - was that none of the main characters were really that interesting.  It has some really great world building, just like The 100 does, but without that key character that compels you to watch I couldn't drum up the interest to keep watching.  This show, however, has that compelling main protagonist in Clarke and I really hope they don't try to shift the focus too much away from her next season. 

  • Love 8

Not sure why they decided to turn Jaha into a cowardly villain. Once he threw that kid overboard to save his own life, he clearly crossed the line. And that was someone who had followed him across deserts and mine fields. Maybe on the CW all adults are evil. 

It seemed obvious that Murphy and Jaha would be the only people to make it, because this show  loves killing red-shirts..


As others have mentioned, I also wondered why the Sky People didn't appear to talk about moving into the fully stocked Mountain. Running water, medical facilities, food ... Maybe they will consider that when Miss Hologram drops the nuke on them.  ...and that is going to happen - - 'cause this show is all about increasing the body count. 


They presented Clarke with an impossible choice since Cage wasn't willing to compromise. I get that the writers wanted that - but if Clarke had considered negotiating with the Mountain People as a group they probably would have turned on Cage and worked out a truce - - unless the majority of them were also psycho ruthless assholes. 


Clark has been party to three mass killings now. Is the CW trying to condition teenagers and tweens to be comfortable with genocide? Is this why young girls are running away from home to join terrorist groups? (just kidding .. sorta )

Edited by shrewd.buddha
  • Love 2

Kinda disappointed no major character died, and that all remaining kids are still alive. I was hoping for more casualties on the Arkers side. Not that the show didn't go in a dark plavce by having all Level 5 anihilated by radiations (including kids and all), but I feel more characters could have died.


Now Clarke, OK, she took an awful decision, but her attitude felt a bit martyrish at the end. And as Bellamy told her, she wasn't the only one who made the decision to kill all Mountain Men,so her acting like she is the only one who did was a bit meh for me. Nonetheless, I really liked her scene wiith Bellamy in the end, with the callback to "Day Trip" and him giving her forgiveness. 


I wonder where she'll go, and what her SL will be now that she doesn't have a purpose, and how Camp Jaha will fare now. The Grounders still are a threat, and just because they retreived 44 kids doesn't mean everything is right and shiny.


Poor Raven, seriously, can she catch a break and get back to being awesome? If she gets nuts and decides to kill everyone, I would get it, after all the shit that was thrown at her. Her and Abby's ponction felt a bit like creating suspense for the sake of it, without giving them an actual SL.


Not sure about the AI storyline with Jaha

Edited by Coxfires
  • Love 1

Wow, this was a festival of homages. And a pretty great season finale, too (although not perfect), but the homages stand out.


The most obvious, for me, was Clarke's ending, paralleling Buffy season 2 finale - coincidentally, my favorite episode of TV ever, so I don't mind. Considering that her killing Finn had also reminded me of Buffy sending Angel to hell (it was shot very similarly), it appears somebody there in the writing room, if not the showrunner himself, has very good taste.


Murphy finding the bunker looked like the survivors finding the hatch on Lost season 2. The score added to this feeling.


And finally, the woman in red? Totally BSG. But then, it's clear by this point BSG is probably one of the biggest influences on The 100, so I'm not surprised, again.


Overally, I've liked everything about Mt Weather storyline, except Clarke shooting the old pres, because it hasn't been set up especially well. But her having to kill everyone there? Absolutely perfect and heartbreaking. I really felt for her and was glad to see Bellamy help her. I never really shipped anyone on the show (well, maybe I'm a bit partial to Raven/Wick because she deserves to be happy), but damn it if I didn't get feels when he put his hand on hers to push the lever (and then the farewell scene, oh my).


I was surprised they didn't kill Abby or Kane. I don't mind, though. I like both of them, especially Kane.


An AI engineering world apocalypse isn't a novel idea in the post-apocalyptic genre, so I wasn't exactly wowed by the reveal (actually, I've pretty much expected for AI to come into play since Murphy found the bunker), and I doubt this show could deal with AI tropes as well as Person of Interest does (although I don't consider PoI to be as good with character development and emotional stuff, it's a very intellectual show - often too intellectual), but this season has made me trust the writers, so I'm game for anything.


Well, as long as they don't make Clarke forgive Lexa, because after everything that has happened because of her betrayal, that would feel like character assassination for Clarke. I mean, I love Lexa, but this ship should have sailed.

