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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

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14 hours ago, doodlebug said:

In other words, there is no possible way this term applies to a little fundie kid.  It is meant to be a positive thing referring to someone who has achieved success, especially the monetary kind.

That won't happen for a fundy kid unless they get a reality show & their father shares the proceeds with them.

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3 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

WTH, Jill? How are you going to pay this new "nanny?" In tracts? 



More concerning what would the lodging be? A small corner of their overstuffed caravan? And now I'm wondering if they've found someone to permanently hand Nurie over to, thus needing a new helping hand.

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4 minutes ago, latetotheparty said:

More importantly, how do they plan to feed her?

Poor thing doesn't know what kind of a life of penury she'd be signing up for... unless the Rodrigui are like the homeless lady in the 90s in NYC, who made headlines for passing away with something like $150,000 from panhandling stuffed in her mattress.  I feel like we should warn whom-ever-it-is to bring a big heavy magnet along, for hauling out the change dropped under vending machines in hopes of gleaning a square meal.

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Tempting! If someone else could drop a meal off every now and again (or better yet, stock the cupboards and lock the parents out), imagine the effect one could have on those children, not just with food but a sane adult influence. And imagine the gossip.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Is the job as nanny for Jill, or her sister (the one that was injured in the accident) ?

Excellent point.  Her sister has a husband who actually works and they might actually be able to provide room and board.

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1 hour ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Are caregivers for adults generally referred to as "nanny", though?

I was thinking they could use help with the children, meals, laundry, etc.  This is JillyRod we're talking so yes she could have used the word nanny inappropriately though.  

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43 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I was thinking they could use help with the children, meals, laundry, etc.  This is JillyRod we're talking so yes she could have used the word nanny inappropriately though.  

Ah, yes. For some reason I forgot there were children involved there. How could I, when everyone is basically the same shade of Fundie? It still seems a it "off" for Jill R, though. If it was for her sister, surely she would have gone into more detail about the situation....Doesn't she always tend to include the detail about her sister being paralyzed every time she can wedge it in? Maybe the Lord just laid it on her heart to devote all her time to shilling Plexus. And she expects to be rolling in dough very soon as a result.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
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On 14/08/2017 at 2:41 AM, Sew Sumi said:

I looked it up as well this morning, and in less they allow spring admissions, she has a full year left to go. 

Speaking of which, when did "special friends" of Bates daughters get the green light for this? Must be courting...

Kelton Balka is a stupid name, but he's nice to look at.


And his fellow waste of a pretty man friend is even hotter. 

How come the Duggars don't look like this?

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17 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

WTH, Jill? How are you going to pay this new "nanny?" In tracts? 



Trust me applicants, your "lodging" will be more like living in a barn. Correction, cows will have it better than you.

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I agree with the posters who mentioned Jill's sister. If her husband is working and the sister has care, they would still need someone to care for the kids. Unless its family, its rare that hired help would take care of both.

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It has to be for the sister.  JRod still has several nearly grown girls to mother the little ones even IF Nurie finally found a guy.  And they still have to go on the road for months at a time in order to grift enough meals so the kids don't die from hunger.  I guess it's been long enough that the good ladies from Paralyzed Amy Foster's church are getting tired of trying to take care of her kids as well as their own.  I'm just happy that Paralyzed Amy Foster hasn't gotten pregnant since the accident.  They have enough problems to deal with already.

And it just slays me every time that her sister Amy is ALWAYS Amy Foster.  Full name.  Like we'd assume that she were talking about some other random Amy.  And the other twin is always "identical twin to Amy".  Guess that's her only claim to fame - twin of a paralyzed woman, poor thing.

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Yeah, once I gave it some thought, I figured it was for Amy, but Jill can't say that because some applicant might think that they would also have to act as a CNA. Now I wonder if Amy still has help a few times a week to deal with issues like bedsores, etc., or if those duties really WOULD be part of the nanny's job. 

Her husband does lawn care (maybe some landscaping?), IIRC. He can't be making that much money. 

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Single car accident. Husband fell asleep at the wheel, driving at 3am. Even if the insurance company did cover it, fundies are such cheapskates; one has to wonder what kind of insurance the Fosters had. But even then, there are injury caps, which Amy certainly burned through in these past two years with all of the hospital/home care she's had, and may continue to have. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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Josie just turned 18. She knows the guy through his college roommate, who is Tori's intended. Kelly also claims to know the family (probably very informally) from local ties - he's from Knoxville. 

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17 hours ago, Annb67 said:

Trust me applicants, your "lodging" will be more like living in a barn. Correction, cows will have it better than you.

I assume the nanny cot will be in the garage next to the very necessary but seemly unused printing press.

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No wonder she needs a nanny. She's knocked up again. Just announced on FB. 

And they're in KY again, visiting where an eligible guy lives who could be Nurie's intended. 


Edited by Sew Sumi
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34 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

No wonder she needs a nanny. She's knocked up again. Just announced on FB. 

And they're in KY again, visiting where an eligible guy lives who could be Nurie's intended. 


Ofchimpface is pregnant? 

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Does standing fully on the pink side of the wall mean the new baby is a girl? Like, if it was going to be a boy, would she be turned sideways, so her belly is in the blue side of the picture? Am I overthinking the way this idiot family does things.  Girl in cowboy boots whose name I can't remember, you're wearing proper shoes - make a run for it while you can.

Hah, I didn't read the hashtags, or swipe left, before I posted. Boy.

Edited by kalamac
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On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 1:50 AM, DangerousMinds said:

Does she even realize there are thousands of different "gods" out there?

No, sadly her version of god is only true one & the rest of us are going to hell.

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I like the picture of Sierra and her family. I didn't know that she wore pants since becoming full on Fundy. Is Sierra still in her 20s? At the rate she is going she could out-kid the Duggars and Bates.

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8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

No wonder she needs a nanny. She's knocked up again. Just announced on FB. 

And they're in KY again, visiting where an eligible guy lives who could be Nurie's intended. 


Sweet baby jesus..?

6 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

I thought Sierra swore off social media. She just can't help herself, can she? 

Last boy on the right is getting ready to bolt....

8 hours ago, kalamac said:

Still doesn't explain where she's finding the money to pay 'extremely well'.

Ok. Well Jill's version of extremely well is probably five dollars and a box of Plexus.

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OMG why did I go to Jill's blog!? Grammar mistakes all over the place. 

Why is she having a woman's retreat? Is that where the money is coming in from? I doubt her sisters will ever see any of it.

I'm disappointed that there is no picture of the supposed love interest for Nurie neither on the blog nor FB. 

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10 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

When do these 2 ever get alone time to have sex?

Well, thank you very much for that mental image! (Wasn't there a bottle of brain bleach being passed around in the Josh and Anna thread a while ago? We may need it over here shortly.) 


ETA Speaking of unfortunate imagery, I went to their facebook and came across this gem: "God has chosen to open my womb again and give us our 13th child." Now I really am in need of that brain bleach. Is this something people actually say? 

Edited by Genevrier
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