  • Love 4

I am continuously amazed by this show's willingness to go dark and not take the easy way out. "Sometimes there aren't any good guys." Damn. I feel like this show was not built for the CW, because in any other version, Clarke would have delivered some inspiring speech and the Mt Weatherites would have overthrown Cage and freed the Sky People. To let them all die was ruthless, and similar to burning the Grounders last season, but both times she was backed into an impossible corner and her enemies underestimated her.


The final scene between Clarke and Bellamy was heart breaking. Okay, yes, I want them to get married and rule the remains of Earth together, but I also really like the friendship and mutual respect they've built over the last two seasons. They both seem to struggle with their moral ambiguity and sympathize with one another in ways that no one else seems to understand, which I really appreciate.


I don't really care about Jaha's story. At all. I was glad that Murphy got, like, 5 minutes of blissful peace before stumbling back into crazy town.


Amazing season! I'm so glad we'll get a season 3!

  • Love 9

I'm leery of Jaha's storyline too.  Mostly because it means he's still alive and awful, but also because BSG did it better.  Nerd in a Dharma shelter created a lady friend, whose intelligence rivaled and eventually superseded his own, got obsessed with nukes, and started WWIII.  Right?  There's lots of cool places this storyline could go, but not with Jaha at the helm.  I'm also wondering who's keeping that bunker fully stocked.  It wasn't just clean, but also had fresh food and scotch.  


I also *loved* the callbacks to "Day Trip," although I find it interesting that Bellamy took Clarke's forgiveness and ran with it while she took his forgiveness and ran away.  I'm assuming the premiere episode will feature lots of shots of forlorn Clarke in beautiful forests. 


My guess, and hope, is that Clarke will end up at the sea.  I'd love her to be the bridge between Jaha and the Ark, but that journey was way too convoluted to repeat.  She knows how to get to the sea.  She'll go there.  




Clarke's "Rhythm Nation" reject outfit is ridiculous.  They couldn't kill one mutant gorilla, but found time to bedazzle gloves and jackets?  Shenanigans called!  Otherwise, I suspend disbelief pretty well when it comes to this show.

Edited by Lila82
  • Love 2
Clarke's "Rhythm Nation" reject outfit is ridiculous.  They couldn't kill one mutant gorilla, but found time to bedazzle gloves and jackets?  Shenanigans called!  Otherwise, I suspend disbelief pretty well when it comes to this show.


Even more ridiculous -- Clarke has a seatbelt strapped across her chest.  Why exactly ?

  • Love 2

My take as posted on the AV Club:


Season Grade: B
Season Finale Grade: C+


The overall season was a huge improvement from S1 but what stops this from bumping up to an A for me is the lack of pay off regarding the Grounders. This is a discussion that's been going on since last week but I still maintain that the deal was a poorly written and poorly thought-out plot which soured my view a little of this season as a whole.


The finale itself was...predictable and compared to last season's finale, not as good. Was I surprised by Clarke's decision to kill all those people? A little but I knew that would be her choice in the end since she was out of other options (and credit to Eliza Taylor's acting for keeping me invested in Clarke through everything this season). The rest of it felt like they were going through a check-list of things needed to be done so they could move forward with S3. Lincoln escaping to help his love? Check. Octavia having her moment to shine? Check. Ending the Mt Weather story indefinitely? Check. Raven being hurt but somehow miraculously healing? Check. The only unpredictable thing about this episode was Cage actually mourning his father's death.


I'm still underwhelmed with the Jaha's story. An AI? Really writers? The best thing about this B plot was and probably will continue to be, Murphy.


So now Clarke is off into the great unknown with nothing more than a gun? Hasn't it run out of bullets yet? What is she going to do for food and shelter? Tune in next season!


Kinda disappointed no major character died, and that all remaining kids are still alive. I was hoping for more casualties on the Arkers side. Not that the show didn't go in a dark place by having all Level 5 anihilated by radiations (including kids and all), but I feel more characters could have died.


Me too. I was hoping Jasper would join Maya in death (even though I love his relationship with his goggles).

Edited by kdm07

Jasper and his goggles=OTP! 


I thought more people would die, but I am actually ok with this. I still love most all of the characters, and I feel like there are more stories to tell with them, so I am alright with a low body count.


Kane continues to be the voice of reason.


I need to do a re-watch...I love this crazy show. 

  • Love 2

Now clarke, OK, she took an awful decision, but her attitude felt a bit martyrish at the end. And as Bellamy told her, she wasn't the only one who made the decision to kill all Mountain Men,so her acting like she is the only one who did was a bit meh for me.


I read Clarke's leaving very differently. The show consistently shows us that if a number of people experience the same trauma, they will not react to it in the same way. In this instance, I don't think Clarke was being a martyr or trying to imply that she is better or worse, or experienced more or less, than anyone else. She's just finally feeling the full weight of her actions this season, and for herself, personally, she feels like she needs to be away from people, and not to be looked to as a leader or a friend or anything for awhile.


I don't think that indicts or absolves anyone who was involved and doesn't act that way. I don't think she's trying to take on everyone's burden or be self-pitying. I think she's traumatized and full of guilt, and she's basically holding on by a thread. I think she's doing the only thing she can right now.

  • Love 5

This was definitely an interesting way to end the season. I was surprised, yet not surprised that they went there with killing all of the MW people. And they slipped in that little line from Emerson that of the people they had cured, he was the only one left in addition to Cage after the mini battle at the door last week. So all of the work they did in rushing to cure people with bone marrow was almost for naught.

The president was right all along when he told his son an episode ago (or was it two?) "You've killed us all" because that's exactly what he did with pushing his get to the ground bone marrow agenda. They knew about the adults from the Ark, they knew their blood helped more than the grounders... if they had a ounce of patience, they could have very easily saved everybody and built a new society with the ark people. Take care of the 47 and make a deal about using bone marrow- one donation at a time, with actual anesthesia- heck, Abby with her magic medical knowledge could have probably come up with an even better way to get them safe from radiation. But nope... had to go evil instead.


I am sad that they didn't find a way for Maya to survive, though i'm sure that's to set up some stuff for Jasper next season. And she was right to a degree- none of them were innocent... they'd been torturing grounders for decades for their treatments.


I am glad to have the MW stuff essentially over. Sure there will be fallout... but I'm glad the kids are out of there and all of the ark folks are reunited. It will be interesting to see how their relationship with the grounders evolves next season.

Not sure what I think about Murphy and Jaha and the hologram lady. I'm still expecting some actual people to show up in that story... or some robotics beyond the hologram. As others have said, who's been cleaing up and stocking food etc... reparing drones? who's leaving boats at the solar panel field?

I know we can guess that the dude in the video shot himself 97 years ago when the war started, but I could see that being more recent.... My first thought was lonely smart guy survives the war/ somehow avoids the radiation poisoning... so builds himself a companion... though if he thought he was the only survivor, who was he apologizing to for letting her get the launch codes? Why did he have the launch codes anyway?

It also makes me curious just how many drones have been flying around- or does this AI know something about what was happening in space all this time? How else would she get Jaha's name? I guess leaving a million questions was the point... but I am curious to see what it's all going to mean.  

  • Love 2

I read Clarke's leaving very differently. The show consistently shows us that if a number of people experience the same trauma, they will not react to it in the same way. In this instance, I don't think Clarke was being a martyr or trying to imply that she is better or worse, or experienced more or less, than anyone else. She's just finally feeling the full weight of her actions this season, and for herself, personally, she feels like she needs to be away from people, and not to be looked to as a leader or a friend or anything for awhile.


I don't think that indicts or absolves anyone who was involved and doesn't act that way. I don't think she's trying to take on everyone's burden or be self-pitying. I think she's traumatized and full of guilt, and she's basically holding on by a thread. I think she's doing the only thing she can right now.


Well, I agree with this, but she said something like "I will carry their pain", or something, and it felt martyr-like to me at that moment, but in general, I completely get why she needs to be on her own right now. It was just random bits and pieces of dialogue that made me tick, not her decision. 

  • Love 1

Well, I agree with this, but she said something like "I will carry their pain", or something, and it felt martyr-like to me at that moment, but in general, I completely get why she needs to be on her own right now. It was just random bits and pieces of dialogue that made me tick, not her decision. 


No, you're right, she had that callback line "I bear it so they don't have to." And I think it's in Clarke's nature to want to take full responsibility, particularly after giving herself over to playing the role of leader, and that could be read as martyr-like for sure. But also I think that could be read to mean that if she's around those people she saved and the people who followed her or made equally awful decisions, she won't be able to keep that out of those interactions. So removing herself could allow other people to heal better, since she's not capable of dealing with this right now. I don't know. It's complicated, like everything on this show. Makes me happy to ponder it, in a way.

  • Love 4

I love Octavia still being snarky to Clarke about her loyalty. I do think it's interesting if they don't have Bellamy knowing yet that Clarke herself almost got Octavia killed, especially when Bellamy only put his hands on the lever to save his sister. There's no way Octavia has told him yet considering that ending with them outside the Arc. I guess it's something that will bring drama next season.


Clarke actually saying she's the good people? Umm no you're not. You ran off with Lexa and let your people be attacked not caring if they died. Clarke's decision making is pretty bad, she was so tied up in trusting and being besties with Lexa. Wanting to be the leader and not listening to her mother or Kane.


I felt really bad for Maya, she helped them so much and all she got in the end was death. The alternative was living in their cell, but at least Abby could have tried to work on something with the bone marrow while she was in the cell. I guess this is also for more drama with Jasper and the others next season.


Although it is a site of a mass genocide. It would make sense for the sky people to clean Mt.Weather out and get the turbines working, move their people in there. Instead of living out in the open around a fence. 


Love Lincoln taking out the President and injecting him with the drug.


Murphy finding the panic room or bunker was totally a 'Lost' moment. Finding the steel doors, breaking in, and the music playing while he walked around. When he walked in, I said "are they on the Lost island? He found the hatch!"  He should find a shower and just stay locked up in there. How did the body of the guy who lived there and committed suicide get cleaned up though? Murphy's not alone.


Jaha's still insane and the worst leader He stays awake to not help and dictate the others to row. Throwing the guy who followed him overboard just to save himself. All those people who died because they followed Jaha should have just stayed back at the Arc camp.  

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 1

I love Octavia still being snarky to Clarke about her loyalty.


Clarke actually saying she's the good people? Umm no you're not. You ran off with Lexa and let your people be attacked not caring if they died. Clarke's decision making is pretty bad, she was so tied up in trusting and being besties with Lexa. Wanting to be the leader and not listening to her mother or Kane.


Love Lincoln taking out the President and injecting him with the drug.


Murphy finding the panic room or bunker was totally a 'Lost' moment. Finding the steel doors, breaking in, and the music playing while he walked around. When he walked in, I said "are they on the Lost island? He found the hatch!" 


I agree with three of these points--Octavia snarking at Clarke was awesome, as was her "Yes I am" rebuttal when Jasper said she's not an outsider to the MW guard. I love Octavia so much.


And Lincoln! Oh God, as soon as they asked where Cage was, and I realized we still hadn't seen Lincoln, I was like, "Oh my God, if that bastard kills him..." I felt like Lincoln was marked for death all season, so I've been super-paranoid for the last few episodes. If it had gone that way, I think Cage would have taken my top spot for Most Hated Current TV Character.


And yes, that Hatch moment must have been an intentional homage to Lost. I loved it. I am a little skeptical of how this weird AI thing is going to play out though.


But I don't agree with your second point, because Clarke didn't call herself a good guy. She said she tried, implying that she clearly believed/knew that she had failed. That was the point of that scene, I think, to convey what you say. She was too trusting of Lexa, got too caught up in trying to be a certain kind of leader, and in doing so, was directly responsible for two mass murders. She can't call herself one of the good guys, because she knows she isn't. Her mother tries to comfort her by saying that no one really is, but Clarke doesn't seem to accept that.

  • Love 3


But I don't agree with your second point, because Clarke didn't call herself a good guy. She said she tried, implying that she clearly believed/knew that she had failed.

She did earlier in the episode, when she was trying to convince Dante to help them. She said they were the good guys. Which that's true for 2 people in that room, but not her. So Dante treating her with disdain from his first sight of her was well deserved. By the end of the episode she kind of got it, but she was still thinking herself as good minutes prior which after what she did to her own people by not warning her own people and letting them be blown up, she's so far from good.

She did earlier in the episode, when she was trying to convince Dante to help them. She said they were the good guys. Which that's true for 2 people in that room, but not her. So Dante treating her with disdain from his first sight of her was well deserved. By the end of the episode she kind of got it, but she was still thinking herself as good minutes prior which after what she did to her own people by not warning her own people and letting them be blown up, she's so far from good.



The overriding question is, what is good?  Clarke's intentions were noble, but her means were murky.  That's the entire point of this show.  No one is "classically" good.  The Ark floated teenagers to preserve "humanity"; the Grounders abide by a ruthless code of ethics that rivals the Vikings'; the Mount Weatherites spent three generations knowingly draining innocent people of their blood.  It's all a matter of perspective.  Clarke didn't think she was a "good" person during that conversation with Dante - she thought she was better than him and maybe she was: she wanted to save her people, Dante wanted to make his people's lives easier. 


I disagree with the sentiment that Clarke's a mass murderer. She didn't do these things to assert control or gain more power like classic dictators, and she wasn't a sociopathic serial killer.  They were at war, a war where the Geneva Convention isn't in play and there were no other options.  It was an "us or them" scenario and it came down to which side had the better argument.  Clarke tried to save the "innocent".  Over and over, she advocated for peace, and Mount Weather refused.  They left her little choice.  Essentially, she's truly become Oppenheimer --  the radiation was an after effect of those bombs he helped create -- she pulled the lever and now she has to live with it.


Poor kid.  I think she deserves the right to be a martyr, and maybe Bellamy does too; he did pull the lever with her.  The others have done terrible things, but in the literal face of self-preservation.  Three times, Clarke's been at a distance when she chose to let others die, and faced the consequences in the aftermath, when she was safe and sound and could reflect.  Bellamy has always believed himself to be the bad guy so his role is par for the course, but Clarke thought she was a hero and is now facing down just how dark she's become.  Good.  Let her wallow.  Hopefully in lush foliage by the sea!

  • Love 9

I loved this, Jaha storyline aside. For me, it recalled the theme from BSG--they're so busy trying to survive, they haven't considered whether or not they deserve to. (I don't invoke BSG lightly.) I think they did a great job inhabiting the moral gray areas--absolutely everyone has made moral compromises to survive, and it has affected all of them differently. I really enjoy a series where no one is "the good guy" and we're all just trying to live with the consequences of that. I think it is really interesting and unexpected storytelling.

Also, I never would have thought it last season, but Murphy is made of win. He has embraced his morally ambiguous nature, and is cool with just trying to survive. I definitely got the Lost/hatch vibe, too. I have *no* idea where they're going to go with Murphy, but so far they're doing a great job making him likable and forgivable, but not whitewashed. I hope he becomes a leader next season.

Oh, and I still ship Bellamy and Clarke. I think they're kindred souls, trying their best to be good people and leaders in the face of impossible choices. I like how they're handling equivalent situations differently.

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And with one look between them, I'm a Bellamy/Clarke shipper all over again.


That was a pretty amazing episode.  They really went There.  Clarke made some hard and ugly choices, and that is why war is hell.


I liked the echo of Season one where Clarke says "Your want forgiveness?  Then I forgive you."  Those kind of touches make a show great.


I thought that maybe Raven's feeling would come back into her leg with all the stuff the MW people did.  I can see how Jasper is all hurt and angry, but if Raven can get over Finn's loss, then I expect the same of Jasper with Monty


Last season Jaha was Moses.  This year it's Clarke.  I hope they don't keep her away for the whole season on some solo trip. I'd like her back with her original friends (and by that I mean Raven,  Octavia, Jasper, Monty, Bellamy).  When the group is divided, it's not as interesting to me.  I hope she'll get over her martyrdom and self loathing and go back quickly.


Jaha and Murphy seem to be a long way from the camp, so I don't know how they are going to get all the Ark-ers to the drone island for next season.  I hope they write Jaha off STAT, and that the AI story is not the reason for the apocalypse- it seems too easy.


I wish that PTV recapped this show.  

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When things started going creepy in the water, was anything else like 


"Hear that sound, highness? Its the shrieking eels..." I always seem to find time for a Princess Bride reference. Seriously though, every stay the hell away from water on this planet. Its Hell`s Aquarium out there! 


I get why Clark feels terrible, and why she feels like she needs to go into exile or whatever. I still don't really agree with her choice to let all those people get hit by the bomb, but I at least get the rational. Hopefully she comes back soon. It will be good to have all of Team Delinquent back together. Hopefully Murphy comes back, soon, I love his scenes with the other kids. I hope they realize that he has become a pretty decent person though. After everything, they really have no room to judge him too harshly for his past actions.  

Edited by tennisgurl
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I greatly enjoyed this episode though the AI reveal was pretty meh. I have one major complaint with how the MW story line ended, and that is how after the Grounders left and took those Ark people, the Mount Weather people became so lax in their security. Instead of barricading themself in with putting furniture in front of the doors and ruinning the door panels, most of them sat down and ate dinner. Like what even? They had gone up there to barricade themself in, and they couldn't honestly be sure the Grounders wouldn't turn around and double cross, so the fact they became so lax seemed a bit to convinient. I suppose if Grounders started flooding in the lower level through the Reaper tunnels they would had done the barricading properly, but it still bugged.


I am continuously amazed by this show's willingness to go dark and not take the easy way out. "Sometimes there aren't any good guys." Damn. I feel like this show was not built for the CW, because in any other version, Clarke would have delivered some inspiring speech and the Mt Weatherites would have overthrown Cage and freed the Sky People. To let them all die was ruthless, and similar to burning the Grounders last season, but both times she was backed into an impossible corner and her enemies underestimated her.


I am as well. I read speculation about Clarke radiating all of them, but I couldn't really believe that a show would have their protagonist kill children. Like that is always such a hard line between Good And Evil, but this show effectively made it this group of people including innocent civilians vs this other group of people including innocent civilians. There was no hail mary save, and yeah wow. Last season it was at least warriors attaking them, this season it was another way the show backed Clarke into a corner and forced her to chose between two even more terrible choices.


    The most obvious, for me, was Clarke's ending, paralleling Buffy season 2 finale - coincidentally, my favorite episode of TV ever, so I don't mind. Considering that her killing Finn had also reminded me of Buffy sending Angel to hell (it was shot very similarly), it appears somebody there in the writing room, if not the showrunner himself, has very good taste.


Yes! The Buffy parrallels were hitting me hardcore. Clarke definitely needs some time to process, you can tell that by the end of the episode she is pretty much kinda broken. Definitely gave me some good Buffy feels.


Well, as long as they don't make Clarke forgive Lexa, because after everything that has happened because of her betrayal, that would feel like character assassination for Clarke. I mean, I love Lexa, but this ship should have sailed.


Heh I thought before that Clarke would probably be angry as hell at Lexa and hurt but she would sorta understand. Now I think that she probably totally understands why Lexa did it, but really hate how things turned out. While not outright formal allies, the killed Mountain Men included people that have helped and saved her friends. But backed into a corner she chose her friends and her people, just like Lexa (can be debated just how backed up Lexa was YMMV). While not quite the same as with Lexa, there are some similarities.


Also I think what drew them together to begin with was the mutual understanding of the burden of leadership, how it wears you down emotionally and the ethical questions that pop up when leading a people in a world of the 100 in the fight for survival. Lexa ascended to Commander as a child, so lord knows how many difficult decisions she has taken and innocent lives she has had to judge as acceptible losses from quite an early age. I Imagine uniting 12 war-like clans was probably by a healthy mix of using the sword and diplomacy.

Clarke has been running ragged this entire season to get her people back, and kept getting pushed further and further, eventually crossing a line she wasn't willing to cross back in the start of the season. It got to suck for Clarke to think back that if she had just done it from the start, more of her people would be alive, but on the other hand, such a thought is probably something that feels disturbing and morbid beyond belief and chafes at her desire to do what is deemed good if possible

Well, I agree with this, but she said something like "I will carry their pain", or something, and it felt martyr-like to me at that moment, but in general, I completely get why she needs to be on her own right now. It was just random bits and pieces of dialogue that made me tick, not her decision. 

I thought it was a call back to Dante's line and also Lexa's philosophy a bit with how as leaders they carry the burden of certain actions so their people don't have to etc. It also outlines to me the increasing difference between Bellamy and Clarke. While Bellamy does lead, it has more been as Clarke's second and not co-leader anymore. Clarke has sort of moved further away with having to lead in a war of this scale, while Bellamy moved between being a leader and a soldier.


Clarke actually saying she's the good people? Umm no you're not. You ran off with Lexa and let your people be attacked not caring if they died. Clarke's decision making is pretty bad, she was so tied up in trusting and being besties with Lexa. Wanting to be the leader and not listening to her mother or Kane.


How did Clarke run off with Lexa? Initially she negotiated an alliance with the Grounders, because otherwise they would had killed all the Ark people plus she believed they could help getting their people back. She spent time working hard to create an alliance in the belief it would provide the man power needed in order to make a successful plan for getting her people out. I am totally drawing a blank at which point did she run off and didn't care? Because I feel like one thing the season been pretty consistent with is showing Clarke getting pushed further into increasingly more desperate territories in order to get her people back because she does care about them. With the entire ending being she chose her people, the ones she knows and cares for, over the ones she doesn't know.


The highlight of the episode for me was hands down the scene between Abby and Clarke. Both ladies just killed it in that scene and it just hurt to watch. You could tell that it was that moment the emotional trauma completely descended on Clarke with all the guilt, pain, and despair.


The last scene between Clarke and Bellamy was fantastic yet tragic. You can tell the guilt over her actions lies heavy on Clarke, and bless Bellamy for trying, I thought it was a lovely call back to him echoing back the words she told him, but those two are just not on the same page anymore.  It showed with how he was all "I think we deserve a beer" while Clarke was just shattered and not anywhere near his mindset.


The burden has now pretty much crushed her and her emotional reserves are running on fumes. Her experience and actions as leader in this war has taken her so far away from who she was, and she is seems very lost at this time and in need of re-defining herself while still taking in consideration the actions she has taken. Also at this point I do not think it is forgiveness Clarke needs or wants, nor will she ever be able to forgive herself. Because despite of everything, there were children in there, and I think that is something she can never come to terms with truly. I think at best what Clarke needs is understanding and some peace. Sadly with Bellamy and Clarke when it comes to understanding leadership and what they have done, they are just not equals on these kind of things anymore and Bellamy weren't able to help Clarke. Doubt anyone can do that at this point as well. Girl needs some time to process before trying to pick herself back up.


Also despite Bellamy putting his hands on top of hers in pulling the switch, it was not quite the same. Bellamy wanted initially to use Dante to talk Cage down and that was that. He was all out of suggestions after that obviously did not work despite Clarke asking him one to two times if he had any ideas. This constrasted with how Clarke moved pretty damn fast to going further than what probably any of the others had even considered, while Bellamy was on the side looking in. It showed clearly the changes they both been through, and just how far away Clarke is not just from Bellamy but the others. Monty was the closet one there to being with Clarke, but then again he has showed (understandable) contempt for the MM earlier in the season where he said they could just die when asked what they were suppose to do.


I absolutely felt completely underwhelmed by the AI reveal. I been wanting to know how the whole nuclear apocalypse happened, but I figured we would have a new player enterting the picture in the form of a high tech civiliation that could challenge the cast in new ways. An AI feels kinda limited in an area where most computers, networks and electronics don't work. Also what will it have as it's people? The Wastelanders? Some CGI drones? I don't see how the AI can really hold up as a good enemy in the next season. But I am guessing the grounder alliance will be falling apart, plus the Ark people are technically still invaders on grounder land and there will be other things going on.


Also since CoL is apparently not an actual city(?), then that big walled of city we see in the intro, can be Polis? It looks pretty badass.

Edited by Riful
  • Love 3

Damn!  I guess that's one way to end the Mt. Weather threat.  Clarke (with an assist from Bellamy, I guess), just flat-out irradiates everyone one of those bastards.  OK, yes, there were innocents in the group (sniff.. Maya), but considering how many seemed to be on board with the whole "Hey, it gets us up there, so fuck them!" gig, I really can't blame Clarke for going there.  Even Jasper's plan had it's flaws.  Honestly, I doubt he would have gotten to Cage, before being gunned down.  Still, it was pretty dark, and I liked how the aftermath is effecting everyone.  Not surprised Jasper is taking it the worst, and is even mad at Monty for letting it happen.  While I understand Clarke's guilt, I'm not a fan of her decided to isolate herself now.  I just feel this means we're going to get stuck with Abby being all "I have to find my daughter!" again, which is going to get dull.  Maybe they'll surprise me.


Surprised all the regulars made it out alive, but, wow, poor Raven.  She really is the character that physically suffers the most, it feels like.  I don't think it's a case of TPTB dislike the character, so I'm guessing someone thinks Lindsey Morgan is really great at pretending she's in pain.  I really wouldn't be surprised if S3 kicks off her with getting her fingers chopped off or injuring her other leg at this point.


The City of Light stuff ended up kind of being underwhelming.  It's all some kind of AI thing, who wants to use Jaha to... build something?  Involving the rocket he used to get down there?  Whatever.  Although, I'm certainly not against Jaha again doing something so despicable that Murphy of all people is like "Not cool!  Not cool!"  At least he got to enjoy the bunker briefly.  I really do hope Richard Harmon is upgraded to regular status next season.


Hope this isn't the last of the Grounders.  Indra helping Lincoln was interesting, and there is way more they can do with Lexa, assuming Alycia Debnam Carey availability isn't shot thanks to The Walking Dead spin-off.


Dante's death was a bit anti-climatic after what Clarke did after, but Cage getting taken down by Lincoln was certainly sweet.


Octavia kicking ass was fun, but I wished we got a bigger reaction from Bellamy.  Really wanted him to be like "Whoa... when did little sis learn all that?!"


Season 3 should be interesting.  Curious to see if anyone will catch up with it over the summer.  The critical and fan response increased this year, but the ratings are still on the lower end of The CW's rankings.  And, I have to think it's not cheap to produce, so it can only hold on for so long with these type of ratings.

Wow, what a great season!  I really enjoyed that. Surprisingly adult, quality programming for the CW. I'm so glad they have this show a third season.


Now Clarke, OK, she took an awful decision, but her attitude felt a bit martyrish at the end. And as Bellamy told her, she wasn't the only one who made the decision to kill all Mountain Men,so her acting like she is the only one who did was a bit meh for me. Nonetheless, I really liked her scene wiith Bellamy in the end, with the callback to "Day Trip" and him giving her forgiveness. 


Clarke had more riding on her mind than just the level 5 genocide. She also allowed the missile to hit the camp without warning everybody. And she is the only one who rode both of those decisions. That's a lot of weight. 


Murphy finding the bunker looked like the survivors finding the hatch on Lost season 2. The score added to this feeling.

This a hundred times! I really enjoyed that and immediately thought of Lost.

What everybody else said!


I was surprised, and pleased, and then surprised that I was pleased, that the story went so dark in the end, with no way to save Maya, and all of the nice Mount Weather people getting killed. And I also noticed the Buffy and Battlestar Galactica similarities.


I get that part of the point is that the Mount Weatherites have to dehumanize the Sky People in order to justify holding them prisoner and stealing their blood and bone marrow, and therefore they wouldn't care about hurting them, but I've never really understood why they had to do everything in such a painful, horrifying way. Showing us characters we like being horribly torutured to death for no good reason was an effective way to get us to go along with Clarke's decision to kill everyone in Mount Weather, but part of me can't help thinking that this could have all been avoided if what's his face the son wasn't just randomly evil.

  • Love 2

Was Dante not aware that Mt. W had been murdering Grounders and Sky People for generations? Or did this all start withCage? I'm not entirely sure I got the extent of Dante's complicity.


It seemed he knew. It seemed everyone knew. They all had those catheter things in their chests so that they could receive treatments at the drop of a hat. I think it's what Maya's mother was protesting against. It's probably been going on for at least a generation. Dante may not have been thrilled about it, but he tolerated it. The grounders are "savages" and less human in the Mountain Men's eyes. He was going to approve using the arker kids' blood if they volunteered, but drew the line at killing them. For a while, anyway.


I don't understand why they had to be in such a rush with the marrow treatments, though. Yeah, living underground was getting old, but they'd been doing it for 97 years. Why not draw out the treatments over a longer period so the kids didn't have to be harvested to death? I guess the answer is that Cage was an asshole.

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A friend who I introduced to the show recently (with the 'wait, it gets better' bait) shotgunned season 1 and then asked me if they ever give any backstory about the apocalypse. I hadn't seen the finale at the time and I told him no, that they were too busy focusing on the struggle to survive. Then the show goes all BSG on me. Great timing. I hope they have an idea where they're going, but I was among the minority who really liked Caprica, so I'll probably go along with anything. (This show DID get renewed, right?)

I think this episode gives a whole new meaning to "reap what you sow." I don't know what that says about me that I can't condemn the decision to irradiate the fifth level. I can understand it.

  And this is why I will never see Emily Thorne as the villain on Revenge either.


Oh, and there was a Doctor Who homage in there; Clarke and Bellamy pushing the lever that irradiated Level 5 is a call back to Donna and the Doctor pushing the lever that wiped out Pompei.

Edited by NeenerNeener
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